Chicago Review: New Italian Writing
Chicago Review 56.1 is an issue devoted to New Italian Writing: Poetry, fiction, and criticism translated into English for the first time. Translators include: V. Joshua Adams, Anne Milano Appel, Sarah Arvio, Robert P. Baird, Lisa Barca, Patrick Barron, Jacob Blakesley, Joel Calahan, Maggie Fritz-Morkin, Elizabeth Harris, Chris Glomski, Peter Hainsworth, Laura Modigliani, Dylan J. Montanari, Gianluca Rizzo, Jennifer Scappettone, Dominic Siracusa, Kate Soto, and Paul Vangelisti.
The issue also includes a comprehensive checklist of recent Italian anthologies and letters by Cole Swensen, Kent Johnson, John Gallaher, and Richard Owens in response to Keith Tuma’s essay “After the Bubble” (CR 55-3/4).
A complete list of contents is available on the here.