Fourteen Hills – Winter/Spring 2004
Volume 10 Number 1
Winter/Spring 2004
This refreshingly energetic and well-produced journal from San Francisco State University may have a confusing table of contents, but once you find yourself between the covers, you won’t want to leave. The content is just as colorful – and at times as jumbled – as the image on this issue’s cover, “Cityscape” by Chris Johanson; this is a lighthearted romp rather than a doleful stroll through the works of the writers.
This refreshingly energetic and well-produced journal from San Francisco State University may have a confusing table of contents, but once you find yourself between the covers, you won’t want to leave. The content is just as colorful – and at times as jumbled – as the image on this issue’s cover, “Cityscape” by Chris Johanson; this is a lighthearted romp rather than a doleful stroll through the works of the writers. Pieces with extraordinary flair include Bianca Diaz’s short prose poem “Postcard from the Frangipani,” Lisa Wallgren’s surreal short story “Division of Assets,” Kim Addonizio’s poem “The Work” and Susanna Childress’ poem “Rhabdomancy.” At the center of the issue is the somewhat unusual “In the Penal Colony,” an opera by Philip Glass based on a story by Franz Kafka with a libretto by Rudolph Wurlitzer. Subversive art work scattered throughout the issue increases the sense that the journal wants to challenge the status quo. [Fourteen Hills, c/o the Creative Writing Department, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132-1722. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue $7.] – JHG