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Haikus in Space

Looking for a wider audience for your work? Consider the stars. NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission is launching late in 2013, and NASA is running a contest for messages, in haiku form, to be sent onboard the craft. The contest is open to “everyone on planet Earth,” though participants must be 18 to sign up for an account and login (minors are encouraged to have a parent or teacher assist them).

Entries are accepted from May 1 to July 1, and from July 15-29, the public will vote to choose the top three messages. The names of all entrants will be written to a DVD that will be sent on the craft as well.

The goal of the MAVEN mission is to understand Mars’s upper atmosphere. The team also promotes education and outreach about science and space with students and the public.

Academy of Arts and Science New Members

Newly elected for membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Humanities and Arts class are novelist Martin Amis; novelist and essayist Wendell Berry; philosopher David Chalmers; director and actor Robert De Niro; Pulitzer Prize-winning poets Annie Dillard and U.S. Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey; actor Sally Field; Michael Fishbane, a scholar of Jewish studies; operatic soprano Renée Fleming; jazz musician Herbie Hancock; documentary filmmaker Albert Maysles; French history scholar Sarah Maza; linguist David Perlmutter; artist Judy Pfaff; Stuart Schwartz, a leading historian of colonial slavery; artist Yoshiaki Shimizu; and singer-songwriters Pete Seeger and Bruce Springsteen.

One of the nation’s most prestigious honorary societies, the Academy is also a leading center for independent policy research. Members contribute to Academy publications and studies of science and technology policy, energy and global security, social policy and American institutions, and the humanities, arts, and education.

“Election to the Academy honors individual accomplishment and calls upon members to serve the public good,” said Academy President Leslie C. Berlowitz. “We look forward to drawing on the knowledge and expertise of these distinguished men and women to advance solutions to the pressing policy challenges of the day.”

Major Jackson Guest Edits

The Spring 2013 issue is guest edited by Major Jackson who said work with the collection was “restorative and personally nurturing.” The issue features work from Martín Espada, Tony Hoagland, Sharon Olds, Carl Phillips, Tracy K. Smith, Laura Kasischke, and many more.”

In his introduction, Jackson writes, “The authors in this issue entertain, bring the news, and elegantly sing the underlying complexities of our existence. However, maybe even more notably, as Spicer suggests: against all that alienates us from each other, these authors, with their counterpunching visions and imaginative uses of language, render us more a community—flawed beyond belief, yet whose humanity is all the more striking because of our joyous nature to find redemption, to grasp and render all that is sublime, beautiful, and truthful.”

For the rest of the introduction and to see and read snippets from the issue, visit www.pshares.org.

2012 Alice Hoffman Prize Winner

Ploughshares has announced Karl Taro Greenfeld as the recipient of the first annual Alice Hoffman Prize for Fiction for his short story, “Strawberries,” which appeared in the Winter 2012 issue of Ploughshares, guest edited by Ladette Randolph and John Skoyles. The $1,000 award, given by acclaimed writer and Ploughshares advisory editor Alice Hoffman, honors the best piece of fiction published in the journal during the previous year.

New Lit on the Block :: A NARROW FELLOW

A NARROW FELLOW is a new biannual, print, poetry magazine that takes its name from an Emily Dickinson poem, later named by publishers “The Snake.” This poem is about “…a narrow fellow in the grass…” After coming up with a list of 40 possible names, Editors Mark Lee Webb and Molly McCormack (husband and wife) sat down to make a final decision: “The name we settled on at the end of the candle and the bottom of the bottle of wine (a Pinot Noir) was A NARROW FELLOW,” says Webb.

“We wanted to connect more with ‘The Tribe,’ make contacts with established voices,” he says. “We also recognized the difficulty new voices have getting published . . . It’s often a very closed clique . . .” Knowing this frustration, they wanted to make a place for these new voices to shine.

The magazine features mostly poems that fit on one page and that “tell engaging stories, that use vivid images, and that sing melodies that beg you to come back for more.” Web says that they don’t publish experiment, but they also don’t publish traditional forms with measured meter and end-rhymes. “We publish innovators (which is different than experimenters, to a degree). Webb really knows the kinds of poetry they want, and the kind they don’t want: “We publish lots of metaphor. We publish poems that tell a unique story in a unique way. We don’t publish poems about writing poetry. We don’t publish poems about the meaning of the universe. We publish mysterious poems that are not confusing. They don’t tie a bow around their endings, and they make the reader work a bit. But they are not un-solvable puzzles.”

Each author that they feature has at least two poems, “so the reader can get a better sense of their voice.” Webb says that they event rejected some excellent poets because they only sent one poem, or only one remarkable poem in the set.

The first issue features well-known poets Jeffrey Skinner, Mark Brazaitis, Fred Smock, James Harms, and Lynnell Edwards. The issue also includes Karen Schubert, who recently won an Ohio Arts Council grant and teaches at Youngstown State. Webb says, “Her poem ‘Toby Tyler’ is remarkable.” Webb says they are excited to be one of the first magazines to publish the work of Jerriod Avant, an MFA student “that you’ll be hearing a lot about in the next few years.” The issue also features the work of emerging voice such as Caitlin Thomson and Valentina Cano. Webb says that the next issue will feature double the amount of poets that were published in the inaugural issue, which was seventeen.

In the future, A NARROW FELLOW plans to publish a theme issue that will pair pieces of artwork with poems written about the art. Webb says that in addition to publishing the issue, they will hang the art and poems for a show at a gallery.

For information on submitting or subscribing to the magazine, please visit their website.

Blood Lotus Seeks Editors

Blood Lotus online magazine is looking to fill a couple of volunteer editor positions in both poetry and fiction. Time commitment would be 5-10 hours per quarterly reading period. For more details and to find out how to apply, visit their website.

Beard of Bees Offers Chandler Lewis Chapbook

Beard of Bees offers a free download of their newest publication Pixel’s Minutiae by Chandler Lewis.

Beard of Bees is an independent, free press based in Oak Park, Illinois and Paris, France, that makes all of its publications available for free download and free redistribution, “since the alleged ownership of language and thought is a revolting legal fiction.”

Beard of Bees is “committed to publishing quality chapbooks by liberated poets from Anywhere.” They “do not discriminate against non-human or post-human artists,” and feature works of Gnoetry: “an on-going experiment in human/computer collaborative poetry composition.”

New Fandom and Neomedia Studies Journal

The Phoenix Papers is a free, online, peer-reviewed, open-access journal of fandom and neomedia studies from Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Association.

The editors welcome articles on fandom and media topics as well as reviews of anime, manga, books, movies, video games, TV series, web series, musical albums, performances, and other pop culture media products. They encourage scholars at all levels of achievement, whether affiliated with an institution or independent, to contribute to our journal. Submissions are accepted throughout the year with quarterly publication (January, April, July which also includes their conference proceedings, and October).

The FANS Conference is hosted and sponsored by A-Kon, the longest continually running anime and manga convention in North America.

The Phoenix Papers
Vol 1 No 1
Table of Contents

“Film Review The Runaways” by Penny Spirou

“Game Review DrawSomething” by Amanda Murphyao

“Book Review Fandom at the Crossroads” by Margo Collins

“Distinctive Language of Animation” by Hiren Solanki

“The Evolution of Gaming and How It Affected Society” by Donovan Cape

“The Evolution of Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming” by Gregory Dugger

“Are Pokemon Slaves or Willing Companions” by Andrew Tague

“Collaboration beyond the Game” by Diana Hubbard

“Gender, Sexuality, and Cosplay” by Rachel Leng

“Transnational Television, International Anxieties” by Jessica Julia McGill Peters

“Bringing Smexy Back” by Elizabeth Birmingham

New Lit on the Block :: Radio Silence

Radio Silence is a new print magazine that focuses on literature and rock & roll. Two to three issues come out a year, including essays, interviews, fiction, poetry, and illustrations. Run as a nonprofit, the publication raises money to help buy books and musical instruments for kids.

The editors include Dan Stone, editor-in-chief; Kim Gooden, copy editor; Casey Burns, art director; and Brandon Herring, design director.

The first issue runs about 150 pages and includes fiction by Daniel Handler and F. Scott Fitzgerald; poetry by David Mason and Edna St. Vincent Millay; essays by Kim Addonizio, Geoff Dyer, Ted Gioia, Adam Haslett, Blake Hazard, Sam Lipsyte, Adrian McKinty, Jon Mooallem, Kyle Morton, Zach Rogue, A. E. Stallings, Jim White, and Tobias Wolff; and an interview between Rick Moody and Tanya Donelly.

Issue 02 runs 224 pages and features Bruce Springsteen, Robert Pinsky, Ray Bradbury, Edith Wharton, Dana Gioia, Don Carpenter, Andrew Beaujon, Jennie Fields, Adrian McKinty, Myla Goldberg, Zach Rogue, Benjamin Hedin, Tift Merritt, Rick Moody, Thao Nguyen, David Remnick, Tim Riley, Siegfried Sassoon, and Jim White.

They also put on live events with writers and musicians including a new live series in San Francisco. Issue 3 will appear in Fall 2013.

Radio Silence does not accept unsolicited submissions. For more information about subscribing or purchasing an issue, please visit their website.

2013 Tusculum Review Prizes

The most recent issue of The Tusculum Review features the winners of the 2013 Fiction and Poetry Prizes. Fiction was judged by Kate Bernheimer, and poetry was judged by Nate Pritts.

Lynn Stegner: “Rogue”
Jessica Alexander: “Psychopathia Sexualis: A Coming of Age Story”
Judith E. Johnson: “The Horse on the Skyscraper”

Caroline Crew: “I Am Not Against Ambience”
Ashley Seitz Kramer: “The Better to See You My Dear”
Erin L. Miller: “Aubade”
Nate Pillman: “Physics”
Leslie Williams: “Safe in the Ground”

Read more about the contest and the winners by clicking here.

Understanding Poetry Through Translation

From scholarly publisher, Brill, Between the Lines: Yang Lian’s Poetry through Translation by Cosima Bruno “illustrates how the study of translation can enhance our experience of reading poetry. By inquiring into the mutual dependence of the source text and its translation, the study offers both theoretical insights and methodological tools that bring in-depth stylistic analysis to bear on the translations as against the originals. Through such a process of discovery, Cosima Bruno elaborates a textual exegesis of the work by Yang Lian, one of the most translated, and critically acclaimed contemporary Chinese poets. This book thus reconciles the theory-practice divide in translation studies, as well as helps to dismantle the lingering Eurocentrism still present in the discipline.”

Mary Hood Special Feature

The new issue of The Georgia Review contains a special issue about Mary Hood (“How She Went Further”). The feature contains a piece of her fiction titled “Some Stranger’s Bed” alongside a lengthy interview conducted by William Walsh and titled “The Woman Who Almost Bolted.” This is followed by Hood’s “I Seem to Write You Everything: Selected Letters to Stanley W. Lindberg, 1982-89,” with an introduction by Douglas Carlson and commentary by Stephen Corey, and Hood’s “Breaking It” essay.

The issue also features an essay by Nancy Geyer; fiction by Lynn Schmeidler and Ginger Eager; poetry by David Clewell, Andrea Hollander, Lola Haskins, Alice Friman, Albert Goldbarth, and Anna Silver; art by Amze Emmons; and reviews by Kevin Clark, Matthew Bryant Cheney, and Gary Kerley.

Concrete Highway Deal

Blue Cubicle Press announced the release of their new issue of Workers Write! Tales from the Concrete Highway, stories and poems from the driver’s point of view.

Unfortunately, the editors note that a number of copies they received from the printer have a “small but annoying mark on two of the pages. Nothing major, doesn’t take away from the readability of the page, just kind of looks like a skid mark, which, I guess, is wholly appropriate for this issue.”

Replacements have been ordered, and “clean” copies can be purchased for $10 (also available in PDF and Kindle versions). But, for $4.50, the cost of postage and envelope, readers can order a “slightly marked” copy.

Blue Cubicle Press is collecting stories and poems for their tenth issue of Workers Write! More Tales from the Cubicle.

Memoirs: Is Enough, Enough?

“Are there too many memoirs out there? Are too many being written? Is enough, enough?” writes Joe Mackall, editor at River Teeth in the most recent issue. “After all, for the last twenty-five years we’ve read memoirs on every conceivable subject. Some great, some good, some fair, some poor . . . I’m treating my question rhetorically, of course.” He suggests that nobody ever questions if people should stop writing poems, plays, or movies, so the same question should not be asked of memoirs. Yet, critics do. “Those of us who love memoir know how some critics appear to delight in deriding them,” he says.

What probably doesn’t come as a surprise, Mackall answers his question with a resounding no. “I need more than family stories. I need them all. I need the lives of others. And yes, all great art gives us these lives all the time. But it seems to be the special province of memoir, its simplest and purest objective.”

This Spring 2013 issue features the work of Amy A. Whitcomb, Kirk Wilson, Sonja Livingston, Glenn Moomau, Philip Gerard, Marilyn Bousquin, Kathryn Wilder, Richard Goodman, Jackson Connor, and A. Sandosharaj.

Lake Journal Closing its Doors

Issue 8 of Lake will be the last print issue published by the Lake Publishing Society. All of the issues will be digitized and made available in the UBCO cIRcle database. Anyone who has paid for subscriptions past issue 8 will be issued a refund or sent a back issue. Simply contact Lake at [email protected].

“We at Lake have enjoyed working with contributors and readers alike,” write the editors, “and it was with heavy hearts that we decided to cease publication. . . Lake Publishing Society will continue to exist and we look forward to publishing some limited edition works on the theme of art and environment. It is possible that we may continue with some kind of online presence with our website, as well, including publishing reviews and some artwork.”


Alimentum: The Literature of Food online journal celebrate National Poetry Month each year with MENUPOEMS. This year they have selected poems related to a favorite restaurant (and have included links to those establishments). In addition to the 17 poets in the MENUPOEM feature, there is an additional sidebar of “Featurettes,” which includes videos, viseopoems, and a page of “secret foods” (what readers eat on the sly…).

A few of my favs include “In the Most Unlikely Places” the first part of a video by Jason Bell (Editor-in-Chief of The Columbia Review) as he explores ‘why he likes southern food,’ a video from a series created by Dutch artists Lernert & Sander of Arno Coenen explaining the “nature of his beer-centric multimedia project to his dad” while the two sit drinking homebrews, and the concrete poem “Bebe Coca-Cola” by Brazilian writer D

William H. Gass Interview: Sentenced to Depth

The Rain Taxi Review of Books Online Spring 2013 Edition offers readers a great special feature:  “Sentenced to Depth: An Interview with Willam H. Gass” interviewed by John Madera. The comprehensive (25,000 words!) interview is offered as a PDF chapbook, so it can be printed or read as an e-book. An excerpt of the interview appeared in the Rain Taxi Spring 2013 print edition, so this is a real treat to have access to the full text here. Thanks Rain Taxi!

Celebrate National Nurses Week with CNF

National Nurses Week is celebrated annually from May 6, also known as National Nurses Day, through May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.

Celebrate the nurses in your life with this new collection for Creative Nonfiction: I Wasn’t Strong Like This When I Started Out: True Stories of Becoming a Nurse, Edited by Lee Gutkind.

From the CNF website: This collection of true narratives reflects the dynamism and diversity of nurses, who provide the first vital line of patient care. Here, nurses remember their first “sticks,” first births, and first deaths, and reflect on what gets them through long, demanding shifts, and keeps them in the profession.

The stories reveal many voices from nurses at different stages of their careers: One nurse-in-training longs to be trusted with more “important” procedures, while another questions her ability to care for nursing home residents. An efficient young emergency room nurse finds his life and career irrevocably changed by a car accident. A nurse practitioner wonders whether she has violated professional boundaries in her care for a homeless man with AIDS, and a home care case manager is the sole attendee at a funeral for one of her patients.

What connects these stories is the passion and strength of the writers, who struggle against burnout and bureaucracy to serve their patients with skill, empathy, and strength.

Feature on James Dickey

The newest issue of Five Points contains a special feature dedicated to writer James Dickey. Darren Wang contributes an interview with him, conducted in November 1996, just two months before he passed. In an introduction to the interview, Wang writes, “Even now, listening to the tape makes me cringe. A man of his stature would have been justified in sending me packing, and that’s where the generosity really showed. Time and time again, he latched on to anything in my questions which would allow him to ignore my ignorance.” The interview discusses writing of the South and the writers that had come before him.

Following the interview are reflections on James Dickey by Christopher Dickey, Ward Briggs, and Ernest Suarez. These reflections also carry photographs of Dickey at different stages of his life.

The table of contents announces that Kevin Cantwell is the winner of the Five Points James Dickey Prize for Poetry, and Cantwell contributes 3 poems to the issue.

One-Year CWF Appointment OK State U

Oklahoma State University one-year appointment beginning August 2013. MFA or PhD in Creative Writing, or related area. 3-2 teaching load. Appropriate terminal degree, appropriate credentials, significant national publication, and demonstrated teaching excellence required. Additional publication and teaching expertise in creative non-fiction desirable. Salary competitive and commensurate with experience. OSU offers the BA, MA, and the PhD in English with emphasis in creative writing. For further information on the department see our webpage at http://english.okstate.edu. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by May 1, 2013.

2013 Bellevue Literary Review Prizes

The Spring 2013 issue of Bellevue Literary Review features the winners of the 2013 Prizes:

Goldenberg Prize for Fiction, selected by Jane Smiley
Winner: “The No-Tell Hotel” by Kathryn Trueblood
Honorable Mention: “You Will Make Several Relaxing Cuts” by Ashley Chambers
Honorable Mention: “Bus” by Joan Leegant

Burns Archive Prize for Nonfiction, selected by Mary Roach
Winner: “Dust, Light, Life” by Jacqueline Kolosov
Honorable Mention: “Omphalos” by Maura Smith

Marica and Jan Vilcek Prize for Poetry, selected by Mark Doty
Winner: “The Learn’d Astronomer on the Radio” by Laura Passin
Honorable Mention: “Reading Sexton in Phuket” by Patricia Murphy

Raymond Carver Festival

In honor of the 75th Anniversary of Carver’s birth on May 25, events are planned throughout the month of May in Port Angeles, Washington. Full schedule of the Carver Festival.

The Festival begins May 9 and ends May 25 and will feature films, dance, reader’s theater, readings, artwork, and guest writers, scholars, artists, and filmmakers.

Special guests will include:

  • Writers in Residence Jane Mead and Lucia Perillo
  • Poet Henry Carlile, a close friend to Raymond Carver who taught his work for many years at Portland State
  • Artists Alfredo Arreguin and Susan Lytle
  • Guest filmmakers Mike Kaplan and Jean Walkinshaw
  • Tess Gallagher, Alice Derry, and other local writers
  • Jim Guthrie and the PA Readers Theater
  • The Walla Walla Dance group led by choreographer Vicki Lloid

The celebration is organized by Tess Gallagher and Peninsula College, with support from the Peninsula College Foundation, the Peninsula College Associated Student Council, and the Peninsula College Office of Instruction.

New Lit on the Block :: Star 82 Review

Star 82 Review is a brand new online magazine that is named after the code you use to unblock a blocked phone number so the recipient knows who you are. “I like that a writer’s voice is revealed in a written piece,” says Editor Alisa Golden, “an artist’s hand is shown in a visual work.”

Available quarterly online for free, or in print for purchase through CreateSpace and Amazon, Star 82 Review publishes stories, poems, play scenes, and monologues. But in particular interest to Golden is publishing fiction and nonfiction that come in under 1000 words. There are also two unique categories: Postcard Lit and Erasure Text. You can see examples of these forms in their first issue online, which features Stephen Ajay, Hugh Behm-Steinberg, Lauren Guza Brown, William Copeland, Leonard Crosby, Marie C. Dern, Gina, Jim Hair, Alan D. Harris, William D. Hicks, Jnana Hodson, Paul Hostovsky, Alastair Johnston, Maureen Kingston, Lisa Kokin, Ron. Lavalette, Jonathan Lethem, Rachel Smith, Judith Tannenbaum, and Mary Whiteside (with Alan Whiteside).

Golden says that readers can expect to find “thoughtful, layered pieces that reveal emotional and psychological truths. The works unveil the strange and unique quality of a familiar object or situation. Readers are likely to come away laughing, nodding, gasping, or shaking their heads in understanding.” Golden says that she wanted to start this magazine to showcase both art and writing alongside one another. And as the magazine develops, she hopes to continue publishing as long as possible and to discover more excellent writers and authors.

Star 82 Review accepts submissions via Submittable year-round. However, the projected deadlines are May 15, August 15, November 15, and February 15 for particular issues. More guidelines can be found on the website.

Rain Taxi Online Auction!

There’s ONE WEEK LEFT in the Rain Taxi: Review of Books online auction. In honor or National Poetry Month, the spring fundraiser features poetry items, including SIGNED first editions, used books and collectible items, chapbooks, broadsides, and even a “textile surprise.” Over three dozen items are available for bidding on eBay. The auction ends on Saturday at 6pm (PST) – so get bidding!

Mudfish still in business

Mudfish magazine recently sent out an email announcing that although their website is out of date, they are still going about business as usual. “Our webmaster has gone missing,” writes Jill Hoffman, “For reasons unknown, he has vanished from virtual reality. . . Please bear with us.” She urges anyone who knows of a person who could update their website to please contact her ([email protected]).

In the meantime, she would like to announce 2 things:

1. Terry Phelan’s second book of poems, Fires in Sonoma (Box Turtle Press), is being distributed to Barnes & Nobles across the country. This is a companion single book of poems to Mudfish.

2. The 11th Annual Mudfish Poetry Prize is now open for submissions for unpublished poetry. Check out the call for submissions on the NewPages contest list.

2012 Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize

The most recent issue of The Missouri Review features the winners of the 2012 Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize:

Rachel Yoder of Iowa City, IA for “The blood was the mountain and the mountain was the bear”
Cara Adams of Baton Rouge, LA, for “The Sea Latch”
Jennifer S. Davis of Baton Rouge, LA, for “The Winnowing of Henry Jenkins”
Emma Törzs of Missoula, MT for “Patchwork Elephant”

Katie Bickham of Shreveport, LA
Andrew P. Grace of Gambier, OH
Dan O’Brien of Santa Monica, CA
Diane K. Seuss of Kalamazoo, MI

Terry Ann Thaxton of Winter Springs, FL, for “Delusions of Grandeur”
Jennifer Anderson of Lewiston, ID for “It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie”
Kathleen Spivack of Watertown, MA, for “Write What You Know”
Brad Wetherell of Ann Arbor, MI, for “A Clean Break”

To read more about the winners, visit the website.

Sherman Alexie’s Top Ten Native American Poets

In Bill Moyers’ program “Moyers & Company,” this week, author Sherman Alexie shared the names of some of his favorite Native American writers. Moyers’ website includes a page for each with a sample poem in print or video and links to additional information.

The original April 12, 2013 program is available online – Living Outside Tribal Lines: A hard look at the state of American economic inequality, and writer Sherman Alexie on living in two different cultures at the same time.

MQR Announces 2012 Literary Prizes

Lawrence Foundation Prize

Rebecca Makkai has won the $1000 Lawrence Foundation Prize for 2012. The prize is awarded annually by the Editorial Board of MQR to the author of the best short story published that year in the journal. Makkai’s story “Cross” appeared in the Summer 2012 issue.

Laurence Goldstein Poetry Prize

Angie Estes has won the 2012 Laurence Goldstein Poetry Prize, which is awarded annually to the author of the best poem or group of poems appearing that year in the Michigan Quarterly Review. Her poems “Le Plaisir” and “Item:” appeared in the Fall 2012 issue.

Page Davidson Clayton Prize for Emerging Poets

Margaret Reges is the fourth recipient of the new Page Davidson Clayton Prize for Emerging Poets, which is awarded annually to the best poet appearing in MQR who has not yet published a book. The award, which is determined by the MQR editors, is in the amount of $500.

For more information please go to michiganquarterlyreview.com.

Alice Hoffman Prize for Fiction

The Winter 2012 issue of Ploughshares features the winner of the Alice Hoffman Prize for Fiction: Karl Taro Greenfield for his short story, “Strawberries.” The issue was guest edited by Ladette Randolph and John Skoyles. Greenfield received $1,000 from acclaimed writer and advisory editor Alice Hoffman.

In the press release, Greenfield is quoted as saying, “I start writing with an image or feeling in mind, in this case the dishes with swastikas on the bottom and the strange bar in Liege, and then start writing and see if I get anywhere. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t and very often I can’t tell which is which.”

Lee Sharkey on Calendars of Fire

“The writing of Calendars began with a question about pronouns: what would it take to make of ‘I’ and ‘you,’ the other I am separated from by history, ideology, religion, nationality, or gender, a ‘we’?”

“My work has long been haunted by the quest to understand why we humans do violence to each other, a question that’s impossible to answer satisfactorily but that we must continue to ask. You might say that it was both the violators and the violated (often one and the same) who inspired this book: Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra, Oedipus, the imprisoners and the imprisoned in the Spanish Inquisition and in Tehran’s Evin prison, those lost in the Nazi Holocaust and in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Figures who stand on the sidelines, knowing too much, as what they have foreseen comes to pass compelled me as well…”

Read the rest here.

International Beatles Celebration

It Was 50 Years Ago Today! Organized by Penn State University, this international Beatles celebration will be held at Penn State’s Altoona College on February 7-9, 2014, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ legendary appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. In addition to panels and presentations, the conference will include film screenings, musical performances, art and photography exhibits, and keynote addresses by leading Beatles critics and musicologists. The conference will conclude with a commemorative screening of The Ed Sullivan Show as it was originally broadcast on February 9, 1964.

Tentative speakers include noted Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn, music theorist Walter Everett, Beatles instrument expert Andy Babiuk, and Beatles author Jude Southerland Kessler. The conference will also include a concert by the celebrated Fab Faux, which Rolling Stone magazine described as “the greatest Beatles cover band–without the wigs.”

Call for Papers is open until July 1, 2013.

Poetry Open Winners: Gemini Magazine

Gemini Magazine‘s recent Poetry Open resulted in some award-winning pieces:

First Place ($1000)
Leonore Hildebrandt: “Rock Me”

Second Place
Kendal Privette: “for a girl, unknown”

Third Place
Letitia Montgomery-Rodgers: “Swagger (God hollas at Mary)”

Honorable Mentions
Paula C. Brancato
Chellis Glendinning
Julia Older

Read these pieces in the current issue, online now.

Comics in Literary Magazines

Edward Chaney, in a post on  Hayden Ferry Review‘s blog, thinks out loud about comics and their importance and place in literature. “There do not seem to be many venues to submit comics,” he writes, “and because the internet is so vast and full of content, unless you are among the lucky few to strike comedic gold, the comics will most often go unseen.” He then interviews Rob Stapleton, editor-in-chief of Booth magazine.

Stapleton explains that it is hard to define and come up with vocabulary for comics in literary journals. While Booth calls them “narrative comics,” he admits that even that might not be the best. “Still haven’t hit a bullseye with this vocabulary.” But whatever it is called, Stapleton makes it clear that Booth isn’t looking for the comic strips in the Sunday paper. He says that the comics are considered literature “when the artist understands and integrates the central tenets of story, character, and pathos.”

Chaney points out two good examples of the pieces that Booth publishes: “Death of a Monolith” by Dustin Harbin and “How I Came to Work at the Wendy’s” by Nick St. John. “I’m looking for comics that integrate humor and story, characterization and a unique worldview, a keen eye and a large, possibly bruised, heart,” says Stapleton.

And Stapleton plans to continue publishing them. But there are other magazines that are publishing them as well. Stapleton gives a few examples: Tin House, McSweeney’s, Virginia Quarterly Review, Barrelhouse, and The Florida Review.

Glimmer Train Short Fiction Winners

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their January Very Short Fiction competition. This competition is held twice a year and is open to all writers for stories with a word count not exceeding 3000. No theme restrictions. The next Very Short Fiction competition will take place in July. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: Siamak Vossoughi [pictured], of San Francisco, CA, wins $1500 for “The X-250.” His story will be published in the Fall 2014 issue of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Elysha Chang, of New York, NY, wins $500 for “Monkey Brains.”

Third place: Sacha V. Wright, of Orem, UT, wins $300 for “With Karolina.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching: Fiction Open: March 31

First place prize has been increased to $2500 for this competition. It is held quarterly and is open to all writers. No theme restrictions. Most submissions to this category are running 2,000-6,000 words, but up to 20,000 are welcome. Click here for complete guidelines.

American Life in Poetry: Column 419

American Life in Poetry: Column 419

It pains an old booklover like me to think of somebody burning a book, but if you’ve gotten one for a quarter and it’s falling apart, well, maybe it’s OK as long as you might be planning to pick up a better copy. Here Ron Koertge, who lives in Pasadena, has some fun with the ashes of love poems.

Burning the Book

The anthology of love poems I bought
for a quarter is brittle, anyway, and comes
apart when I read it.

One at a time, I throw pages on the fire
and watch smoke make its way up
and out.

I’m almost to the index when I hear
a murmuring in the street. My neighbors
are watching it snow.

I put on my blue jacket and join them.
The children stand with their mouths

I can see nouns—longing, rapture, bliss—
land on every tongue, then disappear.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2012 by Ron Koertge, whose most recent book of poems is Fever, Red Hen Press, 2006. Poem reprinted by permission of Ron Koertge. Introduction copyright © 2013 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Writing Wanted: SWITCHEROO 2013

Writers, it’s time for Broadsided‘s annual Switcheroo, now in its tenth year!

Broadsided has posted two images online. Writers respond to the visual pieces in poetry or prose in a way that creates a relationship between art and literature and that fits with the Broadsided format. There are plenty of past years’ selections to see as well. The editors will read all submissions, and the winning entries (one for each piece of art) will be published on May 1, 2013 as a Broadsided collaboration.

Deadline: April 15, 2013.

Kaleidoscope Goes Digital

In the editor’s note in Kaleidoscope‘s Issue 66, Gail Willmott announces that the magazine has been given two choices: go online only, or cease publication. There has been a whole-hearted decision to make it go digital. “To be honest,” she writes, “I have mixed feelings about this transition. For me part of the joy of completing each issue of the magazine has been holding the tangible, finished product in my hands.” However, we she found out the ultimatum, she chose to continue the magazine. “In truth there will be many positive developments as Kaleidoscope goes online. First, many more people will have access . . . Second, readers will be able to view all of the artwork in color rather than in black and white as is now the case . . . Third, it is my hope that without the cost of printing, there may soon come a time when we will not be strictly limited to 64 pages, which means making more of the excellent work of our contributors available to a much wider audience.” She wishes that readers will continue to read the magazine as it transitions to a digital form.

This current issue, themed “Significant Relationships,” features Janeen McGuire’s “One Blue Eye,” Peter L. Pingerelli’s “Dart Frogs and Love,” Cynthia Lim’s “The Gum-Chewing Notary,” and more.

Consequence Prize in Poetry

Consequence features the winner of their prize for poetry in Volume 5. Selected by the judge Fred Marchant, Michelle Bonczek won for her poem “Aria.” Here is a small section of the poem:

I am reading this to you from a stage,
from a bathtub full of mineral salt, from a canoe

lost in the Pacific like a paperclip
holding a death certificate. I am reading this from a drop

of water, a sand speck sunk
to the bottom, a little island dome.

We are on Jupiter’s smallest moon, in a poppy,
in a bean field. We are sunflowers and a herd of cows.

This is a field of vision. It grew long before me, before
you. Before I walked for the last time

to the rail of my grandfather’s bed, away
for the first time from the rail of my daughter’s crib.

You can view the rest of the poem online here, or in Volume 5. The finalists include Jared Coffin for “Hollandia,” Dawn McGuire for “After Finding a Firefighter’s Ax at the Thrift Store,” Wesley Rothman for “White Flag,” and Danielle Sellars for “Thoughts From an Army Girlfriend.” The rest of the issue includes the work of David Abrams, Andrew Barlow, Stephen Dau, Bruce Felming, Peter Balakian, Martha Collins, Lee Sharkey, Paul Wasserman, and more.

Birmingham Poetry Review’s 25th Birthday

Birmingham Poetry Review celebrates 25 years with its Spring 2013 issue. It is a hefty issue with poets Adcock, Adkison, Ager, Anderson, Asekoff, Balbo, Brachman, Brewer, Collins, Davidson, Dawson, C. Doyle, J. Doyle, Dubrow, Emerson, Fabrizio, Fagan, Foster, Gottlieb-Miller, Hardin, Hartsock, Hirsch, Jenike, Jerrell, Jordan, Kirby, Levitin, Logan, May, McCullough, McLoghlin, McRae, McVicker, Meek, Meitner, Mintz, and many, many more.

The featured poet, Claudia Emerson, shares her poems “Clearcut,” “Lightning,” “Third,” “Common House Sparrows at JFK’s International Terminal,” “Virginia Christian,” and “Apo
logue.” Following her poetry is an interview with Emerson, conducted by Susannah Mintz.

New Lit on the Block :: Zymbol

Zymbol is a new print magazine that publishes twice a year, in March and September, and welcomes all sorts of genres and forms. Editor Anne James says, “We’re happy to consider any genre or medium that the submitter feels belongs to, or shares a connection with, Symbolism or Surrealism. As an editor, I’d rather read three times as many submissions to find that amazing, description-defying piece than to miss out on seeing it because we’ve set our guidelines too strict.” However, because they are a print magazine, James says, “we can’t accommodate submissions of someone’s videotaped fire-eating homage to Salvador Dalí.”

In the issues you can expect to find a variety of writing. “We pride ourselves on the diversity of voices we publish,” says James, “and I don’t just mean in terms of demographics. We have everything from the whimsical to the downright sinister. Any reader who daydreams and questions reality can find a sense of camaraderie in the pages of Zymbol.”

The magazine gets its title from the way symbols are “the key in Symbolist and Surrealist works.” James says, “We wanted our name to pay homage to historical influences, while signaling a drive for the future, hence the ‘Z.’” James worked learning the industry at St. Petersburg Review with Elizabeth Hodges, “an amazing mentor and friend who showed [her] it’s still possible for an independent literary magazine to thrive.” James says that she feels there is a “vacancy in the world of art and literature for a publication that is both surreal and grounded in experience. Too much contemporary literature veers off into absurdity and flights of fancy, but what excites me is the absurd out of the commonplace, the magic and mystery in our minds and our realities.”

Along with James there is a student editor, Adria Holmes of Endicott College, along with Alex O’Fhailghigh, who has been helpful in defining the editorial focus, and Marta Ferrer, who helps with art submissions and helping recruit international contributors.

The first issue features art by Nuncio Casanova, Anastasia Hager, and Mette Norrie; an essay by Marta Ferrer Gómez; poetry by Carol Alexander, Flower Conroy, William Doreski, Lou Gallo, Anastasia Hager, Anne James, Natalie Kinsey, Anthony Madrid, Erin Lyndal Martin, Ben Nardolilli, Kevin O’Sullivan, Mary Ellen Phillips, Matt Schumacher, J.J. Steinfeld, Tim Suermondt, Allison Willard, and Bill Wolak; and fiction by Jennifer Hollie Bowles, Cary Groner, Zachary Kaplan-Moss, Larry Lefkowitz, Ilya Lyashevsky, John McCaffrey, Harry Posner, and Evan Morgan Williams.

While they are only available in print right now, they hope to develop an e-reader version as soon as possible. Along with that goal, they hope to “get bookstores and other venues enthusiastic about doing some wacky readings and performances, because there’s nothing like sharing an experience with a room full of people.”

Right now, they are looking for submissions that will match up with “what is shaping up to be a very dark and stormy Autumn/Winter issue.” James says this will be a nice contrast to the Spring/Summer issue. She advises that although they read year-round, submissions now through May have the best shot at getting into the next issue. They take submissions online through their website. But “if you have something crazy that the submissions manager won’t eat,” you can send it directly to James at [email protected].