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New Lit on the Block :: TINGE Magazine

TINGE Magazine is Temple University’s new online literary journal, published twice a year, in the Spring (April) and in the Fall (December). The journal is edited by the graduate students of Temple’s M.F.A. Program in Creative Writing and has an open submissions policy.

The first issue includes Fiction by Liam Callanan, Katherine Zlabek, Marc Schuster, Lauren Hopkins Karcz, V. Jo Hsu, and Mat Johnson; Poetry by Melissa Slayton, Michael S. Begnal, Christopher Schaeffer, George Eklund, Diana K. Lee, and Kristin Prevallet; Nonfiction by Michael Milburn; and Interviews with Kristin Prevallet and Mat Johnson.

Submissions for the next issue of TINGE Magazine will open September 1; submissions are accepted through Submishmash.

[Cover art by Brooke Lanier “Personal Best”]

Alimentum Eat & Greet Tours

Alimentum: The Literature of Food offers Eat & Greet Food Tours – visiting cafes, bakeries, sample foods in restaurants, and visit markets. Registration is required.

September 17th, 2011
Nolensville Pike
Tour runs from 9:30 am till 4 pm. Includes cafes of Istanbul to the authentic bakeries of Iraq, restaurant specialties: Ethiopian injera, Turkish stuffed grape leaves, Kurdish flatbread, Thai-style curry, authentic Mexican tacos, and learn from local market owners and restaurateurs about their native cuisine, and shop ethnic markets.

Tour Hosts: Alimentum Publisher Paulette Licitra & PR Director Annakate Tefft

Upcoming tours:

NASHVILLE October 22, 2011
Middle Tennessee Farm Tour
Tour Hosts Alimentum Publisher Paulette Licitra & PR Director Annakate Tefft

NYC November 5th, 2011
Bensonhurst-Gravesend Brooklyn – Southern Italian Cusiine & Culture
Tour Hosts Alimentum Publisher Paulette Licitra & Editor Esther Cohen

NYC November 6th, 2011
Elmhurst, Queens – Thai Cuisine & Culture
Tour Hosts Alimentum Publisher Paulette Licitra & Editor Esther Cohen

Teaching 9/11

The National Museum of American History will commemorate the tenth anniversary with an exhibit of objects recovered from the three sites attacked on September 11, 2001 – “Bearing Witness to History: Remembrance and Reflection.” Photographs with commentary on each object are available online as well as text and audio stories from the collection curators. A separate page of educational resources is available for teachers as well as a blog discussing such related issues as whether to teach the events of 9/11 as history or current events.

Pongo Book & Writing Resources for Troubled Teens

The Pongo Publishing Teen Writing Project is a volunteer, nonprofit effort with Seattle teens who are in jail, on the streets, or in other ways leading difficult lives. The Pongo website features many resources for teachers and counselors working with teen writers.

The Pongo Teen Writing Project is releasing their latest book of teen poetry from King County juvenile detention. This perfect binding, full-color cover book is entitled There Had to Have Been Someone. This and several other Pongo books are available for purchase on their web site, each with a sample poem that can be read online.

Pongo’s Writing Activities now includes an ‘easier to use’ interface for teens to write poetry online. There are 46 fill-in-the-blank writing activities on themes such as “Addicted,” “Girl with the Scars,” “Lessons of Courage and Fear,” and “Ten Reasons to Love Me.” The Home page has a video, set in juvenile detention, that explains Pongo’s mission and their authors’ poetry.

New Re-Lit on the Block: The Public Domain Review

Founded and edited by Jonathan Gray and Adam Green, The Public Domain Review was launched 1/1/11 to coincide with Public Domain Day celebrations around the world. The aspiration of The Public Domain Review is “to become a bounteous gateway into the whopping plenitude that is the public domain, helping our readers to explore this rich terrain by surfacing unusual and obscure works, and offering fresh reflections and unfamiliar angles on material which is more well known.”

Each week an invited contributor presents an interesting or curious work with a brief accompanying text giving context, commentary and criticism. Contributors include scholars, writers, critics, artists, archivists, scientists and librarians. is also now accepting open submissions.

In addition to the articles, The Public Domain Review has begun collections of public domain films, audio, images and texts.

The review is a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation (a not-for-profit organization) and is made possible by funding from the Shuttleworth Foundation.

Updates to NewPages Guides :: August 31, 2011

Added to The NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines:
Assisi [O] essays, fiction, poetry, photography, art
The Muse [O] poetry, scholarly research, essay, interview, book reviews
The Washington Pastime [O] poetry, fiction, nonfiction
mgversion2>datura [O] English/French poetry, fiction, nonfiction, essay, art, photography
Anobium Image poetry, prose
The Raintown Review Image poetry, literary criticism, interviews, translations
Grasslimb Image poetry, prose, line art, cartoons, reviews
Voices de la Luna Image poetry, prose, graphic art
Mixed Fruit [O] poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, translations, art
YB Poetry [O] poetry, reviews
Trans-Portal [O] essay, creative non-fiction, reviews
Sleepingfish [O]
Amethyst Arsenic [O] poetry
Edge Piece [O] fiction, non-fiction, poetry, reviews, art
Global Graffiti
In The Snake Magazine [O] fiction
Specter [O] poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, flash fiction
Lishnu [O] haikai, translation
Black Magnolias Image poetry, fiction, prose
Moonshot Image poetry, fiction, comics, arts
Structo Image poetry, fiction, essays, interviews

[O] = mainly online
Image = mainly print

Added toThe NewPages List of Literary Websites:
Turks Head Review – fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, music, video
Northern Poetry Review – poetry, interviews, reviews (Canada)
bioStories – nonfiction, essays
Symmetry Pebbles – poetry
Staccato Fiction – microfiction
Weekly Hubris – Progressive International Commentary
Apropos Literary Journal
Kweli Journal – fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, interview
The New Verse News – poetry

Added to The NewPages List of Independent Publishers & University Presses:
Wordrunner Electronic Chapbooks – poetry, memoir, short story, e-chapbooks
Wolverine Farm Publishing
Kattywompus Press – poetry, fiction, nonfiction, chapbooks, artist’s books
Blacksmith Books [Hong Kong] – East Asian nonfiction, photography

Added to The NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines:
Metta-Physics [O] exploring the science-spirituality interface
ARC Image Caribbean art and culture

Added to The NewPages List of Writing Conferences, Workshops, Retreats, Centers, Residencies & Book & Literary Festivals:
Limestone Dust Poetry Festival (Huntsville, AL)
Las Dos Brujas Writers’ Workshops

Please see the NewPages FAQ for information about being listed in one of our guides.

New Lit on the Block :: EdgePiece

Founded by Sarah Lindsay to “give new writers and artists a place to start – an edge piece for their big-picture puzzle,” EdgePiece will publish online tri-annually. Joining in this effort are Developmental Editors Sarah Lucas, Max Pickering, Pamela S. Wall, Dakota Morgan and Copy Editor Pamela S. Wall. Together, the unique promise of this publication is to “never fully reject a manuscript; we work with you, editing your piece and suggesting improvements. This way, everyone gets experience and satisfaction from the process.”

Featured in Issue 1.1 is Fiction by George Masters, Elizabeth Dunphey, Tim Martin, Nana Adjei-Brenyah, and Bob Kalkreuter; Non-Fiction by Katie Liming, and Kendra Shirey; Poetry by, Catherine Batsios, Alana Aguilar, Thommie Gillow, Paige Webb, Nico Mara-McKay, and Amanda Montell; Photography by, Kendra Shirey, Vanessa Levin-Pompetzki, and Keith Moul.

EdgePiece is “hungry for fiction, non-fiction and poetry” but will also consider book/essay/poetry/film reviews, photography, and other graphic/visual art.

Bacopa 2011 Literary Review Prizes

The newest edition of Bacopa: A Literary Review from the Writers Alliance of GAinesville, includes the winners of the 2011 Bacopa Genre Awards:

1st JoeAnn Hart, “Open House”
2nd Mandy Manning, “Growth”
Honorable Mention Q. Lindsey Barrett “Toro-nado”

1st Amanda Skelton, “Warding off the Monkey”
2nd Carolyne Wright, “Los Olvidados: The Forgotten Ones”
Honorable Mention Ed McCourt, “Watching Rocco”

1st Colleen Runyan, “me or the tea”
2nd Erika Brumett, “Fight Overheard in Sign Language”
Honorable Mention Carolyne Wright, “Acrostic: Evcharistoic Eulene”

New Lit on the Block :: Amethyst Arsenic

Based out of Somerville, Mass, Amethyst Arsenic publishes “all forms of poetry from new and established voices” as well as art. Edited and published by Samantha Milowsky with copy editing by Kasandra Larson and design by Emily Crandall, Amethyst Arsenic will appear at least twice a year, regularly offering opportunities for guest editors.

Issue 1.1 (Summer 2011) with Guest Editors Lucie Monroe, Michael Gill includes works by Brandon Amico, Rusty Barnes, Gale Batchelder, Cassandra Clarke, Jim Cronin, Gregory Crosby, Judson Evans, Reinhard G

Mental Shoes Will Knock Yer Socks Off

Mental Shoes: Footwear and the life of the mind is an online publication of “arts and ideas” – which includes fiction and viso-writing. Each issue downloads as a pdf.

The current issue (shown) is 300 pages – takes a while to download – but completely worth it (as are the previous issues – some shorter and quicker to download).

Especially worth the wait is “Mississippi Beaches: One Year After the BP Oil Spill” – a series of photographs by Julie Dermansky – a poignant reminder of how “clean up” does not equate to cleaned up.

New Lit on the Block :: Specter Literary Magazine

The two founders of Specter Literary Magazine – husband & wife, mensah demary & Athena Dixon-DeMary, prose writer & poet respectively – take the Gen Y labels, embrace them, and consider them as the very complexity that writers regularly address: “Are we all frightened, passive, coddled? Are we all spoiled & flighty? Do we all dream? If Generation Y is so different from our parents and grandparents, then what does it mean to: love today; raise children today; keep religious faith today? The work some might consider ‘navel-gazing’ and ‘postmodern’ and ‘boring?’ We want that work. Writers who believe literature can reveal and–dare we say–save the world? We want those writers. We want dreamers.”

Published online, the first issue of Specter, launched at the end of July, features works by Mick Davidson, Lois Harrod, J. Bradley, Noriki Nakada, Bradley Warshauer, Jasmon Drain, Chris Castle, and Tom Sheehan.

Specter accepts poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and flash via Submishmash.

Confrontations Takes on Art

According to editor Jonna G. Semeiks, for the first time in its over 40-year publishing history, Confrontations has included a section devoted to visual art. The artist (whose work is also featured on the cover) is Esteban Vicente, “an immigrant who left Spain during the Civil War in the 1930’s and settled on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.” Along with the editorial introduction, there is an bio before the images, and eight four, two-sided, full-color, full-bleed pages of his paintings featured. For its inaugural foray into art inclusion, Confrontations has shown great sensibility it how to do it right.

Stunning Covers: Calyx

Celebrating 35 years of continuous publishing, Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women Summer 2011 features the cover art “Adaptation” (acrylic on canvas, 36″ x 48″) by Amy Guidry. It can be viewed in a larger image in the Calyx website. More of Guidry’s work is featured inside the magazine, along with that of Christine Wuenschel, Marie Le Glatin Keis, Alethea Norene, RoByn Thompson, Kathline Carr and Lu – all in full color on glossy center pages.

New Lit on the Block :: The Snake

Editors Marc & Morgane McAllister founded In The Snake Magazine “to provide quality short literature that is both meaningful as well as enjoyable to read.” Launched July 2011, the monthly publication thus far features the short stories of Rose Droll, Jennifer Moore, and Carmen Maldonado, Yarrow Paisley, Jesse Rubin, A. Kham and Shauna Brock.

In The Snake Magazine is currently holding a short story contest for their Summer 2011 Elephant Prize. Deadline for submissions is August 31.

In The Snake Magazine is also accepting submissions for upcoming issues, offering guidelines with detailed expectations of plot, theme, style, and existential conflict: “We look for stories that build strong, dynamic characters that reflect the nature of the human experience.” In addition to cash awards for their contest, In The Snake Magazine is a paying market.

In Aporia: The Annual Akilah Oliver Memorial Reading

The annual Akilah Oliver Memorial Reading honors the memory of Lang professor Akilah Oliver, a radical poet, feminist, and activist. As the first of an annual reading series, this reading will feature the work of Oliver’s contemporaries Julian Brolaski, Rachel Levitsky and Lauren Nicole Nixon, along with Oliver’s former students Erik Freer, Karl Leone and Kaley Foley.

The event is scheduled to take place Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7:00 pm at The New School: Lang Cafe, 65 West 11th Street; New York, NY.

RSVP on Facebook.

Anniversary: Ploughshares 40th

To celebrate its 40th year of publication, the Fall 2011 issue of Ploughshares brings back former guest editors “to contribute new works of their own, to nominate and introduce an emerging writer, or to give an account of turning points in their careers.” A full list of the contents is available on the website, though it does not indicate which new writers are being introduced by guest editors. Ploughshares changes active content links each day for the current issue.

New Lit on the Block :: Trans-portal

“Written for an intelligent reader,” Trans-portal: The Hub of Trans-Formation Studies features contributions that “exhibit the highest qualities of scholarship while also being accessible by a wide audience.”

Trans-portal’s Founding Editor/Curator Michael Broek is joined by Contributing Editors Patrick Donnelly, Stephen D. Miller, Susan Castillo, Matthew Carter and Tarfia Faizullah, and Editor-At-Large Laura McCullough in producing an online biannual, appearing summer and winter.

The first issue (Summer 2011) features lyrical essays by Amanda Abel, Elizabeth Howort, and Steve Newton; scholarly essays by Camille Alexander, Danielle Mortimer, Margaret R. Borders, Bryce Christensen; an audio essay by Paul Lisicky, a photo essay by Tarfia Faizullah, and a review of Lisa See’s Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and and Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom by Judy Chen-Cooper.

Trans-portal also includes individual resource pages for essays an articles on a variety of “trans” concepts: Trans-Personal, Trans-Cultural, and Trans-National. I hope to see this become a wealth of resources that continue to grow with the longevity of the publication.

Trans-portal is seeking creative non-fiction lyric essays and scholarly articles pertaining to any of our themes, with an emphasis on synthesis and contemporary relevance.

Sycamore Review Editor Changes & Contest Winner

The Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Sycamore Review features the winner of their annual Wabash Prize for Fiction: Joe B. Sills, “the Duck.”

There are also a number of staff changes taking place: Editor-in-Chief Anthony Cook is stepping down (congratulations on the new baby!); the new editor will be Jessica Jacobs. Poetry editors Mario Chard and Josh Wild and nonfiction editor Chidelia Edochie will also be moving on, with replacements yet to be announced.

Georgia Review Features Stephen Dunn

The Summer 2011 issue of The Georgia Review includes a special feature on Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Stephen Dunn: “Many a Beautiful Strangeness.” The feature is well deserved, as TGR Editor Stephen Corey notes: “…since 1980 The Georgia Review has, up through this issue, presented more than fifty of Stephen Dunn’s poems and five of his essays—plus an interview conducted by Laura McCullough [available in full on the TGR website] and a self-conducted ‘intraview,’ both of which appear here in Summer 2011. All told, Stephen Dunn’s Georgia Review poetry offerings would fill a book of nearly one hundred pages — W. W. Norton, are you listening? — and the full body of his contributions would just about flesh out an entire issue of our journal.” Read the full editorial online here, as well as the full table of contents here.

BPJ Devotes Issue & Forum to “The Logic of Yoo”

The Fall 2011 issue of Beloit Poetry Journal is devoted to chapbook of poems which come from a larger manuscript of the same name, Michael Broek’s “The Logic of Yoo.” The poem “probes the moral logic of George W. Bush’s legal counsel John C. Yoo from the perspective of a graduate student who supplements his income by writing academic papers for hire. Ten years into the ‘war on terror,’ the issues the poem raises remain acutely relevant.” (BPJ) The BPJ website includes a PDF of the first dozen pages of the poem. The BPJ website will also feature Michael Brock moderating a discussion of The Logic of Yoo for the September Poet’s Forum. (Great opportunity for teachers and their students!)

[Cover Image: Photograph by Linda Connor]

New Lit on the Block :: Mixed Fruit

Mixed Fruit is a bi-monthly online publication co-founded by editors Lindsay Shields and Abby Norwood. Mixed Fruit has an varied and energetic editorial staff reading poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, translations, and reviewing art submissions.

Editors include Kat Lewin (fiction), Jessica Plante (poetry), Matthew Burnside (fiction/poetry), Kea Wilson (fiction/Spanish/Greek translation), Courtney Thomas Vance (fiction), Summer Greer (poetry/Thai/German translation) and contributing editors Peter Alan Herbert (fiction/copy), Bethany Sarah Startin (poetry reader/French/Ancient Greek/Latin translation), Donna Vorreyer (poetry reader), Olga Mexina (Russian translation), Elisa Fernandez-Arias (Spanish/French translation), and Paula Bertr

Wave Books Subscription = Free Festival Pass

In addition to receiving all the books published by Wave Books in 2011, this year’s subscription ($75) comes with complimentary passes to the Wave Books Poetry Festival: Three Days of Poetry in Translation ($25 value), coming up November 4-6 in Seattle. Even if you can’t attend the festival (donate your passes?) subscribers will receive all materials included in festival participant packets, including limited edition pamphlets and a handmade book.

For a full list of the books included, visit Wave Books website.

WLT: Poetry Untethered

The newest issue of World Literature Today (celebrating 85 years of continous publication) includes the special section “Poetry Untethered: 10 Voices from the English-Speaking World.” In addition to their regular content, this section includes contributions from John Mateer, Dana Gioia, Stephanie McKenzie, Nicholas Samaras, Bill Manhire (“Cream Torpedoes: Recent Poetry in New Zealand”), Maya Khosla, Ilya Kaminsky, Jane Hirshfield (“What is American in Modern American Poetry: A Primer with Poems”), Ngwatilo Mawiyoo, and Ian Brinton (“Pods, Presses, and Pamphlets: Poetry in England Today”). Also included is an extensive interview by Michelle Johnson with Dana Gioia.

A full table of contents is available online with access to some of the above listed features. WLT also offers exclusive web content available for all visitors.

Puerto del Sol Contest Winners

The Summer 2011 issue of Puerto del Sol features works by the winners of their Poetry and Fiction Contests:

2011 Fiction Contest (Dawn Raffel, judge)

1st Place: Joe Aguilar, “The Flood”
2nd Place: Jen Bergmark, “Boyle Heights”
3rd Place: Kellie Wells, “The Incinerating Place”

2011 Poetry Contest (Julie Carr, judge)

1st Place: Amy Woolard, “The Housewarming”
2nd Place: Amy Woolard, “The Petty Arsonists”
3rd Place: Denise Leto, “Jaw Simulacra”

Best of Net Submissions Sought

From Sundress Publications: “Since 2006 the Best of the Net Anthology has sought to represent the best of the online literary world in poetry, fiction, and in 2010 non-fiction. Sundress Publications is seeking submissions to the sixth volume of Best of the Net. This project aims to represent the expanding, although often disregarded, online venue and bring more prestige to the innovative and continually growing medium. This collection intends to bring greater respect to the voices of those writers who choose to publish their work online. Our last issue included work by poetry by B.H. Fairchild, Karin Gottshall, Maxine Lopez-Keough, fiction by, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Max Everhart, Dominic Preziosi and non-fiction by Amy Clark, Mark Dowie, and Emma Trelles. Submissions from editors will be open from July 1 to September 30th. Winners will be announced in February, 2012.” Full details available here.

New Lit on the Block :: The Muse (India)

The Muse: An International Journal of poetry is a new biannual online publication with Chief Editor Pradeep Chaswal and Editors Dr. Mohammad Arif and Deepak Chaswal.

The first issue includes poetry by A. D. Winans, Adam Bogar, Adrienne Wolfert, Alan Lindsay, Anca Vlasopolos, April Avalon, Benjamin Myers, Boghos L. Artinian, Carl Scharwath, Carrie Allison, Chris Tanasescu, Christina Murphy Dalel Sarnou, Devreaux Baker, Gale Acuff, Hal O’Leary, Hugh Fox, Jennifer C. Wolfe, Judith Prest, Kathleen Specter, Kenneth Pobo, Linda Appleby, Michael D. Sollars, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike J Gallagher, Paul Lobo Portuges, Phillip A. Ellis, Raj Vatsya, Richard Oko Ajah, Rebeca Sara, SamEisenstein, ShradhaKamra, ThomasZimmerman, Valentina Cano, Victor W. Pearn, and William John Watkins.

Also featured in this issue are research papers and essays “Pet Trees & Dancing Bay Ponies” by Joseph Powell, “How Dangerous Is Digital Literature?” by Felix Nicolau, and “A Tribute to Raymond Garlick (1926 – 2011)” by Byron Beynon, as well as interviews with Hugh Fox and Al Beck and book reviews.

The Muse is open for submissions of poetry, research papers, essays, and reviews. The deadline for the December issue is November 10.

New Lit on the Block :: Anobium

Based in Chicago, but with “values that extend beyond borders,” Anobium aims to “print literature in a digital world” and do so with quality and brevity, keeping the volume small (5″x&’, 84pp), portable, durable (laminated matte cover with 55lb stock), and accessible ($10).

Anobium‘s masthead is: Senior Editor Mary J. Levine, MFA; Managing Editor Benjamin D. van Loon, BA; Assistant Editors Jon-Erik Means, BA, Michael Zielinski, BA, Lauren Monokian, BA; Illustrator & Assistant Designer Jacob van Loon, BFA; and Executive Administrator Sarah E. Docherty, BM.

Anobium: Volume 1 (Summer 2011) features new writing from Laura Carter, Jennifer Collins, William Doreski, Eric Evans, Ricky Garni, Jonathan Greenhause, Luke Irwin, Rich Ives, Eddie Jones, J.S. MacLean, Claire McCurdy, Bethany Minton, Thomas Mundy, Ben Nardolilli, James Payne, Stephanie Plenner, Graham Tugwell, Meredith Turits and Susan Yount. Also included is a feature story and interview with “Chicago favorite,” Joe Meno.

Submissions for volume 2 are now open for poetry and prose. Specific guidelines are available on the Anobium website.

Flannery O’Connor Short Fiction Award Winners

E.J. Levy, of Washington, DC, and Hugh Sheehy, of Brooklyn, NY, have been named the winners of this year’s Flannery O’Connor Short Fiction Award. Levy’s collection MY LIFE IN THEORY and Sheehy’s collection THE INVISIBLES will be published by the University of Georgia Press and will be available in Fall 2012.

The competition, now in its twenty-eighth year, seeks to encourage the writers of excellent short stories and bring their work to a wider audience by offering publication of a book-length collection and a $1,000 prize. The Flannery O’Connor Award has helped launch the literary careers of such previous winners as Ha Jin and Antonya Nelson.

NewPages Updates :: August 15, 2011

New additions to the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines

Blueline Image poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography
Still Point Arts Quarterly Image fiction, essays, articles, art
Valley Voices Image literature, culture, criticism
The Worcester Review Image poetry, fiction, essays, photography, graphic art
100 Word Story [O] prose poetry, prose, essays, interviews, photo stories
Aldus [O] translations, poetry, prose, essays
Catfish Creek Image undergraduate poetry, fiction, nonfiction
The Corradi Image poetry, prose, artwork
Plume [O] poetry
Printer’s Devil Review [O] poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Urban Confustions Image poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Printer’s Devil Review [O] fiction, nonfiction, art, poetry
Aldus [O] works in translation (all genres) poetry, prose, essays on translation
Connotation Press [O] – poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, screenplay, graphic art, visual art, interviews, reviews

Newly added to NewPages Guide to Misc Literary Blogs and Websites
The Literarian [O] fiction, interviews

New additions to the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines
NEA Arts Magazine [O] – National Endowment for the Arts

New additions to NewPages Guide to Independent Publishers & University Presses
Connotation Press – poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama
eohippus labs

[O] = mainly online publication
Image = mainly print publication

New Lit on the Block :: The Washington Pastime

The Washington Pastime is an online journal edited by founder Paul Karaffa and Laura Bolt. Karaffa’s motivation for starting the journal was a 2010 study from Central Connecticut State University in which Washington DC Metropolitan area was found to be the most well read urban area in the United States. “But Washington, DC.” Karaffa writes, “did not have a professional literary magazine representing its stake in contemporary American literature. The Washington Pastime was founded as an electronic and print publication based in Washington, DC committed to publishing the best in literary and genre fiction.”

The first issue, available on The Washington Pastime website and also as a PDF download, includes literary fiction by Matthew Ward, science fiction by Michael Anthony, horror fiction by Matt Walker, crime/mystery fiction by Jeanette Samuels, and experimental fiction by Keith Laufenberg.

The Washington Pastime website also includes a section called “Author’s Resource,” offering a developing library of information on publishing, writing fiction, the future of publishing, and “words of caution” for writers entering publishing.

The Washington Pastime is open for submissions for its next issue. Writers may submit adventure, fantasy, horror, science fiction, mystery, romance, thriller, western, and general literary fiction. Submissions for articles about the writing industry are also considered for the “Author’s Resource” page as well as topics of interest and controversy for an upcoming feature called “Expanding Scope.” The Washington Pastime offers a nominal payment for works published.

The Washington Pastime is also holding a contest for fiction and a Promising Young Author Prize for Fiction. See website for contest guidelines. The deadline for both contests is December 31.

Additionally, The Washington Pastime has an editor position open. If you are interested, see the “About” page on the site for more information.

Tampa Review: Art Blast from the Past

Tampa Review 41 offers a unique volume by pairing contemporary stories and poems with antique art from the fifteenth century and the early twentieth century, as well as a special sampling of art from the Vorticist movement, a “lively alliance of literary and visual artists before World War I that included Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Wyndham Lewis, and a famous literary magazine called Blast.”

New Lit on the Block :: Urban Confustions

Urban Confustions is a biannual print and PDF (Lulu) publication, featuring “urban tales, poetry, non-fiction, and art from women writers and artists living in urban cities of the world.” Staffing the publication are Editors Rheea Mukherjee and Shilpa Kameswaran, Art Editor Tulika Ladsariya, and Rabia Mehta, Publicity and Marketing. Urban Confustions also holds public readings in various cities twice each year.

Each month, Urban Confustions “spotlights” an author or artists with a bio and a link to specific works by each. Featured thus far: Patricia Lee Martinovic, Teresa Chuc Dowell, Anna Saini and Emily Rutledge.

The first issue of Urban Confustions features works by Amelia Whitcomb, Sarah Rosenberg, Anna Saini, Jenny Fan, Rohini Sahni, Rachel Noelani Bovee, Shilpa Kameswaran, Tulika Ladsariya, Anna Cherednikova, Diane Ponder, Suzanne Hilal, Emily Rutledge, Archana Prasad, Jasmine Kwong, Susan Redekar, Teresa Chuc Dowell, Rabia Mehta, Jina Joan D’cruz, Shelly Bhiol Sood, Sonia Sarkar, Bo Melissa Schwabacher, Tishani Doshi, Janice Sapigao, Srividya Suryanarayanan, Prasanna Surakanti, Gathima Asghar, Ambika Ananth, Sampada Chavan, Patricia Lee Martinovic, and an interview with author Brinda Charry.

Urban Confustions invites women living in the urban centers of the world to submit fiction, non-fiction, poetry and art for their winter issue. Deadline for submissions is November 10.

Manoa: Voices of the Okinawan Spirit

The newest issue of Manoa is Living Spirit: Literature and Resurgence in Okinawa. The publication is a collection of works from the Ryūkyūs, “Most of which have never been translated into English, or are newly translated for this volume. This issue is a “sister” volume to Manoa 2009, Voices from Okinawa – a collection of plays and essays by Okinawan Americans. In addition to the written works, this Living Spirit issue includes a series of photographs by Higa Yasuo, whose subjects include three decades of his study and recording of ancient and sacred religious festivals of Okinawa. Visit the Manoa Voices of the Okinawan Spirit blog for more information.

New Lit on the Block :: The Found Poetry Review

The Found Poetry Review is a quarterly online poetry journal “celebrating the poetry in the existing and the everyday.” FPR publishes “found poems, centos, erasure poems and other forms that incorporate elements of existing texts.”

To clarify this to both their readers and writers itnerested in submitting works, FPR includes content with links on the definition of found poetry, examples of found poetry, and found poetry and fair use standards.

The Summer 2011 inaugural issue includes works by Christine Pacyk, Howie Good, Jill Crammond, Johnny Chinnici, Christina Burress, Jeanne Shannon, Mark Blaeuer, Clare Kirwan, Andrea J. Dickens, Claire Ferris, Jennifer Saunders, Guy Torrey, and Ed Higgins.

FPR is accepting submissions via Submishmash for the Fall 2011 issue, deadline September 30, 2011.

FPR is also holding their first contest, in which all contest submissions must be found poems derived from “How to Analyze People on Sight” by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict, available as a free e-text through Project Gutenberg. The contest deadline is August 31, 2011.

Malahat Long Poem Prize 2011 Winners

“The Constant Gardener” by Maggie Schwed and “The Sun Estate” by Julie Joosten were selected as the Malahat Long Poem Prize 2011 Winners. Each receives a $1000 cash prize as well as publication. Their poems appear in the most recent issue of Malahat (Summer 2011), and an interview with each appears on the Malahat Review web site.

The Malahat Long Poem Prize is held every second year. The deadline for the next contest is February 1, 2013. Malahat Review sponsors a number of contests, guidelines for which can be viewed here.

National Student Writing Contest

The YES! National Student Writing Competition demonstrates how teachers can use YES! Magazine stories as the basis for thought-provoking writing, and gives students an opportunity to voice their opinions and show off their exemplary writing. Each quarter, students will have the opportunity to read and respond to a selected prompt. The prompt will be available on Sept 6.

Now is the time to think about including the YES! National Student Writing Competition in your fall curriculum. For fall 2011, students will read and respond to the YES! article, “Why My Dad’s Going Green.”

Contest Age Categories:

Grades 5-8
Grades 9-12
Adult continuing education

New Lit on the Block :: Manor House Quarterly

Organized by Dane Cardiel, contributing editor, Manor House Quarterly is “a collaborative effort of individuals whose diverse interests range from mixed-media to poetry, photography to music composition, story-telling to illustration, and more. The quarterly publication is simply the blending of these interests speaking toward a given concept.”

The first issue of MHQ is available online using Issuu and includes writing from Chloe Sparacio, Ethan Linstrom, Jeff Murray, Kohn Ashmore, Justin Wright, Andrew Gumm, Gaelan Gilbert, Sean Sand, Jared Callahan, Theron Allen Gregory, Vanessa Nelson, and Blake Nelson, and visual art from Casey Galanter, Frank Scott Krueger, Elisha Medina, Garrett Richardson, Jeff Allen, Kalika Kastein, Megan Gilbert, Scott Linger, Aubrey Perkins, Lauren Whisnant, and Emily Spencer.

Submissions of written content are being accepted for the next issue of MHQ, themed “1877.” The deadline is August 12.

Main Street Rag 2011 Poetry Book Award Winners

Elegies for New York Avenue by Melanie Henderson of Washington, DC. won the Main Street Rag 2011 Poetry Book Award.

The deadline for the next Poetry Book Award is January 31, 2012. All entries are considered for publication.

Finalists/Runners up (in alphabetical order) are:

Banjo String Theory by Lynn Pattison, Kalamazoo, MI
Devil’s Messengers by David Allen Sullivan, Santa Cruz, CA
Dopplegangster by Patrick Moran, Fort Atkinson, WI
Heinz 56 by Amanda Reynolds, Pittsburgh, PA
Silver by Jason McCall, Tuscaloosa, AL
System of Hideouts by Heather McNaughter, Pittsburgh, PA
Zero is the Whole I Fall into at Night by Becky Thompson, Jamaica Plain, MA

Because the primary purpose for the MSR contest is to select manuscripts for publication, all of the finalists have been offered publication.

MSR also welcomes back Foster C. Hunter, who will be helping “Build Better Books” in the print and bindery operation.

Anobium Books Education Discount

Anobium Books is a Chicago-based, independent publisher founded in 2011 by Benjamin van Loon and “Mary J. Levine.” Anobium Books’ Education Discount Program will run indefinitely while supplies last, and offer free shipping and a 20% discount to Chicago Metropolitan Area students, faculty and staff. Beginning on July 31st, Anobium: Volume 1, which features new writing from Jonathan Greenause, Rich Ives, Joe Meno and others will be the first title available in the program.

New Lit on the Block :: Country Music

Country Music is an online biannual journal of poetry edited by Scott Abels. In addition to the poetry, each of the two issues now available include special features, such as “The Darkness and the Popcorn: Tyler McMahon’s Correspondence with Denis Johnson” (Volume 1), a selection of poems with an introduction (explanation) of the very quirky Barcelona Poetry Machine (Volume 2), and “Contributors Respond to Art and Economics” (Volume 2).

Issues #1 and #2 include works by Dan Chelotti, Sally Molini, Jennifer H. Fortin, Nate Pritts, Angela Veronica Wong, Alen Hamza, Donald Illich, Jon Thrower, Ron Riekki, Matt Ryan, Tyler Gobble, Peter Jay Shippy, Brandi Homan, Rob MacDonald, Rich Murphy, Kyle Thompson, Katie Condon, Andrew Morgan, Philip Byron Oakes, Francis Raven, Michael Schiavo, Clay Matthews, Lucy Biederman, Matt Hart, Samuel Day Wharton, Peter Davis, Amber Nelson, Jim Goar, and Jackie Clark.

Submissions are currently open “with no firm guidelines.”

[Issue #2 Art by Vince Hazen]

Fact-Simile Trading Cards

In addition to their twice annual, large-format (8.5×11) literary journal, Fact-Simile has brought back their of Poetry Trading Cards. Printed on traditional trading card stock with a plastic sleeve, there are several ways to get them in your hands – 99 cents each or $10 for the year (+s/h). You can still subscribe now and get the “back issues” as well as receive monthly delivery for the remainder of the year. Cards from the 2010 series are also still available.

The 2011 Poetry Trading Cards thus far:
January/Nathaniel Tarn
February/Charles Bernstein
March/Rachel Blau DuPlessis
April/Joanne Kyger
May/CA Conrad
June/Amiri Baraka
July/Charles Alexander

New Lit on the Block :: 100 Word Story

100 Word Story is a new online literary publication edited by Grant Faulkner and Lynn Mundell, with the goal to publish monthly issues of stories and an annual anthology of 100 100-word stories. The publication features prose, prose poems, and interviews.

100 Word Story currently includes works by Paul Strohm, Barbara Goldberg, David Cotrone, Karen Benke, Janice Lynch Schuster, Kate Hill Cantrill, Kermit Moyer, and an interview with Paul Strohm on “the art of the 100 word story.”

100 Word Story offers a monthly theme as well as a monthly photo prompt. Submissions are open and accepted through Submishmash.

What I’m Reading :: 77 Reasons Why Your Book Was Rejected

77 Reasons Why Your Book Was Rejected by author and agent Mike Nappa (Nappaland Literary Agency) takes a hardcore look at editorial, marketing, and sales perspectives on why a book is rejected. His tone is quick-witted and conversational, and he is in no way here to hold your hand and make you feel better about your rejections. He is in-your-face (“Your Writing is Crap”), realistic (“Your Book Costs Too Much to Make”), and the helpful voice of a friend you need (“You Aren’t Able to Significantly Differentiate Your Book from the Competition”).

Nappa follows up each of the 77 Reasons Why with “What you can do about it,” offering two or three tips for each reason. He notes early on that you may not like what he has to say, but he is being as honest as he can. The book begins, “I make it my goal to reject every book proposal you send me in sixty seconds or less.” This may sound arrogant, but keep reading: “The sad part about this goal of mine is that it’s remarkably easy to accomplish. Too easy, in fact.” Nappa himself has had numerous books published, but also received thousands of rejections, so he isn’t taking any kind of industry-moral high road here. He really is talking to readers like the friend they need to guide them through this seemingly mysterious process. This book, he says, is about “learning why we fail – and then turning that knowledge into success the next time around.” Or at least making that rejection less of a bitter pill to swallow.

Given the 77 reasons in here, only a few could be taken as personal – the rest, he points out, are purely business (which might explain why so many find it “mysterious”). Nappa offers a detailed explanation of what happens once an acquisitions editor takes a book on to pitch to the publisher. It’s not pretty, and it explains why some books never make it past that stage. “Remember,” Napa writes, “publishing is an industry – a business that has at its core the innate desire for survival. And, as for any business, survival means profit. A publishing house that doesn’t actively pursue profitability – no matter how noble or sublime its content goals – simply won’t be publishing books for very long.”

Nappa addresses reasons for rejection from three main perspectives: editorial, marketing, and sales. Some of the examples he provides from his years of experience are shockingly funny (as in, someone really did that?). But what may seem like the “right” approach from the writer trying to pitch a book is exactly what knocks that book out within those first sixty seconds of consideration. Nappa warns his readers, “I will always be honest with you in this book. Sometimes that may make you angry with me. I apologize in advance…but please don’t take it personally. I’m just trying to help you by sharing from my twenty-plus years of experience in publishing.”

Nappa welcomes readers to disagree with his advice if they have had different experiences, which is a good reminder that no one “advice” book of this kind is in any way absolute in being right or naming what is wrong. There are as many experiences with publishing as there are writers trying to get published and agents accepting or rejecting those attempts.

While it seems like this book focuses on the goal of writers who want to run with the big dogs in publishing, that might just be because of Nappa’s work experience in the more cut-throat levels of the industry. Many of his best stories (both of failures and successes) come from working with bigger publishing houses. Still, Nappa offers solid advice for ALL writers to consider, whether pitching to an agent or directly to a small, indie publisher, like those listed on NewPages.

I am personally not a writer trying to get published, but found Nappa’s book extremely insightful (in addition to entertaining), just reading about his work as an agent and acquisitions editor, and working in the industry with other major decision-makers. It’s not a book that needs to be read cover to cover; with each reason and advice on what to do about it taking only a few pages each, it’s easy to pick out specific issues of interest.

77 Reasons is available online from Sourcebooks, where you can also see the full table of contents and read an excerpt from the book.

Avery Staff Changes & Contest Winners

The newest issue of Avery welcomes Nicolette Kittinger as co-editor, while saying good-bye to Emma Straub and Michael Fusco, and Founding Editor Andrew Palmer stepping over to become a reader.

The issue includes winners of the Second Annual Small Spaces Fiction Prize as judged by Junot Diaz: Winner Benjamin Reed, and Runners-Up Pamela Balluck and Kurt Scott, and the winners of A Very Avery Flasher Contest: Winner B.C. Mitchell, Runner-Up Kirsten Clodfelter, and Honorable Mention Benjamin Reed. (Mitchell’s and Reed’s ‘Flashers’ are available on the Avery website.)

[Cover art by Abi Daniel.]

New Lit on the Block :: Catfish Creek

Catfish Creek is a national undergraduate literary journal from Loras College intended as a showcase for undergraduate writers both nationally and internationally. Catfish Creek is currently accepting submissions of fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction. Any student currently registered in an undergraduate program is eligible to submit. The reading period for Catfish Creek is Septermber 1 – November 15.

The staff of Catfish Creek currently includes Editor-in-Chief Brigette Yanes, Fiction Editor Sarah Riesberg, Nonfiction Editor Maria Rauen, Poetry Editor Annie Newberry, and Faculty Advisor William Jablonsky.

New Lit on the Block :: bioStories

bioStories is a new online literary web publication edited by Mark Leichliter, writer and freelance editor who publishes fiction, poetry, and essays under the pseudonym Mark Hummel.

bioStories features a blog-post publication of biographies, with some of the portraits featured on the main web site. bioStories does not look to feature the already overly-featured celebs and well-knowns; instead, Leichliter notes, “We particularly look for work that offers slices of a life that help the reader imagine the whole of that life, work that demonstrates that ordinary people’s experiences often contain extraordinary moments, visionary ideas, inspirational acts, and examples of success and failure that prove instructive. In short, we believe every life displays moments of grace.”

Currently, the site includes works by Murray Edwards, Kimberly Hamilton, Jona Jacobson, Hank Merrell, Peter Derk, and Wilmer Frey

Additionally, the site includes Noteworthy Bios that highlight inspiring stories of ordinary people’s lives that make it into the news as a “little reminder that there are people around us practicing life-changing and inpirational acts if only we pay attention.”

bioStories is open for submission or original, nonfiction work.