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Publications for Young Writers – the NewPages Guide

Updated June 26, 2024

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Where young writers can find print and online literary magazines to read, places to publish their own works, and legitimate contests. Some publish only young writers, some publish all ages for young readers. For specific submission guidelines, visit the publication’s website. Ages can include elementary, teen, or early college. The [u] designation means it is an undergraduate publication, so may contain more “adult” content, but “undergraduate” could include dual-enrolled high school students who have college student status.

This is an ad-free resource: publications and writing contests listed here have not paid to be included. This guide is maintained by Editor Denise Hill, a teacher who loves to encourage young writers.

Safety Matters! We expect sites listed in this guide to adhere to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. This includes a transparent method for obtaining parental/guardian permission when collecting information from contributors under the age of 13 years old.

A Note to Young Writers: Editors expect you to read their publications to know what kinds of work they publish. Take time to become familiar by reading their content online or requesting a sample copy. DO NOT just send your work without having read the publication. It’s a mistake too often made by many writers, and it annoys editors. Do not annoy editors.

A Note to Teachers: Please read the above note to Young Writers. If you assign your students to submit their writing for publication, also assign them to research the market and find an appropriate publication for their work.

Please do not send your writing for publication to NewPages. We do not accept submissions for any publication listed here.

Subscriptions Matter! If you like a publication, sign up for their mailing list or subscribe to it, or ask your local and/or school librarian to subscribe.


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This literary and art journal from the Manatee County Public Library System showcases debut and emerging writers, poets, and artists in their quarterly, online journal. Teens 13-19 are invited to submit writing and art for an annual teen issue published each spring.

1890: A Journal of Undergraduate Research [u]

Provides undergraduate students the opportunity to demonstrate their interests and abilities in various disciplines by accepting works of research, creative writing, poetry, reviews, and art. Based out of the English Department at University of Central Oklahoma, New Plains Student Publishing uses 1890 to encourage, recognize, and reward intellectual and creative activity beyond the classroom by providing a forum that builds a cohesive academic community.


Abrasu Magazine

A new online quarterly of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art by contributors ages 20 and under, this is an initiative launched to provide high school students from Southeast Asia and Oceania the opportunity to grow their potential and pursue their ambitions. The editors are looking for art and literature that conveys personal experiences or encounters with Southeast Asian or Oceanian culture. Contributors do not need to be from these regions or stick to the theme, but Abrasu is prioritizing media regarding these specific cultures.


Publishing a print journal of poetry and essays related to poetry since 2985, Young Poets (no specific age) are invited to send up to four poems for publication consideration.

Adolescent Voices

An online publication for contributors ages 13-23 that encourages youth “of all backgrounds to channel their innermost energy into artistic and written expression, espousing causes about which they feel impassioned.” Currently accepting submissions for their inaugural issue.

Adroit Journal

A  literary magazine run entirely by high school and college students. Adroit publishes poetry, fiction, flash fiction, art/photography, and cross-genre works with separate submissions for “adults” and those “under the age of 21.”

Albion Review [u]

A national literary journal based out of Albion College in Albion, Michigan, featuring works of short fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art that showcases the work of emerging undergraduate talents.

The Alcott Youth Magazine

An online publication primarily focusing on contributions of articles, essays, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, illustrations, photography, and comics from women ages 13-22. 

Allegheny Review [u]

Only accepts poetry and prose submissions from currently enrolled undergraduates. Awards recognition for one poetry and one prose submission in each issue.

And Gallons

A youth-run literary and arts magazine for young creators (ages 13-22). Publishing online using the Ko-fi platform for free/donation download PDF of the magazine as well as on Motif. Accepting submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual arts (“Can be anything!”).


Formerly “The Angle,” St. John Fisher College’s online literary magazine publishes poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and artwork. Though open for all age submitters, Angles “values and prioritizes college-aged voices with distinct perspectives and takes pride in being among someone’s first publications.”

Applause [u]

A national annual literary journal devoted to the advancement of undergraduate work on the national stage; publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography.

The Apprentice Writer

Published by the Susquehanna University Writers Institute, this annual publication features fiction, memoir, personal essay, photography, and poetry by US high school students in grades 9-12. [Site only has one page; says to check back September 2022; sent a note 6/14/22 to ask if they have a full site forthcoming.]

Aquila Magazine

A print publication of researched science and general knowledge articles that offer a balanced perspective of history and how the world works as well as stories and educational entertainment written by adults for kids ages 8-13 years old. The publication does publish letters, book reviews, jokes, and pictures by young contributors.

Aster Lit

An online international youth literary community founded by young writers who met during the Between the Lines: Peace and the Writing Experience 2020 program at the University of Iowa with the mission to empower and connect youth ages 13-25 from around the world through creative writing.

The Augment Review

Publishing fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, experimental genres, articles, interviews, reviews, photography, and artwork by writers and artists between the ages of 13 and 25.

The Auvert Magazine

Publishing poetry, prose, and art by contributors of all ages, this literary magazine welcomes voices from around the globe in an effort to fight against climate change. Youth ages 13+ can become members as staff writers and editors.


BALLOONS Lit. Journal

An independent biannual online literary journal of poetry, fiction, and art primarily for young readers from around 12 years onwards, accepting submissions from people anywhere in the world and in all walks of life.

The Battering Ram

Published by the Woodstock Day School since 2011, publishing poetry, prose, artwork, photography, and “anything else magnificent you’ve created” by high school or younger-aged contributors. Available in print and digital versions.


Youth submissions accepted from around the globe from all ages, with different genres and length requirements depending on age of contributor. Readers ages 7-12 can find short stories, comics, games, craft & art projects, jokes, riddles, sports reporting, articles on pets, recipes, personal achievements and community service projects, poetry, letters, true stories, and much more!

The Bibliopunk

An online publication of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction by contributors ages 13-24 years, with regular calls for submissions on a theme.

Blue Marble Review

An online quarterly of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, and art. Submissions accepted on a rolling basis from writers ages 13-22 years old.

The Blue Route [u]

An online magazine of undergraduate fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, published biannually by Windener University.

Blue Sage Magazine

An online literary magazine that publishes tri-annual issues with poetry, prose, and art from kids in grades 3-6. The publication intends to provide a safe and uplifting platform that promotes self-expression, diversity, and unique perspectives and stories. Every writing submission receives detailed personal feedback from the editors.


Published by The Leyla Beban Young Authors Foundation, writers aged 6-12 years old are invited to submit 1000-word stories for competition and publication in this annual journal.

Body Without Organs

An online quarterly publishing fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and artwork by contributors ages 13-23 years old.

The Borderline

This online publication of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, and photography seeks works from ages 13-26 years old “from your creative margins, words that exist in the colorful space between melding ideas and thoughts.” From a team of youth creators that publish youth works and prioritize BIPOC voices. [Volume VI is forthcoming; 6/5/24]

BreakBread Literary Project

Founded by W. David Hall, writer and educator, BreakBread will offer a print and online journal of arts and letters dedicated to young adults under the age of 25, a community reading series, and a pop-up program to bring creative writing workshops to schools and community venues.


A literary journal from Bluffton University featuring fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short plays, screenplays, comics, art, graphic literature, and illustrated narratives by contributors ages 14-24.

Buttered Toast

A literary journal from Toad Hall Editions for writers 18 and younger publishing poetry, essays, short stories, creative nonfiction, and experimental works with a cover art contest for each issue.


Cast of Wonders: The Young Adult Fiction Podcast

Weekly short stories in genre fiction: sci-fi, fantasy, horror, steampunk, superhero, and more for readers 12-17 years old. This site links to related podcasts (sci-fi, fantasy, horror) which may not be appropriate for younger audiences.

Cathartic Youth Literary Magazine

An international online youth literary magazine run by teens. Youth ages 12-22 are welcome to submit poetry, prose, creative nonfiction, opinion articles, and cross-genre works – with a special emphasis on writing for catharsis as a way to break the stigma around mental health discussion.


Young Voices is a section of Chautauqua that celebrates young writers in middle and high school. Essays, fiction, and poetry should be submitted by a teacher, mentor, or parent. Submissions are accepted Feb 1 – Apr 1 and Sept 1 – Nov 1. Each issue has a theme that writers are asked to consider.

Chicago Young Writers Review (CYWR)

An online magazine of stories, poems, plays, scripts – any genre, by writers K-8 grades with a helpful form that allows teachers to submit for multiple students.

Chinchilla Lit

Founded by a group of young creative writers, Chinchilla Lit aims to make the writing community more accessible and welcoming to young writers new to the submission process, publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, and art from contributors ages 11-20.


An online quarterly publication of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, cross-genre, reviews, translations, Cleaver encourages submissions from “Emerging Artists” – defined as those under 30 years old or of any age who are still early in their literary/art careers.

The Cloudscent Journal

An online publication by young creatives publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art by contributors ages 16-25.

Cloudy Magazine

Started to promote youth voices in Daly City, California, this publication is now open to all creatives ages 13-21, publishing fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, essays, and experimental works.

Coelacanth Literary Journal [u]

An annual undergraduate student publication of short stories, poetry, short plays, and creative nonfiction manuscripts.

Coexist Literary Magazine

An online iterary and journalist publication exploring identity, emphasizing diversity, and encouraging activism for young creatives 25 and under.

Collision [u]

Fa student-run publication housed under the English Department at the University of Pittsburgh publishing undergraduate fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art, with a particular interest in experimental work that challenges style and structure.

The Concord Review

For exemplary history essays written by high school students.


Crashtest publishes poetry, stories, and creative non-fiction in the form of personal essays, imaginative investigation, experimental interviews, etc., high school teens grades 9-12.

Cripple Media

An online media space for teens/youth with disabilities to share and access content related to culture, identity, news and politics, and lifestyle.

Crow Toes Quarterly

“Art and literature for children who don’t scare easily,” CTQ publishes artwork, illustrations, and ‘playfully dark,’ intelligent, humorous, descriptive poetry and fiction written for children 8-13 years old.

Curieux Academic Journal

Curieux is a multidisciplinary academic journal which publishes work of all kinds (essay, paper, proof, etc.) by high school students on any academic topic; “from economics to statistics to ornithology, we will seriously consider the merits of any work.”


The Daphne Review

An online biannual publication of written submissions of all kinds (essay, interview, poetry, short plays, etc.) and artistic submissions in any media from youth 13-18 years old. Offers a Rising Seniors Mentorship Program every June-August, September, and December.

Dark River Review [u]

An annual national undergraduate literary magazine, sponsored by the Department of Languages and Literature at Alabama State University, publishing poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art from students currently enrolled as undergraduates at two- and four-year colleges and universities.

The Decameron Project

The Decameron Project aims to empower students to express themselves creatively and share their stories, even amidst school closures and other hardships posed by COVID-19. By students, for students ages 13 and older, grades 8-12 with themes provided as prompts as well as regular contests.

DePaul’s Blue Book: Best American High School Writing

This annual published by the DePaul University Department of English accepts previously published works from high school literary magazines and newspapers as well as individual submissions for consideration in their annual anthology.

Digital Dreamers Magazine

A quarterly online publication dedicated to providing a dynamic space for young creatives ages 10-25 to share art, literature, photography, lifestyle, and more.


The Earth Chronicles

An online newspaper focused on environmental issues staffed by writers and journalists in grades 9-12 as well as college and university. They run contests, challenges, monthly events, and more. Open to young writers interested in contributing.

The Élan Literary Magazine

A student-run magazine in Jacksonville, FL through Douglas Anderson High School of the Arts. Accepting original fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and plays from writers 14 to 18 years old. Two online editions and one print edition per year. They also hold a contest for middle schoolers, grades 6-8.


A literary arts magazine published by the Johnson County Library of Kansas with the expressed goal to “represent and uplift young adults” (up to age 19) through poetry, fiction, nonfiction, graphic stories, photography, and illustrations. Each issue has a theme, and the publication also runs several contests each year.


A print publication of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for all age groups, though submissions for and by readers ages 10-18 are strongly encouraged. Writers can elect to receive feedback on their submissions. Also accepts applications for volunteer/intern readers who are 16 or older.

The Empty Inkwell

An online publication of poetry, prose, art, and photography from international contributors ages 13-18 years old. There is also a blog for sharing reviews, interviews, and commentary on the writing life. The editors provide a prompt for each issue, to be followed as literally or as figuratively as you choose, and they provide feedback for every submission. Currently open for submissions for their inaugural issue until July 9.

Ethic Threads Review

An online “creative space for youth [ages 12-21] to explore the bridge between fashion and literature,” publishing personal stories, fashion reviews/recommendations, fashion analysis, researched articles/essays, poetry, creative prose, and event coverage. [Currently seeking editorial and management positions for the site and social media. April 7, 2024]

EX/POST Magazine

An online literary and arts journal with a focus on poetry, prose, art, mixed media, and more. EX/POST offers free submissions from artists of all ages and nationalities, as well as a youth spotlight program for ages 18 and under.


fingers commas toes

An international online journal for youth ages four to twenty-six years old featuring any form of writing, photography, visual art, and music.

Fleeting Daze Magazine

A youth-run literary online quarterly magazine publishing all forms of literary arts and writing from contributors ages 13-24.

Footprints on Jupiter

A print and online publication of art, writing, and video/photography by contributors ages 13-22 with the goal of showcasing “progressive pieces surrounding identity, culture, and society.”

The Foredge Review

A literary magazine for poetry, prose, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction by writers ages 13-18 with a focus on those in Asian countries.

Fun for Kidz

Since 1992, this ad-free bi-monthly print and digital publication is for ages 6-12. Includes DIY science experiments, comics, articles, and non-fiction with accompanying photographs (preferred vs. illustration). “All fun and no pressure.”

Furrow [u]

An annual undergraduate publication of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, and comics from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.


The Gilmore Review

A collective of passionate high school writers promoting outstanding literature from diverse voices from contributors ages 13-18. They publish poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, and photography online six times per year.

Girls Right the World

Edited by students and a faculty advisor from Miss Hall’s School in Massachusetts, Girls Right the World is an international literary journal advocating for young, female-identified writers, accepting submissions from writers 14-21 years old.

Glass Mountain [u]

A biannual undergraduate literary journal at the University of Houston, is run by undergraduate students for undergraduate students, publishing poetry, prose, art, fiction, creative nonfiction, reviews, and interviews.

Global Youth Review

An online youth-centered international publication of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual media. Issues often center around a specific social justice issue in response to contemporary political climates. [Inactive since summer 2023; editors hope to have summer 2024 revival; 5/24/24]

Go On Girl! Book Club

“The Go On Girl! Book Club is a nationally recognized reading club committed to fostering an awareness of and appreciation for the diverse literary works by authors of the Black Diaspora.” Provides annual reading lists and numerous writing scholarships.

Green Blotter [u]

The literary magazine of Lebanon Valley College features fiction, poetry, photography, and other visual art by undergraduates. Submissions accepted November 1 through February 28. Contributors receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears.


HaluHalo Journal

An online quarterly of poetry, prose, and artwork highlighting Southeast Asian youth ages 12-25.

Hanging Loose Press

Hanging Loose welcomes high school submissions. “We feel a special responsibility to those young writers who look to us not only for possible publication but sometimes also for editorial advice, which we are always happy to give when asked. Our work as editors is of course time-consuming, but we feel a strong commitment to give as much time and attention as possible to the work we receive from high school-age writers.”

Hog Creek Hardin [u]

An undergraduate literary journal is housed at The Ohio State University Lima campus and is edited by undergraduates and open to all undergraduate students; publishes poetry, fiction, artwork.

Hot Dish Magazine

Edited by undergraduate students from various disciplines at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa, Hot Dish is published annually and takes submissions for short fiction, poetry, and the “Hot Dish Challenge” from students (grades 9-12) who are attending high school in the Midwest (IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI). [Not active through 2023; sent inquiry 5/14/24]

The Howl Magazine

Staffed by writing and English students and overseen by professors from Western Connecticut State University’s Department of Writing & Literature and publishing online worlds of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art, and photography from students in the U.S. in 9th-12th grade at time of submission.


Ice Lolly Review

An online literary magazine for works created by youth or geared toward young readers. Content includes creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, plays, spoken word, and other similar genres. [February 2023 was last activity; sent inquiry]

Illustoria Magazine

The official publication of the International Alliance of Youth Writing Centers and published by McSweeney’s, this triannual features stories, art, comics, interviews, crafts, and activities for readers 6-12 years old.

The Incandescent Review

A teen-run non-profit bi-monthly literary magazine focused on bringing together a global platform for contributors ages 13-24 to express their opinions and emotional response to world issues like global warming, mental health, COVID-19, and more in the form of poetry, prose, and visual artwork. They also offer a Summer Studio mentorship program for ages 11-14.


An organization dedicated to empowering youth through programs and publication. Youth ages 14-29 can apply to be a guest contributor for blog articles, feature articles, interviews, creative writing, and artwork.


The official online journal of the Inlandia Institute that dedicates its spring issue to teens with teen guest editors and featuring work exclusively by teens. Teens can apply to be a guest editor as well as submit poetry, nonfiction, fiction, and art.

The Interlochen Review

Edited and produced every spring by students in Interlochen Arts Academy’s Literary Publications class, The Interlochen Review showcases work from Creative Writing, Motion Picture Arts, and Visual Arts majors at Interlochen, alongside the work of high school writers and artists around the world.

Inventio [u]

A student-run online literary magazine featuring fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by undergraduate students that received a minimum letter grade of B+ (75%) as verified by the professor of record.

Issues in Earth Science

An online resource dedicated to raising awareness of world science using fiction for the classroom, topics for debate, blog discussions, Earth Science Challenges for the middle and high school classroom. IES accepts submissions of fiction and non-fiction articles.


Jewish Girls Unite

Publishing articles, fiction, essay, poetry, interviews, photography, and artwork in a “safe online forum where girls share ideas and how it applies to their lives.”


An online journal of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography by creatives aged 13-25 years old who “seek the kind of curiosity that devours the world to understand it.”



Created by and for 11-17-year-olds, which empowers kids to explore the deeper side of life in a spirit of openness. KidSpirit is an unaffiliated spiritual magazine for young people of all backgrounds who like to think about “the meaning of life and the big questions that affect us all.”

Kings River Review

Based out of Reedley College, California, publishing artwork, creative nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry of community college students from across the country and featuring a Reedley College writer and artist in each edition.



Leaders Igniting Generational Healing & Transformation is a new biannual literary journal of art, letters, stories, poetry, and other creative works exploring topics of public health through lived experiences of healing and health. Submission categories include under 18 and over 18.

Little Jefferson

An online quarterly of the parent magazine Lucky Jefferson. Little Jefferson features poetry and flash fiction by writers ages 9-13. Teachers are invited to submit on behalf of their students. The publication also offers a cohort Literary Illustrator and Editorial Program.

Little Thoughts Press

An online quarterly of themed poetry, stories, and artwork by both adults and youth for an audience of readers ten and under.

The Louisville Review

“Cornerstone [previously called “The Children’s Corner”] accepts submissions of previously unpublished poetry from students in grades K-12. Seeks writing that looks for fresh ways to recreate scenes and feelings. Honest emotion and original imagery are more important to a poem than rhyming and big topics—such as life, moralizing, and other abstractions. Parental signature must accompany submissions.

Lunch Ticket

The online literary and art journal published by Antioch University MFA program is devoted to the education of literary artists, community engagement, and the pursuit of social, economic, and environmental justice. Includes a section in each issue: Writing for Young People (13+). Note: These are generally written by adults for young readers, but young writers may also submit to the publication.


Magic Dragon

This quarterly print publication presents writing and art created by children in the elementary school grades in a magazine of quality four-color printing and graphic display. Submissions accepted from anyone 12 years old and younger.

The Maverick [u]

A student-run undergraduate academic journal from Western New Mexico University open to submissions of essays, research, art, and creative writing from undergraduate students living in New Mexico.

The Milking Cat

An online teen comedy magazine publishing fiction, poetry, drama/playwriting, screenplay/screenwriting, art, video, and arts and entertainment by high-school-aged contributors on a weekly schedule. “The Milking Cat is the place for young comedians.”

Mistake House [u]

Based out of Principia College, Illinois, this annual online publication accepts fiction, poetry, works in translation, and photography from students currently enrolled in graduate and undergraduate programs from around the world.

Mollusk Literary Magazine

An online publication of previously unpublished writing and artwork in any genre or medium. Open to submissions from all ages, but with at Young Voices Blog for contributors 13 and under. They offer helpful examples of Cover Letters and how to write them.


Ninth Letter Web Edition [u]

Ninth Letter web edition is dedicated to poetry and fiction by graduate and undergraduate creative writing students across the country.

Nobody’s Home: Modern Southern Folklore

An online anthology of nonfiction works about beliefs, myths, and narratives in Southern culture over the last fifty years, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Lesson plans are all published and available. They are free to access and include Common Core anchor standards for grades 9-10 and 11-12, ready-to-use objectives, and easily modified activities. The editor also invites classroom teachers to submit and share their own lesson plans for works in the anthology or to suggest titles for the reading lists.


One Teen Story

A monthly publication from the editors of One Story. This publication features teen writers and is available in print as well as via Kindle and other e-reading devices.


Paper Crane

A semi-annual online publication of “all forms of creative expression” by writers and artists under twenty years of age.

Paper Lanterns

Funded by Arts Council Ireland, a publication for youth ages 11-18 (submissions from ages 13+) that features fiction, features, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, and boo reviews. Available for purchase through the site.

Parakeet Magazine

An online publication about human and animal relationships open to contributors 7-17 years old.

Piece of Cake

A new online “teen-led food magazine” featuring recipes, articles, culture writing, and restaurant reviews written by contributors ages 13-22.

Plain China [u]

An annual anthology that accepts submissions of literary journals or magazines featuring undergraduate work published in the last academic year.

Poetry Archive

Includes the Children’s Poetry Archive audio recordings of poems being read out loud and resources for teachers.

Poetry in Voice

Based in Canada, this organization provides online anthologies in French and English, student recitation competitions, a student poetry journal – VOICES/VOIX, teaching materials in English and French, and a Poet in the Classroom program.

Polaris [u]

An annual undergraduate journal of arts and literature at Ohio Northern University publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual arts.

Polyphony Lit

A student-run literary magazine for high school writers and editors. Submissions of fiction, poetry, and essay are accepted through May 31 of each year for that annual’s volume. Submissions are eligible for the Claudia Ann Seaman Awards for Young Writers. The magazine also invites high school students to join their volunteer editorial staff, which edits every submission we get.

Prairie Margins [u]

An undergraduate publication of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and art based out of Bowling Green University, Ohio.

Press Pause Press

Publishing twice yearly in print, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art, including one writer or artist under 18.

The Prologue

An online journal dedicated to expressing students’ views regarding a few of the United Nations’ 17 Goals for Sustainable Development – specifically, those related to public health and the environmental crisis. Publishing prose, poetry, and artwork mainly from contributors ages 13-25 (high school/college). [No posts since July 2023; inaugural issue not released yet; sent inquiry 5/13/24]

The Prose Train

A unique collaborative storytelling forum where “students train their prose” by adding 2-15 sentences to continue a work in progress. Open to all high school writers. [No updates since October 2023; sent inquiry 5/13/24]




Released each December, this anthology encourages young poets to continue writing and reading poetry. Contributors must be age 15 or younger when the poems were written. Submissions are accepted by email from a parent/guardian only. Deadline: October 15.

Red Cedar Review [u]

Based out of Michigan State University, this journal publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, and comics from undergraduate students currently enrolled in the United States.

Rewrite the Stars (RTS)

A literary magazine run by teens for teens with submissions accepted by contributors ages 13-25 years old publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork in their online quarterly as well as literary journalism on their blog.


San Francisco Youth Anthology

An online annual of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from middle school, high school, and college writers who live in the San Francisco or Bay Area for readers of all ages everywhere.

Satura Journal [u]

Student-edited journal from the English Department of the University of Münster that publishes works to encourage open-ended discourse in the humanities. Open to student worldwide.

The School Magazine

Based out of Australia and founded by the NSW Department of Education in 1916, this publisher offers three unique print and digital publications for young readers. Countdown (ages 7-9); Blastoff (ages 9-10); Orbit (ages 10-11); Touchdown (ages 11+). Each features fiction, articles, plays, poems, and puzzles for young readers. Submissions accepted from writers, illustrators, comic serial creators, and cartoonists.


An award-winning online literary journal for youth ages 11-18, managed by youth, Scribere publishes fiction, non-fiction, and poetry in a free online quarterly publication.

SeaGlass Literary

An online journal with a staff of writers and editors from around the globe, SeaGlass Literary publishes short stories, flash fiction, poetry, traditional and digital art, and creative nonfiction with the option to purchase print copies. Submissions are open to creatives between the ages of 13 and 30 years old.

Sink Hollow [u]

An international undergraduate biannual from Utah State University publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art.

Skipping Stones Magazine

Publishing poems, stories, articles, and photos from both youth and adults for readers ages 7 to 18. A resource in multicultural and global education, ecological and cultural diversity.

Smarty Pants Magazine

Stories, educational activities, and book reviews for early childhood (paying market for children’s writers). “Show Us Your Stuff” and “Pet Star” invite children to submit work.

Smith Magazine

Creators of the Six-Word Memoir Project, Smith has a space just for teen writers to explore storytelling through condensed personal narrative.


An online journal of children’s art and literature for ages 4-14 open to submissions only to those within the University of Iowa community but open for all to read.

Spaceports & Spidersilk

A print magazine for ages 8-14 (though all ages are welcome!) featuring stories, poems, art, essays on science and the environment, interviews, quizzes, and contests. Genres include adventurous fantasy, science fiction, and “shadow stories” – which are “minor horror” defined as “spooky, not terrifying.”

STEM Spotlight (WriteCause)

An online publication for any form of scientific writing (research projects, proposals, papers, etc.). Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis from contributors ages 12-18.

The Stirling Review

An online quarterly that showcases creative work from writers and artists aged 14-22. The editors prefer shorter pieces with resonating language and welcome poetry, creative nonfiction, short fiction, and opinion pieces that highlight this mission as well as artwork and cover art related to the seasonal issue.

Stone Soup

Stone Soup is a magazine 100% written and illustrated by its readers. Eleven 48-page issues a year, plus blog posts, reviews, and features by young artists and writers at Stonesoup.com. We publish the best work from thousands of submissions by kids ages 13 and under. Open submissions; subscribers submit for free.

Story Monsters Ink

A publication for teachers, librarians, and young readers featuring interviews, book reviews, and articles of interest about the YA literary scene. Teachers: Each issue has downloadable classroom questions. The publication also accepts submissions from writers ages 17 and younger, including “My Favorite Teacher,” book reviews, and photo and video submissions for #CAUGHTREADING and a coloring page #CAUGHTCOLORING.

The Sucarnochee Review [u]

A print publication from University of West Alabama publishing poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction by undergraduates.


Teen Ink

Publishing categories: Art; Poetry; Fiction; Sports; Opinion; Community Service; Nonfiction (including Pride and Prejudice, Travel and Culture, Environment, You and Your Health, What Matters, Heroes, Cars, Jobs, and Money); Reviews (books, movies, music, colleges, TV, web sites, video games, summer programs); College Essays and Articles; and Interviews. For ages 13-19.

Teen Sequins

Produced by Gigantic Sequins, this annual features outstanding poetry from young writers ages 14 through 18 with one poet from each age category being featured, and every poet who submits work is honored. Submissions open annually in the spring. [On hiatus until 2024; information should be posted soon; 5/14/24 ]

Teen Voices

A component of Women’s eNews, this online global news source publishes journalism and first-person narratives by young women 13-19 years old. The publication is produced by female-identified teens to “highlight the realities facing girls all over the world today.”

The Telling Room

“Dedicated to the idea that children and young adults are natural storytellers,” this website publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and multimedia by young writers 6-18 years old.

The Tower [u]

Edited, designed, and produced by students enrolled in a two-semester course offered by the University of Minnesota English Department, The Tower is an annual journal that publishes the best in art, poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction by undergraduates enrolled in US colleges.


From the creators of Big Writers, Little Ears, Travel n Itch features fiction and non-fiction travel stories by writers under 21.

#TWP Quarterly

A multifaceted organization promoting reading, writing, social, cultural, and creative literacy skills by teaching teens about writing, publications, and related careers. #TeenWritersProject accepts year-round submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, essays, memoirs, short plays, and photo essays.


Under the Madness

An online publication run by teens under the mentorship of the New Hampshire Poet Laureate to focus on the experiences of teens from around the globe. Creatives ages 13-19 are invited to submit fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.


The National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) Journal of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity (UReCA) online publishes research from all areas of study, video and audio, visual art, essays, fiction, and poetry. Submissions accepted on a rolling basis.


From Penguin Random House, this site provides YA book-related content (virtual book club, author videos, reviews), as well as a platform for writers to share and get feedback on their own chapter books and share their own book reviews.

U.S. Kids

U.S. Kids publishes two magazines: Humpty Dumpty (ages 2-6), which features short stories, short mini-stories, poetry, and crafts, and Jack and Jill (ages 6-12), which features fiction and non-fiction.


The Violet Hour Magazine

Publishes several times a year in an open, online format, accepting fiction, nonfiction, art, photography, and reviews (no poetry at this time) from “all ages,” and makes a special provision to request parental/guardian permissions for contributors under 13 years old. This also means the publication will contain adult content. [Not active since May 2023; sent inquiry 5/13/24]


A national literary journal featuring writing, art, and comics by Australians under 25 years old. A lot for readers of all ages to enjoy on the site, but they also offer some helpful “Guides to” including Being Edited, Digital Writing, Pitching Comics for Publication, Poetry, and Nonfiction. A great resource!


An online publication of YA short-form fiction (under 6000 words) and YA nonfiction. [First issue due May 2024]

Voyage of Verse

An annual anthology of poetry for high-school-aged contributors with published poets making final selections to be published and awarded prizes (see website for deadline).


The Weight Journal

Accepting poetry, flash fiction, short fiction, creative non-fiction, hybrid, and other forms from 9-12 grade students (including homeschool).

Whitefish Review

This print journal of literature, art, and photography launches promising writers and artists. Every issue features a previously unpublished writer or artist chosen by the editors, as part of their mission to discover and nurture budding talent. Often these writers and artists are featured in events alongside famous literary and art figures. There is no submission fee for high school age and younger.

Wintermute Lit

An online rolling submissions publication of all genres of speculative fiction by young and emerging writers. [No updates since July 2023; sent inquiry 5/13/24]


An online journal of poetry, prose, art, and “miscellaneous” with a note that “if you are a young writer (ages 18 and under)” to indicate that for special inclusion. They also run an annual Young Voices Poetry contest. [No content; inactive since Sept 2023; sent inquiry 5/13/24]

Write the World

A resource for young writers and teachers. WTW provides prompts and contests, places for young writers to submit and respond to each others writing, and the opportunity for older writers to become reviewers and mentors for young writers. A true writers community online.


A youth-lead literary collective publishing written and artistic pieces from creatives ages 7-12 (parent permission required) and 13-21 quarterly online. They also share tips, quotes, and other “literary fun stuff” weekly on Instagram @writeadelic.


Young Voices

An online magazine of writing and visual art by teens aged 12-19, who live, work, or go to school in the City of Toronto. Available free for all to read.

Young Writers Project

YWP welcomes K-12 students in Vermont and western New Hampshire to submit their written work, photos, and artwork for possible publication in The Voice.

Youth Communication

Short, nonfiction stories and related lessons to help students improve their reading and writing skills, and improve the social and emotional skills that support school success.

Youth Speaks: Human Rights in Verse

An anthology published by the International Human Rights Arts Festival open to poets 21 years and younger. Topics focusing on human rights and social justice that uphold the IHRAF’s values of Beauty, Courage, Integrity, Vulnerability, and Celebrating Diversity. [No updates since 2022; sent inquiry 5/13/24]


Zaum [u]

A literary and art magazine providing college students a venue for publishing their poetry, prose, fiction, and visual artwork. The magazine is distributed and produced by students at Sonoma State University in California.

Looking for contests for young writers? View our guide to writing contests.

If you know of other publications or contests that could be added to this guide, please e-mail [email protected] with information.

Looking for something else? The Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, maintains Children’s Notable Lists, updated annually, which feature exemplary recordings, books, and digital media geared to children from birth to age 14. Selections are evaluated by committee using established criteria.