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Banned Books Month on PEN American

For Banned Books Month September 2012, PEN American’s The Daily Pen American Blog features daily posts by writers, editors, literary illuminati, and PEN staff about the banned books that matter to them most. Contributors thus far: Amy King on Alice Walker’s The Color Purple; Melissa Broder on Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal; and Matthew Zapruder on Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago.

PEN American Center is the U.S. branch of the world’s oldest international literary and human rights organization. International PEN was founded in 1921 in direct response to the ethnic and national divisions that contributed to the First World War. PEN’s programs reach out to the world and into diverse communities within this country. They promote writing and literature at every level and are founded on the belief that free expression is an essential component of every healthy society.

Poetry :: Minnie Bruce Pratt

American Life in Poetry: Column 389

Perhaps by the time this column appears, our economy will have improved and people who want to work can find good work. Minnie Bruce Pratt, who lives in Syracuse, N.Y., has a new book, mentioned below, in which there are a number of poems about the difficulties of finding work and holding on to it. Here’s an example:

Temporary Job

Leaving again. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be
grieving. The particulars of place lodged in me,
like this room I lived in for eleven days,
how I learned the way the sun laid its palm
over the side window in the morning, heavy
light, how I’ll never be held in that hand again.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2011 by Minnie Bruce Pratt from her most recent book of poems, Inside the Money Machine, Carolina Wren Press, 2011. Reprinted by permission of Minnie Bruce Pratt and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2012 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Thomas Meyer’s Beowulf

A new publication of Beowulf  translated by the poet Thomas Meyer has been recently released by Punctum Books. It is edited with a preface by David Hadbawnik, and includes an introduction by Daniel C. Remein, and an interview with Thomas Meyer.

Hadbawnik writes: “This is an open access publication, which means it’s available for free download; however, there is also an option to purchase a physical copy of the book, and I would urge anyone who’s interested in Tom’s work, Old English poetry, or supporting independent publishers to buy a copy. Tom’s translation was done 40 years ago during his studies at Bard, and it’s pretty groundbreaking, especially compared to what poets have usually done with this poem.”

Interview :: Judy Norsigian: Our Bodies, Oursleves

“When a small group of women published the first edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves in the early seventies, it was one of those books young women hid the book from their parents and husbands. Jerry Farwell called it ‘obscene trash.’ Recently, Time Magazine named it one of the best non-fictions books of the 20th century. No matter how you reacted, there’s no mistaking it was a ground breaking book, one that’s now considered iconic.”

Bob Barrett interviews Judy Norsigian, Executive Director of Our Bodies, Ourselves, on WAMC Northeast Public Radio’s The Health Show (#1274). You can listen online or go to their podcast page to subscribe on iTunes.

For those of us who remember hiding the book and sneaking reads of it, and for those of you who could never imagine such a time, this is an interview well worth a listen as Norsigian talks of the importance of women’s health issues forty years ago when the book was first published and what has and hasn’t changed in our society today.

Short Fiction Contest Winners

The American Short Fiction 2012 Short Story Contest winners have been announced. First place winner James DeWille’s story “Last Days on Rossmore” is featured in the most recent issue of American Short Fiction. The contest judge, Justin Cronin, says, “This story grabbed me right away with its off-kilter scenario, compact characterization, and downright zingy dialogue. Everything here felt completely original, nothing that had ever been written or imagined before, which is the hallmark of a first-rate short story.”

Second place (not printed in the issue) goes to Suzanne Barnecut for “On Great Mountain.” The announcement on the website says that “Cronin admired its deft use of second person and said the story is ‘full of wise observations.'”

Other writers in the issue include Max Ross (“Exorcising”), Elizabeth Ellen (“Teen Culture”), Alyssa Knickerbocker (“The Daughter of a Squaw Man Smuggles Wool and Other Goods”), and Roxane Gay (“We Are the Sacrifice of Darkness”).

Barrelhouse Presents Dark Sky Magazine

In what can best be categorized as a major communication snafu, Gabe Durham, Editor of Dark Sky Magazine writes that after accepting submissions and, along several other editors, putting together issue #17 of DSM, he sent it off to the founder/publisher. The reply: Dark Sky was closing shop – both the magazine and the press. That’s when “the editors of Barrelhouse stepped in and generously offered to host the issue on their site. The editors and contributors [of DSM] were unanimously in favor of this idea.” Wow.

Issue #17 of Dark Sky Matter can be found here on the Barrelhouse website (though the cover image may make you sorry you looked – and yet, I’ll bet you’ll look at it twice!).

What a great show of support from Barrelhouse to all associated with DSM. I’m pretty sure it’s what Swayze would have done.

NewPages Magazine Stand – September 2012

Got a bookstore or library near you with dozens of new lit and alt mags on the racks? Yeah, me neither, which is why we created the NewPages Magazine Stand for information about some of the newest issues of literary and alternative magazines. The Magazine Stand entries are not reviews, but are descriptions provided by the sponsor magazine. Sometimes, we’ll have the newest issue and content on our site before the magazine even has it on theirs. Good reading starts here!

Glimmer Train June Fiction Open Winners :: 2012

Glimmer Train announced the winning stories for their June Fiction Open competition. This Fiction Open competition is held quarterly. Stories generally range from 2000-6000 words, though up to 20,000 is fine. The next Fiction Open will take place in September. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: Stefani Nellen (pictured), of Groningen, The Netherlands, wins $2500 for “Men in Pink Tutus.” Her story will be published in the Fall 2013 issue of Glimmer Train Stories. [Photo credit: Niels Taatgen]

Second place: Tom Kealey, of Greensboro, NC, wins $1000 for “The Lost Brother.” His story will also appear in an upcoming issue of Glimmer Train Stories.

Third place: Ben Fowlkes, of Missoula, MT, wins $600 for “Something Something Land Down Under.” His story will also be published in Glimmer Train Stories, increasing his prize to $700.

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Upcoming Deadline for the next Fiction Open competition: September 30, 2012

Pongo :: Working with Troubled Teen Writers

Based out of Seattle, the Pongo Teen Writing Project offers a wealth of resources for those working with young writers, especially in similar populations as Pongo’s focus – teens who are in jail, on the streets, or in other ways leading difficult lives.Pongo provides writing activities and other resources for teachers, counselors, and advocates working with teens.

The Pongo Project Journal is a regularly updated blog of youth writing and advocate experiences. The most recent post is “The Color of Their Lives” by Pongo mentor Vanessa Hooper. Vanessa writes about her experience working in juvenile detention. In addition to the dark internal storms of the teens’ childhood trauma, and the greyness of the institutional settings where the youth find themselves, the Pongo authors also have vital lights, as expressed in the hopeful process of poetry.

This Pongo story is part of the following KING5 TV special, by John Sharify and Doug Burgess, about the role of the arts for people who are struggling: It’s Just So Powerful. (Note: I started watching this, and couldn’t stop! It’s extremely well done, and Pongo is the first story in the show, so you can catch it right away.)

Pongo collects surveys from their authors when there’s time at the end of a session and learned that one-third of their writers had previously written only a little or not at all. Pongo has collected over 700 surveys from their young writers with the following STUNNING results:

100% enjoyed the Pongo experience
98% were proud of their writing
73% wrote about things they don’t normally talk about
86% learned about writing
75% learned about themselves
83% felt better after writing
94% expect to write more in the future
92% expect to write when life is difficult

To learn more, visit Pongo Teen Writing Project and tell others about the writing activities and other free resources on the Pongo web site!

Endings :: Other Voices, Canada

A post on Canadian Magazines blog let us know that Other Voices magazine of Edmonton has ceased publication. Started in mid 1988s, the magazine had a long history of publishing outside of the mainstream. Managing Editor Bobbi Beatty cited changes in the publishing industry and economy as two contributing factors to the decision to cease publication. The magazine website is no longer functioning.

Editor Changes: Iron Horse

In the most recent issue of Iron Horse Literary Review, Editor Leslie Jill Patterson announces that Managing Editor Brent Newsom, who also writes the Horselaugh column at the back of every issue, will be leaving for a tenure-track job in Oklahoma. “Brent has been a God-send to us this year,” she writes, “a young man quick to laugh and also real sly about calming tempters and quashing trouble in the office. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard as he and I did one day when proofing one of our issues. People passing by in the hallway must have thought we were drunk, howling as we were. I’ll miss him tremendously but am so happy for he and his wife, Amanda, as they start their lives as ‘real’ people, not poor, struggling students any more. Of course, it was only appropriate that Brent, with his sense of humor, created and wrote the Horse Laugh column at the back of every issue.”

She announces that there will be one more column from him in an upcoming issue, but then Iron Horse will start up a new column featuring the new managing editor, Landon Houle.

The actual issue includes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from Harryette Mullen, John Hart, Mike Alexander, Alison Stine, Jennifer Bullis, Josh Booton, Ashley Seitz Kramer, Sean Bernard, Karen Regen-Tuero, and Amy Monticello.

Contest Winners: Mudfish

The newest issue of Mudfish features the writing and winners of the 10th Annual Mudfish Poetry Prize. The winners were selected by Mark Doty.

First Place
Alison Jarvis: “Elegy for a Drummer”

Second Place
Angelo Nikolopoulos: “Take the Body Out”

Third Place
Nancy Hechinger: “Fireworks on the Fourth in the Town of Margaretville”

Other writers that appear in this issue include Cherri Randall, Jan Ball, Stephen Sandy, Gertrude Morris, Peter Layton, Deborah H. Doolittle, Lyn Lifshin, Kevin King, Dwayne Thorpe, Simon Perchik, Sarah Wyman, Jeff Crandall, Greg Brownderville, Terry Phelan, Tess Carroll, Tim Erickson, Marina Rubin, Sara Sousa, Linda Larson, Henrietta Goodman, Angela Kelly, Brad Buchanan, Carol Matos, Madeline Tiger, Robert Steward, and many more.

Current Western TV Special Issue

The Summer 2012 issue of Western American Literature features Current Western TV. “The essays in this special issue,” says Guest Editor Michael K. Johnson, “suggest the range and diversity of western television. The issue seeks to expand the concept of the genre Western and to expand our understanding of the “place” of the Western. There series here combine or draw from multiple genres (police procedurals, biker tales, documentaries, reality TV, etc.) to create new versions of the Western, and they sometimes expand the setting of the Western to include places other than the traditionally defined American West.”

“While this issue celebrates the rebirth of the television Western in new twenty-first-century forms, the essays also suggest the necessity of critical engagement with a genre that continues to return to us a complicated, sometimes contradictory, alternately progressive and regressive reflection of our own cultural moment.”

Essays featured in this issue come from Jennifer Schell, Kerry Fine, Justin A. Joyce, Sara Humphreys, and book reviews are contributed by Cynthia J. Miller, Corey Dethier, Sue Matheson, Holly Jean Richard, D. B. Gough, Leonard Engel, Melinda Linscott, and John Hursh.

Screen Reading: Online Lit Mag Reviews

You asked for it, NewPages delivered! Now get in there and read Screen Reading – reviews of online literary magazines. Since our last update, Editor Kirsten McIlvenna has been busy reading and critiquing Treehouse, SNReview, Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Plume, The Puritan, Contrary, Fox Chase Review, Ragazine.cc,  The Baltimore Review, Wag’s Revue, Blue Lake Review, and Tampa Review Online.

Thank you to those of you who have dropped us a line letting us know how much you appreciate this weekly column. Readers find it helpful for locating good reading and writers like getting a professional opinion of the publication for submission consideration.
NewPages continues to provide thoughtful reviews on these online publications as well as our regular monthly feature of literary magazine reviews and book reviews.
Good reading starts here!

Portland/Brooklyn Mix Tape

Tin House‘s current issue features a supplemental “mix-tape” and fold-out poster (featuring art from the cover). The editors say, “How could we put out a Portland/Brooklyn theme issue and not include a soundtrack?” This “mix-tape” soundtrack can be listened to and downloaded here.

Tin House editors said, “We invited Brooklyn-based feminist noise-rockers Amy Klein and Catherine Tung of Hilly Eye and, from the City of Roses, the ambient electro-acoustic musician Liz Harris, of Grouper, to curate an epic mix that captures the sonic landscape of our hometowns. ‘The music coming out of Brooklyn is receiving a lot of attention right now,’ notes Klein and Tun. ‘Perhaps because it is being produced by a particularly young, particularly entrepreneurial set. Competition is stiff, which breeds technical and artistic savvy.’ To wit: Fiasco, TEEN, and ‘Magnetic Island, which melds math-rock rhythms with mind-expanding flights of guitar.'”

The Bands

Magnetic Island
Hilly Eye
Dan Friel

Pulse Emitter
Ilyas Ahmed
Golden Retriever
Indignant Senility

Writing featured in the issue includes work from Hannah Tinti, Jon Raymond, Adam Wilson, Evan Hughes, Vanessa Veselka, Ben Lerner, Ursula K. Le Guin, Karen Karbo, Salma Abdelnour, and more.

Worst Opening Lines

For a little Friday Fun – read the winning entries of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. Sponsored by the English Department at San Jose State University since 1982, this self-proclaimed “whimsical literary competition” challenges writers to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels. There are lots of categories (such as Crime, Romance, Mystery, Sci Fi, Western, etc.) with winner and runners-up as well as “Dishonorable Mentions.” It’s a lot of fun – and for you teachers out there – a great teaching tool!

Fence Editor Changes

The editor’s note in the most recent issue of Fence comes from Fiction Editor Lynne Tillman in honor of it being her last issue. “This is my fifteenth issue, and my last,” she says. “I figured it was time, which is a conveniently abstract way of saying a lot and not much. As editor, I satisfied a desire to get first-timers published. I loved bringing well-published writers into Fence, and having them share the Table of Contents with newer ones. I looked for and published many stories in translation. As editor, I could select pieces by different kinds of writers, who had varied approaches to prose and narrative. All of this made me very happy.”

“It was an honor being the fiction editor of Fence, and I thank Rebecca Wolff for the chance. What will come can only be terrific—and different. Vive la.”

This issue itself contains work from Denis Johnson, Paul Lisicky, Marin Buschel, Judith Goldman, Geoffrey Nutter, Cathy Eisenhower, Rosmarie Waldrop, Keith Waldrop, Daniel Tiffany, and more.

Baltimore Review’s Print Issue

Since transitioning to an online magazine, The Baltimore Review publishes their first cumulative print issue, which includes work from their first two online issues. “In the future, our annual print issues will include the work from all quarterly issues,” the editor’s note indicates. “We hope that you will enjoy the array of voices in these pages. There is music in the language here. There are stories you will remember for a long time.”

Included in the print issue is the 2011 Short Fiction Competition’s first place winner Linda Barnhart’s “The New Victorians.” There is also writing from the Room Theme Contest:

First Place
Emily Roller: “Improvement”

Second Place
Jen Murvin Edwards: “Come In, Come In”

Third Place

Heather Martin: “On Maimeó”

Other contributors to the issue include Ned Balbo, Harry Bauld, Nathan Gower, Josh Green, Paul Hostovsky, Tim Kahl, Todd Kaneko, Michael Kimball, Peter Kispert, Beth Lefebvre, Christopher Lowe, Jen Michalski, Devin Murphy, Andrew Purcell, Seth Sawyers, Catherine Thomas, Angela Narciso Torres, Michelle Valois, James Walser, Stephen J. West, Gregory Wolos, and many more.

True Crime Creative Nonfiction Issue

The most recent issue of Creative Nonfiction is all about true crime. “In this issue,” says Editor Lee Gutkind, “we have some pretty compelling, real-life, true crime essays: ‘Origami & the Art of Identity Folding,’ by AC Fraser, winner of CNF’s $1,000 ‘True Crime Essay Contest’ prize, takes us inside the Alouette Correctional Centre for Women in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Fraser served time for identity theft. In ‘Grave Robber: A Love Story,’ Joyce Marcel recalls her 30s, when, having run away from an unhappy marriage, she supported her travels for several years by buying and selling and smuggling ancient ceramics from Peru.”

“‘Leviathan,’ by David McGlynn, is the story of a brutal triple-murder of the author’s close friend, age 15, and his brother and father, while ‘Addict,’ by Lacy M. Johnson, tells the mind-boggling story of how the writer’s ex-boyfriend kidnapped her and bolted her to a chair he built in a basement apartment. And that’s just in the beginning.”

“Finally, Steven Church’s ‘Speaking of Ears and Savagery’ is a sprawling discourse on Mike Tyson, Travis the Chimp, Van Gogh, David Lynch and more, exploring our conflicted relationship with brutality.”

“The rest of the issue circles around this same theme, exploring our fascination with true crime stories and tales of true violence. Harold Schechter, the author of many carefully researched true crime stories, starts off the issue with a long view of the true crime genre, which, he argues, dates almost as far back as type. In this issue’s Encounter, Donna Seaman talks with Erik Larson, author of ‘The Devil in the White City’ and ‘In the Garden of Beasts,’ about the work he puts into his meticulously researched best sellers. There’s also a thoughtful round-table discussion about the challenges of writing honestly—and ethically—about violence.”

Molly Beth Griffin Wins Children’s Lit Prize

Milkweed Prize for Children’s Literature was awarded to Molly Beth Griffin for her novel Silhouette of a Sparrow. Molly Beth Griffin is the recipient of a Minnesota State Arts Grant, a graduate of Hamline University’s MFA program in Writing for Children and Young Adults, and a writing teacher at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis.

Silhouette of a Sparrow is a coming-of-age story about the search for wildness in a confining time—a tale of a young woman discovering both the art of rebellion and the power of unexpected love. Sent to spend the summer with distant relatives at a resort hotel in Excelsior, Minnesota, sixteen-year-old Garnet Richardson—budding ornithologist; reluctant troublemaker; adventurous spirit—quickly compiles a list of all the things she wants to do: sneak into the new amusement park, wander the countryside looking for new birds, and somehow convince her mother to let her attend college. It’s 1926 and Garnet is well aware of the world’s expectations for her: after this summer with her relatives, she is to marry, settle down, and become a housewife. But what no one expects—least of all Garnet—is that she’ll fall in love with the beautiful and daring Isabella, a flapper at the local dance hall. It is she who will give Garnet the courage to take control of her own life and pursue her dreams.”

The title will be released next month by Milkweed Editions.

Literary Postcard Story Contest Winners

Geist announces the winners of their 9th Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest. “For eight years now,” the editors say, “Geist has been asking writers to send in short stories inspired by postcard images. This year Geist shook things up by asking contest entrants to write short stories inspired by postcards they had made themselves, or by images in the public domain.”

1st Prize
“Spooning” by Davey Thompson and Cameron Tully

2nd Prize
“The Paper Dress” by Susan Steudel

3rd Prize
“Layover” by Michelle Elrick

Honorable Mentions:
“Kiwi” by Britta Boudreau
“Spit-Wet Fingers and a Kiss” by Carin Makuz
“Members” by Jannie Edwards
“Schrödinger’s Cat” by Jessica Michalofsky
“Space Aliens” by R. Daniel Lester
“After Lydia” by Raoul Fernandes
“String Theory” by Salvatore Difalco

You can read the winning stories online here. The three prize winners are also in print in Geist 85.

Interview Section in CALYX

With the print of their newest issue, CALYX announces and presents a new section to the magazine: an interview section. This issue features an interview by one of the CALYX editors Bethany Haug with Rebecca Lindenberg, author of Love, An Index (McSweeney’s, 2012). The interview discusses Lindenberg’s new book, her inspiration for poetry, and how her experience of gender has shaped her identity as a writer.

Lindenberg says, “Well, in the sense that [gender] has centrally shaped my identity as a human, I’d say it shapes my identity as a writer quite a lot. And like it or not, I think the truth is that in writings as in all things, women and their work still encounter a degree of mostly unconscious skepticism from people—male and female—who are in positions to select or publish (or praise) our work, or give us jobs, or claim us as influences.” She goes on to say, “I aspire to be the same kind of poet as I am a woman/human—educated, inventive, generous, curious, ethical, attracted to quick wit and drawn to big, ambitious ideas, and maybe a little sassy, when the price is right.”

Senior Editor Rebecca Olson says, “You can continue to look forward to this interview section in future issues where we’ll feature discussions with the best and brightest women writers and artists today.”

The rest of the issue features poetry, prose, and art from Lisa Bellamy, Susan Nisenbaum Becker, Jung Hae Chae, Sandra Cisneros, Vanessa Hua, Julie Lein, Stephanie Glazier, Judy Halebsky, Jody Joldersma, Theresa Anderson, Katie Cercone, and more.

Blue Mesa Contest Winners

The new issue of Blue Mesa Review features the winners of the magazine’s 2012 Fiction and Poetry Contest. The fiction contest was judged by Kate Braverman, and the poetry contest was judged by Dana Levin.

Fiction Contest Winners
First Place: Tom Watters with “National Steel”
Second Place: Alison Hess with “Admission”

Poetry Contest Winners
First Place: Cynthia Monroe with “Lemon Fervor”
Second Place: Benjamin Garcia

What’s New in Nonfiction?

In a creative introduction to the nonfiction feature in New Madrid, Editors Lisa Luton and Elena Passarello address the ongoing debate in nonfiction writing—how far from the truth can a writer wander.

The introduction is a dialogue between two characters, Memoir and Essay. At first the two argue. Essay argues that “essayists try to create a new, fully realized contract with each piece of writing, one that is grounded and centered in art rather than proving anything. The trying is what turns us on, and hopefully what turns readers on. Why put art first? Because art is greater than fact.” To which Memoir says, “I think we are the purveyors of the existing, deeper truths of the world. We are not here to make art out of facts, but to find an portray the art that is already there.”

However, as they carry on, they realize that they have a lot in common with each other and that “Maybe nonfiction is about both the trying and the answering, and, just like with a painting, it is the audience’s interpretation of the art that makes the true meaning.” Essay goes on to say that “the greatest thing we can learn from all these submissions is that we nonfictioneers might have core values that go in opposite directions, but there’s enough room under this genre umbrella for all of us.”

This nonfiction feature in New Madrid includes both essays and memoirs—and pieces that perhaps can’t be defined one way or the other. Writers featured include Kim Trevathan, Kirby Wright, Matthew Gavin Frank, Sean Christopher Lewis, Frankie Finley, Briandaniel Oglesby, Sara B. Levi, Vincent Scarpa, Daniel Aristi, John Proctor, Tom Elliot, and Alison Stine.

Baltimore Review – Summer “Heat” Winners

The Baltimore Review editors have announced the winners of their Summer Issue “Heat” theme contest as selected by Final Judge Jean McGarry, Professor and Co-Chair, The Writing Seminars, Johns Hopkins University. All winning works appear in the Summer Issue online and will appear in the review’s annual print collection in 2013.

First Place
Ann Cwiklinski
“Selkie” – Short Story

Second Place
Moira Egan
“Hot Flash Sonnet” and “Sisters in Sweat Sonnet” – Poems

Third Place
Claudia Cortese
“The field curdles” and “Slippery Banjo” – Poems

Honorable Mention
Jennifer Fandel
“Heat Wave” – Poem

Podcast :: Jane Borden Interview

Virtual Memories Show is a monthly podcast hosted by Gil Roth about life and books, including interviews with authors about books that have helped shape their lives. The August episode features a conversation with Jane Borden, improv junkie, standup comic, and author of I Totally Meant To Do That (2011), a memoir about how she went from being a North Carolina debutante to a Brooklyn hipster.

Petition to Save UNO Press

From Marthe Reed, Skip Fox, and Anny Ballardini to all authors, translators, editors, scholars, and readers of fine literature:

As you may well have already heard, the University of New Orleans Press has just recently been put on “hiatus” and its innovative and energetic editor, Bill Lavender, fired. The presumptive reason concerned budget constraints, but in fact the Press was cost free, and gained UNO a significant reputation for the past five years (since Bill Lavender’s tenure). It also published an international range of writers, many of them prize winners or otherwise notable. As you are probably aware, Bill Lavender had taken a rather lifeless creature in 2007 and enlivened it with over 80 publications, a remarkable achievement.

In support of UNO Press, Bill Lavender, fine literature and good reading, please consider signing a petition indicating your support. The petition has many more details concerning the recent (5-6 day) history of events.

Sign the petition here: Petition Site

There was a significant item in The Times Picayune and one in Inside Higher Ed in the past few days, as well as this article in the Chronicle of Higher Education.

You may also wish to pass this information on to other writers through a blog, facebook, etc., or even write personal letters to the President and Provost of UNO:

Provost Louis Paradise
[email protected]

President Peter Fos
[email protected]

Master Class with Ron Silliman

The Chicago School of Poetics offers online and F2F workshops for writers who “feel the need for more specialized instruction” beyond the traditional academic program.

Currently offered is a master class workshop with poet Ron Silliman: “’What does not change / is the will to change’ : Embracing transformation in writing poetry”. The one-day (Oct. 20) workshop will run for three hours (1-4pm) in an online, video-conferenced classroom and is limited to ten students.

In addition to this master class and weekly salons, online classes offered include Poetics (I, II, & III), Documentary Poetics, Risk: Writing at the Edge, Erasure to Automatism, The Poetry of Cubism, Queer Poetics, Working Poets, Personal Archeology, Publishing, The Poem as Remix, Visual Poetry, and Hybrid Texts.

Novella Contest Winner: The Malahat Review

In the most recent issue, The Malahat Review publishes Naben Ruthnum’s novella “Cinema Rex” as the winner for the 2012 Novella Contest. His entry was selected from 215 submissions by three judges: Terence Young, Valerie Compton, and Gabriella Goliger. In addition to publication, Ruthnum was awarded $1500 CAD prize money.

Judges said the following about his piece: “[it] incorporates footnotes to explore a different kind of omniscience. The story, set in exotic Mauritius, follows three adolescent boys on the opening day of the town’s newest theatre, Cinema Rex. They skip school when they discover their teacher slumped over on his desk in a drunken sleep, and from there events build to the evening’s entertainment, a translated version of ‘The Night of the Hunter.’ Throughout, the footnotes move us forward in time to the boys’ adult lives, creating a kind of sympathetic cosmic irony. The language of ‘Cinema Rex’ is precise, the tone engaging, and the characters compelling. It has an unstoppable momentum, often surprising details and vivid dialogue. This is a novella that has been pared to essentials, with every element working together.”

A web exclusive interview with Ruthnum about his prize can be found here.

Editor Changes: Denver Quarterly

In the current issue of Denver Quarterly, Editor Bin Ramke announces the issue as his last as editor. After serving for seventeen years, he expresses his gratitude for the writers over the years.

“It can be an enormous amount of work to publish a literary journal four times per year,” he says in his editor’s note, “but when that work is shared it can also be a joy, and it was. I trust that joy will be part of Laird Hunt’s experience as he negotiates the burdens and opportunities of editorship, and I know he will renew the energy of the Denver Quarterly as he guides it toward and past its fiftieth year.”

American Life in Poetry

American Life in Poetry provides individual readers, newspapers and online publications with a free weekly column featuring contemporary American poems. The sole mission of this project is to promote poetry: American Life in Poetry seeks to create a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. There are no costs for reprinting the columns; they do require that you register your publication on their site and that the text of the column be reproduced without alteration. Below is the most recent column, with introductory comments from  Ted Kooser.


American Life in Poetry: Column 385

I am very fond of poems that don’t use more words than they have to. They’re easier to carry around in your memory. There are Chinese poems written 1300 years ago that have survived intact at least in part because they’re models of succinctness. Here’s a contemporary version by Jo McDougall, who lives not in China but in Kansas.

Telling Time

My son and I walk away
from his sister’s day-old grave.
Our backs to the sun,
the forward pitch of our shadows
tells us the time.
By sweetest accident
he inclines
his shadow,
touching mine.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2001 by Autumn House Press. Jo McDougall’s most recent book of poems is Satisfied with Havoc, Autumn House Poetry, 2004. Poem reprinted from The Autumn House Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, 2nd ed., 2011, by permission of Jo McDougall and Autumn House Press. Introduction copyright © 2012 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

New Editor :: Illuminations

The new issue of Illuminations marks the first issue for new Editor Meg Scott Copses. “In this first year as new editor,” she says, “there are many moments of blinking cursors, and quite a few question marks penciled in as my editorial team has worked to launch a new website and boost subscriptions and general readership for Illuminations. The component that remains more certain, that feels right, is the poetry itself, and the integrity of the poets who craft the lines that get sent my way. It has been such a sincere pleasure to read and correspond with this year’s contributing writers.”

And with a new editor comes changes to the way the magazine is run. Traditionally, the magazine has “published all work by a single author on adjacent pages.” With this issue, the poems are organized loosely into five larger themes or groupings: Speak, Season, Desire, Portrait, and Place. “A photograph by Lisa Scott Jones introduces each section,” says Scott Copses, “and while the photograph isn’t meant to represent anything literal about the poems in that section, I hope contributing writers will enjoy considering her photography alongside their own work. I hope also that the new arrangement fosters a conversation between poems and poets. My assistant editor and I have so enjoyed the many moments of resonance we discovered in arranging the magazine this way.”

Winners of Logline Contest

In the most recent issue, Vine Leaves Literary Journal announced the winners for the Logline Contest in which writers submitted the logline for their current novel. Winners receive free critiques from publishing experts and a one-year subscription to WritersMarket.com.

First Place: Lynn Hartzer
In a future society where men are extinct, the last born clone must follow her sister back through time to find the perfect 21st Century specimen to help repopulate the world.

Second Place: Taffy Lovell
Angelica remembers nothing about the deaths of her nine best friends, even though she was there for each of them.

Third Place: Elizabeth White

Every teacher has a fish story about working for a psychotic principal. Annie Smart’s is true.

Open Minds Quarterly Contest Winners

Open Minds Quarterly announces and publishes the winners of their tenth annual BrainStorm Poetry Contest in the current issue.

First Place

D. Brian Anderson: “To Sylvia Plath”

Second Place

Donald W. Boyles: “To My Father”

Third Place
Kristina Morgan: “Excerpt from Shade

Honorable mentions Andrew Boden, April Bulmer, and D. Brian Anderson will have their work published in the Fall 2012 issue.

“This year’s BrainStorm Poetry Contest,” say the editors, “is dedicated in greatest appreciation and fondest memory to Ann Morrison, who volunteered her time and passion for many years as one of our contest judges before passing away on Friday, May 25, 2012. Thank you, Ann. Your presence and insight will be very missed.”

Verse Wisconsin Changes

Verse Wisconsin announces, in their most recent issue, that it will be the last summer issue printed. Starting in 2013 they will move to a biannual cycle, to be published in fall and spring. “This change will allow us to pay some attention to our press, Cowfeather, not to mention enjoy a few more summer evenings with our families and friends,” say Co-Editors Sarah Busse and Wendy Vardaman. “As much as we’re looking forward to publishing a few more books each year, we will miss sending out this gift of verse and voice to you each midsummer.”

They say that this last issue focuses on community, saying that they imagine that the poems “form their own sort of community of voices, which will thread its way through your summer days.” An online version of this issue features “brief essays by poets describing their various communities and community-oriented projects” as well as poems excerpted from the 2013 Wisconsin Poets’ Calendar, published by the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets, “an organization that exists primarily to create community among poets across the state.”

Anniversary Issue: Green Mountains Review

Green Mountains Review celebrates its 25th anniversary with a retrospective poetry issue. The issue not only includes poetry from the past 25 years but also commentary from more than half of the writers about what inspired their work and how the response to it had changed over time.

“How enlivening, enlightening (and exhausting!) to read back through almost 50 issues of Green Mountains Review in search of the best poems, interviews, and essays on poetry to be published in the past quarter-century,” says Senior Editor Neil Shepard. “And then came the difficult task: to pick and choose among the thousands of texts the 100-plus I could truly not resist, those pieces gathered here in GMR’s 25th Anniversary Retrospective issue.”

“Reading back through a quarter-century’s worth of literature,” he says, “I admire both the poems that shape, challenge, or unsettle their time, as well as the poems that assimilate, distill, and crystallize the experiments of the past; I hope they’re all brilliantly on display in GMR’s 25th Retrospective Anniversary on poetry.”

Included in this issue is poetry from David Wojahn, David St. John, David Mura, Larry Levis, Mark Doty, Molly Peacock, H.L. Hix, Dara Wier, G.C. Waldrep, Russell Edson, Peter Johnson, Paul Hoover, Quan Barry, Barbara Hamby, Laura Kasischke, Sherman Alexie, Melissa Stein, Robert Hill Long, and many more.

Best of the Net Call for Submissions


Sundress Publications has opened submissions the seventh volume of the Best of the Net Anthology: “The internet continues to be a rapidly evolving medium for the distribution of new and innovative literature, and the Best of the Net Anthology aims to nurture the relationship between writers and the web. In our first six years of existence, the anthology has published distinguished writers such as Claudia Emerson, B.H. Fairchild, Ron Carlson, Dorianne Laux, and Jill McCorkle alongside numerous new and emerging writers from around the world.”

Submissions must come from the editor of the publication (journal, chapbook, online press, etc), or, if the work is self-published, it must be sent by the author. Submissions must be sent by September 30th, 2012.

Full submission guidelines can be found here.

Sundress Publications also announced that this year will mark the first year they will also be publishing an e-book (completely free) of the anthology as a compendium to the online anthology.

[Artwork: Cover image for the 2011 Best of the Net online publication by Rhonda Lott.]

Grants :: Do Something!

Do Something! is “an organization that hopes to inspire, empower, and enable teens to convert their ideas and energy into actions that will improve their communities.”

Do Something! is awarding Seed Grants in the amount of $500 every week to help fund project ideas and programs that are just getting started. These grants can be used to jump-start a program or take a project to the next level. Past grantees have used the money to improve a community-run organic farm, publish a youth-written literary magazine for women of color, and even create an organization that teaches sick kids how to fly.

Eligible applicants must be 25 OR UNDER, a U.S. or Canadian citizen, and have not won a grant from Do Something in the last twelve months. One grant given per week.

Interview :: Paulette Licitra, Alimentum Magazine

NewPages writer Tanya Alngell Allen had the opportunity to talk with Paulette Licitra, Publisher of Alimentum, which has been in print since 2005 and recently publishing all online. Alimentum includes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, book reviews, art, music, featurettes, recipe poems, favorite food blogs and more from writers and creators who live across the US and abroad. Allen talks with Licitra about the shift to online only, the focus of food writing for the journal, and the local Eat and Greet tours hosted by the publication. Read the full interview here.

WANTED: English Lit Web Resources

Contributions solicited for a new web resource on teaching English literature at the college/university level.

Possible contributions include but are not limited to:

Reviews of books, blogs and other resources;
Personal essays on teaching lit at the college/university level;
Sample Assignments and/or syllabi, commentary on successful courses;
Course design and planning ideas;
Incorporating technology successfully;
Hints and advice for new instructors;

Suggestions for links: Do you blog on topics related to teaching college/university-level English literature or edit a journal on a related topic, print or online? What sites are particularly helpful in your course planning and teaching? Please send a link and description.

Queries and suggestions welcome: rpigeon at csusb dot edu

Extended deadline: September 15 for consideration for the initial launch of the site; on-going project, so contributions after that date will also be welcome. Please include a brief bio and contact info.

Glimmer Train May Short Story Award Winners

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their May Short Story Award for New Writers. This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation greater than 5000. The next Short Story Award competition will take place in August. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

1st place goes to Michael Deagler of Pipersville, PA [pictured]. He wins $1500 for “Etymology” and his story will be published in the Fall 2013 issue of Glimmer Train Stories, out next August. This will be his first published story.

2nd place goes to Tom Dibblee of Los Angeles, CA. He wins $500 for “Stuck in a Sixth Floor Penthouse” and his story will also be published in a future issue of Glimmer Train Stories, raising his prize to $700. This will be his first print publication.

3rd place goes to Andrew Slater of New York City. He wins $300 for “Whatever Makes You Happy.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching for the Very Short Fiction Award: July 31
Glimmer Train hosts this competition twice a year, and first place has been increased to $1500 plus publication in the journal. It’s open to all writers, no theme restrictions, and the word count must not exceed 3000. Click here for complete guidelines.

New Lit on the Block :: Ostrich Review

A new biannual online magazine, Ostrich Review, publishes poetry, fiction, and art. Editor Nayelly Barrios says that the name of the magazine actually came from a vote on the font, which is Sans Ostrich. “But we also happen to like burying our heads in the sand,” she says. Along with Co-Editor Benjamin Sutton, she says they “want to be a part of the literary tradition. Our mission is to publish work that shakes us.”

Barrios says that in Ostrich Review, readers can expect to find “not necessarily backs turned against expectation, but an attempt to display work reaching for the unexpected. We don’t have a specific aesthetic. We don’t want to have one specific aesthetic or style. We deliver diversity (which is evident in our inaugural issue). We deliver the good stuff. No, the amazing stuff.”

The first issue features poetry from Carmen Gimenez-Smith, Carolina Ebeid, Carolyn Hembree, G.C. Waldrep, Jaswinder Bolina, and Rodney Gomez; fiction from Brian Allen Carr, and Patricia O’Donnell; and art from Andrew Spear and Roymieco A. Carter.

Ostrich Review accepts submissions through Submittable year-round; there are no submission deadlines.

Closings :: Rainy Faye Bookstore (CT)

Rainy Faye Bookstore in Bridgeport, CT has announced it will be closing August 1. Owner Georgia Day cites a number of contributing factors, including lack of support for small/independent businesses in the area as well as “the Great Recession.” As journalist Keila Torres Ocasio comments in her article on the closing: “I’ve written it here before. Downtown businesses can’t succeed without help from residents. They also can’t succeed without support from the city they are located in. Day didn’t feel like she had that kind of support.”

The Chautauqua Institution Prize Winners

Chautauqua‘s newest issue acknowledges and features the writing of The Chautauqua Institution Poetry Contest and The Hauser Prize Prose Contest winners. The contests are sponsored by the Chautauqua Literary Arts Friends.

2011 Mary Jean Irion Poetry Prize

Sophie Klahr, Houston, Texas

2011 Charles Hauser Prose Prize

Kathryn Hoffman, Arlington, Virginia
“What I Know About Elections”

The issue itself is themed “War & Peace” and also features Luciana Bohne, Rebecca Foust, Cristina Garcia, Diana Hume George, John Griesemer, Charlotte Matthews, Gerardo Mena, Christopher Merrill, Neil Shepard, Ashley Warlick, Luke Whisnant, and Gary Whitehead.

Screen Reading: Online Lit Mag Review

Time to catch up with Screen Reading – reviews of online literary magazines. Editor Kirsten McIlvenna takes a critical look at Hippocampus Magazine, Mixed Fruit, Sixth Finch, Memorious, Eclectica Magazine, and SmokeLong Quarterly. This is a weekly column, so be sure to check back for more insightful commentary on the newest in online writing and literary publishing.

Our Stories Announces Changes to the Magazine

In the most recent issue of Our Stories, an online magazine that gives personalized feedback for each submission received, Editor-in-Chief Alexix E. Santi announces big changes in the way the magazine is run. He said that they will no longer publish “a finite cache of authors on a quarterly basis after the summer 2012 issue.” He said that the last issue will be the one for the already collected pieces for the Flash Fiction contest.

He goes on to explain their new approach: “In the fall of 2012 we will begin our new business model which will be the publishing of revised short stories that we have worked on in a souped up new website. Everyone who does a workshop with us at Our Stories (no matter the length of that workshop) will have one of their short stories published by our staff. We will publish one of the final drafts (if the workshop has more than one story) and a PDF version of the first draft that had our edits in the manuscript, you’ve seen these PDF versions before and there is a fancy YouTube video here that shows you how we go about editing a manuscript. So, we’re still publishing short stories but we’re trying to find a more direct way to show you the readers what we do. You, the readers will have the opportunity to see not only the final edited manuscript but we will be publishing the initial feedback that we gave to the writer as a marked up PDF. While this brings up moral / litjournal / hyperventilating / rheumatic fever thoughts in my mind of a pay-to-play scenario at Our Stories, I believe it is more of our true business model.”

Letters of Note

Curated by Shaun Usher, Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience is a blog-based archive of letters, notes, postcards, telegrams, faxes, memos, etc. from/to people ‘of note.’ Usher includes full text as well as scans of the originals.

Some recent posts include a letter from James Thurber – “delivered, quite brilliantly, a playful jab to his attorney and friend, Morris Ernst”; a letter from F. Scott Fitzgerald to “aspiring young author and Radcliffe sophomore” Frances Turnbull who had sent a story in hopes of receiving some feedback; and a letter from Oscar Wilde wrote to a publication following an unfavorable review of his play – “not about the review itself, but about the critic’s insistence on naming him ‘John Wilde.'”

Usher’s comments are brief but clearly set the context of the correspondence and often include photographs of the letter writer as well. Letters of Note is slated to come out with a book edition in November 2012 (pre-orders available), and while Usher comments that he has “a seemingly endless supply of correspondence to plough through,” he welcomes his audience to send in their own contributions from their collections.

Usher also curates the blog site Letterheady, which is a showcase of interesting letterheads, both new and old: “It’s like Letters of Note, but with less reading,” and Lists of Note, on which Nora Ephron’s “What I Won’t and Will Miss” is a recent entry.

Usher’s blogs are without a doubt worth your time to visit and follow to keep up with daily updates and a great add-on for classroom reading.

[Teachers: If you want to consider the book for your classes, the content can be viewed by clicking on the pre-order link.]

NewPages Reviewer Justin Brouckaert Publishes First Fiction Piece

Justin Brouckaert, one of the newer magazine reviewers for NewPages, just had his first piece of fiction published in Thrice Magazine–which can be purchased as a print copy or downloaded as a PDF, e-book, or Kindle file for free–titled “What is Hell, if not a Hard Candy.” He also had a one-sentence story called “She Gets Starry Eyed When We Make Love” published on MonkeyBicycle in June.