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Happy 10th Anniversary Ruminate

AWBAruminate 38The Spring 2016 issue of Rumninate Magazine celebrates ten years of publication! The volume features comments from readers, staff, and contributors who share their experience with “ruminating and contemplation – being still and attentive, pausing and listening.” The cover art, “Rhino” by Nicholas Price, actually appeared on the very first cover of Ruminate. Editor Brianna VanDyke says it is featured again as “a playful nod to our roots and the beautiful and gusty perserverances of a little arts magazine celebrating ten years.” And, in gratitude to their readership, tucked into each anniversary issue of Rhino is a gorgeous letterpress broadside which reads, “Always We Begin Again” – After St. Benedict. What a treat Ruminate has been for the past decade, and we all hope for many more to come!

Books :: 2015 Cleveland State University Poetry Center Winners

cleveland state univ logoSpring has sprung at Cleveland State University Poetry Center with freshly published titles added to their spring catalog, including the Editor’s Choice for the 2015 First Poetry Competition, Residuum by Martin Rock; the winner of the 2016 First Book Poetry Competition selected by Eileen Myles, My Fault by Leora Fridman; the winner of the 2015 Open Book Poetry Competition selected by Lesle Lewis, Shane McCrae, and Wendy Xu, The Bees Make Money in the Lion by Lo Kwa Mei-En; and the winner of the 2015 Essay Collection Competition selected by Wayne Koestenbaum, A Bestiary by Lily Hoang.

Readers can learn more about the individual titles (all four of them decked out in beautiful cover art) at the CSU Poetry Center website where links to interviews, past works, and author websites can also be found.

Much to Recommend Georgia Review

georgia reviewI normally try to focus my blog notes on one “something” per lit mag per post, but the newest issue of The Georgia Review has several somethings worth note. First, congratulations to the Review for achieving 70 years of continuous quarterly publication! Congratulations to Emily Van Kley whose poem “Dear Skull” won the 2015 Loraine Williams Poetry Prize and is featured as the first work in the issue. Editor Stephen Corey’s “To Our Readers” takes a fun trouncing on the form when he declares: “I hearby announce the invention and likely demise of the ‘braided editorial,’ an offshoot from the ‘braided essay’ that has been rather de rigueur in recent years in some literary circles – to such an extent that people teach how-to classes, and anthologies of such works are probably imminent.” Also worth note: William Walsh’s interview with and inclusion of several poems by Rita Dove. And this among so much else to recommend.

Books :: 2015 New Issues Writing Prizes

her infinite sawnie morrisThe New Issues Poetry Prize is awarded annually for a first book of poems, and was awarded to Sawnie Morris in 2015 for her collection Her, Infinite. The annual Green Rose Prize is awarded to an established poet with Bruce Cohen as the 2015 winner with his collection Imminent Disappearances, Impossible Numbers & Panoramic X-Rays. Both the winning books were published last month.

Advance praise calls Morris’s collection a “polyvocal, strident book of immense intelligence” (Major Jackson) and a “sensual and imaginative evocation of the heroin’s journey” (Annah Sobelman).

Cohen “might be the keeper of some vast secret surveillance system” as his collection is filled with the our day-to-day, and our intimate thoughts and feelings (David Rivard).

More information on both these titles, as well as sample poems, can be found at the New Issues Press website.

[quotes from publisher’s website]

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

hamilton arts letters“Ill Met by Moonlight” is the theme of Hamilton Arts & Letters Magazine issue 8.2, which features a collage of works from artists featured in the issue, including “Steve” by Lisa Wöhrle from the portfolio “Then and Now: The (Young) Contemporaries.”
raleigh review spring 2016“Crow Chief” by Geri Digiorno is also a collage which invites readers in to the spring 2016 issue of Raleigh Review Literary & Arts Magazine. The publication’s new, larger format provides a spacious canvas for this work.
arroyo spring 2016It helps to see the full spread on this cover art for the spring issue of Arroyo Literary Magazine: “Fiori Bacio (Lovers)” by ALE + ALE.

Books :: 2015 Able Muse Book Award

borrowed world emily leithauserThe Borrowed World by Emily Leithauser is forthcoming this July from Able Muse Press. Winner of the 2015 Able Muse Book Award, the poetry award presented annually, The Borrowed World is Leithauser’s first book.

Judge Peter Campion says of his selection, “Leithauser portrays the inevitability of loss, in romantic and familial relationships, and yet, without ever offering false resolutions or pat conclusions, she manages to make her poems themselves convincing stays against loss. I mean that this book is made to endure. The Borrowed World marks the arrival of a major talent.”

The Borrowed World is available for order at the Able Muse Press website, where digital editions will also be available upon publication.

New Letters 2015 Literary Award Winners

new lettersNew Letters (v82 n2) features the winners of their 2015 Literary Awards:

The New Letters Prize for Poetry
Judge Ellen Bass
Five poems by Elizabeth Haukaas

The Alexander Cappon Prize for Fiction
Judge Jayne Anne Phillips
“A Tzaddikah Goes on the Lamb” by Cady Vishniac

The Dorothy Cappon Prize for Nonfiction Essay
Judge Floyd Skloot
“Our Little Jewish Girl” by Mindy Lewis

The contest deadline for this year is May 18, 2016 and awards a $1,500 prize for the winner in each category in addition to publication.

Books :: 2016 Miller Williams Poetry Prize Finalists

univ arkansas pressEvery year, the University of Arkansas Press awards the Miller Williams Poetry Prize to four authors: one winner and three finalists, all of which are published with the winner receiving $5,000 in cash.

March 2016 saw the publication of the three 2016 finalists: When We Were Birds by Joe Wilkins, See You Soon by Laura McKee, and Cenotaph by Brock Jones.

Series Editor Billy Collins writes in each book’s preface:

See You Soon, the casual title of Laura McKee’s book, contains poems of powerful feeling that seem composed in the kind of tranquility of recollection. [ . . . ] [R]eaders will find in Brock Jones’s Cenotaph a new way of thinking and feeling about the reailties of combat. [ . . . ] Joe Wilkins’s [ . . . ] When We Were Birds, as the title indicates, is full of imaginative novelty as well as reminders that miraculous secrets are hidden in the fabric of everyday life.

All three titles—as well as the winning [explicit, lyrics] by Andrew Gent—are now available at the University of Arkansas Press website.

Books :: 2014 Hudson Prize

blood matthew cheneyBlack Lawrence Press annually awards The Hudson Prize for an unpublished collection of poems or short stories. In 2014, Matthew Cheney brought home the prize with his story collection Blood.

The stories in Blood, published in January 2016, range across various styles, modes, genres, and tones as they explore the worlds of family, love, memory, and loss.

More information about Blood can be found at the Black Lawrence Press website, where readers can also order copies of Cheney’s collection.

Wallace Stevens Feature

new england reviewNew England Review v37 n1 includes a literary criticism section entitled The Mind at the End of the Palm: Wallace Stevens Thinking. In a series of five essays, “five poet-critics consider Wallace Stevens, with a focus on Stevens as a ‘philosophical’ poet (or not). The first four were presented as a symposium at the AWP Conference in 2014 [by David Baker, Linda Gregerson, Carl Phillips, Stanley Plumly], then gathered by David Baker and edited for print; the final essay, by Carol Frost, came to NER serendipitously, at about the same time. They all look closely at Stevens’s poetry and why it continues to engage us so deeply, more than a hundred years after he published his first poems.” Baker’s contribution can be read on the NER website here.

The Writer’s Hotel :: 2016

writers hotel blogThe Writer’s Hotel, a hybrid writers conference that meets each June at a floating campus between three hotels in Midtown, Manhattan, is not just another writers conference. With an environment much like that of a Creative Writing MFA community, they work with each writer on a target manuscript from the moment of acceptance, for months before the conference, and offer the rare opportunity to polish manuscripts with professional editors before meeting with instructors, writers, agents, industry professionals and editors on site. There is no other writers conference quite like The Writer’s Hotel.

Writers tend to arrive at the conference feeling an artistic momentum, and come ready to bring their work to market at the heart of the publishing industry in New York City. Writers will have reading opportunities at a well-known NYC venue, will attend daily events held in inspiring locations around the city, and will participate in several intensive writing workshops, attend lectures, pitch meetings and literary events, and go on historic literary walking tours.

This year’s conference takes place from June 1-7 and faculty includes Meghan Daum, Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Scott Wolven, Shanna McNair, Marie Howe, Tim Seibles, Roger Bonair-Agard, Elyssa East, Wesley McNair, Bill Roorbach, Kevin Larimer, Carey Salerno, Elaine Trevorrow and Bethany Ball. Conference space is limited and the deadline for application is April 22, 2016Free to apply, writers may upload 20 -25 pages of writing with a brief letter of interest at TWH’s Submittable.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

fieldField: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics Spring 2016 issue features a strking image – no photo credit given – which shows I’m not always drawn to splashy color covers. You can read some sample poems from the issue here.

literary juice march 16Literary Juice is an online bi-monthly of all genres of prose, poetry, and art. As the editors note: “Lately, we’ve done away with all artistrict boundaries.” This issue’s cover photo is “We Almost Rejected the Barn But No One Wants To Be Trolled by Cows” by A. Riding.

hermeneutic chaos 13 march“Sad Cactus” by Netherlands photo artist Stanislaw Lewkowicz is featured on the cover of the online Hermeneutic Chaos March 2016 issue. Lewkowicz’s mezmerizing image is the perfect match for Hermeneutic Chaos, which editors consider a collection of “beautifully crafted narrative mindscapes that move us with their linguistic, emotional expanse and powerful imagery.”

Books :: 2015 A. Poulin Jr. Poetry Prize

trouble the water derrick austinIn 2015, Derrick Austin was announced as the winner of the A. Poulin Jr. Poetry Prize through BOA Editions, Ltd. The prize is awarded to honor a poet’s first book, as well as honoring the publisher’s late founder. Austin’s winning title Trouble the Water will be published this month.

Rich in religious and artistic imagery, Trouble the Water is an intriguing exploration of race, sexuality, and identity, particularly where selfhood is in flux, interrogating what it means to be, as Austin says, “fully human as a queer, black body” in 21st-century America.

Copies of Trouble the Water are available for preorder at BOA Editions, Ltd.’s website.

Books :: 2015 Bitter Oleander Press Library of Poetry Award

all the beautiful dead christien gholsonBitter Oleander Press has announced Christien Gholson as the winner of the 2015 Bitter Oleander Press Library of Poetry Award. Gholson’s winning book All the Beautiful Dead was released last month.

Judge Anthony Seidman calls All the Beautiful Dead “a harrowing, razor-biting collection which addresses the wounded and the outcast, in a landscape of boxcars, poppies, crows, empty fields, the lights of Las Vegas which can’t overpower the open black mouth of the desert night, and the rusted lives and emotional shrapnel ranging from Wales to Colorado, New Mexico to Gaza.”

For more information, check out the Bitter Oleander Press shop.

Books :: Coffee House Press Meets Emily Books

coffee house pressLast month, Coffee House Press announced their partnership with Brooklyn-based feminist publishing project, Emily Books (part bookstore/publisher/book club). Together, they’ve created a new imprint for “original books that speak to the aesthetic excellence, experimental boldness, and social concerns of both organizations.”

July 2016’s forthcoming Problems by Jade Sharma marks the first book coming from the imprint, with two new Emily Books titles to be published by Coffee House Press annually.

More information about the partnership and the individual presses can be found at the Coffee House Press website blog.

Books :: 2015 Sawtooth Prize

stereo island mosaic vincent toroStereo. Island. Mosaic. by Vincent Toro was published in February. Winner of the 2015 Sawtooth Prize from Ahsahta Press, selected by Ed Roberson, Toro received a $1,500 honorarium and publication.

Stereo. Island. Mosaic. is, according the author’s statement:

Both a reconstruction of personal history and an examination of Caribbean identity through the postmodern lens of a mosaic woven from Latin American mythology and history, themes of urban migration, Caribbean literature scholar Antonio Benitez-Rojo’s theory of The Repeating Island, and Aime Cesaire’s application of Negritude in his work “Notebook of a Return to the Native Land.”

This is Toro’s first book of poetry, and copies can be found at the Ahsahta Press website, along with the full author’s statement.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

writing disorder
The Writing Disorder Spring 2016 WAXenVINE Photography
The Beautiful Images of Scott Irvine & Kim Meinelt
WAXENVINE is the collective vision of husband and wife team Scott Irvine and Kim Meinelt. Their work centers around themes of light, shadow, texture and beauty. They are drawn to finding the unusual within the mundane and beauty in unexpected places. Their process often involves blending multiple images together – resulting in a haunting dreamscape that transcends reality and the singular image.

terrainTerrain.org: A Journal of the Built + Natural Environment features some stunning photography on its site that accompanies each written work. Header photo of goshawk in flight by Vladimir Hodac, courtesy Shutterstock.

Passages North 2015 Contest Winners

passages northPassages North #37 showcases the winners of their 2015 contests:

2015 Thomas Hrushka Memorial Nonfiction Prize
Judge: Steven Church
Winner: Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson, “On Nostalgia”

2015 Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize
Judge: Lynn Emanuel
Winner: Lindsay Means, “Antikythera”
Honorable Mention: K.T. Landon, “The Dead Go Bowling”

Included with the purchase of this issue is a separate book: The Deathmask of El Gaucho by Dan Mancilla, winner of the  Little Presque Books Novella Contest. Little Presque was founded and is run by former Passages North managing editor, Timston Johnston.

And an added bonus: two brand new flash nonfiction pieces by Ander Monson from his Letters to a Future Lover series are tucked in the journal, because, as Monsoon said, they were “written and designed to be read unbound and looseleaf, and tucked into books, as the reader desires.”

[Cover art by Evan Prout.]

MĀNOA A Pacific Journal of International Writing

manoaMĀNOA publishes two volumes a year of contemporary writing, often the first time in translation, from throughout Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas. Past volumes have featured new work from such places as the People’s Republic of China, Tibet, Nepal, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia, French Polynesia, the Pacific Islands, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, as well as Canada, Mexico, and South America. The two most recent issues of MĀNOA are Story Is a Vagabond: Fiction, Essays, and Drama by Intizar Husain and The Colors of Dawn: Twentieth Centruy Korean Poetry. Husain, considered one of the greatest writers in Urdu, passed away at the beginning of the year in Lahore, Pakistan. His volume published just early in 2015 provides a fitting tribute to his impact on the literature of his culture.

Books :: 2014 Cider Press Review Book Award

steel alison prineThe Cider Press Review Book Award annually offers a $1,500 prize, publication, and more to the author of a book-length poetry collection. In 2014, Alison Prine won with her collection Steel, which was released this past January.

Advanced praise called Steel “a work of memory and reverie. Both precise and transcendent . . .” (Laura Kasischke).  Readers can order a copy of Steel and check out an excerpt on the Cider Press Review website.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

weberI’m a sucker for rich, gorgeous, thick layers of color, and this cover image on Weber 32.1 absolutely satisfies. This “Untitled #1” is a mixed media by Ginger Wallace, whose work is also featured on a ten-page spread inside.
kenyon reviewKenyon Review Editor David H. Lynn tells readers, “Don’t be fooled by the playful beauty of our covers . . . the changes that have come to Kenyon Review over the past year are more than skin deep.” Indeed, while now managing their own electronic versions, writers will be pleased to know the publication has equalized its pay scale between online and print contributors. The cover by artist and illustrator Jon McNaught drew me in to read the rest.
still points quarterlyStill Points Arts Quarterly is the beautiful, lavish, journal of arts and literature published by Shanti Arts, which was founded in 2011 by Christine Brooks Cote to celebrate art, nature, and spirit. “Night Flight” by Charlotte Lees is featured on the front cover, while a portfolio of her sculptures is featured inside.

Books :: 2016 Miller Williams Poetry Prize

explicit lyrics andrew gentFor almost a quarter century, The University of Arkansas Press annually has awarded the $5,000 Miller Williams Poetry Prize. The prize and series, edited by Billy Collins, are named for and honor the cofounder and director of the press, Miller Williams.

At the beginning of March, the 2016 winner, [explicit lyrics] by Andrew Gent, was released: “As the title indicates, these poems are lyrics—musings on the small decisions required by existence in the modern world. They contain the grand themes of art—life, love, and mortality—but not where you expect.”
To buy a copy or to listen to a selection from [explicit lyrics], head over to the University of Arkansas Press website.

[quote from publisher’s website]

Wallace Meets Whitman

wallace stevens journalThe newest issue of The Wallace Stevens Journal (a publication of the Wallace Stevens Society) is themed: Wallace Stevens and Walt Whitman. Society Vice President Glen Macleod writes in his introductory essay: “When I first proposed an MLA roundtable discussion on Walt Whitman and Wallace Stevens, it seemed like a natural pairing. . . A panel on this topic might prompt some fresh perspectives on a well-established case of literary influence. The topic turned out to be more interesting and more controversial than I anticipated.”

Macleod introduces each of the following essays, excerpts of which can be read on the publication’s Project Muse page:

“A Prefatory Note on Whitman, Stevens, and the Poetics of Americana” by Tyler Hoffman
“Between Surface and Influence: Stevens, Whitman, and the Problem of Mediation” by Patrick Redding
“Whitman and Stevens: No Supreme Fiction” by Matt Miller
“Beach Boys: Stevens, Whitman, and Franco-American Modernism” by Lee M. Jenkins
“Whitman and Stevens: Certain Phenomena of Sound” by Roger Gilbert
And a questionnaire – in which Macleod and Journal Editor Bart Eeckhout ask Tony Sharpe of Lancaster University questions about Whitman and Stevens in the United Kingdom.

Books :: 2014 Madeleine P. Plonsker Prize

pike and bloom matthew nyeEach year, Lake Forest College awards its Madeleine P. Plonsker Emerging Writer’s Residency Prize to writers under forty with no major book publication. Winners spend three weeks in residence at the campus in Chicago’s northern suburbs. While there, writers spend their time completing a manuscript to be published by &NOW Books, an imprint of Lake Forest College Press.

Matthew Nye was the 2014 winner and his novel Pike and Bloom was published in February. An American odyssey in miniature, Pike and Bloom maps the trajectories of three characters—Pike, Bloom, and Bloom’s wife Clytie—as they spiral through “the serious blues of Indianapolis,” attempting to construct meaning from the absurd.

 Readers can learn more about Pike and Bloom at Northwestern University Press’s website.

Books :: 2015 Iowa Poetry Prize

playful song called beautiful john blairJohn Blair’s A Playful Song Called Beautiful, winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize in 2015, will be available for purchase next month.

A Playful Song Called Beautiful utilizes poems “that are either formally rhymed and metered or written in syllabically structured three-line stanzas,” poems that “are elegant and earthy, sometimes profane, and sometimes lovingly playful.”

While waiting for the collection’s April 2016 release, check out some samples via the University of Iowa Press website before preordering a copy. 

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Copper Nickel 22I simply couldn’t look away from Copper Nickel #22, even though I found it somewhat disconcerting. “Samy” by Christine Stormberg is an oil on canvas.
haydens ferry review“Borderlands” is the theme of Hayden’s Ferry Review Fall/Winter. Issue 57. “Borderlands are complex spaces filled with treacherous enthymemes, conflicting traditions, and a certain loneliness and search for identity,” writes Editor Chelsea Hickok in her introductory letter. The cover art (which extends to the back cover as well) by Bobby Neel Adams seems a fitting entryway to the borderlands within.
antioch reviewNow that Antioch Review has your attention… “Funny Bird Sex” by John R. Nelson is the opening essay that the issue takes as its subtitle as well as influencing the cover photo by Dennie Eagleson.

World Literature Today International Comics Feature

world literature todayGuest edited by Bill Kartalopoulos, “International Comics” is the theme of the March-April 2016 issue of World Literature Today. Editor for the Best American Comics series, Kartalopoulos also teaches comics history and the graphic novel at Parsons The New School for Design and the School of Visual Arts. Along with his introduction, the magazine features an interview with artist David B. (B. is short for Beauchard), “Baby Boom (excerpts)” comics by Yūichi Yokoyama, and essays “Casting Shadows: Anke Feuchtenberger’s Comics and Graphic Narration” by Elizabeth Nijdam, “Frémok: Comics Out-of-Bounds” by Erwin Dejasse, “International Comics: Five Groundbreaking Publishers,” “Six Comic Books For Further Reading,”  and “Ilan Manouach: Defamiliarizing Comics” all by Bill Kartalopoulos.

American Life in Poetry :: Thomas R. Smith

American Life in Poetry: Column 571

I suppose some of the newspapers which carry this column still employ young people to deliver the news, but carriers are now mostly adults. I had two paper routes when I was a boy and was pleased to find this reminiscence by Thomas R. Smith, a Wisconsin poet. His most recent book is The Glory, published by Red Dragonfly Press.

The Paper Boy

TRsmithMy route lassos the outskirts,
the reclusive, the elderly, the rural—
the poor who clan in their tarpaper
islands, the old ginseng hunter

Albert Harm, who strings the “crow’s
foot” to dry over his wood stove.
Shy eyes of fenced-in horses
follow me down the rutted dirt road.

At dusk, I pedal past white birches,
breathe the smoke of spring chimneys,
my heart working uphill toward someone
hungry for word from the world.

I am Mercury, bearing news, my wings
a single-speed maroon Schwinn bike.
I sear my bright path through the twilight
to the sick, the housebound, the lonely.

Messages delivered, wire basket empty,
I part the blue darkness toward supper,
confident I’ve earned this day’s appetite,
stronger knowing I’ll be needed tomorrow.

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2015 by Thomas R. Smith, “The Paper Boy,” from The Glory (Red Dragonfly Press, 2015). Poem reprinted by permission of Thomas R. Smith and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2015 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

Jimmy Santiago Baca Film & Fundraiser

jimmy bacaInspired by the same-named memoir, A Place to Stand is the story of Jimmy Santiago Baca’s transformation from a functionally illiterate convict to an award-winning poet, novelist and screenwriter. Told through extensive interviews with Jimmy, his family, friends and peers, A Place to Stand follows Jimmy’s path from Estancia, New Mexico – where he lived with his indigenous grandparents – through childhood abandonment, adolescent drug dealing and a subsequent 5-year narcotics sentence at Arizona State Prison in Florence, one of the most violent prisons in the country. Jimmy’s extraordinary life is both inspiring and haunting, simultaneously an indictment of our current criminal justice system and a model of the potential for human transformation.

The filmmakers are looking to extend the reach of the movie through an Indiegogo educational campaign to do the following:

  • Hold over 50 public screenings across the US (see the website for information on how you can host a screening).
  • Release the film digitally and on DVD for consumers.
  • Partner with an educational distributor to maximize our reach to schools.
  • Secure broadcast distribution (TV presentation) for the film.
  • Provide the film, curriculum, and workbook materials to over 100 schools, prisons, and organizations.
  • Partner with prison reform organizations to use the film as an activism and awareness-raising tool.

A number of the perks include educational materials to go along with the film as well as copies of the film, works by Baca, and more.

Lillian Li on Writing Characters of Color

lillian liIn her Glimmer Train Bulletin essay “Why Write Characters of Color?” UofM MFA candidate Lillian Li writes, “The question . . . is not rhetorical; it is not one a moderator asks to kick off a stale panel discussion. It is a real and urgent question, one of craft, of race, of character.”

Li discusses both the arbitrary and reasoned decisions writers make, from character names to plot points. She explains using a fire as a “placeholder” event for a story she’s writing. An arbitrary choice that, as her writing progressed, became more central to the story. But, to ignore the question of Why a fire? – “the event would have stood out, like a lump of flour unincorporated into the narrative gravy.” Li writes, “When American writers arbitrarily decide the race of their characters, and then ignore the question of race, they are courting the same conundrum, even if they phrase it a different way.”

Read the rest online in Glimmer Train Bulletin #110, which also includes essays by David Minzer and Christine Grace.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

southern humanities review v49 n2“Lubbock Woman” by Dirk Fowler takes the cover of Southern Humanities Review 49.2. Visually based on a waitress from Furr’s Cafeteria in Lubbuck, Texas, Fowler writes, “This image began its life in 2003 as a pretty crudely executed letterpress concert poster for the band Sugarpuss. I only made a few of them, but I liked the illustration and knew I wanted to explore it again at some point.”

cutbank84It’s a dog. Enough said. Margaret Darling is the artist for CutBank 84.

cimarron review winter2016Definitely an eye-catching slight of hand, Cimarron Review Winter 2016 features photography by Bradley Phillips, “Feather,” from the series Abolition of Man.

Books :: Black River Chapbook Competition

radio silence philip schaefer jeff whitneyPhilip Schaefer and Jeff Whitney’s collaborative Radio Silence was published by Black Lawrence Press last month. Winner of the 2014 Black River Chapbook Competition, Radio Silence utilizes “vivid and sometimes startling image and music” and “turns absence into sound.”

The second published collaboration between Schaefer and Whitney, Radio Silence is now available from the Black Lawrence Press website.

[quote from SPD]

American Life in Poetry :: Dorianne Laux

American Life in Poetry: Column 569

After my mother died, her best friend told me that they were so close that they could sit together in a room for an hour and neither felt she had to say a word. Here’s a fine poem by Dorianne Laux, about that kind of silence. Her most recent book is The Book of Men (W.W. Norton & Co., 2012) and she lives in North Carolina.

Enough Music

doriann lauxSometimes, when we’re on a long drive,
and we’ve talked enough and listened
to enough music and stopped twice,
once to eat, once to see the view,
we fall into this rhythm of silence.
It swings back and forth between us
like a rope over a lake.
Maybe it’s what we don’t say
that saves us.

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©1994 by Dorianne Laux, “Enough Music,” (What We Carry, BOA Editions, 1994). Poem reprinted by permission of Dorianne Laux and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2015 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

New Lit on the Block :: Cherry Tree

cherry tree 2Cherry Tree: A National Literary Journal is a new print annual of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction from Literary House Press at Washington College. While Washington College is a small liberal arts college that takes great pride in its undergraduate creative writing program, Founder and Editor Jehanne Dubrow realized the one thing it lacked (in comparison to peer institutions) was a national literary journal, a publication that provided the opportunity for undergrad students to participate actively in the wider literary world and the current conversations happening there. “Cherry Tree was a long time coming for us and we’re so glad to be here at last!”

As may seem obvious, the name Cherry Tree honors George Washington, but perhaps less well known, the editors share, is the fact that, “in 1782, Washington gifted ‘the College at Chester’ 50 guineas, consented to serve on its Board, and gave the educational institution permission to use his name. In the American imagination, George Washington is a figure who has come to represent both truth-telling and mythmaking. The famous story of the cherry tree—I can’t tell a lie, Pa; you know I can’t tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet.—reminds us that there is truth even in invention, that even apocrypha can convey the facts of life.”

Truth be told, Cherry Tree is extremely well-staffed for a start-up publication. Jehanne Dubrow is the author of five poetry collections, including most recently The Arranged Marriage (UNMP 2015). Her scholarly and teaching interests include creative writing, formal poetry, prosody, American Jewish literature, Holocaust studies, and the graphic novel. Managing Editor Lindsay Lusby, winner of the 2015 Fairy Tale Review Award in Poetry, is Assistant Director of the Rose O’Neill Literary House and Assistant Editor of the Literary House Press. Poetry & Creative Nonfiction Editor James is Associate Professor of English at Washington College, and Fiction Editor Kate Kostelnik earned her Ph.D in English from the University of Nebraska and her MFA from the University of Montana and now teaches at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

Cherry Tree also involves a staff of student screeners serving the first round of reading for all submissions during the open reading period. Selected works are moved up to Senior Readers, and then Fiction Editor, and Poetry & Creative Nonfiction Editor. Dubrow makes the final determination about which pieces will be published. Student screeners are all undergraduate students at Washington College (or very recent graduates) who have successfully completed the English Department’s Literary Editing & Publishing class.

Writers interested in submitting to the publication will appreciate the publication’s mission. According to the editors, “We are writers who value and publish well-crafted short stories, poems, and creative nonfiction essays that are not afraid to make us care. We want work that braves to be, that dares to be. We encourage well-informed work where the form understands its relationship with the content. We want pieces that seem wise, that are unafraid to confront topics that matter, and that speak with urgency, that beg for an ear to listen. We want to read vividly-drawn characters who challenge and enlarge our sympathy.”

Readers coming to Cherry Tree will find what the editors believe to be the best poems, short stories, and essays holding “the truth and lyricism of language above sentimentality and message-making” from both established and emerging writers. While readers may choose to “cherry-pick” pieces, the editors advocate reading a full issue from cover to cover, “because we always order the pieces in such a way as to create a sort of thematic story arc, making the reading experience more engrossing and meaningful.”

Previously published contributors include Rick Barot, Jericho Brown, Jennifer S. Cheng, Claudia Emerson, Vievee Francis, Anna Journey, Julie Kane, Roy Kesey, Matthew Lippman, Paul Lisicky, Matthew Olzmann, Emilia Phillips, sam sax, Bruce Snider, and Julie Marie Wade.

Cherry Tree opens for general submissions in the categories of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction from August 15 to October 15 each year via Submittable only.

Michigan Quarterly Review 2015 Literary Prizes

Hagy Alyson Ted Brummond$1000 Lawrence Foundation Prize 2015
Alyson Hagy [photo: Ted Brummond] has won the thirty-eighth Lawrence Foundation Prize, joining, among other authors, Charles Baxter, Paul Bowles, Susan Dodd, Clark Blaise, Sena Jeter Naslund, Rebecca Makkai, Alice Mattison, and Lynne Sharon Schwartz. The prize is awarded annually by the Editorial Board of MQR to the author of the best short story published that year in the journal. A mature, finely crafted story set in Yellowstone country, Hagy’s “Switchback” appeared in the Spring 2015 issue.

Raymond McDaniel$500 Laurence Goldstein Poetry Prize
Raymond McDaniel has won the 2015 Laurence Goldstein Poetry Prize, which is awarded annually to the author of the best poem or group of poems appearing that year in the MQR. His poem “Claire Lenoir,” appeared in the Fall 2015 issue. This year’s judge, Paisley Rekdal, writes: “The poem marvelously captures, in tone and form, the very essence of the uncanny: one of the poem’s central subjects. The poem renders the process through which we gain knowledge of ourselves and others both mysterious and terrifying at once, recalling for me Howard Baker’s plaintive question during the Watergate trials: What did you know, and when did you know it?”

katie hartsock$500 Page Davidson Clayton Prize for Emerging Poets
Katie Hartsock has won the 2015 Page Davidson Clayton Prize for Emerging Poets, which is awarded annually by the editors to the best poet appearing in MQR who has not yet published a book. Poetry Editor Keith Taylor writes about her poem “The Sister Karamazov,” which appeared in our Spring 2015 issue, “We were very impressed by this poet’s ability to enter one of the classics and to reimagine it, adding another emotional and metaphoric level to something that a lesser imagination might see as fixed and impenetrable.”

The New Guard Literary BANG! Online

lyall harris bangBANG! is a monthly author online showcase published by The New Guard. Three pieces in any combination of previously unpublished poetry shorts or fiction or nonfiction are featured online for a month. Submission period runs all year round with the next installment planned for April 4, 2016. The March 2016 BANG! author is Lyall Harris. Past authors have included Alexandra Oliver, Mike Heppner, Marc Mewshaw, Timothy Dyke, Marcia Popp, Quenton Baker, Joshua Graber, Charles Wyatt, Julio Duggan, Jonathan Segol, Lissa Kiernan, Roger Bonair-Agard, James Kimbrell, Bridget Boland, E.G. Cunningham, Melissa Goode, Mark Wagstaff, Carla Stern, Sarah Glass, Jennifer Amell, Zakia R. Khwaja, Julie Poitras Santos and Amy Nash.

Books :: 2016 Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry

book of hulga rita mae reeseRita Mae Reese’s The Book of Hulga, winner of the University of Wisconsin Press Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry, is to be published later this month. Selected by Denise Duhamel, Reese’s second poetry collection includes 9 black and white illustrations by Julie Franki and “speculates—with humor, tenderness, and a brutal precision—on a character that Flannery O’Connor envisioned but did not live long enough to write.”

To hear Reese reading a selection from The Book of Hulga, or to order a copy, visit the University of Wisconsin Press website.

[quote from book cover]

Editor-in-Chief Wanted Vine Leaves Literary Journal

vine leaves 2015Vine Leaves Literary Journal, featuring “the lost writing form of the vignette,” is accepting applications for Editor-in-Chief to manage the biannual print  and digital publication as well as develop a clear vision for its literary and financial stability. Qualifications include a creative self-starter with a minimum two years managerial and editorial experience; a voracious and diverse reader with extensive literary and design networks, excellent communications skills, and a relentless passion for supporting aspiring writers; ideally, an author yourself. This is a part-time, renewable, three-year contract, beginning late June 2016 reporting to Publisher Jessica Bell. This is a volunteer position until the Journal becomes profitable, when a reasonable salary will be negotiated. Applications close Friday, April 29, 2016 with Skype interviews late May/early June. Full posting here.

Arcadia on The New Chican@

ito romoArcadia 10.1 is themed “The New Chican@” with guest editor Ito Romo. The issue features short fiction by Luke Neftalí Villafranca, poetry by Octavio Quintanilla, fiction and nonfiction by Sarah Cortez, and a poem by Tim Z. Hernandezm, with original art from Vincent Valdez. Romo writes in his introduction, “I wanted to put together a group of artists who, with their art, be it visual or literary, tell a story honestly and beautifully – those were my only criteria. And so, I’ve chosen a group of Mexican American artists who have recreated for us, with images and words, the current strange and dark malaise of the invisible, of the forgotten.”

Rattle Feminist Poets Issue

rattle 51For Rattle #51, the editors put out the call for submissions from women poets with the same great uncertaintly every magazine risks when planning a themed issue or special feature. Rattle editors must have been pleased, as the issue features “a lengthy tribute to 31 feminist poets” selected from “the thousands of poems” submitted. Also included in the issue is a conversation with Maggie Nelson, author of The Argonauts. The feature explores the question, “What does it mean to be a feminist poet in the 21st century?” Rattle editors surmise: “There might be as many answers to that question as there are feminist poets—each of those featured provide their perspectives in an especially important contributor notes section.”

Featured poets: Lisa Baird, Michele Battiste, Roberta Beary, Heather Bell, Claire Blotter, Leila Chatti, Ann Clark, Barbara Crooker, Denise Duhamel & Maureen Seaton, Julie R. Enszer, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Beth Gylys, Kelsey Hagarman, Sandra Kohler, Amy Miller, Abby E. Murray, Jenny Qi, Jessy Randall, Laura Read, Lucinda Roy, Yaccaira Salvatierra, Amber Shockley, Robin Silbergleid, Julie Steiner, Lisa Summe, Katherine Barrett Swett, Kelly Grace Thomas, Amy Uyematsu, Julie Marie Wade, and Sara Watson.

Albeit Online Scholarly and Teaching Journal

albeitAlbeit is a free, online, MLA-indexed journal of scholarship and pedagogy that “strives to fill the academic space between scholarly journal articles and teaching documents.”

Co-founded by Tracy Bealer,  PhD in American literature with an emphasis on 20th century masculinity, and Natalie Leppard, PhD in American literature with an emphasis on 20th century terrorism, Albeit publishes scholarly articles and “practical documents” such as syllabi, lesson plans, and book reviews that can be used alongside an existing course, as a theme, or upon which to build a course. The articles and documents are meant to be accessible to professors and college students alike.

Published twice a year, previous issue themes include Horror (1.1), Failure (1.2), and Women on War (2.1). The current call for proposals is for issue 4.1: Black Lives Matter. Abstracts are due by August 1 with complete articles by October.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

main street ragThis week’s theme seems to be the color – something of a burnt umber – that draws my eye. Main Street Rag 21.1 features the photography and an accompanying interview with Tammy Ruggles. “Afternoon Leisure” is the cover photo.

saranac reviewSaranac Review 11 features cover and full color internal art by Canadian artists, Michael Dumontier and Neil Farber, formerly known as The Royal Art Lodge.

the ragThe Rag online monthly “focuses on grittier forms of contemporary short fiction,” with this issue featuring Alan Shapiro’s “Has and Have” with cover art by Matthew Laznicka.

Digital Forum: What is Well-Educated?

courtship windsThe inaugural issue of the revived Courtship of the Winds features a Digital Forum in which the editor asks five questions related to education reform, including “What does it mean to be well-educated?” and “Which educational systems in the U.S. or in other countries would you point to as a model for reform efforts here? What has made them successful?”

Editor William V. Ray engaged a variety of professionals in the conversation, and while based in Massachusetts, the topic is pertinent nation wide. Participants include: Rachael Avery Barton, Middle School History Teacher; Michael Capuano, U.S. Representative for Massachusetts’ 7th District; Kenneth Hawes, Senior Lecturer in Education, Wellesley College; Phillip James, History Department Coordinator, Lincoln-Sudbury R.H.S.; Véronique Latimer, High School Art Teacher; Arthur Unobskey, Assistant Superintendent, Gloucester Public Schools; Isa Zimmerman, Executive Director, Massachusetts Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

The Courtship of Winds publishes two online issues per year of poetry, fiction, short dramatic pieces, essays, photography, art, and short pieces of music.

Brevity January 2016 Craft Essays

Brevity online magazine of the “extremely brief essay form” also regularly features craft essays. Issue 51 (January 2016) offers a number of these to satisfy a variety of writers’ interests:

“Textures and Contrasts: Starting Points for Travel Writing” by Sheila Madary
“On Asking the Hard Questions” by Silas Hansen
“Becoming a Writer in Due Time” by Chelsey Drysdale
“On Keeping a (Writing) Notebook (or Three)” by Randon Billings Noble

Read these and the newest in brief nonfiction at Brevity.

Glimmer Train December 2015 Fiction Open Winners

With the first-place prize recently raised to $3000 (how fortunate for David!), Glimmer Train has selected the 2015 December Fiction Open winners. This competition is held twice a year and is open to all writers. Stories generally range from 3000-6000 words, though up to 24,000 is fine. The next Fiction Open will take place in March. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

David MiznerFirst place: David Mizner [pictured], of New York, NY, wins $3000 for “Your Swim.” His story will be published in Issue 99 or 100 of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Ezekiel N. Finkelstein, of New York, NY, wins $1000 for “Clayton and the Apocalypse – scenes from an earlier life” and publication in a future issue of Glimmer Train Stories.

Third place: Karen Malley, of Holyoke, MA, wins $600 for “Fragile.” Her story will also be published in a future issue of Glimmer Train Stories, increasing her prize to $700.

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching for the Short Story Award for New Writers: February 29

This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation over 5000. No theme restrictions. Most submissions to this category run 1500-5000 words, but can go up to 12,000. First place prize wins $2500 (just increased from $1500!) and publication in Glimmer Train Stories. Second/third: $500/$300 and consideration for publication. Click here for complete guidelines.

2016 American Indian Youth Literature Award Winners

richard 1The American Indian Library Association (AILA) has selected “Little You” (2013), published by Orca Book Publishers, written by Richard Van Camp [pictured] and illustrated by Julie Flett as the 2016 Best Picture Book; “In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse” (2015), published by Amulet Books and written by Joseph Marshall III as the 2016 Best Middle School Book, and “House of Purple Cedar” (2014) Cinco Puntos Press, written by Tim Tingle as the 2016 Best Young Adult Book.

The American Indian Youth Literature Awards are presented every two years. The awards were established as a way to identify and honor the very best writing and illustrations by and about American Indians. Books selected to receive the award will present American Indians in the fullness of their humanity in the present and past contexts. For a full list of Honor Books as well as a printable color brochure of the award winners, visit the AILA website.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

tishman review 2 1The Tishman Review quarterly is available online as a PDF, but it’s also wonderful to hold this full-size, 8.5 x 11 perfect bound print copy. The pages provide generous space for art and poetry, with prose cut to two columns for easier reading. The gorgeous cover art Of Skin and Earth by Stephen Linsteadt in just the invitation readers need to continue on inside.

new madrid 2016The theme for New Madrid Winter 2016  is “Evolving Islands” and features a selection of essays, poetry, and fiction in response to this theme. The cover art is courtesy of NASA, “Eluthera Island, Bahamas, 2002.”

creative nonfictionIn keeping with Creative Nonfiction‘s theme “Let’s Talk About the Weather,” this cover image comes from artist and designer Mark Nystrom‘s “wind drawings” series. Driven by the weather, this series is a drawing process Nystrom developed using weather instruments and custom electronics that collect wind data that is then digitally interpreted. Nystrom’s images accompany each essay in this issue of CNF.

Verse Dedicated to the Portfolio

verseSince 2009, Verse has been dedicated to publishing a collection of works from each selected contributor. Readers who enjoy spending more time with one author will appreciate this format; the most recent issue offers nearly 450 pages to only 14 portfolios by Natalie Eilbert, Sandra Simonds, Timothy Liu, Eric Pankey, Karla Kelsey, Leonard Schwartz, Kate Colby, John High, Kathryn Cowles, Douglas Piccinnini, Laressa Dickey, B.J. Soloy, Aleah Sterman Goldin, and Kevin Varrone. Verse is housed in the English Department at the University of Richmond, with Faculty Editor Brian Henry’s ENG 393 students involved in the editorial process.