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Magazine Stand :: Molecule – Issue 6

Molecule online literary and art magazine cover image

“A Tiny Lit Mag” – Molecule online journal publishes artwork and written works of 50 words or less, and their latest issue is proof that less can indeed be much more. The journal is packed with enough to satisfy readers until the next biannual issue comes out. Even though the entries are brief and can be quickly read, I found myself savoring in re-reading and the moments after reading when I just wanted to look away from the screen and allow the well-crafted work to resonate. This installment includes interviews with Cynthia Bargar and David Kirby, drama by Will Cordeiro, Ben Stanford, and Tony Targan, and art, prose, and poetry from many others, including Adebisi Amoriis, Shell Birdis, Karina Borowicz, MJ Bujold, Jeff Burt, Robin Cantwell, Dallas Crow, Steve DeMont, Doriane Feinstein, Mae Fraser, Jeff Gately, Emilia Getzingeris, Ellery Haney, Niki Hatzidis, Larissa Monique Hauck, Doug Holderis, Santosh Kalwar, Hilary King, Joe McGurn, Ariya Mamun, Ivan de Monbrison, Chad Parenteauhas, Palline Plum Remi Recchia, Fabio Sassi, Joel Savishinsky, Scott T. Starbuck, Bill Teitelbaum, Peter Urkowitz, and Allison Whittenberg.

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