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Workshop Review :: Writer Mind Marketing Mind

Allison K Williams head shot

I recently attended “Writer Mind Marketing Mind” virtual workshop with Allison K Williams [pictured] hosted by Jane Friedman. And – no – this is not a paid ad. In fact, I paid to attend and am only choosing to run this review because the session was so good along with some absolutely ridiculous elements I can’t help but share.

The 70-or-so-minute workshop was the epitome of the cliche ‘hit the ground running.’ From start to finish, Williams kept an incredible pace of information flowing smoothly from her experience and expertise as social media editor for Brevity and as an editor and writing coach for writers, having helped guide authors to deals with Penguin Random House, Knopf, Mantle, Spencer Hill, St. Martin’s and independent presses among many other publishing experiences. Jane Friedman was also present, helping to manage the session and contributing at different points. If you have not yet read Friedman’s book, The Business of Being a Writer, that’s your first order. She is totally no-nonsense about the reality of writing and publishing, both encouraging and providing much-needed slaps upside the head for anyone who thinks the “business” of publishing is not the responsibility of the writer. It is. Period. This philosophy was echoed throughout “Writer Mind Marketing Mind” – hence the title – but in addition to expressing what writers need to equip themselves with to enter into the business aspects, Williams was also no-holds-barred on what doesn’t work and the misperceptions writers have about those. Much to the satisfaction, I might add, of many in attendance who seemed relieved to let go of those false notions.

As I indicated, there were several ridiculous components to this workshop. The first is that it only cost $25. I’m a bit of a virtual workshop pro by now, and I can say for certain that this is an outrageously low fee for what I got from the session. In addition to all the information that was shared live, participants get access to a recording of the event for a month, we get the full PowerPoint presentation slides, the complete speakers’ transcript, the Zoom chat transcript, a workbook filled with resources that Williams references throughout the workshop, and a separate document with every question that was asked with the answer if it was given during the session as well as answers that were added after the session. And I don’t mean we get some limited access to all of this for a month and then it’s gone. We got access to download and keep ALL of these materials. Additionally, Williams is working on a kind of marketing tracking document that she calls the Marketing Launch Sheet which basically maps out an itinerary for marketing a writing project. This is one step away from being its own app, and it will utterly revolutionize writers’ marketing work. While I say that all of this is ridiculous, it is actually in keeping with Friedman’s philosophy to keep education for writers realistically accessible, and Williams shares in this with her supportive mentoring approach. The concept of community is alive and well here.

The content of the workshop itself opened with misperceptions of marketing that hold writers back, which is where Williams clearly released a number of participants from these impediments as they exclaimed, “Thank goodness!!!” and “Ok, now I love you.” and “I love this webinar already” – and this was just within the first ten minutes. Williams also covered the concept of setting a mission, defining your personal and public self, understanding how writing and selling are both time-consuming activities, which markets are best for your work, what is PR vs. marketing and which are worth your time and/or your money, social media, and various ways to reach readers.

I am personally not looking to market my own writing, but, of course, I have an interest in the business of writing and being a part of the community this creates. For any writer looking to be published, Jane Friedman and anyone connected with her work are going to be your best teachers. Visit Friedman’s website and sign up for everything free that she offers and check out the upcoming workshops. Keep a lookout for where Williams will be presenting next, including another workshop with Friedman, “Why Is My Book Getting Rejected” and writing retreats and intensives with more info at her website www.rebirthyourbook.com. She will also be teaching a novel structure class for James River Writers in October, and a class on “Beautiful Beginnings, Brilliant Endings for Creative Nonfiction” in August, with information on those events not yet posted online. Williams is also the author of three writer’s guides: Seven Drafts: Self-Edit Like a Pro From Blank Page to Book; Seven Bridges: Platform for Authors Who’d Rather Be Writing (forthcoming); and Get Published in Literary Magazines.

Young Writer Summer Mentor Program

Adroit Journal logo

Now in its tenth year, The Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program is an entirely online program that pairs experienced writers with high school and secondary students (students in grades 9-12 and gap year students, high school class of ’21 or ’22) interested in learning more about the creative writing processes of drafting, redrafting, and editing. The program offers mentorships in the genres of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. The aim of the program is not formalized instruction, but rather an individualized, flexible, and often informal correspondence. Poetry students will share weekly work with mentors and peers, while fiction and creative nonfiction/memoir students will share biweekly work with mentors and peers.

Participation in the mentorship for students who do not qualify for financial aid will cost $450 per mentee. There is no application fee. Mentee applicants for whom tuition will be a barrier are assured that fee remission and robust financial aid will be available.

Applications will be open through March 15, 2022.

Event :: The Constellation, A Place for Writers Workshops Start This Week

yellow start with blue text on a white background saying The Constellation A Place for WritersDeadline: Year-round
Location: Virtual
The Constellation, A Place for Writers provides innovative, online creative writing workshops that inspire, instruct, nurture, and challenge. Our acclaimed instructors offer classes in short fiction, novel, essay, memoir, poetry, children and young adult, literary translation, publishing, and hybrid forms. We host sessions for writers at all levels. The brainchild of award-winning and bestselling author Connie May Fowler, The Constellation is a global community of writers who support and elevate each other as they engage in the important work of honing their art and craft. In addition to workshops, The Constellation mentors weekly free prompts, write-ins, and more.

Event :: Study Online with The Constellation, A Place for Writers

yellow start with blue text on a white background saying The Constellation A Place for Writers

Study Online with Great Writers Who Are Also Great Teachers

Deadline: Year-round
Location: Virtual
The Constellation, A Place for Writers provides innovative, online creative writing workshops that inspire, instruct, nurture, and challenge. Our acclaimed instructors offer classes in short fiction, novel, essay, memoir, poetry, children and young adult, literary translation, publishing, and hybrid forms. We host sessions for writers at all levels. The brainchild of award-winning and bestselling author Connie May Fowler, The Constellation is a global community of writers who support and elevate each other as they engage in the important work of honing their art and craft. In addition to workshops, The Constellation mentors weekly free prompts, write-ins, and more. Workshops begin this May.

Event :: Study Online with Great Writers Who Are Also Great Teachers

yellow start with blue text on a white background saying The Constellation A Place for WritersDeadline: Year-round
Location: Virtual
The Constellation, A Place for Writers provides innovative, online creative writing workshops that inspire, instruct, nurture, and challenge. Our acclaimed instructors offer classes in short fiction, novel, essay, memoir, poetry, children and young adult, literary translation, publishing, and hybrid forms. We host sessions for writers at all levels. The brainchild of award-winning and bestselling author Connie May Fowler, The Constellation is a global community of writers who support and elevate each other as they engage in the important work of honing their art and craft. In addition to workshops, The Constellation mentors weekly free prompts, write-ins, and more.

Event :: Affordable, Virtual Monthly Poetry & Publishing Workshops, & Literary Coaching

Caesura Poetry Workshop logo open book with red bookmarkDeadline: Year-round
Caesura Poetry Workshop
aims to support, inspire, educate, and energize poets of all backgrounds through affordable monthly Zoom workshops hosted by award-winning poet, editor, and writing coach John Sibley Williams. Workshops include poem analysis, active group discussion, writing prompts, and plenty of writing time. Upcoming classes include Writing Evocative Love Poems ($40; January 29, 1:30-4pm PT), Marketing Your Small Press Book ($45; February 10, 1-4pm PT), and Mastering Blackout, Erasure, & Redacted Poetry ($40; February 24, 1:30-4pm PT). 1-1 personalized workshops, coaching, and manuscript critiques to keep you writing and inspired also available. More information: www.johnsibleywilliams.com/upcoming-classes. To register, email [email protected].

Event :: Affordable, Virtual Monthly Workshops & Literary Coaching: Caesura Poetry Workshop

Caesura Poetry Workshop logo open book with red bookmarkRegistration Deadline: Year-round
Event dates: Monthly workshops
Event location: Zoom
Caesura Poetry Workshop aims to support, inspire, educate, and energize poets of all backgrounds through affordable monthly Zoom workshops hosted by award-winning poet, editor, and writing coach John Sibley Williams. Workshops include poem analysis, active group discussion, writing prompts, and plenty of writing time. Upcoming classes include Mastering Ekphrastic Poetry ($45; November 18 & Friday, November 20, 1-4pm PT), Poetry of Place ($40; December 16, 1:30-4pm PT), and Writing Evocative Love Poems ($40; January 27, 1:30-4pm PT). 1-1 personalized workshops, manuscript critiques, and regular coaching to keep you writing and inspired also available. More information: www.johnsibleywilliams.com/upcoming-classes. To register, email [email protected].

Event :: 17th Annual Palm Beach Poetry Festival will be Virtual

Palm Beach Poetry Festival eLitPak flier
click image to open PDF

Event Dates: January 18-23, 2021 Location: Virtual
Extended Application Deadline: December 1, 2020
The 17th Annual Palm Beach Poetry Festival in Delray Beach, Florida, January 18-23, 2021 will be virtual. Focus on your work with America’s most engaging and award-winning poets. Workshops with David Baker, Laure-Anne Bosselaar, Traci Brimhall, Vievee Francis, Kevin Prufer, Martha Rhodes, and Tim Seibles. Six days of workshops, readings, craft talks, panel discussion, social events, and so much more. One-on-one conference Faculty: Lorna Blake, Sally Bliumis-Dunn, Nickole Brown, Jessica Jacobs, and Angela Narciso-Torres. Special Guest: Gregory Orr and the Parkington Sisters. Poet At Large: Brian Turner. To find out more, visit www.palmbeachpoetryfestival.org. Apply to attend a workshop!

Event :: Reversed Thunder with Brendan Constantine

Event dates: November 5 – December 3, 2020; Location: Virtual
Join award-winning poet Brendan Constantine for an exciting craft and generative workshop presented by The Poetry Lab. Writers will respond/reflect on the principles of poetic conscious and political poetry as they explore valedictions and liberate their post-election feelings. Class includes three two-hour workshop sessions and ends in a live public performance, where all students will be invited to read alongside Brendan. Registration fee is $150 for adults, $125 for students with a valid student ID. Must be 18 or over to enroll. Class begins Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 6pm PST via Zoom. Learn more at thepoetrylab.com/reversed-thunder.