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At the NewPages Blog readers and writers can catch up with their favorite literary and alternative magazines, independent and university presses, creative writing programs, and writing and literary events. Find new books, new issue announcements, contest winners, and so much more!

‘The Southern Review’ – Summer 2018

southern review v54 n3 summer 2018Sitting on the shelf of my university library, the Summer 2018 issue of The Southern Review intrigued me with its curious cover art by Gina Phillips, a New Orleans–based artist. Upon close inspection of the issue, I found quite a generous collection of portraits created by using mixed media and titled Friends and Neighbors. Gina Phillips shares her process of creating these portraits:

I begin by photographing the subject multiple times. Then I sketch from the photos, sometimes combining elements of several photos into one sketch. After the sketch is complete, I trace the drawing onto a transparency and enlarge the figure using an overhead projector; then I redraw it on a piece of plain muslin. At this point, I use acrylic washes to complete an underpainting. After the underpainting is dry, I load the piece onto a long-arm quilting machine and begin the process of appliqueing various combinations of fabric, thread, yarn, and hair. After rendering the figure with fabric and thread, I cut it out of its background and pin to the wall.

The results of this unique process are strikingly vibrant. As the artist notes, these portraits reflect the essence of the people and animals depicted in them.

Continue reading “‘The Southern Review’ – Summer 2018”

Kenyon Review Nature’s Nature

kenyon reviewKenyon Review Editor David Baker opens the May/June 2019 issue with his commentary on the annual “Nature’s Nature” theme. In response to our having witnessed “the Trump administration take further steps to release two hundred thousand more acres of public land—this time in Utah along the Canyonlands and the Green River—to ‘development,'” Baker notes that “Greed, stupidity, and fever for power are not new to our country or even our species—read Shakespeare, Dante, Homer—but the velocity of unfixable damages and the extent of losses are without precedent.”

Baker asks, “Are we one or two generations away from the point of no return for environmental stability? Is ours the last generation with hope of preventing or slowing a massive disaster? Is it too late? The calculations come every week, with variables, but the constant alarm is the same.”

This is what compelled him, he recounts, “to curate a special feature on ecology and poetry . . . I wanted to showcase new poems that resisted such forms of power and that named one by one the spectacular, beautiful, and often endangered citizens of the natural world.”

Now an annual issue, the writers featured each year are purposefully diverse in that the publication does not choose the same authors to appear more than once. The compilation features twenty-seven new poems, one essay, and two portfolios of artwork. For a full list of content with some selections available to read online, visit the Kenyon Review.

Alan Ginsberg Poetry Prize Winners

Winning entries for the 2018 Ginsberg Poetry Award are featured in the 2019 issue of Patterson Literary Review.

jim reeseFirst Prize $1000
“Dancing Room Only”
Jim Reese [pictured], Yankton, SD

Second Prize $200
“Cu Tantu Si Cala ‘U Culu Si Para”
Maria Fama, Philadelphia, PA

Third Prize $100
“New Suit”
Lorraine Conlin, Wantagh, NY

A full list of Honorable Mention and Editor’s Choice recipients can be seen here.

The Alan Ginsberg Poetry Award for 2019 has closed, but submissions are open for the 2020 award.

“Mixed Drinks” by Brenda Miller & Julie Marie Wade

zone 3“Mixed Drinks” in Zone 3 Spring 2019 is one of many collaborative works by Brenda Miller and Julie Marie Wade, erasing their cross country divide to create a memoir which blends (no pun intended) a list of drinks with associated memories from childhood (Shirley Temple) through adolescence (Bloody Mary), college years (Old Fashioned) to adulthood (Cosmopolitan). Recipes included.

Told in the second person, each vignette contains vivid pop culture details of the time, relatable to many, as well as a conflicting set of feelings the speaker must overcome – between what is expected by others, what is expected of ourselves, and what we are able to finally experience and deliver. “You know that the beer and the hamburger will provide you at least five minutes of purpose in this bar where you don’t belong, and that you’ll walk home afterward in the dwindling light of autumn, along the river, to your sparsely furnished studio apartment, where you’ll feel both lonely and relieved.”

The end of the piece didn’t feel finished, but rather the start of something larger, yet unattached. This might seem a fault if it didn’t at the same time feel so polished. An interview with the two writers cleared this up. Wade comments on their collaborative style, “We don’t really know what’s going to happen or emerge, in terms of the content or the final form, until we reach an ending – and even these endings feel more like stopping points or plateaus in our momentum rather than definitive conclusions.”

For more on collaborative writing, including another by Miller and Wade, Jet Fuel Review #17 (Spring 2019) features a Collaborative Works Special Section: “These selections embody the magic that arises out of collaboration and the bringing together of separate voices and identities to craft a singular, resonant body of work.”

Review by Denise Hill

Gabe Montesanti Nonfiction Emerging Writer Winner

gabe montesantiWinner of Boulevard’s 2018 Nonfiction Contest for Emerging Writers, Gabe Montesanti’s essay “The Worldwide Roller Derby Convention” is featured in the Spring 2019 issue (#101/102). Montesanti lives in St. Louis where she skates for the local team, Arch Rival, under the name Joan of Spark.

In a commentary about her work, she says, “‘The Worldwide Roller Derby Convention’ became the final chapter of my MFA thesis at Washington University in St. Louis, and is now the final chapter of my full-length memoir about derby. This essay unlocked the whole project for me, in a way. Recognizing the themes of physicality and queerness led me to draw new parallels between roller derby and my unconventional and often violent upbringing. Having a vision of the end also gave me direction—a place I could write toward.”

The 2019 Nonfiction Contest for Emerging Writers opens June 2, 2019. The winner receives $1000 and publication.

‘Valley Voices’ – Rivers & Waters Issue

valley voices v18 n2 fall 2018As John Zheng shares in his introduction to the Fall 2018 “Rivers and Waters” issue of Valley Voices: A Literary Review: “Rivers are lifelines of all things in this world, and river plains are cradles of ancient civilizations. [ . . . ] We need the river to live; we need the river to enrich our spiritual life and inspire our creative writing as well.” This beautiful introduction about the importance of rivers and waters in all our lives—in fact, in the very evolution of humankind itself—sets the mood to all of the beautiful poems and images about the rivers and waters that follow.

Continue reading “‘Valley Voices’ – Rivers & Waters Issue”

The Common Stories from Syria

commonIssue No. 17 of The Common includes a special portfolio of stories from Syria, with works by Luqman Derki (Trans. Jonathan Wright), Shahla Al-Ujayli (Trans. Alice Guthrie), Mohammad Ibrahim Nawaya (Trans. Robin Moger), Raw’a Sunbul (Trans. Alice Guthrie), Haidar Haidar (Trans. Jonathan Wright), Odai Al Zoubi (Trans. Robin Moger), Colette Bahna (Trans. Robin Moger), and Ibrahim Samuel (Trans. Maia Tabet), as well as artwork from Syria, courtesy of the Hindiyeh Museum of Art.

The Common website features full content online as well as a supercool interactive map [pictured] of the issue – click on the geographical marker and get a photo and link to the content.

For teachers: The Common offers supplementary teaching materials for each issue. A classroom subscription includes two issues for every student and an in-person or Skype visit from Editor in Chief Jennifer Acker or a participating author.

Celebrate 200 Reading Walt Whitman

waltA great idea to celebrate the 200th birthday of Walt Whitman,The Poetry Motel Foundation and the Hudson Valley Writers Guild will hold a public reading of “Song of Myself” on May 31 at the Robert Burns Statue, Washington Park, Albany, NY. 

If you’re in the area, they are looking for readers to help manage some of the 1300 lines in 52 sections. For those not nearby – perhaps arranging a public reading in your own town would be a wonderful commemoration of the poet in keeping with “most of Whitman’s work . . . [a] celebration of the individual, of the nation, and of the spiritual possibility within us all.”

Register NOW for 2019 August Poetry Postcard Festival

poetry postcards 2019Now in its 13th LUCKY year, the August Poetry Postcard Festival is opening registration earlier than usual, starting May 1!

Teachers, students, writers, readers, traditional postal mail lovers – this is YOUR kind of festival! Super easy and fun to participate in! Once you sign up, you’ll get a list of 32 names (yours included), and starting in mid-July (so they start arriving in August), you write an original poem on a postcard and mail it to the name after yours on the list. Then, each day, new postcard, new poem, next name on the list, and so on, until you have written 31 poems and sent them away to their eagerly awaiting recipients (write 32 poems if you want to send yourself one!).

I LOVE this event and have been doing it from its inception. Every year brings new challenges and new delights. Writing a poem a day seems easy enough, but some days, the inspiration is more difficult than others. Still, every year, getting postcards (nearly) daily in the mailbox is such a joy! And there are a few brave souls who continue writing throughout the year – I’m still getting the occasional postcard with numbers in the hundreds or two-hundreds. Wow! 

Really, of all the events I’ve attended over my years, none have been as inexpensive nor as rewarding as this one. In 2018 there were 293 participants from 7 countries and 31 states/provinces, so a huge thanks to poet Paul Nelson, one of the APPF founders as well as Director of Seattle Poetry LAB.

What are you waiting for? Sign up TODAY!

Books :: 2018 Orison Poetry Prize Winner Published

as one fire consumes the other williamsThe Winner of the 2018 Orison Poetry Prize was published earlier this month, and readers can now find As One Fire Consumes Another by John Sibley Williams at the publisher’s website. A meeting of metaphysics and social critique, the poems in this collection examine American history and violence.

Judge Vandana Khanna says of her selection: “John Sibley Williams’ collection As One Fire Consumes Another transcends beyond the boundaries of family and history and country, beyond the body’s tragedies, [ . . . ]. These poems rise as invocation, as testimonial to life’s unfiltered beauty, violence, and faith, to the ‘light . . . already in us.’”

While you’re checking out advance praise for As One Fire Consumes Another, learn more about Orison Books’s prizes, including their new chapbook prize which is currently open.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

 benning review

“White Cosmonaut” by Jeremy Geddes is featured on the cover of the newest issue of Bennington Review (#6), themed “Kissing the Future.” While in print, they offer selections that can be read online here.

thema spring 2019

“New Neighbors” was the call for the Spring 2019 issue of Thema, appropriately enough, since spring brings the squirrels out of their winter hidey holes. Cover photo by Kathleen Gunton.

american literary review

Portraits of “lonely people, people with questions that cannot be answered, those who make terrible mistakes, people who do not love themselves and will not survive within their own stories” by poet and artist Melissa Cundieff are featured in the Spring 2019 American Literary Review online.

Cream City Review – Spring/Summer 2018

cream city review v42 n1 spring summer 2018Cream City Review, named for the cream-colored bricks that made Milwaukee famous, is anything but brick-like. The Spring/Summer 2018 issue is slim and elegantly designed, decorated front and back with intriguing teardrops, a blue glow, the earth, and what look like gravestones. In a letter to their readers, editors Mollie Boutell and Caleb Nelson write, “The daily news cycle is a swirl of darkness and absurdity, so it should not surprise us that the landscape of contemporary literature reflects a similar mood.” The current issue plays with darkness and light, sometimes descending deeply into the former, but always doing so for the sake of art, illuminating through darkness, showing both the path and the ways that we humans are led astray. Continue reading “Cream City Review – Spring/Summer 2018”

Staunch Book Prize :: Thriller Sans Misogyny?

Taking genre bending in a direction for the greater good, Staunch Books holds an annual book prize which recognizes “well-written, exciting thrillers that offer an alternative narrative to stories based around violence to women.”

The criteria for the award asks for “a novel in the thriller genre in which no woman is beaten, stalked, sexually exploited, raped or murdered.”

DomWillmottA novel idea indeed, but also one that is deeply appreciated as a model approach to genre storytelling. The editors comment on the larger issue behind creating this prize: “While women in the real world are fighting sexual abuse and violence, being harassed, assaulted and raped, or being murdered because they’re women, the casual and endless depiction of females as victims or prey sits uneasily alongside their fight. Real rape survivors struggle to be heard, counted and believed, under-reporting is rife, partly because victims fear being torn apart in court, and prosecutions continually fail. Meanwhile, in popular culture, women are endlessly cast as victims of stalking, abduction, rape and murder, for entertainment.”

The editors at Staunch Books add that taking such a stand in our culture’s literature does matter, commenting on research by psychologist (and Staunch Book Prize Judge) Dr. Dominic Wilmott [pictured] that “finds ‘rape myth’ beliefs feed into bias which results in jurors being reluctant to convict ‘ordinary’ men accused of rape as they don’t fit the idea of a rapist they’ve internalised through the stories and images they’ve received through popular culture.”

Writers who believe that their writing matters in the larger cultural context as it feeds and shapes our ideologies must take responsibility for this genre and others; this effort by Staunch Books is a commendable step in that direction.

The Staunch Book Prize is open until July 14, 2019. Their 2018 shortlist is available here.

Books with strong female characters are encouraged, as the editors note they aren’t “just looking for thrillers that feature men in jeopardy instead, but stories in which female characters don’t have to be raped before they can be empowered, or become casual collateral to pump up the plot.”


River Styx International Poetry Contest Winners

River Styx 101 features the winners and honorable mentions of their 2018 International Poetry Contest, selected by Maggie Smith.

andrew hemmertFirst Place
“Broken Season” by Andrew Hemmert [pictured]

Second Place
“Self-Portrait on the Beloved’s Body” by Michael Dhyne

Third Place
“Parting with Saddles” by Skyler LaLone

Honorable Mentions
“Oranges in Michigan” by Andrew Hemmert
“Street Vendor” by Mariano Zaro

The 2019 International Poetry Contest is open until May 31, 2019 with a $1500 first prize, judged by Oliver de Paz.


Books :: 2018 Iowa Poetry Prize Winner Published

year of femme donishFounded in 1990, the Iowa Poetry Prize is awarded for a book-length collection of poems each year.

This month, the 2018 winner was published: The Year of the Femme by Cassie Donish.

From the publisher’s website: “These are poems that assess and dwell in a sensual, fantastically queer mode. Here is a voice slowed by an erotics suffused with pain, quickened by discovery. In masterful long poems and refracted lyrics, Donish flips the coin of subjectivity; different and potentially dangerous faces are revealed in turn. With lyricism as generous as it is exact, Donish tunes her writing as much to the colors, textures, and rhythms of daily life as to what violates daily life—what changes it from within and without.”

Visit the press’s website to order your copy (currently on sale for the frugal reader) and visit the prize page, entries accepted throughout the month of April.

Monmouth Offers Students More

monmouth university logoMonmouth University has announced a new way for students to earn a degree. The MA/MFA dual degree program in Creative Writing prepares writers for their future by offering publishing experience, an award-winning faculty, and flexible course offerings.

Once completing an MA in English with a Creative Writing concentration, MFA students then have 18 additional credits of creative writing study which includes the completion of a book-length Creative Thesis.

Learn more about the dual degree and find out what else the program has to offer at the Monmouth University website.

Introducing the Nina Riggs Poetry Award

nina riggsThe editors of Cave Wall poetry magazine have put in great effort to create The Nina Riggs Poetry Award to honor their late friend and poet, author of The Bright Hour  and Lucky Lucky.

This crowd-funded award will be given annually to at least one poet for “the finest writing that examines relationships, family, or domestic life” in honor of Nina’s own “beautiful work on many subjects, including relationships and domestic life. She knew how to savor every moment of her too-short life, and in her poetry and her memoir, she explores the poignancy and love that resonate in the details of every day.”

Nominations are made by individuals who read poems that honor family or relationships in some way that have been published within the last three years. There is no application process; readers simply send in a copy of the poem. Readers can nominate up to six poems (no self-nominations). Each winner will receive $500 with the possibility of attending a reading in Greensboro, NC. See complete guidelines here.

The Nina Riggs Poetry Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3, so all donations are tax-deductible. Donations are currently being accepted with donors at certain levels being recognized by Cave Wall online and in print.

To read more about Nina Riggs and make a donation, go to FundRazr: Nina Riggs Poetry Foundation.

13th Mudfish Poetry Prize Winners

Published by Box Turtle Press, issue 20 of Mudfish features the winning entry and honorable mentions of their 13th Mudfish Poetry Prize judged by Philip Schultz.

rafaella del bourgoWinner
“Barking, Pt. Reyes” by Rafaella Del Bourgo [pictured]

Honorable Mentions
1st – “We are Already at War” by John Sibley Williams
2nd – “Ode to My Body” by Tim Nolan
3rd – “Late Summer Sky” by Tony Gloeggler

See a full list of finalists here. The 14th Mudfish Poetry Prize with a $1200 first prize to be judged by John Yau is open until April 30, 2019.

Happy Anniversary Raleigh Review!

raleigh reviewWith its Spring 2019 issue, Raleigh Review celebrates nine years of continuous publication. As they head into their tenth year, Editor and Publisher Rob Greene notes, “we realized it was time to reward our staff members who do the work on the magazine, so in addition to increasing the amount we’re paying to our poets, writers, and visual artists by a third, we are finally beginning to take small strides to help reward our telecommuting and highly skilled editorial staff who are based throughout the country and at times the world.”

Congratulations to Raleigh Review for providing a venue for writers, artists, and readers – and sharing how important financial support and subscriptions are to our community!

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week


Chicken God  by Alexander Grigoriev – you simply can’t look away from this cover of Pembroke Magazine (#51).

southern humanities review

Who doesn’t love a technicolor embroidered bat? Little Werewolves with Wings  by Danielle Clough captures our attention for Southern Humanities Review (52.1). 

massachusetts review 60 1

The artwork of Toyin Ojih Odutola (What Her Daughter Sees ) is featured on the cover and with a full-color portfolio inside of the Spring 2019 issue of The Massachusetts Review.

American Life in Poetry :: Thomas Reiter

American Life in Poetry: Column 732

Ezra Pound commanded America’s poets to “Make it new.” And here’s a good example. Has there ever been another poem written, and written beautifully, about children playing among laundry drying on a line? Thomas Reiter, who lives in New Jersey, is a poet whose work I’ve followed for many years. His most recent book is Catchment. This poem appeared in the Tampa Review.

Pinned in Place

A bed sheet hung out to dry
became a screen for shadow animals.
But of all laundry days in the neighborhood
the windy ones were best,
the clothespins like little men riding
lines that tried to buck them off.
One at a time we ran down the aisles
between snapping sheets
that wanted to put us in our place.
Timing them, you faked and cut
like famous halfbacks. But if a sheet
tagged you it put you down, pinned
by the whiteness floating
against a sky washed by the bluing
our mothers added to the wash water.
Could anyone make it through those days
untouched? You waited for
your chance, then jumped up and finished
the course, rising if you fell again.
Later, let the sky darken suddenly
and we’d be sent out to empty the lines.
All up and down the block, kids
running with bed sheets in their arms,
running like firemen rescuing children.
All night those sheets lay draped
over furniture, as though we were leaving
and would not return for a long time.

We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry  magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2018 by Thomas Reiter, “Pinned in Place,” from Tampa Review (No. 55/56, 2018). Poem reprinted by permission of Thomas Reiter and the publisher. Introduction copyright ©2019 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

What Makes Sky Island Journal Unique

sky islandJason Splichal, Founder and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Sky Island Journal writes in his opening letter to Issue 7: “We are different from other literary journals in so many ways. While we appreciate and respect the paths that other publications have taken, it has been clear from the beginning that the path less taken will always be our path. The rugged independence and relentless tenacity required to stay on that path helps us to be mindful; every step we take should be made with kindness and humility. Reading and responding to every submission, then having the ability to share the work of writers from around the world with readers from around the world, are privileges beyond the telling. We’re so grateful for our contributors and our readers.”

2019 Kalos Art Prize Winners

The 50th Anniversary Spring 2019 issue of Ruminate features the winning entries of their 2019 Kalos Visual Art Prize, as selected by Final Juror Betty Spackman:

jen croninFirst Place
“Seen and Unseen” by Jennifer Cronin [pictured]

Second Place
“If I Were a King” by Margie Criner

Honorable Mentions
“The Lilies How they Grow” by Emily McIlroy
“EBB” by Hanna Vogel

For a full list of finalists as well as juror’s comments on the winners, click here.

Writers on Music, Food, Booze, Tattoos, Kittens, etc.

suzanne highland wsProduced within the MFA at Eastern Washington University, Willow Springs literary magazine features writers from their current print issue online.

Featured from Willow Springs 83 are four poems by Maggie Smith (an interview with her is included in the print publication), “The Collector” by Suzanne Highland, “The Year We Lived” by Breanna Lemieux, and “Bless the Feral Hog” by Laura Van Prooyen.

With each feature, the author offers notes on the work as well as whatever random musings they might want to include under the fun title “Music, Food, Booze, Tattoos, Kittens. etc..”

In her responses, Suzanne Highland [pictured] shares, “I have two tattoos: one says ‘in medias res and the other says ‘(write it!).’ I’m wildly attached to both, but one would have to be to get tattoos like those in the first place, I think.”

2018 Loraine Williams Poetry Prize Winner

ama codjoe“Etymology of a Mood” by Ama Codjoe won The Georgia Review’s 2018 Lorain Willams Poetry Prize, chosen by Natasha Trethewey.

The prize was started in 2013 with a gift from Lorain Williams and continued with the support of her estate after her passing in April 2016.

This year’s contest, which runs from April 1 – May 15, will be judged by Stephen Dunn. The prize has also been increased from $1000 to $1500.

See full details here.

Ruminate on 50

Reflecting on Ruminate’s 50th Anniversary issue, Editor Brianna VanDyke writes that when Thích Nhất Hạnh was asked, “Is there a purpose for wearing the robe other than to clothe your body?” He replied, “To remind yourself that you are a monk.”

brianna van dyke

“I wonder,” VanDyke goes on, “if one day you or I might also be asked a question about reminding ourselves of who we are.” 

She goes on to explore what those ‘reminders of self’ might be, adding, “something about this dream I hold, that these pages continue to be a reminder for fifty more good issues, how the very best stories and art and poems remind us of who we are, why we matter, our longings, our deepest work this day.”

Hear, hear!

Books :: 2017 Philip Levine Prize in Poetry Winner Published

known by salt brazielIn January, Anhinga Press released the winner of their 2017 Philip Levine Prize for Poetry: Known by Salt by Tina Mozelle Braziel.

The annual prize awards $2000 to the winner, as well as publication and distribution of their winning manuscript. Submissions open in July.

Known by Salt was selected by C.G. Hanzlicek who says the collection: “is very much a book of celebrations. One arc of the book is the move from a life in a trailer park to a house that Tina and her husband build with their own hands, [ . . . ]. It also is a celebration of Alabama, [ . . . ]. Her observations are so keen [ . . . ] that they make me laugh out loud in my own celebration.”

Learn more at the publisher’s website, where you can also find a sample poem from the collection, “House Warming.”

BWR 2018 Contest Winners

The newest issue of Black Warrior Review (Spring/Summer 2019) features winners of their 2018 contest:

ndinda kiokoFlash Prose
Judged by Jennifer S. Cheng
Winner: “from Okazaki Fragments” by Kanika Agrawal
Runner-up: “Let’s eat baby the steak is getting cold” by Alice Maglio

Judged by Kate Zambreno
Winner: “Social Body” by Amanda Kallis
Runner-up: “Dark Grove, Shinng” by J’Lyn Chapman

Judged by Laura van den Berg
Winner: “Little Jamaica” by Ndinda Kioko [pictured]
Runner-up: “On Weather” by RE Katz

Judged by Vanessa Angélica Villarreal 
Winner: “La Piedra de los Doce Ángulos” by David Joez Villaverde
Runner-up: “from Okazaki Fragments” by Kanika Agrawal

See judges’ commentary on their selections and a complete list of finalists here.

Colorado Review Editor’s Blog

Editorial insights abound at the Colorado State University Center for Literary Publishing Editor’s Blog. Home of the Colorado Review as well as several esteemed annual literary prizes, Center Director Stephanie G’Schwind has both breadth and depth in her staff contributors.

colorado reviewRecent posts include:

“Looking toward Spring with Place-Based Writing” by Editorial Assistant Jennifer Anderson

“Revisiting the Holocaust Metaphors of Sylvia Plath” by Editorial Assistant Leila Einhorn

“Procedures for the Slowpoke Poet” by Associate Editor Susannah Lodge-Rigal

“On Love Poetry” by Associate Editor Daniel Schonning

The blog also features links to monthly podcasts: February 2019 Podcast: Writing on Mental Health with Margaret Browne; January 2019 Podcast: Horror Poetry with Emma Hyche; and more.

Check it out here

The Boardman Review – Issue 6

boardman review i6If your interest is in the outdoors as well as the arts, something fresh and new, The Boardman Review is an excellent choice. Subtitled “the creative culture & outdoor lifestyle journal of northern Michigan,” this print and digital journal includes literature, music, lifestyle profiles, and documentaries that focus on the work and lives of creative people who express their love of the outdoors without trying to promote their talent. This last issue of 2018 provides a promise of even more fascinating work during the coming year.

Continue reading “The Boardman Review – Issue 6”

Books :: 2018 Rising Writer Contest Winner Published

luxury blue lace corfmanThis month, find Luxury, Blue Lace by S. Brook Corfman at Autumn House Press. Winner of the 2018 Rising Writer Contest, judge Richard Siken notes how Corfman “examines the ways that presentation and representation conflate and complicate. Expansive, generous, deeply considered, and highly lyric, this book, with its transformations and overlaps, astounds.”

Learn what others have to say about Luxury, Blue Lace as you pick up a copy at Autumn House Press’s website.

Georgia Review Stephen Corey Steps Down

After announcing in November 2018 that he would be stepping down as editor of The Georgia Review, Stephen Corey offers readers an update on his departure in the Spring 2019 editorial: 

steve coreyAs I write now, during the middle days of February, hard upon our Spring 2019 deadline, the dice are still not fully cast for my successor or my exact departure date – and so I will be brief again: the earliest I would step away is 1 June, at which time our Summer 2019 issue will literally be in press and the preparation of the Fall 2019 contents will be in full swing, so my ghost will be around for at least some aspects of the latter. The goal for me, for the rest of the Georgia Review  staff, and for the University of Georgia, is a transition that will be as smooth as possible for our submitters, contributors, and readers.

I will close with a few words (because I have been asked for them) about the why  of my departure from the place of employment to which I have given more than half of my life, and which I have served through almost  (just one year shy of) half of the journal’s life. I’ve been pondering and preparing for a couple of years, with no pressure from anyone other than myself. I’m seventy, I’m healthy, I have several books of my own writing to finish and begin – and I haven’t even toured Great Britain yet, that realm so vital from early days to my being drawn into this literature/reading/writing/editing life.

To be continued…


Able Muse Write Prize 2018 Winners

The Winter 2018 issue of Able Muse: A Review of Poetry, Prose & Art, features winners, as well as a selection of entrants, of their 2018 Write Prize for Fiction and Poetry.

lynn marie houstonWrite Prize for Fiction
Final Judge: Bret Lott

Winner: “Vigil” by Anthony J. Otte
Runner-up: “A Man of Fewer Words” by Claudette E. Sutton

Write Prize for Poetry
Final Judge: J. Allyn Rosser

Winner: “Wildfire” by Lynn Marie Houston [pictured]
Runner-up: “Moorings” by D. R. Goodman
Finalist: “A Cormorant in Yangshuo” by Gabriel Spera

Shortlist poetry included in the publication:

“Zheduo Pass, Sichuan Province” by David Allen Sullivan
“Connecticut, After Dark” by Ann Thompson
“Memento Mori” by Melissa Cannon
“Somerset, 1972” by Rob Wright

For a full list of finalists and for information about the 2019 contest (deadline extended), click here.

W.S. Merwin in Memoriam

merwinThe Kenyon Review offers readers In Memoriam, “a space for remembering notable contributors to the pages of KR. We regret the loss of their voices from the world of arts and letters.”

In honor of W.S. Merwin, Kenyon Review  Poetry Editor David Baker writes, “No contemporary poet’s work has meant more to me than W. S. Merwin’s. We first met in 1979, when I was a twenty-four-year-old high school English teacher in Jefferson City, Missouri; we played pool at Dave’s Bar in Kansas City one night, and he told me I shouldn’t go do my PhD but stay out of academia and write.”

Read the rest of Baker’s comments here along with Merwin’s works published in KR and a link to video interview with KR editor David Lynn and David Baker upon Merwin’s accepting the Kenyon Review Award for Literary Achievement in 2010.

Books :: End of Year Award Winners 2018

fall 2018 award winnersThere was a lot going on at the end of 2018, so maybe you missed out on some of the award-winning books published toward the tail end of the year. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered.

October saw the publication of Earthly Delights and Other Apocalypses by Jen Julian, winner of the 2018 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction. Judge Kevin Morgan Watson says the stories “range from straight-ahead fiction to sci-fi or dystopian, all with a strong sense of place with well-developed characters whose challenges draw the reader in.” Order copies and learn more at the Press 53 website.

In November, BkMk Press published Sweet Herbaceous Miracle by Berwyn Moore, winner of the John Ciardi Prize for Poetry. Selected by Enid Shomer, Moore’s third collection of poetry arrives “like good news, like spring flowers from the garden,” according to advance praise from George Bilgere. Find out more at the publisher’s website.

BkMk Press also released When We Were Someone Else by Rachel Groves, winner of the G. S. Sharat Chandra Prize for Short Fiction, selected by Hilma Wolitzer. Quirky characters in unlivable spaces occupy the stories in this collection. On the press’s website, find advance praise and links to reviews to learn more.

Another title out in November: The Good Echo by Shena McAuliffe, winner of the Black Lawrence Press 2017 Big Moose Prize. Readers can find an excerpt of the novel at the publisher’s website when they order their copies.

Wrapping up the month of November is UNMANNED by Jessica Rae Bergamino, winner of the 2017 Noemi Press Poetry Prize (with submissions currently open until May 1). UNMANNED features persona poems from the perspective of two Voyager Space probes as queer femmes exploring space. See what readers thought of the collection as you order your copies.

GT Craft Essays at the Tipping Point

siamak vossoughiGlimmer Train March 2019 Bulletin offers an interesting selection of craft essays, each just at a tipping point of controversy.

Words, and Barry Hannah, the Guy Who Taught Me to Love Them” by Marian Palaia shares how Hannah’s voice and vernacular influenced her early on, although now she comments, “if Barry were writing the same stuff now, I can’t imagine how he’d get away with it.”

Devin Murphy’s “We All Do It! Don’t We? The Art of Reading Like a Thief” examines the fine line of “Did I plagiarize the novel I’d read?” He comments on his own teaching and trying to help student writers “understand the value of actively reading for material that will help them deepen their own stories.”

“What interests me about politics in fiction,” writes Siamak Vossoughi [pictured], “is how it informs the lives of characters.” In his essay, ‘The Political Lives of Characters,” he asserts, “A writer only runs the risk of being preachy or dogmatic if he or she makes a character of one political belief less three-dimensional and human than that of another.”


Books :: 2018 Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize Winner Published

dark thing jonesPleaides Press annually hosts the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize, the winning writer receiving $3000 with the winning collection published by the press and distributed by Louisiana State University Press. Readers can find the winner of the 2018 prize published last month: dark // thing by Ashley M. Jones.

From the publisher’s website: “dark //  thing is a multi-faceted work that explores the darkness/otherness by which the world sees Black people. Ashley M. Jones stares directly into the face of the racism that allows people to be seen as dark things, as objects that can be killed/enslaved/oppressed/devalued.”

Jones challenges form with more experimental pieces worked in throughout the collection, and if readers still want more of Jones’s award-winning work after checking out dark // thing, they can find her debut collection Magic City Gospel at Hub City Press which won silver in poetry from the Independent Publisher’s Book Awards.

Read Rattle Young Poets

rypaSubscribers to Rattle poetry magazine get bonus in their mailbox with each spring issue: Rattle Young Poets Anthology. If you’re not a subscriber, RYPA can be ordered separately for just $6.

The 2019 issue is a 48-page chapbook of work by twenty poets age fifteen or under, but don’t let the age line fool you. Rattle editors write that this “is not a collection just for kids—these are missives to adults from the next generation, confronting big topics with fresh eyes and a child-like spontaneity.”

Contributors include Lucia Baca, Angélica Borrego, Olivia Bourke, April Chukwueke, Lexi Duarte, Josephina Green, C.A. Harper, Lily Hicks, Angelique Jean Lindberg, Rylee McNiff, Ethan Paulk, Lydia Phelps, McKenzie Renfrew, Ellie Shumaker, Emmy Song, Rowan Stephenson, Saoirse Stice, Zachary Tsokos, Layla Varty, and Simon Zuckert, with cover art by Noralyn Lucero.

Submission deadline for the next issue is October 15, 2019.

Young Journalists Wanted!

scholastic news kidsScholastic News Kids Press Corps, a team of Kid Reporters from across the country and around the world that covers “news for kids, by kids” is taking applications. Students ages 10–14 with a passion for telling great stories and discussing issues that matter most to kids are encouraged to apply for the 2019–2020 school year. All applications must be received by May 31, 2019.

Kid Reporters gain valuable writing and critical-thinking skills in addition to hands-on journalism experience through their work covering local and national current events, and interviewing news-makers. Their stories are published online at the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps website, as well as in issues of Scholastic Classroom Magazines, which reach more than 25 million students in the United States.

Past Kid Reporters have interviewed notable figures, including:

• Anderson Cooper, CNN news anchor
• Marian Wright Edelman, President and Founder of the Children’s Defense Fund
• Dav Pilkey, creator of the best-selling Dog Man and Captain Underpants series
• Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
• James Corden, host of the Late Late Show on CBS

[From Royivia Ferguson, Publicist, Corporate Communications at Scholastic]

Gear Up for National Poetry Month!

nationalpoetrymonthposter2019The Academy of American Poets offers a plethora of FREE resources for celebrating National Poetry Month!

Of course, there’s the iconic poster, this year featuring artwork by Julia Wang, a high school student from San Jose California, who won the inaugural poster contest. You can download the poster as well as order a free paper copy while supplies last.

April 18 is Poem in Your Pocket Day – carry around a poem (or two or three) in your pocket to share by reading to people throughout the day. The Academy offers a selection of pocket-sized poems to download and carry.

Dear Poet is a multimedia education project for youth in grades five through twelve who can write letters in response to poems they read. Teachers are provided a full curriculum which aligns with Common Core.

In addition to all of this, Poets.org has a full page of programming resources for teachers, readers, writers, students, and librarians. That pretty much means for all of us! So check it out and get geared up!

The Art of Protest Summer Workshop

 The Art of Protest: Art and Scholarship as Political Resistance is the theme for the 2019 Mayapple & Sarah Lawrence Summer Workshop, June 13-22 in Bronxville, New York.

Mayapple Center for the Arts and Humanities will host workshops focused on participants choice of activist art, and the daily schedule will include restorative and affirmative yoga and mediation practices in nature.

Courses include:

  • mahagony l brownEngaging Civically through Collaborative Art: Developing a Working Aesthetics of Protest Art with Michelle Slater
  • Staging the Revolution: Protest, Performance, and Social Change with Dana Edell
  • Writing and Exploring Songs that Matter to Us and the World with Dar Williams
  • Writing and Social Action: The Power of the Personal Voice in a Polical World with Brian Morton
  • Ekphrastic Politics with Mahogany L. Brown [pictured]
  • Art and Activism: Creative Collaborations in the Public Sphere with David Birkin

Enrollment is limited and applicants must provide an explanation of their interest as well as a sample of their work. Some financial assistance is avaialable.


Alison Luterman Takes on Jussie Smollett

alison lutermanSince there is always a lag time created between contemporary news issues and publications of poetry, Rattle has created a quick-streaming solution.

Poets Respond takes weekly submissions (before midnight on Fridays) for works “written within the last week about a public event that occurred within the last week.”

The poems then appear every Sunday on the Rattle homepage. The only criteria for the poem, the editors assert, is quality, “all opinions and reactions are welcome.”

Selected poets receive $50, with poems sent before midnight on Sunday and Tuesday considered for a “bonus” mid-week post.

This week’s selection is “In Defense of Those Who Harbor Terrible Ideas at Tax Time” by Alison Luterman [pictured], in which, yes, she considers “the young black gay actor who orchestrated / a fake hate crime against himself. / It must have seemed like such a good idea to him / at the time,” and later in the poem offers, “I have to forgive this young man his terrible / idea, I have to because, in my own way, I’ve been him.” 

For more information about Poets Respond and an archive of past works, click here.

Ecotone Body Issue Walks the Talk

ecotone body issue“Oh, plastic, scourge of the Anthropocene, shaped into adorable shapes and dyed multifarious colors; plastic, who will be with us forever: it’s easy to forget about you, but when I remember you’re here, I’m annoyed and freaked out all at once.”

The opening line of From the Editor: Material Life by Anna Lena Phillips Bell creates a link between the theme for the Fall/Winter 2018 issue of Ecotone: Body and our cultural abuse of plastics. Taking their own use to task, Ecotone announces with this issue they will no longer be shipping the magazines in ‘polybags,’ and the cover of the publication itself will now be an uncoated stock. Walking the talk!

And the contents of the publication focus on “The Body” including campus-carry laws, Indigenous students, the safety of women’s bodies, queer identity, birth and postpartum depression, and much more.

See a full list of contributors and read partial content here.

Glimmer Train Family Matters Competition Winners

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their Family Matters competition. This competition is open to all writers for stories about family of any configuration. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

morian palaia1st place goes to Marian Palaia [pictured] of San Francisco, California, who wins $2500 for “Wild Things.” Her story will be published in Issue 106, the final issue of Glimmer Train Stories.

2nd place goes to Peter Parsons of Riverside, California, who wins $500 for “Elvis, Alive and Limping.” His story will also be published in Issue 106 of Glimmer Train, increasing his prize to $700.

3rd place goes to Emily Lackey of Amherst, Massachusetts, who wins $300 for “Trust.” Her story will also be published in Issue 106 of Glimmer Train, increasing her prize to $700.

Here’s a PDF of the Top 25.

Deadlines soon approaching!

Final Fiction Open: February 28
This is Glimmer Train’s final Fiction Open. First place wins $3000 plus publication in the journal, and 10 copies of that issue. Second/third: $1000/$600 and consideration for publication. This category has been won by both beginning and veteran writers – all are welcome! There are no theme restrictions. Word count generally ranges from 3000 – 6000, though up to 28,000 is fine. Stories may have previously appeared online but not in print. Click here for complete guidelines.

Final Very Short Fiction Award: February 28
This is Glimmer Train’s final Very Short Fiction Award. First place winning $2000 plus publication in the journal, and 10 copies of that issue. Second/third: $500/$300 and consideration for publication. It’s open to all writers, with no theme restrictions, and the word count range is 300 – 3000. Stories may have previously appeared online but not in print. Click here for complete guidelines.

Cold Mountain Review on Justice

vivian shipley“All of the work in this special Fall issue of Cold Mountain Review about a fair and just relationship between people and their society has great emotional impact,” writes Consulting Editor Vivian Shipley in her Editor’s Note. And the work strikes upon a variety of justice issues: the opioid crisis; transgender experience; the multitude of experiences of women from different identities, races, and classes; the continued impact of oppression created by colonial occupation; the impact of humans on the environment; ecological aspects; and the role of social media.

From her youth, Shipley shares, “I was taught that anything that had a negative impact on the dignity of life of any person, from their birth to their death, needed to be addressed and eliminated,” and concludes, “This timely and very significant issue of Cold Mountain Review explores many ways to achieve social justice in our currently bitterly divided country.”

See a complete list of contributors and read the full content online here.

Baltimore Review Winter 2018 Contest Winners

The Winter 2019 online issue of Baltimore Review includes winners from their annual Winter Contest for fiction, CNF, or poetry, this year’s themed “Tools,” as well as the “Pop-Up Contest” for flash fiction or CNF in response to the collage art “The Tripwire of a Dream” by Bill Wolak.

Winter Contest Winners selected by Final Judge Geoffrey Becker:

leslie carlinFirst Place
Leslie Carlin [pictured], “Occasionally Good”

Second Place
Christopher X Ryan, “Day Shapes”

Third Place
Amanda Newell, “Because I Am Lonely and You Will Not Know My Pain”

Pop-Up Contest Winners selected by BR Editors:
Ian Mahler, “Lapse”
Robert Watkins, “The Little Girl and the Universe Tool”