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At the NewPages Blog readers and writers can catch up with their favorite literary and alternative magazines, independent and university presses, creative writing programs, and writing and literary events. Find new books, new issue announcements, contest winners, and so much more!

Trees I Have Known and Anne Frank

In the latest issue of Drash, Pam Grossman’s poem “Kaddish” – a Hebrew prayer for the dead – is offered to a tree. It begins: “Our tree is dying / hunks of splintered bark peel away / branches creak ominously / then litter the yard with brittle bones // The tree surgeon arrives, surveys the damage / proffers a prognosis / two years at most.”

It reminded me of trees I have known, and the willingness of some people to care for them rather than just tear them down when they are ill or diseased. It also brought to mind the chestnut tree at the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, that years ago was very ill and many feared would need to be removed. The tree had been mentioned numerous times in Anne’s diary – being one of the few images of nature she could see during the day through the uncovered attic window. The tree was not only saved and remains under care, but seedlings from its chestnuts were sprouted and shared. You can read more about it on the Anne Frank Museum Amsterdam website, including an interactive monument to the Anne Frank Tree where you can “Leave a Leaf.”

Bruce Guernsey on Multiple Submissions

The Spoon River Poetry Review Editor Bruce Guernsey adds his two cents in the Summer/Fall 2009 issue on the misuse of multiple submissions. Though he completely understands their use given the “exasperating expectation of waiting,” only to receive a rejection letter, he recounts his having read several cover letters for contest poems also submitted to other contests, with checks written out to those other contests – and others not signed or bounced – and of going through the time-consuming process on his end, only to have the poems rescinded because they were accepted elsewhere. It’s also general submissions as well that he is more often receiving at SRPR, but with another publication’s name on the letter.

Guernsey recalls Donald Hall’s labeling of this multiple submissions batching as “McPoem” and the movement of “poe-biz.” Guernsey writes: “In addition, the letters themselves have taken on a generic sameness: an opening paragraph asking that the poems be considered…then an indented section in bold face listing the poems, and last by a longer paragraph listing the poet’s publications and mandatory M.F.A. I have also heard (with horror) that there are actual services out there that will handle all of one’s submissions and rejections, getting poems constantly in the mail and frantically keeping them there.

“‘Multiple submissions’ is conducive to mass production, and acquiring a long list of publishing credits has become, for some, their goal. But poetry is not some kind of commodity like pork bellies. We should care where our poems go and who reads them. Anne Bradstreet even thought of her poems as her children – a sentimental notions perhaps, but one that kept her from sending them carelessly into the street.”

BPJ Barks Interview

In addition to the beautiful cover (Ding Jitang “Picking Persimmons,” Xi’an, China, 2000) and the carefully selected poetry to fill its pages, this issue (v60 n3) of Beliot Poetry Journal includes a conversation with Coleman Barks by John Rosenwald and Ann Arbor. In it, they talk about “the relationship between music and poetry, isolation and community, judgment and acceptance.”

For anyone who has seen Barks read along with musicians (visit YouTube if you have not), this interview adds another layer of depth to the idea of poetry and music combined, as well as to the complexity of Barks. As Barks says of joining his reading with musicians, “I work regularly with cello; I mean any instrument. The poem feels just so bare or something; I think the music puts it out of the mind, puts it in that layer below, back down in the water table. Somewhere the music lets the personality maybe dissolve a little more, or the ego. A lot of people think that the poem should stand on its own, but it feels good; it feels like I’m giving up some of my proudness, pride in the language of selection, when I let the music carry it along.”

Fresh Lit Mag Reviews March 15

NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews

The Antigonish Review
The Barcelona Review
Black Warrior Review
Carpe Articulum
The Gettysburg Review
Iron Horse Literary Review
The Kenyon Review
The Laurel Review
The Literary Review
The Massachusetts Review
New Letters
Ninth Letter
North Dakota Quarterly
Southern Humanities Review
The Threepenny Review
West Branch
World Literature Today

Sou’wester Welcomes Adrian Matejka

With the newest issue of Sou’wester, Adrian Matejka steps in as the new Poetry Editor, taking the place of Allison Funk, a job Matejka recognizes as “daunting.” Still, Matejka hopes to “perpetuate the precedent set forth by Allison, who was dedicated to publishing thoughtful, provocative poetry, while also working to cultivate a dialogue between the diverse aesthetics in contemporary American poetry.” Welcome Adrian – may this be the first of many more issues of Sou’wester for you!

Are Lesbians Going Extinct?

Trivia: Voices of Feminism, Issue 10 focuses on the conversation “Are Lesbians Going Extinct?” Edited by Lise Weil and Betsy Warland, Trivia proclaims this the “longest and possibly most thought-provoking issue we’ve published to date,” featuring seventeen writers responding to the question “Are Lesbians Going Extinct?”. Trivia 11: “Are Lesbians Going Extinct” #2, also edited by Weil and Warland, will appear in September 2010 and is open for submissions.

[via Ruthann Robson, “Before and after Sappho: Logos“]

New Lit on the Block :: Umbrella Factory

In his Editor’s Note, Anthony ILacqua says that a recent call-to-jury-duty experience made him want to “campaign the world – everyone needs to read. And what a better place this world can be if everyone did.” Umbrella Factory is his effort, combined with fellow “workers” Oren Silverman, Mark Dragotta, and Jana Bloomquist at jumping into this very campaign. And, they are joined in good company with the writers featured in this first issue: Fiction by John Mcmanus, T.M. De Vos, T.L. Crum, Elinor Abbott; Nonfiction by Samantha L. Robinson, Charles Malone, Elizabeth Bernays; Poetry by John Mcmanus, Samantha L. Robinson, Mathias Svalina, Erin Costello, Justin Runge, Serena Chopra, Seth Landman.

Umbrella Factory is open for submissions. Their site also includes a feedback forum and information about workshops held in the Denver, CO area.

The Massachusetts Review – Winter 2009

Hayan Charara’s poem, “What Is Mine,” begins this issue and sets the tone for remaining selections of exemplary fiction, non-fiction, poetry and artwork. Charara writes, “It’s like that – / to know something / is for it to become / something else.” Multiple pieces in this volume seem to explore the idea of knowing, of seeing something more clearly through experience and knowledge. One example is Melinda Moustakis’s mother character in “This One Isn’t Going to Be Afraid,” who is known in body parts: nails, biceps, calves, shoulders, hands, feet, skin, teeth, eyes, stomach, and cheekbones. Each part tells a different story of a life, told through the daughter, as she seeks to understand the mother and herself. Or in Sara Majka’s “White Heart Bar,” where the disappearance of a young woman is explored from multiple perspectives. Continue reading “The Massachusetts Review – Winter 2009”

New Letters – 2009/2010

This issue of the magazine seems particularly serious (in the sense of “of consequence”), which I find entirely appropriate for the present moment (historically, politically, socially) and in keeping with my expectations for New Letters. Steve Paul interviews poet Edward Sanders and in his introduction quotes him as having said, “Poets should again assume the responsibility for the description of history.” And as it happens, this issue’s special feature section, guest edited by Mia Leonin, is titled “This Side of War,” with work by 15 poets who, for the most part, explore both recent and current wars, accompanied by the black and white photographs of soldiers by Stephen Grote. The poems offer a range of perspectives on “being at war,” from deployment abroad to the civilians who remain at home to the experience of civilian victims of military violence. Continue reading “New Letters – 2009/2010”

Ninth Letter – Fall/Winter 2010

Art Director Jennifer Gunji-Ballsrud introduces the latest edition by saying, “We struggled with the line between elegant restraint and dullness, between expressiveness and eye-candy.” These are tensions exclusive to the talented, and they are made possible by the equipped and impressive staff of artists, alumni from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Indeed the issue is visually striking, but it is also careful and deliberate. Add to it new fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry from Sherman Alexie, Ander Monson, Benjamin Percy, Matt Donovan, Stephan Clark, John Warner, Robert Campbell, Marianne Boruch, Cathy Day, among others, and the result is a sexy literary journal, filled with substance. Continue reading “Ninth Letter – Fall/Winter 2010”

Poetry – February 2010

Martha Zweig’s poem “Carolina” could be an ars poetica of sorts, or a Poetry manifesto, or the platform of a new (and possibly more satisfactory) political party, or a prayer: “Won’t somebody please start / something other & oddball soon // narrow her down out of folly /& trivia to destiny?” Or perhaps she is (without knowing it) responding to Robert Haas, who begins “September Notebook: Stories”: “Everyone comes here from a long way off / (is a line from a poem I read last night).” Maybe they are both responding (without knowing it) to J. Allyn Rosser’s “Impromptu”: “as if something I could say were true, and every / moment from now on would be my cue.” And all of them would have to ponder, with Joshua Mehigan what it means to be at the “Crossroads”: “This is the place it happened. It was here. / You might not know unless you knew.” Clive James seems to want to help them sort it out in the concluding lines to “A Perfect Market”: Continue reading “Poetry – February 2010”

Southern Humanities Review – Fall 2009

A dormant but beautifully ominous volcano sets the mood for this compelling issue of Southern Humanities Review (SHR). From the Japanese art on the cover, to the final poem “Resurrection: Ivorybill,” by Ashley Mace Havird, an undertone of imminent eruption, and the realms that will be, are, or have been downstream from the event, pervades each piece. This is not to say that every piece is dark and looming; rather, whether fissures of perception, or pyroclastic flows of meaning and connection, this issue conveys that the effects of earth-shattering change are worthy of being felt, remembered, and revered. Continue reading “Southern Humanities Review – Fall 2009”

The Antigonish Review – Fall 2009

This volume features the first-, second-, and third-place winners of the Great Blue Heron Poetry Contest and the Sheldon Currie Fiction Contest, as well as poems, fiction, and book reviews from other writers. The first line of Jennifer Houle’s first poem – “I don’t listen much for birds” – sets the tone of the issue by inviting the reader to look for birds and every manifestation of the flighty or strange, both in this poem and throughout the rest of the issue. Continue reading “The Antigonish Review – Fall 2009”

THEMA – Autumn 2009

Thema, the literary journal that boasts “many plots/one premise,” stepped into the kitchen for this edition. Editor Virginia Howard, drawing on memories of her time at a New Orleans bed and breakfast, called for short stories, poems, and artwork “varied as a recipe collection in a cookbook . . . concocted from a wide variety of ingredients for the theme ‘In Kay’s Kitchen’.” The result is a delightful compilation of five illustrations, eight poems, and eleven stories that transport readers into the various interpretations of Kay’s kitchen. Continue reading “THEMA – Autumn 2009”

The Barcelona Review – December 2009

I read a selection of stories from three different online publications and was bored with the same old same old (I find it hard to believe that editors think anyone is going to read this banal stuff), and then I stumbled on to The Barcelona Review. Thanks goodness! The editors really live in Barcelona and say, “We like good, powerful, potent stuff that immediately commands attention, shows stylistic and imaginative distinction, and is literarily sound.” Well, who doesn’t? But these people really publish it. Continue reading “The Barcelona Review – December 2009”

The Threepenny Review – Winter 2010

This thirtieth anniversary issue of the magazine (noted only on the cover, no grand recapping of great accomplishments or even an editorial remark on the milestone publication) is like every issue that has preceded it and, let us hope, every one that will follow – intelligent. I count on the The Threepenny Review to reassure me that there are intelligent voices, thoughtful and critical minds, broadly educated thinkers, careful writers, and intellectually viable perspectives producing consistently high quality work that doesn’t seek to grab attention, shore up trends, or even to set them. Continue reading “The Threepenny Review – Winter 2010”

West Branch – Fall/Winter 2009

This issue of West Branch contains a single piece each of fiction and nonfiction, and the work of eighteen poets. To begin, this excerpt of Kelle Groom’s nonfiction manuscript City of Shoes is particularly frantic and gripping. Groom – a mother who gave her son up for adoption – yearns for her now-dead and buried boy with a childlike fear of loss and faith in re-finding. She asks her own father, “‘Can we go to Brockton today, to Tommy’s cemetery?’ I wouldn’t say grave.” Her father resists, worried (Groom thinks) that in asking the adoptive parents for directions, “We’ll remind them I gave them Tommy, and Tommy died.” Continue reading “West Branch – Fall/Winter 2009”

Cadences – Fall 2009

I opened Cadences, a Journal of Literature and the Arts in Cyprus wondering whose story would be honestly told and how well. Having lived in Turkey for a couple of years in the 1990s, I knew Cyprus – a pretty island in the Mediterranean and “shared” by both Turkey and Greece – to be caught in a political tug of war between the two countries. Published by the European University of Cyprus, Cadences presents itself as a bridge between the Greeks, Turks and other peoples on the island and lets the reader know its advisory board is made up of writers from the Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot, Armenian Cypriot, Palestinian-American, American and London Cypriot communities. Once the “Editorial Statement” covers all these bases, the editors get down to business, stating: “Writers inevitably see things differently from politicians.” Continue reading “Cadences – Fall 2009”

World Literature Today – January-February 2010

Putting together a journal on literature from across the world would be a daunting task, but the editors of World Literature Today have pulled it off wonderfully in the January-February 2010 edition. The journal’s international scope is clear from the cover, which announces its two special sections – one on Taiwanese literature, another on Korean – as well as introducing a poet from El Salvador. The journal further contains an essay from a Croatian writer and Mayan poems, with the Mayan and Spanish versions included with the English translation. A pair of Irish poems and an excerpt from US author David Shields’s forthcoming book round out the range of nations represented here. Continue reading “World Literature Today – January-February 2010”

Carpe Articulum – October 2009-January 2010

Carpe Articulum defines itself “the original magazine of its kind,” its kind being a “cross-genre international literary review that embraces all of the peripheral literary arts, including non-fiction, interviews with accomplished writers, novellas, short fiction, scientific papers, and even photography, understanding that a great photo is in fact, worth a thousand words.” The journal is not “barred from timely issues” or to “hundreds of pages of colourless excavations.” It’s also as heavy as a globe. Printed on glossy stock with a thick perfect binding, oversized (probably 9 x13 or so), photos that bleed across the page with poems printed in the foreground, and ads that look like feature pages and feature pages that look like ads, the journal is, indeed, one of a kind. Continue reading “Carpe Articulum – October 2009-January 2010”

The Gettysburg Review – Winter 2009

The winter issue of The Gettysburg Review features the captivating and bizarre artwork of Mark Greenwold. In her insightful essay on his work, Shannon Egan writes, “The paintings consider the societal boundaries and concerns of sexuality and physical decorum and, as such, pictorially catalog certain Freudian anxieties, corporeal urges, and dreamlike situations.” So, too, do the essays, short stories and poems in this issue. From Aaron Gwyn’s “Drive,” a short story depicting a couple’s highly sexual flirtations with death, to Kim Adrian’s “Questionnaire for My grandfather,” an essay in the form of questions through which the narrator explores the physiological motivations for her dead grandfather’s molestation of her mother, and how this abuse continues to shape her, this issue is all about the fascinatingly twisted psyche. Continue reading “The Gettysburg Review – Winter 2009”

Iron Horse Literary Review – December 2009

Shannon Canning’s bold, yet intricate painting of a revolver, “Balance of Power,” sets the tone for this “Open Issue” of the magazine – works with bullet-like precision that are also foreboding or dark or solemn. Like Canning’s close-up of the gun handle, they reference danger, without being dangerous, and they intrigue us because they dazzle (the gun is quite beautiful), but their beauty is derived from their darkness. Continue reading “Iron Horse Literary Review – December 2009”

The Kenyon Review – Winter 2010

This issue is dedicated to work by North American indigenous authors. With work from emerging voices like Sara Marie Ortiz, Eddie Chuculate, and Eric Gansworth as well as the acclaimed writers like Leslie Marmon Silko, LeAnne Howe, and Joy Harjo, the writing in this issue is as vibrant and dynamic as the indigenous literary tradition it represents. Compiled here is a stimulating survey of indigenous poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Continue reading “The Kenyon Review – Winter 2010”

The Laurel Review – Summer 2009

In this issue, an essay by Lisa Ohlen Harris most stirs my mind, encouraging me to return for a second and third look. I like her outlook on life as much as the writing itself. In the piece entitled “Exiles,” the author ponders the death of her father-in-law. She lives in Jordan with her husband and two children, one a newborn. When her husband returns to the U.S. for her father-in-law’s funeral, leaving her alone, she becomes contemplative about her father-in-law’s anger toward religion that alienated him from his three sons, who chose to become Protestants. She also mourns the hope, now lost, that the relationships may be mended. The piece explores challenging family relationships, feelings of being cut off by distance and religion, and then expands to discuss broken ties between nations and with the land. I loved the history, as research abounds in the piece. Continue reading “The Laurel Review – Summer 2009”

AWP – It’s Time

Yes, NewPages will be attending AWP in Denver this year! We’ll be at the bookfair – Tables F4 and F5, so stop by and say hello. We certainly enjoy being able to get out from behind our computers and meet people F2F at this annual event.

NewPages has never been to Denver before, so we’re looking for recommendations for nearby/walking distance stops – like restaurants (ethnic fare?), bars (nearby microbrews?), liquor stores with local wines and beers, bookstores, museums, cool shops, etc.

Copper Nickel Guide to AWP Denver is extremely helpful. We’ll be keeping an eye on that. Anyone else out there doing something similar? Individual recommendations are fine, but having a guide like this is great.

David Foster Wallace Archive

From the UTexas News Release: The Harry Ransom Center, a humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin, has acquired the archive of writer David Foster Wallace (1962-2008), author of Infinite Jest (1996), The Broom of the System (1987), Girl with Curious Hair (1988) and numerous collections of stories and essays. The archive contains manuscript materials for Wallace’s books, stories and essays; research materials; Wallace’s college and graduate school writings; juvenilia, including poems, stories and letters; teaching materials and books. [read the rest]

Film :: Women Artists

Who Does She Think She Is? is a documentary featuring “five women who navigate some of the most problematic intersections of our time: parenting and creativity, partnering and independence, economics and art. Through their lives, filmmaker Pamela Tanner Boll explores what it means to nurture children and family, and keep the creative fire burning within.”

DVD purchase option for teachers includes a curriculum guide with questions and assignments for students as well as research resources.

Job :: Managing Editor BOMB Magazine

BOMB Magazine, the 29 year-old arts and culture publication, is seeking a managing editor to work with the editor in chief and senior editor on the coordination, commissioning, editing, and proofreading of BOMB print and web interviews and related magazine material. In addition, the managing editor oversees the quarterly production cycle and is the primary liaison between press, design, advertising, and marketing departments. This position is also responsible for various administrative duties.

Applicants should have strong writing and editing skills and a background in the arts, as well experience in production of print and online media. BOMB is a small office and the ideal candidate will communicate well with the staff.

Send a CV and cover letter to Nick Stillman at [email protected] no later than March 19. Salary is commensurate with experience.

The Believer Book Award Editor’s Shortlist

Each year, the editors of the Believer generate a short list of the novels and story collections they thought were the strongest and most underappreciated of the year. In the January issue, readers were asked to send in their nominations for the best work of fiction from 2009; their answers, along with the winner from the following shortlist, will appear in the May 2010 issue of the Believer:

Christopher Miller, The Cardboard Universe: A Guide to the World of Phoebus K. Dank (Harper Perennial)

Percival Everett, I Am Not Sidney Poitier (Graywolf)

Mary Robison, One D.O.A., One on the Way (Counterpoint)

Blake Butler, Scorch Atlas (featherproof)

Padgett Powell, The Interrogative Mood (Ecco)

Internships :: Narrative Magazine

Narrative is currently seeking internship candidates to assist with production of the magazine, including editorial and technical tasks, public outreach, and other programs.

Narrative is a premier online literary magazine with the mission of transitioning great literature into the digital age and uniting readers and writers around the world and across generations. In its seventh year, Narrative operates under an original model, combining the values and standards of a nonprofit institution with the ethos and sensibility of a start-up: a fast pace, a tireless staff, and ceaseless determination to stretch every dollar to its fullest in support of the mission.

You have a passion for literature, strive for excellence in everything you do, thrive in a fast-paced and dynamic workplace, and are eager to envision, collaborate on, and execute ideas and tasks. You are a high-energy, low-maintenance, well-rounded person with the ability to ensure that projects, people, paperwork, schedules, and other responsibilities are timely, exceptional, and on target. For this position, we need someone who is friendly, professional, reliable, diplomatic, extremely organized, a good conversationalist, a solid writer, computer savvy, and conversant with traditional publishing, social media, electronic publishing, iPhone applications, public relations, and marketing.

Narrative is located in San Francisco and needs local interns but, as a Internet-based, digital publication, also works with interns in various locations.

How to Apply: Please send your CV and a letter indicating what you can bring to Narrative: interns-at-narrativemagazine-dot-com

Sherwood Anderson Foundation Grant

The Sherwood Anderson Foundation grant is avaialbe for a writer who has published no more than two books of fiction. These may be one novel and one book of short stories but not more than two altogether. These must have been published by respected literary journals and/or trade or university publishers. The amount of the award each year depends on a number of factors, including the investment market. The 2009 award was $15,000. Applications must arrive postmarked no later than April 1 of each year.

Passings :: David Nolan

From the Poetry Project Blog: “It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of our longtime friend David Nolan. David suffered a heart attack last Thursday, February 25th…Many of you know David through the countless volunteer hours he spent at Project events helping us with sound and guiding us through technical knots. He spent all of New Year’s Day, this year and last, along with David Vogen, making sure each performer everything they needed for their performance, and making sure the Project always got the highest quality recording. It was clear that he got a lot of joy from the work that he did for us as well as so many other organizations he was connected with. He loved being here and we loved him and will miss him dearly. Look for an extended obituary in the Fall issue of the Newsletter. Our deepest condolences go out to David’s family and friends.”

Jobs :: Undergrad Co-Editors

From Mary Meadows, Grassroots Co-editor;

Grassroots Undergraduate Literary Magazine of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale is looking for two new co-editors for the 2010-2011 academic year. The position is a paid undergraduate assistantship. Job responsibilities include helping to organize meetings with the Grassroots staff and other Grassroots editors, soliciting submissions and advertising the magazine, helping to design and lay out the magazine, assisting with the Devil’s Kitchen Literary festival, and plenty of other odd tasks that the magazine requires. As a co-editor, the student will work with two other editors, another co-editor and an editor in chief, as well as the grassroots staff and various members of the English department staff. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in publishing, literature, or creative writing!

The job is $10/hour and is 10 hours a week. Co-editors are required to keep some set office hours every week in the Grassroots office. An interest and a passion for literature is a must have; InDesign skills are desired, but not necessary.

If you have a student you think would be interested, please forward this information to them. To apply for this position, the student must submit a complete resume and cover letter to Pinckney Benedict in the English Department Office, Faner 2380. Any questions about the position can be sent to grassrootsmag-at-gmail-dot-com.

Application deadline is Friday April, 9th.

CNF: To think / To write / To publish

Via the Creative Nonfiction Newsletter:

Application deadline: March 15

Learn creative nonfiction techniques, work with science, technology and public policy scholars, consult with editors of major magazines and more … and get paid for the experience!

The Consortium for Science Policy & Outcomes (CSPO) at Arizona State University is presenting an intensive two-day workshop, “To think / To write / To publish,” led by Lee Gutkind, Editor of CNF and Distinguished Writer in Residence at CSPO. Thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation selected writers can attend this workshop absolutely free.

This is an opportunity to hone your craft, meet with editors, get feedback and make connections in the science writing community. You will learn how to apply creative nonfiction techniques, to work with scientists, to consult with editors of major magazines and to publish creative nonfiction.

Poets, fiction and nonfiction writers, journalists, documentary filmmakers, bloggers and other writers involved in alternative media, and museum communicators may apply. Applicants should be at the beginning stages of their careers; please see the application for complete guidelines.

There are a limited amount of spaces but those selected will receive an honorarium and all expenses for the two days of the workshop and the three day conference (“The Rightful Place of Science?”) that follows. The application includes a two page letter describing your interest/background in science, technology, and public policy – as well as a one page biographical statement.

For more information about the application process, the workshops and the conference, visit the CSPO website and click on “Opportunities for Writers.”

The National Collegiate Book Collecting Contest

The National Collegiate Book Collecting Contest was established in 2005 by Fine Books & Collections magazine to recognize outstanding book collecting efforts by college and university students, the program aims to encourage young collectors to become accomplished bibliophiles.

Each contestant must be the top prize-winner of an officially sanctioned American collegiate book collecting contest. The principal criteria will be the intelligence and originality of the collection and the potential of the entrant to evolve the collection and develop new collections. The contestant’s understanding of the collection’s subject and its bibliography as well as the creativity of approach are the primary criteria.

Entries for the 2010 competition must be submitted by June 4, 2010.

Art :: Fourteen Hills

Fourteen Hills has always had the talent for selecting cover-poppin’ art, and their latest issue is no exception. “Stuck on Morning Thoughts” by The Pfeiffer Sisters is the appetizer for the center portfolio section of the journal, which features more of their sadly/sweetly haunting characters. Fourteen Hills also provides a link to a web portfolio of The Sisters’ (Jenny and Lisa) work, featuring some divine nude-art & graphics prints (for which they not only created the works, but modeled for them). Worth the click (and then some) to check it out.

Perugia Press Prize Winner

Winner of the 2010 Perugia Press Prize for a first or second book of poetry by a woman is Each Crumbling House by Melody S. Gee of St. Louis, Missouri. Each Crumbling House is due to be released in September 2010.

The Perugia Press Prize is given annually for a first or second unpublished poetry collection by a woman. The prize is $1000 and publication by Perugia Press.

Finalists: Susanna Childress, Entering the House of Awe; Danielle Cadena Deulen, Lovely Asunder

Semi-Finalists: Shannon Amidon, The Garden After; Joanne Diaz, Violin; Emari DiGiorgio, Hot Bullets; Mary Kaiser, The Paradiso Shuffle; Christina Lovin, A Stirring in the Dark; Beth M. Martinelli, A Quiet Room; Barbara Paparazzo, The Corridor of Lost Steps; Anna Ross, In the Room Next Door; Bethany Schultz Hurst, Birds, Disappearing; Joan I. Siegel, Soundings; Eva Skrande, My Mother’s Cuba; Annette Spaulding-Convy, In Broken Latin

Hay(na)ku for Haiti

Open Palm Press (an imprint of Meritage Press), announces the series: Hay(na)ku for Haiti – a fundraiser for Haiti. Poets who write in the hay(na)ku form have consented to create hay(na)ku for helping Haiti’s recovery efforts. The results are to be released as “pocket poem booklets” by Open Palm Press. Each will be sold for $3.00, reflecting the hay(na)ku’s three lines, with all proceeds to be donated for Haiti relief.

Jane Kenyon Poetry Prize Winner

The most recent issue of Water~Stone Review includes the winner of this year’s Jane Kenyon Poetry Prize: “Four Corners” by Michelle Bonzcek. Also included in the issue are two poems selected for honorable mention: Myron Ernst’s “Beyond the Green Line” and Brett Foster’s “Sponge Bath as Answer to the Problem of Knowledge.” Marck McMorris was the judge for this year’s prize.