NewPages Guide to Calls for Submissions
In the NewPages Guide to Submission Opportunities, find announcements of current and upcoming calls for submissions from literary magazines, independent and university presses, anthologies, and more. Looking for writing and book contests? You can find them here.
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Note: Descriptions provided by advertisers. NewPages does our best to vet all opportunities. If there is an issue, please contact us.
Blink-Ink Issue #58: UFO
Deadline: October 15, 2024
Jimmy Carter saw one. So did Ronald Reagan. Harry Truman never saw one but worried about them. Bill Clinton never saw one but always wanted to. Gerald Ford wasn’t sure if he’d seen one or not. Former Israeli security chief, Haim Eshed, says they are here and world leaders know it. How about you? What do you know that we don’t? Send us your best UFO stories of approximately 50 words. Submissions are open September 1st, 2024 through October 15th, 2024. Please send submissions in the body of an email to: [email protected]. No attachments, poetry, bios or AI generated content please. Artwork welcome for this issue.
Tell Us About the Time Your Brain Went Sideways
Deadline: November 11, 2024
Our white whale of a submission is one that bravely tinkers with the fundamental language that comprises mental illness writing. We’re seeking writing & art that dares to take on this kind of capricious subject matter with candor, transparency, humor, & a discerning eye. Libre’s a small vessel, bent on publishing writing & art that wrestles with starlight, confronts madness, while letting us see the sweat. Repurpose the myth for our modern-day melancholy. Provoke your demons—call them by their proper names & send us stories about the glorious aftermath. Pills & pain have a place in literature, just like everything else.
Blueline Magazine Seeks Exceptional Nature Writing
Deadline: November 30, 2024
BLUELINE: A Literary Magazine Dedicated to the Spirit of the Adirondacks seeks poems, stories, and essays about the Adirondacks and regions similar in geography and spirit, focusing on nature’s shaping influence. Submissions window July 1 to November 30. Decisions mid-February. Payment in copies. Simultaneous submissions accepted if identified as such. Please notify if your submission is placed elsewhere. Electronic submissions encouraged, as Word files, via email. Please identify the genre in the subject line. Further information at
Submit to the Santa Clara Review!
Deadline: October 15, 2024
The Santa Clara Review publishes a wide variety of work from all over the world. Our magazine is open to all and is especially interested in writing and art from Black writers, Indigenous writers, LGBT+ writers, and writers of color. Writers–send us your best poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, including flash pieces, humor, satire, short screenplays and plays, and hybrid works. Visual artists–send us your art of any kind, including photography, painting, sculpture, drawings, collage, and textile creations. For further submission guidelines and details, please visit
Sky Island Journal: Issue 29 Call for Submissions
Deadline: September 30, 2024
Sky Island Journal is an independent, international, free-access, quarterly literary journal publishing the finest poetry, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction. Accomplished, well-established authors appear side-by-side with fresh, emerging voices. We provide over 150,000 readers in 150 countries with a powerful, focused, advertising-free literary experience that transports them: one that challenges them intellectually and moves them emotionally. Our average response time is 9 days, and every submission receives a respectful response detailing what we appreciated. We have a family of over 900 contributors; this year, two of them won the Pushcart Prize and the BOTN. Enjoy our previous issues and submit to our stunning Issue 29 before September 30th.
The New Verse News Seeks Current Events Poetry
Deadline: Year-round
Since 2005, The New Verse News has covered the news of the day with poems on issues, large and small, international and local. It relies on the submission of poems (especially those of a politically progressive bent) by writers from all over the world. The editors update the website every day with a poetic take on a current and specific headline. See the website for guidelines and examples. Then paste your non-simultaneous submission and a brief bio in the text of an email (no attachments, please) to nvneditor(at) Write “Verse News Submission” in the subject line of your email.
Palooka Seeks Chapbooks, Prose, Poetry, Artwork, Photography
Deadline: Year-round
Palooka is an international literary magazine. For over a decade we’ve featured new, up-and-coming, and established writers, artists, and photographers from around the world. We’re open to diverse forms and styles and are always seeking unique chapbooks, fiction, poetry, nonfiction, artwork, photography, and graphic narratives. Submissions open year-round.
The Fictional Cafe Seeks New Voices in Fiction
The Fictional Café, now in its twelfth year, is now accepting fiction submissions. We seek unpublished boundary-breaking short stories, flash fiction, novel excerpts, and creative nonfiction. Over a thousand Coffee Club members and many others in 47 countries read our highly original ‘zine. We welcome all adult genres. Your work must be tasteful, original, and well written. We look for engaging characters and a thought-provoking, Avant-Garde, or unconventional literary approach. Please become a Coffee Club member, read our submission guidelines and review what we publish before you submit. We reply in 30 days.
Rockvale Review Issue Thirteen Seeks Poetry, Fiction, CNF, and Art
Deadline: September 30, 2024
Rockvale Review is seeking submissions of poetry, short fiction, and CNF for Issue Thirteen to be published online in November 2024. We are interested in bold writing with a touch of emotion and vulnerability—the rock and the vale of life. Please read all our guidelines and be careful following them. We read blind and any identifying information results in disqualification. We seek a Featured Artist for this issue too. Please email [email protected] if you’re interested in submitting artwork. All other submissions must use Submittable.
Kings River Review Call for 2-Year College Student Submissions
Deadline: Rolling
The Kings River Review publishes artwork, creative nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry of current 2-year community college students. Submission Deadlines: March 15 for the spring issue and October 15 for the fall issue. Submission requirements: up to 5 pieces of artwork and photography sent as .JPEG files; creative nonfiction and fiction of up to 3,000 words; and up to 5 poems. Go to for full submission guidelines.
Black Lawrence Press Manuscript Consultations
For over a decade, the Black Lawrence Press manuscript consultation program has offered writers access to award-winning authors who are also experienced educators. Through our program, these authors provide the kind of thorough feedback and in-depth analysis that is difficult to find outside of MFA programs. Within a matter of a few weeks, our consultants respond with full critiques including a cover letter addressing global issues within the manuscripts and an updated manuscript files including detailed suggestions. Participants who submit chapbooks or full-length manuscripts may also schedule phone or Zoom conferences with their consultant at no additional charge.
Our Doors are Open
Deadline: Year-round
The Blue Mountain Review launched from Athens, Georgia in 2015 with the mantra, “We’re all south of somewhere.” As a journal of culture, the BMR strives to represent all life through its stories. Stories are vital to our survival. What we sing saves the soul. Our goal is to preserve and promote lives told well through prose, poetry, music, and the visual arts. We’ve published work from and interviews with Jericho Brown, Kelli Russell Agodon, Robert Pinsky, Rising Appalachia, Turkuaz, Michel Stone, Michael Flohr, Lee Herrick, Chen Chen, Michael Cudlitz, Pat Metheny, Melissa Studdard, Lyrics Born, Terry Kay, and Christopher Moore.
Club Plum Seeks Works for Annual Literary Horror Issue
Deadline: October, 1, 2024
It’s that time again for Club Plum’s much loved Literary Horror Issue, coming out in October. Send us your strange and dark, your lofty and creepy, your gorgeous and sad. Non-horror works will be considered, too. Send us flash fiction, flash nonfiction, creative nonfiction, prose poetry and art. See guidelines at
Submit Fiction, Poetry, Visual Art for Dulcet’s Print and Digital Inaugural Issue
Deadline: August 31, 2024
Dulcet is looking for fiction, poetry, and visual art for our inaugural issue! We seek literary short stories that pack an emotional punch with nuanced depth and uplifting undercurrents, that dive deep into the complex center of things, that have a sense of resolve or weighty reservation promoting hope or forward motion. For poetry, we would like powerful, lyrical, striking, simplistic, impactful works, that draw connections to readers by writing truths, that create vivid imagery and an unexpected depth of feeling. We also want eye-catching and impactful cover art, photography, paintings, mixed media, digital art, and collages. See full guidelines and submit here:
Magazine1 Wants Your Writing for Its Third Issue!
Deadline: November 15, 2024
Magazine1 seeks new and exciting writing and art for its third issue. If you have work that you feel doesn’t fit into the traditional categories (be they formal or political) we would love to see it. If you are located on the Gulf Coast of Florida, please submit to our Gulf Coast of Florida Feature. Submissions are free! Published authors receive a $40 gift card that can be used either in person at Bookstore1 in Sarasota, FL or in our online store.
Exploration and Recovery: Mental Illness and The Awakenings Review
Deadline: Year-round
The Awakenings Review is an award-winning literary magazine committed to publishing poetry, short stories, nonfiction, art, and photography by writers and poets who write from experience with mental illness in themselves, family members, or friends. Located in the Chicago area but international in scope, our print publication is one of the nation’s leading journals of this genre. We like to see work demonstrating that the writer or poet has found direction in life or can write about the experience of mental illness without being demoralizing. We are currently accepting submissions for our Spring 2025 issue. To learn how to submit, please read our guidelines at