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The Chautauqua Institution Prize Winners

Chautauqua‘s newest issue acknowledges and features the writing of The Chautauqua Institution Poetry Contest and The Hauser Prize Prose Contest winners. The contests are sponsored by the Chautauqua Literary Arts Friends.

2011 Mary Jean Irion Poetry Prize

Sophie Klahr, Houston, Texas

2011 Charles Hauser Prose Prize

Kathryn Hoffman, Arlington, Virginia
“What I Know About Elections”

The issue itself is themed “War & Peace” and also features Luciana Bohne, Rebecca Foust, Cristina Garcia, Diana Hume George, John Griesemer, Charlotte Matthews, Gerardo Mena, Christopher Merrill, Neil Shepard, Ashley Warlick, Luke Whisnant, and Gary Whitehead.

Screen Reading: Online Lit Mag Review

Time to catch up with Screen Reading – reviews of online literary magazines. Editor Kirsten McIlvenna takes a critical look at Hippocampus Magazine, Mixed Fruit, Sixth Finch, Memorious, Eclectica Magazine, and SmokeLong Quarterly. This is a weekly column, so be sure to check back for more insightful commentary on the newest in online writing and literary publishing.

Our Stories Announces Changes to the Magazine

In the most recent issue of Our Stories, an online magazine that gives personalized feedback for each submission received, Editor-in-Chief Alexix E. Santi announces big changes in the way the magazine is run. He said that they will no longer publish “a finite cache of authors on a quarterly basis after the summer 2012 issue.” He said that the last issue will be the one for the already collected pieces for the Flash Fiction contest.

He goes on to explain their new approach: “In the fall of 2012 we will begin our new business model which will be the publishing of revised short stories that we have worked on in a souped up new website. Everyone who does a workshop with us at Our Stories (no matter the length of that workshop) will have one of their short stories published by our staff. We will publish one of the final drafts (if the workshop has more than one story) and a PDF version of the first draft that had our edits in the manuscript, you’ve seen these PDF versions before and there is a fancy YouTube video here that shows you how we go about editing a manuscript. So, we’re still publishing short stories but we’re trying to find a more direct way to show you the readers what we do. You, the readers will have the opportunity to see not only the final edited manuscript but we will be publishing the initial feedback that we gave to the writer as a marked up PDF. While this brings up moral / litjournal / hyperventilating / rheumatic fever thoughts in my mind of a pay-to-play scenario at Our Stories, I believe it is more of our true business model.”

Letters of Note

Curated by Shaun Usher, Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience is a blog-based archive of letters, notes, postcards, telegrams, faxes, memos, etc. from/to people ‘of note.’ Usher includes full text as well as scans of the originals.

Some recent posts include a letter from James Thurber – “delivered, quite brilliantly, a playful jab to his attorney and friend, Morris Ernst”; a letter from F. Scott Fitzgerald to “aspiring young author and Radcliffe sophomore” Frances Turnbull who had sent a story in hopes of receiving some feedback; and a letter from Oscar Wilde wrote to a publication following an unfavorable review of his play – “not about the review itself, but about the critic’s insistence on naming him ‘John Wilde.'”

Usher’s comments are brief but clearly set the context of the correspondence and often include photographs of the letter writer as well. Letters of Note is slated to come out with a book edition in November 2012 (pre-orders available), and while Usher comments that he has “a seemingly endless supply of correspondence to plough through,” he welcomes his audience to send in their own contributions from their collections.

Usher also curates the blog site Letterheady, which is a showcase of interesting letterheads, both new and old: “It’s like Letters of Note, but with less reading,” and Lists of Note, on which Nora Ephron’s “What I Won’t and Will Miss” is a recent entry.

Usher’s blogs are without a doubt worth your time to visit and follow to keep up with daily updates and a great add-on for classroom reading.

[Teachers: If you want to consider the book for your classes, the content can be viewed by clicking on the pre-order link.]

NewPages Reviewer Justin Brouckaert Publishes First Fiction Piece

Justin Brouckaert, one of the newer magazine reviewers for NewPages, just had his first piece of fiction published in Thrice Magazine–which can be purchased as a print copy or downloaded as a PDF, e-book, or Kindle file for free–titled “What is Hell, if not a Hard Candy.” He also had a one-sentence story called “She Gets Starry Eyed When We Make Love” published on MonkeyBicycle in June. 

New Lit on the Block :: Dark Matter

From the University of Houston and the Downtown Natural Science Creative Writing Club comes a new biannual online magazine–available in PDF, EPUB, or Kindle formats–Dark Matter: a journal for speculative literature. The magazine features poetry, fiction, essays, and “musings.” Managing Editor Bradley Earle Hoge says that readers can expect to find “an eclectic mix of provocative, insightful, and sublime thoughts and ideas expressed through poetry, fiction, and essays. They will not find science fiction, horror, or fantasy, though elements of these genres will certainly be incorporated into the work published in Dark Matter. Pieces in Dark Matter will use metaphor to describe our connection to the natural world, to explore interpretation of experience, and to search for meaning.”

Hoge explains that the name of the magazine is inspired by both definitions of “dark matter”: “unknown particles suggested by the Standard Model to explain observations of gravity which cannot be accounted for by observable matter and energy” and “a reference to the thoughts and ideas that ferment inside a human brain before they emerge through spoken or written words.” The title then, he says, is meant to “reflect emphasis of the unknown in both scientific inquiry and creative writing.”

Alongside Hoge will be Advisory and Contributing Editors Robin Davidson and Lisa Morano and University of Houston student editors. “Our goal,” says Hoge, “is to make Dark Matter a relevant contributor to the ever adaptive landscape of modern poetry and fiction.” He said they started the magazine to provide a place for literary speculative writing “that uses natural metaphor and allusion without resorting to the mystical.” Dark Matter,” he says, “will use cosmological, evolutionary, quantum mechanical and traditional natural metaphor to elicit literary thought and infuse modern ideas into poetry and prose.”

The first issue features fiction from J. J. Anselmi, Allie Marini Batts, Robert Boucheron, Olive Mullett, Valery V. Pertrovskiy, Jordan A. Rothacker, Patty Somlo, and L. E. Sullivan; poetry from Victoria Chadwick, Nicholas Cittadino, William Doreski, Billie Duncan, Susan Gundlach, Tim Kahl, Anne King, Mira Martin-Parker, Mira Martin-Parker, Ed Meek, Robin Amelia Morris, Ben Nash, Liam Pezzano, Rhonda Poynter, Erik Rice, Yvette A. Schnoeker-Shorb, Carol Smallwood, Claude Clayton Smith, Carolyn Steinhoff, and Frank Symons; and essays from Vincent Caruso and Darren Taggart.

Dark Matter will accept submissions year-round through Submittable. Hoge says they will also consider e-mail submissions to the managing editor but not through traditional post.

5×5 magazine: “Under Construction”

The newest issue of 5×5 announces upcoming changes to the magazine. Poetry Editor Jory Mickelson writes, “Perhaps it would be best to say that our next theme for 5×5 is ‘Under Construction.’ While this isn’t the actual theme, it’s definitely a signpost for the changes we are making to our literary magazine.”

The founder and Editor-in-Chief Bradley Wonder will be resigning and “handing off the reigns of 5×5 so that it can continue to grow,” says Mickelson. Mickelson and Sonya Dunning will stay with 5×5. Wonder writes, “for me, as well as 5×5, I feel like this is a step forward. Time for a new chapter in my life, and a lot of great changes for 5×5.”

Among those changes is a transition to a quarterly online-only magazine in an attempt to reach a larger audience. Each year, they plan to publish a “Best of 5×5” in print. The current issue will be the last print quarterly. However, current subscribers will be added to the list to receive the first copy of the “Best of” issue.

This issue, themed “Backwards,” is actually backwards. The front cover is on the “back” where the content begins. “This issue’s all backwards,” says Wonder. “But within each spread, you’ll still read left to right, top to bottom. Although you may have fun reading some of the stories backwards.” It includes work from Stephanie Papa, Leonard Kogan, Joanne Mallari, Lily Cao, Shabnam Nadiya, Melissa McElhose, Richard Marx Weinraub, Willy Conley, Therin Johns, Peter Cooley, Evvan Burke, Catherine Doucette, Ariane Sanford, and Jess Feldman.

2012 August Poetry Postcard Festival

The annual August Poetry Postcard Fest is just around the corner, and NOW is the time to sign up!

APP was started in 2007 by Paul Nelson along with Lana Hechtman Ayers; this year Brendan McBreen is coordinating the project. I have personally been participating in this project for the past several years and look forward to it each year. [Check out Peace, Love, Unity blog where Jessica posted a collection of cards from 2010.]

Here’s how it works:

  • Sign up (see below).
  • Gather 30 postcards from book stores, thrift shops, online, drug stores, antique shops, museums, gift shops…or make your own.
  • Buy some stamps. Mailed to U.S. addresses, standard postcards (up to 4-1/4″ x 6″) currently take 32-cent stamps; oversize/undersized cards take 45-cent stamps. (This is an international project, so some cards may require additional postage and extra delivery time.)
  • Receive (by e-mail) your list of 31 names (including your own) and addresses of participating poets.
  • Each day in August (best to start the last week of July to allow for delivery time), write an original poem on a postcard and send it to one person on the list, starting with the name that follows yours on the list and moving through the successive names until you’ve sent all your cards.
  • This is a commitment, so if you sign up, do send poetry postcards.

To sign up, send an e-mail to stripedwaterpoets at gmail dot com

Use “August Postcard Poetry” as the subject line and include your name, complete mailing address and e-mail address. Brendan will reply to let you know he’s gotten you added and then will send the list within the next couple weeks.

To learn more, read this blog post by Paul Nelson and visit the August Poetry Postcard website where you can read past years’ posts for additional info.

I (as will others) will admit that I didn’t always get a card a day in the mail; some days I wrote several to catch up, and some days I wrote several in advance just because I felt ‘in the groove.’ Regardless, I have always been able to send all 31 cards, which in and of itself feels great. I got new ideas for writing, explored some new forms that ‘came to me’ in the moment (as the effort is meant to be organic, not pre-planned poems), and in return, have always been inspired-to-awed by the work I’ve received (occasionally from “famous” poets who I was thrilled to see participating, but also from anonymous poets whose work resonated with me). And call me old school, but I still love to get mail, especially postcards.

Really: jump into this one folks! There are much worse commitments you could make than to write a poem a day for a month (like Facebooking every day, how many times a day…). This is a challenge, but a fun one with its own unique rewards.

[Guidelines adapted from The Sue C. Boynton Poetry Contest blog post here.]

Ninth Letter’s Special Edition

Ninth Letter has put out their first special edition fiction chapbook, guest edited by Scott Geiger. Man-Made Lands includes stories from: Joe Alterio, Seth Fried, Luther Magnussen, Micaela Morrissette, Ben Stroud, and Will Wiles; and proposals from Bjarke Ingels Group, Family with Office of Playlab, Steven Holl, and Keita Takahashi. “A Tale of Disapperance” is a commissioned collaboration between author Kate Bernheimer and architect Andrew Bernheimer.

New Lit on the Block :: The Liner

The Liner is a new annual print publication that publishes fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and visaul art from both established and emerging artists and writers. Since The Liner is a transatlantic collaboration,” says Co-Editor Gloria Kim, “we were envisioning crossing water when thinking of possible names. The Liner was a good fit.” Kim says that she and Co-Editor Emma Silverthorn threw around the idea of staring their own magazine while “attending a summer literary festival in Cornwall, England, in between hearing writers, getting lost in garden mazes, and rolling down Port Eliot’s hills. As writers ourselves,” she says, “we wanted to feature perspectives, whether in writing or in art, that compelled us to create more.”

Kim says readers can expect to find “a high calibre, eclectic mix of original works from both established and emerging artists and writers. Plus our Thornkim Questionnaire, 21 revealing questions answered by all of our contributors in the back of the magazine.” In the future, they hope to become a biannual publication. Kim also adds that they are proud of the scope and international flavor of the magazine and hope to continue on with that, “gaining more worldwide distributors as well as contributors.”

The first issue includes writers Maura Dooley, Blake Morrison, Sherard Harrington, William Doreski, Lisa Wong Macabasco, Kenneth Pobo, Caitlin E. Thomson, and Gina Zupsich and visual artists Dave Carswell, Christopher Daniels, Benjamin Edmiston, and Dominic Silverthorn.

The Liner
‘s next issue will have an epistolary theme. “We want your correspondences, real or imagined, scandalous or humorous, digital or paper,” says Kim. The deadline to submit is October 21, 2012.

Interview :: Keorapetse Kgositsile

The online magazine Sampsonia Way features the interview “This is Who I Am” in which former poet laureate of South Africa Keorapetse Kgositsile and K. Mensah Wali, artistic director of Kente Arts Alliance, discuss South Africa’s progress since the end of apartheid, the effects of exile on family, and the relationship between poetry and jazz.

Podcasts :: The Virtual Memory Show

Newly added to the NewPages Guide to Podcasts, Video, Audio: Gil Roth is the host of the monthly podcast The Virtual Memories Show, which features interviews with authors about the books that helped shape their lives as well as discussions about books and literature. The newest program features interview/conversations with Paul Di Filippo, a long-time science fiction writer/critic and unofficial “King of Steampunk”, and Diana Renn, author of a new YA novel, Tokyo Heist. Roth sometimes takes a step away from the literary, such as his interview with John B. who was “dead” for ten minutes last year, but has been alive ever since. The Virtual Memories Show is available for download as well as online listening (MP3).

New Lit on the Block :: BLACKBERRY

BLACKBERRY is a new quarterly magazine available in print and as digital copy that “aims to be a premier literary magazine featuring black women writers and artists. Its goal is to expose readers to the diversity of the black woman’s experience and strengthen the black female voice in both the mainstream and independent markets.” The magazine features non-fiction, fiction, all forms of poetry, photography and artwork.

Editor Alisha Sommer said that the name was inspired from the phrase “the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice” when she was wandering around the French Quarter. “BLACKBERRY: a magazine is born out of my passion to giving others a voice,” she says. “It will give African-American women a new platform to share their art. Our voice is one that is often silenced, and BLACKBERRY: a magazine will be our megaphone.” During a visit to the New Orleans Museum of Art, she “disappointed that a city with such a large black population did not have a significant representation of black artists. The feelings I felt that day,” she says, “were the same feelings that have been sitting with me for the past year: disappointment and confusion. After having a conversation with a friend about the need to help women of color gain access and give them exposure, I decided that it was time to act.”

The first issue features art and photography by Danielle Boodoo-Fortuné, Jessica Valoris, Jessica Serran, Danielle Scrugs, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Danielle Scrugs, Keondra Bills, and Margaret Jacobsen; non-fiction by Ekua Adisa and Nikita T. Mitchell; poetry by Nia Hampton, Jessica Valoris, Raquelle Mayoral, Amina Ross, Rose Smith, Arianna Payson, Celeste Jona, Athena Dixon, Althea Romeo-Mark, Leesa Cross-Smith, Keondra Bills, Keyaira Olivia Kelly, Artemis Steakley-Freeman, Samantha BanDavad and Stephania Byrd; and prose by Debra Stone and Jessica Lynne.

Submissions are accepted through Submittable and should be inspired by the issue’s theme. The next theme is “Belief,” and submissions are due by August 1, 2012.

Anisfield-Wolf Book Prize

Arnold Rampersad, award-winning biographer, literary critic, and professor emeritus at Stanford University, has been named winner of the 77th annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards is the country’s only juried literary competition devoted to recognizing books that have made an important contribution to society’s understanding of racism and the diversity of human cultures.

Cleveland poet and philanthropist Edith Anisfield Wolf established the book prizes in 1935, in honor of her father, John Anisfield, and husband, Eugene Wolf, to reflect her family’s passion for issues of social justice. Today it remains the only American book prize focusing on works that address racism and diversity.

The esteemed jury, overseen by Henry Louis Gates Jr., includes poet Rita Dove, author Joyce Carol Oates, psychologist Steven Pinker, and art historian Simon Schama. Each year, the jury honors works of fiction and non-fiction and recognizes one individual whose life work has enhanced an understanding of cultural diversity. Previous Lifetime Achievement Award winners include Oprah Winfrey, August Wilson, and Gordon Parks.

Rampersad is the author of the two-volume work, The Life of Langston Hughes, which is widely considered the definitive biography of the poet. Volume One, published in 1986, won an Anisfield-Wolf Book Award for Nonfiction in 1987; Volume Two, published in 1988, was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 1989. He has also written award-winning biographies of Ralph Ellison, Jackie Robinson, and W.E.B. Dubois. “Arnold Rampersad has illuminated the lives of the central figures in African-American literary and cultural studies,” commented Gates. “By so doing, he has single-handedly inserted the African-American character into American biographical literature.”

The announcement was made by Henry Louis Gates Jr., the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research at Harvard University, who serves as jury chair, and Ronald B. Richard, president and chief executive officer of the Cleveland Foundation, which administers the prize.

[Press release content via Randi Cone, Coterie Media.]

Job :: Marketing & Circulation

From Managing Editor Hattie Fletcher: “The Creative Nonfiction Foundation, publisher of the quarterly literary magazine Creative Nonfiction and In Fact Books, seeks a part-time Marketing and Circulation Associate for its Pittsburgh office. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, detail-oriented, flexible and able to work in a fast-paced nonprofit environment. Reports to the editor, but works closely with the managing editor and office manager; may also work closely with seasonal interns and volunteers.”

The complete description is here: http://www.creativenonfiction.org/thejournal/helpwanted.htm

Project Gutenberg Self Publishing Portal

Project Gutenberg has opened their new online, self-publishing portal, through which they “encourage the creation and access of copyright protected eBooks. In general, this center is focused on the author’s who wish to share their works with readers.”

Moreover, the portal will allow self-publishing for books presumed NOT to be in the public domain, but whose copyright holder is willing to allow limited access to readers for personal study and non-commercial sharing. Users must register to upload books to the site.

The goal of Project Gutenberg Self Publish is to have a million eBooks on the site by 2012, with as many as 10 million by 2021. The site already has nearly 700 titles as of this writing, and knowing the scope of the self-publishing world, believe Project Gutenberg will have no trouble reaching its goal.

Poets in Federal Government

The Summer 2012 (13:3) issue of Beltway Poetry Quarterly is themed “Poets in Federal Government” and features 25 poets, all current or former employees of the U.S. Government, writing about their work experience.

This special issue is co-edited by Kim Roberts and Michael Gushue. As Michael Gushue writes in his introduction, “These poems address the niches and pockets of civil service…and the interstices to be found in work, and work’s aftermath.” Writing from the tradition of Walt Whitman (Department of Justice), Paul Lawrence Dunbar (Library of Congress), Georgia Douglas Johnson (Department of Labor), Liam Rector (National Endowment for the Arts), and Joel Barlow (Department of State), the poets in this issue “yoke together their dual vocations and sing just a bit of the office electric.”

Contributors: Susanne Bostick Allen, Nancy Allinson, J.H. Beall, Paulette Beete, Grace Cavalieri, Barbara DeCesare, Carol Dorf, Laura Fargas, Patricia Gray, Paul Hopper, Donald Illich, Jaime Lee Jarvis, Carol J. Jennings, Susan Mahan, Greg McBride, Mark Osaki, Karen Sagstetter, M.A. Schaffner, Pepper Smith, A.B. Spellman, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, Davi Walders, Terence Winch, Pamela Murray Winters, and Ed Zahniser.

Beltway Poetry Quarterly is an online literary journal and resource bank, showcasing the literary community in Washington, DC and the surrounding Mid-Atlantic region since 2000.

Modern Haiku 2012 Award Winners

Modern Haiku publishes the winners of The Robert Spiess Memorial 2012 Haiku Awards in the most recent issue. The judges, Melissa Allen and Carlos Colón, say “As a memorial to Editor Bob Spiess, who died on March 13, 2002, Modern Haiku sponsors The Robert Spiess Memorial Award Haiku Competition. We are grateful to Modern Haiku for allowing us to judge this year’s entries for the Robert Spiess Memorial Haiku Award Competition. The theme for 2012 was to write haiku in the spirit of the following Speculation by Robert Spiess from his book, A Year’s Speculations on Haiku (Modern Haiku Press, 1995):

Haiku have three forms or manifestations: the written, which enters the eye; the spoken, which enters the ear; and the essential … which enters the heart. [Prompted in part by a passage by Sa’in al-Din ibn Turkah.]

There were many excellent haiku that were worthy of commendation. Although it was difficult deciding on the poems for Honorable Mentions, we quickly settled on the three winning poems.”

First Prize
Scott Mason

Second Prize
Duro Jaiye

Third Prize
Susan Constable

Honorable Mentions

Margaret Chula
Michele L. Harvey
Kirsty Karkow
Scott Mason

Screen Reading: Online Lit Mag Reviews

Newly reviewed on Screen Reading, Editor Kirsten McIlvenna takes a look at Cigale Literary, pif Magazine, elimae, Carve Magazine, Defunct, and The 2River View. This is a weekly column, so be sure to check back for more insightful commentary on the newest in online writing and literary publishing.

New Lit on the Block :: Mixitini Matrix

Mixitini Matrix is a new “multigenre, multidisciplinary journal of creative collaboration.” Published twice a year online only, they feature fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short plays, and visual art that has been created by two or more people. Editor Leslie LaChance describes the name of the name of the magazine as the following:

Mixitini – noun. 1. a portmanteau word intended to suggest spirited concoction. 2. a spirited concoction of diminutive proportions.

Matrix – noun. 1. the birthplace of spirited concoction. 2. stuff that dreams are made of. 3. a place where something grows.

Collaboration – noun 1. the state of being in cahoots with. 2. serendipity.

LaChance and the other editor, Mattie Davenport, “are fascinated when creative minds work in collaboration with other creative minds,” says LaChance. “We are charmed by serendipity and awed by creative synergy. Our magazine seeks to celebrate the connectedness of collaborative art in a seemingly fragmented world.” She says that readers can expect to find work from emerging and established writers and artists. “Readers may find a traditional ekphrastic poem or a nature photograph published in the same issue as an experimental media collaboration or an email chain poem. We seek to expand the definition of collaboration, to acknowledge the collaborative in its broadest sense, so we aim to publish work which will do exactly that.”

The first issue features Marilyn Kallet, Wayne White, Brian Griffin, Jack Rentfro, Laura Still, Dorothee Lang, Julia Davies, Steve Wing, Joe Kendrick, Rachel Joiner, JeFF Stumpo, Leonardo Ramirez, Henri Michaux, Darren Jackson, William Henderson and Clint Alexander.

Mixitini Matrix hopes to continue publishing twice a year and possibly moving to quarterly. LaChance says they hope to “eventually offer high quality printed chapbook and broadside editions of our contributors’ work.”

Submissions are accepted until August 31 through Submittable for the next issue. All work should address, in some way, the concept of collaboration.

Paterson Literary Review Poetry Award Winners

The most recent issue of Paterson Literary Review features the winners of the 2010 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards:

First Prize
Rafaella Del Bourgo, Berkeley, CA “Olive Oil”
Kathleen Spivack, Watertown, MA “Their Tranquil Lives”

Second Prize
Joyce Madelon Winslow, Washington, DC “The”
Francine Witte, New York, NY “In My Poems, Sometimes I Have Children”

Third Prize
Kim Farrar, Astoria, NY “The Box”

For a complete list of winners, visit the magazine’s website.

New Lit on the Block :: Paper Nautilus

Paper Nautilus, a new annual print magazine, is named after the tiny species of octopus with the same name. “They’re born by hatching out of very delicate eggs that look like nautilus sea shells,” says Editor-in-Chief Lisa Mangini. “It’s said to be rare to find one of these shells intact, since they’re so fragile. When I learned about this animal, it just seemed like the perfect fit for what I would want in a literary publication: the rare instance of finding something intact, and also the necessity of breaking through the thing that encases us so we can live our lives. It just seemed like the perfect emblem for what a writer does.” She says she wanted to start the literary magazine to create another space “for all that fine work so it could be enjoyed.”

Working with Assistant Poetry Editor Joey Gould, Mangini publishes a variety of poetry and fiction. “We also have a section we call ‘aphorisms,’ which is literature that can be fit into 160 characters or less,” she says. “We’re very open-minded, and make a point of trying to see beyond our own aesthetic and appreciate the strengths and merits of a piece that’s outside our style. And I think most work is also enjoyable for a reader who may not be a writer; the majority of works in Paper Nautilus are accessible to someone who’s just reading for pleasure.”

Mangini says they just launched a chapbook contest and would like to continue with this venture, publishing one to two chapbooks a year. In addition, she thought it would be neat to include a blog about craft, revision, and technique. “We are looking at expanding into digital issues as well,” she says, “but it may be some time before we fully launch that page. But we do have some featured pieces accessible at our website.”

The first issue includes poetry from Carol Berh, Lisa J. Cihlar, Trent Busch, Tobi Cogswell, James Connaster, Gregory Crosby, Barbara Daniels, Lori Desrosiers, Nandini Dhar, William Doreski, Kate Falvey, Marta Ferguson, Lauren Fisk, Ryan Fitzgerald, Ruth Foley, Ian Ganassi, Howie Good, Vivianne Grabinski, George Guida Kyle Hemings, Marianna Hofer, Paul Hostovsky, Nathaniel Hunt, Danielle Jones-Pruett, Tessa Kale, P. Kobylarz, Deirdre LaPenna, Henry W. Leung, Nancy Long, Terry Martin, John McKernan, Michael P. McManus,Colleen Michaels, Raphael Miguel Montes, Rick Murphy, Dianne Nelson Oberhansly, Janet Parlato, Simon Perchik, Marjorie Power, Megan Cowen, Charles Rafferty, Sarah Rizzuto, Jay Rubin, Meredith Sticker, Elizabeth Szewczyk, Meredith Trede, Edwina Trentham, David Walker, Eric Wescott, and William Kelley Woolfitt as well as fiction from Jessica Barksdale, Darren Cormier, James Fowler, Tim Parrish, Jeanette Samuels, Clint Smith, April Sopkin, and Adrian Stumpp.

Submissions are accepted year-round through Paper Nautilus’s online submission manager. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as the writer withdraws the work upon acceptance elsewhere.

Arc’s 2012 Poems of the Year

In the most recent issue, Arc Poetry Magazine announces and publishes the 2012 Poems of the Year. Editors say, “Our winner’s craft is sound, its music strong, its voice and subject matter compelling. And we think you’ll agree, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer poet.”

Grand Prize: $5,000
Jacob McArthur Mooney: “The Fever Dreamer”

Readers’ Choice
Michael Fraser: “Going to Cape”

Editors’ Choices
Kayla Czaga: “Proposal for the Palace of the Soviets, 1933″ and “Biography of My Father”
Karen Hofmann: “Uses for a Mole”
Michael Eden Reynolds: “Diagnosis”
Renee Sarojini Saklikar “Coda”

Diana Brebner Prize
Lauren Turner: “Engaging the Core”

The Nassau Review 2011 and 2012 Writer Awards

After being on hiatus, The Nassau Review has published their 2012 issue, featuring the work of the 2011 and 2012 writer awards. In the editor’s note, Christina M. Rau says, “Coming back into the lively, chaotic literary scene after a hiatus was tricky, but reading through so many pieces that sparked lively discussions made us believe not only that we could put this journal out, but that this journal would mean something, that literature means something, and that what we do is important. Congratulations to all the artists in these pages and on the cover, especially to the winners of the Writer Awards from both 2011 and 2012.

2011 Poetry Winner
Katie Manning: “Sleeping Beauty’s Mother”

2011 Short Story Winner
Liz Dolan: “What’s Like What”

2012 Flash Fiction Winner

2012 Prose Poetry Winner

JodiAnn Stevenson: “A Thousand Birds”

World Literature Today Winners of Readers’ Choice Poll

World Literature Today, in honor of their 350th issue, chose a shortlist of the staff’s favorite pieces that have appeared in the pages of WLT over the past ten years and then gave it over to its readers to vote on the very best. The editors say, “Over 700 readers voted in our online poll, so we extend a hearty “thanks” to all of you for participating and reading!” The work from the winners and nominees can be read on the website.

Winner: Aleš Debeljak, “In Praise of the Republic of Letters” (March 2009)
Runner-up: George Evans, “The Deaths of Somoza”(May 2007)

Winner: Paula Meehan, “In Memory, Joanne Breen” (January 2007)
Runner-up: Pireeni Sundaralingam, “Language Like Birds” (November 2008)

Short Fiction
Winner: Mikhail Shishkin, “We Can’t Go On Living This Way,” tr. Jamey Gambrell (November 2009)
Runner-up: Amitava Kumar, “Postmortem”(November 2010)

Winner: Jazra Khaleed interviewed by Peter Constantine (March 2010)
Runner-up: Pireeni Sundaralingam interviewed by Michelle Johnson (March 2009)

Book Reviews
Winner:Warren Motte, review of How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, by Pierre Bayard (March 2008)
Runner-up: Issa J. Boullata, review of Sadder Than Water, by Samih al-Qasim (September 2007)

subTerrain Supplement

subTerrain‘s new issue, number 61, comes with a supplement–“Okanagan: Spotlight Folio”–which showcases student writing from University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. Professor Michael V. Smith says, “There is no unified sense of style or thematic resonance in these pages. Writing in the Okanagan is hard to sum up.” The folio features four undergrad and three grad students: Kirsten Barkved, Kristin Burns, Lee Hannigan, Dylan Lenz, Clay McCann, Portia Priegert, and Murissa Shalapata.

Ruminate Magazine Contest Winners

The most recent issue of Ruminate Magazine announces the winners of the VanderMey Nonfiction Prize sponsored by Dr. Randall J. Vandermey and judged by Leslie Leyland Fields.

First Place
Jessica Wilbanks: “Father of Disorder”

Second Place
Lili Wright: “Shopping for Virgins”

Honorable Mentions
Colleen Clayton: “Mud Fork Holler”
Bryan Parys: “Shape of a Ghost”

Emily Brown: “Seeing What Happens if I Do the Same Thing Over and Over Again”
Tristan Mercado: “Virtually Qualified”
Kaethe Schwehn “Tailings”
Natalie Vestin: “Purple Light in the House of God”
Lori Vos: “A Cloud of Mothers”

New Lit on the Block :: The New Poet

Editor David Svenson says that within the pages of The New Poet, a new online magazine, readers will find “strong, vivid poems that utilize imagistic and narrative styles.”

“As a poet,” says Svenson, “I read to not only discover new work and trends, but also for inspiration. I started The New Poet to witness exciting developments in poetry firsthand and to share these discoveries with others. I also understand the value of encouraging others to keep writing. With three issues a year and a mission to find new and exciting work, The New Poet also serves as inspiration to other writers to push their own limits.”

The first issue features poetry from Wendy Carlisle, Paul Hostovsky, Allie Marini Batts, Andrea Potos, Lana Rakhman, Alexis Sellas, Tim Suermondt, Tim Tomlinson, Theresa Williams, and Axel Wright. And the second issue features Kate Bernadette Benedict, Thomas J. Erickson, Caitlin McLean, Jesse Millner, Sue Morgan, John Palen, Ned Randle, Colin Sargent, Martin Willitts Jr., and Laura Madeline Wiseman.

Currently, The New Poet publishes only poetry–of all kinds–but hopes to include book reviews and interviews in the future. Submissions for issue 3 are currently being accepted through Submittable.

Bookstore Closings & Relocations

The Reader’s Cove in Fort Collins, CO will be closing July 6. The website notice provides a list of reasons why the dream of owning a bookstore did not work out in reality (good insight for anyone who also ‘dreams’ of bookstore ownership: Be careful what you wish for, TRC’s owners say).

Hue Man Bookstore is Harlem (NY) is closing shop in its current location on July 31 and working to determine a ‘future format’ for the store: “So what next? While we are figuring out our amazing bookstore of the future, I will be working on several projects which will focus on giving ethnic writers an advantage in the marketplace. We will continue to be involved in the publishing of books and will ramp up our agency services to writers and publishers alike. Though we can not give you the future in a nutshell, we can tell you that on September 6th 2012 at 7:30Pm we will launch our new event format with Miami Heat Dwayne Wade. Partnering with a state of the art facility we can begin to create the kind of multi-platform customer experience we’ve always imagined. Stay tuned!” [The HMB website is currently offline.]

Room 2011 Writing Contest Winners

In Volume 35 Issue 2, Room announces its 2011 Writing Contest winners:

“Fiction judge Amber Dawn selected Rhonda Douglas’s ‘God Explains the Collapse of the Cod Fishery’ for first place. In second place we have a tie: Solveig Mardon’s ‘Deep-Tail Dancer’ and Julie Eill’s ‘There’s Nothing Like that Here.” In the poetry category, judge Elizabeth Bachinsky chose Patricia Young’s ‘Morning Class’ for first place and Crystal Sikma’s ‘Bell’ for second place. Susan Juby, who judged our creative non-fiction entries, selected Jan Redford’s ‘God or Boys’ for first place. ‘An Act of Grace’ by Christine Barbetta took second place.”


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Screen Reading: Online Lit Mag Reviews

A few weeks ago, NewPages Literary Magazine Review Editor Kirsten McIlvenna kicked off her new weekly column – Screen Reading. Each week she spotlights online literary magazines, offering a glimpse into some of the best and newest writing on the web. Publications recently reviewed include Jersey Devil Press, The Summerset Review, Anti-, inter|rupture, Stirring, LITnIMAGE, Dragnet Magazine, Spitton, Straight Forward, and Blood Orange Review.

For both readers and writers, just the sheer number of online literary publications can be overwhelming. NewPages uses thoughtful criteria in selecting what we recommend in our guides, and Kirsten’s reviews are a great way to learn more about these publications, discover new authors, and keep up with some of your favorites.

Check back each Monday for a new installment of Screen Reading!

New Lit on the Block :: The Ilanot Review

The Ilanot Review, published online biannually, is affiliated with the creative writing program at Bar-Ilan University. Editor Janice Weizman says that Ilanot also means “young trees” in Hebrew—“which is a nice metaphor for new writing.” Marcela Sulak, Nadia Jacobson, Karen Marron, Jane Medved, and Karen Boxenhorn also serve as editors for the magazine.

“Originally, we wanted to give a platform for English writing coming out of Israel,” Weizman says. “Today, we accept writing from anywhere in the world.” She explains that readers can expect to find “fresh and striking prose and poetry, English translations of literature from other languages—particularly Hebrew but other languages as well—interviews with published poets and writers, and thought provoking themed issues.”

The Ilanot Review’s first publication includes well known names such as Mark Mirsky, Joan Leegant, Michael Collier, E. Ethlebert Miller, and Gerald Stern as well as several emerging poets and writers. “We launch every issue with a public reading by contributors in fun and memorable venues,” Weizman says.

Writers can submit to The Ilanot Review through Submittable through October 30, 2012 for the next themed issue: “Foreign Bodies.”

Welcome TRON! Tampa Review Online

The University of Tampa has just launched its online counterpart to the award-winning literary magazine The Tampa Review.

TRON, or Tampa Review Online is an online literary magazine dedicated to the blending of contemporary literature and visual arts in traditional and innovative ways. TRON feature new art and writing from Florida and around the world. The journal is edited and run by the students of the University of Tampa’s MFA program in Creative Writing. TRON will publish bi-monthly throughout the year and will consider online submissions of prose, poetry, and the visual arts.

Currently featured on TRON: An essay by Dean Bartoli Smith (“The Online Literary Magazine as Triggering Device”); fiction by Robert Clark Young and Ric Hoeben; poetry by Sean Patrick Hill and Angela Masterson Jones; visual art by Martha Marshall and Candace Knapp; and an excerpt from Taylor Branch’s Byliner Original The Cartel (Chapter Two: Founding Myths).

New Lit on the Block :: The Drunken Odyssey with John King Podcast

The Drunken Odyssey with John King: A Podcast About the Writing Life is a new weekly podcast that features interviews with established writers about the writing life. Editor John King explains that each episode will also have a memoir essay about a writer’s relationship to a beloved book. “Each episode,” he says, “will close with me responding to listener mail. All aspects of the writing life—including any possible genre—will be discussed.”

King says that the name of the podcast “invokes both the mythos of the writer as drinker, and also the mythos of the writer as heroic misadventurer. Both identities can overlap. But liquor is not the only path to drunkenness. As the late ray Bradbury said, ‘You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.’”

King says, “Writing is an isolating activity, and discussion of writing in the media prioritizes the finished product of writing. This podcast, then, is an opportunity to build a sense of community among writers, and to offer some catharsis in discussing the struggle of writing, and all aspects of this business of writing, rather than merely the accomplishments of writing.”

The first podcast includes an interview with Nathan Holic, an editor, and Ryan Rivas, a publisher, who are behind the 15 Views of Orlando project and a memoir essay from Olivia Kate Cerrone which discusses her relationship to Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. King says that future episodes will have interviews with Lisa Claire Roney, the Shakespearean actor Kevin Crawford, and novelist Darin Strauss.

King is looking for content, especially memoir essays about beloved books. He is also looking forward to responding to listener mail and encourages listeners to write to him through the contact information on the site.

Glimmer Train April Family Matters Winners – 2012

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their April Family Matters competition. This competition is held twice a year and is open to all writers for stories about family of all configurations. The next Family Matters competition will take place in October. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: Danielle Lazarin [pictured] of New York, NY wins $1500 for “Spider Legs.” Her story will be published in the Fall 2013 issue of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Pam Durban, of Chapel Hill, NC, wins $500 for “The Tree of Knowledge.”

Third place: Tom Paine of Portsmouth, NH, wins $300 for “Oppenheimer Beach.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching for the Fiction Open Contest: June 30.

Glimmer Train hosts this competition quarterly, and first place is $2500 plus publication in the journal. It’s open to all writers and there are no theme restrictions. The word count generally ranges from 3000 – 8000, though up to 20,000 is fine. Click here for complete guidelines.

New Lit on the Block :: Sawmill Magazine

Sawmill Magazine, a new online magazine, offers up six issues a year, two for each of the genres: fiction, poetry, and comics. Sawmill was created as a “digital sister” to Typecast Publishing’s print magazine, The Lumberyard. Fiction Editor Wesley Fairman, says, “We felt it was only fitting that we develop a name for our web-based magazine that recalled The Lumberyard and evoked similar feelings of creation, industry, and precision. We wanted a place to play, to test ideas, and to begin building relationships with writers and visual artists that, hopefully, lead to bigger projects down the road. Much in the way the sawmill is the first step for building materials before they reach the lumberyard, Sawmill the magazine is the birthplace for the future of Typecast.”

The rest of the editorial team includes Comics Editor Jake Snider and Poetry Editor Jen Woods. Fiction will be published each January and July, comics each March and September, and poetry each May and November. “With each issue,” says Fairman, “the editors will seek to forge partnerships with authors, illustrators, and graphic designers in order to present digital packaging as gorgeous and important as the literature housed within.

“When you open Sawmill, expect to see something unusual and engaging. Be it a short story wrapped in an experimental graphic design scheme, a poem that makes you choke on your breath, or a hand-drawn, one-of-a-kind comic. Never ordinary, and always pushing the boundaries of what has come before, Sawmill seeks only to find a way to delight you, and fill you with as much joy as any book you’ve ever held in your hands.”

Fairman says that Typecast Publishing enjoys working with magazines because it allows them to “work with a multitude of creative forces at one time.” She says that offering an online magazine allowed the publishing company to continue to work with magazines but in a new way. “We wanted to pose the same challenges we face in our print objects to the digital format—mainly how to bring intimacy and depth to the reading experience in a way that honors the text. And digital was exciting because it allowed us to create something we could offer for free.”

The first issue include comics from Ken Henson, Maureen Fellinger, and Megan Stanton and fiction from Kirby Gann, David James Poissant, Mark Jacobs, Kristin Matly Dennis, and Matt Dobson (Publication Design).

As the magazine develops, the editors hope to add a behind the scenes feature “where the reader can pull back the proverbial curtain and see the trials and triumphs of developing a literary magazine. Additionally,” Fairman says, “we also hope to develop a print on demand feature for readers who prefer physical copies of the literary magazines they love.”

Because there are six issues a year, submissions are accepted via email throughout most of the year.

Bellingham Review 2011 Contest Winners Printed

The Bellingham Review features its 2011 Contest winners in its current (Spring 2012) print issue:

49th Parallel Poetry Award
Final Judge: Lia Purpura
First Place: Jennifer Militello
“A Dictionary of Mechanics, Memory, and Skin in the Voice of Marian Parker”

Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction
Final Judge: Ira Sukrungruang
First Place: Jay Torrence

Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction
Final Judge: Adrianne Harun
First Place: Lauri Anderson
“Hand, Mouth, Ring”

Specter Magazine’s First Themed Issue

Specter Literary Magazine, a monthly online magazine, just put out its first themed issue—“Hip-Hop Issue: Side A & Side B”—guest edited by Rion Amilcar Scott. The issue features poetry, prose, and art focused on hip-hop and even includes an accompanying playlist for both sides A and B.

Amilcar Scott says, “Rap as a musical form shares with literature an intense focus on words. All the authors here delight in the obsessive wordplay of your local emcee . . . The playlists for Side A and Side B are how the issue sounds to me. These are the songs suggested to me by the rhythms of the words and by them themes explored in the issue. Pump these playlists as you read. Shit, make your own playlist based on how the words in this issue hit you.

“So, here it is, Specter Magazine’s Hip-Hop Issue: Side A & Side B, pure heat, pure funk. I hope you enjoy the pieces as much as I enjoyed assembling them. I hope you throw your hands in the air and wave them as if you no longer care. At least many will echo with you like your saddest hip-hop memory or your favorite rap song.”

New Scholarly Journal :: The Hare

Edited by Jeremy Lopez and Paul Menzer, The Hare is a peer-reviewed, on-line academic journal published three times yearly. The journal publishes short essays on the dramatic, poetic, and prose works of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. The journal also publishes academic book reviews, and provides a public forum for open exchange between scholars in the field. The Hare seeks short essays on all topics related to early modern literature – poetry, prose, and drama as well as reviews of “old” – classic, foundational, seminal, unjustly forgotten, etc. – books.

New M.F.A. at The College of Saint Rose

The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York presents a new M.F.A. in Creative Writing. This new program “provides serious writers with the opportunity to develop their craft within a supportive and challenging academic community of creative writers and literary scholars. This full-residency MFA program allows students to work rigorously within their chosen genres in workshops and to complete a full-length creative work as a thesis. Students study literature as they deepen and broaden their writing skills, adding a strong component of literary analysis and criticism to their range of knowledge and skills.”

New Lit on the Block :: Glass Seed Annual

Glass Seed Annual is a new annual poetry magazine published each fall that specializes in pantoums. Editor Mary Alexander Agner says that readers should expect to find poetry that uses “repetition, refrain, anaphora, alliteration, rhyme, meter, and other sonic devices to convey interesting and unexpected stories.”

The magazine started as a way to “showcase poetry which emphasizes the musical aspects of language without neglecting meaning,” explains Agner. “Also, I wanted to promote writing and reading of pantoums.”

Contributors in the first issue include Elsa Louise von Schreiber, Francesca Forrest, Joshua Davis, Sherry Chandler, and Louise Wakeling.

Agner said that the magazine will continue to solicit and publish poetry which emphasizes the music of language with a new topic for publication each year. Submissions are accepted through email, and writers whose works are selected will receive payment for publication.

The Ledge Magazine 2011 Awards Competition Results

The newest issue (#34) of The Ledge Poetry & Fiction Magazine features the winners of the 2011 Poetry and Fiction Awards Competition:

Poetry Awards Competition Results:
First Prize ($1,000): “Camille Pissarro: The Bather” by Elisavietta Ritchie of Broomes Island, MD
Second Prize ($250): “Last Pharaoh” by Joyce Meyers of Wallingford, PA
Third Prize ($100): “The History of Bitumen” by Don Schofield of Thessaloniki, Greece

Fiction Awards Competition Results:
First prize ($1000): “When Ah Was Very Young ” by Enid Baron of Evanston, IL.
Second prize ($250): “Amazing Things Are Happening Here ” by Jacob M. Appel of NY, NY.
Third prize ($100): “The Barberini Princess ” by Lisa Gornick of NY, NY

New Lit on the Block :: Linden Avenue Literary Journal

Edited by founder Athena Dixon, Linden Avenue Literary Journal is a monthly online journal that accepts poetry (up to 50 lines), flash fiction (up to 1,000 words), and fiction (up to 2,500 words). Dixon says that readers can expect to find the best work, regardless of any affiliation or prior publication and “poetry and fiction that is as beautiful in construction as it is in content. I wanted to create a place where writers would feel comfortable in sharing their words and, in turn, themselves.”

The journal was named after the street that Dixon grew up on. It was where she “first wrote her stories and poems and was encouraged to continue writing by the teachers in her local elementary school and junior high school.” Dixon explains that that she has created this journal as a space for stories that are both simple and stunning. “I found myself a little disheartened by work that seemed ‘alternative’ for the sake of being alternative, not because the content supported it,” she says.

The first issue features poetry and fiction by Elizabeth Akin Stelling, Leesa Cross-Smith, Ariana D. Den Bleyker, Daniel Casey, Andrea Blythe, Melanie Faith, Fiona Pearse, Marissa Hyde, Anthony Frame, Alisha Sommer, Gwen Henderson, C.L. McFadyen, William Henderson, Laura Hallman, Neal Kitterlin, and Val Dering Rojas.

The journal will continue to publish each month with a goal of being able to accept art and photography by the end of 2012. Within the next year, Dixon hopes to move the journal to a print publication.

Currently, submissions are accepted through Submittable on a rolling basis for issues published on the first of every month. Simultaneous submissions are welcome.

Indiana Review Prize Winners

In addition to having a stunning cover – “Ragnarok’n’Roll” by Jen Mundy – the newest issue of Indiana Review (34.1) features the winner of the 2011 Indiana Review Fiction Prize: “Mud Child” by Becky Adnot-Haynes; and the winner of the 2011 Indiana Review 1/2 K Prize (entrants limited to 500 words): “When You Look Away, the World” by Corey Van Landingham.

Books :: Tiny Homes

Ever since I read a news article about a woman who lived in a 200-square-foot home, I have been fascinated – and not doubt romanticizing – the idea of living (not just ‘vacationing’) in such a small space. What a great way to ‘de-clutter’ and ‘live simply’ as growing movements suggest we are better off doing so that others may ‘simply live.’ (The woman in the news article had a helpful rule we could all live better by: She only allowed herself a certain number of objects in her home. If she brought something new in, something old had to go.)

At NewPages, we get a lot of incoming, and one book I was thrilled to see was Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter, Scaling Back in the 21st Century by Lloyd Kahn, published by Shelter Publications.

This book features 150 builders who have created tiny homes (under 500 sq. ft.) on land, on wheels, on the road, on water, even in the trees. There are also studios, saunas, garden sheds, and greenhouses.

Most amazing, in the 224 pages are included 1,300 full-color photos, showing a rich variety of small homemade shelters, and there are stories (and thoughts and inspirations) of the owner-builders who are on the forefront of this new trend in downsizing and self-sufficiency.

This particular book does not include any intricate building plans – these are included in other publications put out by Shelter. Rather, the intent of this book is to showcase, inspire, and motivate people to consider this alternative way of taking up less space on the planet.

There’s a two-minute book trailer on the publisher’s website featuring Lloyd Kahn discussing the book, the concept of tiny shelters, and numerous images from the book as well. Certainly well worth a look.