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At the NewPages Blog readers and writers can catch up with their favorite literary and alternative magazines, independent and university presses, creative writing programs, and writing and literary events. Find new books, new issue announcements, contest winners, and so much more!

American Life in Poetry :: Terri Kirby Erickson

terri kerby ericksonAmerican Life in Poetry: Column 695

In one of my recent columns I wrote about the importance to the overall effect of a poem of having a strong ending, and here’s a fine example of that. It’s by Terri Kirby Erickson, a North Carolinian, from her book, Becoming the Blue Heron, published by Press 53. Others of Erickson’s poems are available in the column’s archives at www.americanlifeinpoetry.org.

My Cousin, Milton

My cousin, Milton, worked for a cable company.
The boy I knew when we were children

had fists that were often clenched, his face set like
an old man whose life had been so hard,

it hardened him. But the man’s hands opened to let
more of the world in. He sent the funniest

cards to family and friends at Christmas, laid down
cable so others could connect. Yet, he lived

alone, kept to himself much of the time, so when
his sister found his body, he’d been gone

a good while. He died young at fifty-seven, without
fuss or bother. No sitting by the bedside

or feeding him soup. He just laid himself down like
a trunk line and let the signal pass through.

We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2017 by Terri Kirby Erickson from Becoming the Blue Heron  (Press 53, 2017). Poem reprinted by permission of Terri Kirby Erickson and the publisher. Introduction copyright ©2018 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

Trump Sonnets by Ken Waldman

ken waldmanFrustrated with the current policital administration? You protest, rally, write letters, get yourself and others ready to vote…what more can you do? For poet and musician Ken Waldman (aka Alaska’s Fiddling Poet), there’s poetry. Sonnets to be exact, and a lot of them. With two volumes already completed and one more (at least) on the way, Waldman is taking this administration to task – and perhaps salvaging his own sanity as well as that of his readers – responding to the daily fodder by turning it to his muse for poetry.

Like many of us, in a stunned stupor the day after the election, Wednesday, November 9, 2016, Waldman writes that he was “processing Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and wrote, ‘You make George W. seem a statesman–your opening trick,’ which I turned into the first line and a half of a sonnet. A week later I wrote two more Donald Trump-inspired sonnets. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, another 68. That’s 71 sonnets, a full-length collection. 41 were written in the voice of Donald Trump. The rest were addressed to him.” The book’s subtitle – The First 50 Days – speaks to the process many of us went through at the start.

Now in our second year of Trump’s reign, Waldman continues to see us through with Trump Sonnets Volume 2: 33 Commentaries, 33 Dreams. “Half of this sequel’s 66 poems is incisive commentary,” writes Waldman,. “Half, dreams that I imagine Donald Trump might have, and those are in Trump’s voice.”

Both volumes, as well as Waldman’s other books, are available through SPD Distribution or directly from Waldman. Visitors to his website can also view YouTube videos of Waldman reading the poems with a little bit of his iconic fiddling style thrown in.

HA&L Celebrates Bertrand Russell

rick stapletonIn addition to celebrating its tenth anniversay of publication, the newest issue of Canada’s Hamilton Arts & Letters (11.1) is also a celebration of Bertrand Russell and the 50th Anniversary of the Russell Archives.

Guest Editor Rick Stapleton [pictured] writes in his introduction, “In 1968 McMaster University purchased the first instalment of the archives of Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), a vast collection of letters, manuscripts, photographs, books and other personal material of one of the 20th century’s greatest philosophers, writers, and peace activists. At the time, the 96-year-old Russell was in need of funds to support his peace work, and McMaster’s university librarian, William Ready—renowned for his ‘buccaneering’ style of acquiring collections—was able to bid successfully for the archives. Now, 50 years later, we celebrate that event with this special issue of Hamilton Arts & Letters magazine, devoted to Bertrand Russell.”

The issue is packed with poetry, artwork, and articles, including an Interview with Kenneth Blackwell, the original Bertrand Russell archivist by Wade Hemsworth; “’I Have Never Been a Complete Pacifist’: Bertrand Russell on Peace and War in the Twentieth Century” by Andrew Bone; “Bertrand Russell and The Revolution in Twentieth Century Philosophy” by Nicholas Griffin; “A Rivalry? – Russell’s Lovers, Lady Ottoline Morrell and Lady Constance Malleson” by Sheila Turcon; “Hanging out with Bertrand Russell” by Terry Fallis; and “Bertrand Russell: Remembering a Public Intellectual for Our Time” by Henry A. Giroux.

Hamilton Arts & Letters is an online publication; the full issue can be accessed here.


Books :: The Esthetic Apostle Introduces First Chapbook

absences john a griffinNew out this month is the first chapbook from literary magazine The Esthetic Apostle: Absences: A Sequence by John A. Griffin. Accompanied by collages by artist Martine Mooijenkind, the chapbook explores forms of loss. In “Relic,” the speaker notes: “It is November and a concussed fog hangs above the lake,” and this fog seems to settle over the rest of the pieces within the collection, somber and haunted by absences.

From the publisher: “Absences addresses the themes of loss of youth, loss of innocence, isolation, separation, exile, death, the absence of familiarity, affection, and above all the loss or absence of love. The sequence meditates on the natural world but finds little comfort there. There are no idyllic, romantic refuges from the self, and pathetic fallacies remain just that: instead of providing a balm to the sick heart, the dales of Arcady merely accentuate its angst. The poems find fitting motifs in poetic echoes and these are channeled into the poems’ movement to harmonize their rhythms and oscillations and to achieve a kind of unsettling but restorative equipoise. The sequence resonates with allusions to classical mythology, Virginia Woolf, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Julio Cortazar, Franz Kafka, Johann Georg Hamann, Paul Celan, and Bruno Schulz, and tries to weave its patchwork aesthetic by drawing on their disparate but unified themes. Ultimately, the sequence is a celebration of life, even if life’s great peroration is death, and even if we all die the same death over and over again.”

Visit the publisher’s website to pick up your copy.

Aquifer Now Accepting Film Submissions

florida reviewThe Aquifer, the online journal of The Florida Review, is now accepting film and video work as they expand their visual arts and new media offerings for readers. 

“We are looking for experimental works of film or video that are 15 minutes or less and utilize moving images as a means to poetic expression, formal exploration, or abstract and open-ended narratives. Compelling, personal works that push the boundaries of cinematic convention will also be considered for publication.”

For more information, see the Aquifer announcement.

[The Florida Review 42.1 2018 cover art: Dengke Chen, “Tank Man,” digital illustration]

Latinx Latina Latino Writers Wanted

nicole oquendoThe Florida Review is seeking submissions from Latinx / Latina / Latino writers for a special feature. Work submitted to this category will be considered for both the digital and print editions of this feature. Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative (color or black-and-white), hybrid writing, visual art, and digital media are all welcome. Edited by Nicole Oquendo [pictured]. Submissions accepted through September 1, 2018. For more information, click here.

Spend a Night with F. Scott and Zelda

fitzgerald museumIf you’re traveling anywhere near Montgomery, Alabama, consider spending the night in the former home of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald which now houses the Fitzgerald Museum and a two-bedroom apartment. “This historic home houses the only dedicated museum to F. Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald in the world. The family lived here from 1931 until 1932, writing portions of their respective novels, Save Me The Waltz  and Tender Is The Night,  during their time here.”

The apartment is listed on Airbnb and can be rented for $150 a night. Guests can also visit the museum during its open hours, maybe helping make Montgomery your destination!

Calling All Crones!

gyroscope reviewGyroscope Review: Fine Poetry to Turn Your World Around has announced a call for submissions for The Crone Issue to feature contemporary poetry from poets who identify as women and are over the age of 50.

“Women over 50 are often underrepresented in poetry publications, so we are choosing to offer a space and a voice to the wise women out there. We want work that celebrates the ideas of crone, wise woman, matriarch, post-menopause, grandmother, elder, strength, experience,” the editors write in their CFS. They challenge: “Shake up our ideas of the female over-50 demographic. Show us something fierce, something powerful, something that cannot be ignored. Cast off the restrictions around what you have been told you can talk about. Break your silence.”

Submissions are open until September 15 or until the editors have accepted enough content to fill the issue – whichever comes first. So – don’t delay! Send your best work today!

2018 Dogwood Literary Award Winners

Volume 17 of Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose features the winning entries of their 2018 Literary Awards. In addition to publication, Dogwood doubled their cash prizes to $1000 for each winning author. Each author’s name is linked to a page with more information about them.misha rai

Fiction Prize
Judge Nicholas Montemarano
“There You Are” by Landon Houle

Poetry Prize
Judge Gillian Conoley
“Early Marriage, 1982, Endless Rain” by Kim Garcia

Nonfiction Prize
Judge Patrick Phillips
“To Learn About Smoke One Must First Light a Fire” by Misha Rai [pictured[

The 2019 Dogwood Literary Awards are open for submission until September 5, 2018.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

three elements

Each issue of 3Elements publishes works that respond to three words for that issue. The Summer 2018 issue words were Jazz, Cradle, Recluse. Gregg Chadwick’s artwork “Jazz Life (Central Avenue)” is the featured cover image.

river teeth

The cover image of River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative is, appropriately, a sunset photo by David FitzSimmons, ushering out nineteen years of publishing as the journal heads into their twentieth anniversary!


“Lotus III” by Colette Brésilla is the unique oil on canvas art for the cover of the Spring/Summer 2018 issue of Salamander (#46).

Poets and Editors Feature

The Summer 2018 issue of Sheila-Na-Gig online includes a special section of works by poets who are also editors (or is that vice versa?). Featured poets and their publications:

carol lynn stevensonGlen Armstrong / Cruel Garters
Sarah Diamond Burroway / Jelly Bucket
Alan Catlin / Misfit Magazine
Rita Chapman / december magazine
Kersten Christianson / Alaska Women Speak
Sandy Coomer / Rockvale Review
AR Dugan / Ploughshares
Catherine Fahey / Soundings East
Lynne Marie Houston / Five Oaks Press
James Croal Jackson / The Mantle
Jen Karetnick / SWWIM Every Day
Sergio Ortiz / Undertow Tanka Review
Joseph Shields / Nerve Cowboy Magazine
Dan Sicoli / Slipstream Magazine and Press
Martin Willitts Jr / The Comstock Review
Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas [pictured] / The Orchards Poetry Journal

Where what3words Are You?

what3wordsAs a kid (and adult for that matter) who was forever unable to remember her numerical lock combinations, what3words is the most brilliant invention of all time. And who among us readers/writers can’t absolutely fall in love with this concept: The entire planet mapped out in three meter squares with each one assigned a unique three-word sequence.

Download the app to your phone, and no matter where you go, you can find you three-word location. Give your three-word location to someone, and they can find you!

I can only imagine that some poets have already gotten a hold of this and are integrating it into their writing – right? How about engaging young students in both geography and writing. Come up with three words, put them in, and see where that location is – the possibilities are endless and exciting! Check it out for yourself!


Toward the middle of Sustainability: A Love Story, I decided to read slower in order to sustain it, if only for a minute longer. I didn’t want the journey to end, just as the author, Nicole Walker, doesn’t want the world to end; there are too many great things to live for, this book being one of them. It is composed of thirty-eight essays, all of which read like prose poems, stuffed with scientific research on topics such as recycling, McDonald’s, and suicide. Most of all, it’s a love story written to Portland, Oregon; Walker’s family; and the little blue dot.

Continue reading “Sustainability”


Reading graphic novels sort of makes me feel like I’m ten years old, but when they include issues like poverty, molestation, and the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, I realize that a ten-year-old me wouldn’t know what to think. I still don’t, for that matter. Angelitos by Ilan Stavans and Santiago Cohen throws you straight into the lion’s den of Mexico, where homeless children run amok, and the only one that seems to care is a Catholic priest by the name of Father Chinchachoma.

Continue reading “Angelitos”

Gloved Against Blood

Gloved Against Blood by Cindy Veach is about the textile industry in the 19th century, and the people whose lives it directed, including the lives of Veach’s ancestors. Her poems bring to light the oppressing conditions the women who worked at the mills endured. She uses found poems from news and slave narratives to add a level of expose to her work. The poems also weave a history of Veach’s family, and she hints at the fact that this history, like many hardships endured, is never completely shaken but inherited, like a thimble passed down might hold a stain of blood.

Continue reading “Gloved Against Blood”

That One Cigarette

What if Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassination of JFK was thwarted? What if a hardworking FBI agent discovered the 9/11 plot and arrested the terrorists before they boarded planes? What if an 80-year-old Martin Luther King swore Barak Obama into office as the 44th president? What if a California screenwriter and professor, Stu Krieger, followed four families through these what-ifs from 1963 to 2009? Well, that would be That One Cigarette.

Continue reading “That One Cigarette”

Soft Volcano

What other dangers will you step through tonight?
The hours baggy and gathering.
There is nothing mere about this.
I wanted like hot skin thumping around
the splinter caught within. That, and a tidy gold peace.
—from “Where God Was Not”

Libby Burton’s collection Soft Volcano is a delicate and sensuous meditation on the quotidian. By taking the smallest detail and transcending into the metaphysical, Burton is doing what the best writers do, asking questions that linger in the mind and heart.

Continue reading “Soft Volcano”


Elly Blue of Microcosm Publishing has complied a mixed-genre anthology including essays, poetry, fiction, and even a recipe on cycling, empowerment, and the politics around transport and urban living. If you live in Portland, have a tendency for activism, or have just traded in your used Ford Corolla for a refurbished fixie, then this just might be the zine to slip into your back pocket for that next ride.

Continue reading “Bikequity”

Monster Portraits

Not since Jose Luis Borges’s Manual de zoología fantástica, a dictionary of 120 mythical beasts meant to be “dipped into” and read “randomly, just as one plays with the shifting patterns of a kaleidoscope,” have I picked up such an intriguing and beautiful collection as Monster Portraits by brother-sister, artist-author, extraordinaire collaborators, Del and Sofia Samatar. The fact that Borges was not a Somali-American growing up in the 1980s makes all the difference between the two works. Style, structure, and intention draws parallels, but the narrative of “other,” of foreign, of nomad, adds a profound political and emotional layer.

Continue reading “Monster Portraits”

Memoir Magazine Online Workshops and Classes

jerry waxlerIn keeping with Memoir Magazine‘s mission, “to be a witness to both factual and emotional truths that resonate with the human heart by supporting writers and artists in sharing their stories—whether personal, social or political– through publication, education, and advocacy,” the publication offers Memoir Magazine University, “a safe space dedicated entirely to the development of writers and stories that need to be heard.”

Two summer classes coming up are Anonymous Memoir Writing Workshop for Sexual Assault Survivors with Memoir Magazine Founder and Editor-in-Chief Mary McBeth (July 9 – August 20; open times) and Writing To Heal with Jerry Waxler [pictured] (July 10 – August 21, Tuesdays 7:30-9pm EST; July 12 – August 23, Thursdays 12 noon-1:30 EST).

Future classes will include Intro to Memoir and Memoir 101. For more information, visit Memoir Magazine’s website.

2018 APPF Registration is Open!

postcard stampsNot to rush your summer, but July 4th signals the opening of registration for the annual August Poetry Postcard Festival!

This is a FAVORITE event for me and many others who have been doing it since it started over ten years ago, as well as for newbies – who are always welcome to join!

Visit Paul E Nelson’s webpage for full instructions, but the basic premise is this: Registrants are grouped with 31 other participants and each group member gets a list of names and addresses. You start with the name below yours on the list and each day, write a poem on a postcard and send it to that person. The next day, you go to the next name on the list, write, send, repeat. 

The idea is to be spontaneous in writing these poems. They aren’t supposed to be prewritten (although some folks do type or reprint for the sake of legibility), and as much as possible, written in the moment. In the past, I’ve known a writer to focus on colors as a theme, another randomly landed on a word in the dictionary and made that their inspiration. Since the only requirement is to write and send a card a day, the rest is up to each writer’s imagination and motivation. The postcards can be anything at all – some people make their own, some use photos, others are cheesy tourist postcards, some are vintage – it’s totally up to the sender.

There is a $10 registration fee to help handle the oversight. I’m happy to pay this, and the domestic and occassional international postage – considering how much I spend on conferences each year, some of which I walk away from wondering what I gained from them. The APPF has never disappointed. Not only has it inspired my own writing in numerous ways, there is something so uniquely enjoyable about going to the mailbox each day, wondering what I might be gifted from another poet out there somewhere in the world.

Challenge yourself to do this. Participate. Enjoy it. Struggle through it. At the end of the month, you’ll feel enormous satisfaction and even a bit a sadness that it’s over.

Still Point Arts Celebrates Ten Years

still point arts quarterlyCelebrating ten years and thirty issues of Still Point Arts Quarterly, Founding Editor Christine Brooks Cote’s introduction to the Summer 2018 issue reads like an advice article for anyone with the idea to start up a journal.

Among the things she figured out along the way was what made for publishable submissions. She came up with these three criteria: “1) they have to be so interesting that I can’t stop reading until I get all the way to the end; 2) they have to be well written – I shouldn’t have to reread a paragraph or a sentence several times, or even twice, to figure out what is being said; and 3) they have to strike just the right chord inside me and make me feel that what I just read should be read by everyone.”

Over this years, she notes, this search for quality submissions has not changed, nor her “aim to present them as respectfully and tastefully as possible. Each journal is a creation, a work of art.”

Cote admits one thing that has changed over the years: “my respect, admiration, and gratitude for the artists and writers whose work we publish has grown exponentially. I never imagined when I started this work that I would have the pleasure of connecting with so many thoughtful and inspiring individuals who produce work that regularly stops me in my tracks. Truly, connecting with the people who contribute to this publication has been immensely joyful and fulfilling, and I’ve learned so much from them. That part I didn’t expect – indeed, unexpected gifts are the best.”

May Still Point Arts Quarterly enjoy another ten years – and more – of giving such beauty and joy to readers as well as receiving!

Resource :: Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Alma Robinson California Lawyers Association for the ArtsVolunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA) is a general term used to identify this non-profit resource that can be found in numerous communities across the country. VLAs provide low-cost or free legal aid and guidance to artists and organizations, and some will even provide consultation to artists from areas that do not have their own VLA. In the past, I’ve received phone consults from the VLA in New York prior to Michigan having its own organization. Some, such as the St. Louis VLAA include Accountants for the Arts as well. The VLAA website has a directory of VLAs with the advice that if you do not see your state listed to contact your state arts council.

[Pictured: Alma Robinson, Executive Director of Califorinia Lawyers for the Arts]

Southeast Review 2017 Contest Winners

The Southeast Review spring issue (36.1) features winning entries from their 2017 contests:

erica berryGearhart Poetry Contest
Judged by Erin Belieu
Winner: “The Truth Takes Lunch” by Jed Myers
Finalist: “Three Nails” by Christopher Childers

World’s Best Short-Short Story Contest
Judged by Robert Olen Butler
Winner: “Friends” by Greta Schuler
Finalists: “Saint Barbara’s Day” by Elina Alter
“Shpykiv” by Alexandra Brenner

The Southeast Review Narrative Nonfiction Contest
Judged by Matthew Gavin Frank
Winner: “Crywolf” by Erica Berry [pictured]
Finalists: “The Stone Grows without Rain” by Lee Huttner
“Soundings: Field Notes on Communication with Animals and God” by Sylvia Sukop

Vote Now for Your Most Loved Novels

greatamericanreadThe Great American Read is an eight-part series from PBS that “explores and celebrates the power of reading, told through the prism of America’s 100 best-loved novels (as chosen in a national survey). It investigates how and why writers create their fictional worlds, how we as readers are affected by these stories, and what these 100 different books have to say about our diverse nation and our shared human experience.”

The series kicked off with a two-hour launch in May and continued with five one-hour episodes examining concepts common to the eligible novels. The finale – planned for October 2018 – will announce the results of the nation-wide vote to select America’s best-loved book.

The Great American Read website includes all the programs for online viewing as well as the list of 100 books and directions on how to vote for your best-loved novels from the list.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

This week’s covers are from some of the many Alternative Magazines we have listed at NewPages as a reminder of this useful resource for both reading and submitting writing.

earth island journal

Earth Island Journal combines investigative journalism and thought-provoking essays that make the subtle but profound connections between the environment and other contemporary issues. Writers guidelines here.

feminist studies

The focus of Feminist Studies 44.1 (2018) is life writing and new approaches to studying women’s autobiographies, including Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Gertrude Stein, Kamal Das, Gayle Rubin and Judith Butler, as well as works by Estelle Carol, Alexandra Ketchum, Olga Zilberbourg, Corey Hickner-Johnson, Hiliary Chute, and Ashwini Tambe. Submissions guidelines here.


The Progressive is a journalistic voice for peace and social justice at home and abroad, steadfastly opposing militarism, the concentration of power in corporate hands, the disenfranchisement of the citizenry, poverty, and prejudice in all its guises. Writers guidelines here.


One of my favorites, Parabola is published quarterly by the Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition, a non-profit, non-denominational, educational organization. Each issue devotes 128 highly illustrated pages to a universal theme. Submission guidelines here.


The Humanist magazine applies humanism — a natural and democratic outlook informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion — to broad areas of social and personal concern in pursuit of alternative ideas. Writers guidelines here.

funny times

And we all need to retain our ability to laugh and bring humor into our days. The Funny Times helps us fulfill this need as America’s longest-running ad-free monthly humor publication in a newspaper format. 


New Lit on the Block :: Crossways Literary Magazine

crosswaysThe titles of WB Yeats’s first collection of poems is the inspiration behind the naming of Crossways Literary Magazine, an online quarterly of poetry and short fiction based out of Ireland.

But the core inspiration behind this new publication was Founding Editor David Jordan’s “limited success” in getting his own work published. “I decided I would go to the other side and be the publisher and the person who says yes. I figured I might have more success in this role and get satisfaction from it.” Continue reading “New Lit on the Block :: Crossways Literary Magazine”

2017 Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize Winners

rose smithThe Spring 2018 issue of The Missouri Review features the winners of the 2017 Jeffrey E. Smith Editor’s Prize. 

Tamara Titus of Charlotte, NC, for “Exit Seekers”

Meghann Plunkett of Carbondale, IL for several poems

Rose Smith [pictured] of Austin, TX, for “Rachel’s Wedding”

Each winner receives $5000 and publication. Runners-up will be published in future issues. See a full list of runners-up and finalists here.

This is an annual contest with a deadline in early October.

Poetry :: Choler by Bruce Bond

zone 3Excerpted from “Choler” by Bruce Bond from the Spring 2018 issue of Zone 3:

The long depressive curtain, the castle
stone limned in green, the thin insistent

incursions of rain that scarify the mortar,
what are they if not a promissory note,

the slung burden and authoritative bell
of dreams we take, in dreams, for dead.

The yellow eye wakes, and death’s antagonist—
let us call him scientist, father, creator, god—

draws back in shame and horror from his one
creation. He sees in him a miracle confusion,

drenched in the bile that is our birthright,
and says, in silence, hell. What did I expect.

Cover art “Dimming Superstition” collage on a book cover by Hollie Chastain.

Rhino 2018 Prizes

Rhino: The Poetry Forum annual publication includes winning and selected entries from two annual prizes.

Each year, Rhino selects Editor’s Prize Winners from among its general submissions to receive cash, publication, and nomination to the Pushcart Prize. There is no additional process; all submissions to the publication are considered.

First Prize
“Worms” by Erika Brumett

Second Prize
“You Have To Be Ready” by Amanda Galvan Huynh

Honorable Mention
“betty” by Amy Bilodeau

The Founder’s Prize is an annual contest (Sept 1 – Oct 31). Winners receive a cash award, publication, and Pushcart Prize nomination. These entrants are also eligible for the Editor’s Prize.

abby e murrayWinner
 “Asking for a Friend ” by Abby E. Murray [pictured]

“Odysseus ” by Joseph Fasano
“Amelia Earhart Folds Origami Cranes” by Adie Smith Kleckner 
“Midden” by Paul Otremba

All of these works can also be read on Rhino’s website.

ZYZZYVA – Spring & Summer 2018

Founded in 1985, ZYZZYVA pulled its title from the very back of the Oxford English Dictionary, embracing the proud South American weevil and transforming it into a rather distinguished mascot. Run by Editor Laura Cogan and Managing Editor Oscar Villalon, ZYZZYVA makes near-annual appearances in the Best American series and The Pushcart Prize. Issue 13 introduced American readers to Haruki Murakami with “The Kangaroo Communiqué,” a typically bizarre and humorous story about a merchandise control manager in the midst of a nervous breakdown. Other distinguished contributors have included Amy Hempel, Adrienne Rich, Raymond Carver, and Ursula K. Le Guin. ZYZZYVA still accepts submissions exclusively by snail mail and requests a self-addressed stamped envelope for reply, but is otherwise easygoing, setting no page limits, themes, or limits on submissions—though they do ask submitters to wait until they’ve heard a response before submitting additional work.

Continue reading “ZYZZYVA – Spring & Summer 2018”

Allegro Poetry Magazine – June 2018

Looking back, one of my first introductions to poetry (and enjoying it) was a small set of children’s books, one filled with poetry dedicated to dogs, and the other dedicated to cats. I read them constantly, paging through them until the covers began to curl backward from my incessant touching. I couldn’t help thinking of this set of books when I received the new issue announcement for Allegro Poetry Magazine in my inbox, pleased to see the issue is dedicated to cats. Unable to currently live with any felines myself, the poetry is a nice substitute for a warm cat on the lap.

Continue reading “Allegro Poetry Magazine – June 2018”

Memoir Magazine – 2018

Content warning: This issue of Memoir Magazine and this review repeatedly reference sexual assault.

For weeks, the stories trickled across our social media feeds: defiantly and triumphantly smiling selfies with captions that held the hashtag, Twitter threads that detailed the experience, Facebook posts sometimes just two simple words long. #MeToo. In waves we watched and listened as our friends and family told their truths and we told each other “I believe you.” Memoir Magazine continues this wave with the publication of their #MeToo Essay Prize winners.

Continue reading “Memoir Magazine – 2018”

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

catamaran spring 2018

Roland Petersen‘s “American Bathers, 2017” on the cover of Spring 2018 Catamaran captures the essence of summer; this publication belongs in every beach tote and travel bag to take along on your summer adventures!


Ragazine.CC May/June 2018 celebrates the work of Alison McCauley with photographs from her Cannes Film Festival collection as well as an interview by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret.


“Becoming” by Steven DaLuz is the ethereal artwork featured on the cover of the newest issue of One, an online magazine of poetry.

New Lit on the Block :: The Esthetic Apostle

esthetic apostleBased out of Chicago, The Esthetic Apostle is a new online monthly of poetry, prose, artwork and photography which also releases print issues quarterly.

“Promoting creative individuals, self-realization/development, and beautiful ideas” are what motivated this start-up, as Founder and Editor-in-Chief Samuel M. Griffin explains. “The wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde was a primary catalyst. As a tribute to our city and Wilde, we named the magazine The Esthetic Apostle after a Chicago Tribune  headline describing Wilde’s visit to the windy city.” And if you’re wondering about the spelling…

Continue reading “New Lit on the Block :: The Esthetic Apostle”

2018 Open Season Award Winners

jann everardThe Malahat Review #202 features 2018 Open Season Awards winners:

Jann Everard [pictured], “Blue Runaways”
Judge: Carleigh Baker
Read an interview with Jann Everard here.

Creative Nonfiction
B. A. Markus, “How Can a Dog Help a Goose”
Judge: Betsy Warland
Read an interview with B. A. Markus here.

Barbara Pelman, “Nevertheless”
Judge: Evelyn Lau
Read an interview with Barbara Pelman here.

Open Season Awards is an annual contest that awards $2000 in each genre. It closes on November 1.

Poems from Palestine, Stories from Israel

Sheikha Hussein HelawyThe Spring 2018 issue of The Bellingham Review includes two features: Who Are These Assembled Nations?: New Poems from Palestine with works from Sheikha Helawy [pictured], Najwan Darwish, and Anwar Al-Anwar, and Unbidden Stories: New Writing from Israel with fiction by Orly Castel-Bloom, Anat Levin, and Liran Golod, poetry by Shimon Adaf and Anna Herman, and a hybrid text-image collaboration between Etgar Keret and Neta Rabinovitch. Credit for this curation goes to international consultant Liran Golod who worked with S. Paola Antonetta to bring these collections to readers.

2017 Bellingham Review Contest Winners

Susan M. StabileThe Spring 2018 issue of The Bellingham Review features winners of their annual contests:

49th Parallel Award for Poetry
Contest judge Robert Cording
“The Art of Forgetting” by John Blair

Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction
Contest judge Julie Marie
“Mustard” by Susan M. Stabile [pictured]

Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction
Contest judge John Dufresne
“Escape Artist” by Janis Hubschman

See a full list of finalists here as well as the winners of the 2018 contest here. Winners each receive $1000 and publication in the following year’s spring issue.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week


Happy Anniversary to Pembroke Magazine celebrating its 50th issue with this lovely acrylic on canvas, “Couple” by Mahirwan Mamtani.

subprimal poetry

The cover of the online Subprimal Poetry issue 11.0 is “Blissful Deletion” by Willow Margarita Schafer, about which the artist comments: “I wanted to try and visually depict what nothingness feels like on a human level: a sort of calm fragmentation that is very hard to shake.”

concho river review

Untamed Photography by Tim L. Vasquez is becoming a regular here with his stunning cover images, this time on the Spring/Summer 2018 issue of Concho River Review.

American Life in Poetry :: Rose King

American Life in Poetry: Column 686

I’m writing this column in the earliest days of another spring, and here’s a fine spring poem from Rose King’s book Time and Peonies , from Hummingbird Press. The poet lives in California.

In Spring

I’m out with the wheelbarrow mixing mulch.
A mockingbird trills in the pine.
Then, from higher, a buzz, and through patches of blue
as the fog burns off, a small plane pulls a banner,
red letters I can’t read—
but I do see, over the fence,
a man in a sky-blue shirt walking his dog to the beach.
He says he missed it, will keep an eye out.
Four barrows of mulch around the blueberry bushes,
I’m pulling off gloves, and he’s back, beaming.
Are you Martha?”

We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Poem copyright 2017 by Rosie King from Time and Peonies (Hummingbird Press, 2017). Poem reprinted by permission of Rosie King and the publisher. Introduction copyright ©2018 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

Rattle Tribute to Athlete Poets

rattle 60In addition to its regular content of poetry, the Summer 2018 issue of Rattle includes a Tribute to Athlete Poets. “The stereotypes about athletes and poets might make it seem like an odd combination, but poetry lives everywhere, and stereotypes need to be broken,” comment the editors.

Rattle does this by bringing together twenty-two poets that include professional athletes from the NFL and NBA, tennis pros, soccer players, weightlifters, and marathon runners. Add to the mix an interview with semi-pro basketball player (did you know that?) and Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Stephen Dunn. 

Athletes whose poems appear in this issue include: James Adams, Elison Alcovendaz, Chaun Ballard, Erinn Batykefer, T.J. DiFrancesco, Stephen Dunn, Peg Duthie, Michael Estabrook, Daniel Gleason, Tony Gloeggler, Alex Hoffman-Ellis, A.M. Juster, Benjamín N. Kingsley, Laura Kolbe, Michael Mark, Tom Meschery, Jack Ridl, Laszlo Slomovits, Brent Terry, Martin Vest, Arlo Voorhees, and Guinotte Wise.

Advice for ‘Going Hybrid’ Publishing

Allison K WilliamsBrevity‘s Social Media Editor Allison K Williams offers some great advice and resources for anyone considering “Going Hybrid” – using a hybrid model for book publishing. Williams offers clarification on “self-publishing” vs. hybrid publishing against the backdrop of traditional publishing, and provides consideration of such criteria as time, bookstore placement, royalty split, subsidiary rights, editing, production quality and marketing.

Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl

Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl is a delightful piece of “futureliterature” that spits in the face of gender, ignorance, and what it means to be “normal.” The protagonist, Paul (aka Polly), can change between male and female whenever he/she wants, and at first, I was a little confused by the pronouns when “he sat to pee with his exciting new vagina,” but then I realized that they never really mattered. Men, women, we’re all the same twisted people.

Continue reading “Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl”

The End of Chiraq

Before reviewing The End of Chiraq: A Literary Mixtape, I feel obligated to mention the fact that I am from Chicago, specifically, the northwest side, where violence never really touched. Petty theft and the occasional flesh wound was about as “Chiraq” as Old Irving Park got. So, when people assume that all of Chicago is some Cormac McCarthy novel, they couldn’t be more wrong. This book is an attempt to prove that, and moreover, even where the unacceptable amount of death does occur, life is present too. The End of Chiraq is an anthology composed by the city’s youth, showcasing the beauty in the chaos, the “flower growing from the concrete” (Aneko Jackson, “Concrete Flowers”).

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The Broken Country

Paisley Rekdal’s The Broken Country, winner of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Award for Creative Nonfiction, grips you from the beginning, starting with a vivid description of a stabbing in a Salt Lake City parking lot, a crime perpetrated by a Vietnamese refugee. We later learn that Rekdal, who lives in Salt Lake City, just a few blocks away from the site of the crime, happened to be in Vietnam when it happened and daily visited the war memorial featured on the book cover—a sculpture created from the wreckage of wartime airplanes, tanks, and other vehicles. Gripped by the realization that the trauma of the Vietnam War still affects American culture—especially in the private communities of refugees and immigrants—Rekdal weaves together an investigation into trauma, war, and refugees that makes it impossible to forget the ongoing tragedy of wars, past and present.

Continue reading “The Broken Country”


I really like the phrase “the chaos of memory.” My spirit latches onto it and wraps its arms around its queer, hairy legs. The phrase expresses what kind of happens to your brain during and after trauma. Chaos roots itself in memory. My chaos came when a Mexican man sexually assaulted me on a sidewalk in the afternoon sun.
    —from “Semester 1998”

Continue reading “Mean”