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BPJ Celebrates 60

Beloit Poetry Journal celebrates its 60th anniversary with a chapbook issue (Summer 2010) of new poems by winners of their Chad Walsh Prize. Over its seventeen-year history, the Walsh Prize has gone as often to young poets as to mid- and late-career poets with long publication records. This chapbook issue features works by Margaret Aho, Sherman Alexie, Robert Chute, Karl Elder, Albert Goldbarth, Jessica Goodfellow, John Hodgen, Janet Holmes, Mary Leader, Kurt Leland, Mary Molinary, Lucia Perillo, Sam Reed, Glori Simmons, Onna Solomon, and Susan Tichy.

And, as always, BPJ invites readers to join the online conversation with BPJ poets on their Poet’s Forum. The participating poets for this issue are Jessica Goodfellow (June), Susan Tichy (July), and Karl Elder (August). Currently, Nan Watkins is on forum to discuss her translations of Yvan Goll’s poems.

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