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Contest :: Flying South 2022 Writing Contest 1 Month Reminder!

Flying South 2022 Writing Contest banner

Deadline: May 31, 2022
$2,000 in prizes. Enter by May 31! Flying South 2022, a publication of Winston Salem Writers, is accepting entries for prizes in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry. Best in Category winners will be published and receive $500 each. One of the three winners will receive The WSW President’s Favorite award and win an additional $500. All entries will be considered for publication. For full details, please visit our website: www.wswriters.org/flying-south.

Magazine Stand :: 4×2 – April 2022

Four by Two online poetry journal logo

Every two months, Barrow Street Press editors choose four new and emerging poets who have not yet published a chapbook or full-length book of poems and then features one of their poems on the 4×2 website. Current poets include Laura Dixon, Sean Burke, KT Herr, and Kristen Holt-Browning. Past spotlight poets include Susan Kay Anderson, Miranda Beeson, Bryce Berkowitz, Pune Dracker, Pete Follansbee, Henry Goldkamp, Caroline M. Mar, Emily McKay, Pablo Medina, Nicole Melanson, James Funinami Moore, Darren Morris, Heather Newman, Doug Ramspeck, Belinda Rule, Thomas Schwank, Mahtem Shiferraw, Andy Sia, Jordana Solomon, Arthur Solway, Sophia Starmack, Hillery Stone, W.R. Weinstein, and Rachel Willems.

Magazine Stand :: The Courtship of Winds – Winter 2022

The Courtship of the Winds online literary magazine cover image

There’s still a little winter left before we turn the corner, plenty of time to catch up on the newest issue of The Courtship of the Winds online literary and art journal. New to the staff with this installment are drama editors Bill and Judy Plott. This issue is packed with poetry by Margaret B. Ingraham, Lowell Jaeger, Ken Poyner, Joseph Hardy, Hannah Jane Weber, Gordon Kippola, J. Tarwood, Sam Ambler, Gail Nielsen, DS Maolalai, Eleanore Lee, Charles Elin, Esme DeVault, Don Thompson, Jay Carson, J. R. Forman, Frederick Pollack, Alise Versella, Stephen Mead, Doug Van Hooser, and Murray Silverstein; essays by Robert F. Harris, Madhurika Sankar, Fabrizia Faustinella, David Sapp; fiction by Christie Cochrell, Benjamin Harnett, Tom Eubanks, Anne Michaud, Alex Clermont, Rin Kelly, William Hayward, David Obuchowski, Catherine Parilla, P. C. Allan, Geoffrey Heptonstall; Drama by David Brendan Hopes and Judy Klass; and artworks in concrete [including cover image] by Mario Loprete.

Magazine Stand :: Adanna – Issue 11

Adanna literary journal cover image

Adanna is a literary journal dedicated to women that welcomes contributions that “reflect and speak to women’s issues or topics, celebrate womanhood, and shout out in passion” The 2021 annual is now available and features poetry by Emmaline Bristow, Carol Casey, Angie Dribben, Lisa English, Ariel Fintushel, Virginia Bach Folger, Deborah Gerrish, June Gould, Maryanne Hannan, Elaine Koplow, Michelle Lerner, Heather Lee Rogers, Kelly R. Samuels, Dipanwita Sen, VA Smith, Thea Swanson, Janet Tracy-Landman, and Kelley Jean White; fiction by Elayne Clift, Diane Lederman, Kelsey McWilliams, Nneamaka Onochie, Terry Sanville, Tanya E. E. E. Schmid, and Ted Shaffrey; essays by Susan Frattini, Nancy Gerber, and Lola Wang, with cover art by Linda Murphy Marshall. Submissions for the 2022 annual print edition are open until May 31, 2022.

Magazine Stand :: wildness – No. 29

wildness online literary magazine logo

Founded by Michelle Tudor and Peter Barnfather in 2015 as an imprint of Platypus Press, wildness is a biannual online literary journal publishing poetry, fiction, and non-fiction works in most styles, forms, or genres. The April 2022 issue includes poetry by Qudsia Akhtar, Lory Bedikian, Aaron Coleman, Patricia Gao, Laboni Islam, Mia Kang, Kimberly Kralowec, Caroline M. Mar, Shalini Rana, Darius Simpson, RaJon Staunton, Ọbáfẹ́mi Thanni, Caitlin Wilson, Shelley Wong, Serrina Zou, and non-fiction by Sharon Lin. All content is freely accessible for online reading, and writers are encouraged to read back issues before submitting.

Magazine Stand :: The Georgia Review – Spring 2022

The Georgia Review literary magazine cover image

Celebrating 75 years of continuous publishing, The Georgia Review 75.1 issue is titled “SoPoCo” for Southern Post-Colonial and focuses on diasporic writing from or about the U.S. South. Editor Gerald Maa writes in the introduction of this 300+ pages, “This is a big volume, but it’s a crowded world. And we wanted to err on the side of maximalism rather than on giving anyone short shrift, given the groundbreaking nature of this volume.” The authors and artists included in this issue demonstrate that “the vibrancy of current Southern culture is made possible by critical contributions of the immigrant communities therein and exploring the ways that diasporic communities in this region differ from their more recognized sibling communities in the coastal urban centers.”

Continue reading “Magazine Stand :: The Georgia Review – Spring 2022”

Magazine Stand :: Heron Tree – April 2022

Heron Tree online poetry journal logo

The editors of Heron Tree began posting poems for Volume 9 in February 2022. Poems are posted weekly on the site and then are collected into a free, downloadable PDF, which means all back issues are also available for free download. These are simple, well-designed publications that mimic features of a print book, making them great for personal or classroom use. Volume 9 includes works by Deborah-Zenha Adams, Karen George, Carol H. Jewell, Basiliké Pappa, K Roberts, Kelly R. Samuels, M. E. Silverman, and Jonathan Yungkans with more on the way! Subscribe – also free – to receive notification of newly published poems.

Magazine Stand :: MoonPark Review – Spring 2022

MoonPark Review A Quarterly Online Journal of Short Prose cover image

The editors of MoonPark Review: A Quarterly Journal of Short Prose open this nineteenth online issue by commenting, “we were struck by the threads of longing that weave through every story. Longing for those lost, those taken, for a larger meaning, to be special, or understood, to be recognized, simply remembered, or the longing for someone to be other than who they have always been. Perhaps it is this particular moment in time, or perhaps it is a universal truth — that we all long for something, sometime, or someone.” Contributors to this issue include Abbie Barker, Vince Montague, James Mattise, Jonathan Weisberg, Lucinda Trew, Dan Hodgson, Christie Wilson, Sarp Sozdinler, Jill Witty, Kenneth M. Kapp, Rachel Lastra, Kevin Brennan, and Kip Knott. All content is free to read online, so head on over!

Magazine Stand :: Chinese Literature Today – 10.2

Chinese Literature Today literary journal cover image

Xue Yiwei is the featured author in the newest issue of Chinese Literature Today, published by the University of Oklahoma, which includes an interview by Lin Gang translated by Stephen Nashef and half a dozen works in translation. Also included in this issue is the special section, “Chinese Women Migrant Worker’s Literature,” with works such as “Caring for the Small: Gendered Resistance and Solidarity
through Chinese Domestic Workers’ Writings” by Hui Faye Xiao, “Gender, Class, and Capital: Female Migrant Workers’ Writing in Postsocialist China and Zheng Xiaoqiong’s Poetry” by Haomin Gong, “‘In the Roar of the Machines’: Zheng Xiaoqiong’s Poetry of Witness and Resistance” by Eleanor Goodman and more. “Women Migrant Worker’s Poems: A Collection translated by Tammy Lai-Ming Ho” is also featured in this tremendous volume.

Magazine Stand :: Cherry Tree – Number 7

Cherry Tree annual print literary journal cover image

The seventh issue of Cherry Tree annual print journal produced by the Literary House Press features work by Anum Asi, Sandra Beasley, Jan Beatty, Katie Berta, Caleb Braun, Susan Briante, Elijah Burrell, Marci Cancio-Bello Calabretta, Marianne Chan, Jennifer Chang, Victoria Chang, Christopher Citro, Nicole Cooley, Paul H Curtis, Jeff Ewing, Blas Falconer, Andra Emilia Fenton, Tanya Grae, Saúl Hernández, James Hoch, Todd Kaneko, Urvi Kumbhat, Kabel Mishka Ligot, Anthony Thomas Lombardi, Andrea Marcusa, Tom McAllister, Shane McCrae, Rahul Mehta, Philip Metres, John A. Nieves, Sarah Rose Nordgren, Carolyn Oliver, Matthew Olzmann, Donald Quist, Deon Robinson, Adam Scheffler, Charlotte Seley, Paige Sullivan, David Trinidad, Michael Walsh, Jieyan Wang, Adam Webster, John Sibley Williams, and M Jaime Zuckerman, with cover art by Gerardo Villarreal.

Magazine Stand :: Molecule – Issue 6

Molecule online literary and art magazine cover image

“A Tiny Lit Mag” – Molecule online journal publishes artwork and written works of 50 words or less, and their latest issue is proof that less can indeed be much more. The journal is packed with enough to satisfy readers until the next biannual issue comes out. Even though the entries are brief and can be quickly read, I found myself savoring in re-reading and the moments after reading when I just wanted to look away from the screen and allow the well-crafted work to resonate. This installment includes interviews with Cynthia Bargar and David Kirby, drama by Will Cordeiro, Ben Stanford, and Tony Targan, and art, prose, and poetry from many others, including Adebisi Amoriis, Shell Birdis, Karina Borowicz, MJ Bujold, Jeff Burt, Robin Cantwell, Dallas Crow, Steve DeMont, Doriane Feinstein, Mae Fraser, Jeff Gately, Emilia Getzingeris, Ellery Haney, Niki Hatzidis, Larissa Monique Hauck, Doug Holderis, Santosh Kalwar, Hilary King, Joe McGurn, Ariya Mamun, Ivan de Monbrison, Chad Parenteauhas, Palline Plum Remi Recchia, Fabio Sassi, Joel Savishinsky, Scott T. Starbuck, Bill Teitelbaum, Peter Urkowitz, and Allison Whittenberg.

Magazine Stand :: bioStories – April 2022

As we come out of this pandemic – or learn to live with the endemic – we lament that we may have ‘forgotten’ how to live more communally with others. bioStories is a wonderful way to keep ourselves in tune to the lives of others and how we interact both locally and globally. Publishing nonfiction prose only, bioStories offers submission guidelines that help writers focus their craft on what the editors are looking for, and express the understanding that “real life is messy,” yet acknowledge: “human nature is idiosyncratic and frequently contradictory, and, quite often, when you look close enough, it is downright graceful.” The publication features a weekly essay on its homepage and prints two issues each year. Recent online contributions include Neil Cawley “Speech and Debate in the Time of Covid,“ Al Czarnowsky “Buck,“ Nancy Deyo “Naked Facebook Friday,“ William Keiser “A Postcard from the End,“ Jae Nolan “Better Left Unsaid,“ Kristen Ott Hogan “Give that Dog a Bone,“ Gretchen Roselli “Aunt Aggie, Bobby Kennedy, and My Parents’ Summer Theater,“ Nancy Smith Harris “Ida Ziegler,“ Aminah Wells “The Ballet Barre.“ and Andrew Yim “Grammy’s Secret.“

Magazine Stand :: Wordrunner eChapbooks – April 2022

Wordrunner literary magazine cover image

The prose and poetry in the 12th anthology and 45th issue of Wordrunner eChapbooks is themed “Up Ending” and offers both heartache and hope, wonderfully nuanced characters, and mostly upbeat endings. Read online or download as a PDF with fiction by Nancy Bourne, Frank Diamond, D.B. Gardner, Joyce Goldenstern, Natascha Graham, Mary Lewis, and Fabriana Martinez; nonfiction by Rachel Cann, Sarah Mullen, and Mary Cuffe Perez; and poetry by Iris Dunkle, Mark Heathcote, and Christopher Rubio-Goldsmith. Wordrunner notes that “ALL AUTHORS ARE PAID and have been since this series was launched in 2010.”

Magazine Stand :: Flash Frog – April 2022

Flash Frog online literary magazine logo

Featuring stories under 1000 words, Flash Frog says they like their stories like they like their dart frogs: “small, brightly colored, and deadly to the touch.” Publishing a new story every Monday, recent contributors include Maria Poulatha, Courtney Clute, Sage Tyrtle, and Dri Chiu Tattersfield, with artwork by MarieJulie Lafrance and Rob Kaniuk. Submissions are on a rolling basis, with July being reserved for “ghost story submissions only.”

Magazine Stand :: Bennington Review – Issue Ten

Bennington Review literary magazine cover image

Housed at Bennington College, Bennington Review is a diverse treasure trove of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and film writing shared with readers in print twice a year with many contributions available to read online. While editing the Winter 21-22 issue, Michael Dumanis, with Katrina Turner, references Robert Duncan’s “Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow,” and writes, “we kept considering the simultaneous fragility and power of the open field, the purity of nature and the purity of the imagination, environment and memory. As a consequence, much of the poetry and prose in our new issue offers meadows of nature and nature of thought, literal meadows and figurative ones for us to wander into, clearings with flowers and refuges from noise, everlasting omens of what is.”

Continue reading “Magazine Stand :: Bennington Review – Issue Ten”

Magazine Stand :: Prime Number Magazine – Issue 223

Prime Number Magazine logo

The April-June 2022 issue of Prime Number Magazine features winners of their free, monthly 53-Word Story Contest selected since the last issue. In each issue, PNM asks guest editors to select their favorite poems or stories from those submitted during our open submission period. Submissions are free and only accepted the first two months of each quarter. In this issue, guest editor Adrian Rice selected poetry from Rick Campbell, Stephen Gibson, Mercedes Lawry, and Emily Townsend. Guest editor Dennis McFadden selected short fiction by Jonh Fulton, Mary Taugher, and Treena Thibodeau. The publication also showcases four authors from their publisher, Press 53. This issue includes works by Ray Morrison, Sean Sexton, Jacinta V. White, and Rhonda Browning White.

Contest :: 2022 Raymond Carver Short Story Contest

Screenshot of CARVE's flyer for the 2022 Raymond Carver Short Story Contest
click image to open PDF

Deadline: May 16, 2022
Carve Magazine’s 2022 Raymond Carver Short Story Contest is open through May 16. Accepting submissions from all over the world. Max 10,000 words. Prizes: $2,000, $500, $250, + 2 Editor’s Choice $125 each. All 5 winners will be published in the Fall 2022 issue and reviewed by lit agencies. Entry fee $17 online. Guest judge Dariel Suarez. Guidelines and instructions: www.carvezine.com/raymond-carver-contest/.

Magazine Stand :: Southern Humanities Review – 55.1

Southern Humanities Review literary magazine cover image

This newest issue of Southern Humanities Review published quarterly by the Department of English at Auburn University features nonfiction by Monica Judge, Evan Joseph Massey; fiction by Scott Gloden, Kyle Francis Williams, Connor White, Ps Zhang; poetry by Lisa Ampleman, Caitlin Cowan, Esteban Ismael, Lh Lim, Lance Larsen, Fasasi Abdulrosheed Oladipupo, Emilia Phillips, Vasantha Sambamurti, Jace Raymond Smellie, Julia Thacker, and John Sibley Williams. Cover image: Cicada Summer, watercolor on paper, 2021, by Veronica Steiner. Some content can be read online and individual copies, as well as subscriptions, are available by visiting the Southern Humanities Review website.

Magazine Stand :: Blue Collar Review – Winter 21-22

Blue Collar Review literary magazine cover image

Blue Collar Review: Journal of Progressive Working Class Literature editors write in their introduction to this newest issue, “These are the kinds of poems, the kind of collection, that you will likely not find in other literary magazines and journals, though we wish that were not the case. Poems in this issue confront cultural discrimination as well as wrestling with our unchosen places and complicity in the web of racism that defines U.S. society. This includes the struggle against cultural arrogance that seeks to oppress other languages and those who speak them. Other poems speak of the accumulated loneliness and difficulties of the pandemic and questions what the ‘new normal’ will be. . . Also prominent are poems and prose on the poisoning of the poor and Black communities for profit by fossil fuel corporations in Louisiana’s ‘cancer alley’ and their power over elected officials.” The full editorial content and samples from the current issue can be read on the Blue Collar Review website.

Magazine Stand :: Apple Valley Review – Spring 2022

Apple Valley Review online literary magazine cover image

In addition to having a most gorgeous cover photograph by Kyaw Tun, the newest issue of Apple Valley Review (17.1) features creative nonfiction by Charlotte San Juan and Amy Kroin; short fiction by Péter Moesko (translated from the Hungarian by Walter Burgess and Marietta Morry) and Lucy Zhang; and poetry by Jane C. Miller, Wojciech Kass (translated from the Polish by Daniel Bourne), Lulu Liu, Paola d’Agnese (translated from the Italian by Toti O’Brien), Amanda Rachel Robins, and Nathaniel Cairney.

Magazine Stand :: Plume – #128

Plume online poetry magazine issue 128 cover image

Plume is an easily accessible and beautifully formatted online poetry magazine comes out monthly, and you’ll want to keep up with each issue of Plume. The April 2022 installment features poems by Cecilia Woloch, Tomaž Šalamun in translation by Brian Henry, Rigoberto Paredes (includes audio) translated from Spanish by Frances Simán, Olya Kenney, Nin Andrews, Maurice Manning, Louis-Philippe Dalembert (includes audio) translated from French by Nancy Naomi Carlson, Linda Bierds, Katherine Soniat, Jane Hirshfield, Garrett Hongo, and Adam Tavel, as well as an interview with Gregory Orr by Nancy Mitchell.

Magazine Stand :: THEMA – Spring 2022

Thema literary magazine cover image

THEMA editors note this publication as three goals: “to provide a stimulating forum for established and emerging literary and visual artists, to serve as source material and inspiration for teachers of creative writing, and to provide readers with a unique and entertaining collection of stories, poems, art, and photography.” Providing readers with a premise for each issue, “A Postcard From the Past” is the theme for volume 34.1, filling the issue with images of postcards, narratives about them, and images of some of the postcard handwriting as well. Upcoming themes and submission deadlines can be found on the THEMA website.

Magazine Stand :: The Woven Tale Press – X3

The Woven Tale Press online literary magazine cover image

The Woven Tale Press Magazine: A Premier Literary and Fine Art Publication Highlighting Stellar Writing and Visual arts releases ten issues per year, and the newest issue features works by Britt Breeden, Laurence Elle Groux, Carol Hamilton, Lydia Host, Ivan Kanchev, Gaya Lastovjak, Diane G. Martin, Michele O’Brien, Cynthia Parson McDaniel, Nick J. Perez, Rob Price, Darren Smith, and Sharon Wahl. Sign up for free to read it online or subscribe and have each new issue delivered fresh to your inbox!

Magazine Stand :: Bellevue Literary Review – Issue 42

Bellevue Literary Review cover image

Featured in Issue 42 of Bellevue Literary Review are the winners and honorable mentions for the John & Eileen Allman Prize for Poetry judged by Crystal Valentine, the Goldberg Prize for Fiction judged by Amy Hempel, and the Felice Buckvar Prize for Nonfiction judged by Michele Harper. Contributors include fiction by Nitin K. Ahuja (Winner with “Step-Down”), Angie Sijun Lou (Honorable Mention with “Pale Unappy Dog”), C.C. Reid, Rachel Hall, Cécile Barlier, Jon Cohn, Madeline Haze Curtis, AJ Cameron, C.J. Hribal, Sofi Stambo; nonfiction by Avra Aron (Winner with “In My Head”), Emily Carter (Honorable Mention with “Casualty”), Lindsay Starck, Mallika Sekhar, Barbara West; poetry by Michael M. Weinstein (Winner with “Drought Pastoral”), Laura Paul Watson (Honorable Mention with “Six Weeks Into Chemotherapy”), Judith Fox, R.J. Petteway, John Kneisley, Jessica Yuan, Melissa J. Varnavas, Katherine Gaffney, Kan Ren Jie, Connemara Wadsworth, Esther Abisola Omole, Suzanne Manizza Roszak, T. Le, Stubbs, Charlene Fix, and Rachel S. Brooks.

Magazine Stand :: Valley Voices – 22.1

Valley Voices literary magazine cover image

Valley Voices: A Literary Review 22.1 is a special issue on “The Sense of Place” dedicated to Dr. Marla Cowie (1942-2021), former Professor of English and Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at Mississippi Valley State. It begins with a special feature with several works by and an interview with Elaine Terranova. The issue is filled with poetry by Angela Ball, Lois Baer Barr, Matthew Brennan, David Dear, George Drew, Theodore Haddin, Juliet Hinton, Na’Taki Osborne Jelks, Steve Myers, Mamie Osborne, Charles Rammelkamp, Anina Robb, Kelly Talbot, Larry D. Thomas, Susan Weaver, and Michael P. Wright, and includes prose works by Bob Chikos, Gary Fincke, Jacqueline St. Joan, DC Berry, and Jon Peede. Front cover photograph, “Hongmei 120 Folding Camera” by John Zheng.

Magazine Stand :: Humana Obscura – Issue 4

Humana Obscura literary magazine cover image

The Spring/Summer 2022 issue of Humana Obscura – an independent nature-focused literary magazine – features work by 84 new, emerging, and established contributors from around the globe, as far as South Africa, United Kingdom, Amsterdam, Australia, the Cayman Islands, Germany, and throughout North America. Contributors include Melanie Shoeniger, Susan G. Sancomb, Byron Wilson, Andre Peltier, Jaqi Holland, Kimberly Kling, Roger Camp, Ian William L., Meg Venter, Maureen Bennett, Genevieve Leavold, and more. Available to read online or order a print copy.

Magazine Stand :: West Trade Review – Volume 13

West Trade Review literary magazine cover image

The Spring 2022 issue of the annual print edition of West Trade Review includes fiction by Jessica Denzer, Sam Asher, Roger Topp, and Elizabeth Childs; poetry by Luke Johnson, Melissa Ginsburg, Jordan Charlton, Dare Williams and Kara Knickerbocker; Creative Nonfiction by Les Brady, Shanisha Branch, Thomas Kevin O’Rourke, Sarah Edmonds, and Sandra Hager Eliason; Visual Art by and interviews with Kelechi Nwaneri, Tania Nneji, and Segun Aiyesan – and this is just a small sampling of the contents, some of which are available to read online. Cover image: “Flooded Apartment 3” by Kelechi Nwaneri.

Magazine Stand :: Neon – Issue 54

Neon Literary Magazine Issue 54 cover image

Issue 54 of Neon Literary Magazine is full of stories of strange transformations and surreal futures. Readers will be taken to visit the sinister Ministry of Literature, contemplate the lives of gay frogs, ride along on the travels of the Shadow Man, and drop into a world where people can become animals in more ways than one. A selection of short stories and poems are supplemented by a haunting graphic short story by Dante Luiz and H Pueyo. The issue features works by Fiona Jefferson, Cole Brayfield, Jennie E Owen, Isabelle Marie Flynn, Devon Moody, EN Auslender, Beth Booth, Blair Hurley, Lauren Everdell, Dante Luiz & H Pueyo, Bree Wernicke, Rhonda Parrish, Ruth Niemiec, and Su Ryder. Neon is pay-what-you-want to download, and costs just £8.00 for a physical copy. In its perfect-bound format, each issue is around 90 pages and is photo-illustrated in black and white.

Story Foundation Prize Winner 2022

“Stuck” by Laura Venita Green of New York, New York, is this year’s winner of the third annual Story Foundation Prize. Her story will be featured in the Story summer 2022 issue, which will be released in June.

Story Editor-in-Chief Michale Nye says this about the winning entry: “Green’s story is about a young woman named Tess, who is struggling with alcohol (to put it mildly) and babysitting two children for the weekend while their father is out of town. Then, a mysterious and peculiar Evangelical girl comes in from the woods. It gets stranger from there. It’s a rich, peculiar story that stood out for its evocative characters and wonderful tension throughout the narrative. A truly unforgettable story that I know you’re going to love reading.”

Continue reading “Story Foundation Prize Winner 2022”

Magazine Stand :: Willow Springs – Issue 89

Willow Spring literary magazine cover art

Based out of Spokane, Washington, the newest issue of the biannual Willow Springs features poetry by Dan Albergotti, E. Kristin Anderson, Anne Barngrover, Thomas Brush, Elena Castro-Oliva, Dorsey Craft, Danielle Hanson, Julie Hensley, Karah Kemmerly, Alyse Knorr, David Dodd Lee, Tessa Livingstone, Andrew Rahal, Andy Sia, Michael Spence, John Struloeff, Elizabeth Vignali, Mekiya Walters; fiction by Andrew Furman, Adam Peterson, Sik Chuan Pua, Nickalus Rupert; nonfiction by Amanda Gaines, Maya Jewell Zeller; and an interview with Ada Limón. I’ve Been Told It Could Be Worse, oil on panel by Alexis Trice is the hauntingly gorgeous cover art. Some content is available to read online accompanied by author audio readings.

Magazine Stand :: Palooka – Issue 12

Palooka Issue 12 literary magazine cover image

Still thriving well into a dozen years of continuous publication, the newest issue of Palooka includes fiction by B. B. Garin, Nicole Sellew, and Arthur Klepchukov; poetry by Kaitlinn Rose, Troy Schoultz, and Deven Philbrick; nonfiction by Andrea Bianchi; and artwork, including this gorgeous cover art, by Bianca Rivetti Burattini. Palooka editors welcome writers around the globe to send their best unpublished fiction, poetry, nonfiction, artwork, photography, graphic narratives, and comic strips.

Who Wants Free Feedback?

Chestnut Review logo

Don’t we all? One way to get it is by following Chestnut Review on Twitter and retweeting their #freefeedbackfriday post on the first Friday of each month. Everyone who does so will enter a drawing to win a free critique on your submission. Chestnut Review just opened submissions for their Autumn Issue (October release), so now is a great time to try polish up your work and try your luck for free feedback!

Magazine Stand :: Cutleaf – Issue 2.7

Cutleaf logo

In the newest issue of Cutleaf online journal of short stories, nonfiction, and poetry, Brett Biebel shows readers what happens when one pays close attention to roadside attractions (or distractions) in two flash pieces, “Minnesota Miracle Man” and “In the Offing.” E. M. Mariani explores the truth of a long-ago admission and the mixed blessings of motherhood in “Mother’s Teeth.” And Linda Parsons examines the conditions under which light comes and to what degrees it can be observed in three poems beginning with “The Light around Trees in the Morning.” This issue features stills from the 1924 silent film The Hands Of Orlac, directed by Robert Wiene and starring Conrad Veidt. The film is one of the first to depict transplantation as a moral and artistic conundrum.

Magazine Stand :: Arc Poetry Magazine – 97

Arc Poetry Magazine cover image

The newest issue of Arc Poetry Magazine celebrates 20 years of the Diana Brebner Prize with poems and retrospectives by twenty past winners, giving readers a look back on winning poems and the impact Brebner left. As Arc’s prose editor Nancy Jo Cullen says, Brebner’s work demonstrates “Community and legacy in action.” This issue also focuses the “How Poems Work” section and new essays on Brebner and her work. Contributors include John Barton, Stephanie Bolster, S. Lesley Buxton, Blaine Marchand, Una McDonnell, and Anita Lahey. Poetry from Arc’s 2020-2021 Poet-in-Residence Jim Johnstone and his mentees Michael Prior, Amanda Merpaw, Taylor Zantingh, Lucy Yang, Janetter Platana, Sarain Keeshig-Soonias, and Joseph Kidney are included as well.

Magazine Stand :: Jewish Fiction .net Issue 30

Jewish Fiction .net logo

The newest issue of Jewish Fiction .net is the Pesach issue, which contains the publication’s first stories translated from Greek and Portuguese to add to the numerous other language translations they have featured over the years, and now publishing over 500 stories! This issue also includes 16 stories originally written in Greek, Portuguese, Czech, Yiddish, Hebrew, and English. To honor the recent holiday, 3 stories are about Pesach: “The Bread of Freedom,” “The Passing of Passover,” and “Leaving Egypt (Passover 5752).” Readers can find works by Nurit Zarchi, Richard Zimler, Ida Maze, Michel Fais, Luize Valente, Anne (Hannah) Viderman, Eldad Cohen, Irena Dousková, and many more. All available to read free online.

Magazine Stand :: Poetry – April 22

Poetry magazine cover image

Available in print and fully online, Poetry, the “oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world,” celebrates National Poetry Month with an issue devoted to “exophonic” authors – “those who write in a language not generally regarded as their first or mother tongue” (Wiki). The contributors in this issue include Dunya Mikhail, Ilya Kaminsky, Dong Li, Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Michael Dumanis, Jila Mossaed, Laura Theis, Mónica De La Torre, Johannes Göransson, Sawako Nakayasu, Ukata Edwardson, Amlanjyoti Goswami, Sarah Ghazal Ali, Jack Jung, Ahmad Almallah, Armen Davoudian, Hiromitsu Koiso, Suphil Lee Park, Marina Dora Martino, Hajar Hussaini, Farid Matuk, Khaty Xiong, Shash Trevett, Ida Börjel, Lehua M. Taitano, Zêdan Xelef, Emi Miyaoka, Javier Zamora, Somto Ihezue, Abdulkareem Abdulkareem, Mayowa Oyewale, Don Mee Choi, Atar Hadari, Öykü Tekten, Sara Abou Rashed, Tino Zhang, Lynn Xu, Jeffrey Angles, Aldo Amparán, Sasha Pimentel, Dani Charles, Valzhyna Mort, and Moriana Delgado.

Magazine Stand :: Carve – Spring 2022

Carve Honest Fiction literary magazine cover image

The newest issue of Carve: Honest Fiction offers readers fiction from Laura Perkins, Madison Cyr, Anna Stacy, and Elizabeth Hamilton; poetry from Taylor Supplee, Bradley Samore, T.E. Nordklev, and Justin Hunt; nonfiction from Shanta Lee and Abigail Ham; 2021 Prose and Poetry Contest winners Haley Rose Hanks, Carling McManus, and Hannah Hindley; and fun features like “Decline/Accept” with Garrett Candrea; “One to Watch” with Zaina Arafat by Anna Zumbahlen; illustrations from resident artist Justin Burks, and interviews. Carve is open to preorders for each issue as well as subscription rates.

Magazine Stand :: Memoir Magazine – March 2022

memoir magazine cover

Accepting submissions of nonfiction, art, photography, reviews, interviews, audio, and video on a rolling basis, the mission of Memoir Magazine “is to be a witness to both factual and emotional truths that resonate with the human heart by supporting writers and artists in sharing their stories.” Memoir Magazine offers online writing classes and workshops, including the upcoming “Writing to Heal with Jerry Waxler” and “MeToo Anonymous Writing Workshop for Sexual Assault Survivors.” The publication keeps its site updated with new content added regularly. Some recent features include “Iris on My Mind” by Odeta Xheka, “The Hope of Better Hearing Aids” by Rosann Tung, “The Sentencing” by Wendy Swift, “Into the Racial Divide, A Story of Hope” by Jerry Waxler, “Walking Home” by Kate Zobel, “Main Street Madness” by Mary McBeth, “Permission” by Diane Gillespie, “Harrowing” by Natalie Coufal, “True Crime” by Hilarie Pozesky, and “How I Discovered America” by Sharmila Voorakkara. Memoir Magazine is a black-owned and woman-owned annual print and online publication.

Magazine Stand :: Ruminate – Issue 61

Ruminate literary magazine cover image

After hurdling the pandemic paper shortage and understaffing at the printers, the Winter 2021-2022 issue of Ruminate is in the mail! Themed “Beginnings and Endings,” the issue features poems by Arah Ko (the 2021 poetry-prize winner), Christine Swint (runner-up), Jane Medved (honorable mention), and work from four additional finalists: Brian Holmes, Jed Myers, Bethany Swann, and Margaret Wack, as well as poems from Kim Garcia, Londeka Mdluli, Tyler Smith, Sarah Snyder, and Phillip Watts Brown. Fiction includes works by Catey Miller, Tega Oghenechovwen, and Fei Sun, and nonfiction “Friendship: A Haiku” by Cynthia Gralla. Some content is available to read on the Ruminate website. There’s also still time to make the May 1 deadline for their 2022 annual poetry contest. Maybe it will be your name here next year!

Magazine Stand :: Fictive Dream – March-April 2022

Fictive Dream short stories online logo

Open to year-round submissions, Fictive Dream publishes short stories “with a contemporary feel that give an insight into the human condition” in a beautiful, easy-to-access web format. Stories are posted regularly throughout the month based on contributions with e-mail updates sent to notify subscribers of updates (it’s free!). Recent stories include works by Kevin Brennan, David Butler, Gary Fincke, V.J. Hamilton, Gay Degani, Phil Cummins, Steve Cushman, Pamela Painter, Jo-Anne Cappeluti, and Cole Meyer.

Magazine Stand :: Cleaver – Issue 37

Cleaver literary magazine cover image

Cleaver: Philadelphia’s International Literary Magazine has a lot to offer its global readership, including an online Zoom Contributors Reading on April 24 (register to attend). Contributors to the online Spring 2022 issue include stories by Colette Parris, Charlotte Moretti, Eric Rasmussen, AJ Strosahl, Michelle Ross, Ann Stoney, poems by William Erickson, Ronda Broatch, Phillip Schaefer, Robin Neidorf, Quinn Rennerfeldt, flash by Lisa Lebduska, Windy Lynn Harris, Cristina Trapani-Scott, Amy R. Martin, Candace Hartsuyker, Jessica Klimesh, Louella Lester, creative nonfiction by Gregory Emilio, Richard Casimir, Gwen Mullins, visual narrative (comix) by Jennifer Hayden and art by Bette Ridgeway. Cover image by Karen Rile.

Magazine Stand :: Society of Classical Poets Journal – March 2022

Society of Classical Poets Journal literary magazine cover image

Posting works on a rolling basis throughout each month, now is your chance to catch up on all the March 2022 Society of Classical Poets Journal contributors, including poetry and essays by Susan Jarvis Bryant, Russel Winick, Phillip Whidden, Shaun C. Duncan, Joseph S. Salemi, Jack DesBois, Cheryl Corey, Lucia Haase, Margaret Coats, Rohini Sunderam, Phil S. Rogers, Norma Pain, C.B. Anderson, Sally Cook, David Watt, Tamara Beryl Latham, Leland James, Satyananda Sarangi, Brian Yapko, James A. Tweedie, Karen Darantière, Peggy Everett, Gregory Ross, Martin Rizley, and Michael Charles Maibach. The Society of Classical Poets Journal also has unique features, like “Henry Olunga Reads Susan Jarvis Bryant’s Poem on Toxic Masculinity,” and regular invitations for readers to contribute works to celebrate holidays or comment on current events, such as inviting poets to share their poetry in response to the still-unfolding Russo-Ukrainian War. All content is free to access online, but signing up to become a member entitles you to a copy of the annual journal as well as receiving a round of feedback on your poetry from Editor Evan Mantyk.

Magazine Stand :: The Lake – April 2022

The Lake logo

The newest issue of The Lake journal of poetry and reviews is now online featuring Brent Cantwell, Julian Dobson, Stephen House, Ann Iversen, Rustin Larson, Jennifer A. McGowan, Kirsty Niven, Hannah Stone, Sarah White. Reviews include Marc Totterdell’s Mollusc and Marilyn L. Taylor’s Outside the Frame: New and Selected Poems. There is also a new feature called “One Poem Review,” which the editors describe as “just that: One poem featured from a new book/pamphlet along with a cover JPG and a link to the publisher’s website: as a way to help poets’ works reach a wider audience.” This month’s One Poem Review is “Self-Portrait: Between the Car and the Sea” from Elaine Sexton’s collection Drive. Visit The Lake website for more details.

Magazine Stand :: New England Review – 43.1

New England Review literary magazine cover image

Twenty-nine writers and translators fill out the pages of the Spring 2022 New England Review, including poetry by Sally Wen Mao, Keith S. Wilson, Rosalie Moffett, and Megan Fernandes, fiction by Rob Franklin and Ann Menendez, and essays by Kim McLarin, Sara Michas-Martin, and Robert Anthony Siegel. Visit the New England Review website to learn more about this issue and how you can subscribe.

Magazine Stand :: Brilliant Flash Fiction – March 2022

Brilliant Flash Fiction logo

Brilliant Flash Fiction Publishes quarterly at the end of January, March, June, and September, and this quarter’s issue features writers Jessika Grewe Glover, Wim Hylen, Annabel White, Lindsey Harrington, Simon J. Plant, Roberta Beary, Daniel DeRock, Helen Sinoradzki, and Salvatore Difalco. All content is free to read online with subscriptions (also free) providing email updates with individual stories. The archives are also easy to access, and there is a no-fee, cash-prize writing contest that closes on April 15, 2022, judged by Pamela Painter. What are you waiting for? Go check them out!

Magazine Stand :: Superpresent – 2.2

Superpresent literary art magazine cover image

The spring 2022 issue of Superpresent: A Magazine of the Arts is available for reading online, PDF download, or print purchase. Responding to the theme “private/public” were over three dozen contributors, including writers Duncan Forbes, Leah Halper, Gemini Wahhaj, Carole Glasser Langille, Sarah Legow, Heikki Houtari, Luke Roe, Timothy Resau, Jennifer Moses, and Audra Burwell, artists Kelly Wang, Hau Huang, Wanyu An, Mariana Jimenz, and Jessie Cunningham-Reid. There are also films by Hanna Henson and Michael Henderson, viewable via embeds, links, and QR codes.

Magazine Stand :: The Shore – Spring 2022

The Shore literary magazine cover art

The Shore online poetry journal “lucky thirteenth” is stocked full of writing that “pierces the easy observations of the everyday and gets at the ghostly underside.” It features poems by Lisa Compo, Stephen Lackaye, Cynthia Marie Hoffman, Jen Jayda Gupta, Jess Smith, Jane Zwart, Simon Montgomery, Lee Potts, Calgary Martin, Daniel Ruiz, Shannon Ryan, Wendy BooydeGraaff, Lori Lamothe, Adam J Gellings, Mikko Harvey, Sy Brand, Sam Rye, DS Maolalai, Carolyn Oliver, Victoria Mbabazi, Samuel Prince, Christien Gholson, Michael Battisto, Sara Fitzpatrick, Ja’net Danielo, Stephanie Kaylor, Afton Montgomery, Jenny Della Santa, José Angel Araguz, Sihle Ntuli, Jeanine Walker, Julia Hands, Matthew Herskovitz, Katherine Huang, Malorie Varnell, Meredith Arena, Laurie Sewall, Ariel Clark-Semyck, Kevin McIlvoy and Rachel Marie Patterson. This issue also features some intriguing photo art by Nadine Rodriguez.

Magazine Stand :: The Writing Disorder – Spring 2022

Writing Disorder literary magazine cover image

The newest issue of The Writing Disorder online literary magazine (Spring 2022) features fiction by N.J. Banerjee, Tetman Callis, Robert Collings, Lou Gaglia, Margaret E. Helms, Crystal McQueen, Adam Matson, Nancy Machlis Rechtman; poetry by Vandana Kumar, John Maurer, Stephen Mead, Paul Rabinowitz, Juanita Rey, Hoyt Rogers, Jason Visconti; nonfiction by Catherine Filloux, Jean McDonough, William T. Vandegrift, Jr., and the photography of Paul Rabinowitz [cover photo image]. All content is free to access online.