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Magazine Stand :: PANK – Spring 2022

PANK online literary magazine Spring 2022 issue cover image

PANK was originally founded in 2006 by M. Bartley Seigel and Roxane Gay as a venue “fostering access to innovative poetry and prose, publishing the brightest and most promising writers for the most adventurous readers.” Fulfilling that charge, PANK publishes quarterly online and annually in print. The editors are interested in “sharp, honest, beautiful writing. Strangeness is a small god.” Check out the most recent online issues for a sampling of small gods, with contributions from Clea Bierman, Ricardo Wilson, Kyle Carrero Lopez, Stephanie Choi, Josey Rose Duncan, Ry Book Suraski, Kyle Carrero Lopez, Nicole Mccarthy, Kate Crosby, Lisa Ahn, Julia Barclay-Morton, and Valerie San Filippo.

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