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China’s Internet Literature

chinese-literature-todayChina’s Internet Literature: From “Live-Scene” Poetry to Million-Character Narratives is the special feature in the newest issue of Chinese Literature Today. Editor Jonathan Stalling writes: “While the Internet has radically changed communication in the modern world, one could argue that China’s 289 million online readers are making China the epicenter of the global literary transformation. CLT now delves into this rapidly expanding literary space through the work of leading scholars in the field. Heather Inwood explores how the democratization of publishing poetry online – challenging, or even passing the traditional gatekeepers – has affected, and in some cases, improved the overall quality of poetry in China. Haiqing Yu reveals how short Internet spoof videos called e’gao parody a variety of cultural subjects, from blockbuster films to pop stars, to more serious public figures, leading many to assert that e’gao videos have become an important new form of social engagement. Angie Chau offers readers a front-row seat at the intersection of public intellectual discourse and Internet fame in the case of Internet literature phenomenon Han Han.”

Babies Need Words Every Day

Play2The Association for Library Services to Children has launched the new campaign Babies Need Words Every Day: Talk, Read, Sing, Play as an effort to bridge what is now being called the 30 Million Word Gap. A study conducted by Stanford University Researchers found that by age 3, there is a 30 million word gap between children from the poorest families compared to children from the wealthiest families.

The ALSC campaign has created downloadable resources that provide ways adults can help build children’s literacy skills. There are eight posters available for free download, in English and in Spanish. Print and share with parents of infant children, post in areas where parents gather or spend time – provide copies for your family doctor, local clinic, school – or just post around your neighborhood!

New Lit on the Block :: The Wild Ones

wild-onesMorgan Laidlaw and Zan Giese are the editorial force behind the newly launched biannual PDF The Wild Ones: A Queer Literary Magazine. Publishing stories, essays, and poetry written by LGBTQ+ writers, for LGBTQ+ writers, that “depict life and the world as we see and experience it,” The Wild Ones means to create a space for queer authors.

“There are so many outlets that reinforce hetero-normative culture,” Morgan tells NewPages, “and we need more works and publications that cater to us as queers. Most people can name at least one gay magazine or one queer author who has been published in a major magazine. But magazines like ours? Where they are just queer magazines? Space is what we are all looking for. Space to fit in. Space to exist and space to create. There are gaps where queer people don’t quite fit into mainstream expectations and some queers who still don’t fit at all. It’s not that what’s already out there isn’t good enough, it’s that there isn’t enough. Period.”

Morgan and Zan combined this motivation with inspiration to create the magazine’s title. “The name is a hat-tip to Oscar Wilde,” Morgan explains, “but also to Where the Wild Things Are and Maurice Sendak and Thorton Wilder. It’s also a reference to the kinds of stories we’re looking for: wild stories that don’t conform to stereotype or convention.”

Their first issue is a reflection of this mission, featuring an amazing science fiction short story from B.R. Sanders and hard-hitting poetry from contributors like Mark Ward, Sea Sharp, and Alaina Symanovich. “Right now,” Morgan says, “we’re trying to establish ourselves as a source for high-quality literary work through our journal and cultural criticism through our website. In the future, we’d love to publish quarterly, and move into other publishing venues as well.”

The Wild Ones accepts submissions via their online form and welcomes pitches sent e-mail. The editors are also looking to grow their writing staff. If anyone is interested in writing for The Wild Ones website, send an email with a writing sample.

Eminence Domains

straddler-fall-2015Eminent domain is the theme of the fall 2015 online issue of The Straddler – or rather “Eminence Domains,” as the editor’s note reads, opening the interpretation of the legal definition to the more creative. Content includes some truly intriguing articles and interviews:

“City with Walls: Another Look at Manhattan’s Luxury Towers” by Elizabeth Murphy, with photographs by James Wrona

“The Cost of Landscape: Looking Back at Some of Southern California’s Lawns” by Alison Kozberg

“For Whom and For What? The Birth of the Republican Party and the Makings of Modern America” in conversation with Heather Cox Richardson

“Gentrification of the Queer Bedroom” by Mathew Rodriguez

“Notes on the New Suburbs and the New City” in conversation with Kazys Varnelis

“Obstructing Innovation: The Case Against Patents and Copyrights” in conversation with Dean Baker

“Money over Everything: Charting Hip-Hop’s Cash Flow” by Marty Brown

Poetry :: Comfort Food

by Jessica de Koninck

This noon I give thanks for fried fish
for macaroni and cheese
for dill rolls
for sweet potato pie
for this carbohydrate festival
the hair-netted ladies cooked
to get me through the afternoon
. . .

Read the rest on Apple Valley Review online journal of comtemporary literature.

Subprimal Poetry Music Accompaniment

issue4.coverSubprimal Poetry Art features audio components for many pieces in each online issue; audio that features the author reading with music accompaniment. Founding Editor Victor David Sandiego explains the basic process for this in his editor’s note, issue #4: “. . . we loop the author’s reading until a musical inspiration arrives. We work with the author’s cadence, pitch and rhythm to find the pitch and instruments to complement their delivery. The goal is to add the voices of various instruments to the author’s voice in order to bring another dimension to the words.” Simply adding “background music” can result in distraction rather than enhancement, but after listening to a number of these, I found each indeed unique and effectively sybmiotic. Sandiego himself is a musician who plays in music/poetry collaborations, bringing the form to a level of art.

Sing About Pain and Life

sukoon-05Sukoon is an Arab-themed, English language, online literary magazine reflecting the diversity and richness of the Arab world. In her editor’s note in the most recent issue, Rewa Zeinati writes:

Has anything changed in the Arab world since the last issue of Sukoon? Yes. Things have changed. They’ve become more horrific, more complicated. Mind numbing. More and more people from all faiths have been forced from their homes, displaced; more beheadings and destruction and ruin. A new war is switched on. And the most important one of all, shelved. Postponed. Forgotten.

But this issue is not about war, or shelves, or forgetfulness. This issue, like every issue is about finding the beauty and showing it. Finding the love and singing it. Which is why I decided a beautiful art piece by Palestinian artist Ali Shawwa, of Umm Kulthum, the world’s most famous Egyptian singer, works best as a cover page. To indicate and remind us of song, because how else do we survive, through wars and shelves and forgetfulness? To sing about love and loss, but to sing about love. To sing about pain and life, but to sing about life. To simply sing. And sing and sing, as poetry and story and art. Through slaying and insanity and devastation And to continue singing, long after the lights go out and the guns disappear.

WriteGirl Writing Guide & Anthology

writegirlLocated in Los Angeles, WriteGirl is a one-on-one mentoring and monthly creative writing workshop model for girls 13-18 years old. Started in 2001, WriteGirl has grown to become a recognized, and highly awarded, mentoring model for its efforts to promote creativity, critical thinking, and leadership skills to empower teen girls.

WriteGirl has published a dozen anthologies of writing from young girls and women of the WriteGirl project, as well as Pens On Fire: Creative Writing Guide for Teachers & Youth Leaders. Their most recent collection, Emotional Map of Los Angeles features the creative voices of 190 women and girls as well as writing tips, advice and inspirational prompts from the WriteGirl community.

For anyone who is interested in working with teens and writing, especially at-risk youth, WriteGirl provides a excellent model to follow and publications to inspire and guide.

Talking Writing Explores YA

gene-luen-yangThe newest issue of Talking Writing is themed “Why YA?” Online content is added throughout the magazines publishing cycle, and currently features the theme essays “A Golden Age for Young Adult Books” by Stephen Roxburgh and “How Hollywood Screws Up YA Books” by John Michael Bell, an interview with graphic novelist Gene Luen Yang, and “The YA Conspiracy – And How I Grew Up: Or How I Became a Born-Again Reader,” a column by David Biddle.

Teachers! Print the Online Lit Mag & Chapbook

artcardLike most Englishy folk, I love to read in print. But I also love the ease and accessibility of reading online lit mags. The 2River View is a good example of how these two worlds can meet. They offer all content online, both their lit mag issues and their chapbooks, but they also have free press-ready PDF downloads of these. This is great for both personal use, but as a teacher, I’m always on the lookout for free resources to use with students. Here’s both a great free poetry lit mag and a full backlist of poetry chapbooks to use in the classroom. And then there’s the poetry/art cards (Kip Knott, 2009 pictured). Gorgeous. And did I mention the audio of poets reading their works? Really, if you teach and want to get students hooked on poetry, I can’t imagine a better resource.

Mitchell Thomashow on Environmental Learning

mitchell-thomashowFrom “Environmental Learning in the Anthropocene” by Robert Thomashow:

Forty-five years have passed since the first publication of the Whole Earth Catalog. How shall we conceive of environmental learning all these years later? And how can we build on some of the important concepts from the first phase of environmental studies—place-based learning, bioregionalism, wilderness conservation, ecological restoration, natural history education, environmental justice, ecological economics, global environmental governance—while we confront the Anthropocene reality?

I’ve been considering six dynamic challenges that must be incorporated, internalized, and activated to expand environmental learning:

The urban planet
A cosmopolitan culture
Ecological equity and social justice
The proliferation of information networks
Virtual natural history
Synthetic biology

These are by no means inclusive categories. There are countless ways to think about environmental learning in the Anthropocene. In my view, environmental studies is necessarily adaptive and the conditions that inform its structure are always in flux. Let’s launch the conversation.

Read the rest on Terrain.org.

National Day on Writing

national-day-on-writingTuesday, October 20, 2015 is the seventh annual National Council of Teachers of English National Day on Writing. The day has been organized annually since 2009 “to draw attention to the remarkable variety of writing Americans engage in and to help make writers from all walks of life aware of their craft.” The day was officially recognized by Senate resolution in 2009. Read, Write, Think offers a variety of resources for teachers to celebrate this day with students, noting “It’s important for everyone to share their knowledge about writing, organize participating groups in our schools and/or communities, and transform the public’s understanding of writing and the role it plays in society today.”

“Not Your Mother’s Alice”

falling-for-aliceI just coulnd’t pass this one up!  “From ​the modern Alice dumped in the Aquarian ​Age of the late sixties, to the ​present day Alice, tormented by body image and emotional issues, to the Alice of the future, launched forward through time and space, FALLING FOR ALICE offers five fresh takes on ​Lewis​ Carroll’s classic tale. For 150 years, people all over the world have fallen under Alice in Wonderland’s spell. ​Now, follow five Young Adult authors (Dawn Dalton, Shari Green, Denise Jaden, Kitty Keswick, Cady Vance) down the rabbit hole to discover Alice like you’ve never seen her before. One thing is certain—this is not your mother’s Alice.” Vine Leave Press

Pam Brown “On Writing”

PB by A.J.CarruthersPam Brown: “I find in writing a poem that it’s ‘difficult’ to get it right – to have it look, sound & read as I intend. I can spend ages adjusting punctuation & spacing & lineation. Also on keeping things clear. Sometimes having my fragments connect to my meanings is really a challenge. I live in my own private metonymy. I guess, with indirectness, which is how some of my poetry can operate, that good old representation is a kind of solution. I’m not a formalist. I don’t work within particular poetic forms. I’ve tried various forms and they usually fail to conform. I do think that it’s difficult to have formal poems retain a procedure & avoid seeming contrived & tight. I like content to work easily without being obstructed by the form. I don’t want that kind of structural difficulty.” Read the rest: Ottawa Poetry Newsletter “On Writing #73.”

NOR Sci Fi Style

new-orleans-reviewScience Fiction is the theme of the newest issue of New Orleans Review. Editor Timothy Welsh opens the issue by asking “Why do we enjoy science fiction?” Then explores an answer: “Perhaps it is not the fantastic at all. Perhaps it is instead how science fiction is always in some way about the present. It is an exaggeration, a recontextualization, a defamiliarization. Science fiction takes some aspect of life in the present and blows it out to its logical extremes to see where things breakdown. The best science fiction gives us ways to think about our actual lived circumstances, unencumbered by material reality and with the perspective gained by getting a little bit of distance.”

Welsh considers, though, that in our age of exponential advancements in science and technology, it becomes more challenging to see any great “distance.” He then asks, “What distance is there to take as the stuff of science fiction rapidly becomes the stuff of our everyday?” That is the challenge faced by the contributors to this issue, and as Welsh notes, “though they take and use the tools of the genre, the alternative worlds they imagine do not seem so far off. . . . Perhaps we will find they are closer to home than we expect.”

Contributors to this special issue include Sara Batkie, C. Wade Bentley, Scott Brennan, Gerry Canavan, Sarah Crossland, Michael George, Taylor Gorman, Jeremy Allan Hawkins, Daryl Jones, Greg Keeler, Paige Lewis, Michael Marberry, James Maynard, Lincoln Michel, Danielle Mitchell, Lo Kwa Mei-En, Emil Ostrovski, Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers, John Paul Rollert, Bethany Schultz Hurst, Adrian Van Young, and Lesley Wheeler.

BOA Editions Celebrating 40 Years

boa-40-annivesrary-logoIn 2016, BOA Editions, Ltd. will celebrate their 40th anniversary. Founded in 1976 by A. Poulin, Jr., BOA has published more than 300 titles, releasing 10-12 new works each year. To celebrate their anniversary, the press will be introducing a newly designed website with a fully-integrated online bookstore and interactive author events page. The enhanced website will also include a year-long social media campaign using the hashtag #BOATurns40 for readers and writers to share their “ideal reading and/or writing experience,” with video content of BOA authors giving their answers. BOA has lots in store for AWP 2016 as well, from giveaways to an onsite reading.

With the help of the Lannan Foundation, BOA has kicked off a yearlong Major Gifts Campaign called “40 for 40” with a goal to raise a total of $80,000 for BOA’s celebration and future. To learn more about the 40 for 40 campaign, head over to the BOA blog.

Stay tuned for additional BOA annivesary events and activities to be announced in 2016.

Addressing Mental Health through Literature

open-minds-quarterlyI love Open Minds Quarterly magazine. Subtitled, “The poetry and literature of mental health recovery,” I once used this publication in a composition course I taught themed “Understanding Disability.” Not surprisingly, I was met with a great deal of ‘unknowing’ in that class as well as resistance (both reasons for teaching it). Students who used the word “crazy” soon stopped themselves and others from doing so, exploring what the word means in our society. Students who felt that people with depression should “just get over it” came to a more empathetic understanding of the complexities of this mental health issue. Open Minds Quarterly was one of the publications assigned in that class to help students learn, understand, and connect.

Editor Dinah Laprairie’s Welcome in the most recent issue brought back those teaching memories. She writes about attending several festivals where she staffed tables to promote the publication, noting the responses from people who stopped by. “What is memorable,” she writes of these encounters, “is the people who, unexpectedly, in picking up the magazine, get turned inside out by what they see.

Some go quiet and we see their breathing change, deepen. Something they read resonates, and we see something moving beneath their skin that yearns to come out. They read the magazine silently, and avoid eye contact with us.

Others are curious, pick up a copy, but once they glance at the content they drop it like it’s hot, and quickly make their escape with straight backs and pursed lips, like they don’t want to acknowledge they are eing chased by something.

Women will often return to the table supported by a friend, to look more closely. They whisper to each other.

And then there are those who are so relieved to find a magazine such as this that they make the confession they have been hiding, sometimes for years.

‘My brother, he’s bipolar.’

‘My friend, she’s had difficulties.’

‘My son –‘


‘Me, too.’

It is an honour to witness these admissions. Something in what we do, in what our contributors have shared, has made it okay for someone to speak up about an unspeakable subject. Yes, the stigma of mental illness is slowly diminishing, but people are still afraid to broach the subject, to shine light on the dark places we’d rather leave dark.”

Open Minds Quarterly definitely does not leave places dark, this newest issue featuring writing of a woman who meets her birth father for the first time – finding him homeless with signs of schizophrenia, another piece by a mother who undergoes electro-shock therapy, and poems wth titles like, “Aunt Dementia” (Jacqualine A. Hart), “Pain Scale” (E.V. Noechel), “Insomnia” (Maureen Comerford), “My On and Off Schizophrenic Friend” (Cecilia Tolley), “Suicide” (Maranda Russell), and “Freedom is not in the DSM” (Samantha Burton).

“More and more people are speaking up,” writes Laprairie. “It takes a multitude of small efforts to open the conversation, but at some point the doors – the formal front doors and the everyday back doors – will be flung wide open.”

Open Minds Quarterly opens those doors and invites both writers and readers to enter and exit freely.

Ghazals for James Foley

foleyAmerican journalist and poet James Foley disappeared in November 2012 in Syria. He was beheaded in 2014, an act captured on a video released by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). He was the first American citizen known to be killed by ISIL.

Hinchas Press (the publishing arm of Hinchas de Poesia online literary magazine) is publishing a tribute to Robert Foley in Ghazals for Foley, a collection curated by Argentine-American poet Yago S. Cura, a personal friend of Foley.

Sliver of Stone online literary magazine has published a selection of these ghazals here.

New Letters on the Air

navaAdding to their print publication of outstanding writing, New Letters on the Air 30-minute literary program was started in 1977 by David Ray and his wife Judy. Touted as “the longest continuously-running broadcase of a national literary radio series,” the 1,200+ programs that make up the archives feature some of the most globally prominent writers reading from and talking about their work. Changing hands to Rebekah Presson for a period of time, Angela Elam has been hosting the program now since 1996. Some most recent programs feature Michael Nava [pictured], Marjorie Agosín, Junot Díaz, Nikki Giovanni, Dave Smith, and Martha Serpas.

Programs can be heard live for those in the Kansas City area, broadcast on KCUR 89.3 FM on Sunday mornings from 6:00 to 6:30. Broadcasts are then available for online streaming in the New Letters on the Air audio archives. Thanks to a Save America’s Treasures grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Park Service, all past programs – going all the way back to 1977 – are available on the website. Individual programs can be purchased as CDs or in MP3 format.

Books :: Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize

translation-matthew-minicucciMatthew Minicucci’s Translation was published in August 2015, winner of the 2014 Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize from Kent State University Press. The Poetry Prize is awarded to a poet who has not previously published a full-length collection of poems.

Translation is the 21st book to be released through the Wick Poetry First Book Series and was chosen by Jane Hirschfield who calls Minicucci’s poems “accurate and deftly navigable vessels of inner life.”

More information about Translation can be found on the Kent State University website.

Copper Nickel Launches New Prize

copper-nickelBeginning with issue 20, Copper Nickel is now offering two $500 Editors’ Prizes – one in poetry, one in prose – for the “most exciting work in each issue, as determined by a vote of [their] editorial staff.” You have to love the guidelines, which I find refreshing in this day and age of data, rubrics, and assessment. It’s nice to know that the abstract, subjective, and aesthetic have not been completely snuffed out when it comes to artistic appreciation of intelligent literary craft. Issue 21 announces the first winners (from #20) were Michelle Okaes for her poems “Bionics” and “How to Live” and Donovan Ortega for his essay “In a Large Coastal City.” Speaking of aesthetic appreciation, can we talk about that cover? (By Mark Mothersbaugh – “Untitled,” ink on paper, 2013)

Science Poetry

rattleA great connection with STEM, the Fall 2015 issue of Rattle (#49) called for submission from poets working in the sciences. The editors wanted to explore the relationship between science and poetry through poetry. How does rigorous investigation influence the poetry? Is verse an escape from, or an extension of, the day job? The editors received over 1,000 submissions and from that selected poetry from twenty scientist to answer their questions. Also included is a conversation with Alaskan fisheries scientist Peter Munro and 19 poets from non-scientific backgrounds in the open section.

Books :: Ernest Sandeen Prize in Poetry

underdays-martin-ottThe Ernest Sandeen Prize in Poetry is sponsored by the Creative Writing Program at University of Notre Dame in conjunction with The University of Notre Dame Press. Awarded to authors who have published at least one volume of poetry, winners receive publication and a prize of $1000 dollars.

The 2015 winner was published last month: Underdays by Martin Ott.

From the publisher’s website: “Underdays is a dialogue of opposing forces: life/death, love/war, the personal/the political. Ott combines global concerns with personal ones, in conversation between poems or within them, to find meaning in his search for what drives us to love and hate each other.”

Ott’s work can be found in The Antioch Review, The Café Review, and Epoch, just to name a few.

To learn more about Underdays, check out the University of Notre Dame Press’s website.

Broadsided Seeks Syrian Submissions

JaniceRedman-BuoyancySeriesThe editors at Broadsided Press continually act on their belief that art and literature belong in our daily lives and that they inspire and demonstrate the vitality and depth of our connection with the world. Their latest effort is no exception to this. They write, “We have watched the news and images of people fleeing, in a large part, war in Syria (the Syrian Civil War)—nearly four million individuals—and the complicated reception of those refugees globally.”

Acting on this event, the editors hope to help writers and artists collaborate to create action outreach. “Five Broadsided Press artists have provided images they’ve created that, for them, speak to the Syrian refugees in a wide sense. We also reached out to artists abroad, and the Syrian artist Moustafa Jacoub offered one of his pieces. We now ask you to respond with words.” [Pictured: Janice Redman, “Buoyancy Study”]

If your piece is chosen, the editors will have a short question or two to ask you about your process and will ask for a photo of your collaboration up in your community. The broadsides will also be available for others to download and post in their communities as well.

The images and specific guidelines for submission can be found on the Broadsided website here. Deadline for submission is October 25, 2015.

Pittsburgh Poetry Houses

sarah-jeff-boyleIt was only a matter of time before the Little Library idea got hijacked and starting showing up as other cool community Little House outreach. Three Pittsburgh poets, Sarah B. and Jeffrey Boyle [pictured] of Flashbang! Writing Studio and Tess Wilson, received funding from Awesome Pittsburgh to get the Pittsburgh Poetry Houses started.

The concept is simple: tiny wooden houses will be placed around town; inside will be four poems, each on its own postcard – poem on one side, artwork on the other. The poems will feature one local and one national student poet and one local and one national adult poet. Every two weeks, a new set of four poem postcards will be placed in the Poetry Houses. An archive of poems will be housed on the PPH website, and print collections (bound by a big rubberband) will be available for purchase as Summer and Winter volumes.

The current editors are also looking for readers to join their team, actively searching for “readers who are not: cis, straight, white.” Readers don’t have to live in Pittsburgh, and they should be willing to volunteer about an hour a week to the effort.

Submissions for poetry are currently being accepted, with previously published works considered. See the PPH website for full details.

This seems like another great way to share the love of poetry and reading that I hope will be as equally inspriational as the free libraries!

Ramifications of War

bellevue-literary-reviewBellevue Literary Review “a journal of humanity and human experience” published by the NYU Longone Medical Center takes on challenging issues with each publication, some specifically themed, as is the most recent issue: “Embattled: The Ramifications of War.”

Fiction Editor Suzanne McConnell writes in the Foreword: “War stories are not only the stories of soldiers and combat, although these are plentiful. Our intention with this issue of the Bellevue Literary Review is to encompass work about a broad spectrum of people affected by war in a myriad of ways, in many places and times. Together, we hope they afford some sense of overview and invite thoughtful considerations of war, and especially – as the title of our theme suggests – its ramifications. … The history of war may be largely written by the victors, but the ramifications of war know no such bounds.”

Read more about the authors and works included here.

Glimmer Train 2015 Very Short Fiction Award Winners

PoissantGlimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their Very Short Fiction Award. This competition is held annually and is open to all writers for stories with a word count under 3000. The next Very Short Fiction competition will take place in July. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: David James Poissant [pictured], of Oviedo, FL, wins $1500 for “Tornado.” His story will be published in Issue 98 of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Adam O’Fallon Price, of Iowa City, IA, wins $500 for “Our Celebrity.”

Third place: Mary Kuryla, of Topanga, CA, wins $300 for “Not in Nottingham.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline coming up! Family Matters: September 30
Glimmer Train hosts this competition twice a year. It’s open to all writers for stories about families of any configuration. Most submissions to this category run 1200-5000 words, but can go up to 12,000. Click here for complete guidelines.

American Life in Poetry :: Michael McFee

American Life in Poetry: Column 548

This may be the only poem ever written in which a person claps the mud from a pair of shoes! Michael McFee’s poetry is just that original, in all of his books. His most recent is That Was Oasis (Carnegie Mellon Univ. Press, 2012), and he lives in North Carolina.


He stood on his stoop
and clapped her sneakers together
hard, a sharp report,
smacking right sole against left,
trying to shock the mud
from each complicated tread,
spanking those expensive footprints
until clay flakes and plugs
ticked onto the boxwood’s leaves
like a light filthy sleet
from the rubber craters and crannies
where they stuck weeks ago,
until her shoes were banged clean
though that didn’t stop
his stiff-armed slow-motion applause
with her feet’s emptied gloves,
slapping mate against mate
without missing a beat,
half-wishing that hollow sound
echoing off their neighbors’ houses
could call her back.

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2010 by Michael McFee, “Ovation,” (River Styx 83, 2010). Poem reprinted by permission of Michael McFee and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2015 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

Books :: Philip Levine Prize in Poetry

rough-knowledge-christine-porebaLook forward to Christine Poreba’s Rough Knowledge, winner of the 2014 Philip Levine Prize in Poetry, currently scheduled to be published by Anhinga Press at the beginning of 2016. Rough Knowledge is Poreba’s first book and was chosen from nearly 700 manuscripts by Peter Everwine.

Everwine says of his selection:

[Poreba] has an eye for exact particulars and doesn’t stray from them, but her poems are so transparent, so quiet and intimate with the daily ambiguities and revelations of experience, that if you listen carefully you can almost believe the movement within her poems is like breathing: inward-containment, outward-space. I want such poetry close at hand.

To learn more about Rough Knowledge, check out Fresno State University’s website.

The MacGuffin Poetry Prize Winners

macguffin-v31-n3-summer-2015The MacGuffin has announced the winners of their Poetry Prize, which was sponsored at the Detroit Working Writer’s Conference this spring.

1st place goes to Kim Geralds for “Each In Her Own Time”

2nd place goes to Melissa “Liza” Young for “’Dreamt’ is the only English word that ends in ‘mt”

3rd place goes to Linda Nemec Foster for “Blue”

Foster’s poetry can be found in the Summer 2015 issue of The MacGuffin. To read the winning pieces, stay tuned for the Winter 2016 edition.

The Kenyon Review :: Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers

kenyon-review-v37-n5-september-october-2015In the September/October issue of The Kenyon Review, find the winners of the 2015 Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers.

The Poetry Prize is in its 12th year and “recognizes an outstanding single poem by a high school sophomore or junior.”

1st place goes to Caitlin Chan for her poem “Tlingit Farewell: Glacier Bay, 1966.”

The two runners-up are Gavin Murtha for his poem “I Spent a Lot of Time in There” and Emily Zhang for her poem “Story for the Salt.”

These three pieces, as well as past winners, can be read in full on The Kenyon Review website. The contest opens again at the beginning of November 2015.

A New Look for Still Point Arts Quarterly

still-point-arts-quarterly-i19-fall-2015Still Point Arts Quarterly has released its first issue since it absorbed Stone Voices. With the new publication comes a new look (a brighter, more eye-catching cover), and plans to focus on “art, nature, and spirit” while connecting these themes to make a cohesive, enjoyable read. Regular readers will be comforted to know that columnists Peter Azrak, Vincent Louis Carrella, and Leslie Ihde, will continue to write for this version of the Quarterly.

This issue includes samples from Still Point Art Gallery’s current exhibition Rectangles, Triangles, Circles: The Shape of Life and includes more art than ever.

Grab a print copy or a digital subscription at the Still Point website.

Twitter Poetics

francesco levatoLast month, Francesco Levato, a new media artist, poet, and director of The Chicago School of Poetics, started #pxc001 to create a collaborative, long-form poem using Twitter as the interactive platform for writers. Although Levato started the work and appears occassionaly throughout thusfar, the poem is driven by its participants, with some using previous entries to build continuing lines. The Poem Twitter Wrote by Emiko Jazuka on VICE Motherboard explains the project.

Books :: Orison Poetry Prize

requiem-for-used-ignition-cap-j-scott-brownleeHalfway through November, Orison Books will release J. Scott Brownlee’s debut full-length poetry collection Requiem for Used Ignition Cap, winner of the 2015 Orison Poetry Prize.

From the editors: The poems in this collection explore the rural landscape and residents of Brownlee’s native Llano, Texas. Brownlee might be considered a natural mystic, refusing to settle for the simplistic ideological framewo0rk offered by his religious heritage, but rather finding in the particulars of place the vehicles of transcendence.”

Brownlee has been awarded $1,500, along with publication. His poems have appeared in The Kenyon Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, West Branch, and more.

Find out more at Orison Books’s website.

World Literature Today :: Bodies in Literature

world-literature-today-september-october-2015World Literature Today features “Bodies in Literature” for their September-October 2015 issue. The cover art is aptly chosen, and here’s what the editors have to say about their choice:

In a year marked by protracted conflicts over bodies—women’s bodies, black bodies, immigrant/refugee bodies, and even the body politic—we hoped to capture that zeitgeist in this issue’s marquee section “Bodies in Literature,” by featuring an original cover illustration from tattoo artist Rawb Carter, modeled by Synthia Haddad, and photographed by Shevaun Williams.

The 15-page “Bodies in Literature” features work by Laura Ruiz Montes, Yin Lichuan, Najwa Ali, Zsuzsa Takács, Joshua Bennett, Nausheen Eusuf, Jim Pascual Agustin, Zsolt Láng, and Lorenza Ronzano and has been curated by Sara Wilson who also pens an introduction to the section.

2015 Poetry Magazine Prizes Announced

Poetry magazine awards eight annual prizes for the best work published in Poetry during the past 12 months.

THE LEVINSON PRIZE $500 awarded to Rae Armantrout for her poems “The Difficulty,” “The Ether,” “Followers,” and “Taking Place” from the January 2015 issue.

THE BESS HOKIN PRIZE $1,000 awarded to Terrance Hayes for “How to Draw a Perfect Circle,” published in the December 2014 issue.

THE FREDERICK BOCK PRIZE $500 awarded to Tarfia Faizullah for “100 Bells” in the January 2015 issue.

THE J. HOWARD AND BARBARA M.J. WOOD PRIZE $5,000 awarded to Jillian Weise for her poems “Future Biometrics” and “Biohack Manifesto” in the March 2015 issue.

THE JOHN FREDERICK NIMS MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR TRANSLATION $500 awarded to Ming Di and Jennifer Stern for their translations of Liu Xia’s poems “Empty Chairs” and “Transformed Creatures” in the November 2014 issue.

THE FRIENDS OF LITERATURE PRIZE $500 awarded to Amy Newman for her poem “Howl” in the July/August 2015 issue.

THE EDITORS PRIZE FOR FEATURE ARTICLE $1,000 awarded to Jenny Zhang for her essay “How It Feels” in the July/August 2015 issue.

THE EDITORS PRIZE FOR REVIEWING $1,000 awarded to Maya Catherine Popa for “Forever Writing from Ireland,” her review of The Architect’s Dream of Winter by Billy Ramsell, This Is Yarrow by Tara Bergin, Scapegoat by Alan Gillis, and Clasp by Doireann Ní Ghríofa in the September 2015 issue.

The prizes are organized and administered by the Poetry Foundation in Chicago, publisher of Poetry magazine. Read these winning entries and browse all past issues of Poetry magazine since 1912 online.

American Life in Poetry :: Robert King

American Life in Poetry: Column 546

They say that when undergoing cancer treatment, the patient’s attitude is all-important. Here Robert King, a poet now living in Colorado, looks with wit and bemusement at his chemotherapy. His most recent book is Some of These Days, (Conundrum Press, 2013).

The Cancer Port

It’s called a port, a harbor, haven, home,
a city on the coast of my chest opened
for a passage into my heart—which we say
is where emotions live—and it’s embedded,

slipped into a shallow nest of flesh, a bump,
a lump under the skin on the right so
the narrow street can reach the marketplace
of the aorta, receptive to any

incoming ship, needle, boat, barge, unloading
its spices, crates of dates, barrels of poisons,
Etoposide phosphate, amethyst, amaranth,
Cisplatin, amphorae of wine and olives.

I carry it secretly under my skin
because it is easier. I carry
everything under my skin, so lightly
I barely notice, watching from the ramparts

the dangerous rocky anchorage below
where goods and evils, bundled together
and tied, arrive, waiting to be unloaded
and poured out into a welcoming country.

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2015 by Robert W. King, “Embedding the Cancer Port,” from Nimrod International Journal, (58.2, 2015). Poem reprinted by permission of Robert W. King and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2015 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

Young Irish Poets in Poetry

poetry-v206-n5-september-october-2015Poetry’s September 2015 issue celebrates Young Irish Poets, the first Irish-themed issue in twenty years. Editor Patrick Cotter reveals a note about the last Irish issue:

One notable difference between this issue and the Contemporary Irish Poetry issue of 1995 is how evenly women are represented. In 1995, out of forty poets and translators presented, only six were women.

Yikes. But it’s great to see a change throughout the years and have a more evenly represented section of young Irish poets in this issue.

And with the new Playlist feature on the Poetry Foundation blog, I’m hoping this issue has accompanying music available soon.

Tampa Book Arts Kickstarter

richard-mathews-letterpressThe Tampa Book Arts Studio has launched its first-ever Kickstarter campaign for a project that brings an unpublished story of notable American woodcut artist J. J. Lankes into print in a limited letterpress edition.

“In 1950, nearing the end of his career as an illustrator and woodcut artist, Lankes wrote an allegorical fable that takes place in the lives of two mice, a story that emphasizes the snares of materialism versus the redeeming strength of love and forgiveness. Lankes also completed two illustrations to accompany it, but both the story and the cuts were set aside. They were never published or even publicly known, and they were nearly lost.” (TBAS blog)

The TBAS is home to Lankes’s c. 1845 Hoe Washington hand press, No. 3126, on which he proofed and printed his blocks for Robert Frost and others. Now, Director Dr. Richard Mathews is overseeing theprint production of Lankes’s story, The Rich Mouse, with illustrations. The book will be set in a special casting “Village” private press typeface in celebration of the 150th anniversary of its creator, Frederic W. Goudy.

Clearly, there is much to celebrate here! And donors can get in on the celebration by contributing to the Kickstarter campaign and receiving some excellent premiums – including a limited letterpress edition of the book itself, broadsides, and a companion paperback copy The Rich Mouse.

Glimmer Train June Fiction Open Winners :: 2015

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their June Fiction Open competition. This competition is held twice a year. Stories generally range from 2000-6000 words, though up to 20,000 is fine. The next Fiction Open will take place in December. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

Caleb-LeisureFirst place: Caleb Leisure [pictured], of Martinez, CA, wins $2500 for “Atlantic on Sunday.” His story will be published in Issue 97 of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Steven Polansky, of Appleton, WI, wins $1000 for “Obsequies” and publication in a future issue of Glimmer Train Stories.

Third place: Andrew Robinson, of Singapore, wins $600 for “Greater Love.” His story will also be published in a future issue of Glimmer Train Stories, increasing his prize to $700.

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Changes at Arroyo

arroyo-v7-spring-2015Arroyo presents their first drama piece in their Spring 2015 issue: “Creation of Myself” written by the Costa Rican epic poet, Eunice Odio, and translated by Keith Ekiss. From The Fire’s Journey, a four-part epic poem, the selection follows poet-hero Ion as he prepares to enter the world.

The issue with this “first” for Arroyo also brings around a “last.” Editor Christopher Morgan says good-bye in his Editor’s Note, and Lenae Souza will be stepping in as Editor for Issue 8, set to come out in Spring 2016.

Committing Theft with Tin House Issue 65

tinhouse-v17-n1-fall-2015The newest issue of Tin House focuses on the theme of Theft. Kevin Young “looks at how thievery is done well (Bob Dylan) and not so well (Jonah Lehrer).” Mary Ruefle and Erika Metiner take and take apart writing in their erasure poetry and Sarah Dohrmann revisits the 1982 kidnapping of John David Gosch.

From the editor’s note:

We sent out a call for short essays about memorable thefts, and it is an honor to have the call answered by the doyen of crime writers, Mary Higgins Clark, alongside Alissa Nutting, George Singleton, and Laura Lippman.

And it’s only appropriate that Martin Wittfooth’s “Loot Bag” dons the cover of this issue: a pelican with its bill filled with the stolen treasures of trash and childhood toys.

Story’s Monsters

storyStory’s second print issue is themed “The Monsters.” The double-sided issue feels like a literary preparation for Halloween, from Lincoln Michel’s horror-ified authors and Dorothy Tse’s “Woman Fish” on Side A, to the Tastoane masks of Corinne Lee’s essay “Kissing the Monster” on Side B.

Allison Campbell edits the Hybrid Poetry portfolio on Side B and says, “Inside are works of art with two minds but, essentially one body. They create a new space between image and word, and ask to be experience with slight divisions of mind but unity of sense,” the mythological two-headed snake Amphisbaena brought to life and wrapping up the issue. Pick up a copy and get a little creeped out, or head over to the Story website for online content.

Books :: Able Muse Book Award

cause-for-concern-carrie-shipersWinner of the 2014 Able Muse Book Award, Cause for Concern by Carrie Shipers is now available. From the publisher’s website: “Full of incisive meditations on frailties and fortitude often delivered with visceral honesty, Cause for Concern is spellbinding from start to finish.”

Order a print or digital copy of Cause for Concern from Able Muse’s website.

The Modern Dickens Project

The Modern Dickens Project starts by posting an opening chapter online then invites other writers to continue the story by submitting the next chapter in the developing story month-by-month for the next twelve months, resulting in a thirteen chapter book. The curators behind this project are Chris Draper, Executive Director; Rachel Vogel, Managing Editor; Kali Van Baale, Editorial Advisor; Tracey Kelley and Murl Pace, Editorial Board.

Starting in 2011, the project posts a starting chapter by an established guest author, wetting the “tone and style of the following chapters.” While supported by the Iowa Arts Council, submissions are open to all writers; however, the overall story “must be distinctively Iowan.”

Submissions are due by the 21 of each month with the winning chapter selected and published online by the first of the next month to keep the story contributions going.

Previous Modern Dickens Project books are The Devil is Done Sinning, Defining Darrell, and Woman, Regardless. Each is available in paperback and kindle formats.

Able Muse 2015 Winners

Able Muse is pleased to announce the winners of the Write Prize for poetry & fiction. The winning writer and the winning poet will each receive a $500 prize.

Write Prize for Fiction
Final Judge: Eugenia Kim
Winner: Andrea Witzke Slot – “After Reading the News Story of a Woman Who Attempted to Carry Her Dead Baby onto an Airplane”

Here is what Eugenia Kim has to say about Andrea Witzke Slot’s winning story: The first line of this story presents a character, setting and situation with a rare and satisfying command of storytelling. Using perfect details balanced against rapid pacing, the voice of this writing has an air of stern and simple elegance, and reveals how the narrator’s experience of a newspaper story becomes a parallel challenge to her own ambivalence about motherhood and love. In the way that great stories open larger questions, within its brief timeframe this story questions culture and society, and how we are so quick and sure to judge the tragedies of others, yet with less capacity to examine the perils in our own judgments.

Honorable Mention
James Cooper – “Strangers on a Cliff”
Albert Liau – “With the Clarity of Hindsight”

Scott Sharpe – “Dance Among the Dogwoods”

* * * *

Write Prize for Poetry
Final Judge: H.L. Hix
Winner: Elise Hempel – “Cathedral Peppersauce”

Here is what H.L. Hix has to say about Elise Hempel’s winning poem: The formal qualities of “Cathedral Peppersauce” are elegant: slant rhymes throughout, until the final couplet clicks the poem closed with a perfect rhyme. Even more elegant, though, is the poem’s way of grasping the beauty of its subject, by looking simultaneously at the bottle and through it into history, from which it recuperates, through sympathy and particularity, a life lost long ago.

Elise Hempel – “Jockey”
Jeanne Wagner – “On Watching a Cascade Commercial”

Jim Bartruff – “Meditation on the Wake of the Winslow Ferry”
Midge Goldberg – “On Learning the Harvest Moon Is an Optical Illusion”
Trish Lindsey Jaggers – “Jaybirds Feeding on Robins”
Miriam O’Neal – “Bottle Journal ? Meditation on Transformation”
Gabriel Spera – “Blessed”
Marty Steyer – “The King of Lightning”
M.K. Sukach – “About an Alligator”

Some Literary News Links :: August 2015

David Ulin and Carolyn Kellogg offer readers 10 ways to explore the complicated legacy of Watts through literature on the LA Times Jacket Copy.

Philip N. Meyer, professor at Vermont Law School and author of Storytelling for Lawyers, on How trials are more like plot-driven movies than character-driven novels.

Writer and activist Omer Aziz takes a look at What novels teacher us about life on the Huffington Post.

And several lists to support the need to read:

Top ten most chosen ‘must-reads’ by teachers

8 classic novels that will make you a better leader

President Obama’s Summer Reading List

2016 Centenary Ireland’s Easter Rising

william-butler-yeatsIt’s a great time for fans of Yeats to plan a visit to Ireland as 2016 marks the centenary of Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising, a key moment on Ireland’s path to independence. Programs are planned throughout the year in seven areas: State Ceremonial; Historical Reflection; An Teanga Bheo (The Living Language(; Youth and Imagination; Cultural Expression; Community Participation; and Global and Diaspora. In addition, the government is “providing enhanced visitor experiences and access to important locations related to the Rising or to events and people of that time,” such as the GPO Interpretative Center, Richmond Barracks,  National Concert Hall, Military Archives and more. The website has a PDF download of the events planned as well as regular updates online.

The Poetry Foundation has a full entry on William Butler Yeats’ “Easter, 1916” in which Ange Mlinko explores “how the conflict of a nation was camptuerd by a plitically reluctant poet.”

The Meadow 2015 Novella Prize Winner

jerry mathesThe 2015 annual issue of The Meadow features the winner of their 2015 Novella Prize: “Still Life” by Jerry D. Mathes II.

The Novella Prize is open until December 15 for previously unpublished manuscripts between 18,000 and 35,000 words. The winner receives $500 and publication in the print journal as well as online. The judge for 2015 has not yet been announced. For more information, visit The Meadow website.