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Sarah Einstein Interviews Sven Birkerts

Sven BirkertsBrevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Nonfiction blog for May features an interview between Sarah Einstein and Sven Birkerts, “On Writing, the Distractions of Technology, and Iota.”

Einstein checks in with Birkerts on what may have changed in how we are impacted by technology since just 2015 and the publication of his book Changing the Subject: Art and Attention in the Internet Age.

“If you spend much of the day free-styling between platforms, what do you have to work with in the soul-making department, and what will you use to make your art, if art is what you make?” Birkerts comments.

The two also discuss how we can (if we can) regain “access to the sublime through art” and what exactly Birkerts wishes people would pay more attention to and less attention to in our daily lives.

Birkerts will be a workshop leader for the Iota Conference in mid-August, where he hopes “to use exercises and conversation to help the writers get closer to the urgency and insistence of their respective projects.”

Read the full, and brief (of course), interview here.

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