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Post Road – Spring 2005


Lincoln Michel

Turning the page in Post Road always brings a new surprise. Will the next piece be a non-fiction essay on the local dogcatcher, a book recommendation made by one of your favorite authors, a poem or a long series of video stills? Post Road issue 10 is a real hodgepodge of writing with plenty that had me excited. The aforementioned Matt Roberts piece, “The Dogcatcher Hates Politics,” was a fun and clever piece containing this gem: “’Excitement,’ the dogcatcher says, ‘is a dumpster full of raccoons.’”

Turning the page in Post Road always brings a new surprise. Will the next piece be a non-fiction essay on the local dogcatcher, a book recommendation made by one of your favorite authors, a poem or a long series of video stills? Post Road issue 10 is a real hodgepodge of writing with plenty that had me excited. The aforementioned Matt Roberts piece, “The Dogcatcher Hates Politics,” was a fun and clever piece containing this gem: “’Excitement,’ the dogcatcher says, ‘is a dumpster full of raccoons.’” Other highlights for me included John Colburn’s two excellent poems and D. Gatling Price’s collage-like and beautiful story “Still Wreck.” Most of the pieces in this issue are short, only a few clock-in over seven pages, and the pieces contain a level of excitement from start to finish. Post Road’s book recommendations are interesting, allowing the reader to see the variety of books authors have fallen in love with. I’ve seen book recommendations in literarily magazines before, but normally only one or two an issue; Post Road 10 contains thirteen. For my part, I’m happy to give Post Road my recommendation. [Post Road Magazine, 203 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11211. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue $10.99. www.postroadmag.com/] – Lincoln Michel

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