Happy 10 Pedestal Magazine!
The Pedestal Magazine online celebrates ten years of publishing with its newest issue (#61).
Editor John Amen writes: “In some ways, ten years strikes me as long enough for a venture; as if, after ten years, maybe it’s time to start something new, let the old project go. Pedestal, however, continues, in my view, to evolve. I keep feeling as if the magazine is ‘just getting started,’ as if we’ve finally reached a ‘good beginning point,’ finally ‘found our stride.’ We’re receiving stellar work, and a lot of it, from talented writers. The staff has expanded to include so many skilled and dedicated writers and editors. The technology supporting the magazine is now flexible enough to allow for various developments, new features that can be integrated into the magazine’s format, thereby creating new possibilities. In short, the project remains new. So, we definitely continue….”
And to do so, Pedestal welcomes three new staff members: Bruce Boston, Marge Ballif Simon, and Alice Osborn.