Magazine Stand :: 805 Lit+Art – June 2023

805 Lit+Art June 2023 issue cover image

The June 2023 issue of 805 Lit+Art (9.2) gets readers ready to plunge into summer with their vibrant water cover art “At the Beach” by Michael Noonan, then explore the depths of the color blue in Christine Vartoughian’s flash fiction, “The Color of Forgotten Dreams,” hunt for water in Nicholas Wright’s short story, “Millennial Elysium,” and feel the lapping waves in Melissa Fitzpatrick’s flash, “Beach People.” This issue also offers work by debut authors, including Samantha Joslin’s debut flash “Fantasy” and Lizzie Bellinger’s debut creative nonfiction “The Secret Stories of Shoes.” Visit 805 Lit+Art to access the full content online.

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Magazine Stand :: 805 – Issue 9.1

805 online literary magazine cover image

805 online literary magazine welcomes readers to their first issue of 2023 (9.1), just in time for spring to unfurl itself in front of our eyes, much like the gorgeous flowers on our cover art by Annalee Parker. Inside this petal-graced issue you’ll find art, prose, and poetry by seasoned writers as well as several debut creators we are excited to celebrate. Anthony Alegrete’s debut poem, “家族 (Kazoku),” beautifully shows how our cultural heritage acts as a creative force guiding us forward. “Our Guide to Girlhood, for the Curious Boys,” Alyson McVan’s debut nonfiction essay, cheekily summarizes the impossible double standards girls are taught. Sierra Tufts’ debut flash fiction, “I Won’t Say It’s Okay,” touchingly describes the last moments with a loved one, and Kirby Michael Wright’s debut art “Dog Art” closes out this issue with a colorful burst of canine love.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!