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At the NewPages Blog readers and writers can catch up with their favorite literary and alternative magazines, independent and university presses, creative writing programs, and writing and literary events. Find new books, new issue announcements, contest winners, and so much more!

You are Never the Same Reader Twice

In the latest issue of Salamander, Jennifer Barber makes a great point in her editor’s note: “A literary journal, with its many disparate voices and visions, is not something you absorb in one sitting. Maybe you’ll read five or six poems, or two or three short stories, before laying it aside, picking it up again a few days or weeks later. In between, you’ll have changed in barely perceptible ways.  A conversation with a friend; a song you heard on the radio; some moment of insight you’ve stumbled on: each will have an effect. In this sense, you are never the same reader twice.”

In this issue, you’ll find pieces from Stephen Ackerman, Pam Bernard, Andrea Cohen, Rita Gabis, Danielle Legros Georges, George Kalogeris, Ellen Kaufman, Jacquelyn Pope, Anna Ross, Tara Skurtu, and more.

NewPages Weekly Newsletter

Have you heard yet of our new weekly newsletter? In addition to keeping tabs on what we’re up to, you also get calls for submissions and contests sent directly to your email (once a week). There is now no excuse for not submitting due to forgetting to look up places to send work. If you aren’t signed up yet, and you are viewing this post on our blog post, you can sign up via the column to the right. If you are viewing this in a RSS feed, you can sign up here: http://npofficespace.com/newpages-newsletter/

Newsletters get sent out every Monday afternoon, so there is still time to sign up today to get this week’s! You can view last week’s here: http://www.icontact-archive.com/rRNQRindhS4bSK2A6MJQEoLuhyzifA5D?w=4

August Literary Magazine Reviews

This month’s literary magazine reviews discuss stories and poems with magical realism, a friend named Toothbrush, “Sex at Seventy,” tales from serving in Iraq, golden shovel haiku sonnets, a ten-year-old who must guard the school mascot—her mother, redemption, striking visual art, arranged marriages, multiple wives, and even a man who attempts suicide in his wedding tuxedo. I also spy (with my little eye) a magazine featuring undergrad writers, one featuring writers that are 57+ in age, one with new editors, and one that is brand new. Magazines reviewed include:

A Cappella Zoo
Apalachee Review
Burnside Review
Catamaran Literary Reader
Catfish Creek
Cruel Garters
Exit 7
The Iowa Review
Nimrod International Journal
Smartish Pace
Soundings East
The Tusculum Review

Glimmer Train June Fiction Open Winners :: 2013

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their June Fiction Open competition. This competition is held quarterly. Stories generally range from 2000-6000 words, though up to 20,000 is fine. The next Fiction Open will take place in September. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: Philip Tate [pictured], of Cortland, NY, wins $2500 for “Reading Hemingway.” His story will be published in Issue 93 of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Vera Kurian, of Washington, DC, wins $1000 for “The Bleeding Room.” Her story will also be published in an upcoming issue of Glimmer Train Stories. This is her first story accepted for publication.

Third place: Geoff Wyss, of New Orleans, LA, wins $600 for “Misty.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching for the Short Story Award for New Writers: August 31. This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation over 5000. No theme restrictions. Most submissions to this category run 1500-5000 words, but can go up to 12,000. First place prize is $1500. Second/third: $500/$300. Click here for complete guidelines.

Long Poem Prize

The winners of The Malahat Review‘s Long Poem Prize are Claire Caldwell for “Osteogenesis” and Kim Trainor for “Nothing is Lost.” The final judges Elizabeth Bachinsky, Dave Margoshes, and Lorri Neilsen Glenn chose these pieces among 193 entries. Finalists include Michael Prior for “Marie (I-XII),” Genevieve Lehr for “the latter half of the third quarter of the waning moon,” Kim Trainor for “When they come to that country swept with light,” Eric Folsom for “The Senryu of Solomon,” and Chad Campbell for “February Towers.

About Caldwell’s “Osteogenesis,” the judges said, it ” is a different beast altogether. This narrative poem takes place in a university town and weaves together three stories: that of two young lovers; their friend M (a medical student) and her cadaver; and the decomposition of a great blue whale. These stories, as told by a young woman to her lover, unfold like a mystery that we can never quite solve.”

And about Trainor’s “Nothing is Lost,” they said, “explores the aftermath of the Srebrenica genocide in 1995 in which thousands of Bosnian Muslims were massacred. Such profound cultural and personal loss is almost beyond language. Taking as inspiration the International Committee of the Red Cross Book of Belongings, a publication of photographs and personal effects, the poet creates an alphabet of loss, weaving images of a glove, a marble, notebook, buttons – exquisitely particular personal items – with insights into the ways artifacts themselves become saturated with human sentience.”

Click here to read more about the pieces, the judges, and the authors.

High School Writers

Hanging Loose 102 features 4 writers that are of the high school age: Alexa Derman, Mika Kligler, Camille Petersen, and Mia Rosenberg. This is a regular section of the magazine. Here’s a sampling of Petersen’s work, “Birds on Fire”:

Written out it would sound like
A Latin church song
Wind climbing a staircase

It would be the yell of the man
Who says he has nothing to say
But writes letters to himself on the train
Secretly prays someone will ask him
What he is doing and why he is so alone
And why his eyes look like lacquered pumice
Trying to disintegrate

The boy of the atheists who walks himself
To church has a talent for eyes
He doesn’t ask questions
He just stares . . . 

MUDLARK eChapbooks and More

MUDLARK: An Electronic Journal of Poetry & Poetics (“Never in and never out of print…”) offers e-chapbooks as its “issues” publication in addition to “posters: the electronic equivalent of print broadsides: and “flash poems are poems that have news in them, poems that feel like current events.” The most current issue of MUDLARK (51) is the poetry chapbook Hone Creek by Rose McLarney.

Grain’s 40th Anniversary

Open to the first page of Grain Magazine‘s latest issue, and you’ll find a note that says, “If you are here for the party, please use the back door.” This issue marks their 40th Anniversary and is subtitled, “Making It.” In the editor’s note, Rilla Friesen writes, “‘Making It’ is, in one sense, about how we make our works what they are. Kyle Beal, our featured artist, writes, ‘I recently overheard a person remark at the novelty and forgotten pleasure of writing with a pencil. A timely real-life event that anecdotally affirms, or at least suggests, the notion that the act of note-leaving has become somewhat anachronistic, or at least quaint. A little like sitting down to make a drawing on a twelve-by-nine sheet of paper.’ Both Lund-Teigen and Beal prompted me to consider how writing is about making something, and we prepare the artefact that you now hold in your hands, the Grain team has made something too. And what we make is worth fighting for–literally and metaphorically.”

The issue features work by Tim Bowling, Lorna Crozier, Dorothy Field, Patrick Lane, Jeannette Lynes, rob mclennan, Jonathan Ball, Adrienne Gruber, David Carpenter, and more.

2011 and 2012 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards

Paterson Literary Review‘s 2013-2014 issue features the winners of the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards for both 2011 and 2012. Here are the top winners for each:

2011 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards
First Prize
Christopher Bursk
Charlotte Muse

Second Prize
Mark Hillringhouse
Sander Zulauf

Third Prize
Antoinette Libro

2012 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards
First Prize
Dante Di Stefano

Second Prize
Donna Spector
Carole Stone

Third Prize
Jim Reese

To see a list of honorable mentions for each (also included in this issue) as well as the 2013 winners, please visit this link.

Europa Editions Named Publisher of the Year by NAIBA

The New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association has selected Europa Editions for its Book of the Year Award. While the award is usually given to a single title, this year the committee decided to honor a publisher. According to Lucy Kogler, chair of the awards committee, “Each of Europa’s books is an artistic, original treasure that we are thrilled to place in our stores.”

“It is an honor for Europa Editions and a tribute to our authors,” Europa publisher Kent Carroll said upon the announcement. “I’ve been publishing Jane Gardam since my Carroll & Graf days, and I’m now privileged to also publish the likes of Elena Ferrante, Muriel Barbery, Steve Erickson, Damon Galgut, and Jean-Claude Izzo.”

The NAIBA award will be presented to Europa Editions at the organization’s annual awards banquet, to be held October 1 in Somerset, NJ.

–From Europa Editions

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Okay so by now it should really be “picks of the month.” There haven’t been any of these posts in a while, but that’s really just because there was a lull where we didn’t receive many new issues in the mail. But rest assured; NewPages went on vacation for a week, and I returned to find 2 large bins of litmags! So let me cease my rambling; I present you with my top picks/pics for this week:

New Orleans Review
Green Mountains Review
Cimarron Review

Witness – 2013

Redemption is at the heart of Witness magazine’s latest issue: “Heavy with religious and secular meaning, weighted with emotion, and anchored in morality, redemption is a frequent theme in literature.” This vast theme is examined and exposed in this offering of stories, poems, and essays from an award-winning literary journal. Continue reading “Witness – 2013”

The Citron Review – Summer 2013

Ask anyone here at NewPages, or anyone really who knows me, and they’ll tell you I can’t pass up anything cat-related that catches my eye. Anthony Santulli’s “Sorry for Your Loss,” though not necessarily sentimental, came to me only a day after my mother’s cat was put to sleep. Only a paragraph long, this short piece of nonfiction holds symbolism, even as the four of them “crawl up the stairs on all fours.” He writes, “What is it you’re holding on to? Is it the ninefold freedom of springtime shedding and arched backs, of sandpaper tongues and their baths?” Perfectly compact, and wonderfully cat-like. Continue reading “The Citron Review – Summer 2013”

A Cappella Zoo – Spring 2013

According to Wikipedia, Professor Matthew Strecher defines magic realism as “what happens when a highly detailed, realistic setting is invaded by something too strange to believe.” The article goes on to say that “magical realist texts create a reality ‘in which the relation between incidents, characters, and setting could not be based upon or justified by their status within the physical world or their normal acceptance by bourgeois mentality.’” Who wants to think of themselves as having a bourgeois mentality, accepting things as “normal” and thereby obstructing magical realism? Not me. This issue of A Cappella Zoo—entitled “Bestiary” because, I assume, it’s the best of the first demi-decade of this labor-of-love journal of magical realism of all kinds—completely dismantles whatever bourgeois mentality I, or you, may be harboring. It will charm you, in every sense of the word. Continue reading “A Cappella Zoo – Spring 2013”

Bodega – July 2013

Only just under a year of publication, Bodega seems to be in its element. This issue is cohesive; it works together, and not because of a theme or genre. Bodega pieces capture vivid imagery, placing words and phrases next to each other in surprising and delightful ways. Such as “we adopted the ferns / as our pets and spent long hours brushing their hair” (Sarah Burgoyne’s “Autobiography”), and, “When the floral bouquets are passed from a beautiful woman / and the ribbon is cut, one aquarium opens and another is drained.” (Jake Levine’s “Kim Jong Un Looking at Things”). Read both of these poems; they are seriously good. Continue reading “Bodega – July 2013”

Hot Metal Bridge – Summer 2013

This issue is titled “Sustenance and Survival,” and while the editors claim that the most direct connection would be through stories about food, the pieces “expand our definitions of nourishment.” Editor-in-Chief Leigh Thomas writes, “this selection of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry offers up a feast of ways to envision sustaining ourselves that have very little–if anything at all–to do with food (at least as we normally imagine it).” Continue reading “Hot Metal Bridge – Summer 2013”

Catamaran Literary Reader – Summer 2013

Color is what first struck me with Catamaran Literary Reader. A quick flip through the pages reveals not only the abundance of visual artwork, but also the vibrancy of their colors and movement. The cover is “Jump #5,” one oil painting among four in the issue by Sarah Bianco which depicts several people in different stages of a leap downward against a background of yellow, blue, and red. It’s hard to tell where they will land. I want to guess that the cover was chosen to match Catamaran’s emphasis on the “California regional themes of environmentalism, personal freedom, innovation, and artistic spirit.” For ages, people have come to California to live their dreams. For many, the move must have felt like a leap into a beautiful unknown. Continue reading “Catamaran Literary Reader – Summer 2013”

Catfish Creek – 2013


Catfish Creek

Volume 3


Review by Mary Florio

Loras College, which publishes the national undergraduate literary journal Catfish Creek, sits near the banks of the Mississippi River in Dubuque, Iowa. The contributors hail from colleges across the country, but it is through Loras, which is serving as a kind of modern-day Paris in uniting these writers, that we see their work collected and their spirits compiled.

Continue reading “Catfish Creek – 2013”

Cruel Garters – 2013

The mission and vision of Cruel Garters is “to publish both well-established and newer voices in a small, stripped-down publication that minimizes literary trappings and focuses on the work itself.” They state they prefer “the short, lyrical, and odd but are most interested in work with its own voice and aesthetic.” Continue reading “Cruel Garters – 2013”

Exit 7 – Spring 2013

Published by faculty members and students of West Kentucky Community and Technical College, the Spring 2013 issue of Exit 7 features fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art originating from a wide range of geographical and stylistic traditions. The volume is slim and handsome, bookended by images of paintings by Bo Bartlett, whose work is also showcased in the middle of the journal. Continue reading “Exit 7 – Spring 2013”

The Iowa Review – Spring 2013

American soldiers maintain a fine tradition that is far removed from the work they do abroad: they create great literature that helps the rest of us understand the true nature of the battles fought on our behalf. Kurt Vonnegut helps us understand World War II in the European theater, and Tim O’Brien offers the rest of us a visceral account of how it felt to be an American soldier in My Lai only months after the massacre. This issue of The Iowa Review spotlights the work of soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading “The Iowa Review – Spring 2013”

Parcel – Spring 2013

The magazine Parcel is a city of mirages, each component story its own minaret and long stretch of shadow. One such structure is Rebecca Emanuelsen’s short exercise “Transmissions.” I found it especially evocative of the power of allegory. The characters channel various spirits from different continents and eras. We have the brooding Bronte men and the sequestered Burnett children, the precocious du Maurier innocents and the brittle old women who will always transcend time with the ultimate lubricant of such travel—old money. I felt that Emanuelsen teased this reader too much with allusion, where the word “quite” infected the page and the aforementioned characters did seem borrowed from other casts, but she wrote a story I couldn’t put down. The premise is that of a bookseller who becomes entrapped in a strange thread. (Yes, it leads her to an unexpected peace, but you won’t guess where). Her opening is perfect: “Olette wakes one morning to find a string running taut from her left ear canal out through the crack beneath her bedroom door. She sits up and touches the place where the thread connects to her head, perplexed by its presence.” Continue reading “Parcel – Spring 2013”

Smartish Pace – 2013

If there is one thing you can count on when it comes to literary journals it is that Smartish Pace will always produce a solid body of poetry in each and every issue. This issue is thoughtfully constructed, well crafted, and satisfying. Coming up on its fourteenth year of publication, Smartish Pace is only getting stronger. Continue reading “Smartish Pace – 2013”

Soundings East – Fall 2012

After everyone decided that Google changed the way Americans think, certain technocrats decided that we read differently too—gone were the days of “linear” reading: enter the temporary narrative, with Chaucer in the bathroom, Proust in the kitchen, Ginsberg in the den, collectively a kind of horizontal homage to Lowell or anyone who could compete with the subtitles of the foreign films playing in the bedroom. It could be that these alphabetic adventurers simply wanted a literary magazine, with twenty-five different voices in one compact book of leaves. Soundings East, for example, captures that American premise well. It showcases the end of moral innocence (Doug Margeson’s “The Education of Arthur Woehmer”), the liberation of internees at Santo Tomas University in the Philippines in 1942 (Anne-Marie Cadwallader’s “Waiting”), and a love story complex enough to cross time and space and species (Janet Yoder’s “Getting to Misha”). But what I found especially nonlinear about the enterprise was the way that the writing began. Continue reading “Soundings East – Fall 2012”

The Tusculum Review – 2013

Halfway through The Tusculum Review, I feel like I have to come up for air: so much of it seems to take place in a small space, i.e., the writers’ and the characters’ heads. The poems jump from one time or image or location to another within the space of two lines, though individual sentences and fragments offer the occasional reward. Some of the essays are entirely cerebral, while others are a more traditional mix of storytelling and meditation. The stories, while mostly well-written, don’t quite hit the mark, and I’m left wondering: is there more? Continue reading “The Tusculum Review – 2013”

upstreet – 2013

Richard Farrell, the creative nonfiction editor of upstreet magazine, opens the 2013 issue with a short essay about a boy who finds unexpected treasure: “Sea levels rise dramatically . . . Thousands of stones have washed up and cover the beach, as if the sea’s reliquary has emptied its contents at the child’s feet.” The stories, essays, and poems in this issue are like the stones found on Farrell’s beach: polished and smooth to the touch. Continue reading “upstreet – 2013”

Sign Up Now: 100 Thousand Poets for Change

September 28, 2013 marks the third annual global event of 100 Thousand Poets for Change, a grassroots organization that brings poets, artists, musicians, and photographers together to call for environmental, social, and political change, within the framework of peace and sustainability. The local focus is key to this global event as communities around the world raise their voices through concerts, readings, workshops, flash mobs and demonstrations that speak to the heart of their specific area of concerns, such as homelessness, ecocide, racism and censorship.

“Peace and sustainability is a major concern worldwide, and the guiding principle for this global event,” said Michael Rothenberg, Co-Founder of 100 Thousand Poets for Change. “We are in a world where it isn’t just one issue that needs to be addressed. A common ground is built through this global compilation of local stories, which is how we create a true narrative for discourse to inform the future.”

Organizers and participants are hoping through their actions and events to seize and redirect the political and social dialogue of the day and turn the narrative of civilization towards peace and sustainability. Those that want to get involved can visit www.100tpc.org to find an event near them or sign up to organize one in their area.

About 100 Thousand Poets for Change

Co-Founder Michael Rothenberg is a widely known poet, editor of the online literary magazine Bigbridge.org and an environmental activist based in Northern California. Terri Carrion is a poet, translator, photographer, and editor and visual designer for BigBridge.org.

The 30/30 Project: Call for Poets

From Tupelo Press: At the turn of the year we introduced you to the 30/30 Project, in which volunteer poets run the equivalent of a “poetry marathon,” writing 30 poems in 30 days, while the rest of us “sponsor” and encourage them every step of the way. Since then, nearly 75 poets have participated! This month’s “runners” are Lynn Doyle, Karen L. George, Mariela Griffor, Rachel Kubie, Denise Rodriguez, M. E. Silverman, and Scott Whitaker. You can read their poems and cheer their progress here. There are still a few slots open for September, so you’d like to volunteer, please contact kmiles-at-tupelopress.org with your offer, a brief bio, and three sample poems.

International Film Studies Online Journal: Alphaville

Alphaville offers a dynamic international forum open to the discussion of all aspects of film history, theory and criticism through multiple research methodologies and perspectives. Alphaville aims to cultivate inspiring, cutting-edge research, and particularly welcomes work produced by early career researchers in Film and Screen Media. The editors seek work that engages with current debates and especially invite contributions that display a clear engagement with methodological issues.

“The journal is open access to fully contribute to international debates in film and screen studies and beyond, and welcomes essays, festival and conference reports and book reviews, as well as print, audio and filmed interviews.

“Alphaville is the first fully peer-reviewed online film journal in Ireland. It is edited by staff and PhD and postdoctoral researchers in Film Studies at University College Cork. It is published twice a year, in Summer and Winter, with both open and themed issues that aim to provoke debate in the most topical issues in film and screen studies.”

Literary Magazine Updates :: August 08, 2013

NewPages continues to help our readers locate great resources with the latest additions:

The NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines:
Live Mag! Image
Radio Silence Image
Jonathan Image
Jewish Fiction .net [O]
Graze Image
Tears in the Fence Image
Bent Ear Review [O] – MusePie Press
Concho River Review LP]
Cruel Garters Image
The London Magazine Image
Gris-Gris [O]
Skin 2 Skin [O]
Decades Review [O]
Split Rock Review [O]
Kenning Journal [O]
The Missing Slate [O]
Atlas Review Image
Dandelion Farm Review [O]
Pachinko! [O]
The Vehicle [O]
Poeticdiversity [O]
Driftless Review [O]
Looseleaf Tea [O]
Bodega [O]
The St. Sebastian Review [O]
Cant Image
The Topaz Review [O]
Niche [O]
Promptly [O]
(em) [E]

[E] = electronic publication for e-readers
[O] = online magazines
Image = print magazine

Writing Conferences, Workshops, Retreats, Centers, Residencies, Book & Literary Festivals:
The Virtual Poetry Seminars – university of Iowa
NYU Summer Publishing Institute
Raymond Carver Festival
Between the Lines
Writing & Illustrating for Young Readers
Summer Fiction Writing Intensive – UC Berkeley
Nora Roberts Writing Institute
Historical Novel Society US Conference
Green River Writer’s Workshop
Smith College Young Women’s Writing Workshop
Prairie Writers’ Workshop – willa cather foundation
U.S. Poets in Mexico

Literary Links:
Emerald Bolts
The Lost Country
Fiction Vortex
New York Dreaming
Paper Tape

The NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines:
Commons Magazine [O]

EU-topías Online Journal of Interculturality, Communicatio and Eurpoean Studies

EU-topías, a Journal on Interculturality, Communication and European Studies, was founded in 2011 and is published bi-annually by the Department of Theory of Languages and Communication Studies of the University of Valencia, Spain, and by The Global Studies Institute of the Université de Genève, Switzerland.

“The journal’s principal aims are: 1) to study the multiple cultures constituting the global village we live in and its intrinsically intercultural articulation; 2) to analyse the role played by the media as self-appointed “interested mediators” in their attempt to naturalize their vision of reality in the social imaginary and 3) to open up a debate within the project of a European community conceived of as a cultural common space, rather than merely an economic one.

“Eu-topías seeks to intervene in cultural critique leaving behind the false idea of a unified, totalizing field of knowledge, understood as a sum of compartmentalized disciplines. It focuses instead on partial approaches, historically located both in space and time; it assumes that the plural, fragmented and contradictory configuration of reality compels us to introduce an interdiscursive and interdisciplinary dialogue in the organization of knowledge.”

Chilean Poetry

New from Diálogos Books (Lavender Ink imprint): The Alteration of Silence: Recent Chilean Poetry edited by Galo Ghigliotto and William Allegrezza.

“Chile is rich with poetic history, yet in the U.S., Chilean poetry is known through only a handful of its great poets. Little recent poetry has been translated, so it is hard for even those enchanted by Chilean poetry to learn more unless they speak Spanish. Many of these living poets are doing fascinating work, creating their own poetry, but also fostering the literary community in Chile and Latin America by starting presses and reading series, by editing journals and by giving presentations. Their energy is apparent in the translations. This book shows the continuation of Chile’s cultural history, but it also shows the diversity of Chile’s contemporary poetry through lyrical, experimental, political, social, and many other types of poetry.”

Contributors to The Alteration of Silence include the following poets: Adán Méndez, Alejandro Zambra, Alexis Figueroa , Cami lo Brodsky, César Cabello Elizabeth Neira, Germán Carrasco, Gustavo Barrera , Jaim e Huenún Rodrigo Morales, Soledad Fariña, Sergio Coddou, Victor Hugo Díaz, Yanko González, Carlos Cociña, Christian Formoso, Carlos Soto Román, José Ángel Cuevas, Carmen Berenguer, Elvira Hernández, Malú Urriola, Héctor Hernández Montecinos, Galo Ghigliotto. Carlos Henrickson, Raúl Zurita, Leonardo Sanhueza, Gloria Dünkler, and Jaime Pinos.

Translated by the following translators: Daniel Borzutzky, Irma Blanco Casey, Stuart Cooke. John Dewitt, Edgar Garcia, Lea Graham, Paul Hendricks, Rebeka Lembo, Ricardo Maldonado, Jose-Luis Moctezuma, J.D. Smith, and Donald Wellman.

ISBN 978-1935084167
330 pages: $26.95
August, 2013

Craft Essay Series: Ottawa Poets “On Writing”

rob mclennan has begun to curate “an occasional series” of “short essays presented on a variety of subjects surrounding the nebulous idea of ‘on writing'” on the Ottawa Poetry Newsletter blog. Written by Ottawa poets who are either current or former residents of the City of Ottawa, McLennan says he is open to considering further pieces.

Currently on its sixth installment, the series features:

On Writing #6: Summer. Ottawa. 2013.
Faizel Deen

On Writing #5 : Who knew?
Michael Dennis

On Writing #4 : On Process
Michael Blouin

On Writing #3 : On writing (and not writing)
rob mclennan

On Writing #2 : Community
Amanda Earl

On Writing #1 : A little less inspiration, please
(Or, What ever happened to patrons, anyway?)
Anita Dolman

CFP :: Teaching College LIterature

Have you taught a terrific literature class recently? Contributions are solicited for a web resource focused on teaching English literature at the college/university level, Teaching College Literature, launched in 2012.

Teaching College Literature welcomes submissions in the following areas:

• Articles (length: 2500-6000 words);
• Sample syllabi and/or assignments: please include a brief commentary on the course and remove personal information such as addresses and phone numbers;
• Teaching tips (length 1500-3000 words);
• Media: videos, PowerPoints and other media;
• Suggestions for links to resources including journals, blogs, websites and other media.

Craft Essays: Glimmertrain Bulletin :: August 2013

The August issue of Glimmer Train’s eBulletin features craft essays by writers whose works have recently appeared in Glimmer Train Stories:

Gillian Burnes offers a humorous but pointed commentary (and writers challenge) on the “Two Minds” of writers – free association and restraint. Long division, listing, and narrating the thoughts of a cockroach are just a few of the practices she has put herself through.

In “Poking the Tiger – Thoughts on Characterization and Story-Building,” Daivid Bock writes: “We all carry contradictions and trivialities within us, and not everything has to line up perfectly in a character’s profile. In fact, I’d say the jagged edge of paradox and contradiction brings a character closer to the truth of what it is to be human.”

Also on the topic of character, Tracy Guzeman begins her brief essay with, “I know what my characters look like.” But ends with, “…an elusive and movable object.” The in between is what writers “settle for,” which can, she argues, have great benefit.

And Tom Kealey focuses his essay on dialogue, acknowledging that crossover point where “characters start saying thigns I didn’t quite expect them to say,” and instilling the importance of the reader and writer reconnecting “to the playfulness and power of the spoken word.”

The bulletin is a free, monthly publication.

August Broadsided

This month’s Broadsided collaborators are poet Camille Dungy (Smith Blue) and artist Caleb Brown. Their work “Where bushes periodically burn, children fear other children: girls” is available for download and postering around your city. Become a Broadside Vector – it’s never too late to start!

Brevity Poetry Review Goes Under

Brevity Poetry Review has announced via email that they are closing the magazine permanently. Unfortunately, it appears as if the website and the archives no longer exist. “I offer my sincerest apologies and thank you for your understanding,” writes the editor

Don’t Go Knocking on Knock’s Door

Knock Magazine, a print magazine that has published sixteen issues since its start, is now closing its doors to submissions, and the publication is being put on hold indefinitely. However, the site will remain online so that writers and readers can inquire about subscriptions, back issues, and copyrights. Until they last, back issues can be purchased by contacting the editor.

Masha’allah and Other Stories

Masha’allah and Other Stories by Mariah K. Young, recipient of the James D. Houston Award, is a book of nine short stories that take place in the Bay Area of California. Young, enlivened by the energy and spirit of the streets, uses an empathic voice to imagine the lives of those around her living in financial insecurity as they cobble together a living with various gigs, pot drop-offs, random parties to bartend, limo drivers with pick-ups, men meeting in clusters to be day laborers. She writes about those trapped and pushing against economic restraints: people induced to come to America under false promises by their own countrymen, minorities finding ways to use their talents to catch the rung up out of what they were born into, immigrants constructing a forged identity to become citizens, a teenage girl who escapes the life of her parents’ illegal operation to breed dogs for dog fighting. Young’s empathic voice lets us feel the humanity of the characters beyond class and ethnicity . . . “they are us.” Even though it may not be their voice and the way they would express their experiences, or even their ethos, we are given a path to cross over to them. Continue reading “Masha’allah and Other Stories”

Our Man in Iraq

What can a novel show us that a textbook might not? Perhaps it can demonstrate how people truly live and breathe in any historical point in time. When I was young, novels like Robert Olen Butler’s Alleys of Eden presented an experience of what the American debacle in Vietnam was like. Richard Wright’s Black Boy revealed a world so alien to me, a Midwestern white boy, that I could hardly believe it was real. The Orphan Master’s Son took me to North Korea. Of course I studied history books in school and on my own, but it was the novels that left an imprint as if they were true memories. They took me to real places. Continue reading “Our Man in Iraq”