New Lit on the Block :: Rubric
Based out of The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Rubric is “an online interdisciplinary journal centred around the ideas of text and writing.” Previously only open to UNSW students, the new incarnation of Rubric is open to local and international work in all areas of creative writing and writing theory. The editorial team includes Josh Mei-Ling Dubrau, Kylar Loussikian, Ralph Stevenson, and Tanya Thaweeskulchai.
Rubric is a peer reviewed journal supported by the editorial board of Pam Brown (Associate Editor, Jacket Magazine), Paul Dawson (University of New South Wales), John Hawke (Monash University), Cate Kennedy (joining in 2011), Elizabeth McMahon (University of New South Wales), Stephen Muecke (University of New South Wales), Gordon Thompson (Victoria University, Melbourne), John Tranter (Editor, Jacket Magazine), and Alan Wearne (University of Wollongong).
This first issue of the new Rubric includes works by Alexandra Duggan, Amelia Streets, Kathleen Stewart, Narelle Goulden, Ralph Stevenson, Sam McAlpine, Shane Lee, Sylvia Petter, and Tamryn Bennet, whose graphic poem is llustrated by Skye O’Shea.
Rubric accepts works of poetry, prose, ficto-criticism, new media, and non-fiction, including short academic papers dealing with topics related to text and writing. Submissions are accepted from undergraduate, graduate, and academic sources and are peer reviewed by the appropriate member of Rubric‘s editorial board. The next deadline for submissions is October 1, 2010.