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At the NewPages Blog readers and writers can catch up with their favorite literary and alternative magazines, independent and university presses, creative writing programs, and writing and literary events. Find new books, new issue announcements, contest winners, and so much more!

Hunger Mountain Bradbury Lists

For Hunger Mountain #15, Editor Michiah Bay Gault offered a challenge to several writers as well as contributors included in the issue. Write a “Bradbury List” – writing practice of word association which Bradbury shares in his Zen and the Art of Writing. Contributors include Bruce Smith, Michael Martone, Angie Estes, Paul Lisicky, Ted Sanders, Jededian Berry, Weston Cutter, Richard Adams Carey, Casey Thayer, David Yost, Deborah Vlock, Gladys Haunton, Stacy Heiney, Jaydn DeWald, J.D. Lewis, Josie Sigler, Lee Wind, Mark Halliday, Melissa Febos, Michael Burkard, and Mojie Crigler. None of these list contributions were “edited or polished,” and so represent a wide variety of free association samples by writers. Fun stuff!

Rape New York

Rape New York is Jana Leo’s forthcoming book from The Feminist Press.

From the publisher: “In the gripping first pages of this true story, Jana Leo relives the moment-by-moment experience of a home invasion and rape in her own apartment in Harlem. After she reports the crime, she waits. Between police disinterest and squabbles from the health insurance company over who’s going to pay for the rape kit, she realizes that the violence of such an experience does not stop with the crime. Increasingly concerned that the rapist will return, she seeks help from her landlord, who refuses to address security issues on the property. She comes to understand that it is precisely these conditions of newly gentrified lower-income areas which lead to vulnerable living spaces, high turnover rates, and ultimately higher profits for slumlords. In this most singular memoir, Leo weaves a psychological journey into an analysis that becomes equally personal: the fault lines of property mismanagement, class vulnerabilities, and a deeply flawed criminal justice system. In a stunning conclusion, Leo has her day in court.”

New Lit on the Block :: SPLIT

Former publisher of Purpleprose.com, Richard Kriheli has set out to “make some definitive advances” in publishing SPLIT, both socially – by bringing together “artists and folks who love the arts,” and progressively – by riding the new wave of “the digital arts curation and circulation experience.”

Kriheli explains, “SPLIT is an experiment in digital publishing designed to showcase emerging talent in the art of storytelling. We are focused on the advancement of the literary arts and seek to break the predictable trends of traditional publishing. It is said that in order to actualize change, a split from routine must be in order.”

To create this new split, Issue.01 includes a novel excerpt by William Creedle, art by Vince Beauchemin, Malathip Kriheli, and Michelle Han, fiction by J.A. Pak, John Abbott, and Everett Maroon, and poetry by Cassie McDaniel.

The magazine is available online via website format, and each piece allows opportunities for readers to tweet and comment/like via Facebook interface.

Submissions of stories, photos, art, poetry, “whatever,” are currently being accepting for the spring issue, themed “Spill.” Deadline March 1.

Alimentum – Winter 2011

Alimentum toasts its 5th anniversary with tasty bites from members who regularly sit around its table: Fiction/Nonfiction Editor and Art Director Peter Selgin, Web Editor Eric LeMay, Managing Editor Duane Spencer, Poetry Editor Cortney Davis, Assistant Web Editor Ruth Polleys, Art Director Claudia Carlson, Menupoems Editor Esther Cohen, and Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Paulette Licitra each deliver a morsel. Every course on the menu is nutritious and filling in its own way, but one of my favorites is Selgin’s “The Muffin Man,” a history of and personal treatise about his relationship with that now ubiquitous treat, the muffin. From the “flat, round, spongy, air-filled concoction prepared with yeast-leavened dough and cooked on griddle” (the English muffin) to “granola muffins, cappuccino muffins, strudel muffins, pumpkin, blueberry, applesauce, yogurt, oatmeal, and chocolate chip muffins—muffins whose entire purpose in life seemed to be nothing more or less than denying their muffinhood,” Selgin captures the surprising rise (pun intended) of this American phenomenon. Continue reading “Alimentum – Winter 2011”

Flyway – 2010

As a journal dedicated to literary works focused on “the environment” (here, interpreted as the natural world), Flyway is an unusual publication. The magazine is atypical, as well, for its inclusion of a complete chapbook of poetry (selected through a contest), Lois Marie Harrod’s “Cosmogony.” Selections from contest finalist Corrie Williamson’s chapbook are also published in this volume. An interview with fiction writer Ann Pancake, poetry from four additional poets, five essays, and three short stories round out the issue. Continue reading “Flyway – 2010”

Hanging Loose – 2010

Always a great balance of established and lesser-known poets and fiction writers, this issue’s more recognizable contributors include Philip Dacey, D. Nurkse, Simon Perchik, David Trinidad, and David Wagoner. Their work is strong, as always. Dacey’s offerings are consistent with his by-now-long-and-respected tradition of creating poetry of the biographies of famous artists of many genres—dancers and writers this time in “American Choreography” and “Vaslav Nijinksy on Walt Whitman.” Continue reading “Hanging Loose – 2010”

The Hollins Critic – December 2010

The Hollins Critic is one reason why print publications must never be allowed to perish. You simply cannot duplicate, imitate, or recreate this type of pleasure online. Just 24 pages, a sleek, understated experience of intelligent reading. One full-length essay; a few short reviews; a few well-chosen poems. You can read it one sitting, though you may wish to make it last longer. This little publication always reminds me of the adage “less is more.” Continue reading “The Hollins Critic – December 2010”

Iron Horse Literary Review – Fall 2010

Good things do come in small packages. I’d rather read 47 terrific pages (a small journal by most measures) than two or three times that many mediocre ones. This fine, slender issue includes nonfiction from Kevin Kerrane (a favorite of editor Leslie Jill Patterson’s) and Gary Fincke; poetry from Mathew Thorburn (another of Patterson’s favorites, she says), Marie Gauthier, Liz Kay, Fritz Ward, Emily Symonds, Jim Daniels, and Andrew Kozma; and fiction from Amy Knox Brown. Continue reading “Iron Horse Literary Review – Fall 2010”

The Kenyon Review – Winter 2011

It may or may not be intentional (though given this journal’s outstanding editorial management, it is likely to be deliberate), but the relationship between this issue’s cover and the poem “Desert” by Adonis, translated from the Arabic by Khaled Mattawa, is nothing short of exquisite. The cover photo is a 1938 “Night View” of New York City by the always-amazing Berenice Abbott. The Adonis poem begins: “The cities dissolve, and the earth is a cart loaded with dust / Only poetry knows how to pair itself to this space.” The poem and photograph are both, as they should be, impossible to describe accurately, except to say that each evokes a particular atmosphere that could not be a better example of the medium’s potential and success. “The city’s voice was too tender,” writes Adonis (such a beautifully translated poem). This is a long poem of shifting tones, expertly rendered, as Abbott’s photo is a composite of so many lights, creating one whole ultra-real vision. Continue reading “The Kenyon Review – Winter 2011”

Poetry is Dead – Summer/Autumn 2010

What I like most about the Poetry is Dead Magazine Society is how serious they take their role as the poetry imp. You can almost hear the stifled giggles breaking as you begin to catch the joke. “Poets tend to take the art form a touch too seriously,” writes Editor-In-Chief Daniel Zomparelli. “Try it next time you are around a poet… Just say something like, ‘the only true form of poetry is lyrical’ or ‘conceptual poetry is here to kill off the fossil we call lyrical poetry’ or ‘if it’s a project than it is not poetry’ and watch their faces turn red.” Art Director Easton West writes in his letter, quoted here in its entirety: “I gota actually wrtie some shit [sic].” Continue reading “Poetry is Dead – Summer/Autumn 2010”

The Sewanee Review – Fall 2010

This issue of The Sewanee Review glorifies the intellectual and emotional benefits of immersing oneself in the cosmopolitan ideal of the Western tradition of knowledge. George Core and the rest of the Sewanee staff offer the reader a slow and relaxing trip around the world, using a Western lens to illuminate people and society from several different cultures. Interestingly, that lens is also used to remind us what the United States was like before blind ethnocentrism was considered a cardinal virtue. Continue reading “The Sewanee Review – Fall 2010”

The Straddler – Fall 2010

The Straddler takes the cultural temperature of America and reads it back at a pitch and slope that we of the era of entertainment “news” are hard pressed to find in more popular venues. It is not a straightforward look at the nation, though the topics discussed are at first glance fairly frank. This issue is a fragmented offering of subtle depth, taking on the System, the Administrator, the Economy, and looking at them sideways, questioning conventional notions of responsibility and control, beauty and aberration. Continue reading “The Straddler – Fall 2010”

Job :: Quiddity Production Manager

QUIDDITY Production Manager

Position Summary
~Manage the production of Quiddity’s international literary journal (print and electronic components) and website, upholding all quality, calendar, and budgetary expectations; manage and advance the distribution of Quiddity’s international literary journal and public-radio program through traditional and emerging venues

~Part-time (24 hours per week) with the potential for teaching courses—which would include an additional stipend at the qualifying adjunct pay rate—in the Writing and Publishing and Communication Arts degree programs

Essential Job Responsibilities
~Oversee the submission systems (electronic and traditional) and acquisition processes for the print journal and reading series, including the coordination of query and galley correspondence as well as reading series proposals and writing and book/video trailer contests

~Coordinate and execute all editing and production schedules for the print journal and website; coordinate the production schedule for the public-radio program; support editorial board through production processes

~Advance Quiddity’s subscriber base, listener base, readership, and distribution using established and emerging resources

~Supervise and mentor student interns and cultivate Quiddity’s internship program

~Perform the layout for the journal’s interior print pages and its electronic format(s), design covers and promotional materials, manage web design, and expand web content

Other Functions
~With the approval of both the division chair and the supervisor, may teach courses in the Writing and Publishing and Communication Arts degree programs for an additional stipend at the qualifying adjunct pay rate

Minimum Job Requirements
~MA, MFA, or MSc in Creative Writing, English, Communications, or related field

~At least one year of experience with a print publication or journal of national distribution

~At least two semesters’ teaching experience at the university level with potential to supervise internships and teach the following courses in the Writing and Publishing Program:

Editing for Publications
Layout and Design for Publications
Writing Colloquium—Person in Community
Research Writing
Introduction to Creative Writing
Introduction to Literary Analysis
Modern Literature

Specific Skills
~Must be graphic-design savvy and be well versed in user-friendly, multimedia web development

~Proficiency in web design software and CSS, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Audition (or similar software) Outlook, Excel, Access, File Transfer Protocol

~Exceptional reading, writing, and proofing skills

~Outstanding professional communication skills

~Established track-record of organizational management and

~Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines

~Ability to work outside of regular business hours when necessary

~Ability to work as part of a collaborative team

Supervisory Responsibilities
~Supervise and mentor undergraduate student interns enrolled in Quiddity’s internship program

Twenty (20) hours per week performed in-office, on-campus, and be
scheduled during regular business hours to correspond with schedules of
student interns and fellow editorial board (faculty/staff) members;
four (4) hours per week may be performed off-site.

To Apply
Send the following items to the address below.

~A letter of application: in your letter of application, summarize any
relevant experience.

~A detailed résumé or CV

~Copies of transcripts: unofficial copies of transcripts are fine at this point. If you are chosen for an interview, official copies will be required.

Attn: Joanna Beth Tweedy, Editor and Host, Quiddity
Benedictine University at Springfield
1500 North Fifth Street
Springfield, Illinois 62702

Please, no phone inquiries at this time. Receipt of complete applications will be acknowledged via email.

New Lit on the Block :: Rem Magazine

Rem Magazine: The Radioactive Underground Journal, whose radioactive symbol reads “anti-fiction,” “anti-poetry,” and “anti-aesthetics,” is an international experimental journal based in New Zealand/Aotearoa that “embraces new ideas and new forms as the foundations of innovative art and writing.” New Zealander Orchid Tierney is the managing editor, with Simon Todd, associate poetry editor, and Tamara Azizian, magazine assistant.

The first volume (November 2010), available via Issuu, includes works by Katie Robinson, Bonnie Coad, Iain Britton, Amanda Anastasi, Kevin O’Donnell, Corey Mesler, P.A. Levy, Kelino A. Soriano, Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingd

Hunger Mountain Contest Winners

The latest issue of Hunger Mountain (#15) includes numerous genre contest winners:

2010 Howard Frank Mosher Short Fiction Prize
Winner: Mojie Crigler
Runner-up: Josie Sigler

2010 Ruth Stone Poetry Prize
Winner: Ashley Seitz Kramer
Runner-up: Nancy K. Pearson
Finalist: Stacy Heiney

2010 Katherine Paterson Prize for Young Adult Writing
Winner: Jaramy Conners

New Lit on the Block :: Mead

Mead: The Magazine of Literature & Libations is a new online literary journal with Editor-in-Chief Laura McCullough, Managing and Translation Editor Michale Broek, Travel Editor Suzanne Parker, and Wine & Beer Editor Kurt Brown. Now any lit mag that has a Wine & Beer Editor has got my readership!

Self described, “At Mead, we pair our literature, like a good sommelier, with a specific libation so that under each drink category you will find a poem or piece of prose that reflects something about the character of that drink… Like Proust’s cup of tea, literature has memory; from memories issue literature. Drink well.”

The first issue includes contributions from Bob Hicok, Paul-Victor Winters, Ben Nardolilli, and Barbara Daniels, poems by Carmelia Leonte translated by Mihaela Moscaliuc, poems by Boris Vian and Jacques Prévert translated by Laure-Anne Bosselaar, an interview with poet and wine connoisseur Marty Williams, a review of works by Amitava Kumar by Ken Chen, “No One Does It Like the Belgians” beer talk by Kurt Brown, “On Food and Drink: Post College, Post-Loaded” by Jamie Iredell, and “single-shot” reviews of Katheleen Graber’s The Eternal City and James Richardson’s By the Numbers.

Submissions are open and, if accepted, poetry and prose poems will appear under one of the drink headings on the homepage:

Coffee & Tea: caffeineted with a kick, oily, roasted, ceremonial

Wine & Beer: ranging from the full bodied to the bubbly to the micro-brewed and yeasty: fermented

Cocktails & After Dinner: hot, sexy, provocative, moody, noirish, offers a toast

Pure Spirits: Isn’t this self-explanatory?

Tey Roberts Dedication

The fourth issue of Ping Pong: An Art and Literary Journal of the Henry Miller Memorial Library is dedicated to Tey Roberts. From the Editor’s Letter: “Finally, it is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of our friend, Tey Roberts. We would like to dedicate this issue of Ping-Pong to her memory. If you ever drive through the Carmel Highlands you can still see her hand painted signs for peace on the roadside. She was that rare person who actually served as an example of the way of the Buddha.”

Tey Roberts passed away in March of 2010. Her obituary can be read here, and River’s Dharma is a blog dedicated in her memory.

Passages North Contest Winners

The Winter/Spring 2011 issue of Passages North includes the winners of their 2010 fiction contests:

Waasmode Fiction Prize
Judged bye Rebecca Johns
Winner: Tori Malcangio

Just Desserts Short-Short Fiction Prize
Judged by Jennifer A. Howard
Winner: Darren Morris
Honorable Mentions: Edith Pearlman, Jendi Reiter, Thomas Yori

New Lit on the Block :: The Caterpillar Chronicles

The Caterpillar Chronicles considers itself a “fledgling…literary and arts magazine which was born in the liminal realm between text and image.” Diana Voinea, Alexandra Magearu, Ema Dumitriu, Ana Roman, and Saiona Stoian are the publication editors, along with collaborators Mihaela Precup and Dida Dragan.

“Our magazine hopes to kindle experimental exercises in creative writing based on images,” the editors write. “Each issue will propose themes and images as starting points for texts of many forms, lengths, colours and complexions. We’re also open to various other means of artistic expression such as photographs, paintings, drawings, collages, comics, videos, mixed media, etc.”

Under Calls for Submission, TCC includes:

Text and Image with an image as the starting point for texts of fiction or poetry (Andrew Abbott’s painting “Killer Quaker” pictured)
The First Line – a first line with which to begin and then continue a short story (for the next issue, the line comes from Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five)
Imaginary Letters – letters addressed to real or imaginary people, living or dead
The Art of Lying – fictional auto/biographies
Videos, Photo-Essays, Reviews, Criticism, Featured Artist and more

Contributors to the first issue include Bruce MacDonald, Jason Heroux, Prasanna Surakanti, Kara Evelyn, Peter Taylor, Tommy J. Moore, Richard Ballon and Sonia Saikaley, Andrew Abbott, Ema Dumitriu, V.O., Diana Voinea, Alexandra Magearu, Celia Andreu-Sanchez & Miguel Angel Martin-Pascual, Alexandra Magearu, and Corina Pall.

The Caterpillar Chronicles is currently accepting submissions of poetry, critical essays, short fiction, nonfiction, reviews, visual art, comics, lost genres and “anything else we haven’t yet thought of.”

Spoon River Poetry River Digs Deeper into the Critical Essay

Kristin Hotellina Zona, the new editor of Spoon River Poetry Review, introduces herself in the Summer/Fall 2010 issue by making promises to both maintain traditions and make some changes. One change will be more prose in the magazine, since both readers and writers “depend upon criticism that engages the poem directly.” Thus, SRPR “will now feature a substantial analytical essay that blurs the line between the relatively short, opinion-driven review and conventional criticism.” The issue features Andrew Osborn’s review, “Like Animals, Like Love,” which includes readings of new books by Peter Campion, David Baker, and Melissa Range in the “model of critical investment” Zona hopes to see regularly with each issue.

Closing? Maybe, Maybe Not

Buffalo Street Books in Ithaca, NY announced its closing at the end of March, but this past week has brought forth a grassroots effort in the form of a community buyout. Will it work? “Though the venture is ‘not a money-making opportunity,’ Proehl said, he believes the loss to the community would be more than the value of the store.” So we say again and again with indie bookstores – it’s more than just a bookstore. It would be nice to see the Ithaca community really make this work and perhaps create a new (re)model for this idea of community or co-op bookstores.

New Lit on the Block :: Lingerpost

Editor Kara Dorris is the driving force behind the new online poetry journal, Lingerpost. Publishing biannually, Lingerpost seeks to publish both new and established poets. Lingerpost is influenced by Emily Dickinson’s experience of knowing poetry: “If I read a book [and] it makes my whole body so cold no fire ever can warm me I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the only way I know it. Is there any other way.”

Using this as its guiding principle, the first issue of Lingerpost includes works by Sheila Black, Mary Stone, John Ch

EXPeriemental Poetics and Aesthetics

EXPerimental Poetics and Aesthetics is a bi-annual, online, peer-reviewed journal featuring research on intermediate genre such as visual poetry, performance poetry, digital poetry,sound poetry, fractal poetry etc. as well as book reviews, performance reviews and other reviews that deal with experimental poetic modes.

From the editorial: “EXPerimental Poetics and Aesthetics wants to generate a space for critical reflection on hybrid forms of poetry and art. We are looking for papers and research projects of different kinds that can expand our perceptions and reflections on issues such as aesthetics, visual-aural perception and neuroaesthetics, technology and computerization in poetry, experimental poetry, digital poetry, visual poetry, fractal poetry, quantum poetry, combinatory poetry, performance poetry, etc.”

The publication accepts submissions may be sent in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Closings :: Fremont Place Books, Seattle

After 22 years, Fremont Place Books will be closing its doors. Owner Henry Burton writes, “Local, independent bookstores are so much more than places to purchase a product. They are centers for inspiration, information sharing, and community building. As such I have felt a tremendous responsibility to keep the store open. I am well aware that closing the store is not only a loss for me personally, but also a great loss to Fremont.”

Fremont Place Books will have an open house on its last day, Feb. 27, from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., to celebrate, as Burton wrote, “all that is great about books, bookselling, and being part of a community.”

Best of the House Short Story Winners

Issue 9 of Clapboard House online literary journal features the Best of the House Short Story Contest Winners: “Manhunt” by winner Ruth Joffre, and finalists “La Fecha” by Avra Elliott and “Healthy and Happy” by Max Gray.

Clapboard House submissions are now open for short fiction and poetry as well as submissions from poets to their no-fee Best of the House Poetry Contest, to be judged by Eric Nelson. Deadline May 1.

Fugue Prose and Poetry Contest Winners

Fugue’s Ninth Annual Prose & Poetry Contest are featured in the newest issue (#39). Junot Díaz, fiction judge, selected first place: Colette Sartor, “A Walk in the Park”; and first runner-up: Paul Vidich, “Jumpshot.” Ilya Kaminsky, poetry judge, selected first place Caitlin Cowan, “Flight Plan”; first runner-up: Corrie Williamson, “The Language of Birds”; and second runner-up: Rachel Patterson, “August Ghazal.”

Fugue’s Tenth Annual Prose & Poetry Contest is open for sumbissions until May 1, with judges Judith Kitchen (nonfiction), Dorianne Laux (poetry) and Steve Almond (fiction).

New Lit on the Block :: Floorboard Review

Ashland University MFA graduate Jen Kindbom is Editor of the new poetry and photography online lit mag Floorboard Review. Working with her are photo editors Erika Schade and David Patrick, and poetry editors Joey Connelly, Grace Curtis, Maureen Flora, Russ Novotny, Rachel Peterson.

In addition to the online magazine, the Floorboard Review site also includes the FloorBlog, featuring interviews and columns by contributors to the latest issue.

Issue 1 published in January 2011 includes works by Ruth Foley, Christopher Woods, Laura Madeline Wiseman, Margaret Walther, Ray Manlove, Jessica Bixel, Daniel Ford, David Patrick, Sarah Wells, Michael Chin, Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingde, Margaret Houston, Christa Lee, Carol L. Berg, Joey Connelly, Stephen Mead, and Meredith Danton.

Floorboard Review is currently open for online submissions of poetry and photography.

Thoreau Society Online Auction

Online Auction to benefit both The Thoreau Society and the Thoreau Farm Trust
February 21-March 18, 2011

The Thoreau Society seeks to stimulate interest in and foster education about Henry David Thoreau’s life, works, legacy and his place in his world and in ours, challenging all to live a deliberate, considered life. The Society believes Thoreau’s writings are as essential today as ever before, if not the more so, as societies and cultures confront the rapid changes that began in Thoreau’s time and continue in our own day.

The Thoreau Farm Trust serves as steward of the Henry David Thoreau birthplace. The Trust believes Thoreau’s extraordinary insights and ideas about life, nature, and individual responsibility are as relevant today as they were during his lifetime and preserves his birthplace as an education center, community resource, and place of pilgrimage.

Both organizations offer educational programming that reflects their missions.

Poet-in-Residence Extended Deadline

Elma Stuckey Liberal Arts & Sciences Emerging Poet-in-Residence
Department of English
Columbia College Chicago

Two-year position starts August 2011. Poets from underrepresented communities and/or those who bring diverse cultural, ethnic, and national perspectives to their writing and teaching are particularly encouraged to apply.

EXTENDED Deadline for applications is March 1, 2011. To view the complete job listing and apply online, please visit their website at: https://employment.colum.edu (job opening ID 100101).

Artifice – 2010

Artifice announces that its editorial aims are to showcase “by context and content” work “aware of its own artifice.” Issue 2 is certainly true to this mission, beginning with the self-conscious Table of Contents, divided not by genre but by more abstract classifications (“Those That Tremble As If They Were Mad”; “Innumerable Ones”; “Those Drawn With a Very Fine Camel’s-Hair Brush”; “Others”; “Those That Have Just Broken a Flower Vase”; “Those That From a Long Way Off Look Like Flies”). Continue reading “Artifice – 2010”

The Common – January 2010

Not Volume 1, Number 1! The inaugural issue of The Common, published at Amherst College in Massachusetts, is numbered “Issue No. 00.” (Why is that so pleasing?) This is a “mock issue,” a prototype, says editor, Jennifer Acker in her Editor’s Statement. Hence, the non-numbers. This mock issue is not “an official publication,” insists Acker. It’s more like a trial run. (And all of the contents may not make it into the first “official” issue, she says.) This new triannual intends to be a “public gathering place for the display and exchange of ideas…that embody…a sense of place.” Continue reading “The Common – January 2010”

The Fiddlehead – Autumn 2010

This issue opens with a moving tribute to and a series of poems by widely published poet and former Fiddlehead editor Bill Bauer (1932-2010). Bauer was a Maine native and long-time resident of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, where the journal is published. It’s hard not to tear up on reading his first title here, “If I Don’t Tell You, No One Else Will; or, How Lucky You Are To Have Your Whole Lives Before You.” Lucky, too, to have a journal as pleasurable—and as enduring, the journal is in its sixty-fifth year—as Fiddlehead. Bauer is joined by 25 accomplished poets and fiction writers and a half-dozen smart book reviewers. This issue’s cover, too, deserves mention, a beautiful muted watercolor of seashells in a silver bowl by Fredericton native Andrew Henderson. Continue reading “The Fiddlehead – Autumn 2010”

Irish Pages – 2010

“Some time ago, we decided to devote most of one issue to Irish Pages/Duilli Eireann to contemporary writing in Irish, so as to illustrate the still-thriving literary life of the island’s old language. We appreciate that much of the this issue will be inaccessible to many of our readers, but hope that those without Gaelic will nonetheless glean some sense of the rich Irish-language dimension of contemporary Irish literature,” write the editors. And we do! Continue reading “Irish Pages – 2010”

Memoir – 2010

Along with the expected personal and family stories in prose, “memoir” in this issue includes the journal’s Best Graphic Memoir pick, “The Rejection Collection: A Visual Poem,” by Corey Ginsberg, a clever composition created of a series of photos of phrases from rejection letters received and the author’s musings about these hurtful strips of paper and their disappointing news: “How was it that my standard, hour-long wait in line at the Miami Post Office, enclosed $20 reading fee and eight months spent floating in ‘status of my submission’ Limbo didn’t even afford me an entire sheet of paper when I was rejected?” In the end Ginsberg’s rejection collage project seems to have been more encouraging than discouraging, as expressed both in the piece and in the lengthy “About” notes (a convention the journal uses for pieces with visual content). In any case, it turned into an acceptance! Continue reading “Memoir – 2010”

Poetry Kanto – 2010

Published by the Kanto Poetry Center at Kanto Gakuin University, Poetry Kanto publishes English translations of Japanese poems (along with the originals) and “exciting English language poetry from anywhere on the globe.” The journal is handsomely produced and clearly an effort of editors passionate about poets and poetry. The work of ten poets is presented here, each series of poems preceded by a long bio and photo of the poet. Continue reading “Poetry Kanto – 2010”

Redactions – 2010

“For every poetic action there is…Redactions,” is the journal’s tagline. This issue’s “poetic actions” include poems by two-and-a-half-dozen poets, including such well-known names as David Wagoner, J.P. Dancing Bear, and Gerry LaFemina, and the less-widely established, but quite widely published Jeanine Hall Gailey and Walter Bargen; as well as “poetics,” substantial reviews of poetry books and blogs. Continue reading “Redactions – 2010”

Reverie – 2010

A special tribute issue of this journal of Midwestern African American Literature is devoted to Allison Joseph, Aquarius Press Legacy Award Recipient, five of whose poems appear here. The cover is an evocative portrait, “Mattress Man,” by accomplished photographer and fast-becoming ubiquitous poet Thomas Sayers Ellis, whose poem, “Absolute Otherwhere,” appears in the issue. Sayers Ellis has an eye for desolate views and an ear for inventive diction: “We know there’s a recognizable We, / an I-identifiable many.” Continue reading “Reverie – 2010”

Saw Palm – Spring 2010

Florida is a wildly unique collage of environments, from the gritty urban core of Miami to dense crocodile infested swamps; from the upscale shops of tropical Longboat Key to the historic architecture of Jacksonville, where the nights are distinctly northern with their chilly edges. This journal reflects this rich diversity from the edgy, tongue-in-cheek poetry of “spotlighted” poet Denise Duhamel, to the arch intelligence of prose stylist Janet Burroway (an interview and a story)—I have always admired them both. Continue reading “Saw Palm – Spring 2010”

Earth Listening

These are lovely poems from a poet who has lived for a long time in Greece (she also maintains a home in New Hampshire) and writes with grace and elegance about the natural world in its relationship to human stories and histories. Her verse is more restrained than effusive, more controlled than lush, rendering the landscapes of her geographies, her (our) history, and her mind in sharply etched lines: Continue reading “Earth Listening”