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At the NewPages Blog readers and writers can catch up with their favorite literary and alternative magazines, independent and university presses, creative writing programs, and writing and literary events. Find new books, new issue announcements, contest winners, and so much more!

Fiddlehead Summer Poetry 2016 Issue

If you want a concentrated dose or a total immersion introduction to Canadian poetry, then The Fiddlehead Summer Poetry 2016 issue (#268) is for you. But, don’t think it’s all-Canada all the time, as Editor Ross Leckie writes, “A big part of what we do at The Fiddlehead is to place the best of Canadian writing in the context of international work, and that is the motivation for our retrospectives with new poems. We present this year Mary Jo Salter and Les Murray. We have also included our old friend Charles Wright and the magnificent poet Thylias Moss.” Mary Jo Salter offers 26 pages of poetry as well as her own introduction.

Books :: September 2016 Award-Winning Titles

field guide to the end of world jeannine hall gaileySeptember seems to be the month for award-winning book releases. This month, find the winners of Moon City Press’s 2015 Moon City Poetry Award, the 2015 The American Poetry Review/Honickman First Book Prize, and The University of Tampa Press’s 2015 Anita Claire Scharf Award.

Jeannine Hall Gailey brought home the Moon City Poetry Award with her fifth collection Field Guide to the End of the World, with a cover designed by the talented Charli Barnes (shown on the right). The poetry collection “delivers a whimsical look at our culture’s obsession with apocalypse.” Readers can pre-order copies from The University of Arkansas Press.

Likenesses by Heather Tone was chosen by Nick Flynn as the winner of The American Poetry Review/Honickman First Book Prize. Flynn says Likenesses, is an origin myth in its “attempts to create a world by naming it.” Copies of Tone’s first full collection of poetry will be distributed by Copper Canyon Press.

Patricia Hooper, the author of three previous books of poetry, received the Anita Claire Scharf Award, winners selected by the editors of the Tampa Review from among the manuscripts submitted to the annual Tampa Review Prize for Poetry. Hooper’s collection, Separate Flights, “quite literally lifts off,” says Tampa Review Editor Richard Mathews, and is “musical and powerful in its impact.”

Check out these three award-winning poetry books, all hitting shelves sometime this month.

DWW MacGuffin Poetry Prize Winners

The Spring-Summer 2016 issue of The MacGuffin features the winners of the Detroit Working Writers MacGuffin Poetry Prize. This annual competition is open to DWW members as well as Michigan writers, from new to established. This year’s first place winner is “The Mathematician’s Daughter” by Alexander Payne Morgan,  and Diana Dinverno won both 2nd prize with “The World Spins” and 3rd prize with “Letting Go.”

Books :: 2015 Michael Waters Poetry Prize

into the cyclorama annie kimAt the end of the year, find Annie Kim’s Into the Cyclorama, winner of Southern Indiana Review’s 2015 Michael Waters Poetry Prize.

From back of the book:

We enter works like the 19th-century Gettysburg Cyclorama at the heart of this book, asking: What art can we make out of violence? What shape from loss? Like snow that leaves no trace in the photographed garden, Into the Cyclorama answers: Form is everything, even at its most transient.

Preparing for December, when the poetry collection will be released, readers can check out the Southern Indiana Review website where they’ll find sample poems, a link to Annie Kim’s website, and an interview with the poet conducted by Michael Collins.

WLT Writing from the Gulf of Mexico

The September-October 2016 issue of World Literature Today includes the special section, “Writing form the Gulf of Mexico.” Starting with an introduction by Dolores Flores-Silva, the feature includes: poetry by Jesús J. Barquet, Charo Guerra, Jay Wright, Luis Lorente, Brenda Marie Osbey, José Luis Rivas; audio poetry by Feliciano Sánchez Chan; prose by Bárbara Renaud González, Agustín del Moral Tejeda, and LeAnne Howe; and an interview with Agustín del Moral Tejeda by Dolores Flores-Silva. Many of the pieces are availble to read (limited access for non-subscribers) in full or excerpted online.

The Haunting of the Mexican Border

The Haunting of the Mexican Border: A Woman’s Journey by Kathryn Ferguson is written at eye-level. The book’s first half are the stories of the young author when, in her twenties her parents die, she realizes she is free to do whatever she wants. She grew up in Tucson, Arizona, sixteen miles from the Mexico border with fond memories of many childhood family day trips to Mexico. At that time the border was relatively unpopulated and the US government lax about Mexican migrants coming to the US to work and going back home to be with their families. Working at PBS TV, a dream was born in her to do a film of Mexico. She and a friend drove south into Mexico’s Sierra Madre open to what presented itself for a film. On one of the scouting trips, she and her friend reached nightfall. A lone man, wearing a red head band, and his son were walking the dirt road. She leaned out the car window and asked him where a good place was to put down their sleeping bags for the night. He took them to his home to stay with his family and becomes her friend for life. He is a Rarámuri, descendent of the Native Americans who had escaped the Conquistadors into the rugged Sierra Madras and retained their independence and customs. The contemporary story of the Rarámuri, told through three rituals, was her first film.

Continue reading “The Haunting of the Mexican Border”

Rust Belt Boy

Rust Belt Boy: Stories of an American Childhood is an outstanding portrait of Ambridge, Pennsylvania, a steel town which, like so many similar communities, helped shape and build the working America we know today. Gentle and loving, Paul Hertneky pays homage to the hometown he desired to leave for greater, unknown places. Hertneky’s descriptions left me yearning to travel to a version of the city that only exists in history books and his memoir.

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The Yesterday Project

Ben and Sandra Doller dive straight into a foreboding and brutally honest real-life account of their cohabitation with their newest roommate, cancer. The Yesterday Project was co-written by the Dollers in the wake of a life-threatening diagnosis: melanoma cancer, stage 3. The project lasts a total of 32 days with each writer taking a moment each day to go back and recollect the previous day’s experiences.

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Where We Go When All We Were Is Gone

Where We Go When All We Were Is Gone is a twelve story collection that throws readers headlong into the deepest depths of the human heart. Each story explores the real life vulnerability people deal with in their darkest hours while seamlessly enchanting the reader with characters that are magically fantastic. Readers will find themselves lost in the mix of these lovely yet terrifying stories.

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Creating Nonfiction

You may have noticed that today’s personal essays are rarely defined by the five-paragraph model—intro, three body paragraphs, conclusion—that is generally taught in English composition classes. What remains standard, though, is the significance of the personal element. Creating Nonfiction: Twenty Essays and Interviews with the Writers exhibits wonderful examples, and the interviews are enough to encourage current and future essayists to keep writing.

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The Detective’s Garden

Prowl around Brooklyn back in 1995 and you’ll catch retired homicide detective Emil Milosec digging in his garden—well, actually, his late wife’s garden. What he unearths is a woman’s pinkie finger and an opal ring. The ring belonged to his wife. The finger didn’t. Such is the premise for Janyce Stefan-Cole’s novel, The Detective’s Garden: A Love Story and Meditation on Murder.

Continue reading “The Detective’s Garden”

Available Light

Available Light: Philip Booth and the Gift of Place is as much a travelogue of picturesque Maine, and especially the town of Castine, as it is a biography of the late poet Philip Booth. In Jeanne Braham’s tidy book, the town and the poet are pretty much inseparable.

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Books :: 2016 Rattle Chapbook Prize Winner

3 arabi song zeina hashem beckIf anyone needs more encouragement to subscribe to your favorite literary magazines, Rattle’s latest issue to subscribers serves as a reminder.

Included in the package for Issue 53 (which features a tribute to 22 adjunct instructors) is a complimentary copy (regularly $6.00) of the 2016 Rattle Chapbook Prize Winner: 3arabi Song by Zeina Hashem Beck.

From Rattle’s website:

3arabi Song is a song of sorrow and joy, death and dance. Yes there is unrest, war, and displacement in countries like Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, and Egypt. But there is also survival, music, and love.

Also on the website, find sample poems, including a recording of Zeina Hashem Beck performing a poem with the Fayha Choir. And while you’re there, don’t forget to subscribe to Rattle.

Sonic Boom Senryu Contest Winners

The August 2016 issue of Sonic Boom includes the winners of their second annual senryu contest selected by Judge Terri L. French from 123 participants from 27 countries.

sonic boomFirst Place
Steve Hodge, USA

Second Place
Sidney Bending, Canada

Third Place
Chase Gagnon, USA

Honorable Mentions
Mohammad Azim Khan, Pakistan
Phyllis Lee, USA

All the winning entries as well as judge’s comments can be read here.

TriQuarterly and the Video Essay

triquarterlyTriQuarterly, taking full advantage of its online format, several years ago began featuring video essays in each issue. The editors commented that it was “an emerging form Marilyn Freeman described as ‘the mixed-breed love child of poetry, creative nonfiction, art house indies, documentary, and experimental media art.’ At its core the video essay is, like its print counterpart, an attempt to figure something out.” The most recent issue of TriQuarterly features video essays by Ander Monson, Blair Braverman, and Heather Hall.

NOR Shakespeare Issue

new orleans reviewThe newest issue of New Orleans Review is a special tribute to Shakespeare. According to Guest Editor Hillary Eklund, “The primary motivation for this issue is that 2016 marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death, and we wanted to commemorate that by looking at Shakespeare’s 21st century literary afterlives.”

The original call for submissions was: “Four centuries after William Shakespeare’s death, his name ennobles a variety of cultural institutions, from libraries and endowed chairs to summer camps and rubber duckies. Even as these structures—both lofty and lowly—rise and fall, we bear witness to the greatest power Shakespeare described: that of poetry itself to preserve without rigidity, to endure without sameness, and to inspire without dominance. Beyond the array of institutions that bear his name, what conversations do Shakespeare’s eternal lines animate now?”

“We welcomed submissions that riff on, respond to, reimagine, or recast any of Shakespeare’s works in any genre,” says Eklund, “including short fiction, poetry, image/text collections, creative nonfiction, and scholarship. The response was great. We had submissions from poets, fiction writers, essayists, and scholars. We especially relished the opportunity to put creative work in direct conversation with scholarly work; few journals have the license to do that, and the result is, I think, quite exciting.”

Hillary EklundEklund herself is a scholar of early modern literature and Associate Professor of English at Loyola University New Orleans. She has published articles and chapters in Shakespeare Studies and in essay collections on early modern literature. Her book Literature and Moral Economy in the Early Atlantic: Elegant Sufficiencies came out in 2015 with Ashgate Press, and she has a collection of essays, Groundwork: English Renaissance Literature and Soil Science, forthcoming from Duquesne University Press.

When I asked about the experience of editing this issue, Eklund responded: “The experience has helped me to focus the chatter around Shakespeare, who this year more than ever seems to be everywhere, and I hope it will have a similar effect on our readers. As we take stock of the many commemorations and celebrations of Shakespeare in 2016, the pieces in this issue help us think through the question of what we gain from Shakespeare today – what, if anything, reading or thinking about Shakespeare is good for. Some of our contributors have taken up Shakespeare’s enduring themes and respun them in modern contexts. Others have used contemporary contexts to rethink some of the problems Shakespeare’s work presents, particularly problems of gender and race.”

Books :: 2015 Pleiades Press Editors Prize

landscape with headless mama jennifer givhanForthcoming in October is Jennifer Givhan’s Landscape with Headless Mama, winner of the Pleiades Press Editors Prize for Poetry. The collection “explores the experiences of becoming and being a mother through the lens of dark fairy tales,” and is described by Givhan as “a surreal survival guide.”

Copies are available for pre-order from the Pleiades Press website, as well as more information about Landscape with Headless Mama.

Books :: How Punny

oy caramba ed ilan stavansWho doesn’t appreciate a good play on words? The University of New Mexico Press has announced an anthology forthcoming in September, edited by Ilan Stavans, with a title that tickled my pun fancy.

The anthology of Jewish stories from Latin America is titled Oy, Caramba!, and put a smile on my face the moment it arrived. Even the bright, eye-catching cover mixes the Jewish and Latin American cultures: a sugar skull decorated with a hamsa, Chai symbols, and the Star of David.

First published in 1994 as Tropical Synagogues: Short Stories by Jewish-Latin American Writers, the anthology returns next month, expanded and updated.

Check out the UNM Press website for more information.


Main Street Rag 20th Anniversary

main street ragIn his Welcome Readers Summer 2016 column, Editor M. Scott Douglass begins, “It may have gone unnoticed since we didn’t make a fuss about it, but The Main Street Rag recently experienced a milestone.” Having started in May of 1996, that milestone is 20 continuous years of publishing MSR, beginning as Main Street Rag Poetry Journal. “We’ve gone through many changes,” Douglass writes, “taken advice from notable people like Dana Gioia who advised me to diversify our content and broaden our audience. We did and it did. So did the workload.”

Douglass comments on the efforts of many committed individuals who have supported the publication through the years – with blood, sweat and tears, and “who work specific projects for cheap, sometimes for beer and/or Chinese food.” Sounds like literary publishing as we know it. But Douglass has built quite a publishing house, producing “as many as 200 titles in a single year, but now averages between 100 and 120 titles per year, when you include our titles, this literary magazine and those we produce for others, and the books we produce as a contractor.”

I’m sure there are hundreds of individuals, if not in the thousands by now, who owe some thanks to The Main Street Rag for having given them the opportunity to be published and read, and certainly in those thousands, those who have appreciated being able to read from this publishing house over the past 20 year. MSR has been a mainstay in the literary community. We congratulate them on two great decades of dedication and commitment to literary publishing, and wish them many, many more years of good work.

Georgia Review Feature :: Coleman Barks

coleman barksThe Summer 2016 issue of The Georgia Review includes a special feature on Coleman Barks. In addition to an introduction by Editor Stephen Corey, the section includes several poems and a prose piece by Barks. The prose, an essay titled “Figures from My Boyhood,” begins, “Steve Corey asked me to do a prose piece (on my influences, he suggested) for The Georgia Review. But I seem to have more energy for childhood obsessions. Sorry to be so self-absorbed.” Exactly what we would expect from Barks.

Other authors whose works in tribute to Barks are included: Ty Sassaman, Hugh Ruppersburg, Jody Kennedy, Ravi Shankar, John Yow, Norman Minnick, Gulnaz Saiyed, Naomi Shihab Nye, Lisa Starr, and Gordon Johnston. Several of the works, including one of Barks poems, can be read online here.

The Meadow 2016 Novella Contest Winner

mark brazaitisThe Meadow 2016 Novella Prize winner is “The Spider” by Mark Brazaitis [pictured] and can be read both in the print issue as well as online. Brazaitis is the author of six books, including The Incurables: Stories, which won the 2012 Sullivan Prize in Short Fiction and the 2013 Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award. His latest book, Truth Poker: Stories, won the 2014 Autumn House Press Fiction Competition. The Meadow is the annual literary and arts journal of Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada.

The Malahat Review 2016 Novella Prize Winner

anne marie todkillThe Malahat Review #195 features Anne Marie Todkill’s story “Next of Kin,” winner of the 2016 Novella Prize. Todkill’s entry was chosen from 225 submissions by three final judges: Mark Anthony Jarman, Stephen Marche, and Joan Thomas. She has been awarded $1,500 in prize money and publication.

Of “Next of Kin,” the judges said: “With its controlled reveal of complications, it has the drive of a mystery story—but the mystery under investigation is the intricacies of a family over time. Anne Marie Todkill is an accomplished writer, offering surprising and astute insights into the relationship between sisters. Her dialogue is sharp and she is especially incisive in writing about sex. Her narrator Marian speaks with a knowing voice, at odds with her ‘small life’; the things she withholds come to the reader as a series of small explosions. Todkill imposes no pattern over events and offers her characters no epiphanies. Instead, incidents refract off each other and the story speaks powerfully through its silences. Like all good novellas, ‘Next of Kin’ offers both the concentrated pleasures of a short story and the scope of a novel.”

Read an interview with the Anne Marie Todkill here.

Cuban & Cuban-American Writers & Artists

new letters2The newest issue of New Letters (v82 nos 3 & 4) includes a special section of Cuban & Cuban-American Writers & Artists co-edited with Mia Leonin, author of Braid (Anhinga Press) and Unraveling the Bed (Anhinga Press), and a memoir Havana and Other Missing Fathers (University of Arizona Press). Leonin currently teaches creative writing at University of Miami. The introductory note by Editor Robert Stewart reads:

“Humans don’t wait for revolution or democracy in order to live their lives,” says Mia Leonin…Her point underscores both the force of literature and art, and the hope found there. The impulses to generalize about certain groups, to categorize and perhaps condemn–to indulge in the quality of discourse imposed on us by many critics and politicians–find their antidote in literature. “The poems, stories, and essays in these pages,” Leonin continues, “remind us that Cuba is not an idea or ideology, a photo op or a news line. Likewise, its diaspora is neither offshoot nor derivative. Whatever its temporality, literature is the present moment unfolding, and these writers carve out each moment with authenticity and vision.”

Authors and artists whose works are featured: Chantel Acevedo, Alfredo Zaldivar, Ruth Behar, Lisiette Alonso, Cristina Garcia (“Berliners Who, two stories” can be read here), Orlando Ricardo Menes, Ana Menendez, Laura Ruiz Montes, Pablo Medina.

  • 57 /

    A Mariel Epistolary, fiction

    , Chantel Acevedo

  • 61 /

    Utopias, poems, translated by Margaret Randall

    , Alfredo Zaldivar

  • 62 /

    For Three Months I Am Alone in La Habana, poem in English & Spanish 

    , Ruth Behar

  • 66 /

    Three Poems

    , Lisiette Alonso

  • 69 /

    Berliners Who, two stories

    , Cristina Garcia

  • 79 /

    Two Poems

    , Orlando Ricardo Menes

  • 83 /

    Two Essays: The Rooster That Attacked My Sister & Wandering Creatures

    , Ana Menendez

  • 94 /

    Two Poems, trnaslated by Margaret Randall

    , Laura Ruiz Montes

  • 96 /

    That Dream Again

    , Pablo Medina

  • Water~Stone Review – 2015

    If I had to pick one word to describe Water~Stone Review #18 it would be: Story. Regardless of genre, nearly every piece in this issue has some sense of narrative, of back story, of foreshadowing; there are stories told to us, shown through careful detail, and trolled through symbolic imagery by the many authors in this hefty annual—which is a factor also worth note. The editors of Water~Stone have a unique sensibility in their selections as an annual publication. It’s almost a shame from the review standpoint to have to read the entire publication in a short period of time, because I felt I should slow down and let each piece sink in before moving on and, in some cases, reread and re-reread works that deserve the attention—even with so much new waiting to be read. That speaks to good submissions as well as good editing in selection.

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    Creative Nonfiction – Spring 2016

    This issue of Creative Nonfiction focuses on the sacrament of marriage. But if you think you’re in for an issue of romantic tales and happily-ever-afters, keep in mind that this magazine is nonfiction. While the wedding itself and much of a marriage can be happy, real life happens, and like anything lasting or worthwhile, it has its ups and downs. This issue explores many angles of marriage including “non-traditional” marriages, spur-of-the-moment marriages, fifth marriages, same-sex marriages, marriages that work, those that don’t. Paul Roden and Valerie Lueth’s (of Tugboat Printshop) beautiful and intricate woodcut prints are featured throughout the issue to tie it all together.

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    Passages North – 2016

    Passages North is a vade mecum. A canon. A bible for literati. An authority. A serious digest. A volume that induces wallet-cracking extra-baggage charges. This annual journal sponsored by Northern Michigan University publishes short stories, fiction flashes, modular and traditional essays, and poetry—loads and loads of poems of every possible breed: ghazals, sonnets, pantouns, free-verse, coupleted-cantations—diversity in form, theme and content receive open-armed welcomes at Passages North. From Pushcart winners to first-timers, from experimental to toe-the-liners, this volume is hefty hefty hefty, and by following the editorial compass of publishing only what deserves “merit,” they have produced a book to please the masses. If you can’t find something that thrills and rocks your sacrum, email me, and I’ll give you the number of my therapist, or maybe we can photoshop your name onto my prescriptions.

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    River Teeth – Fall 2015

    “My mother taught me that the dead are among us—look closely and you’ll begin to notice them everywhere . . . The world is full of codes and keys, maps and legends. You wake up one morning, and ask yourself, How is it all connected? The question haunts you for the rest of your life.” (Karen Dietrich’s “Air and Water”). Here lies one of my favorite passages from this issue of River Teeth, a collection of creative nonfiction. And how is this writing all connected? It is, after all, deemed worthy to all fall beneath the same covers. I think it’s the human experience, and the raw need to make an understanding of life’s experiences and mysteries.

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    2016 Willow Springs Fiction Winner

    willow springsThis year’s winner of the Willow Springs Fiction is “Gorilla Love Story” by Chelsea Bryant. The award provides each entrant with a one-year subscription to the publication; the winner receives $2000 + publication in the annual June issue. Willow Springs offers some of their publication’s content for online reading along with comments from the author about the work.

    [Cover image by Marta Berens from Dream Chapter]

    The Poetry Marathon is Complete

    finishJust like the foot race marathon, you don’t get bragging rights until you actually do it. And, appropriately, this year’s Poetry Marathon took place during the summer Olympics. So while I was toiling away at my poetry prompts and posting poems to the official marathon blog, runners from around the world were competing for gold, silver and bronze medals in Rio.

    Unlike the Olympics, the Poetry Marathon is an annual event. I originally posted on it here, and the PM website offers a complete history and FAQ of the event. While I’ve known about the event for several years, this is the first year I  participated. Luckily for me (and many others), the organizers have created a half marathon, which is what I completed. Both marathons start at 9:00am ET on writing day (Aug 13 this year), then every hour for 12 or 24 hours, participants are expected to write a poem and post it to the PM website. Each participant gets their own login on a group WordPress site, then as each participant publishes a poem, which is housed on their own blog space, it is also posted to the whole group blog. If you look at the site now, what you see are the poems posted by the participants as they came in.

    If this sounds like a big commitment of a day, it is – or it can be. The organizers are flexible in letting participants commit to (on their honor) writing one poem every hour and then posting them when they can get to a computer. Some participants commented on having to go to work, so while they were writing the poems, they wouldn’t be posting them until later. Even for me, with a day “off,” I couldn’t be at the computer every hour of the day.

    Bottom line: Was it fun? Was it engaging? Was it worthwhile? Yes, yes, and yes. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Until you do it, you don’t quite “get it.” Write a poem an hour? Anyone can do that on their own. But it was motivating (even a bit demanding) being in the community, committed to having to publish poems up to the website, having to be responsible every hour of the day. In fact, even while I was just sitting working at the computer, I almost missed one of the hours because I was so caught up in my work. I realized it with only five minutes left in the hour and scrambled to catch up! The pressure! It was wonderful. As were the prompts, which the organizers provide at the top of every hour. I admire those writers who had their own ideas for poems, but I relied heavily on the prompts to give me something to write about and get the writing done. There were many who did the same, and it was engaging to see the various interpretations of the prompts – a lot of really creative writers.

    When it was done – 12 hours and 12 poems later – I felt a deep sense of pride and accomplishment. Not that I believe I wrote 12 astonishing poems that will shake the world. But because I wrote 12 poems in 12 hours as part of a community of people who were just as eager and committed as me. Surrounded for a whole day by an entire community of poets – reading, writing, commenting, and then doing it all over again, and again, and again. I think immersion is the right word.

    I also learned that not everyone will be able to appreciate the experience if you try to share your joy at the accomplishment. “I just finished a poetry half marathon!” I exclaimed to my husband as I walked away from the computer at 9:00pm after just having posted my final poem. “Okay,” he said, not turning away from his laptop.

    What you get out of it is definitely personal. Unlike the foot race, and unlike the Olympics, there aren’t throngs of people cheering your completion, no competitors there to hug you for a good race won. Though the organizers and participants do post encouraging comments for one another and have chat groups running to motivate one another, in the end, the sense of whatever it has meant to you will be completely up to you to generate and to own.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, I was challenged, I accomplished my goal, and I hope to be back to do it again next year.

    Thank you Poetry Marathon! Congratulations to everyone who completed the half 12 hours of writing and the full 24 hours of writing. I get it: You are amazing!


    Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

    river teethThis week’s covers just say “summer” to me, starting with this Spring 2016 issue of River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative. The cover photo is of Chipmunk Creek, Richland County, OH by David FitzSimmons.
    gettysburg reviewThe Gettysburg Review Autumn 2016 issue features The Letter A, detail by Alexandra Tyng, 2012, oil on linen. The publication also includes a full-color portfolio of eight of his works.
    ragazineThe online publication Ragazine features Castles in the Sky, oil on watercolor paper by Laura Guese, and also includes an interview with her in the issue here.

    Books :: 2016 Perugia Press Prize

    guide to the exhibit lisa allen oritzLisa Allen Oritz took home the Perugia Press Prize for a first or second book by a woman (now open for 2017 submissions) in 2016 with the poetry collection Guide to the Exhibit

    “Inspired by the displays at a small natural history museum” Guide to the Exhibit is “about what we set aside to examine and remember,” using a quirky, scientific lens.

    At the Perugia Press website, readers can find an excerpt from the collection, which will be released and September, as well as preorder copies.

    Amercian Life in Poetry :: Meg Kearney

    American Life in Poetry: Column 593

    Here’s a fine, deftly made poem by Meg Kearney, of New Hampshire, in which the details deliver the emotions, which are never overtly named other than by the title. It’s my favorite kind of poem, and it’s from her book An Unkindness of Ravens, from BOA Editions. Her most recent book is Home By Now (Four Way Books 2009).


    The girl hunting with her father approaches
    the strange man who has stopped at the end
    of his day to rest and look at the lake.
    Do you like geese? she asks. The man smiles.
    The girl draws a webbed foot from her pocket
    and places it in his hand. It’s late fall
    and still the geese keep coming, two fingers
    spread against a caution-yellow sky. Before
    he can thank her, the girl has run off, down
    to the edge of the water. The man studies her
    father, about to bring down his third goose
    today—then ponders the foot: soft, pink,
    and covered with dirt like the little girl’s hand.
    He slips it into his coat pocket, and holds it there.

    We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2001 by Meg Kearney, “Loneliness,” from An Unkindness of Ravens, (BOA Editions, 2001). Poem reprinted by permission of The Permissions Company, Inc., on behalf of BOA Editions, LTD. Introduction copyright ©2016 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

    2016 Dogwood Literary Prize Winners

    dogwoodThe newest issue of Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose (Volume 15: 2016) contains nothing but the winners and runners up of their annual literary contest for 2016. Unique to this contest, once genre winners are selected for fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, one author is awarded the Grand Prize overall with $1000 award.

    This year’s Grand Prize winner was Anna Leahy’s essay “Sweet Dreams Are Made of This.”

    A complete list of authors as well as judge’s comments for each of the winners can be found here along with a link for information about the 2017 contest.

    Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

    It’s been a while since we’ve done some cover art features, so thanks to you readers who let us know how much you appreciate this post!
    colorado reviewIrresistable: Colorado Review‘s Summer 2016 cover image is just so summery with this full-cover-wrap photogray by Lenny Koh of Lenny K Photography.
    themaThema‘s Summer 2016 cover is reflective of this issue’s theme: “Lost in the Zoo.” Cover photograph by Kathleen Gunton.
    cimarron reviewAlong with Cimarron Review‘s Spring 2016 issue, I almost had a whole cat theme going. This one taps my appreciation for whimsy with Sabrina Barnett’s photo “Greens (2).”

    Souvenirs & Other Stories

    The surreal collides with the real in Souvenirs & Other Stories by Matt Tompkins. While the situations presented are undoubtedly strange—a father evaporates and joins the water system, a man watches the world burn after a botched eye surgery, mountain lions move into a family’s basement, knickknacks and furniture appear in a woman’s apartment—they’re still grounded in reality.

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    Invincible Summers

    It’s a mistake to call Invincible Summers a ‘coming-of-age story,’ even though that’s what the publishers say on the back cover blurb. Following Claudia Goodwin through eleven (not always consecutive) summers from the time she was six years old, I never got the sense that this was a character in search of herself, looking to grow into some kind of womanhood that was waiting for her—the womanhood defined by the 1960s – 1970s. Nor was she running away, breaking away, struggling to be or become. There was none of that. Instead, what I experienced reading Invincible Summers was a zen-steady character whose ever-changing and unpredictable world was nothing out of the ordinary from what millions of lives look like, if only we could read the lives of those millions of people who surround us. Claudia is a girl, and then young woman, who lives by responding to events, who makes choices which determine the route she takes as she ages, and who explores and comes to better understand the life she has lived.

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    The Enigma of Iris Murphy

    In twelve stories linked by the bonds of family and friendship, The Enigma of Iris Murphy captures the lives of those affected by the life and works of public defender, Iris Murphy. Characters across the United States—from Omaha to Cincinnati to the Rosebud Reservation—are forever changed by Iris Murphy, in big and small ways. Author Maureen Millea Smith carefully weaves narratives together so that tensions grow throughout the book, and the collection truly reads as a novel in stories.

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    Broken Sleep

    Any novel which opens with an assisted suicide posing as a public art happening is a book after my own heart. Such is the case in Bruce Bauman’s latest work, Broken Sleep, a story which gathers an eclectic band of characters, each involved in their own personal quests and forming a sort of modern day Wizard of Oz. Broken Sleep contains many a scene which may leave readers feeling slightly guilty for laughing. Case in point; the aforementioned opening gambit.

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    Orwell’s Nose

    British academic and writer John Sutherland lost his sense of smell three years ago during hay fever season. George Orwell (nee Eric Arthur Blair) apparently suffered from an acute sensitivity to smells, called nasal hyperaesthesia. Pair the two conditions, and Sutherland seized a new way of thinking about Orwell. He cites a quote from Orwell’s book The Road to Wigan Pier, which “contains the four words that have hung like an albatross around Orwell’s neck: ‘The working classes smell.’” From this was born Orwell’s Nose: A Pathological Biography, to be released this year.

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    For Jane Gardam fans, this new reprint of her novel Bilgewater will be a delight, almost as good as Old Filth. For those who don’t know Gardam, you’ll have a wonderful treat. There are some Gardam features which you need to be aware of: sometimes a lot of important information is given in one sentence so you need to be alert; Gardam is British, so sometimes you come across an unfamiliar expression; and this novel has a typical Gardam ending, which took this reviewer three rereads to figure out. But the discovery was fun.

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    Amercian Life in Poetry :: Dorriane Laux

    American Life in Poetry: Column 591

    Dorianne Laux, who lives in North Carolina, is one of our country’s most distinguished poets, and here’s a poignant poem about a family resemblance. It’s from her book Smoke, from BOA Editions.

    Ray at 14

    Bless this boy, born with the strong face
    of my older brother, the one I loved most,
    who jumped with me from the roof
    of the playhouse, my hand in his hand.
    On Friday nights we watched Twilight Zone
    and he let me hold the bowl of popcorn,
    a blanket draped over our shoulders,
    saying, Don’t be afraid. I was never afraid
    when I was with my big brother
    who let me touch the baseball-size muscles
    living in his arms, who carried me on his back
    through the lonely neighborhood,
    held tight to the fender of my bike
    until I made him let go.
    The year he was fourteen
    he looked just like Ray, and when he died
    at twenty-two on a roadside in Germany
    I thought he was gone forever.
    But Ray runs into the kitchen: dirty T-shirt,
    torn jeans, pushes back his sleeve.
    He says, Feel my muscle, and I do.

    We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2000 by Dorianne Laux, “Ray at 14,” (Smoke, BOA Editions, 2000). Poem reprinted by permission of BOA Editions, Ltd. Introduction copyright ©2016 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

    Valley Voices Special Issue :: Michael Anania

    michael ananiaValley Voices Spring 2015 is a special issue on Michael Anania, guest edited by Michael Antonucci and Garin Cycholl, who write, “Anania’s space is the river, the imagined city – a Chicago of relentless modernity, one capable of reinventing itself and making itself for sale again and again as the waters rise and fall. From here, the poet observes and reflects on this Chicago on the make – a sprawl of fresh water and wind, candy and steel.”

    Featured in the volume is an interview with Anania as well as several of his poems. Also included are essays on Anania’s work: “Modernist Current: Michael Anania’s Poetry of the Western Rivers” by Robert Archambeau; “‘Out of Dazzlement’…Chiaroscuro Revisited” by Peter Michaelson; “‘Energy Held in Elegant Control’: Vortex Anania” by Lachlan Murray; “Another Italian-American Poet in Omaha: Italy in Michael Anania’s Poetry” by William Allegrezza; “Michael Anania’s The Red Menace: A Study in Self-Production” by David Ray Vance; “‘Like Hands Raised in Song’: Proper Names in Michael Anania’s ‘Steal Away'” by Lea Graham; “On Michael Anania’s In Natural Light” by Reginald Gibbons as well as several more.

    “This collection of essays and original work,” the editors write, “offers a set of moments in lands (and waters) surveyed by Anania. That land pretends a relentless modernity – one that Anania has evidenced for readers, colleagues, and other artists page by page, line by line. Charles Olson argued that the poet either rides on or digs into the land. This collection of essays and Anania’s writings attest that he has done both.”

    2015 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards

    Issue 44 of Paterson Literary Review annual (2016-2017) features the winners and honorable mentions from their 2015 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards:

    paterson literary review 44First Prize
    Ann Clark, Dexter, NY, “Pretend” and Annie Lanzillotto, Yonkers, NY, “Diminished Capacity, an Indictment”

    Second Prize
    Lynne McEniry, Morristown, NJ, “Splinter”

    Third Prize
    Maxine Susman, Princeton, NJ, “Thirteen”

    A full list of winners and honorable mentions as well as guidelines for this annual contest can be found here.