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A Lesson in Leadership

Guest Post by Jennifer Brown Banks.

It goes without saying that effective leadership is not exactly a dinner table topic, a trending news item, or a subject matter that most of us consider on a daily basis. Yet, good leadership is firmly ingrained in many roles and rites of passage in our daily lives.

Consider this. Good leadership is needed to be an effective parent, a supervisor, a mentor, and even an American president. Which is why so many people have a definite opinion on Donald Trump—be it good or bad.

In the book, Leadersh!t by former CEO and leadership development coach, Rande Somma, many aspects and attributes of an effective leader are explored; as he addresses the need for accountability, transparency, and integrity to fix what he considers a “broken system” in corporate America.

This compelling read includes chapters on the dumbing down of values, the price of incompetence, the enormous ROI (return on investment) of character, and more.

Leadersh!t provides a paradigm shift for tomorrow’s leaders and reflection for stake holders in current business affairs.

Leadersh!t by Rande Somma. Booklocker.com, November 2016.

Reviewer bio: Jennifer Brown Banks is a veteran freelance writer, award-winning blogger and avid reader, residing in Illinois. Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jenpens2.

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