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I-70 Review: Writing from the Middle & Beyond

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Now in its 19th year, the I-70 Review is an annual literary magazine whose title comes from the interstate that runs through thirteen states. They publish short fiction, poetry, and art from new, emerging, and established writers and artists from all over the Americas and overseas.

They seek to offer readers a wide variety of styles, voices, and diversity. They like narrative, but also celebrate the quirky and startling different and hold constant to work that is surprising and fresh. They are currently open to submissions through the end of December 2020.

Every four to five months, they feature the work of a single poet on their website. This includes a brief bio, a picture, and up to five poems (previously published or unpublished). Their current featured poets is Hadara Bar-Nadav.

Stop by their listing on NewPages to learn more and consider subscribing to their journal.

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