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Get Happy with Lawson

Guest Post by Natalie Hess.

This book was absolutely phenomenal and it was a 5-star read! It dealt with mental health, specifically anxiety and depression, in such a fun way. I burst out laughing so many times that people would actually give me weird looks or ask what was happening. Jenny Lawson is just so funny and she somehow combines this humor with her terrible experiences to create the intriguing, hilarious, inspiring masterpiece that is Furiously Happy. There are lighthearted parts, and there are parts that are really serious and it all balances out perfectly.

This book did leave me with more questions than answers, but it definitely made me think about how “normal” my life seems compared to hers. I also learned that both of those lives are perfectly acceptable.

To anyone who is struggling with mental health, this could definitely help you, and even if it doesn’t you will probably still enjoy it nonetheless. I know I did.

Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson. Flatiron Books, February 2017.

Reviewer bio: I’m Natalie Hess and I’m simply a high school student who LOVES reading everything from scifi to romance to nonfiction and everything in between. I also love sharing my thoughts and I hope you enjoy!

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