NewPages Blog :: New Magazine Issues

Stop by the NewPages Magazine Stand to find the latest issues of your favorite online, print, and electronic literary magazines.

Magazine Stand :: Vita Poetica Journal – Summer 2023

Vita Poetica Journal Summer 2023 cover image

Vita Poetica Journal Summer 2023 issue of the online quarterly publication of creative work explored through a spiritual lens opens with the editorial “Forces of Endurance” by Caroline Langston and includes poetry by Hannah Hinsch, Paul Hostovsky, Phillip Aijian, Jack Stewart, Charles Haddox, Rachelle Scott, Sydney Hegele, Ginnie Goulet Gavrin, Joseph Byrd, Lane Falcon; fiction byd Emily Ver Steeg, James Roderick Burns; visual arts by Lucy Bell, Sarah Walko, Willy Conley. Cover art by Lucy Bell.

Features include the interview, “Art as Attention, Presence, Prayer: Visual Artist Scott Aasman” in conversation with Emily Chambers Sharpe and two reviews: “Spirit in the Dark Brings Religious Influence to Light: A Review of the Smithsonian Exhibit on Religion in Black Music, Activism and Popular Culture” by Mary Amendolia Gardner, and “To See Beyond Walls: A Review of Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen” by Cheryl Sadowski.

There are also two Contemplative Practices, which include guided practices with recorded as well as written instructions: “A Blessing for Your Breath” by Rebekah Vickery and “Drawing Praise: A Creative Reflection on Psalm 148” by Samir Knego.

Magazine Stand :: Apple in the Dark – Summer 2023

Apple in the Dark logo image

Apple in the Dark online magazine’s Summer 2023 issue features entries from their Flash Fiction Contest judged by Chelsea T. Hicks: Winner Ashley Beresch and Honorable Mentions Brenda Yates and Xochi Cartland, as well as works by finalists Cemile Guldal, Liz DeGregorio, MaxieJane Frazier, Brandi Ocasio, Robert Warf, and Juliana Warta. Readers can also enjoy new fiction by Clara Roberts, Brendan Todt, Bibi Berki, Jan Allen, Kayla Wiltfong, Tyler Barlass, Brooks C. Mendell, Kathy Sherwood, Lea Murray, and nonfiction by Adrianna Sanchez-Lopez, Lorraine Hanlon Comanor, Katharyn Howd Machan.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week – July 24, 2023

Lit Mag Covers: Picks of the Week recognizes cover art and designs for literary magazines, whether in print or online. These are chosen solely at the discretion of the Editor. Enjoy!

Catamaran Summer 2023 cover image

Catamaran is the kind of publication that makes me say “gorgeous” out loud just by looking at it. Equally well-designed inside and out, the Summer 2023 cover features Orchid with Limes, oil on panel, 2023, by Pamela Carroll.

Arkansas Review April 2023 cover image

I’m mesmerized by the layers of light and depth of color captured in Sierra Tribbet-Collins’ photograph Little Rock Evening Sky on the April 2023 cover of Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies.

Seneca Review Spring 2023 cover image

From Hobart and William Smith Colleges, the Spring 2023 covert art of Seneca Review doesn’t pop with color but it mesmerizes with geometrical design and depth – Signs I by Nicholas H. Ruth.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Allium – Summer 2023

Allium Magazine literary magazine cover image

Allium Summer 2023 online issue upholds its mission to publish “work that is provocative, evocative, and bold,” and that represents a range and diversity of wrters’ voices. In this issue, readers can enjoy several watercolor panels from featured artist Leela Corman, whose graphic novel Victory Parade is set during World War II in Brooklyn, New York, and is due out in April 2024. Other works in this issue include fiction by Gemini Wahhaj, Greg Golley, Shelley Ettinger, Miranda Dennis, Max Smothers, Zoe Hanlon, Mary Lewis, Charli Andrews, Katy Gathright, Jeiyanni Hollings, Anthony Koranda, Jay Bigboy; nonfiction, Lauren Hohle, Carmelinda Escuder, Laura Hodes, Alexandra Ernst, Becky A. Benson, Daphne Reed, Ethan Dulaca, Jeffrey Ihlenfeldt, Justine Feron, Cristina Benavides; and poetry by Susan M. Schultz, Jan Beatty, Samantha Johnson, Sarah Iqbal, Denise Miller, Lorraine Carey, Izzy Dimiceli, Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Mole Hart, Moira Barrett, Gretchen Shull, Alorah Welti, Mara Tillman, Stephen Jackson, W.J. Lofton, Jake Bailey.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: The 2River View – Summer 2023

The 2River View Summer 2023 cover image

The Summer 2023 issue of The 2River View features new poems by Ed Coletti, Trent Busch, Rupert Fike, Matthew Freeman, Jeff Friedman, Jane Ellen Glasser, Jane McKinley, Brent Pallas, Judith Skillman, Tonya Suther, and Ellen June Wright as well as artwork by Christian Quintin. 2River quarterly publishes The 2River View, occasionally publishes individual authors in the 2River Chapbook Series, and blogs from Muddy Bank. All publications, online and printed, are free.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

New & Noted Lit & Alt Mags – July 2023

NewPages receives many wonderful literary magazine and alternative magazine titles each month to share with our readers. You can read more about some of these titles by clicking on the “New Mag Issues” under NewPages Blog or Mags. Find out more about many of these titles with our Guide to Literary Magazines and our Big List of Literary Magazines and Big List of Alternative Magazines. If you are a publication looking to be listed here or featured on our blog and social media, please contact us. You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay the most up-to-date on all things literary!

American Indian Past & Present, 50.2, 336
American Poetry Review, July/August 2023
As You Were, Spring 2023
Bending Genres, June 2023
Clinch, 3
Colorado Review, Summer 2023
Copihue Poetry, 2
Cutleaf, 3.12
Ecotone, Spring/Summer 2023
Eggplant Tears, 2
Epiphany, Summer 2023
Epoch, Fall 2023
Erato, 2
Event, 52.1

Continue reading “New & Noted Lit & Alt Mags – July 2023”

New Lit on the Block :: Compass Rose Literary Journal

Compass Rose Literary Journal Spring 2023 issue cover image

“A compass rose,” explains Kelly Easton, founding Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of the online quarterly Compass Rose Literary Journal, “is the visual representation of the cardinal directions on a map, nautical chart, or compass. CRLJ was founded in late 2022 as a home for all voices that seek direction. As our mission intersects the literary, the philosophical, and the spiritual, the compass rose speaks to our shared journeys as fellow searchers. Our tagline is ‘bushwhacking through art’; we are unafraid of tackling the wild, the unknown, the messy, the difficult, to find our way. We are particularly welcoming to traditionally underrepresented voices, including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and the neurodivergent, along with survivors of addiction.”

Continue reading “New Lit on the Block :: Compass Rose Literary Journal”

Magazine Stand :: Kaleidoscope – Summer/Fall 2023

Kaleidoscope Summer/Fall 2023 issue cover image

A pioneer in its field, Kaleidoscope magazine publishes work that creatively explores the experience of disability. With the theme of “The Ties that Bind,” there are two prominent threads woven into Issue 87: family and deafness. Our featured essay, by Paul Hostovsky, contains elements of both. The featured artist is Kelly Simpson. Kaleidoscope hopes readers will enjoy the work by these contributors: Roly Andrews, Caitlin C. Baker, Shanan Ballam, Rebecca Brothers, Connie Buckmaster, S. Leigh Ann Cowan, Benjamin Decter, Ellis Elliott, Robert Douglas Friedman, N.J. Haus, Shelly Jones, Susan Whiting Kemp, Lori Lindstrom, Claire McMurray, Gloria g. Murray, Wendy Nikel, Rachel Papirmeister, Ujjvala Bagal Rahn, Melanie Reitzel, Kate Robinson, Seth Schindler, Nancy Scott, Margaret D. Stetz, Marya Summers and Lee Ann Wilson.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: EVENT – 52.1

EVENT 52.1 cover image

EVENT 52.1 features the 2022 Non-Fiction Contest winners introduced by Judge Jenny Heijun Wills who selected Carolyn Chung’s “Black Pill” for 1st Place, Shane Neilson’s “Differential” for 2nd Place, and Eun Yoon’s “Real Magic” for 3rd Place. The issue also include new poetry by Shannon Barry, Michael Onsando, Laura Zacharin, Tanis MacDonald, Ruth E. Walker, Richard Brait, Deepa Rajagopalan, Joelle Barron, Nancy Huggett, Wendy Weseen, Rhona McAdam, Nancy Jo Cullen, Susan Glickman, Karin Hedetniemi, Y.S. Lee, Kagan Goh, Natasha Sanders-Kay, Louise Carson, Samantha Jones, Angela Long, Courtney Bates-Hardy, J Tate Barlow, fiction by Nadja Lubiw-Hazard, and illustrations by Nora Kelly. Cover art: “Yves Tanguay Skies” by Wade Comer.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: As You Were – Volume 18

Military Experience and the Arts logo image

As You Were: The Military Review, Volume 18 from Military Experience & the Arts contains over thirty works in literary fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and artwork representative of the full spectrum of those impacted by military service – combat veterans, war orphans, or citizens who’ve felt the pull of history. They are all important additions to the literary and artistic canon surrounding military service. The issue features fiction by Jack R. Johnson, Phil Carson, Lucas Randolph, Ginger Dehlinger, Craig Gridelli, Ben Weise, Jillian Danback-McGhan, Erik Cederblom; nonfiction by Stanley Ross, William Gritzbaugh, Bettina Hindes, Larry Moss, Michael Dedrick, Richard Bramley, Art Foster, Erik E. Gize, Aliza Dube, Travis Harman; poetry by Carlin Corsino, Michelle DeRose, Christian Aldana, Katharina Breide, Nancy Austin, Michael Ball, Chad Corrigan, Deborah Baxter, Nelson Randall, Connie Kinsey, Cathleen Lundy Daniel, Patrick Dennis Riley, Andrew Lafleche, Michael Foran, Jerry L. Staub, Blake Ringer; and artwork by Wayne David Hubbard, Jennifer McKeen Rodrigues, Erik E. Gize, Dmitry Borshch.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week – July 17, 2023

Lit Mag Covers: Picks of the Week recognizes cover art and designs for literary magazines, whether in print or online. These are chosen solely at the discretion of the Editor. Enjoy!

The Cincinnati Review Spring 2023 cover image

The Spring 2023 issue of The Cincinnati Review features cover art by Tina Williams Brewer, detail from I Come from a Long Line of Big Boned Black Women, 2002, fabric with mixed media. Inside includes a portfolio of her work as well as an artist statement. Writers might like to know about the special section of “Craft review of ‘unreasonably good’ writing.” Lots to enjoy in this issue.

Conjunctions 80 cover image

“Ways of Water” is the theme for issue 80 of Conjunctions biannual print journal, with hypnotizing cover art, Consortium, 2021, oil on linen by Elliott Green.

Southern Poetry Review 60.2 cover image

Founded in 1958, Southern Poetry Review is the “second oldest poetry journal in the region,” and remains fresh and relevant with each new issue. “Night Heron” (2021) is the cover image by filmmaker, writer, and photographer Kayla Bell.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: About Place Journal – July 2023

About Place Journal July 2023 cover image

About Place Journal is published by the Black Earth Institute with each issue having a specific theme and edited by one of their BEI Fellows. The July 2023 issue is themed ‘On Rivers.’ Rivers are deep sources of connection and memory, holding very different meanings for different communities, and this issue seeks to honor the many types of relationships we have with rivers. Coeditors Teresa Dzieglewicz and Laura-Gray Street, with consulting editors Lucien Darjeun Meadows and Irene Vázquez, have curated a wide range of prose, poetry, visual art, and hybrid and multi-modal work, creating a collective view on rivers that is expansive and surprising.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: The Keeping Room – July 2023

face of a woman facing to the right on a purple background with Minerva Rising Press written underneath

The Keeping Room is an online magazine from Minerva Rising Press that publishes short stories, essays, free writing, and photo essays that touch on topics related to Women’s Wisdom, Lessons Learned, Self-care, Bodies, Relationships, and Community. Writers selected for publication will be paid $25 via PayPal. Recent works include “DOGGED” by Marty Kingsbury, “Jesus Is Delicious” by Monica J. Casper, “Lipstick” by Norma Schafer, “Dinner for Two Lovely People” by Tracy Harris, and “Glimpses” by Anne E. Beall.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Bomb – Summer 2023

In BOMB’s Summer 2023 issue, painters Merlin James and Victoria Morton prepare for their upcoming joint show, poet Paisley Rekdal and visual artist Kenneth Tam visit the union of the transcontinental railroad, filmmaker Khalik Allah becomes one with the universe by a fireside, and Sophie Narrett talks to novelist Colm Tóibín about breaking free of societal expectations through embroidery. Plus, short stories from Vauhini Vara and Emily Nemens, an essay from poet Jenny Johnson on shadow bodies and the “oh so many ways to feel continuous,” poetry from Álvaro de Campos (a.k.a Fernando Pessoa), the conclusion of our Poetry of the Northern Triangle Diaspora series, and much more for readers to enjoy as summer courses on. Visit the BOMB website for information on subscriptions, single-issue orders, and to read select online content.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

New Lit on the Block :: The Palisades Review

cover of The Palisades Review Issue 1

The Palisades Review was named in tribute to Founder and Editor-in-Chief Mea Cohen’s hometown, Palisades, New York. “Given that so much of what I have personally written takes place in this town, and that the magazine is all about featuring the personal experience, I felt the name was fitting!”

The Palisades Review offers a new short-form nonfiction quarterly that favors “compressed stories that reverberate and deepen our collective sense of self, stories that are charged within by the extraordinary capacity of language to create community from individuals.”

Continue reading “New Lit on the Block :: The Palisades Review”

Magazine Stand :: The Gay & Lesbian Review – July/August 2023

The Gay and Lesbian Review July-August 2023 cover image

The Gay & Lesbian Review Editor Richard Schneider opens the July-August 2023 issue by exploring the theme “Fantasy Lands”: “Today’s digital technologies have created possibilities for whole new worlds of immersion and experience, and with them a panoply of subcultures organized around these sites. Under the rubric of ‘Fantasy Lands,’ let us visit a few of these milieux with relevance to LGBT life and culture. This is somewhat new territory for this magazine, which is usually concerned with historical themes and the arts, and it’s worth noting that all four theme articles were written by first-time contributors.” Those articles include “We’re Heroes, We’re Queeros…” by Andrew White; “Romancing the Avatar” by Ashton Corsetti; “Fanfiction and the Omegaverse” by Hannah Matthews; and “Grindr Leaves the City Behind” by Aislin Neufeldt. Visit the G&LR website for more information about his issue as well as past issues and subscriptions.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Collateral – Spring 2023

Online literary magazine Collateral logo

Collateral, which just released its 14th issue Spring 2023 online, publishes literary and visual art concerned with the impact of violent conflict and military service beyond the combat zone. There are many platforms sharing perspectives from the combat experience, and since 2016, Collateral has felt a need to amplify voices from the reverberations and lasting effects of conflict. These voices include stories from military families, environmentalists, active duty service members and veterans, civilians, immigrants, survivors, teachers, activists, journalists, and more. Collateral is run by women who are impacted by military service, either their own or from within their families, and the journal is completely online, free to read, and charges no fee to submit. They publish twice a year and often include work by long-established writers and artists alongside the newly published.

Contributors to the Spring 2023 issue include Lisa Wujnovich, Peter Schmitt, Andrew Shattuck McBride, Susanna Lang, Sonia Greenfield, C.C. Garrett, Paula Friedman, Ben Corvo, Layle Keane Chambers, Kevin Carollo, S.Y. Ball, Gale Acuff, Diane Lefer, Andria Williams, Jason Arment, Brecht De Poortere, Andy Flaherty, Mitzi Weems, Christina M. Wells, with a special feature on Eric J. García, an artist, cartoonist, veteran, and mentor from New Mexico.

Magazine Stand :: Cholla Needles – 79

Cholla Needles Issue 79 cover image

Issue 79 of Cholla Needles from Joshua Tree, California, features an exciting cover by young artist Lily M. Capra. The magical words within are by Bonnie Bostrom, Ron Riekki, Joy Gaines-Friedler, Christien Gholson, Miriam Sagan, David Chorlton, lalo kikiriki, J. David Rawn, James Marvelle, Johnny Kovatch, and Bobby Norman. Cholla Needles publishes monthly and therefore has rolling submission deadlines with editors who favor established and emerging writers with distinctive voices that communicate well with readers.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week – July 10, 2023

Lit Mag Covers: Picks of the Week recognizes cover art and designs for literary magazines, whether in print or online. These are chosen solely at the discretion of the Editor. Enjoy!

Your Impossible Voice Spring 2023 cover image

Your Impossible Voice nonprofit online lit mag takes its name from “Phrases” by Arthur Rimbaud, “Bind yourself to us with your impossible voice, your voice! sole soother of this vile despair.” Issue 28 (Spring 2023) cover art is “A Different Recollection Than Yours” by Edward Lee.

86 Logic Issue 9 cover image

86 Logic Issue 9 is a print publication with sleek graphic design for both text and art throughout. The cover was commissioned from artist Tom Liesegang, whose work and an interview are included inside as well.

Yolk Literary Magazine Summer 2023 cover image

Montreal-based Yolk Literary Magazine publishes Canadian artists in print as well as offers unique online content. The cover art for their Summer 2023 issue is by Sophie Edell and captures a quintessential image of summer.

To find more great literary magazines, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: The Writing Disorder – Summer 2023

The Writing Disorder Summer 2023 cover image

The Summer 2023 issue of The Writing Disorder offers readers all new fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art to keep the season going. Featured contributors include fiction by Jennifer Blake, Rozanne Charbonneau, amy g dahla, Jonas David, Brad Gottschalk, Tina Dolly Ilangoven, Paul Perilli, Ellis Shuman; poetry by George Capaccio, Beatrice Feng, Sydney Fisher, Ron Riekki, Mykyta Ryzhykh, Scott Taylor; nonfiction by Sydney Hollins-Holloway, Eric Lee, Jonathan Kruyer, Steve Schecter, Rita Stevens; and art by Maja Lindberg.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Bending Genres – Issue 33

Bending Genres June 2023 logo image

Bending Genres online literary magazine’s submissions guidelines say they seek “thrilling, fanciful, oddball, unusual, stunning fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction pieces. Think Olympics on a case of Red Bull. Think October in April. Think Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey.” Issue 33 contributors who made the cut include Catherine O’Brien, Jess Richardson, Erin Mizrahi, Pat Foran, Kathryn de Lancellotti, Kristin Idaszak, Samuel Edwards, Shannon Frost Greenstein, Theodora Ziolkowski, Sam Rasnake, Glen Pourciau, James Miller, Anna Mantzaris, Lisa Alletson, David Yourdon, Brendan Constantine, Nwabuisi Kenneth, Andrew Cusick, Amy Marques, Megan Jones, Laurel Benjamin, MaxieJane Frazier, Stephen Delaney, George Ryan, Claudia Monpere, Sean Ennis, Catherine Buck, Michaela Mayer, Tyler Dillow, Karen Arnold, Reece Gritzmacher, and Lee Chilcote.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Salamander – 56

Salamander Issue 56 cover image

Issue #56 of Salamander features more fiction and creative nonfiction than ever before, with short stories and flash fiction by: Leanne Ma, Alyson Mosquera Dutemple, John William McConnell, Benjamin Van Voorhis, William Woolfitt, and Lindsay Starck; and creative nonfiction by Martha K. Petersen, Zach Semel, Kathy Davis, and Joseph Dante. Salamander Issue 56 features poetry by Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, Chelsea Dingman, Suphil Lee Park, Jose Hernandez Diaz, Remi Recchia, Sihle Ntuli, Terena Elizabeth Bell, Ricardo Pau-Llosa, Brent Ameneyro, Martha Silano, Angie Macri, Adam J. Gellings, Sebastian Merrill, and many more poets, and reviews of work by Gabrielle Octavia Rucker, Jinwoo Chong, and Jose Antonio Villarán.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Paterson Literary Review – Number 51

Paterson Literary Review 2023 cover image

Paterson Literary Review Number 51 (2023 annual) includes work by Martin Espada, Joe Weil, Marge Piercy, Dante DiStefano, Kevin Carey, Tony Gloeggler, Bob Hicok, Vivien Shipley, Barbara Crooker, and January Gill O’Neil, as well as the winning poems from the Allen Ginsberg Award and many others in its 335 pages. Edited by Maria Mazziotti Gillan since 1979, Paterson Literary Review is “an anthology of writers both famous and unknown,” and The Poetry Center at Passaic County Community College has received international recognition for many of its activities, including the Paterson Literary Review.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Superpresent – Summer 2023

Superpresent Summer 2023 cover image

Superpresent is a unique magazine in that it puts equal emphasis on the written word and visual arts, publishing work from a diverse set of talented writers, artists, and filmmakers. “When we chose the theme for this, our tenth issue,” explains Editor Kevin Clement, “we didn’t do an inquiry on the term ‘inquiries.’ Perhaps we should have. We didn’t expand on the theme as we sometimes do. Perhaps we should have. We did make the word plural, hoping for multiplicity. We weren’t disappointed. The writers and artists who contributed to this issue put forth questions across disciplines.” Providing some commentary on select pieces, Clements adds, “frequent contributor Duncan Forbes sent three poems that pose some fascinating questions and an essay on the brain which includes an analysis of one of our favorite Dickinson poems on the same subject. Her poem questions as it proposes. Our arts editor proposed questions to artist Aimée Beaubien whose work graces the cover. We know readers will enjoy her thoughtful responses which, like her art, have layers upon layers, questions upon questions.” Visit the Superpresent website today to read the entire issue.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week – July 3, 2023

Lit Mag Covers: Picks of the Week recognizes cover art and designs for literary magazines, whether in print or online. These are chosen solely at the discretion of the Editor. Enjoy!

45th Parallel Summer 2023

Managed and edited by MFA student volunteers from the Oregon State University’s School of Writing, Literature, and Film in Corvallis, the Summer 2023 issue of 45th Parallel features the compelling collage work of belle dorcas.

Louisiana Literature 40.1 cover image

Birds are a favorite subject, especially when captured so candidly in their natural environment, as on this latest issue of Louisiana Literature. Photo credit: Norman German.

Zeniada Summer 2023 cover image

Zeniada online magazine publishes “poetry that TALKS HARD and art that CURLS the floorboards like smoke billowing from the mouth of a small god,” which includes this cover art Feast of Eden by Cheo Kojima.

To find more great literary magazines, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: The Shore – Issue 18

The Shore Issue 18 cover image

The Shore Issue 18 brings the heat of distance and language and parenthood into haunting haze and burning light of the new season. It features scintillating poetry by Haley Winans, Sara Femenella, Dorsey Craft, Lisa Lewis, William Littlejohn-Oram, Laura Apol, Matthew Gustafson, Tracey Knapp, Sandra Fees, Roman Bobek, Jordan Walker, Emily A Benton, Jeff Newberry, Christopher McCormick, Katie Mora, Ashish Kumar Singh, Allison Thung, Fathia Quadri Eniola, Saba Husain, Matthew McDonald, Austin Segrest, Matthew Murrey, Amy DeBellis, Helena Mesa, Inkyoo Lee, Phoebe Gilmore, Alexander Duringer, Dan Schall, Jamie Tews, Peggy Hammond, Andrew Vogel, Laurel Benjamin, Annette Sisson, Phil Goldstein, Lisa Low, Barbara Daniels, Adam D Weeks, David Eileen Winn and Sarah B Cahalan. It also features art that interrogates ideas of space and distance by Andrew Spitzer.

Magazine Stand :: The Lake – July 2023

The Lake online magazine of poetry and reviews logo image

Just in time for the heat (and smoke?) of summer reading, the July 2023 issue of The Lake online poetry journal is ready for reading. Contributors include Catherine Arra, Ace Boggess, L. J. Carber, Eva Eliav, George Franklyn, Ann Malaspina, Liz McPherson, Debarshi Mitra, Stephen Page, Michael Salcman, Claire Scott, Richard Slottow. Reviews of David Giannini’s Already Long Ago and Matt Mauch’s A Northern Spring. One Poem Reviews, a feature that offers readers a one-poem sample from a new collection, spotlights Pauline Rowe/A. J. Wilkinson. In addition, J. R. Solonche reviews David Giannini’s, Already Long Ago, and Charles Rammelkamp reviews Matt Mauch’s A Northern Spring. All free online!

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Radar Poetry – Issue 36

Radar Poetry Issue 36 cover image

Radar Poetry is an electronic journal of poetry and artwork from established and emerging writers from around the globe. Radar Poetry is interested in the interplay between poetry and visual media with each issue pairing works of poetry and art selected by the editors. The newest issue feature poetry by Jacqueline Berger, Alecia Beymer, Luke Eldredge, Josh Exoo, Stephen Lackaye, Lisa Lewis, Carlos A. Pittella, Phoebe Reeves, Liz Robbins, Lindsay Rockwell, Molly Tenenbaum, and Theodora Ziolkowski, and artwork by David Boyle, Kiley Brockway, Adam Dahlstrom, Armando Jaramillo Garcia, and Jim Ross.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Glassworks – Spring 2023

Glassworks Spring 2023 cover image

Issue 26 (Spring 2023) of Glassworks features artwork by E. O. Connors, Catherine Edgerton, Gerberg Garmann, and Carella Keil; fiction by Faith McNaughton and Kathryn Reese; nonfiction by Joanna Acevedo, Chelsea M. Carney, and Ted McLoof; and poetry by Devon Brock, Amber Lee Carpenter, Rachael Inciarte, Karina Jha, Sean Madden, Mary Makofske, Claire Hamner Matturro, Reese Menefee, Kathleen McGookey, Sam Moe, Judith H. Montgomery, Annette Sisson, and Jacob Stratman. Glassworks is a publication of Rowan University’s Master of Arts in Writing program and also publishes Flash Glass – a monthly of flash fiction, prose poetry, and micro-essays, and lookingglass – a space for contributors to share reflections on their work.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: The Barcelona Review – Issue 107

The Barcelona Review Issue 107 cover image

Started in 1997, The Barcelona Review is an online multi-lingual review of contemporary international fiction. The newest issue (107) includes their regular quiz feature, this time on “A.I. in Literature.” Readers can test their knowledge of cyberpunk – 21st-century AI that has appeared in literature and compete for an Amazon gift card. The issue also includes “Pandemonium” by Bandi, the pseudonym of an anonymous North Korean dissident, who managed to smuggle seven short stories into South Korea; “Sink Rate” by English writer David Frankel, which begins with a horrific event, then moves inward as the protagonist tries to absorb what has happened. Offering some humor is Diggory Dunn’s “Nosedive on Eagle’s Nest Ridge,” a dispute concerning an incident on the slopes with a deluded “defendant’” brashly attempting to argue his case, and from Scotland comes a debut story by Garry Vass, “The Pig Was Finally Dead,” recounting the time of year for slaughter. Jim Daniel’s personal essay “Drought” collects the random thoughts of an American as he pedals through the countryside of France. The Barcelona Review also includes some “Picks from Back Issues,” a nice way to catch something you might have missed, as well as a book review, this time Cinema Speculation by Quentin Tarantino, reviewed by editor Jill Adams, who notes, “I had the pleasure to see [Tarantino] speak in Barcelona last April where he was welcomed like a rock star.”

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Magazine Stand :: Plant-Human Quarterly – Issue 9

Plant Human Quaterly Issue 9

Following the rhythm of the planet, Plant-Human Quarterly publishes four issues each year: one on each solstice and equinox. Plant-Human Quarterly Issue 9 explores the myriad ways writers manifest their relationship to the botanical world, attempting to communicate across boundaries and possibly approach a plant’s-eye-view of the world. Poems and essays are paired with botanical images, merging verbal and visual mediums. In this issue, Candela Murillo’s artwork is paired with writing from Robert Bensen, Margaret Chula, Deborah Doolittle, Camille Dungy, Leonore Hildebrandt, Andrea Hollander, Susan Jefts, Kelly Madigan, Davis McCombs, Mark McKain, Bertha Rogers, Jean Ryan, Eleni Sikelianos, and Barry Wallenstein. Plant-Human Quarterly is produced in collaboration with the Otherwise Collective, based in Amsterdam, NL.

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Magazine Stand :: World Literature Today – July/August 2023

World Literature Today July/August 2023 cover image

For its July/August 2023 issue, World Literature Today’s editors took to the road to explore “The Bookstores of Middle America” and chose favorite destinations in nine states. Other highlights include Veronica Esposito’s new “Untranslatable” column, Andrew Lam’s moving homage to his mother, Shahd Alshammari’s favorite books on disability and illness, and a visit to literary Los Angeles with Ming Di and Dana Gioia. The book review section rounds up the best new books from around the world, while additional interviews, poetry, essays—and a recipe for peach galette—make the July issue your latest passport to great reading, whether in “flyover country” or some far-flung literary destination.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Good River Review – Issue 5

Good River Review Issue 5 cover image

Good River Review is the literary journal of the School of Creative and Professional Writing at Spalding University publishing two issues per year. Between issues, readers can enjoy book reviews, interviews, essays on the practice of writing, and other literary news on the publication’s website. Issue 5 features poetry and prose by Adeleke Adeyemi, makalani bandele, DeMisty Bellinger, Kris Bigalk, Bea Bolongaita, Terri Brown-Davidson, Ndidi Chiazor-Enenmor, Cindy Corpier, Tony Crunk, Debra Kang Dean,  Jane Donohue, Mitchell L. H. Douglas, Monic Ductan, Devin Kelly, Iris A. Law, Jeremy Paden, Claudia Putnam, Jack Ridl, Mervyn Seivwright, Jason Tandon, and Melanie Weldon-Soiset.

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Magazine Stand :: Tiferet – Spring/Summer 2023

Tiferet Spring Summer 2023 cover image

Tiferet Journal online publishes poetry, essays, interviews, and reviews in keeping with their mission “to help reveal Spirits, in all its manifestations, through the Written Word [. . . ] from authors of many faiths, even non-traditional ones” to “foster cultural pluralism and be a stable center within our modern lives, a place where the flames of creativity burn brightly.” The Spring/Summer 2023 issue offers readers over 80 pages of works to enjoy and features cover art by Richard Stocker.

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Magazine Stand :: trampset – June 2023

trampset literary journal june 2023

trampset online literary journal publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry on a rolling basis, welcoming “all tramps” and their diverse voices to participate. Some recent contributors include Brett Biebel, Sean Ennis, Sumitra Singam, Erik Kennedy, Dan Alter, Fred Johnson, Claire Scott, Frances Gapper, S A Greene, Beth Hahn, Jeffrey Hermann, Mandira Pattnaik, and Michael Scott Neuffer.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Aji – Issue 18

Aji Magazine Issue 18 cover image

Issue 18 of Aji Magazine is themed “The Moon.” As Editor-in-Chief Erin O’Neill Armendarez writes, “The tide goes in; the tide goes out. And the mysterious moon has her influence, only part of which we actually understand…” Attempting and understanding are the contributors to this issue, which has over 100 pages of content that can be read online, downloaded, or ordered in a print copy. This issue includes an interview with Oisín Breen by Erin O’Neill Armendarez and an interview with Jamie Nakagawa Boley by Erin Schalk, and works by Joe Bisicchia, Robert Boucheron, John Brantingham, Stephen Campiglio, William Crawford, Elizabeth Crowell, James Fowler, D. Dina Friedman, Trina Gaynon, Sergey Gerasimov, Carmen Germain, Elise Glassman, Joel Glickman, Cynthia Good, Robin Greene, Michael Hettich, Natalie Jill, Susan Johnson, LindaAnn LoSchiavo, Katharyn Howd Machan, Gwendolyn Joyce Mintz, Michael Moreth, William Nesbitt, Irina Novikova, Toti O’Brien, Robert L. Penick, Jocelyn Quevedo, D.M. Richardson, Richard Robbins, Sandip Saha, David Anthony Sam, Lauren Scharhag, Jacquelyn Shah, Steven M. Smith, Wally Swist, J. Tarwood, Sharon Tracey, Reed Venrick, James Von Hendy, Bill Wolak, and Ellen June Wright.

Magazine Stand :: Waxing & Waning – Issue 11

Waxing and Waning Issue 11 cover image

Issue 11 of the online annual Waxing and Waning is themed “As Water We Rise” with a foreword by C.I. Aki, and contributions of poetry, fiction, and art from David Bradley, Tomislav Silipeter, R. Nikolas Macioci, Nathan Shipley, Catherine DiMercurio, Monica “Mono” Campbell, Joseph Byrd, Mikayla Meyers, George Yatchisin, Jim Gish, Ronald Walker, Amy Murre, Emma Bolden, j niko, Roberta Clipper, Jonathan Yungkans, Andrey Gritsman, Kirsten Meehan, Donald Patten, Erin Rohan, Ray Zimmerman, Janelle Cordero, Walter Weinschenk, Cynthia Good, allison anne, Ery Caswell, Nichole Davies, Emily MacGriff, Jeff Rivers, Joanna Acevedo, and Maya Bernstein-Schalet.

Waxing & Waning is currently taking submissions for The Subversive Edition (in support of The Tennessee Three): “As a Tennessee publisher, we are ashamed and embarrassed by the actions of our state government in the expulsion of the two Black members of The Tennessee Three. [. . . ] It is time for a new era. The ways of the old are no longer relevant or working for the people. [. . . ] We are calling for submissions with the theme(s) of gun control/violence, abortion rights, and LGBTQIA+ rights. We are calling for these three themes in support of The Tennessee Three, whose actions were fueled by recent legislature against legal abortions, drag shows, transgender surgeries, book bans, etc., all of which came to a breaking point once the people’s voices were taken from them.” See the publication website for full details.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week – June 26, 2023

We are reviving an old favorite blog feature that originally ran from 2013-2019. This post recognizes cover art and designs for literary magazines, whether in print or online. These are chosen solely at the discretion of the Editor. Enjoy!

Image 116 cover image

Native Northwest sculptor Preston Singletary has created an entire exhibit of glasswork featuring the trickster-hero in Raven and the Box of Daylight, and this issue of Image (116) spotlights Singletary’s work on the cover as well as with Mischa Willett’s article, “Shape-Shifter: The Native American Iconography of Preston Singletary.”

Jabberwork Review Winter Spring 2023 cover image

Hailing from Mississippi State University, this cover image of the Winter/Spring 2023 Jabberwock Review makes the seventh for artist Katie Starplier and her graphic designer accomplice Sam LeVan.

Hanging Loose 113 cover image

Harley Elliott is the cover artist for the most recent issue as well as having a full-color art portfolio inside the newest issue of Hanging Loose (113).

To find more great literary magazines, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Foglifter Journal – 2023

Foglifter Journal 2023

Foglifter Journal continues the San Francisco Bay Area’s tradition of groundbreaking queer and trans writing and emphasizes publishing multi-marginalized voices. The 2023 annual issue features work by Ash Alpert, Sarah Aziz, Lorelei Bacht, Acie Clark, Summer Farah, Laurel Ophelia Faye, Dina Folgia, Aerik Francis, Katie Gene Friedman, Stefania Gomez, Claire Heinzerling, Alannah Hensley, S.K. Hisega, Erik(a) Jonah, Noam Keim, Nicole Kershner, Jerry Lieblich, Alison Lubar, Griffin Jing Martin, Sahil Mehta, Jennifer V. Nguyen, Clara Otto, Tasha Raella, Tyler Raso, Nadine Rodriguez, Sarah Roth, Lauren Russell, Katie Jean Shinkle, Ashish Kumar Singh, and A.A. Vincent.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Fleas on the Dog – #13

Fleas on the Dog online literary magazine logo

Issue 13 (February 2023) of the online journal Fleas on the Dog, the editors write, “is dedicated to the Ukrainian saviours and the radical activist freedom loving spirits who have been so unjustly silenced by the monstrous machinery of petty, malevolent governments.” Featuring fiction, interviews, poetry, plays and screenplays, all content is available for free download from the publication’s main website. The editors also provide genre labels for the work to help readers looking for specific types or to entice us into trying something new and different. Styles include satire, postmodernist, emerging writer, urban realism, microfixion, monologue, flash, dirty realism, surrealist, farce, literary, metafiction, mainstream, future epitaphs, novel excerpt, experimental, absurdist, ESL fiction, and existentialist – and this is just one issue!

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

New & Noted Lit & Alt Mags – June 2023

NewPages receives many wonderful literary magazine and alternative magazine titles each month to share with our readers. You can read more about some of these titles by clicking on the “New Mag Issues” under NewPages Blog or Mags. Find out more about many of these titles with our Guide to Literary Magazines and our Big List of Literary Magazines and Big List of Alternative Magazines. If you are a publication looking to be listed here or featured on our blog and social media, please contact us. You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay the most up-to-date on all things literary!

805 Lit+Art, v9 n2
Aji Magazine, 18
Arkana, 14
Arkansas Review, April 2023
Atlanta Review, Spring/Summer 2023
Bear Review, June 2023
bioStories, June 2023
Black Warrior Review, Spring/Summer 2023
Blink-Ink, 52
Bomb, Summer 2023
Brick, 111
Broadsided Press, June 2023
Catamaran, Summer 2023
Cholla Needles, 78
Cutleaf, 3.11
The Common, 25
Concho River Review, Spring/Summer 2023
Consequence, Spring 2023
The Courtship of Winds, Winter 2023

Continue reading “New & Noted Lit & Alt Mags – June 2023”

Magazine Stand :: Southern Humanities Review – 56.2

Southern Humanities Review Summer 2023 cover image

The Summer 2023 issue (56.2) of Southern Humanities Review features poetry from Malawi, Africa, by Robert Chiwamba, Benedicto Wokomaatani Malunga, Tikumbuke H. Harare, Martin Chrispine Juwa, William Khalipwina Mpina, Raymundo Chifundo Magangani, Ndongolera C. Mwangupili, Nyirongo Patricia Anuwality, and Grace Athauye Sharra. This issue also includes poetry by Mary Leauna Christensen, Melissa Crowe, Stephanie Yue Duhem, Athena Kildegaard, Jefferson Navicky, and Jennifer Polson Peterson. Nonfiction contributors include Amanda Gaines and L.I. Henley, and fiction by Kim Samek, Caroline Schmidt, Cameron Vanderwerf, and Tara Isabel Zambrano. The lush cover, Lemons and Prickly Pears, 2013, is from photographer Paulette Tavormina, sourced from the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art at Auburn University. Some content can be read online, and individual copies, as well as subscriptions, are available on the Southern Humanities Review website.

Magazine Stand :: Exposition Review – 2023

Exposition Review 2023

The 2023 annual issue of Exposition Review online is themed “Lines” and explores connection from a variety of interpretations: between parents and children, artists and fans, friends and lovers, robots and humans; to one’s city and across borders; via humor and through grief. Lines that writers interpreted as both physical and metaphorical, and illustrate the moments when art intersects reality, scrawling over the way the world appears and redesigning what is into what could be. Readers can enjoy fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, experimental narratives, visual art and comics, and film. Cover design by Kwasi Boyd-Bouldin along with an interview with the artist.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Decolonial Passage – Issue 2

Decolonial Passage logo image

The call for Issue 2 of the online publication Decolonial Passage was themed “Food, Power, and Powerlessness,” with submissions on a wide range of topics: food and cultural heritage, food preparation and gender, the industrialization of food production, food production and imperialism, food sovereignty, food insecurity, and food deserts. The issue includes nonfiction by Kathy Watson, Bret Anne Serbin, Tracy Youngblom; fiction by Mungai Mwangi, Favour Iruoma Chukwuemeka, Davina Kawuma, Rosanna Rios-Spicer, Fatima Abdullahi; poetry by Matthew Johnson, Nancy L. Meyer, Paul Smith, Robyn Perros, Patrice Wilson, Toti O’Brien, Jane Ward, Catherine Harnett, Leslie B. Neustadt, Steven Ray Smith, Lola Labinjo, Juley Harvey, David Agyei-Yeboah, Sean Murphy, Salimah Valiani, Oliver Sopulu Odo. Decolonial Passage also publishes online content on a rolling basis, with recent contributions from Cheryl Atim Alexander (“The Butterfly Harvesters”) and Gemini Wahhaj (“Netherland: A Prequel to Joseph O’Neill’s Tale”). All content is free and accessible to read online.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: The Courtship of Winds – Winter 2023

The Courtship of Winds Winter 2023 cover image

The Courtship of Winds offers readers many new voices with “thoughtful perspectives on our shared experience.” Fully accessible to read online, the only thing this issue is ‘missing’ is drama – and the drama editors say they’d love to receive some well-crafted plays for upcoming issues. What readers will find in this issue is poetry, Paul Rabinowitz, Caroline Maun, Gale Acuff, Brenda Yates, Rebecca Ressl, Danley Romero, Sharon Kennedy-Nolle, Yvonne Pearson, Michael Ansara, Richard Matta, Richard Dinges, Jr., David Reuter, Gordon Kippola, Nathan Thomas, Bobby Parrott, Murray Silverstein, Alison Hicks, Sandra Newton, Anne Marie Wells, Bob Meszaros, Erren Kelly, Rhys Lee, Leila Farjami, Gordon Kippola, Frederick Pollack, and Will Walker; art & photography by Paul Rabinowitz and Jim Zola; essays by Yvonne Pearson, and Neil Mathison; and fiction by Gavin Kayner, Gregory T. Janetka, Regina Thomas, Teresa Burns Gunther, and Marco Etheridge.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week – June 19, 2023

We are reviving an old favorite blog feature that originally ran from 2013-2019. This post recognizes cover art and designs for literary magazines, whether in print or online. These are chosen solely at the discretion of the Editor. Enjoy!

Booth 18 cover image

Publishing new material online on the first Friday of every month, Booth also releases two print issues a year. Issue 18 cover art is “Bald Eagle” by Kelcey Parker Ervick.

Indiana Review Winter 2023 cover art

Kudos to Indiana Review for their redesign – both inside and out – the Winter 2023 issue featuring cover art by Corey Pemberton entitled “TT, I’m so done with you.”

New Ohio Review issue 32 cover image

Issue 32 of New Ohio Review features Jesse Lee Kercheval’s playful, colorful, and highly textured “The Kiss” watercolor on paper.

To find more great literary magazines, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: bioStories – June 2023

bioStories literary magazine logo

Publishing nonfiction prose only, bioStories offers readers writing that focuses on the skilled craft of storytelling, with biographies that express the understanding that “real life is messy,” yet acknowledge: “human nature is idiosyncratic and frequently contradictory, and, quite often, when you look close enough, it is downright graceful.” The publication features a weekly essay on its homepage. Recent contributors include Julie Lockhart, Yoon Chung, Cathy Fiorello, Joshua David Laine, Pamela Kaye, Michelle Cacho-Negrete, Sally Carton, and Sydney Lea.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Consequence – Spring 2023

Consequence Spring 2023 cover image

The Spring 2023 issue of Consequence (15.1) spotlights not only the consequences of war and geopolitical violence but also the diversity of such experiences—both external and internal. In this volume, for example, there are eighteen different countries represented, all of which portray any number of place-specific repercussions. In the art feature, the photos of Alfred Yaghobzadeh, relay the varied physical and cultural effects on Afghanistan and its people after decades of war. Likewise, Sandra Kolankiewicz’s poem, “Dear Famous Poet,” is a potent example of internal consequences as we witness the personal experiences of both a wounded vet as he’s teaching a class while being belittled and that of the young narrator, who is angered by this ridicule. There are fifty-six beautiful and highly-crafted pieces in this issue, and each is an example of just how far-reaching and singular the consequences of war and geopolitical violence can be.

Magazine Stand :: Bear Review – Spring 2023

Bear Review Spring 2023 cover image

The Spring 2023 issue of Bear Review (9.2) is live – and this is one bear you’ll want to run toward! This online issue offers readers poetry by Lisa Allen, Claressinka Anderson, Rebecca Baggett, Alyse Bensel, Sarah Carey, Robin Rosen Chang, Genevieve DeGuzman, Lawrence Di Stefano, Sean Thomas Dougherty, Loisa Fenichell, Jason Gray, Justin Groppuso-Cook, Brian Henry, Whitney Hudak, Skye Jackson, Padraig O’ Tuama, Jenny Maaketo, Martha McCullough, Peter Mason, Julia Anna Morrison, Mitchell Nobis, Meghan Sterling, and Liane Tyrrel.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Magazine Stand :: Arkana – 14

Arkana Literary Magazine logo image

Arkana, the graduate-run online literary journal of the University of Central Arkansas is staffed and edited by students in the Arkansas Writers’ MFA Program and accepts submissions from artists worldwide. The editors write, “As part of an overlooked and often misunderstood region of the US, we’re drawn to an inclusive literary tradition that extends beyond our rich southern landscape. We strive to create a space that brings together diverse voices and champions stories that embody our mission.” Issue 14 features interviews with Michael X. Wang and Matthew Salesses, as well as works by Sherri-Anne Forde, Nikki Ummel, Lucy Zhang, Sean Madden, Josephine Whittock, C. H. Weihmann, Sekhar Banerjee, Donna Steiner, Mario Duarte, Gregg Williard, and Debasish, Mishra.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!