Sycamore Review Welcomes Anthony Cook
Anthony Cook has taken over as Editor-in-Chief of the Sycamore Review, trying, as he says, to “build on the legacy” of Mehdi Okasi. “Not easy,” he comments, “at a journal where, by design, editorships roll over every year or two. I sometimes envy journals that are able to develop a focused and consistent aesthetic. Such focus makes a journal easier to market; you can find your readership and generate a following.” But, after six months at the helm preparing this newest issue, he’s convinced that “while such a set-up might seem ideal, it would greatly diminish the value of what, I believe, our journal can offer…In short, dissonance and diversity are our strengths, and they make for the kind of stimulating reading experience for which I long.” And for which Sycamore Review is known to deliver!