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Ruminate Poetry & Art Prize Winners

ruminateRuminate Magazine Winter 2014-15 features poetry by the winners of the 2014 Janet B. McCabe Poetry Prize judged by Jeanne Murray Walker: First Place Emily Rose Cole; Second Place Charity Gingerich; Honorable Mention J. Scott Brownlee (whose poem “Pasture Ode” can be read here on Ruminate). Also featured are visual works in full color by the winners of the 2014 Kalos Visual Art Prize judged by Mary McCleary: First Place Hilary White, whose work is featured on the cover in addition to a portfolio within; Second Place Aaron Lee Benson; Honorable Mention Lisa Discepoli Line.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week


This colorfully fun, free flowing cover image for Pretty Owl Poetry Winter 2014, The Gift of Saturn, was created by featured artist Ernest Williamson III, accomplished and prolific poet as well as artist.


Printer’s Devil Review online literary and visual art magazine published by Black Key Press consistently has some of the most stunning visual art covers I’ve seen. This cover of their fall 2014 issue features Nicola Verlato’s Crash 5 (2012; Oil on canvas, 36 in. x 48 in.).


This cover of Psychopomp (Winter 2015) online journal of prose and visual art caught my eye because it reminded me of Heinz Edelmann, art director for the 1968 animated Beatles film Yellow Submarine. Good times. This piece, Cross Section of a Cloud, is by multi-talented artist Cate Anevski.

Special Issue :: Skin

chattahoocheeSkin is the special focus of The Chattahoochee Review Fall/Winter 2014 double issue. Editor Anna Schachner writes that the call for submissions encouraged “literal and figurative explorations of the theme,” and that “the editorial staff couldn’t have predicted the original and varied responses” they would receive.

As with themed calls, there is both the promise and the dread that metaphor will take over, as the editors discovered, “There was race and disease and facade and sexuality and transformation and embodiment and disguise, among others. Who can fight metaphor? So we joined it, ultimately identifying three metaphors that would help us organize, even reinforce, the great work in the issue: Surface, Selves, and Symbiosis.”

Additionally, in her own exploration of the topic, Schachner focused on the idea of where skin and language meet: tattoo. Taking this connection further to the literal tattoo, Schachner interviews Eva Talmadge, co-author of The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide. The interview can also be found on The Hooch, TCR’s news and events page.

American Life in Poetry :: Billy Collins

American Life in Poetry: Column 510

Billy Collins, who lives in New York, is one of our country’s most admired poets, and this snapshot of a winter day is reminiscent of those great Chinese poems that on the virtue of their clarity and precision have survived for a couple of thousand years. His most recent book of poetry is Aimless Love: New and Selected Poems, (Random House, 2013).


A little heat in the iron radiator,
the dog breathing at the foot of the bed,

and the windows shut tight,
encrusted with hexagons of frost.

I can barely hear the geese
complaining in the vast sky,

flying over the living and the dead,
schools and prisons, and the whitened fields.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2014 by Billy Collins, “Winter,” (Poetry East, No. 82, 2014). Poem reprinted by permission of Billy Collins and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2014 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Irish Pages Seamus Heaney Memorial

irish-pagesEdited by Chris Agee and Cathal Ó Searcaigh, the newest issue of Irish Pages (v8 n 2) is a tribute in memory of Seamus Heaney. The journal includes: four poems by Heaney; Sven Birkerts and Helen Vendler on the man and the poet; a suite of obituaries and global reminiscences by leading poets and writers in Ireland, Britain and the United States; new poems by Kerry Hardie, Michael Coady, Paddy Bushe, Kathleen Jamie, Katie Donovan, Seán Lysaght, Damian Smyth, Ignatius McGovern, John F. Deane, Franics Harvey, Michael Longley, Alan Gillis, Moya Cannon and Harry Clifton; President Michael D. Higgins on John Hewitt & Richard Murphy on poetry and terror; new writing in Irish from Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill, Cathal O Searcaigh and others; and Seamus Justin Heaney 1939-2013 a unique photographic portfolio by Bobbie Hanvey.

Poetry App Matches Verse to Weather

poetry-eastPoetry East has introcuded its new app, The Poet’s Almanac, available for free download on iOS and Android devices. This unique app analyzes the weather report and couples it with Poetry East’s customized archive to create a new way for users to discover and engage with poetry every day. Matthew Murrey heralds a rainy day with a piece, and an afternoon of San Francisco fog invites the reader to enjoy Sally Fisher. All of the poems have been handpicked by the staff at Poetry East and graduate students, as well as faculty, at DePaul University have attributed to each a temperature and weather type.

Slippage :: Putting the A in STEAM

slippageWhile science, technology, engineering and mathematics – STEM – is the recent focus in education, I am pleased to find pockets where the value of arts is retained: STEAM. The online literary/arts journal [Slippage] is “dedicated to the discovery and publication of unique, creative pieces fusing art with science . . . to bridge the gap between the two worlds of art and science by inspiring artists to think about science and encouraging scientists to transcend rote reductionism.”

[Slippage] journals are available full access online, publishing scientific literary writing in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, artwork, and nonfiction science studies/research papers and science articles/nonfiction, with the note that the editors are looking for “scientific studies testing artistic hypotheses, or that are art-related in nature.” The editors have provided brief explanations of their definition of “scientific literary writing (and its artistic equivalent)” and “good scientific writing (nonfiction).”

In addition, the [Slippage] website features a “Need Inspiration?” page that would be better labeled “The Value of Arts in the World of Science.” Okay, maybe that’s too long. But the page provides a list of “Did you know. . . ” with specific connections between the arts and science, a brilliant comment from Dr. Robert Root-Bernstein, Professor of Physiology at Michigan State University, which names artists and their contributions to science and the closing comment that “the modern world would not be possible without the insights and inventions of artists. We lose sight of this conclusion at our peril. . . “

There is also a list of science/art readings, artists, writers, influential figures and organizations, scientific theories and concepts, and “sister genres.” It’s a resource useful for helping connect artists to the sciences and vice versa, and a great resource for teachers working with students in one discipline to help them see the value in crossing over and ways in which to do so – the publication itself a living example of how this can be achieved.

Able Muse Prize Winners & Featured Poet

able-museAble Muse Winter 2014 features poetry from Scott M. Miller, winner of the 2014 Write Prize for Poetry, as well as by finalists Eric Berlin, Marilyn L. Taylor, and Catherine Chandler. Winning work of the 2014 Write Prize for Fiction, J. Preston Witt, is featured as well.

New to this issue, Able Muse includes a Featured Poet. Wendy Videlock is the inaugural author to receive this honor,  having five new poems published within and an interview with David Mason. Videlock shares her perspectives on sound and silence, the use of and movement away from the first-person pronoun, the conscious and the subconscious, and much more on her craft of writing.

CFS :: Haiku Year in Review

hyir-2013The Broadsided Editorial Team is once again planning their Haiku Year-In-Review (HYIR). Writers are asked to “render the events of the previous year in short poems.” These poems will then be matched with seasonal images for a broadside that can be downloaded for posting. “When you write out your resolutions,” the editors suggest, “look back and write a haiku (and send it to us!)”

A list of suggested topics has been posted on the Broadsided guidelines page. Submissions are being collected on Twitter with an alternative submission method for non-Tweeters. Those selected will be published in January as the 2014 HIYR. Deadline: January 10, 2015.

New Journal :: Textual Overtures

textual-overturesTextual Overtures is a new online academic journal created by graduate students for graduate students in an effort to create an intellectual relationship between the studies of rhetoric & composition and literature. The mission statement of Textual Overtures focuses on the publication’s dedication to “creating a space in which rhetoric, composition, and literature can coexist, and further, create a harmony of textual explorations.”

The editorial staff is “a coalition of graduate students at Washington State University committed to promoting a community of graduate scholarship and discourse.” The current board is Editor-in-Chief: Lindsay Williams; Tech Editor: Kerry Clark; Junior Tech Editor: Hallie Kaiser; Literature Editor: Benjamin Carlton; Rhetoric/Composition Editor: Lauren Kelly; and Communications Editor: Edie-Marie Roper.

The first two issues are available to read online, with the first focused on “Texts, Technologies, and Remediation” and the second “Representing the Body.” The journal can be read online via Scribd and individual articles can be downloaded as .pdfs.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week


Amy Eavou’s cover photo for Iron Horse Literary Review (v16.6), appropriate for this time of year, is likewise aptly titled “Snowy Horse Muzzle.”


Mamalode‘s cover photo by Holly Andres provides the visual understatement of the year for the publication’s December theme: “It’s Complicated.”


Marcello Castellani‘s “Dualidad Prismatica 2” print on canvas creates a stunning cover image for the winter 2014/2015 issue of Zymbol.

CFS :: Hands Up. Don’t Shoot.

The editorial board of the College Language Association Journal (CLAJ) invites the submission of essays, poetry, short prose, short drama, or book reviews for its special issue entitled, “Hands Up. Don’t Shoot: Critical and Creative Responses to Violence Toward Black Bodies in the 21st Century.” All submitted works must be previously unpublished.

CLAJ welcomes submissions of essays, poetry, short prose, or drama that engage the brutalization of black bodies in twenty-first century America with a particular focus on one or more of the following:

-the militarization of the police
-the criminalization of black bodies
-the intersections between gender, sexuality, and race


-Essays (18-25 pages)
-Poetry (3 poems; 30 line maximum)
-Short story (1 story; 2500 word maximum)
-Drama (1 play; 5000 word maximum)

CLAJ also welcomes book reviews of the following:

-Koritha Mitchell, Living With Lynching: African American Lynching Plays, Performance, and Citizenship, 1890-1930 (2011)

-Radley Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop: the Militarization of America’s Police Forces (2013)

-Charles E. Cobb Jr, This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible (2014)

Submissions must be received no later than January 5, 2015.

Glimmer Train Very Short Fiction Award Winners :: December 2014

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their Very Short Fiction Award. This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers for stories with a word count under 3000. The next Very Short Fiction competition will take place in January. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

eva-lomskiFirst place: Eva Lomski [pictured], of Melbourne, Australia, wins $1500 for “The Things We Build.” Her story will be published in Issue 96 of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Francisco Delgado, of Forest Hills, NY, wins $500 for “International Politics.” His story will also be published in an upcoming issue, increasing his prize to $700.

Third place: Chris Santiago, of Pasadena, CA, wins $300 for “Flyover Country.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline coming up for the Glimmer Train Fiction Open: January 2
Glimmer Train hosts this competition twice a year, and first place is $2500 plus publication in the journal. This category has been won by both beginning and veteran writers – all are welcome! There are no theme restrictions. Word count generally ranges from 2000 – 8000, though up to 20,000 is fine. Click here for complete guidelines.

Stoneboat Polar Plunge

Sheboygan, Wisconsin is known to us Michganders as the place that breaks the winter storms for us before they head across Lake Michigan to our western shores. Which makes the Stoneboat fundraiser one that truly earns my respect for those kuh-ray-zee editors: On New Year’s Day, they will be participating in the Polar Bear Plunge. For those of you in warmer climates who may not be aware of what this entails – imagine filling your bathtub with ice water, strip down to next to nothing… Enough said, right? Feeling the chill already?

The folks at Stoneboat will be plunging into frigid Lake Michigan, or at least going in as deep as their fundraising demands. Which is where you come in: The more money Stoneboat raises before the January 1 plunge, the further they will submerge themselves into the water. Here’s their formula of how much and how deep they’ll go:

stoneboat-polar-plunge$50 knees
$100 mid-thighs
$150 hips
$200 belly buttons
$250 chests
$300 shoulders

In addition, while they’ll take donations in any amount, they are offering the following premiums to donors:

$10 a handmade Stoneboat bookmark
$20 a Stoneboat t-shirt
$50 a one-year subscription to Stoneboat and a poem of your choice (the first 10 lines, or the whole poem if it is 10 lines or less) will be read in the water/at the event*

The asterisk, fairly enough, ensures that no one succumb to hypothermia: “*We will try to read as many poems in the water as possible, and we’ll ensure that all selections are read at the event.”

So if you’re still looking for a post-holiday gift for someone, I’d say the subscription and having the poem read (and recorded) at this event would be a great way to head on in to 2015. Get those Stoneboaters up to their shoulders; really, I think this is one freeze they’d appreciate!

Antigonish Review Contest Winners

antigonish-reviewThe newest issue of The Antigonish Review features winning works for two of the publication’s 2014 contests:

14th Great Blue Heron Poetry Contest
Judges: Patricia Young and Peter Sanger

First Prize: Harold Hoefle, St-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
Second Prize: Michael Prior, Toronto, ON
Third Prize: Joanna Lilley, Whitehorse, YT

10th Sheldon Currie Fiction Contest
Judges: Joan Baril, Reynold Stone, Gwen Davies and Heather Debling
Final Judge: Sheree Fitch

First Prize: Jen Julian, Columbia, MO
Second Prize: John O’Neill, Toronto, ON
Third Prize: Ryan Frawley, Edmonton, AB

SubTropics B-Side

subtropicsI’ve noticed lately that print literary journals take a variety of approaches to how they use the back cover of their publication. Their backsides might be completely blank, carry over the cover art from the front, feature a separate artwork, be a money-making ad spot for anything from creative writing programs to publishing to chocolates, list contributors – and perhaps even include a tag line for the works inside.

The newest issue of SubTropics caught my eye for something quite different: Using the back cover to publish a contributor’s piece. I’ve seen snippets on the back cover before, but not a whole work. Seeing Amy Hempel’s name in table of contents, I went to the end of the magazine to find her work. Not there. I checked the contents again and saw “back cover” where the page number should have been. No kidding. What a great way to both include and feature a writer, and a great way to allow readers to do what we do naturally – look at the cover then flip to the back to get a quick “free” sample.

NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews

After the hustle and bustle of whatever it is you’re doing this holiday season, relax, unwind, pop the top off your favorite beverage, and enjoy some of the finest literary magazine review writing anywhere. NewPages reviewers take a thorough and critical look at the newest issues of both print and online literary magazines from around the globe. December’s reviews feature and eclectic mix: Arroyo Literary Review, Atlanta Review, The Carolina Quarterly, The Common, The Florida Review, The Lindenwood Review, The Meadow, North Carolina Quarterly Review, Pacifica Literary Review, Pembroke Magazine, Quiddity, Skidrow Penthouse, Upstreet, and The Westchester Review. Whew! And if that’s not enough, we have a full archive of past months’ reviews and a full index of all the magazines we’ve reviewed over the past ten+ years. Enjoy!

Give a HOOT!

hootSubscription that is! Still looking for a great gift for someone on your list? One of my favorites is HOOT postcard review of (mini) poetry and prose. This postcard publication arrives monthly with artwork and written work featured on the front and artist and author information on the back. As a postcard connoisseur, I can attest that these are well made – solid paper stock that does not get ruined by the postal machines. Minor smears and smudges of postal inking, but that’s a part of the postcard character. If you like your cards pristine or to deliver them yourself, you can also purchase blank sets to send out. HOOT will also send a postcard to someone for you and write a message on the back. I can also attest to their staff having good, clear handwriting! Check them out today.

Pongo in Your City!

Pongo Teen Writing, long based in Seattle, Washington training writers to work with troubled youth, is now prepared to bring Pongo training to your city!

pongo-teen-writingAccording to founder, writer, and teacher Richard Gold, “The Pongo methodology serves multiple audiences: (1) Therapists and teachers who work with at-risk youth, in private practice or through agencies or in special schools; (2) College students, therapists, artists, and teachers who are interested in starting writing programs in jails, shelters, hospitals, and special schools; (3) College students and faculty in schools of social work, medicine, creative writing, psychology, and education; (4) Staff in institutions, such as jails and hospitals, who are interested in expanding their programming. Multiple agencies, colleges, and institutions can come together to sponsor a Pongo visit and training.”

You can read more about the training and a suggested outline for how it could work for you here.

Disability and Poetry

poetryDisability and Poetry is the topic of discussion in the Poetry December 2014 feature “Exchange.” Writers Jennifer Bartlett, John Lee Clark, Jim Ferris, and Jillian Weise share views on writing disability, publishing, accessibility, and form and embodiment. There are some startlingly hard-hitting statments, such as Bartlett’s “I have resisted the term ‘identity poet’ when considering my own work; therefore, my biggest challenge is to address my cerebral palsy without poetics and other identities taking a ‘back seat’ in the process.” And later, “I think publishing in poetry is inherently biased; it always will be.”

Or how about Ferris’s “Disability is dangerous. We represent danger to the normate world, and rightly so. Disabled people live closer to the edge. We are more vulnerable, or perhaps it is that we show our human vulnerability without being able to hide it in the ways that nondisabled people can hide and deny the vulnerability that is an essential part of being human.”

The exchange is hard core honest (editors and publishers should be reading this), as well as enlightening for all (including literary event planners). The Exchange is available full-text online here.

Emerging Writer’s Contest Winners

ploughsharesThe newest issue of Ploughshares (Winter 2014-15) features works by winners of the magazine’s Emerging Writer’s Contest along with commentary from each of the judges:

Tomiko M. Breland, “Rosalee Carrasco”

Eliese Colette Goldbach, “In the Memory of the Living”

Rosalie Moffett, Three Poems: “Why Is It the More”; “To Leave Through a Wall”; “Hurricane, 1989”

Art :: Still Point Online Art Gallery

still-point-arts-quarterlyStill Point Arts Quarterly is a print publication of the Still Point Art Gallery of Brunswick, Maine. The gallery also features an online exhibit space. The current exhibit, Blue: Color of the Clear Blue Sky and the Deep Sea, can be viewed in the online gallery and will be a featured exhibition through February 28, 2015. The current print publication has beautiful, full-color reproductions of select images from the exhibit, including best in show for portfolio (Louis Ebarb), best in show for a single image (Sheri Marcus), bets in photography (Marko Susla), best painting or drawing (Roberta Dixon), and best mixed-media artwork (Ellen Kalin). Song by Zoey Frank is pictured on the publication’s cover.

Gift Idea :: SIGNED Poetry Broadsides

todd-boss-broadsideHere’s a great holiday gift for any poetry lover on your list: limited edition, (some) signed poetry broadsides from The Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review. I can personally attest to the quality of these beautiful, limited edition, letterpress (some of handmade papers) editions – having purchased a number of them at past AWP conferences. These are absolute collectibles and will definitely impress. Period. End of story. Order now to get them in time – but even late, they’re worth the wait (for one, there is a pre-order for July delivery).

Hellos & Goodbyes at Concho River Review

concho-river-reviewAs noted in the Fall 2014 Forward of Concho River Review, “A forward has become a rare occurrence in CRR, and its appearance in an issue signals changes afoot in the journal. There have been a few.” General Editor R. Mark Jackson goes on to explain that Erin Ashworth-King has stepped down as General Editor to assume responsibility’s in the university’s English department. She’ll be phasing out her role over the next several issues. At the same time, Carol Reposa, nonfiction editor since 2008, has resigned and handed over her role to Albert Haley, Writer in Residence at Abilene Christian University since 1997 and author of numerous works published in the likes of The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, and Rolling Stone.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week


There is just something I can appreciate from such an austre image on the front of a magazine – the kind that draws me in, though I can’t quite say why, and makes it hard to look away. This image on the cover of Brick #94 is a photograph of East Jerusalem street scene by Teju Cole. Though it looks black and white, it is in full color.

green-mountains-reviewI selected this cover image on Green Mountains Review (v27 n2) because the artist, Nancy Dwyer, is featured within the publication as well with a portfolio entitled, “Words are the Furniture of the Mind.” Eight full-color images are featured in addition to this cover.

molitov-cocktailIt was both the image and the opening editorial lines that drew me to this issue of The Molotov Cocktail: “Issue 5.17 will drag you to Hell.” Okay, I’m game. Self-defined as “A Projectile for Incendiary Flash Fiction,” the publication is produced by Josh Goller.


The “Think-Feel” of Writing

SipinMelissa R. Sipin, winner of the 2013 Glimmer Train Fiction Open, offers a craft essay in the Glimmer Train Bulletin #95 entitled “To My Unknown Daughter: On the Inheritance of Writing.” Sipin writes raw what so many writers struggle through in coming to their craft – their work – of writing, “I know, if you are anything like me, you will fight with society like a lover. In your writing, your art, you will need to expose its unwillingness to witness its oppression, its loneliness, its refusal to see truth and its addiction to shadows. And if you are anything like me, the world outside, which is both beautiful and not, both loving and not, both happy and sad, will force you to be sensitive to its pangs and joys, allowing you to think-feel. What is to think-feel?” And then later answers with, “This sensitivity, this ability to think-feel is what makes us writers, the kind of writers with the disposition to know and feel the most extreme states of the human condition (birth, love, and death). And it is because of this that we enter into these liminal spaces alone. We suffer these extreme states to know what loneliness feels like, what sadness, happiness, trauma, and hope are, both in body, mind, and spirit.”

The Glimmer Train Bulletin is a free monthly that features craft essays from writers published in recent issues of Glimmer Train Stories. Also included in #95 are essays by Selena Anderson (“Want”), George Saunders (“On the Preconceptual World”), and Rowena Macdonald (“Writing Dialogue”). Read them all here.

Free Stuff :: The Best of the Rag

the-ragIf you’re looking to read from an independent, writing a bit on the gritty and grimy side, cutting-edge, and fresh – all words Editors Seth Porter and Dan Reilly use to describe The Rag, then you’ll want to get The Best of The Rag for free! Here are gathered 11 of the editors’ favorite stories from first five issues of The Rag. Download The Best of The Rag here, available in three different formats: PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Cover and featured art by Alex Eckman-Lawn.

The Rag editors encourage good reading, and for writers who are considering submitting, “it’s always wise to first read some of the material we’ve published in the past, so you can get a feel for the tone of our magazine. So before you commit to submitting, grab this free issue. We accept submissions online via Submittable and through the regular mail.”

Versal Brings Diversity to AWP 2015

Just when you thought the AWP bookfair had all it could offer readers, writers, teachers, and publishers, Megan Garr of the Amsterdam-based Versal, will be presenting a the first-ever display of European presses at AWP 2015.

For the first time in AWP history, bookfair visitors will be able to get their hands on some of Europe’s most innovative and exciting journals and books at this “European Press Table.”

Versal’s table (#432) will transform into a mini-bookfair of over a dozen English-language presses from across Europe:

Readux Books, Berlin
Color Treasury, Paris
MIEL Books, Ghent
VLAK, Prague
Belleville Park Pages, Paris/London
SAND Journal, Berlin
Corrupt Press, Luxembourg
Paris Lit Up, Paris
Teller Magazine, Berlin/London
ESC, Ireland/Belgium
Broken Dimanche, Berlin
EstepaEditions, Paris
Book Ex Machina, Cyprus
Structo, UK
Jess, Estonia
Versal, Amsterdam

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week


This issue of Banipal: Magazine of Modern Arab Literature, features a celebration of Saadi Youssef, beginning with this striking portrait on the cover painted by Mansour Mansour.


This cover image on Carbon Culture Review: Techology + Literature + Art is certainly an eye-catcher for its debut issue. Patricia Piccinini’s “The Strength of One Arm (With Canadian Mountain Goat)” is composed of silicone, fiberglass, human hair, clothing, and – yes – Canadian Mountain Goat.


Palooka‘s newest issue (#5) features “Our Bright New Hope” by artist Florian Bo. The theme of light in the dark a fitting one as we approach the longest night of the year – winter solstice.

Atlanta Review Poetry Issue

The Fall/Winter 2014 issue of Atlanta Review is the Poetry 2014 issue, featuring just under 50 poets and just over 50 poems. Of these, 22 of the poets and their poems were selected for the International Publication Prize from the journal’s annual contest. And one selected above all others as the Grand Prize winner: Joyce Meyers.

Each Fall Issue includes at least 20 Publication Prize winners from their International Poetry Competition with one named for the grand prize cash award of $1000. Every Spring Issue of Atlanta Review includes an International Feature with poets from a different country or continent. The feature for spring 2015: Russia.

Glimmer Train Family Matters Winners :: 2014

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their September Family Matters competition. This competition is held twice a year and is open to all writers for stories about family of all configurations. The next Family Matters competition will take place in March. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

RowenaMacdonaldFirst place: Rowena Macdonald, of London, UK, wins $1500 for “My Brother Is Back.” Her story will be published in Issue 96 of Glimmer Train Stories. [Photo credit: Martin Fuller.]

Second place: Joshua Graber, of Canton, OH, wins $500 for “Freeman Göttschall Experiences One or Two More or Less Improbably Events.” His story will also be published in an upcoming issue of Glimmer Train Stories, increasing his prize to $700.

Third place: Janet Kim, of Cambridge, MA, wins $300 for “Teeth.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

CFS :: New World Literature Journal

alexandra-berlinaFounded by Alexandra Berlina, Department of American Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen, Readings: A Journal for Scholars and Readers is accepting submissions for its inaugural issue.

“Readings is a new peer-reviewed journal in literary studies intended to be read by both scholars and the general public. Like other journals, we look for academic quality and originality. Unlike most, we also care for high readability and the potential interest of literature-loving non-scholars. We welcome submissions on all aspects of world literature (be it canonical or contemporary, children’s, ‘genre’ or ‘literary’ fiction), including the interplay of literature and other media as well as issues of translation and reception. Imagine a friend who loves literature but is no scholar as your ideal reader. To put it more grandly: our idea of a Perfect Paper hovers between PMLA and The New Yorker.”

American Life in Poetry :: Stuart Kestenbaum

American Life in Poetry: Column 505

Stuart Kestenbaum is a Maine poet with a new book, Only Now, from Deerbrook Editions. In it are a number of thoughtful poems posed as prayers, and here’s an example:

Prayer for Joy

What was it we wanted
to say anyhow, like today
when there were all the letters
in my alphabet soup and suddenly
the ‘j’ rises to the surface.
The ‘j’, a letter that might be
great for Scrabble, but not really
used for much else, unless
we need to jump for joy,
and then all of a sudden
it’s there and ready to
help us soar and to open up
our hearts at the same time,
this simple line with a curved bottom,
an upside down cane that helps
us walk in a new way into this
forest of language, where all the letters
are beginning to speak,
finding each other in just
the right combination
to be understood.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2014 by Stuart Kestenbaum, “Prayer for Joy” from Only Now, (Deerbrook Editions, 2014). Poem reprinted by permission of Stuart Kestenbaum and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2014 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Sierra Nevada Young Writers Contest Winners

Sierra Nevada College’s English Program has released the winners of the 5th annual High School Writing Contest, a national competition which honors high school juniors and seniors in three categories: creative nonfiction, fiction and poetry. The winners in each category receive a cash prize of $500 for first place, $250 for second and $100 for third, and the $100 Local’s Prize honors student writers from Nevada and California. The winners also receive a $20,000 scholarship offer from SNC and consideration for publication in the Sierra Nevada Review, a literary annual which publishes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction by emerging and nationally recognized authors.

The Winners

Creative Nonfiction

First Place: Lindsay Emi (Westlake Village, CA), “Latin Class in Seven (VII) Parts”
Second Place: Darla Macel Anne Canales (Erie, CO), “Oven”
Third Place: Gabriel Braunstein (Arlington MA), “Family on the Commuter Rail”
Local’s Prize: Isabella Stenvall (San Luis Obispo CA), “Wars with Numbers”

Finalists: Emily Zhang, Oriana Tang, Aletheia Wang, Jack Priessman, Annie Harmon


First Place: Emily Zhang (Boyds MA), “Midwestern Myth”
Second Place: Lucy Silbaugh (Wyncote PA), “Burrowing”
Third Place: Laura Ingram (Disputanta VA), “Absolute Value”
Local’s Prize: Erin Stoodley (Ventura CA), “Ghosts”

Finalists: Lindsay Emi, Jessica Li, Tatiana Saleh, Madison Hoffman, Oriana Tang


First Place: Oriana Tang (Livingston NJ), “Bildungsroman”
Second Place: Catherine Valdez (Miami FL), “Mami”
Third Place: Ruohan Miao (Chandler AZ), “Dust Bowl”
Local’s Prize: Ava Goga (Reno NV), “Notes on Repression”

Finalists: Emily Zhang, Katia Kozachok, Allie Spensley, Emma Symmonds, Jessica Prescott

Remembering James Foley

james-foleyMeat for Tea editor Elizabeth MacDuffie has dedicated the opening pages of the most recent issue (v8 n3) in memory of Jim Foley.

MacDuffe writes, “I remember him thusly: Jim came into the [UMass] grad English program a few years after I did. He was in the MFA program and I was in the Ph.D. program, but his was a pleasant presence in the hallways, and we discussed lesson plans and teaching ideas on a number of occasions. I knew him to be a thoughtful, caring, teacher and a smiling, kind, person. I was more of a friend of friend to him . . . Still, I knew him well enough to admire his courageous actions and to be devastated by his violent, untimely death. I can only imagine the pain his family is enduring and I humbly hope that giving them an issue of the magazine celebrating the man he was helps ease their pain in some small way.”

Writers contributing to the memorial include Molly Crabapple, Samantha Wood, Cathy K. Schlund-Vials, Connolly Ryan Tracy Cummings, Tom Kealey, and Kristin Bock.

Call for Poems :: Broadsided Groundsourced Anthology

From the Editorial Team at Broadsided:

broadsided-vectorWe hope you are feeling deeply connected to the things in your lives for which you are grateful. Among our many gratitudes is that Broadsided is a responsive entity, developing its interactions with the world as situations arise. The events in Ferguson, Missouri have, as we all know, radiated outward to touch upon deep issues in American culture. Race, power, violence, justice, and questions of how we can create and maintain a society that is just and safe for all its citizens.

We have seen powerful poems offered in response–by writers of those poems themselves and also by those looking for voices to help them speak. We want to help gather and honor those voices. To do so, we have launched a new initiative: Groundsourced Anthologies.

We want you to tell us what poems have been meaningful to you in relation to Ferguson. We want you to share them on our Tumblr page so that others can see the chorus of words available to them as they grapple.

Visit this link, scroll to see what’s there, and add your voice:


You don’t need to “join” Tumblr to share or view.

With Thanks,

The Broadsided Editorial Team

New Orleans Review COLLECTIBLE Edition

new-orleans-reviewVolumes 40.1 & 40.2 / 2014 of the New Orleans Review are amazing, gorgeous, so super cool and no doubt will be THE collectible edition of the year! As a fan of the unique and quality ephemeral, I nearly swooned when I pulled this out of the stacks – a box set of individual chapbooks in honor of “New Orleans Review’s 45-year history of publishing innovative work from around the world.”

The seven books include: Because You’re Mine by Cassie Condrey, the 2013 Walker Percy Prize in Short Fiction selected by Christine Wiltz; Starbaby Blooms A Tuber Rose by Tessa Fontaine; A is for Afterimage by Christine Hamm; Literature for Nonhumans by Gabriel Gudding; Two Stories by Luis de Lión (tr. Silvia Juarez-Gomez & Nathan C Henne); Circus Freaks by Ana María Shua (tr. Steven J. Stewart); and Wastoid by Mathias Svalina.

The publication can be purchased via the publication’s website – but hurry. Their issues often sell out, and I imagine this one won’t last.

Ultra-Violence in Literature

speer-morganThe Missouri Review editor Speer Morgan begins the forward for the Fall 2014 issue themed Ultra-Violence: “Violence in literature and entertainment continues to be debated, and for good reason. One does get tired of it being so casually depicted in every imaginable format, from television and games to novels. However, in this issue of TMR I notice a good measure of violence and pain, reminding me of a truism about this and other subjects in literature—that it all depends on the handling.”

Morgan goes on to discuss Shakespeare and Anthony Burgess, commenting, “Unfortunately, what’s hard to avoid in life becomes a fundamental subject in serious art.” He then introduces the works in this issue, sussing the art of that which we find hard to avoid, various forms of violence we wish not to know, but which, as “handled” by these authors, has much to offer readers.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week


This inaugural issue of Profane Literary Journal features “A Feeling of Freedom” by W. Jack Savage, a painting with such rich texture it makes it appear as if the cover is actually canvas.


Each time I look at this cover, I can’t help but hear the song “These Boots Are Made For Walkin’.” They’re not boots, actually, but shoes with pant legs, and a crowd of little people as the shadow of each footstep. The piece is Karma by Do Ho Suh (2003; Urethane paint on fiberglass and resin; 153 1/2 x 118 x 291 inches) and is a fitting image for the theme of the Fall 2014 issue of The Missouri Review: Ultra-Violence.

Giving College Admins What They Deserve

Issue 10 of Saranac Review marks a decade that this annual of the SUNY College at Plattsburgh Department of English and Writing Arts Programs has been publishing. “No easy task,” remarks J.L. Torres in the Editor’s Notes. Torres mentions “then Provost Robert Golden, who secured budgetary support for the journal” in its infancy.

I’m glad Torres names Provost Golden. Such support as this is crucial for an academic publication to survive. A decade or so ago, I heard remarks from independent journal editors about how “easy” academic literary magazines had it because their funding was secure. I knew first hand this wasn’t true. At one college, I founded and led the college’s literary journal, and hoped the fact a key administrator’s daughter was in a creative writing program would offer us some of that mythical security. It did not. The journal was pitted against the outdoor club for an annual scrap of funding, and lost. Seems our administrator enjoyed hiking more than reading.

Then the recession hit, and college administrators nationwide went after every penny they could seize. Literary magazines make easy targets: seemingly “frivolous” and non-essential, especially publishing works those in decision-making roles find difficult to understand, if they read them at all. Numerous times, NewPages went to bat for these threatened publications, writing letters on their behalf to presidents, deans, provosts, and encouraging others to do the same. Yet we watched them fall. (Isotope, I still miss you!)

I listened to the shift in conversation, to editors talking about removing publications from their academic homes in order to save them, to find their own means of secure funding, and to be able to control the content (another long-standing battle that can occur in academic settings). I watched publications move online, either under pressure from an administration that believed this meant the journal would be “free” to publish, or from editors simply trying to save the publication with this less expensive format (usually along with the loss of their stipends, release time, office space, support staff, etc.). This was a risky move since, at that time, online publications were considered suspect in terms of credibility and stigmatized as “lower quality.”

The challenge continues, in this day and age of STEM not only is the focus on science, technology, engineering and math in education, but people in these fields tend to come with deep pockets that can support all kinds of initiatives (like new multimillion dollar campus buildings). Still, I am encouraged by the number of times I see STEAM as the emerging acronym, including “the arts” as being as vitally important to the creative process and on equal ground when it comes to critical thinking and developing the “whole” human being. It is an inclusion and partnering that is essential. The goal now is to continue encouraging and working with those in positions of decision making and power over the purse strings to see the value in the arts as much as those supporters of STEAM do, and as much as we do.

I don’t know former Provost Robert Golden, but he has my respect, as do all chairs, deans, provosts, vice presidents, and presidents who support the arts at their schools – not just in words, but in the cold, hard cash necessary to keep the arts alive and vibrant, as whole and as valid as any other aspect of academic study, professional and human development.

I recently attended the anniversary of a famous American composer who came back to his former college to celebrate with the former college president. I listened to speeches about how the arts were funded and supported at the school. I watched colleagues and community members give this former president a standing ovation. I’m sure he wasn’t a perfect president in his day, but whatever his faults may have been at the time, they hadn’t followed him into the future. I wondered about other college presidents, how they might be remembered years after they retired. I can imagine the Saranac Review having a 10th anniversary celebration and Robert Golden being invited. I can imagine that he, along with those currently in positions of power, would receive a standing ovation for their continued support of the publication.

It’s good to be recognized. If there are those at your college who have shown support in the past and in the present, I hope that you will take the opportunity to recognize them. Have some event where they are invited. Initiate a standing ovation to them. If you’re online, maybe you can find some way to create a virtual standing ovation. It doesn’t mean there haven’t been and won’t be struggles to survive, but don’t let their good efforts go unrecognized. I think those who have not done likewise should know the recognition they’ve lost, the respect they will never experience ten years, twenty years, thirty years later. I have seen that over time, people have not forgotten this good work. Those in positions now should see what they can choose to continue or not, what their own legacy could be.

Cascadia Poetry Festival 2015

cascadia-poetry-festivalThe Cascadia Poetry Festival, the third in an annual festival series that originated in 2012 in Seattle will be held in the Vancouver Island city of Nanaimo, BC, April 30 – May 4.

Organizers have received a $5000 grant from the Tourism Development Fund of Nanaimo, and a $2500 grant from the Canada Council for the Arts for this festival. In addition to business, organization and individual sponsors, there will be a number of small presses purchasing tables at the festival, and tables are available for reservation.

Entrance is available via Gold Passes at $25.00 for a four-day all events pass (Workshops are separate.), $10.00 for students. There will be four workshops delivered by Canadian and International featured and headliner poets.

The NewPages Writing Conferences & Events Guide this and more conferences, book & literary festivals, workshops and retreats, residencies and writing centers. Check it out!

Verso Live Jour- nal

versalAmsterdam-based Versal literary journal went on “intermission” last year, which Editor Megan Garr soundly defends does not mean the publication is dead. To the contrary, Versal is achieving goals they had set for their downtime (though selling out the back issues is still on the To Do List – which you all could help with!). In a bold step forward and away from their past, Versal has started a super cool new venture: Verso / live jour- nal which “renders the literary journal in live form.” Each curated edition will feature one editor and one writer, and a selection of artists and thinkers in various forms: interviews, essays, slideshows, film, sound, and more. Each live issue is themed and edited: 1.1 “Hold Your Tongue” ed. Megan Garr; 1.2 “A Good Road to Follow” ed. Daniel J. Cecil; 1.3 “Chain Gang” ed. Anna Arov; 1.4 “Bad Dog” ed. Jane Lewty. Such a cool idea, but no surprise coming from Versal!

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week


Issue 63 of Conjunctions is themed “Speaking Volumes,” and Kerry Miller’s mixed media piece Brehm Djurens Liv (Animal Life) does just that in its visual imagery.


To continue the theme of speaking, subtle ceiling is credited for this cover image on issue 44 of Berkeley Poetry Review. The tumblr account, subtleceling.tumbler.com is credited to carolina, a “mixed media maker of things” from California now in Gotenburg, Sweden. The issue itself features many works that create a “collage of discrepant (and sometimes discordant) voices . . . “


This cover image for Gigantic Sequins #52 seemed a natural flow from BPR. And likewise, a natural from book designer, poet, and artist Meg Willing.

And then this nice, natural flow of images to the cover of Black Warrior Review (Fall/Winter 2014): Nager in Cyan by Summer Johnson. Sometimes, these lit mag cover features just take on a thematic flow of their own.

Some Literary News Links :: November 11, 2014

The Association for Library Service to Children has release six unique Graphic Novels Reading Lists for K-8.

Mitch Kellaway of The Advocate offers his list of The Year’s 10 Best Transgender Non-Fiction Books: Trans non-fiction writing has had a banner year, exploring love, sexuality, and family in deep and refreshing ways.

Apply by Dec 30 to win $3000 to promote your library from the Campaign for America’s Libraries.

Landon MacDonald of USC’s The Daily Trojan sleuths the truth about Sherlock Holmes and the curious case of expired copyright.

Major New Prize for African Literature Announced recognizing excellent writing in African languages and encouraging translation from, between and into African languages.

From the BBC’s iWonder website Writing the Future: A Timeline of Science Fiction Writing.

The University of Iowa has undertaken to digitize science fiction fanzines from the James L. ‘Rusty’ Hevelin Collection of almost 10,000 fanzines.

American Short Fiction Contest Winner

american-short-fictionThe Fall 2014 issue of American Short Fiction features Scott Gloden’s “What Is Louder,” the winning entry of the American Short Fiction Contest. His same story had been awarded second place in the Glimmer Train March 2014 Family Matters Contest.

Gloden’s story is about a man who works in a post office and his brother who is soldier in Pakistan. Contest judge Amy Hempel praised the story for its new territory, commenting, “the ending is unnerving, very unsettling, and continues the story in a reader’s imagination.”

An excerpt: “My brother tells me that the bombs don’t look like they did on television when we were young: they’re not bowling balls with wick spouts that fire out like a sparkler. Instead, they’re clock radios; they’re wads of Silly Putty with electromagnetic current running through sparse wires; they’re ramshackle, he even said—so much so, a bomb looks more like something you store in the garage, which you don’t need every day but keep around in case of emergencies.”

Winners of the American Short Fiction prize receive $1000 and publication.


Hudson Review New Writers Issue

hudson-reviewThe newest issue of The Hudson Review (Autumn 2014) is their New Writers Issue and features essays by Mara Naselli, James Santel, fiction by Asako Serizawa, Edward Porter, Lauren Schenkman, and poetry by Cally Conan-Davies, William Louis-Dreyfus, Trent Busch, Katherine Robinson, Guillermo Bleichmar, Anne Nance, and Susan de Sola. Some of the works can be read in full on the journal’s website.

Joseph Bathanti Gives MSR the Answers

BathantiM. Scott Douglass, publisher and editor of Main Steet Rag, is one of the most doggedly and passionately persistent people I know, especially when it comes to poetry. His efforts turned a bit more political this past year with the controversy surrounding the annual appointment of North Carolina’s Poet Laureate. In Scott’s words:

“In Mid-July, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory bypassed the established protocol for selecting [former Poet Laureate Joseph Bathanti’s] replacement in the position of NC Poet Laureate. An internet donnybrook ensued because his selection seemed out of touch with the state’s writing community. A spokesperson from the governor’s office said the position was largely symbolic, didn’t require qualifications, and called those who were complaining ‘elitists.’ The governor’s selection for Poet Laureate then resigned. No replacement has been named. National news was made.”

It turns out that Lisa Zerkle had just finished an interview with Bathanti for this issue of MSR during the news of this controversy, but said Bathanti didn’t seem ready to talk about it yet. Scott would not be deterred when he later saw Bathanti would be speaking publicly on the issue. He attended the meeting, asked his own questions, then ask Bathanti if he would be willing to do a follow up on the issue with Zerkle. Bathanti agreed, and the resulting interview is published in this issue, with several pages devoted to the governor’s treatment of the role of Poet Laureate.

2015 Bard Fiction Winner

Laura-van-den-BergAuthor Laura van den Berg has been selected to receive the annual Bard Fiction Prize for 2015. The prize, established in 2001 by Bard College to encourage and support promising young fiction writers, consists of a $30,000 cash award and appointment as writer in residence for one semester. Van den Berg is receiving the prize for her book The Isle of Youth (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2013). Van den Berg’s residency at Bard College will be for the spring 2015 semester, during which time she will continue her writing, meet informally with students, and give a public reading. Read what the judges had to say and more about the winner here.