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At the NewPages Blog readers and writers can catch up with their favorite literary and alternative magazines, independent and university presses, creative writing programs, and writing and literary events. Find new books, new issue announcements, contest winners, and so much more!

Comics as Lit

In addition to Gerry Canavan’s “Comics as Literature” summer course, there’s a whole list of cool special topics classes being offered through Duke this summer. (Gerry adds: “I’ve recently found out that UNC student can take for UNC tuition. Tell everyone.”)

Check out some of these others (seriously, where were cool classes like this when I was in school?):

Black Feminist Interventions and Black Women Writers
The New Middle Class in China
The Politics of Religion in the Twenty-first Century
Education through Film
Cyberpunk and Technofiction
Inquisition and Society in the Early Modern World
Nostalgia for the 1950s
Fashion, Literature and the Avant-Garde
Contemporary Detective Fiction: The Politics of Writing about “Crime”
Imagined Islands
Human Development in Literature
Mass Media and Mental Illness
Atheists, Libertines and Machiavels
The Extremes of Horror
The Ghost in the Machine: Approaches to Self-Control
Migrant Women

Catch a Narwhal

New from Cannibal Books: Narwhal, a compendium of seven chapbooks, 180 pages, hand-sewn in signatures, screen-printed cover, limited edition of 100 for $20.

Four Cities by Kazim Ali
Luminal Equation by Maureen Alsop
House by Sommer Browning
Into the Eyes of Lost Storms by Karla Kelsey
Sycorax’s Retinue by Laura Goode
You do damage by Kate Schapira
Yellowcake by Jared White

Lit Mag Covers Matter

Can I just say how happy I am with the new Chattahoochee Review covers? Okay, I will. Not that traditionally-styled lit mag covers don’t have their place, but with the concern about lit mags being able to survive these days, and the more “image-driven” culture in which we live, it does become more important (perhaps critical) for publications to be able to “catch” new readers. Covers are the place we all begin, like it or not: we do judge our reading material by this to some degree. Funny enough, you can’t even find an image of CR‘s old cover on their website. Erased from memory. Perhaps they’ll end up as collector’s editions on ebay.

Happy 10k+ Birthday to I, Two, and Three

‘Oldest English words’ identified
BBC News

Medieval manuscripts give linguists clues about more recent changes
Some of the oldest words in English have been identified, scientists say.

Reading University researchers claim “I”, “we”, “two” and “three” are among the most ancient, dating back tens of thousands of years.

Their computer model analyses the rate of change of words in English and the languages that share a common heritage.

The team says it can predict which words are likely to become extinct – citing “squeeze”, “guts”, “stick” and “bad” as probable first casualties.

Queer Film Classics from Arsenel Pulp Press

Arsenal Pulp Press is pleased to introduce Queer Film Classics, a new series of books on classics of LGBT cinema from around the world written by leading LGBT film writers and scholars. Under the new imprint, edited by award-winning Arsenal authors Thomas Waugh (Out/Lines, Lust Unearthed) and Matthew Hays (The View from Here), there will be three new titles per year, beginning in the fall of 2009 with books on Paul Morrissey’s Trash, Pedro Almodovar’s Law of Desire, and Bill Condon’s Gods and Monsters.

Poetry Lesson Plans

Teachers: As we approach National Poetry Month, here are Curriculum and Lesson Plans from the Academy of American Poets. Those of you who have successful plans you use in the classroom, the Academy is looking to add to this resource.

“All the Curricula and Lesson Plans were created by secondary school teachers in New York and Colorado. Each teacher developed their unit over the course of an academic year and has tested his or her lesson plans in the classroom. Many of the units use visiting poets or writers-in-residence. You can see how to bring one to your classroom on our Writers in the Schools section in the Teachers Resource Center. Our hope is to expand this page frequently. We welcome you to share with us your own successful poetry units.” [e-mail address on site]

New Lit on the Block :: Fogged Clarity

From the combined efforts of Benjamin Evans, Ryan Daly, Lee Mcewen, Ian Kelly Davis, and Nick Lill: “By incorporating music and the visual arts and releasing a new issue monthly, Fogged Clarity aims to transcend the conventions of a typical literary journal. Our network is extensive and our scope is as broad as thought itself; we are, you are, unconstrained. With that spirit in mind Fogged Clarity will examine the work of authors, artists, scholars, and musicians, providing a home for art and thought that warrants exposure. All work selected to be displayed on our site will automatically be considered for our print journal. The first edition of our publication will debut in 2009, and will be a compendium of the most dynamic material from our first four monthly issues.”

March 2009 issue includes Fiction by Marcos Soriano, Kristen O’Toole, Braden Wiley; Poetry by Michael Tyrell, Barbara Barnard. Larry Sawyer, Donald Illich, Obododimma Oha, Sarah Sarai, James Sanders with Zac Denton; Visuals by Mollie Bryan, Patrice Tulai, Jamieson Michael Flynn; Polemics by Jascha Kessler, Joe Wagner; and Music by Strand of Oaks.

Birthdays of Poets Blog

Here’s another great way to celebrate National Poetry Month, as well as poetry year-round. This site is tirelessly maintained by Andrew Christ of the River Junction Poets, who welcomes you to copy their Poets Birthday Readings where you live:

“Since June 2005 the River Junction Poets have hosted free Poets Birthday Readings at the Barnes & Noble bookstore in Saginaw, Michigan to read and discuss life, poetry and the pursuit of happiness. We plan our events around the birthdays of poets; the bookstore mentions our events in its monthly in-store Newsletter. When we send a birthday card to the poet we celebrate, we include the Newsletter that mentions the event. We’ve received Thank You notes from several of these poets.

“The ongoing series of Poets Birthday Readings serves as a reminder that poetry comes from poets. By providing a friendly, non-threatening reading experience, poetry in general can become something for inexperienced readers to engage themselves in more. This blog features lists of poets and their birthdays, titles of their recent works and links to publishers and other pages with information about the poets.”

Read a great deal more about on the Birthday of Poets blog.

Graphic Novel :: Six Kinds of Sky

One of my favorite stories by Luis Alberto Urrea – and apparently a favorite of many – has been made into a graphic novel, published by Cinco Puntos Press, and available as of March 1: Mr. Mendoza’s Paintbrush. If you are not familiar with the story or the author, now would be a great time to discover both. The book is illustrated by Christopher Cardinale, “a muralist and artist with a social message. His large-scale murals against globalization and war can be seen in New York, Italy, Greece and Mexico. He is a regular contributor to the zine World War Three.” He also made a trip from Brooklyn down to visit Rosario, Sinaloa in Mexico, where Urrea’s story takes place.

Icon LIt

The following comes from “The Book of the Ground” by artist Xu Bing. It is a story told in icons that he has been collecting and organizing over the past several years. More than this is the computer program he has written that “translates” the typed message into icons. Visit his website to be even more fully amazed by his visionary art.

New Lit Online :: Linebreak Poetry Weekly

Edited by Ash Bowen, Johnathon Williams, Ashley McHugh, and Jennifer Jabaily, “Linebreak is an online journal with a bias for good poetry. We look for poems that we wish we had written and take us somewhere we didn’t even know we wanted to go.”

Linebreak is updated each Tuesday and features a single poem for the entire week. Published poems are archived indefinitely. Linebreak accepts only original, previously unpublished poetry. In addition to text, Linebreak publishes audio recordings of all poems. Each poet’s work is read and recorded by another working poet selected by the editors. To that end, Linebreak is always seeking volunteer readers.

Some of the 59 currently posted poems include such authors as Bob Hicok, Bruce Bond, Barry Ballard, D.A. Powell, Dorianne Laux, Zachary Schomburg, Daniel Nester, Carolyn Guinzio, Richard Siken, Anthony Robinson, C. Dale Young, Seth Abramson, Amanda Auchter, Lola Haskins, Quan Barry, Alison Stine, Heather Christle, David Graham, Sandra Beasley, Christina Davis, Ryan Courtwright, Paul Dickey, Jehanne Dubrow, Adam Clay, and many, many more.

Interview with Rachel Maddow

From the Mother Jones extended interview, January/February 2009 issue:

MJ: Olbermann renegotiated his contract for a reported $7.5 million a year. When do you get to renegotiate?

RM: For $7.5 million? Ha! It remains to be seen whether I’m a flash in the pan. I haven’t been on the air that long, and my initial ratings were great, but I’ve got a lot to prove.

I know I’ve seen enough of her to hope she’ll stick around!

“If you don’t know by now, Rachel Maddow is the world’s most unlikely cable news talk-show host. For one thing, she doesn’t watch TV. And she’s young (35), is a Rhodes scholar with a PhD from Oxford, and is openly gay—an industry first. (More than one friend has told me that her ascent is some consolation for the passage of California’s anti-gay-marriage Prop 8.) But her combination of lefty sensibilities, a hipster vibe, wicked smarts, and genuine good cheer has taken the entire country by storm. She’s made msnbc competitive against cnn’s Larry King for the first time. Existing in the space between Jim Lehrer’s NewsHour and Jon Stewart’s Daily Show, Maddow’s hour-long show privileges reporters and actual experts over pundits, real information over blather and fake fights, and comes with healthy sides of sass and sarcasm. It’s a mix she learned at the left-of-center radio network Air America, where she still broadcasts a live show each weekday. In her spare time, Maddow’s writing a book on the role of politics in the US military. In her other spare time, she’s an enthusiast of graphic novels and mixology.”

Nominations Accepted for Million Writers Award

The storySouth The Million Writers Award, which honors the best short stories published each year in online magazines and journals, is now open for nominations. The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2009.

Jason Sanford, founding editor of storySouth writes: “In previous years, the award had a $300 prize for the overall winner. Unfortunately, the economic downturn is affecting everyone and we no longer have a monetary sponsor. To compensate, I am putting up $50 of my own money as prize money, while storySouth’s new publisher, Spring Garden Press, is putting up another $50. However, we’d like to give the winner more, so I hope people will consider a donation to increase the amount of prize money.” Donations can be made using PayPal via the storySouth website.

New Lit on the Block :: Stone’s Throw Magazine

Stone’s Throw Magazine, edited by Russell Rowland, Tami Haaland, and Malia Burgess and based in Montana, publishes fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, and “brief accounts of daily life from around the world.”

The inaugural issue includes Poetry by Melissa Kwasny, Alison Colgan, Adrian Potter, Cynthia Anderson, Jim Peterson, Francis Raven, Lisa Kemmerer, Shirley Steele, Jim Peterson; Fiction by Rick Maloy, Catherine Parnell, JS Breukelaar, Lesley C. Weston, Kris Saknussemm, Shelley Freese, Peggy Heckler, Sid Gustafson; Nonfiction by SuzAnne C. Cole, Julia Michaels, Peter Klingman; Photographs by Sharareh Malek Mohammadi.

T&W Felloship

Teachers & Writers Collaborative (T&W) announces the 2009-2010 T&W Fellowships, awarded to support early-career development for two emerging writers. Applicants for T&W Fellowships must:

Be age 35 or younger at the beginning of the Fellowship period;
Live in New York City or be able to plan an extended stay in the area (T&W cannot assist with finding housing for individuals who do not currently live in New York.);
Show exceptional artistic promise and a commitment to a writing career;
Demonstrate financial need.

The 2009-2010 T&W Fellowship period is September 14, 2009, to June 18, 2010. $20,000 stipend, office space and supplies, Opportunities to meet with experienced professionals. Deadline June 19, 2009.

Visiting Writer :: Bowling Green

Bowling Green State University English Department seeks strong applicants for the College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Visiting Writer. The successful candidate will be in residence spring 2010; teach one workshop in the BFA program and one workshop in the MFA program; give a public reading and a lecture; and advise theses.

Qualifications: 1) MA, MFA, or PhD by time of employment; 2) At least one book of poetry and critical recognition consistent with a writer of national reputation; and 3) Evidence of outstanding undergraduate & graduate teaching.

Send letter, c.v., transcripts, three current letters of reference, writing sample (one book), a list of courses taught with brief descriptions of each, and 1-2 sample undergraduate and graduate syllabi to:

Kristine Blair, Chair
English Department
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0191

The starting date of employment for this position is January 2010. Screening of applicants will begin March 16, 2009 and continue until the position is filled.

Writer Residency :: Lynchburg College

Lynchburg College Thornton Writer Residency, Spring 2010. A fourteen-week residency at Lynchburg College, including a stipend of $12,000, is awarded annually to a poet or creative nonfiction writer for the spring term. The residency also includes housing, some meals, and round trip travel expenses. The writer-in-residence will teach a weekly creative writing workshop, visit classes, and give a public reading.

Submit a copy of a previously published book of poetry or creative nonfiction, a c.v., a cover letter outlining evidence of successful teaching experience, and contact information for three references by March 16. There is no entry fee. These are the complete guidelines.

Lynchburg College
Thornton Writer Residency
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
1501 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501

Joanna Turner
(434) 544-8690

Poem :: Jacob Scheier

Dear Office of Homeland Security
Jacob Scheier

It’s my duty to inform you I saw a flag waving suspiciously
outside Grand Central Station.

I held my hands to my ears and opened my mouth
and stood on one leg,
trying to signal the authorities
just like the website told me to,
but was only given quarters by a street mime.

So I bought beer nuts from a guy standing next to a guy selling
watches, because you can’t buy sugar coated nuts on the streets
in Canada and I wanted to know what it meant to be an American.

Read the rest on Geist.

Awards :: Perugia Press Prize

Perugia Press Prize: A prize of $1000 and publication by Perugia Press is given annually for a first or second unpublished poetry collection by a woman. Winner of the 2009 Perugia Press Prize:

How to Live on Bread and Music
by Jennifer K. Sweeney

“Life-affirming but without illusions, How To Live on Bread and Music showcases poet Jennifer K. Sweeney’s mature consciousness and circumspect intelligence. This collection, made up of poems that stand firmly on their own, takes us on a physical and spiritual trip, symbolized often in the recurring image of the train. Exploring broad themes such as identity formation, nostalgia, and impermanence, the poet passes through risk to find refuge in the sensory world. What is most remarkable is Sweeney’s ability to confide without burdening, her gift for arranging enough silence between words for us to locate the pulse of meaning.”

Jennifer K. Sweeney lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her first book, Salt Memory, was winner of the Main Street Rag Poetry Book Award in 2006. How To Live on Bread and Music is due to be released in September 2009. To order this book and other titles, visit Perugia Press.

SEMI-FINALISTS: Shannon Amidon, Emma Bolden, Amy Benson Brown, Peg Davis, Joanne Diaz, Rachel Contreni Flynn, Elizabeth Frost, Kate Lynn Hibbard, Vera Kroms, Charlotte Pence, Alexandra Teague, Melissa Tuckey, Leslie Williams, Dede Wilson, Abe Louise Young.

New Lit on the Block :: Gigantic

Gigantic is a forthcoming print magazine of short prose and art (arriving in April) founded about a year ago by four former Columbia MFA students: Ann DeWitt, Rozalia Jovanovic, Lincoln Michel (who was a former reviewer at NewPages – Hi Lincoln!), and James Yeh.

In addition to publishing short and innovative fiction from such writers as Ed Park (founding editor of The Believer and author of Personal Days) and Justin Taylor (who has edited for McSweeney’s), they have several interviews either completed or lined up with: Malcolm Gladwell, Gary Shteyngart, Sam Lipsyte, Tao Lin, as well as a conversation between Joe Wenderoth and Deb Olin Unferth.

Already on their website are “preview teasers” including a Prose preview, an Art preview, and most recently an Interview preview with excerpts from each of the aforementioned interviews – more than enough to pique a reader’s curiosity!

Gigantic is open for submissions, and includes a list of “a few of our favorite things” to give writers an idea of the type of aesthetic they would be interested in seeing.

Buck’s Good Earth Goes Home

PERKASIE, Pa. (AP) — The long-lost handwritten manuscript of Pearl S. Buck’s classic novel “The Good Earth” is set to go on display next month at the late author’s home outside Philadelphia.

The Pearl S. Buck House, in Hilltown Township, will display the 400 hand-edited pages for six months, beginning March 3.

It will be the first time since May 1930 that the manuscript will be reunited with the desk, chair and typewriter that Buck used when she wrote the novel, said Donna Rhodes, a curator at Buck’s home.

The manuscript had been missing for about 40 years when it was found in June 2007. The daughter of Buck’s longtime secretary said she found the pages in a suitcase in her basement and took them to a Philadelphia auction house, which called the FBI.

The manuscript has spawned a legal fight involving Buck’s heirs and foundations with links to her. A lawyer representing Buck’s birthplace in Hillsboro, W.Va., also staked a claim for ownership based on a notarized “bill of sale” that Buck signed in 1970, three years before she died.

Janet Mintzer, president of Pearl S. Buck International, said a will filed in Vermont, where the author died, gave the Buck family estate rights to her literary works, but that the family didn’t want to lend out the manuscript until the matter was settled.

The Buck family trust has formed an agreement with Pearl S. Buck International to display the manuscript for six months. The foundation maintains Buck’s home and manages its international adoptions program.

“We’ve been waiting literally a year and a half for it,” Mintzer said. “We’re very excited. It’s a great piece of history.”

“The Good Earth,” Buck’s most famous book, follows the life of a peasant farmer in pre-Revolutionary China as he marries, accumulates wealth and experiences both success and heartache. Buck, the daughter of Presbyterian missionaries, lived mostly in China from infancy through age 40.

The novel won the Pulitzer Price in 1932 and helped earn Buck the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938.

NewPages Book Reviews :: March 2009

Swing by the NewPages Book Review page to read great reviews on the following small/indie press books:

Secret of Breath
Poetry by Isabelle Baladine Howald
Translated from French by Elena Rivera
Burning Deck Press, October 2008
Review by Joseph P. Wood

Poetry by Chris Vitiello
Ahsahta Press, February 2008
Review by Karyna McGlynn

A Fixed, Formal Arrangement
Prose by Allison Carter
Les Figues Press, November 2008
Review by Sarah Sala

Big World
Stories by Mary Miller
Short Flight/Long Drive Books, February 2009
Review by Ryan Call

Novella by Tim Horvath
sunnyoutside, March 2009
Reviewed by Jason Hinkley

The Islands of Divine Music
Novel by John Addiego
Unbridled Books, October 2008
Review by Laura Di Giovine

The White Space Between
Novel by Ami Sands Brodoff
Second Story Press, October 2008
Review by Christina Hall

Family Secret
Poetry by Rich Murphy
Finishing Line Press, 2008
Review by Roy Wang

Flash Fiction by Howie Good
Paper Hero Press, Achilles Chapbook Series,
December 2008
Review by Ryan Call

When You Come Home
Novel by Nora Eisenberg
Curbstone Press, November 2008
Review by Jessica Powers

Job :: Dzanc Development Director

Dzanc Books is looking for an individual to provide strategic direction and coordination for all fundraising efforts. The candidate will be an experienced person able to help create fundraising strategies that increase donations to Dzanc from individuals, corporations, agencies and foundations. Position will develop / implement a major gifts fundraising program, and solicitation strategies. Experience with grant writing a plus but not necessary. Send resume to [email protected] For further information about Dzanc, check their website.

Feminism: The Icelandic Perspective

Feminism, a Dirty Word
Nanna Árnadóttir
From Iceland Review

Feminism has become something of a taboo I’ve noticed. It’s beginning to annoy me a little actually.

It’s like some dirty word now. Feminist. Like saying you’re a feminist equates you with standing on the steps of City Hall and setting your bra on fire. I cherish my bra, anything that can support these puppies is alright in my book, and I still call myself a feminist…Now some might argue that feminism has always been taboo because any attempt by women to create equality is taboo, but I’m not of that opinion. I think feminism in the Nordic countries (Iceland included) has become taboo because most women think they evened the playing field already…And yet women in countries like Iceland are being abused by stuff that—if feminism were more integrated into people’s lives—might not actually be happening…[read the rest]

Feminism: The Icelandic Perspective

Feminism, a Dirty Word
Nanna Árnadóttir
From Iceland Review

Feminism has become something of a taboo I’ve noticed. It’s beginning to annoy me a little actually.

It’s like some dirty word now. Feminist. Like saying you’re a feminist equates you with standing on the steps of City Hall and setting your bra on fire. I cherish my bra, anything that can support these puppies is alright in my book, and I still call myself a feminist…Now some might argue that feminism has always been taboo because any attempt by women to create equality is taboo, but I’m not of that opinion. I think feminism in the Nordic countries (Iceland included) has become taboo because most women think they evened the playing field already…And yet women in countries like Iceland are being abused by stuff that—if feminism were more integrated into people’s lives—might not actually be happening…[read the rest]

Red Mars, Green Earth: Science Fiction and Ecological Futurity

Read Gerry Canavan’s recap of his above titled presentation, which includes the following major points:

1) Science fiction should be understood as an ecological literature
2) I use the distinction between Coruscant and Trantor to draw a line between science fiction (SF) and science fantasy
3) How the current environmental crisis demands not just this sort of methodological ecology but a politically environmentalist consciousness
4) Taxonomy

Publishing :: Found in Translation

Europa Editions finds success in translations
By Motoko Rich
International Herald Tribune
February 26, 2009

It does not sound like a recipe for publishing success: a roster of translated literary novels written mainly by Europeans, relying heavily on independent-bookstore sales, without an e-book or vampire in sight.

But that is the formula that has fueled Europa Editions, a small publisher founded by a husband-and-wife team from Italy in 2005…[read the rest]

Yet Another Protest :: Orestimba High School

District took Bless Me, Ultima off sophomore reading list
By Danielle Gaines
[email protected]
February 24, 2009

Two teachers from Orestimba High School, upset that a book has been removed from their class reading lists, met with UC Merced students on Monday night.

The educators — Catherine Quittmeyer, chairwoman of the English department, and Andre Powell, English teacher — spoke to about a dozen Chicano literature students and future teachers on the university’s campus.

“This was an event for the students; a lot of them want to become teachers,” Quittmeyer said. “This is something I wish I was able to ask questions about when I was becoming a teacher.” [read the rest]

Contest Winners :: Indy Poetry 2009

The Independent Weekly has announced their selection of picks for their 2009 Poetry Issue. Preliminary judges Brian Howe and Jaimee Hills passed along their selections to kathryn l. pringle who selected the following:

First Place: Christopher Salerno
Second Place: Alisha Gard
Third Place: James A. Hawley
Honorable Mention: C.P. Mangel

All have MP3s for your listening pleasure along with their poems to read.

New Lit on the Block :: nanomajority revived

From editors Mark Stricker and Jolynne Roorda: “nanomajority ia back from an unplanned hiatus, excited to reset the clock for our upcoming issues and planning to unveil some new projects in the near future. Thanks to our contributors for being so patient! From an editorial standpoint, nanomajority is interested in the various ways in which artists, writers, and critics intersect (or don’t); there is no single stylistic container or grouping from which we select projects to highlight. There is no overarching manifesto to guide us. We simply publish what interests us.”

nanomajority does not accept submissions in general, but if you have a project in mind – and after reviewing their site, you’ll see how broad a mind they have – you can contact them with a proposal.

In the most current issue: Lizzie Hughes, Myron Michael, e.t. and Michael Bolsinga.

Internship :: US Holocaust Memorial Museum

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
Summer Research Assistantships for Graduate Students

The Center is now accepting applications for graduate student summer research assistants. Recipients will have the opportunity to participate with the Center’s staff scholars in cutting-edge research and publication projects relating to key areas of Holocaust scholarship. Sample projects may include writing and editing for the Museum’s /Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945; /research and translating for the Center’s archival source series on /Documenting Life and Destruction/; and preparing in-depth studies and reports about the archival collections of the International Tracing Service (ITS), among others.

Applicants must be enrolled in or admitted to a graduate program at a North American university. The Center is unable to provide visa assistance for non-U.S. citizens. Applicants must have basic knowledge of the Holocaust, experience in conducting archival or library research and the ability to work as part of a team. In addition to English, fluency in one or more of the following languages is desired: German, Russian, Polish, Romanian Hebrew, Yiddish, French, Dutch, Hungarian, Slovak, and/or Croatian. Each assistantship will last for up to three months during the May-August time frame. Awardees will receive a stipend of $2,500/month. The Center will also provide funds for one roundtrip airline ticket to and from Washington, D.C. for travel within North America.

Application Procedure:

Applicants should submit a resume, a personal statement of no more than two pages in length, and one letter of recommendation from a faculty member or dean at his/her institution that speaks to the applicant’s qualifications. The personal statement must explain the significance of the assistantship to the applicant’s professional and/or academic goals, and the contributions the applicant’s skills and interests could make to the Center’s research and publication projects. Application materials must be received by March 31, 2009. All applicants will be notified of selection results by early April 2009.

Application materials should be sent to: Dr. Lisa Yavnai, Director, Visiting Scholar Programs, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington, DC 20024. Inquiries may be addressed to [email protected] or via telephone at 202-314-7829.

In Memoriam :: Scott Symons

Controversial gay writer Scott Symons, whose scandalous life and 1967 novel “Place d’Armes” rocked Canada’s literary world, has died at age 75. The Toronto-born author passed away at a Toronto nursing home on Monday after several years of poor health, his lawyer Marian Hebb said WednesdayShe remembered Symons as a bold personality who never shied away from strong views on politics, love and literature, at times to the detriment of his personal relationships.”

Writers Retreat :: AROHO

A Room of Her Own
2009 Writers’ Retreat
Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, New Mexico
“My Country is the Whole World”—Virginia Woolf
August 10-16, 2009

Includes: Meredith Hall on crafting memoir; Dana Levin on Sylvia Plath and the creation of “self”; Pamela Painter on double endings; Ellen McLaughlin on lies, secrets, and subtext; A special seminar with Pulitzer Prize winning poet Rita Dove, and more.

Limited scholarships available; deadline midnight, March 15th, 2009. General Applications accepted on a rolling basis until June 1st, with notifications of acceptance beginning in early April and occurring roughly every two weeks until all slots are filled.

Conference :: Conversations and Connections

The third annual Conversations and Connections conference will be held in downtown DC on April 11, with Amy Hempel as the featured speaker. Registration includes the full day conference, one ticket for “Speed Dating with Editors,” a book, and a literary magazine subscription. Breakout sessions are geared to appeal to new and experienced writers of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, and include topics like Fighting Writer’s Block with Play and Experimental Prompts, Sentence Power, Creative Nonfiction: Where are the boundaries? Do they exist?, The Digital Literary Landscape, Writing Sex Scenes, Grants for Writers: Where’s the money and how do you get it?, and more.

Art :: Prick of the Spindle

Galleries from AmateurArtwork.com are now in their new home at Prick of the Spindle, along with 12 new artists. View art from Jesse Lindsay, David Scott Tenorio, Amy Bernays, Pam Ross, Dave Mullins, Christy Call, and many more. Look for new artists to be added on a weekly or semi-weekly basis.

Also check out the graphic short, The Dragoon, written by Lane Kareska and illustrated by Cynthia Reeser.

Prick of the Spindle is open to submissions year-round.

New Lit on the Block :: Twelve Stories

Twelve Stories is an online literary journal dedicated to publishing quality short fictions of up to 1,500 words each. Editors are Molly Gaudry and Blythe Winslow, whose credentials are as follows: “One of us is a writing professor; the other works in a head shop. One of us is outspoken; the other is passive aggressive. Neither can sing.” Fair enough!

As the publication cycle is whenever Gaudry and Winslow receive “twelve stellar stories,” submissions are open, and sim/subs welcome.

The first issue features stories by Steve Almond, J.R. Angelella, Rusty Barnes, Matt Bell, Jimmy Chen, Timothy Gager, Richard Garcia, Kathryn Good-Schiff, Jim Hanas, Jeff Landon, Jennifer Levin, and Dan Moreau.

Big World

Mary Miller’s Big World, the second release from the mini-books division of Hobart: Another Literary Journal, is physically reminiscent of the 1950s-era pulp paperbacks you see stacked around used book stores. If I were older, I imagine that David Kramer’s bright front and back illustrations, the colored edges of the book’s pages, and the book’s small size would remind me of the good old days when I could buy naughty books for ten cents apiece and hide them in my back pocket. Continue reading “Big World”


In his introspective novella Circulation, Tim Horvath devotes special attention to examining the grey areas of modern life where reality and fantasy often meet and the distance between life and death dwindles. In what would best be described as character self-development, Horvath brings the reader face to face with the narrator Jay's dual preoccupations of family connection and recorded knowledge. The self examining nature of Circulation presents the reader with a sympathetic look at these twin pillars of the protagonist's identity, even as Jay begins to slowly tear them down. Continue reading “Circulation”

The Islandsof Divine Music

Like most families, the Verbicaros are anything but ordinary. Following five generations of a close knit Southern Italian family over the span of a century, The Islands of Divine Music by John Addiego follows the Verbicaros’ journey from Italy’s boot to San Francisco to the Yucatán Peninsula. Along the way, they encounter traces of the sacred and the profane, discovering themselves in the process. Continue reading “The Islandsof Divine Music”

Family Secret

Family Secret is an exercise in using whimsical metaphor and sound to illustrate the rather serious business of love's inadequate worldly manifestations. With his quatrains of irreverent, fanciful observations, Murphy draws conclusions about the absurdity of love in the world we've elected to build. Continue reading “Family Secret”


A vague, unnamable danger drives much of the language throughout Howie Good’s Tomorrowland. The narrator speaks of a land in which “bodies in the early stages of decay hang like gray rags from the trees” and authorized personnel instruct evacuees “to wait for the destroying angels to tire and the broken buildings to stop burning.” It seems that the characters of this world cannot escape no matter how carefully they plot: secret police and paid snitches abound, and the whirring ceiling cameras never cease. Continue reading “Tomorrowland”