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New Lit on the Block :: Specter Literary Magazine

The two founders of Specter Literary Magazine – husband & wife, mensah demary & Athena Dixon-DeMary, prose writer & poet respectively – take the Gen Y labels, embrace them, and consider them as the very complexity that writers regularly address: “Are we all frightened, passive, coddled? Are we all spoiled & flighty? Do we all dream? If Generation Y is so different from our parents and grandparents, then what does it mean to: love today; raise children today; keep religious faith today? The work some might consider ‘navel-gazing’ and ‘postmodern’ and ‘boring?’ We want that work. Writers who believe literature can reveal and–dare we say–save the world? We want those writers. We want dreamers.”

Published online, the first issue of Specter, launched at the end of July, features works by Mick Davidson, Lois Harrod, J. Bradley, Noriki Nakada, Bradley Warshauer, Jasmon Drain, Chris Castle, and Tom Sheehan.

Specter accepts poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and flash via Submishmash.

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