Home » Where to Submit » Calls for Submissions » Grey Matter Medical Poetry Journal: open for medical poetry/micro-prose

Grey Matter Medical Poetry Journal: open for medical poetry/micro-prose

Deadline: November 15, 2024

Grey Matter, the medical poetry journal of the Narrative Medicine program at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, welcomes submissions from voices across the healthcare spectrum—from providers to patients—with a focus on equity, inclusion, and the celebration of our unique medical narratives. Submit up to 3 poems or 1 piece of flash prose (500 words maximum) that reflects on the physiological and/or emotional effects of our health experiences, or that explores the human condition through a medical lens. Please include a brief, third-person bio (150 words or fewer) with your submission, which should be sent to [email protected]. Visit the website to read past issues and learn more.

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