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Pleiades Editor Edits His Last Issue

In the editor’s note of the latest issue of Pleiades, Wayne Miller announces that this will be his last issue with the journal. He will be teaching in the fall at the University of Colorado Denver and work on the staff of Copper Nickel. “I’m very grateful to the many extraordinary authors I’ve had the privilege to publish over the last twelve years,” he writes, “and I’m indebted to the wonderful editors I’ve worked with…” Phong Nguyen and Kathryn Nuernberger will be in charge of most managerial items. “I have no doubt Pleiades will continue to be a vibrant and important voice in the world of contemporary literature under their stewardship, and I feel privileged to have played a role in the journal’s history and development during my time here,” he said.

American Indian Youth Literature Awards 2014

The American Indian Youth Literature Awards are presented every two years by the American Indian Library Association, an affiliate of the American Library Association. The awards were established as a way to identify and honor the very best writing and illustrations by and about American Indians.

This year’s winners:

Picture Book Award
Caribou Song by Tomson Highway (author) and John Rombough (illustrator)
Published by Fifth House, 2012

Middle School Award
How I became a Ghost: A Choctaw Trail of Tears Story by Tim Tingle
Published by The Roadrunner Press, 2013

Middle School Honor Book
Danny Blackgoat, Navajo Prisoner by Time Tingle
Published by 7th Generation, 2013

Young Adult Award
Killer of Enemies by Joseph Bruchac
Published by Tu Books, 2013

Young Adult Honor Book
If I Ever Get Out of Here by Eric Gansworth
Published by Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013

AILA was founded in 1979 in conjunction with the White House Pre-Conference on Indian Library and Information Services on or near Reservations. At the time, there was increasing awareness that library services for Native Americans were inadequate. Individuals as well as the government began to organize to remedy the situation.

Membership is open to individuals (with student discount) as well as institutions.

[All information from the AILA website.]

Looking for a Dialect? Try IDEA

“The International Dialects of English Archive [IDEA] was created in 1997 as the first online archive of primary-source recordings of English dialects and accents as heard around the world.” Founded by Paul Meier, IDEA was originally started as a way to help actors practice character speech, but has become popular for any number of other uses. Dialects can be selected from a global mapping image or from drop-down menus. Each recording provides background information of each speaker – age, place of birth, date of birth, occupation, ethnicity, level of education – as the information is available. IDEA accepts submissions; full guidelines are available on the site.

IDEA also has a Special Collections section which includes General American (“Comma Gets a Cure” recordings), Holocaust Survivors, Native Americans, Oral Histories (native speakers talking about the places they live), Phonetic Transcriptions, Play Names & Terms (sound files of native speakers pronouncing place names, people names, and idioms from well-known plays often produced in the theatre), Received Pronunciation (“Comma Gets a Cure” recordings from British speech professionals), and Speech and Voice Disorders (a short essay by Joanna Cazden discussing the use of disability speech characteristics in oral productions).

Stealth: The Mix Tape

Awesome Tapes from Africa is exactly as it proclaims. Ethnomusicologist and DJ Brian Shimkovitz curates this collection of hundreds of cassette tape recordings from various regions of Africa dating back to the 70s. Shimkovitz recently contributed a mix-tape of popular 50s Egyptian music for New Directions Books in celebration of the US release of Stealth by Sonallah Ibrahim, Egyptian activist and novelist.

Motion collage artist and poet Nathaniel Whitcomb had already created a mini-animated trailer to celebrate the book: “Inspired by vintage View Masters, Whitcomb flips through photos taken by Don Church of 1950s Cairo to let the viewer ‘peek in with care’ to Ibrahim’s childhood world. Accompanying the animation is music by the great 20th century Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum.”

New Directions also interviewed Shimovitz about his work with Awesome Tapes from Africa, his creation of a mix tape ins
pired by Stealth, and the future new label created for ATFA.

Maya Angelou Interview with Howl

Howl is a unique publication in that is is staffed entirely by high school students, but open to submissions. Howl publishes book reviews, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and art online as well as producing an inaugural print publication. Cool, too, Howl offered a screening of the film Big Fish directed by Tim Burton, followed by a Skype talk with the book’s author, Daniel Wallace.

Howl has established quite a name for itself this past year as the students interviewed 10 Pulitzer Prize winning authors and other award winning writers, among them, Maya Angelou. The interview with Angelou took place on February 26, 2014, which Dylan Emerick-Brown, English teacher and faculty adviser for the student-run literary arts magazine says is the last known recorded interview of the author before her passing in May of this year. The recording has been accepted for archive by the Library of Congress.

Angelou closed her comments to the interview with this: “Poetry, when it is done right, can be of use to anybody . . . But good poetry belongs to everybody all the time. And to the young men and women in Mr. Brown’s class, continue…continue to read and to write. Continue, my dears, to read and to write, and read aloud.”

August Poetry Postcard Festival :: Sign Up Now!

Paul Nelson writes: It is almost August once again and this means POSTCARDS!

The August Poetry Postcard Fest is an exercise in responding to other poets. You write a poem a day for the month of August, write it directly onto a postcard and send it to the next name on your list. When you receive a postcard poem from someone, the idea is that the next poem you send out will be a response to the poem you just received, even though it will be sent to a different person. Ideally you will write 31 new poems and receive 31 postcard poems from all over the place.

To participate, send your name, mailing address, and email to [email protected]. Use the word “postcard” in the subject line.

Again, one long list will go out this year this year instead of individual lists of 32 names. You can send postcard poems to the 31 names below your name, please do not use this list for advertising or for any other purpose than postcard poems. DO NOT SPAM THE LIST.

I [Paul] will send out the list twice. Our international participants often require an earlier start due to longer delivery times, so I will send the incomplete list out on July 16th and the final version around July 26th. The 26th is the cut off date, I will not be adding any more names to the list after that, the list sent out on the 26th will be the final list for this year. Really. I’ll be out of the U.S. myself. Please be sure to send in your information before that. I will email the list to the participants in a google document as well as in the body of the email.

If you know anyone who would like to participate, feel free to forward them this message! Hope you enjoy the Poetry Postcard Fest!


On or about Sunday, July 27th, look at the list to see the three people listed below your name. Write them each an original poem on a postcard, put their address on the card and affix the necessary postage. $1.15 for international cards leaving the U.S. Consider scanning your cards or photographing them to document each poem/card before you send them out. Do not recycle old poems for this. Do not compose a long poem in advance and cut it up into hunks for this. It is an experiment in composing in the moment and your poem has an audience of one. This is designed in part as a conversation.

(If you are near the bottom of the list, send a card to anyone below you then start again at the top.) Ideally, you would write 3 different short poems — remember they are being composed on a postcard and please keep your handwriting clear. If your handwriting is lousy, typing the poems is ok. If you have folks outside your own country on your list, you can start sending poems early…)

Write about something that relates to your sense of “place” however you interpret that, something about how you relate to the postcard image, what you see out the window, what you’re reading, a dream you had that morning, or an image from it, etc. Like “real” postcards, get to something of the “here and now” when you write. Present tense is preferred… Do write original poems for the project. Taking old poems and using them is not what we have in mind. You may want to use epigraphs. One participant last year used his daily I Ching divination to inform his poems.

This is also an experiment in community consciousness. Try to respond to cards that you get with subject, image or any kind of link if possible. Often newsworthy events happen in August. How would our community respond? Letting a card that you receive linger for a while before you respond to the next person on your list is the preferred method. When you go to your mail box each day, put the bills aside, read the poems you get and think about them as you compose to the next person on your list.

A GREAT story about one man’s conversion from being a postcard CHEATER is here: http://changeorder.typepad.com/weblog/2010/08/sending-postcards-to-strangers.html

A workshop handout for the poetry postcard writing exercise is here: http://paulenelson.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Postcard-Exercise.pdf

You may also view that handout at this link: http://paulenelson.com/workshops/poetry-postcard-exercise/

Schlafly Beer Micro-Brew Micro-Fiction

River Styx received close to 300 submissions for their eighth annual Schlafly Beer Micro-Brew Micro-Fiction Contest. “We thought the overall quality of manuscripts was exceptionally high,” the editors write. The top three winners are featured in the latest issue of the magazine (39th Anniversary Issue: “Because who wants to turn 40?”)

First Place
Doug Crandell, “Dangerous to Inhale”
“The state park cannot be named. If it is, you’ll know where this happened, and if that were the case, he might come back and get me. I don’t want that. Yes, he’s dead, but one thing you’ll find out is that the dead are never really gone here. He gets to go wherever he wants, the Magic Marker Man, that is…”

Second Place
Landon Houle, “Right to the Bones, Right to the Marrow”
“My mother texts me, says, Lisa lost the baby again. I don’t think about it at the time. At the time, I’m in the bathtub, and I’m getting my phone all wet and soapy, and to my credit, I’m not thinking about electronics and water or the manner of my mother’s message. To my credit, I’m thinking of my cousin Lisa, and I type back, Oh no! …”

Third Place
John Hearn, “Billy”
“He told me he remembered the day his parents brought Billy home from Union Hospital, the day he met his sixth sibling. The christening, too, with the Boston relatives crowding the apartment early that Sunday morning, the adults dressed in their church clothes, baby Billy in a christening gown brought by his aunt Madeline. In the apartment, just minutes before the ceremony, a discussion continued over what to name him..”

Monsterama 2014

Monsterama is an Atlanta convention that celebrates the fantastic in film, literature, and art. It takes place from August 1-3, 2014. The convention will feature celebrity, artist, and author guests, screenings, programming on film, literature, and art, as well as other fan related events and panels.

Tequila Mockingbird :: Literary Libations

From Running Press, Tequlia Mockinbird should be every readers compendium volume! Author Tim Ferdale “Broadway actor, word nerd, and cocktail enthusiast” (and author of the YA comic novel Better Nate Than Ever) offers readers/drinkers 65 literary themed recipes along with commentary on the source novels, drinking games, food recipes, and illustrations.

A few examples: One Flew Over the Cosmo’s Nest; Rye and Prejudice; The Cooler Purple; Frangelico and Zooey; A Midsummer Night’s Beam; The Old Man and the Seagram’s; The Sound and the Slurry – and I could go on! The book is divided into sections Drinks for Dames and Gulps for Guys (why the gender divide, I don’t know – I found BOTH lists appealing!), and Bevies for Book Clubs, Refreshments for Recovering Readers, Bar Bites for Book Hounds, and Games for Geeks (with games for Drinking All by Your Lonesome as well as Drinking with Friends).

I’m only sorry I didn’t have this book when I was in grad school – it would have made all those novel-a-week classes a lot more fun! A definite must have for literary lovers, a great gift for bookies on your list, and required reading for anyone heading off to English grad programs this fall!

And to look forward to: Federle’s Hickory Daiquiri Dock is due out December 2014. Nursery rhymes made even more fun? Who knew!

Upstreet Interviews Robert Olen Butler

Robert Olen Butler is a Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction with fourteen novels and six volumes of short fiction. His work has been translated into nineteen languages, and he has traveled all over lecturing about creative writing. In the tenth issue of upstreet, Editor Vivian Dorsel publishes an interview she conducted over the phone in March. Beyond the typical questions about writing process, favorite authors, and inspiration, Dorsel asks some interesting questions such as “Do you think it’s important for the student to like his or her teacher’s writing?”

Here’s his response: “Being a good writer and being a good writing teacher do not necessarily go together. To that extent, the answer is no. Just because you like somebody’s writing, it doesn’t mean he or she is going to be able to teach you anything, or even e able to read you effectively. The questions is really more if a student of writing should feel an aesthetic kinship with the teacher’s writing. As a student, you’re apt to get a better quality of response and criticism from teachers if you know that as readers, as sensibilities, they are in tune with the aesthetics you gravitate toward. But of course students usually go to creative writing programs before they’ve gotten in touch with their own aesthetic, so there’s not an easy answer, and ultimately it depends on the quality of your teacher’s sensibility and his or her ability to respond to your work on its own terms.”

Read the rest of the review in the tenth issue of upstreet.

American Life in Poetry :: Barbara Crooker

American Life in Poetry: Column 484

I’m especially fond of sparklers because they were among the very few fireworks we could obtain in Iowa when I was a boy. And also because in 2004 we set off the fire alarm system at the Willard Hotel in Washington by lighting a few to celebrate my inauguration as poet laureate. Here’s Barbara Crooker, of Pennsylvania, also looking back.


We’re writing our names with sizzles of light
to celebrate the fourth. I use the loops of cursive,
make a big B like the sloping hills on the west side
of the lake. The rest, little a, r, one small b,
spit and fizz as they scratch the night. On the side
of the shack where we bought them, a handmade sign:
Trailer Full of Sparkles Ahead, and I imagine crazy
chrysanthemums, wheels of fire, glitter bouncing
off metal walls. Here, we keep tracing in tiny
pyrotechnics the letters we were given at birth,
branding them on the air. And though my mother’s
name has been erased now, I write it, too:
a big swooping I, a hissing s, an a that sighs
like her last breath, and then I ring
belle, belle, belle in the sulphuric smoky dark.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2013 by Barbara Crooker from her most recent book of poems, Gold, Cascade Books, 2013. Poem reprinted by permission of Barbara Crooker and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2014 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

This cover features an old passport of Mavis Gallant, the writer who is being honored and feature within the first half of this new issue of Brick.


The Meadow‘s 2014 issue features cover artwork from Marti Bein titled “Aurora View.”


It’s rare that I don’t like a cover from Parcel. This one is by Cable Griffith, an artist and curator living in Seattle whose work also graces the inside pages. “Return to the Source” and “Gallatin Passage” are two of my favorites.

Interview with Anne Valente

Get the latest issue of Iron Horse Literary Review, then read Anne Valente’s fiction piece “Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down,” and be rewarded with both the excellent prose and the interview with her that follows. Valente discusses her inspiration for the piece: “This story did develop from so many recent news stories about school shootings, as well as the difficult of even imagining the pain for everyone involved. From the remove of watching on television or reading the newspaper, I felt overwhelmed but also guilty for feeling this, as if I had no right. After the Sandy Hook shooting in particular, I couldn’t stop thinking about the unbearable weight of that kind of grief and where that pressure can even go. From there emerged the image of a sorrow-turned-to-fire, of grief having no outlet but to burn everything down.”

More generally, you also learn about Valente, that she has always wanted to be a writer, and if she wasn’t a writer, according to the career aptitude test in her high school, she’d be a tree surgeon: “In retrospect, this doesn’t seem to far off the mark; when I’m not writing, I’m usually outside or wanting to be outside.” Currently, she is working on a full-length novel that grew out of this published story as well as a collection of short stories about the city of St. Louis.

Mississippi Review Prize Issue 2014

The latest issue of Mississippi Review features the winners of the 2014 Contests. Winners received publication and $1,000.

Kirstin Valdez Quade is the fiction prize winner. Here is how her piece starts: “When she heard the blind girl was coming to spend mornings at the normal school, Jill suspected they’d stick her in the desk next to hers. She had the best grades and the fewest friends, a combo that made her uniquely qualified to keep company with a cripple.”

And Harold Whit Williams won the poetry prize with “Blue Dreams” which starts:

At this juncture the river is too wide,
Too swift and too strong. A bottleneck
Slide scraped along taut catgut strings
That sing and moan like a crop-beaten
Beast of burden. Cry gee, then cry haw.
Cry over evil deeds done at midnight.
Holler sweet Lucifer back in his hole.
What a sight! This old muddy flooding
Fields, lapping the levee. I’ll get there
Somehow, someway, and on that day
You’ll be sorry you’ve done me wrong.

Brick Celebrates Mavis Gallant

Right from the front cover (her passport) of the new issue of Brick, you can tell that this issue means to celebrate Mavis Gallant. And as you open the issue, you get a quote from her before you delve into the issue itself: “I have lived in writing, like a spoonful of water in a river.”

It starts with a short piece by the editors that discusses “Working with Mavis Gallant” as in 2007, they published an interview with her, conducted in French and then translated. Gallant called many times to make corrections and work on editing the interview, eventually relinquishing the care of the work to Tara Quinn. “There would be no more auspicious a start to life at Brick than to be show by Mavis Gallant how to edit an interview,” Quinn and Nadia Szilvassy write. “The experience informed how we edited all interviews in issues to come. The voice had to come through wit ha force equal to that of Mavis on that first phone call. We’d all do well to keep listening.”

The issue continues with four more pieces “For Mavis Gallant” from Michael Helm, Francine Prose, Alison Harris, and Michael Ondaatje.

New Managing Editor at Prairie Schooner

Prairie Schooner has announced that a new managing editor will be taking over, Ashely Strosnider. She has held editing positions with Drunken Boat, Pithead Chapel, and Yemassee.  Editor-in-Cheif Kwame Dawes writes that, “Ashley comes with the requisite experience that this job demands, but she’s also full of brilliant ideas and has a tremendous passion for publishing, qualities that will take us in new and exciting directions.” You can read more about Strosnider and the staff change, here.

Live Storytelling is Booming

Paula Carter writes that, “live nonfiction storytelling is hitting a nerve. Audiences are showing up all over the country, and even more are listening online, looking to enjoy some real-life struggle vicariously—or, for that matter, to tell their ow personal stories. As the scene continues to grow, it is becoming clear that this is a golden age of storytelling, and it is something to relish—maybe even to love.” This is part of her contribution to a section in the current issue of Creative Nonfiction called “Under the Umbrella: Getting Intimate with a Crowd of Strangers.”

Creative nonfiction doesn’t have to just be on paper. Carter explains it this way: “Like the narrative nonfiction essay, live stories reveal the truths of who we are. They air the unspoken, make fun of idiosyncrasies, and demonstrate our common humanity. Unlike at a comedy show, or even a theater production, audiences are asked to connect directly with the person on stage. Spectators fail and fall in love and overcome obstacles along with the storytellers. We see ourselves in the stories. We’ve been there.”

In the next section, Graham Shelby takes us on stage with him as he goes through the experience of performing at The Players, The Moth Mainstage: “My story will be recorded and maybe someday broadcast to the roughly one million weekly listeners of The Moth Radio Hour,” he writes. Shelby tells us that there is something very rewarding with this type of nonfiction:

“I love writing. I do. But it can be isolating. When we’re writing in our rooms, it’s easy for our eventual readers, unknown in name or number, to remain abstract. So easy to focus on what we want, rather than what they need. Live storytelling never lets you forget about the audience. The form offers one more gift, as I see it, one that springs from the very aspects of storytelling that sometimes keeps writers away: it’s public, it’s interactive, and you have to go somewhere to do it. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, that means you leave the house with one story, but you come home with two.”

Both pieces are insightful and great reads. Editor Lee Gutkind writes in his opening note, “Storytelling is our oldest, most powerful art form; we use it to entertain, to inform, and to inspire. A good story can change the world. That is what his issue is all about.”

Get Your Vectors Running :: July Broadsided

The Broadsided art/poetry collaboration for July features “A Poem by Brian McGuigan,” which is actually a poem by Kate Lebo, and art by Sarah Van Sanden The website features a collaborators’ Q&A, in which Artist Sarah Van Sanden notes, “The poem immediately evoked the yin/yang symbol for me and everything followed that lead by drawing forms from the poem.” Poetry lovers and those who simply love postering the neighborhoods are encouraged to download the broadside and “vectorize” your quadrant! Also of interest, it would seem Kate Lebo is something of a pie aficionado. Check out her Pie School, “a cliche busting pastry academy.”

American Life in Poetry :: Leo Dangel

American Life in Poetry: Column 483

The poems of Leo Dangel, who lives in South Dakota, are known for their clarity and artful understatement. Here he humbly honors the memory of one moment of deep intimacy between a mother and her son.

In Memoriam

In the early afternoon my mother
was doing the dishes. I climbed
onto the kitchen table, I suppose
to play, and fell asleep there.
I was drowsy and awake, though,
as she lifted me up, carried me
on her arms into the living room,
and placed me on the davenport,
but I pretended to be asleep
the whole time, enjoying the luxury—
I was too big for such a privilege
and just old enough to form
my only memory of her carrying me.
She’s still moving me to a softer place.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2013 by Leo Dangel from his most recent book of poems, Saving Singletrees, WSC Press, 2013. Poem reprinted by permission of Leo Dangel and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2014 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Cimarron Review‘s front cover message states, “Don’t worry, nothing is wrong everything is fine, seriously.” It’s very tongue-in-cheek as right below the message is a tank of dead sea animals. This piece, along with the image on the back cover (“Keep up the good work” alongside a dead flower), are excerpts from Kat Eng’s comic Everything is Fine.


Room‘s cover features Jade Hill’s Dancing with Fire, digital documentation of a fire poi performance. “I take inspiration from the beauty I may find present in all circumstances,” she writes, “and from the relationship between life and myself.”


Green Blotter‘s 2014 issue features cover art by Dylan Rigg. I’m not entirely sure what to think of this cartoon elephant headed man, but it has me thinking, and that’s the important part.

Glimmer Train April Very Short Fiction Award Winners

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their April Very Short Fiction Award. This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers for stories with a word count under 3000. The next Very Short Fiction competition will take place in July. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place goes to Julian Zabalbeascoa [pictured] of Boston, MA, wins $1500 for “Gernika.” His story will be published in Issue 94 of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place goes to David Abrams of Butte, MT, wins $500 for “A Little Bit of Everything.”

Third place goes to Meghan Pipe of Minneapolis, MN, wins $300 for “Contingencies.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching! Fiction Open: June 30
Glimmer Train hosts this competition quarterly, and first place is $2500 plus publication in the journal. This category has been won by both beginning and veteran writers – all are welcome! There are no theme restrictions. Word count generally ranges from 2000 – 8000, though up to 20,000 is fine. Click here for complete guidelines.

2013 Freefall Prose & Poetry Contest Winners

The latest issue of Freefall features the winners of the 2013 Annual Prose & Poetry Contest, judged this year by Marina Endicott.

1st Place: Marlene Grand Maitre “Slip the Knot”
2nd Place: Patricia Young “Too Many Guns in the House”
3rd Place: Patricia Young “Puzzle”
Honourable Mentions:
Cassy Welburn “A Kindness of Bees”
Wendy Donawa “About the Snow Queen: A Question for Hans Christian Anderson”
Alec Whitford “Nameless Creek”

1st Place: Hermine Robinson “Tipping House”
2nd Place: Paddy Scott “The Bull of Heaven”
3rd Place: Theanna Bischoff “Pear”

George Saunders :: Kenyon Review Credos

In honor of the 75 years The Kenyon Review has publishing, they are putting out credos from writers who have been previously been published within their pages. In the current issue, they invite George Saunders to contribute his credo, to which he starts, “I don’t know that I really have a credo, unless it’s ‘Trust the process.'”

“For me, the process is to take some tiny scrap of text,” he writes, “as unladen with ‘meaning’ or ‘theme’ or ‘intention’ as possible, and see what it wants me to do. The way I prompt it to tell me what to do is to revise it, and the means by which I revise it is, more or less, ‘to ear.’ I look at it, read it internally—and see how I feel about it. Often a slight rearrangement (a cut, a reordering, the insertion of a new phrase) will suggest itself instantaneously. Other times, a next sentence or small narrative beat will appear (‘Oh, she should follow him into the store.’) And I do mean ‘appear’—ideally this next bit of text alteration or froward movement does not come willed, exactly00it arrives on its own, instantaneously, unstoppable. This is where the mystery comes in—from where do those strong impulses-to-improve come? … This is also where a terrifying idea presents itself: the difference between a good writer and a so-so writer is the quality of these unwilled intuitions.”

Read the rest in the Summer 2014 issue.

Room’s 2013 Writing Contest Winners

“Our contest winners feature powerful writing about the vulnerability of migrant women in foreign lands; transgendered characters trying to find their place in society; family and motherhood, and the gut-wrenching experience that happens with it all falls apart and when the pieces are put back together,” writes Room Editor Amy McCall in the latest issue. The judges of the 2013 Contests were Yasuko Thanh (fiction), Jane Munro (poetry), and Betsy Warland (creative non-fiction).

1st Place: “Essence” by Carol Lazare, Toronto, ON
2nd Place: “Totem” by Katherine Sinclair, Markham, ON
Honourable Mention: “Wishweeds” by Jess Taylor, Toronto, ON

1st Place: “liquidation of the ashettes” by Karen Sylvia Rockwell, Belle River, ON
2nd Place: “Lovenoise: an eviction in parts” by Megan Hyska, Port Moody, BC
Honourable Mention: “leaving 7516 tronson” by Lyndsay Thornton, Vernon, BC

Creative Non-Fiction
1st Place: “Writing, in transit” by Najwa Ali, Toronto, ON
2nd Place: “Under the Skin” by Nicola Harwood, Vancouver, BC
Honourable Mention (tie): “Doppelganger” by Paula Freed, Sea Bright, NJ
Honourable Mention (tie): “The Good News” by Veronica Fredericks, Toronto, ON

View the shortlist entrants by genre here.

Poems from Working as a Nurse’s Aide

Janice N. Harrington’s The Hands of Strangers: Poems from the Nursing Home come from her experience working as a nurse’s aide: “It was work; it was a way of life, and I wanted people to understand who the people are who are helping the elderly . . . Even when I read some of the poems in public, people will assume they’re nurses, but these are the nurses’ aides. These are the people who do the grunt work, the underpaid work. I wanted to tell those stories.”

The latest issue of New Letters features an interview with this author, where the quoted text above comes from. And as Editor Robert Stewart asks how she kept the details from so long ago in her mind, she responds, “I never forget the people I worked with. Even now I know what their conditions were . . . I still remember their names . . . I think we were in that intense, compressed situation, and their stories somehow became a part of my memory.”

The interview deals with the inspiration behind the book, her background in writing, and her writing process. “If I’m writing a poem,” she says, “I’m writing it for a reader; I’m writing it for another human being. I want the reader to understand me. I want there to be some communication. I know that there’s argument about being too simplistic. It’s not that I think poems are just about communication. Sometimes when I’m writing something, because I appreciate the sound of it, that’s what I want you to pay attention to.”

Founding Editor and Designer Pass the Torch

High Desert Journal was founded ten years ago by Elizabeth Quinn whose vision was “to create a platform for the artists and writers of the interior West, a place to showcase their talents, and by doing so bring to a wider audience the art and stories that come from the place they call home.” And the first eighteen issues (the journal is now on issue 19) were all designed by Thomas Osborne. Editor Charles Finn writes, “There is not a better looking, classier, more visually engaging literary magazine on the stands today. Period. Thomas put a look to Elizabeth’s vision, and between the two they created one of the most respected journals in the country.” And due to the many thanks that Finn has to these to for making the journal what it is, it is with a heavy heart that he announces that both of them will no longer be working with the journal on the day-to-day. They will remain, however, as advisors.

And the torch of a vision will be carried on: “High Desert journal can’t help but change, evolve as all endeavors such as this do, but I’d like to take this opportunity to say what it will not do is cease to be the visual and artistic voice Elizabeth and Thomas foresaw, a journal built to be a witness to the West,” Finn writes.

To carry on this vision, Sheryl Noethe, previous poet laureate of Montana, and Joe Wilkins, award-winning author of The Mountains and the Fathers, will join the team along with new Art Editor Kerrie Rosenstein and new Fiction Editor Jane Carpenter. The new design team will consist of Benjamin Kinzer and Chloe Frommer.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Simple, yet a perfect spring cover for Natural Bridge. The illustration and design is done by Nathaniel Gibson.


This image on Rattle‘s cover is breathtaking, especially in your hands and not on the screen. By Sebastian Lauf.


Kim Aubrey writes in Grain‘s editor’s note: “The haunting prints of our featured artist, Sean Caulfield, show an organic world worked upon by technology and ask questions about what survives from that familiar natural world and what changes beyond recognition.”

Absinthe Magazine Moves to Ann Arbor

Previously founded in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Absinthe has announced that they will be moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan where The Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan will assume editorial leadership. Here’s more information from the announcement:

“The relocation of Absinthe to the Department of Comparative Literature will allow the journal to benefit from the expertise of one of the strongest comparative programs in the nation, and provide a sustainable publishing model to continue Absinthe’s commitment to promoting foreign literature in the United States. At the University of Michigan, Absinthe will provide a space of encounter between new voices in foreign literature, experienced translators, as well as translators in training.

Starting in summer 2014, Absinthe will serve as a platform from which to expand the Department of Comparative Literature’s ongoing engagement with translation activities across the Michigan campus and beyond. The magazine will offer graduate students the opportunity to gain professional experience in editing literary translations and identifying important new trends in contemporary world literature. It will also provide opportunities for collaboration with colleagues across departments, both within and beyond the University of Michigan, on topics for special issues.

In the fall of 2014, The Department of Comparative Literature will resume Absinthe’s biannual print publication as well as create an entire new online presence for the magazine. Two doctoral students in Comparative Literature will serve as co-editors for the first two transitional issues. Their task will consist of maintaining the legacy of Absinthe as established by Hayes, while broadening the magazine’s current focus on European literature to include texts that reflect the very wide range of geographical interests, talents and affinities present in the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan. “

Bellingham Review 2014 Contest Winners

Bellingham Review is pleased to announce the winners from their 2014 Contests:

Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction
Final Judge: Joy Castro

First Place
Michael Palmer, “A Glossary of West Texas”

Runner Up
Whitney Templeton, “Body Cavities”

Rebecca Bald, Sonja Livingston, Jericho Parms, Allie Rowbottom, Julie Wittes Schlack, Maya Jewell Zeller

49th Parallel Award for Poetry
Final Judge: Kathleen Flenniken

First Place
Jackleen Holton, “Goldfish”

Leslie Marie Aguilar, C. Wade Bentley, Cathleen Chambless, Lynn Deming, Luiza Flynn-Goodlett, Rebecca Foust, Jenny Grassl, Amy Greacan, Kathleen McClung, Arlene Naganawa, Nathan Renie, Tobias Wray

The Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction
Final Judge: Shawn Wong

First Place
Tom Howard, “Temple and Vine”

Noelle Catharine Allen, Amina Gautier, Patricia Schultheis, Britt Tisdale

June Lit Mag Reviews on NewPages

Yesterday we supplied you with the latest in literary magazine reviews. As of last month, Screen Reading (mini reviews of online and digital magazines) is now on the same page, so you’ll get a sampling of both print and online/digital magazines in the mix.

Discover both brand new and well-established mags as our expanse of reviewers gives you honest recommendations of what to read. We don’t assign reviews or charge magazines to be reviewed, so you know you’ll always be getting an unbiased review. Here are the first lines from several reviews:

“Though I’ve read several issues of Phoebe before, I’m always impressed by how diverse the journal is in terms of genre, aesthetic, and style,” Justin Brouckaert writes.

Fairy Tale Review maintains its fanciful theme well, but its significance as a literary document exceeds whimsy: the authors transform modern literature, spackling any clichés or invention with language, philosophy, and critical energy,” writes Mary Florio.

Bop Dead City is a humble, independent, quarterly literary magazine,” writes Melanie Tague. “At first glance it may seem to lack the finesse of larger magazines, but upon closer inspection, the reader will be pleasantly surprised to see interesting cover art as well as poetry and fiction that can and will inspire us all to read more or to pick up a pen and begin to write.”

The rest of the print magazines reviewed include both well established journals and a mix of newer ones: 2 Bridges Review, The Austin Review, Black Magnolias, The Cape Rock, Hiram Poetry Review, Iodine Poetry Journal, Juked, Kestrel, MAKE Literary Magazine, Minetta Review, No Tokens, The Pinch, Sierra Nevada Review, and Subtropics.

Online magazines reviewed by Kirsten McIlvenna (as Screen Reading) include Clare, Communion, New Purlieu Review, rawboned, and Red Booth Review. They are combined in with the rest of the reviews, but if you would like links to these particular reviews as well as more recent online magazine reviews, you can click here.

Or you can read all the reviews in one place! Click here to get going.

Rising Phoenix

The Rising Phoenix Contest occurs with each spring issue of The Sheepshead Review. This year, they stepped up the game a little bit and had the students send in a six-piece portfolio for review for the art portion, giving them the opportunity for six pieces to be published, “a larger amount of pieces than is typically presented by one student.” The judge this year was Jon Crispin, along with new judges Saul Lemerond (fiction), Sarah Gilbert (poetry), and David McGlynn (nonfiction). Here are the winners:

Laura Wire: Piet’s Orange Peel

Sarah Chayer: “The Breaking Breath”

Cole Heyn: “Rail-Splitters”

Andrea Reisenauer: “The Solo Journey”

2013-2014 Mid-American Review Awards

Mid-American Review publishes the winners of the 2013-2014 James Wright Poetry Award and the Sherwood Anderson Fiction Award in the latest issue:

James Wright Poetry Award
Jude Nutter: “The Shipping Forecast

Cate Lycurgus: “[It wasn’t a fast break]”

Carol V. Davis: “The Autopsy, a Love Poem”
Nate Liederbach: “Siege”
Janet Smith: “To Do List”

Sherwood Anderson Fiction Award
Gabriel Houck: “Hero’s Theater”

Dana Fitz Gale: “Cousin”

Editor’s Choice
Courtney Craggett: “Kansas Before Oz”

2013 Barthelme Prizes

Robert Coover was the final judge for the 2013 Barthelme Prizes, hosted by Gulf Coast. “All three of these stories echo Donald Barthelme’s brevity, concision, and wry intelligence, his gift for memorable one-liners,” he writes in the latest issue which features the winners. “Notoriously withering as his critiques could be, he would have loved all the first and last sentences here, and would have said so. . . Though all these stories are deserving of prizes and publication, ‘Bats’ in particular, with its commonsensical women of Northwest Ohio dreaming the winged dreams of the bats hiding upside down in their purses, perhaps best exemplifies Barthelme’s poignant whimsy, his playful collaging of artful irrealism with the commonplaces of the quotidian.”

Lawrence Coates: “Bats”

Honorable Mentions
Colin Winnette: “Cement Man”
Ana Reyes: “At the Edge of the Kitchen’s Light”

Vermont Double Laureate Team-Up

As a special feature in the latest issue from Green Mountains Review, Vermont Double Laureate Team-Up” is an illustrated collaboration between Poet Laureate of Vermont Sydney Lea and Cartoonist Laureate of Vermont James Kochalka. It’s a “strip” they title “Laureate Power.” Here’s a sampling from the first included page:

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

The cover of the latest issue of Hayden’s Ferry Review features Seba Kurtis’s Mirrors. It’s even more magnificent inside the issue where it is also printed, with more true color and clear image.


In the editor’s note of this issue of december, Gianna Jacobson writes that “inspiration is a miraculous notion.” And so the cover art, by B

Rattle Young Poets Anthology

In 1998, Rattle published a special issue featuring poems written by children. It is now out of print, but the editors have revived and even extended the idea with an annual anthology of young poets: “the early years of language development are magical. No other time in life is full of such wonder, such imagination, and such linguistic experimentation. Young poets don’t write out of habit; they haven’t even learned yet how to be cliche. They write with a natural spontaneity that adults can only hope to achieve.” The first annual Rattle Young Poets Anthology, featuring 60 young poets 15 years or younger, is now available in print and as an ebook, with the poems appearing as daily content on the Rattle website throughout the year.

Staff Changes at Under the Gum Tree

Under the Gum Tree has been making some changes to their staff. Six months ago, assistant editors Kathryn DeJarnette and Becca Litman joined the team. Robin Martin became senior editor. Now, Aimee Steffen Taber is taking Natana Prudhomme’s place as designer. Prudhomme helped launch the magazine in 2011 and designed the logo and page layout. “I can’t tell you how lucky I was to find Natana (and would you believe it was all thanks to a Craigslist ad?),” Editor Janna Marlies Maron writes, “seriously, Under the Gum Tree would not be the gorgeous magazine that it is without Natana. When we started working together, all I had was the title and an idea and Natana executed that idea more beautifully than I could have imagined. As sad as I was to see Natana go, I was so honored to have worked with her for two years and am excited to see her pursuing her goals as an artist.”

There has also been a transition in the editorial interns. Janna thanks Elizabeth Kroll for her contributions with the newsletter and social media and welcomes aboard the new intern, Katie Walker. You can read more here.

2014 Tusculum Review Prizes

The Tusculum Review is proud to announce the winners of their 2014 prizes, included within the Volume 10, 2014 issue. Winners received $1,000 and publication.

2014 Tusculum Review Fiction Prize
Sara Pritchard, Final Judge
John Blair: “Biggest Snake in the Woods”

2014 Tusculum Review Poetry Prize
Jericho Brown, Final Judge

Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow: “The Timekeeper”

Gail Giewont: “Identifying Angels”
Jed Myers: “Comfort”
Chris Vogt-Hennessy: “Requiem for Monogamy”

Visit the magazine’s website to read more about the judges and order an issue to read the pieces.

NANO Fiction Now Pays Writers

NANO Fiction has just announced that they are now able to pay their contributors: “Starting with issue 8.1, all writers who have work published in NANO Fiction (including reviewers and contributors to our State of Flash series) will not only receive two copies of the issue in which they are published, but they will now also be paid $20 per published piece!” Submissions will remain free, but there is now an optional tip jar to help support the magazine.

Summer Poetry in Rattle

The Summer 2014 issue of Rattle has some great poems. I only skimmed through a few of them, but each one I read made me happy I did. Here’s a snippet of Nic Alea’s “River,” which opens up the issue:

I think I am in the back of
the car slamming my head against
the seat, I think I am screaming, no,
careless, maybe, I think I am too fast
over this canyon, I think my tape player
is stuck singing about the rain or
a field or no, this is a canyon and canyons have the once upon a river stuck to
the bottom, I’m going to hit the bottom
and it’s going to burn like the summer
and we feel good peeling the dead skin
off our shoulders and I press my thumb
into your chest to watch my imprint glow
against you, I think you forgot about me,
maybe we kissed goodbye on your bed with
the windows open and the orange house across
the street steamed like a fat sun and I feel all over
the wood floor…

Kentucky Poet Laureate 2013-2014

Frank X Walker, the first African-American Kentucky poet laureate (2013-2014), is featured within the current issue of The Louisville Review. The magazine hails from Spalding University, and so the editors are especially pleased to welcome him to the issue as he is a graduate of the Spalding University low-residency MFA in Writing. “In this issue,” writes Sena Jeter Naslund, “we are proud to include the work of three of Frank’s teachers while at Spalding: Molly Peacock…Greg Pape…and Jeanie Thompson…” Here is a sample of his first included poem, “Thanks,” after Yusef Komunyakaa:

thanks for the tug at my heart string
and each beat that skipped
every time you were close enough
to be touched or touch but didn’t.
thanks for the light that came on
and the sirens and storm warnings
after the tequila flavored kiss
and the inhibitions that took flight
joining the flock of sky gods
just outside our windows.

The issue also features poetry from Michael Fulop, Robert Fernandez, Joel W. Nelson, Okla Elliott, Jesse DeLong, John Blair, Roy Bentley, Natalie Price, Aaron Crippen, Andrew Payton, Drew Pomeroy, Brandon Rushton, Jessica Pace, Helen Tzagoloff, and Simon Perchik; fiction by Cailin Barrett-Bressack, Megan E. Calhoun, Ed Taylor, Margaret Hayertz, Kirby Gann, Gayle Hanratty, and Chervis Isom; and more.

2013 Booth Story Prize Published

This year’s print edition of Booth includes the winners of the 2013 Booth Story Prize, judged by Roxane Gay. The first prize winner won $1,000 and second prize got $250.

First Prize
“Real Family” by Lenore Myka

Second Prize
“Little Miss Bird-in-Hand” by Annie Bilancini

“Some Helpful Background for the Incoming Tenant” by Jacob Appel
“Their Own Resolution” by David Armstrong (story withdrawn by the author)
“Little Miss Bird-in-Hand” by Annie Bilancini
“Plush” by Jennifer Caloyeras
“Real Family” by Lenore Myka

Gulf Coast Poetry Editor’s Advice on Submitting Your Manuscript

In a second post in her series “My First Book of Poetry: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Independent Presses,” one of Gulf Coast‘s poetry editors, Frances Justine Post writes advice on submitting your manuscript to small presses on the magazine’s blog. “Independent poetry presses are publishing the most daring, mind-blowing work,” she writes. “As a whole, they are not concerned with making money like the publishing behemoths of yore. They are interested in finding voices that speak to them. One of those voices may be yours”

She also suggests submitting during an open call instead of for a book contest. The publishers will select their favorites, but when it comes down to it, the final judge makes the decision. It may not be the publisher’s top choice, but they support it. However, if you submit during an open submission, you’ll know that they are backing your book one hundred percent. “They have chosen you because they believe in you,” she writes. “In my experience, this makes all the difference. They want your voice in the world, so they will work really hard to make that happen.”

In the rest of the blog post, she offers more advice. And in the post before that, she discusses putting your poetry manuscript together. There is also promise of part III. Read Gulf Coast’s blog here.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Tin House‘s summer reading issue is a beautiful oil on canvas painting by Jocelyn Hobbie titled Forsythia. Dig it? View more of her work on her website.


If you’re not afraid of bears, PULP Literature‘s latest cover will make you question if perhaps you should be. A mutant, robotic bear stands out first, and all you can see of the dark army of bears behind it are their red dotted eyes. The work is by JJ Lee, and he also has another illustration inside the issue to accompany his writing “Built to Love.”


Vallum‘s cover is a drive-in movie of sorts. It may be hard to see on the screen, but there are a bunch of matchbox cars lined up in front of an old television. I loved it even more when I read the title of the piece: “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” by Andrew B. Myers.

Wag’s Revue Contest Winners

Wag’s Revue recently sent out a note to congratulate the winner of their winter contest: first, Benjamin Harnett for his essay “Ghosts and Empties”; second, poet Kathryn Hindenlang; and third, Robert Johnson for his short story “Pay the Fish Lady.”

These pieces will appear in Issue 18. Issue 17 is now available.

Ascent Gets a Makeover

Ascent, an online magazine publishing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, has just finished a website redesign. “Founded by Dan Curley at the University of Illinois, Ascent … provokes and entertains the head as well as the heart,” they write. “Now housed at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, and edited by W. Scott Olsen, each issue features dramatic poetry, thoughtful essays, and fiction with a solid narrative. We publish as many first-time authors as well-known names. We promise good company to our authors, and work that matters to our readers.” The screenshot on your left is their old design and the one to the right their new design. Check out the magazine and the redesign at readthebestwriting.com.

International Eco-Lit

Last year, World Literature Today posed a question on their blog, “Now we must write as if the planet were dying. What would you say to a planet in a spasm of extinction?” In a special section of the latest issue (May-August 2014), eleven writers share their responses from essays to poetry to booklists. Writers include Kris Saknussemm, Maya Khosla, Niyi Osundare, Wu Ming-yi, Michael Cope, Liu Ka-shiang, Ava Chin, Tom Zoellner, Eduardo Mitre, Pedro Shimose, and Amarsana Ulzytuev. Here is a sample from Cope’s “The Stream”:

How quickly the rain will cease
and the stream go back to sand,
the blooms wither to dust
in the wind, the diligent ants
bringing in their stores curl up
to be blown away, the shades
on the other shore dissolve into light;
and how lightly we will cross over,
with a single pace, our children
beside us or on our backs.

And here’s the opening of Zoellner’s “The Mountain That Eats Men”: “Come see the mountain. It dominates the Bolivian city of Potos

Glimmer Train March Family Matters Winners

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their March Family Matters competition. This competition is held twice a year and is open to all writers for stories about family of all configurations. The next Family Matters competition will take place in September. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: Douglas W. Milliken [pictured], of Portland, ME, wins $1500 for “Blue of the World.” His story will be published in Issue 94 of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Scott Gloden, of Chagrin Falls, OH, wins $500 for “What Is Louder.”

Third place: MK Hall, of Venice, CA, wins $300 for “Fortune & Riot.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching for Short Story Award for New Writers: May 31. This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation over 5000. No theme restrictions. Most submissions to this category run 1500-5000 words, but can go up to 12,000. First place prize is $1500. Second/third: $500/$300. Click here for complete guidelines.

2014 december Awards

Only on their second issue of the revival of december, the editors publish the winners of their 2014 writing awards. The Jeff Marks Memorial Poetry Prize was created “to recognize and honor the role played by Sherwin Jeffrey (S.J.) marks in establishing this magazine’s poetry aesthetic, which endures today.” Stephen Berg, founder of the American Poetry Review and close friend of Marks, served as the judge this year. “Berg made choices that Marks might easily have made himself. Both poems confront gritty realities of isolation and mortality, eschewing sentimentality while holding fast to notions of hope and determination.”

Greg Jensen: “Anybody Mentions the Pope”

Honorable Mention
Dina Elenbogen: “A New Year”

Jack Anderson, David Clewell, Hannah Cohen, Michael Collins, Michelle Deatrick, Dina Elenbogen, Eric Greinek, Marcia Hurlow, Daisy Kincaid, Donald Levering, Moira Linehan, Colleen McElroy, Annette Opalczynski, Jill Osier, Frederick Pollack, Marcia Popp, Kathleen Tibetts, Kari Wergeland, Sarah Winn

The Curt Johnson Prose Awards in Fiction and Creative Nonfiction is named after Johnson who edited the magazine from 1962 until 2008. “He filled the magazine with the work of writers and artists he knew and those he’d never met, concentrating on work he felt deserved, even needed, to be heard.” Mary Helen Stefaniak served as the fiction judge this year and “adhered to values almost identical to those Johnson espoused over the years.” And William Kittridge judged the nonfiction, which both pieces he says are “studies in the ways we become emotionally isolated”

Fiction Winner
Jim Nichols: “Owls”

Fiction Honorable Mention
Michael Fertik: “Hunting in Nangarhar”

Creative Nonfiction Winner
Garet Lahvis: “NQR”

Creative Nonfiction Honorable Mention
Jenny McKeel: “Saigon”