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At the NewPages Blog readers and writers can catch up with their favorite literary and alternative magazines, independent and university presses, creative writing programs, and writing and literary events. Find new books, new issue announcements, contest winners, and so much more!

Staff Changes at NewPages

NewPages was fortunate to have on staff both Gina Myers, Book Review Editor, and Jeremy Benson, Literary Magazine Review Editor. However, both have moved on to new ventures. Gina accepted a position as the Communications Coordinator in the Division of Campus Life at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Jeremy literally moved on to greener pastures, taking the summer to work on a farm in Minnesota. We wish the best to both of them and feel certain we’ll see them again in other literary venues (as well as contributing reviews to NewPages when they can).

NewPages now welcomes two new staffers:

Magazine Review Editor Jennifer VandeZande
Jennifer comes to NewPages from radio, television, and the freelance writing world. The Michigan Association of Broadcasters awarded her several times for her work writing and producing feature and journalistic pieces for Public Radio. In addition, she has written for the online cultural magazine, 360MainStreet.com. She is eager to embark on this course with NewPages and looks forward to gathering the finest reviews from experienced writers as well as introducing new writers to the art of reviewing. More than anything, she wants to help NewPages continue its celebration of the literary magazine and review.

Book Review Editor Holly Zemsta
Much of Holly’s career has revolved around books, whether editing, publicizing, or selling them. She previously worked in publishing and news media in the Chicago area before spending a couple of years doing studio catalog photography. Now, as the NewPages book review editor, Holly is happy to be involved in the literary world again. She looks forward to working with the talented reviewers who contribute to NewPages, as well as recruiting others who would like to assist us in bringing attention to the work of small and independent presses.

Fiddlehead All Fiction

The Fiddlehead #248 is the Summer Fiction Issue and features works by Elisabeth Harvor, Bill Gaston, Alice Petersen, Douglas Glover, Katherine Govier, J.M. Villaverde, Forrest Orser, Matthew Swaye, ML West, Andrew Smith, Wayne McIntyre, F.W. Birt, Gregory Foran, Rea Tarvydas, Leon Rooke, Rebecca Rosenblum, and Clark Blaise. The issue also includes a full section of reviews of new and recent fiction titles. Table of contents is available on The Fiddlehead website.

[Cover art Cover by R

The Long Poem / Series Issue

The newest American Letters & Commentary (Issue #22) includes a special feature dedicated to “the long poem/series.” In the introduction to the feature, Editors Catherine Kasper and David Ray Vance write: “In western literary culture, ‘The Long Poem’ is as ancient as the epic…For literary magazine editors, however, long poems or series can be problematic. Works that are interlinked and lengthy often run up against the financial realities of small press production. Even where money isn’t an issue and editors have plenty of pages to work with, they’re often reluctant to devote too much space to a single author. And so, long poems and series are largely eschewed in favor of work that can fit in the space of a page.” They go on to discuss Lynn Keller’s perspective about the perseverance and reinvention of the long poem as it continues today, and their decision to dedicate space to “longer” works in this issue.

The special feature includes a series of oil paintings (full color) by Caryn Friedlander, and long poems or poems in a series by Cecily Parks, Laura Goldsteins, Dan Kaplan, Megan Kaminski, Darin Ciccotelli, Jenny Gropp Hess, Sarah Mangold, James Meetze, Ailish Hopper, Pattabi Seshadri, Terence Huber, Jakob Stein, Nathan Hauke, Alexandra Mattraw, Joyelle Mcsweeney, Rebecca Givens Rolland, and Steve Barbaro.

[Cover art by Caryn Friedlander.]

Daniel Nester on Origin Stories

“Every child relies on someone else to make ground for their origin story, where their body comes from. My first memory takes place in my grandparents’ backyard, where my mother is showing me a broken milk bottle. She tells me that I ‘have to use big people glasses now.’ No more bottles. It’s one of those maternal dupes, a necessary deception to move things along. My mother denies this ever happened. I remember it vividly, down to the poison ivy under the bush, brushing against my legs.”

Daniel Nester, from “The Writer is Present,” published in the independent online lit mag Painted Bride Quarterly #84

New Lit on the Block :: The Jet Fuel Review

The first issue of Lewis University’s The Jet Fuel Review is now online. This student-run literary journal showcases poetry, prose, visual art, and other creative compositions from Lewis students to award-winning authors of books. The second issue of the review will publish in the fall and is open for submissions through September.

The inaugural issue includes:

Fiction by Lucile Barker, Mark Jacobs, Jane Lebak, George Miller, William Sullivan;

Poetry by William Allegrezza, Salvatore Attardo, Hadara Bar-Nadav, Mary Biddinger, Jaswinder Bolina, Jason Bredle, Marcel Brouwers, Meriwether Clarke, Patrick Culliton, Brandon Downing, Gail Eisenhart, Rich Furman, John Gallaher, Howard Good, Sheila Hageman, Brandi Homan, Audrey Keiffer, Alan King, Becca Klaver, Karyna McGlynn, Laura Merleau, George Miller, Jacob Oet, Emmanuel Pendola, Tonya Peterson, Diana Raab, Dean Rader, Michael Robins, Kathleen Rooney & Elisa Gabbert, Michael San Filippo, Patricia Seyburn, Fiona Sinclair, Sean Singer, Lawrence Sisk, Joseph Somoza, Jennifer Sweeney, Truth Thomas, Lina Ramona Vitkauskas;

Art by Kim Ambriz, Melissa Chicola, Julie Clack, Audrey Heiberger, William Hicks, Eric Lee, Grant Palmer, Tonya Peterson, Michael San Filippo;

And an exclusive interview with author Brigid Pasulka.

Weave Magazine: The Clothesline Insert

The newest issue of Weave Magazine (Issue 6) includes a unique insert – inspired by the cover art by deona fish. The insert is eight paper pages with a muslin cover, stamped with the art title “the clothesline.” It is sewn onto the inside front cover, the line of the stitch follows the clothesline on the cover art. The insert features the works of Andrew Knock, Rebecca Dunham, Sarah Machinak, Jane McCafferty, and Mary O’Donnell, and is, in its own way, a celebration and appreciation of the in-your-hand print publication. As Founding Editor Laura E. Davis notes: “With electronic publishing on the rise, Weave remains committed to print.” And readers like me will do likewise, with great appreciation for these creative endeavors.

Updates to NewPages Guides :: July 26, 2011

The following have been added to various guides in NewPages.

If you have something you would like listed on NewPages, please see our FAQ page or contact us directly.

The NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines
Image = online publication
ADANNA – feminist poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, visual art Image
Her Royal Majesty – poetry, fiction, photography, artwork, recipes Image
Neon – poetry, prose
Mandala Journal – poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art Image
Twenty20 Journal – poetry, fiction, visual art Image
trans lit mag – fiction, poetry, artwork, literary nonfiction
past simple – poetry
Inlandia – stories, poems, novel excerpts, memoir, images
751 Magazine – poetry, short fiction, nonfiction, reviews
Saxifrage Press – poetry, fiction, art
Algebra – fiction, memoir, poetry, photography
Loaded Bicycle – poetry, art, translation
Hippocampus – nonfiction, essays, memoir, interviews, reviews Image
Women in REDzine – poetry, prose, artwork, audio, video
ONandOnScreen – poetry, video
Litro Magazine – poetry, fiction, nonfiction Image
Menacing Hedge – poetry, fiction, artwork Image
ONandOnScreen – poetry, video Image
Trigger – poetry, fiction, visual art Image

Misc Literary Blogs and Websites
The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts – micro fiction, flash fiction, prose poetry, compressed poetry & visual arts
Poetry24 – blog of news-related and topical poetry
Joyland – short fiction
escarp – Twitter lit
Radius – poetry, prose
Referential Magazine – poetry, fiction, nonfiction

Independent Publishers and University Presses
Aquarius Press
Off the Grid Press

Writing Conferences, Workshops, Retreats, Centers, Residencies & Book & Literary Festivals
Strokestown International Poetry Festival
Hampton Roads Writers’ Conference
LiTFUSE: A Poets’ Workshop
North Coast Redwoods Writers’ Conference

New Lit on the Block :: Still Point Arts Quarterly

Still Point Art Gallery is a virtually art gallery that opened its first show on April 14, 2009. The Gallery presents several group exhibitions each year “organized around a topic or theme as a way to attract a wide range of artists and as a way to creatively curate the exhibitions to the online public.” The Gallery also presents work from a number of “Gallery Artists” whose submissions for exhibitions “were so skillful and engaging that they were invited to show more of their art for a longer period of time.”

Still Point Arts Quarterly is The Gallery’s print publication. Along with extensive art portfolios, Still Point Arts Quarterly prints short articles and essays (approximately 400-1500 words) about art. These are not articles about art methods, techniques, art supplies, equipment, art marketing, building a website, etc., but rather The Quarterly seeks “provocative and original material that is about art, the idea of art, the making of art, being an artist, creativity, inspiration, the artist’s subject, the artist’s relation to his or her medium.”

The second issue includes art portfolios by Michal Barkai, Jeanne Bessette, Stephen and Tomasko; articles: “A Confession in Clay” by Amanda Wolfe, “A Terrible Lucidity” by Joyce Glasner, “Learning to Draw” by Peter Steinhart, and “The Art of Noise” by Riley Passmore; and poetry by Charlotte F. Otten, and Michelle Ward-Kantor.

An overview of this content is available on the publication’s website, as well as full submission guidelines for The Gallery as well as The Quarterly.

Lishanu Re-emerges

Lishanu is an online haikai journal, presenting work across the haikai range – haiku and renku, haibun and haiga – with a significant difference: the journal is interlingual. This means that every item is published bilingually – in English and at least one other language. The goal of Lishanu is to promote haiku in a truly international way.

Languages represented in issue #2 include Afrikaans, Croatian, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Macedonian, Nepali, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, and Swedish.

First published online in 2005, Lishanu fell silent until now. Norman Darlington, founder and editor-in-chief, welcomes readers back with this brand new issue and a call for submissions to continue the publication. Issue #3 will be published by early 2012, but, Darlington notes, “depending on quality and quantity of submissions, we may bring this date substantially forward.”

In addition to Darlingon, the Lishanu editorial team consists of the following language editors:

Claire Chatelet (French)
Gerd Börner (German)
Jasminka Nadaškić-Djordjević (Serbian)
Tomislav Maretić (Croatian)
Maya Lyubenova (Bulgarian)
Valeria Simonova-Cecon (Russian)
Carlos Fleitas (Spanish)
Andrea Cecon (Italian)

Gemini Magazine 2011 Short Story Contest Winners

“My Beautiful, Brash, Beastly Belfast,” by Seamus Scanlon, wins the Gemini Magazine 2011 Short Story Contest and the $1,000 prize.

The second place prize of $100 goes to Paul Hellweg for “Little Chang.”

Honorable Mentions:

“Eyes Wide Open” by Colleen Quinn
“Cecilio Breaks the Law” by Mary E. Nelson
“The Stone Carver” by Ann Marie Samson

Read the winning stories and more at www.gemini-magazine.com.

New Lit on the Block :: Printer’s Devil Review

Editor & Fiction Editor Thomas Dodson introduces the first issue of Printer’s Devil Review by presenting two stories on the origin of the term “printer’s devil” and likening the efforts of this new journal to that of the apprentice version of the story: “We are not publishing industry professionals, but rather practicing writers and artists who volunteer our time to bring work we admire to a wider audience. Because we’ve never published a journal before, we accept that we’re bound to botch pages, spill ink everywhere, and occasionally step on some toes. At the same time, we want to indicate our desire to encourage writers and artists who are, like us, in the journeyman stage of their creative careers. The magazine exists specifically to provide new and emerging writers and artists with access to publication.”

The first issue, available in full online as a pdf download, features fiction by Norah Piehl, Cat Ennis Sears, Christine Gentry, and Kate Racculia, photographs by Jarrod McCabe and paintings by Sean Flood, and poetry by Franz Wright, Kendra DeColo, Laura Cherry, Chris Hall, Mary Beth O’Connor, and Suzanne Frischkorn.

You can also get Printer’s Devil Review for your iPad, iPhone, or Ipod Touch from Apple’s iBookstore for $1 download.

Additional staff members working on the publication include Fiction Editor Kate Estrop, Nonfiction Editor Chris Willard, Poetry Editors Ian Poole and Bonnie Rubrecht, Visual Arts Editors Jess Barnett and Joshi Radin, and Editorial Consultant Timothy Gager.

Printer’s Devil Review is open for submissions for their second issue until August 1.

Glimmer Train Short Story Award for New Writers Winners :: July 2011

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their Short Story Award for New Writers. This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation greater than 5000. The next Short Story Award competition will take place in August. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: James Smart [Pictured], of Hull, England, wins $1200 for “Building Butterflies.” His story will be published in the Fall 2012 issue of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Andrew Bales, also of Wichita, KS, wins $500 for “The Empire Builder.”

Third place: Craig Barnes, of Portsmouth, NH, wins $300 for “The Sky and the Sun Coming Over the Earth.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching for Very Short Fiction Award: July 31

Glimmer Train hosts this competition twice a year, and first place is $1200 plus publication in the journal. It’s open to all writers, no theme restrictions, and the word count must not exceed 3000. Click here for complete guidelines.

Best of (Poetry) Blog Wanted

Northern Poetry Review (Canada) is looking for “your best piece on any subject related to poetry” for posting with a link to your blog, either in a special update or one or two at a time. No strict word limit, but somewhere between one thousand and four thousand words would be ideal.

Submissions for 25 Cities Project

From the Avery website:

For four years, Avery has been publishing emerging authors alongside established ones; young writers alongside older; women alongside men; urban alongside rural. Every single page of our book is devoted to the unpublished short story, so we’ve been able to get over ninety short stories out into the world.

And yet, no matter how widely we cast the net, we’re always going to miss a few states, a few cities, a few voices. Sometimes a story’s voice is too good, too different, too true to fit into an issue.

We decided something had to be done.

The 25 Cities Project is our effort to offer readers even more variety, to encourage writers from more diverse backgrounds to throw their hats in the ring. The short story has been evolving for quite some time now, and through each phase we see changes in style, tone, mood. Above all else, though, we see and seek out changes in voice. So much depends upon who’s telling us the story, and from what vantage point they’re telling.

Visit Avery for a full list of cities, submissions received thus far (some cities still not represented!) and guidelines. PHOTOGRAPHY submissions are also being accepted.

Tupelo Press 2011 First/Second Book Award Winner

Tupelo Press has announced the winner plus runners-up and finalists of their 2011 First/Second Book Award as selected by D. A. Powell:

Lantern Puzzle by Ye Chun (叶春) of Columbus, Missouri [Photo Credit: Shawn Flanagan]

Malachi Black of Provincetown, Massachusetts for Storm Toward Morning
Juliette Rodeman of Columbia, Missouri for Reckless Fire

The Editors of Tupelo Press singled out for Honorable Mention Kathy Nilsson of Cambridge, Massachusetts for The Infant Scholar.

Other Distinguished Finalists:
Joseph Campana of Houston, Texas for Natural Selections (withdrew prior to judging, won the Iowa Prize)
J.L. Conrad of Madison, Wisconsin for Disaster Fruit
Rebecca Hazelton of Madison, Wisconsin for Fair Copy
Anna Journey of Fairfax, Virginia for Whisper to the Hive
Stacy Kidd of Stillwater, Oklahoma for Red House Over Yonder
David Roderick of Greensboro, North Carolina for Dear Suburb
Siobhán Scarry of Ridgewood, New Jersey for Pilgrimly
Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer of St. Louis, Missouri for Clarkston St. Polaroids
Eliot Khalil Wilson of Denver, Colorado for This Island of Dogs

This annual competition has historically been open to any poet writing in English who has not previously published a full-length collection of poetry. In 2011, in recognition of how difficult publishing a second book can be, Tupelo Press also accepted submissions of manuscripts from poets who have previously published one full-length book of poems.

Menda City Review on Hiatus

Menda City Review Founding Editor Terry Rogers writes, “It’s been a pleasure to see this little literary project I started more than five years ago grow to the mature collection of letters that it is today. But, well, my fire for this project is burning out. Upon completion of this issue, number eighteen, I’ll be taking an indefinite break from the publication of MCR. The site itself and all its contents will remain intact – I care far too much for our contributors to allow their creations to vanish, and the cost of publication has been paid for this year. There is a chance that I’ll catch my breath and resume afresh in 2012 – I am allowing for that possibility. At this point, however, I’m leaning more toward finding a suitable and reasonably-competent publisher (or college) to whom I can relinquish complete ownership and control. If you have any sincere ideas for me, please share them in an email, and I’ll certainly consider them.”

Binge Press: Instant Chapbooks & Mini Broadsides

Jodiann Stevenson and Rebecca Hardin-Thrift are the editorial effort behind Binge Press, dedicated to publishing poetry written by women only. Their most recent production includes a series of “instant chapbooks” – half-size, saddle-stiched booklets featuring the works of one poet (Gina Myers, Ashley Niedzwiecki, Robin F. Brox, Elizabeth Kerlikowske) – and “mini broadsides” – full-color, glossy business cards on one side promoting Binge Press, and on the other, one poem by each of the chapbook poets. Stevenson recently completed a reading tour with several of the poets, and is currently accepting submissions for a new series. To read more about Binge Press, purchase chapbooks/broadsides, or review the submissions guidelines, visit their website.

New Lit on the Block :: Trigger

Christopher Lowe is the editor and Carli Castellani the artistic director of Trigger, a new bi-annual publication from Status Hat Productions that showcases fiction, poetry, and visual art. Available online, each edition of Trigger will focus exclusively on a different topic relating to the exploration of narrative’s role in the arts. The first edition, released on July 1, is a collaborative project, pairing visual artists with writers – eight artists and eight writers shared works to create 16 new creations. Each of the contributors was also asked to share notes about their process and approach to the response pieces they created as part of the project.

Contributors to this first issue include Meagan Dye, J. Bruce Fuller, Russie Wight-Waltman, Erica McCreedy, Marjorie Maddox, Hillary Joubert, Mojie Crigler, Gabrielle Grace, John Peterson, Howie Good, Emily Alford, Liam Daly, Ryan De La Hoz, Joshua Canipe, Steven Brown, and Tim Bruehl.

Ilya Kaminsky Broadside Available [Repost]

Tupelo Press has a limited edition, dual-language broadside of Ilya Kaminsky’s “Author’s Prayer” from his collection Dancing in Odessa. Each numbered broadside has been printed by hand on Rives Heavyweight, a French mould-made 100% cotton paper. Typesetting, woodcut, and printing by Josef Berry in Free Union, Virginia, January 2011. Both unsigned and signed copies are available. You can also listen to a recording of Ilya Kaminksy’s reading of “Author’s Prayer” from the website of “From the Fishouse,” a nonprofit that promotes the aural tradition of poetry, and on YouTube, both see and hear Kaminsky reading at the Berkeley Lunch Poems series.

Additional Note from TP: “Because we can only pray for art, but can actually do something tangible about hatred, injustice and the sufferings of children, Tupelo Press will donate 10% of every dollar received for this magnificent broadside to a worthy nonprofit organization. This month we will donate to Join with Joplin, a program designed to raise funds to assist seniors displaced or injured in the recent Joplin, Missouri tornado.”

[NP Note: I ordered a copy of this broadside, and it is GORGEOUS.]

August 2011 Postcard Poetry Festival

From Lana Ayers (and HIGHLY recommended by myself!):

The August 2011 Postcard Poetry Fest is now open for registration!

Here’s what’s involved:

Get yourself at least 31 postcards. These can be found at book stores, thrift shops, online, drug stores, antique shops, museums, gift shops. (You’ll be amazed at how quickly you become a postcard addict.)

On or about July 27th, write an original poem right on a postcard and mail it to the person on the list below your name. (If you are at the very bottom, send a card to the name at the top.) And please WRITE LEGIBLY!

Starting on August 1st, ideally in response to a card YOU receive, keep writing a poem a day on a postcard and mailing it to successive folks on the list until you’ve sent out 31 postcards. Of course you can keep going and send as many as you like but we ask you to commit to at least 31 (a month’s worth).

What to write? Something that relates to your sense of “place” however you interpret that, something about how you relate to the postcard image, what you see out the window, what you’re reading, using a phrase/topic/or image from a card that you got, a dream you had that morning, or an image from it, etc. Like “real” postcards, get to something of the “here and now” when you write.

Do write original poems for the project. Taking old poems and using them is not what we have in mind. These cards are going to an eager audience of one, so there’s no need to agonize. That’s what’s unique about this experience. Rather than submitting poems for possible rejection, you are sending your words to a ready-made and excited audience awaiting your poems in their mailboxes. Everyone loves getting postcards. And postcards with poems, all the better.

Once you start receiving postcard poems in the mail, you’ll be able to respond to the poems and imagery with postcard poems or your own. That will keep your poems fresh and flowing. Be sure to check postage for cards going abroad. The Postcard Graveyard is a very sad place.

That’s all there it to it. It’s that fun and that easy.

To get started, click here register. Once you’ve registered, you just need to login to see the list of participants.

There is also a new Facebook group for those who sign up for the activity.

ONandOnScreen Partners with BOMB Magazine

ONandOnScreen is an online publication of poems linked with videos and videos linked with poems “in a shared space, widening the spectrum and essential strangeness of each. ONandOnScreen is a conversation between moving words and moving images, on and on.”

The summer issue of ONandOnScreen is a collaboration with BOMB Magazine, with new selections highlighted each week.

Contributors to the issue include Cedar Sigo, Elaine Equi, Susan Briante, Rosanna Bruno & Jeanine Oleson, Ernest Hilbert, Carter Ratcliff, Christina Davis, Kyle Schlesinger & Scott Stark, Joseph Massey, Matthew Zapruder, Jeannie Simms, Fiona Ng, Susie Hu & Miles.

[Thanks Thomas Devaney!]

New Lit on the Block :: Menacing Hedge (& Scary Bush)

Menacing Hedge premiers from the efforts of Managing Editor Kelly Boyker, Technical Editor and Proofreader Martha Vallely, and Webmaster and Paperwork Dealer-Wither Gio Guillemette. Menacing Hedge is an online quarterly journal of poetry, fiction and artwork, that is “committed to fostering access to emerging and experimental poetry and prose.” Ongoing publication is scheduled for the first weeks of July, October, January, and April with a yearly “best of” print edition.

Additionally (and on the even more fun side of life), MH offers authors whose works are accepted to submit one of their “most cringeworthy efforts from the misty past to Menacing Hedge’s evil twin, Scary Bush.” Currently on Scary Bush is the poem, “The Poet” by Juliet Cook, written in high school with teacher comments in the margins.

The first issue of Menacing Hedge includes works by P. Hurshell, Nancy Ibsen, Chenelle Milford, Nathan Moore, Paul Nelson, Meg Pokrass, Julene Tripp Weaver, Lucile Barker, Leo Briones, Juliet Cook, Beth Coyote, Christine Hamm, Jeremy Halinen, and Lauren India Henley.

[Cover Image: “Larva Live” by Scott Summers]

Pre-order Anobium

Anobium: Volume 1 (Summer 2011) is available for pre-order price of $9.99 – which includes shipping and other “random goodies” – until July 31. After that, the price is $12. Anobium will be 84pp. of new writing from Laura Carter, Jennifer L. Collins, William Doreski, Eric Evans, Ricky Garni, Jonathan Greenhause, Luke Irwin, Rich Ives, Eddie Jones, J.S. MacLean, Claire McCurdy, Bethany Minton, Thomas Mundt, Ben Nardolilli, James Payne, Stephanie Plenner, Graham Tugwell, Meredith Turits, and Susan Yount. It also features a new story and a never-before-seen interview with Chicago’s Joe Meno. The volume also features new art from Anobium’s resident illustrator, Jacob van Loon.

How to Be a Writer by M. Molly Backes

A BEAUTIFUL POST by M. Molly Backes in response to a mother asking for advice to her daughter saying she wants to be a writer. Backes begins: “First of all, let her be bored. Let her have long afternoons with absolutely nothing to do…Let her be lonely. Let her believe that no one in the world truly understands her…” Read the rest. Really. Even if you don’t have kids or any you could influence in this way, at least I’m sure many of you will recognize your own growing up here and realize you had all it took to become the writer you are (or could still be).

Local Orlando Writers Project

Participating author Chris Wiewiora wrote to tell us about a local Orlando project: 15 Views from Orlando. He describes it as “an exquiste corpose-like story, where each week an Orlando writer writes up to 1,000 words to follow/connect to the previous week’s story as well as set up the following week. The thing is, all of it has to in some way be set in Orlando.”

Burrow Press, a new local Orlando publisher hosting this project on their website while Nathan Holic, an instructor at the University of Central Florida and local writer is the curator of the project.

Chris Wiewiora authored the second installation – currently on part six – and all will be collected into a chapbook and sold for the chairty Page 15.

[Thanks Chris!]

Front Range Hiatus

Front Range: A Review of Literature and Art, published by the Front Range Writers, a non-profit writers organization in Great Falls, MT, will be going on hiatus. Editor Frederick Bridger writes, “What started out as a campus project for my students rapidly evolved over the years into so much more…this will be our last issue for a few years.” In response to my contacting him to ask about the hiatus, Bridger says this is a planned hiatus: “I am traveling abroad for the next 2-3 years and will be unable to supervise the day to day operations, and have no one to take over for me. Upon my return we will resume.”

Writing Regimens for Adult and Young Writers

The Southeast Review is now offering two 30-Day Writing Regimens for adults each year, and one 30-Day Writing Regimen for Young Writers per school year.

An all-new content Adult Writer’s Regimen runs twice to coincide with the publication of each new issue of SER, in the fall and the spring.

SER will replay each new adult regimen once, in the winter and summer.

SER will run an all-new content Young Writer’s Regimen once per school year, in the spring. That regimen will be repeated during the fall semester.

The content for adult and young writer regimens vary slightly, but include such content as daily prompts for multiple genres, writing exercises, quotes from famous authors, reading suggestions, mimicry reading-writing exercises, craft talk, podcast of the day, back issue content, etc.

The cost for the Young Writer Regimen is $10 with scholarships and fee waivers available for Title I schools. The cost for the Adult Writer Regimen is $15.

For specifics of each regimen, visit The Southeast Review Writing Regimen website.

Change of Editor at South Dakota Review

After 16 years as Editor of South Dakota Review, Brian Bedard is stepping down. He writes in his Editor’s Note (48.4): “I also want to welcome SDR‘s next Editor, Lee Ann Roripaugh, to her new post. I can think of no other person more fitting for this job. Lee Ann will be only the third Editor in the magazine’s 48-year history, and its first female Editor. So this is a bright and noteworthy moment in SDR‘s history.”

Documentary :: Faith and Disability

A Place for All: Faith and Community for Persons with Disabilities is a unique interfaith documentary, produced in conjunction with the New York Board of Rabbis, with the support of an extraordinary range of faith groups including the National Council of Churches, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ and the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops. A Place for All explores the courageous stories of persons with disabilities as they succeed in making their faith communities truly inclusive.”

Camera Obscura Photo Contest Winners

Regularly packed with amazing images, the Summer-Fall 2011 issue of Camera Obscura features photographs by the winners of the Summer 2011 Photography Competition, judged by Carl Caylor, Carol Andrews Jensen, and Joel Grimes.

Rafal Maleszyk – Outstanding Photo Award, Professional
Bonnie Jones – Editor’s Choice Award, Professional
Kalliope Amorphous – Outstanding Photo Award, Non-Professional
Hugh Jones – Editor’s Choice Award, Non-Professional

Finalists – Professional
Alan Brown, Bonnie Jones , Catherine Martinoff, Chan Kwok Hung, Claudio Allia, Daniel Haeker, Jana Asenbrennerova, Jeremy Fokkens, Juergen Lechner, Marcella Hackbardt, Matt Walford, Nicholas Bardonnay, Patrizia Burra, Peter Ciccariello, Sabato Visconti, Svetlana Batura

Finalists – Non-professional
Daniel Haeker, Daniel L Camacho-Sanchez, Estelle Joannou, Habeeb Ali, Haeker Daniel, Hugh Jones, Jacqueline Langelier, Jenn Verrier, Jörgen Rönn, Louis Staeble, Nitin Budhiraja, Sabato Visconti, Scarlett Rooney, Tom Maciejewski

Call for LGBT Essay Submissions

Paul Fahey is looking for a few more submissions to prepare his anthology for his agent to pitch. The book proposed is THE OTHER MAN: Twenty Writers Uncover the Truth About Sex, Deception, Love and Betrayal. This is a companion volume to Vitoria Zackheim’s THE OTHER WOMAN collection of essays.

THE OTHER MAN anthology is a compendium by and about gay men and their relationships, specifically their either being the other man, suffering the other man or having their lives affected in some way by infidelity.


He’s a trespasser, an interloper, the peckerwood who gets between you and your lover, partner or mate. The male equivalent of Cleopatra, Mae West and Jessica Rabbit rolled into one threatening package. He charges into a committed relationship without a thought to the pain and misery he inflicts on the injured parties.

Sometimes, the other man is guilty of nothing more than falling in love with the wrong person – or the right person at the wrong time. And sometimes the other man is YOU. We are not all victims in other man scenarios.

In THE OTHER MAN anthology, twenty gay men write candidly about either being the other man, suffering the other man, or in some way having their lives affected by infidelity. Felice Picano, David Pratt, Tom Mendicino, Erik Orriantia, Tom Mournian, T.J. Parsell, and others dig deep to discover the truth about this OTHER MAN phenomenon. In their funny, poignant, and highly memorable pieces, these acclaimed writers explore the terrain of this sexy, yet unpredictable being.

Personal essays ONLY (4,000 words MAX).

Please send an email, expressing your interest in the anthology and a 100-word bio including publications and awards if appropriate, to Paul Fahey: paul1189-at-sbcglobal.net

Deadline: July 31, 2011

UMPress Free Novels for Facebook Friends

Heather Newman, Marketing and Media Manager at The University of Michigan Press writes:

For the first time in its history, the University of Michigan Press is offering two brand-new novels FREE for reading, a chapter at a time, on its Facebook page starting next week.

The two novels are:

Marjorie Kowalski Cole’s A Spell on the Water, about a woman attempting to put her family back together in a small town after her husband’s death. Barbara Kingsolver said, “I couldn’t put it down.”

Becky Thacker’s Faithful Unto Death, a historical whodunit set at the turn of the last century. When a mother of five mysteriously dies, is it illness, murder—or suicide?

Both novels are being serialized free of charge online for all UofM Press Facebook Friends.

The online serialization is free, and will be up until Labor Day weekend.

Poetry + Theology

Seminary Ridge Review is a scholarly journal published twice yearly by the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. Each issue includes a “Poetry + Theology” section, which is “multi-faith and international.” The current issue (13.2/Spring 2011) includes three interviews, an essay on faith and metaphor by Ted Kooser, book recommendations (Rain When You Want Rain by Betsy Johnson-Miller and 67 Mogul Miniatures by Raza Ali Hasan), and poems on faith and/or medicine. Authors in this issue: George Ella Lyon, Raza Ali Hasan, Patricia Kirkpatrick, Maureen Jivani, Steven Schroeder, Mary Anne Morefield, and Will Lane.

The full magazine is available on the LTSG Press website, along with back issues.

New Lit on the Block :: Loaded Bicycle

Editor-in-Chief Martin Rock, along with Editors-at-Large Traci Brimhall and Phillip D. Ischy, bring readers and writers Loaded Bicycle, an online journal of poetry, art, and translation by emerging and established writers, translators, and artists, with a special interest in collaborative projects that include comic artists.

The first and second issue include works & translations by Esao Andrews, Alejandro de Acosta, Jorge Carrera Andrade, Johsua Beckman, Ana Božičević, Melissa Broder, Anne Carson, Mrb Chelko, Alan Daniels, Claire Devoogd, Karen Emmerich, Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Matthea Harvey, Madra Hill, Melinda Kosztaczky, F.T. Marinetti, Kate MccGwire, Idra Novey, Elsbeth Pancrazi, Susanne Petermann, Rainer Maria Rilke, Matthew Rohrer, Craig Rubadoux, Glenn Shaheen, Michael Shapcott, Egor Shopavolov, Bianca Stone, Tricia Taaca, Micah Towery, Paul Tunis, Eleni Vakalo, M.A. Vizsolyi, and Jean Zapata.

Though Loaded Bicycle does not accept fiction or non-fiction, the editors are open to short cross-genre work. Loaded Bicycle will publish three issues per year with an on-site archive.

Arabic Poetry in Translation

The newest issue of Pleiades (31.2) includes A Folio of Arabic Poetry in Translation, featuring poems by Adonis, Ashur Etwebi, Ghassan Zaqtan, Amjad Nasser, Asmaa Azaizeh, and Dalia Taha (translations by Fady Joudah, Khaled Mattawa, and Rasheeda Plenty). Amjad Nasser’s work is available on the Pleiades website, along with selections of other content from this issue.

[Cover Image: Rawlings and the Eggs , oil on canvas, 24 ” x 24″, by Ellen Siebers, 2008]

Stunning Covers: WomenArts Quarterly Journal

WomenArts Quarterly Journal Summer 2011 features the paintings of Iceland artist Kristin Halldorsdottir Eyfells (1917-2002). Eyfells painted large color portraits of popular figures in arts, entertainment, and politics. “No one ever sat for a portrait in her studio; instead, Eyfells formulated her interpretation of each subject from knowledge of their lives. She read everything she could find on her subjects and studied endless photographs of them before she began to paint” (Sherryl Brown, “Artist Profile,” WAQR). In addition to the cover, WAQR features a full-color section of portraits by Eyfells, including Mike Tyson, Nancy Reagan, Clint Eastwood, Dwight Eisenhower, Bertrand Russell, Winston Churchill, and Jimmy Durante.

Cover image: “Self Portrait” by Kristin Halldorsdottir Eyfells

Paterson Literary Review Poetry Award Winners

The 2011-2012 issue of Paterson Literary Review (#39) includes the winners, honorable mention and editors choice selections for the 2009 Allen Ginsberg Awards.

Eileen Moeller, Philadelphia, PA “Milk Time”
José Antonio Rodríguez, Binghamton, NY “Veins Like Maps”

Josh Humphrey, Kearney, NJ “Catherine Rose at One Week Old”
Sarah Jefferis, Ithaca, NY “Learning to Spell”

Kevin Carey, Beverly, MA “Loved Hockey

A full list of poets and their winning works can be found on the PLR website, along with information about this and other annual contests.

New Lit on the Block :: Algebra

Scotland’s Tramway writer-in-residence Beatrice Colin is editor of the new online quarterly journal Algebra.

From the publishers website: “Based on the model that A+B = X, Algebra features a range of local and international writers responding, questioning and expanding on specific themes explored in Tramway’s programme. Their contributions range from fiction and memoir to poetry and photography.

“The first issue, inspired by Keith Farquhar show, More Nudes in Colour, Glasgow looked at the nude and nudity and featured writers including novelist, Ellis Avery, playwright, Oliver Emmanuel and short-story writer, Linda Cracknell. The second takes the theme, In the Days of the Comet, from the British Art show as its starting point and will include contributions from Ronald Frame, Nicola White and Helen Sedgewick.”

MAKE – Fall/Winter 2010-11

The Fall/Winter 2010-11 issue of MAKE is dedicated to the spirit of play. And the work presented within is most definitely playful – both in its layout and its content. But don’t assume that because its framework is built around play that it must also be somehow unsophisticated or impetuous. As the editors point out at the start, “the seemingly lighthearted subthemes are all tempered by profound solemnity.” MAKE explores the youthful pastime of play, but in the end offers up very grown-up compilation of literary work. Continue reading “MAKE – Fall/Winter 2010-11”

Mid-American Review – Fall 2010

Arguably, there is a line between humanity and the supernatural. There is the world as we know it and there is that which is otherworldly. The latter may be interpreted as: God (in all his/her/its forms); Death; the Spirit; Magic. Regardless of what we choose to call it, our fascination with it is and always will be present. In the latest issue of the Mid-American Review, we see the line crossed and re-crossed. We see it buried in dust, painted over with vibrant colors, twisted, stretched, formed into something more like a circle, or a knot. Almost every piece acknowledges, to some degree or another, forces beyond character control. Continue reading “Mid-American Review – Fall 2010”

The Open Face Sandwich – 2010

The Open Face Sandwich shares a great deal in common with its edible namesake. It’s strange, isn’t it, to sit down with a menu and see that you can order a sandwich without a top piece of bread. Giving it any thought, you have to ask why. Why the unorthodoxy? On a pragmatic level, why give up the bread? What’s the gain? Maybe the experience is the gain. Maybe it’s enough to say you tried it. Maybe only having half the bread, rather than leaving you hungry, leaves you satiated in a way you didn’t expect. Consuming the breadless bread, or something Zen like that. Continue reading “The Open Face Sandwich – 2010”

Salmagundi – Spring/Summer 2011

Founded in 1965, Salmagundi magazine takes pride in its spectrum of essays, reviews, interviews, fiction, poetry, regular columns, polemics, debates and symposia. In the past, the magazine has featured the likes of acclaimed literary figures such as J.M. Coetzee, Christopher Hitchens, Susan Sontag, and Joyce Carol Oates. Additionally, the magazine boasts that it showcases neither a liberal nor conservative predilection, proclaiming that, “in short, Salmagundi is not a tame or genteel quarterly. It invites argument, and it makes a place for literature that is demanding.” Continue reading “Salmagundi – Spring/Summer 2011”

Ampersand Review – 2011

Number six of the Ampersand Review is one packed with loads (and I mean loads; this thing is practically a monster) of juicy fiction and chomp-able poetry. It even has a couple of nonfiction selections that are beyond readable. I have recently been getting into nonfiction perhaps even more than fiction, and the reads in this issue certainly shuffle me along the same path. Continue reading “Ampersand Review – 2011”