Sin Fronteras Expands Its Borders
Sin Fronteras / Writers Without Borders print journal has been around for 19 years, but as Co-editor Ellen Roberts Young tells us, “We have only in the last two years begun using the web to tell the wider world that we exist.” Publishing fiction, poetry, nonfiction, aesthetic reviews, as well as short plays, submissions are currently open until June 30. “Writers from around the U.S. and beyond are included issue #19,” Young says. “We’d like to hear from more.”
Though Sin Fronteras is based out of Las Cruces, New Mexico, Young warns the biggest mistake writers make in their submissions: “Sending something because it is about New Mexico instead of sending fully polished work. In deciding what to submit, remember that the border between the U.S. and Mexico is not the only border that raises issues. We are interested in work that describes or challenges borders of all kinds: physical, social, intellectual.”