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subTerrian Lush Triumphant Literary Award Winners

Winners of the subTerrian 2011 Lush Triumphant Literary Awards can be found in the newest issue (Winter 2011/#60):

Michael Kissinger (Vancouver, BC) for “The Phantom”

Creative Non-fiction:
Mark Anthony Jarman (Fredericton, NB) for “The Troubled English Bride”

Kevin Spenst (Vancouver, BC) for “Five Poems from Ignite”

Runners-up will be featured in the Spring 2012 (#61) issue. A full list of winners is avaialbe on the magazine’s website.

Naugatuck River Review Contest Winners

Winners of the Naugatuck River Review 3rd Annual Narrative Poetry Contest are included in the Winter 2012 issue (#7) of the journal:

First Prize of $1000 plus publication: John Victor Anderson of Lafayette, LA for his poem, “Alligator Kisses”

Second Prize of $250 plus publication: Lisa Drnec Kerr of Ashfield, MA for her poem, “Walking Horses”

Third Prize of $100 plus publication: Monica Barron of Kirksville, MO for her poem, “Hunting Song”

Also included is the poem “Second Hand” by contest judge Patrick S. Donnelly.

A full list of finalists and semi-finalists is available on the magazine’s website.

Poetry Hunt Contest Winners

The newest issue of Schoolcraft College’s national literary magazine The MacGuffin (Winter 2012) features the winners of the issue of the 16th National Poet Hunt Contest, judged by Terry Blackhawk:

First place:
Barbara Saunier, “My Body, This Aging Cheese”

Honorable mention:
Sharron Singleton, “Hunger Moon”
Liza Young, “The Color of Pleasure”

NewPages Book Reviews :: March 2012

Check out the NewPages Book Reviews for March and read the thoughtful commentary and analysis of the following titles:

The Hermit
Fiction by Ali Smith

Fiction by Brian Evenson

Killing the Murnion Dogs
Poetry by Joe Wilkins

Darling Endangered
Fiction by Carol Guess

Going to Seed
Poetry by Charles Goodrich

On Subjects of Which we Know Nothing
Poetry by Karen Carcia

The Last of the Egyptians
Cross-Genre Work by Gérard Macé

Fiction by Stephen Beachy

The Joy of the Nearly Old
Poetry by Rosalind Brackenbury

Writing the Revolution
The Feminist History Project’s Collected Columns of Michele Landsberg
Collection by Michele Landsberg

Panic Attack, USA
Poetry by Nate Slawson

Fiction by David Szalay

Gathered Here Together
Fiction by Garrett Socol

Hagar Before the Occupation / Hagar After the Occupation
Poetry by Amal al-Jubouri
Translated from the Arabic by Rebecca Gayle Howell, Husam Qaisi

Bin Laden’s Bald Spot
Fiction by Brian Doyle

Piano Rats
Poetry by Franki Elliot

After the Tsunami
Fiction by Annam Manthiram

The Love Lives of the Artists
Five Stories of Creative Intimacy
Nonfiction by Daniel Bullen

The Story of Buddha
A Graphic Biography
Graphic Novel by Hisashi Ota

There But for The
Fiction by Ali Smith

Southeast Review Contest Winners Issue

You can read the winners and finalists from The Southeast Review 2011 contests, listed below, in the newest issue (winter/spring, Volume 30.1):

World’s Best Short-Short Story Contest judged by Robert Olen Butler

Winner: Kim Henderson, “A Burnside Park Sunburn”

Jen Fawkes, “Chrysalis” and “Hobbled”
Thomas Israel Hopkins, “The Coat My Mother Gave Me”
Elizabeth Long, “Trip Talk”
Nancy Ludmerer, “Ecosystem”
Steve Mitchell, “Flare” and “Watching the Door”
Niloo Sarabi, “Abba”
Jeannine Dorian Vesser, “Summer Vacation”

SER Poetry Contest judged by David Kirby

Winner: Francine Witte, “Wolf Logic”

Samuel Amadon, “Evergreen Avenue”
Kevin Coll, “Buddhist”
Deborah Flanagan, “Casanova: On Flight”
Melanie Graham, “Blood Words”
Kiki Vera Johnson, “The Excavation”
Rebecca Lauren, “The Year of Fires”
Greg Weiss, “The May or May Not Blues” and “The Mississippi Scheme”
Kathleen Winter, “Jellyfish Elvis”

SER Narrative Nonfiction Contest judged by Mark Winegardner

Winner: Jacob M. Appel, “Livery”

Carol J. Clouse, “The Luck We Spent”
Barbara W. Sands, “Safe in the Arms of Elvis”

Mississippi Review: A Barthleme Retrospective

The Mississippi Review celebrates 30 years with its newest issue (volume 39, numbers 1-3). “Thirty-three and a half, to be exact,” Editor Julie Johnson begins her introduction. She’s not speaking so much of the magazine itself as she is of Frederick Barthleme’s long and distinguished history with the magazine before his ‘impolite jettison’ – “as part of a putsch at the university.” Johnson took over and then subsequently received an offer from the U of Kentucky. Her final act as editor of the MR: “to highlight the thirty years the magazine had been Barthleme’s.”

Johnson and Associate Editor Elizabeth Wagner have trolled the sixty-five archive issues of Mississippi Review, attempting to select only two pieces per issue (arduous!). The result is this massive collection, this tome (800+ pages), certainly colljavascript:void(0)ectible for ardent readers, and no doubt teachable as an anthology of contemporary literature as much as it is a study of the editorial mark of Barthleme.

Nicely played Julie.

Weave Poetry & FF Winners

Winners of the Weave 2011 contests are featured in the newest issue (7). The winner of the poetry contest, selected by Lisa Marie Basile, is “Dream” by Caleb Curtiss. Honorable mentions are “Peach Pull” by Jada Ach, “Fig Eaters” by Megan Cowen, and “Caroline Fox Considers Jeremy Bentham’s Proposal (1805)” by Noel Sloboda. The winner of the flash fiction contest, selected by Bridgette Shade, is “White Bread” by Kelly Brice Baron. Honorable mention is “Blighted” by Andra Hibbert.

Anniversary :: Barrelhouse 10th

Barrelhouse, the independent non-profit literary organization, has successfully published their biannual print journal of fiction, poetry, interviews and essays about music, art and the “detritus of popular culture” now for ten years. Barrelhouse continues to host a monthly reading series in DC, showcasing the work of other lit mags and small presses, and offer online workshops for writers to “get the straight dope” on their writing. Barrelhouse also has a website chuck full of literary goodness, including Barrelhouse Online, which currently features “the poetry issue” edited by Justing Marks. Happy Anniversary Barrelhouse – here’s to many more!

New Lit on the Block :: Sucker

Sucker Literary Magazine is an annual PDF and Kindle publication for young adults produced by Senior Editor/Founder Hannah Goodman, Art, Layout, and Design Executive Editor Alyssa Gaudreau, and Copy Editor Bouvier Servillas.

Goodman’s initial searches for exclusively young adult lit mags did not yield the kind of literature she was looking for, so she started Sucker to fill this void. In Sucker, she tells us, readers can find “edgy, compelling, new YA literature that both teens and adults can enjoy.” Goodman expands on their concept of edgy: “This means we do not avoid sex, drugs, complicated friendships and relationships with parents. It also means that we don’t want to preach to teens about those subjects. That being said, it’s not just about the subject. It’s also about language and voice: authentic sounding characters and a narrative voice that reflects the tone of the story.”

Sucker editors also hope that writers will see the publication as “something different” from other YA venues: “Not just ‘please no more vampires.’ If you love writing about vampires, then put him on a skateboard and have him crash into a human teenage guy. Maybe they fight and maybe the vampire loses. Maybe they become great friends. Maybe they fall in love.”

Sucker is also a different venue for writers in that the editors will be on the lookout for “raw talent that just needs a smidge of guidance.” Goodman explains: “Our staff readers fill out detailed feedback sheets to decide if the pieces should be accepted or rejected. Pieces that readers feel are close to being ‘there’ are critiqued and sent back to our senior editor.” From there, they will “invite the writer to be mentored for a draft or two.”

Contributors to the first issue of Sucker include: R F Brown, Claudia Classon, Shelli Cornelison, Candy Fite, Sarah Hannah Gómez, Hannah R. Goodman, Paul Heinz, Natalia Jaster, Josh Prokopy, James Silberstein, Mima Tipper, and Aida Zilelian.

Like so many new publications, Goodman’s plans for the future of the publication is simply to continue producing quality issues. She hopes to see the publication available as a print-on-demand version as well.

Sucker is currently open for submissions until May 1 via e-mail. Full guidelines on listed on the site.

Missouri Review Online Anthology: textBox

textBox is an online anthology of exceptional fiction, essays and poetry published in The Missouri Review since 1978. It is available free online. Still new, the future of textBox will include more stories, essays, and poems, audio files, author interviews, and more. Teachers & Students – TMR would like your feedback on how to continue improving the site for academic use. Readers can be notified when new content is added or changes are made to the site.

Film: Reckoning with Terror – Readers Invited

In Doug Liman’s film Reckoning with Torture: Memos and Testimonies from the “War On Terror” ordinary Americans stand side-by-side with actors, writers, and former military interrogators and intelligence officers in a reading of official documents that reveal the scope and cost of America’s post-9/11 torture program.

Participants are now being invited to select a script, video the reading, and upload it to the site.

Doug Linman, director of the The Bourne Identity and Fair Game, teams up with the ACLU and PEN AMERICAN CENTER on a national grassroots film to fight torture.

[Pictured: Actress Lili Taylor reads from the sworn statement of an interpreter at the Kandahar detention facility in Afghanistan.]

NewPages Magazine Stand – March 2012

Got a bookstore or library near you with dozens of new lit and alt mags on the racks? Yeah, me neither, which is why we created the NewPages Magazine Stand for information about some of the newest issues of literary and alternative magazines. The Magazine Stand entries are not reviews, but are descriptions provided by the sponsor magazine. Sometimes, we’ll have the newest issue and content on our site before the magazine even has it on theirs!

New Publication: Eventual Aesthetics

Evental Aesthetics is an international, online, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to philosophical perspectives on art. Publishing three times per year, with one themed issue each year, the journal invites experimental and traditional philosophical ideas on all questions pertaining to art, music, and literature, as well as aesthetic issues in the non-artworld, such as everyday aesthetics and environmental aesthetics. The inaugural issue is “Aesthetics After Hegel.”

New Lit on the Block :: Niche Magazine

Niche Magazine appears biannually online (Issuu) as well as in PDF format for purchase with plans to release a Amazon Kindle edition.

Editors Katya Cummins, Shannon Hewson,
 Matthew Atkinson,
 Beth Cohen, Katie Cantwell, Mary Keutelian,
 Rebecca Kaplan, and 
Rochelle Liu started Niche Magazine in response to the “many talented artists” looking for a way to break into the literary scene, and even more that merely want to be read, heard, or seen. “The idea in starting Niche Magazine,” says Cummins, “was to provide a place where, not one but multiple genres and tiers of communities and artistic ambitions, are satisfied.”

The first issue of Niche Magazine includes literary short stories, some experimental creative nonfiction, and “beautiful” poetry, some of which is traditional, some of which is experimental, and “thought-provoking” artwork from seasoned and emerging artists. There is also an interview from the science-fiction writer, Neil Gaiman, and music from the jazz band Comfort Food.

Also featured in the first issue: art from Pearl A. Hodges, Jessica Swenson, and Fabio Sassi; fiction by Bill D’Arezzo, Molly Koeneman, Robert Mundy, Sean Jackson, and Susan Land; non-fiction by Stephen Newton, Yinka Reed-Nolan, and Melissa Wiley; poetry by James Dunlap, Martina Reisz Newberry, Mercedes Lawry, Rosebud Ben-Oni, Scott Starbuck, and William Cordeiro.

Niche Magazine editors are currently reading through submissions for their second issue in which they hope will include some flash fiction, short-shorts, journalism, and literary criticism. “Through this,” say Cummins, “we hope to continue breaking down the tensions between genres. More importantly, we hope that readers will continue to find Niche an entertaining and relatable read.”

Niche Magazine accepts all genres (including “genre fiction”, journalism, “spoken word” poetry, and literary criticism.) with submissions year round through Submission Manager. The deadline for the next issue is April 1, 2012. For full guidelines, please visit the Niche Magazine website.

Niche Magazine’s website also includes columns by Natala Orobello, Lauryn Ash, and Christopher Smith. Reviews, author interviews, “MFA Spotlights,” and guest posts can be read on Niche’s blog. Niche is currently looking for reviewers, columnists, and current attendees or graduates of MFA programs to conduct interviews for our monthly MFA Spotlights.

Dream Flag Project 2012

The Dream Flag Project, inspired by the poetry of Langston Hughes and the tradition of Nepalese Buddhist prayer flags, is an annual poetry/art/community-connection project for k-12 students. Started in 2003, the project has spread to more than one hundred schools from Portland to Palm Beach. To date, more than 40,000 Dream Flags have been created by students in 34 states of the U.S. and by students in Canada, Australia, Honduras, China, Japan, Costa Rica, Nepal, Rwanda, Kenya, and South Africa.

To participate in the project, teachers register on this web site. There is no fee. Students first read poetry of Langston Hughes, particularly his dream poems. Then they create their own dream poems and transfer them onto pieces of 8

New Lit on the Block :: burntdistrict

burntdistrict is a semi-annual (Winter/Summer) journal of contemporary poetry published in print and e-book (Kindle) by editors Liz Kay and Jen Lambert.

When asked what motivated the start of this new venture, Kay responded, “When I think of the best venue for new and exciting poetry, I think of literary magazines. I can easily get absorbed in my favorite collections, but when I want diversity, when I want to see what new work is being created, I look to lit mags. When we decided to start a magazine, like many other editors, we were looking to create something that was magnetic from cover to cover. Naturally, aesthetic is involved, and not all magazines appeal to all audiences, but that is what is so fantastic about them. There is something out there for everyone.”

Kay believes burntdistrict fulfills this expectation: “I have read and reread Issue 1, and I am amazed at how every poem in there speaks to me, how when I finish, I am breathless and swooning, and how some of that is caused by the fact that the poets represented in its pages range from successful, widely published poets to students, desperately carving out their craft, from those who work full-time in academia to those who make their livings far outside of it, all of whom come back to the page time and again because something beautiful, something important, happens there.”

Readers of burntdistrict are promised “Beauty and diversity.” Kay expands on this: “Every poem we choose takes our breath away in some way or another. burntdistrict poets craft heartbreakingly lovely lines and are so intentional in what they want to pull out of their readers. They are smart with punctuation, enjambment, endings, imagery. They are generous with their talents, and in turn we try to be generous with space. We are happy to take long poems and work in series. We are drawn to poems that speak to one another. Often this represents the work of a single poet over a succession of pages, but at other times, it’s the juxtaposition of different voices that sparks the conversation.”

Contributors in the first issue include Lindsey Baker, Becca Barniskis, Francesca Bell, Candace Black, Sheila Black, Lori Brack, Allison Campbell, Nancy Devine, Gary Dop, Kelly Fordon, Meg Gannon, Teri Grimm, Amy Hassinger, Paul Hostovsky, Michael Hurley, Natasha Kessler, James Henry Knippen, Steve Langan, Christopher Leibow, Alex Lemon, Matt Mason, Vikas Menon, Joanna Pearson, Jim Peterson, Adrian Potter, Nate Pritts, Rick Robbins, Jane Rosenberg LaForge, Marge Saiser, Erika Sanchez, Joseph Somoza, John Stanizzi, Alex Stolis, Ira Sukrungruang, Benjamin Sutton, Carine Topal, Natalia Trevino, William Trowbridge, Benjamin Walker, and Natalie Young

The future of burntdistrict looks good given the positive energy of its editors, who hope to “keep producing fantastic issues, full of quality writing and a diverse population of writers.”

“We are not in this to create a venue to promote our friends,” Kay emphasizes, “or to develop a magazine based on swollen bios. Instead, the thing we love most about this endeavor is getting excited by a poem. I hope we continue to maintain our goals of publishing the best poems we can find, and making sure that page after page retains that goal. In terms of future plans, we would love to offer special edition issues (we already have some in mind) and maybe pulling in some guest editors. We are so passionate about this magazine; we can’t wait to watch it grow up.”

burntdistrict is always open to submissions of original, unpublished poems via Submittable.

Host a CALYX House Party

CALYX has a unique approach to fundraising and raising awareness and support for women’s literature through community action: Hosting a Calyx House Party.

The house party can be of any design: intimate reading, dance parties with live music and silent auction, a dinner party for friends who are asked to donate what they would have paid to eat out in a restaurant, etc.

CALYX offers what they can in making the event special. Once a time and place for an event his set, CALYX will help by connecting the host with CALYX authors in the area, and send materials to make the party a success: “Each new friend of CALYX means possible future support.”

For more information, click here.

New Lit on the Block :: Ithica Lit

Ithaca Lit: Lit with Art is an end-of-summer print annual with quarterly online issues. Editors include Michele Lesko, founding editor; Sherry O’Keefe, poetry editor; and Madeleine Beckman, nonfiction editor.

Lesko comments on the start-up and focus of the magazine: “Living in Ithaca, I noticed a void in the lit/arts journal world for writers & artists from around the world and in Ithaca. The journals already in place are connected with the colleges. We also intended to represent visual art more vividly within the field of poetry and non-fiction essays that deal with writing and art process. The visual and poetic join together to bring a more stimulating experience to our readers.”

Given the intent of the publication, readers can expect to “enjoy discovering a new visual artist featured in each issue with a gallery of images, an interview and a biographic/personal page that gives readers a real sense of the artist in his/her studio. With the same treatment, we feature a well-established poet: a writer with two or more books published and a career in place. The poet contributes new poems, an interview, and a bio page. We publish new poetry from emerging and established poets in each issue and feature interviews with writers and/or artists as well as craft/process non-fiction pieces.” [Pictured: Featured Artist Colleen McCall]

Contributors in the first issue include Poets: Renee Ashley, Alex Grant, Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingde, Uchi Ogbuji, Diane Lockward, Susan Johnson, Rose Hunter, Kathryn Howd Machan, Kathleen Kirk, Risa Denenberg, and Artist: Lin Price.

As for the future of Ithaca Lit, Lesko says, “We want to nurture the journal’s longevity by expanding slowly. The important aspect for us is presenting good writing and visual art to readers. We will eventually establish a poetry contest, where the winner will be featured in the annual print edition. We plan to extend to the local community poetry & short fiction writing workshops along with local readings. We will highlight ‘best of’ images from the artists in the annual print edition and may include artist interviews.” Future formats for the publication may also include Kindle/Nook.

Ithaca Lit accepts poetry and non-fiction re: craft process of writing and visual art as well as interviews with writers or artists. Submission is through Submittable.

Glimmer Train December Fiction Open Winners :: 2012

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their December Fiction Open competition. This competition is held quarterly. Stories generally range from 3000-6000 words, though up to 20,000 is fine. The next Fiction Open will take place in March. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: Jonathan Freiberger [pictured], of Fort Lee, NJ, wins $2500 for “Pinsky Gets It Right.” His story will be published in the Spring 2013 issue of Glimmer Train Stories. This is Jonathan’s first print publication.

Second place: J. A. Howard, of Pittsburgh, PA, wins $1000 for “The Way It Is Around Here.” Her story will also appear in an upcoming issue of Glimmer Train Stories, and this will be her first major print publication.

Third place: Matthew Ducker, of Brooklyn, NY, wins $600 for “Middleweight.” His story will also be published in Glimmer Train Stories, increasing his prize to $700.

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Short Story Award for New Writers: February 29
This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation over 5000. No theme restrictions. Most submissions to this category run 2000-6000 words, but can go up to 12,000. First place prize has been increased to $1500. Click here for complete guidelines.

Audio Podcast: The Weekly Reader

The Weekly Reader is a twenty-minute interview show in which hosts Benjamin Allocco and Amy Fladeboe discuss the craft of writing with their guests and gives them a forum to highlight their work. Any genre of writing is open for discussion – fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, journalism, screenwriting, songwriting, comedy writing, etc.

The Weekly Reader enjoys interviewing lesser known authors from small presses and welcomes review copies of published books in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. The program airs on 89.7 KMSU-FM, based in Mankato, MN and is also available via streaming and an iTunes podcast.

Authors featured on the program include: Tony D’Souza, Dennis Nau, Kim Heikkila, Wayne Miller, Thad Nodine, Mary Jane Nealon, Jessica Lee Anderson, David Gessner, and many, many more.

TFR Tribute to Jeanne Leiby (Repost)

The newest issue of The Florida Review features a thoughtful and heartfelt editor’s note: “In Memory of Jeanne M. Leiby, 1964-2011” written by friend and colleague Jocelyn Bartkevicius. Volume 36 is a double issue dedicated in memory of Jeanne.

This blog has been updated. Since posting it, I have gotten the url for the tribute from Chris Weiwiora, so that will now take readers directly to the text. Chris also shared a link to a site that he organized back in the fall with some other UCF students of Jeanne’s: “For You They Call” (from Whitman’s “O Captain, My Captain” poem). Thank you Chris.

Reginald Shepherd Poetry Prize Winners

The Spring 2012 issue of Knockout Literary Magazine includes the winners and runners-up of the 2009 The International Reginald Shepherd Memorial Poetry Prize as selected by Carl Phillips:

First place winner: “Occupation” by Kelly Madigan Erlandson
Second place winner: “Archaic Bronze” by Christian Gullette
Third place winner: “Wood” by Larry Bradley

First runner-up: “Modern Ripple” by Rickey Laurentiis
Second runner-up: “August, near Arles” by Richard Foerster
Third runner-up: “Faggot” by Rickey Laurentiis

Thank You Ilya

Special thanks to Ilya Kaminsky for his reading at Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw, Michigan last night. What a treat to see him and hear him read in our own back yard. For the time, we forgot about the cold dreary damp of winter, rapt in his lyrical recitations. Still not familiar with Kaminsky? Check out his book Dancing in Odessa from Tupelo Press, and hear him read “Author’s Prayer.” That’s how I got hooked. See you in Chicago, Ilya!

Harvard Review Contributor Data

Harvard Review Editors Christina Thompson & Laura Healy take a playful but serious look at who gets published in HR in their editorial for issue 41 – beginning with how pieces find their way to the publication (via referrals, conferences, previous contributors, and slush). And, as the editors note, because they had so much fun looking at those numbers and creating a corresponding pie chart, they went on to review other data for which they also create pictorial representations: Contributors by Gender & Genre; geographic distribution of current contributors; and age & gender of contributors (topping 200 is Alfred de Vigny, French Romatic poet b. 1797). Take a look at the editorial here.

Tiny Lights Personal Narrative Essay Winners

Tiny Lights: A Journal of Personal Narrative includes the winners of their annual essay contest, which includes a “standard” category (under 2000 words) and a “flashpoint” category (under 1000 words):

Standard Essay Winners
First Prize: “O, Engineer!” by Anna Belle Kaufman
Second Prize: “Floating” by Tim Bascom
Third Prize: “Nisqually Fish Fling” by Adrienne Ross Scanlan
Honorable Mentions: “Submarine Dreams” by Ed Miracle and “Lost. Found” by Christine Watson

Flashpoint Essay Winners
“Forgiveness” by Mary Zelinka
“I Tell You Something” by Jessica McCaughey
“Rock Bottom” by Marcelle Soviero

A full list of finalists in available on the Tiny Lights website.

Motionpoems: Poetry + Short Film

Motionpoems broadens the audience for poetry by turning great contemporary poems into short films for big-screen and online distribution.

In 2008, animator/producer Angella Kassube animated one of Todd Boss’s poems. The results were so compelling that Boss and Kassube began introducing other poets to other video artists. A year later, a public screening at Open Book in Minneapolis drew a standing-room-only crowd of 150+ to see 12 pieces they dubbed Motionpoems… and a new hybrid form was born. Since then, motionpoems have appeared in mainstream media, blogs, YouTube, international film festivals, art galleries, and on Vimeo.

Past poetry contributions include the works of Thomas Lux, Deb Kirkeeide, David Mason, Robert Bly, Jane Hirshfield, Angella Kassube, K. A. Hays, and many more.

All motionpoems are available for online viewing with the option to subscribe for monthly update notice when new videos become available.

New Lit on the Block :: The Ocean State Review

The Ocean State Review is a new annual print publication from the University of Rhode Island English Department.

Editors include Peter Covino (advisory), Mary Cappello (advisory), Ryan Trimm (advisory), Jay Peters (managing), Don Rodrigues (managing), Nicki Toler (senior), Max Winter (senior), Jacob Nelson (associate), and David O’Connell (associate).

Managing Editor Jay Peters writes that “by producing a high-quality publication of contemporary literature, The Ocean State Review provides an annual record of URI’s continued engagement with regional, national and international literary communities. Central to this engagement is the journal’s affiliation with URI’s annual Ocean State Summer Writing Conference.”

Readers of The Ocean State Review can expect to find “two hundred eclectic pages by well-established and newly emerging writers and artists.” OSR publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, interviews, and artwork.

The inaugural issue features works by Tomaz Salamun, Denise Duhamel, Richard Hoffman, Louise DeSalvo, Robin Hemley, Julia Glass, and many others. The second volume will be released in June with plans for the journal to develop the capacity to accept online submissions.

Submissions of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, our currently being accepted until February 15; submission by post only at this time.

Lit Mag News & Bits

Chris Hildebrand is the new Managing Editor for New Madrid, the national journal of the low-residency MFA program at Murray State University.

The First Line has gone “Lorax Friendly” and can now be read on Kindle.

Winter 2012 will be the final print issue of Alimentum Journal: The Literature of Food as they move to online only.

Above and Beyond:

PMS poemmemoirstory last year at their publication party held a collection drive of new children’s books to give to the Aid to Inmate Mothers Story Book Project at the Tutwiler Women’s Prison in Alabama. They collected over 30 books for moms and kids to read together and hope to continue supporting this program.

Thanks to their supporters, CALYX: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women donated 300 copies of their newest book Who in This Room: The Realities of Cancer, Fish, and Demolition by Katherine Malmo to oncology departments, hospitals, women’s centers, and support groups in Oregon, Washington, and nationwide.

New Lit on the Block :: The Golden Triangle

The Golden Triangle is published three times per year and is available online, and via iPad and iPhone Apps. Readers can expect to find “fresh, risk-taking, original poetry, fiction, and non-fiction coupled with intelligent design.”

Editors Jessica Schulte and Sasha VanHoven tell me that “The Golden Triangle was created by struggling writers and literary nerds trying to make it in ‘the real world’ of writing. With the decrease in printed publications, competition to get in became harder, and yet while digital journals were taking off, they severely lacked legitimate design. We decided to become the solution ourselves, offering a digital space for the under-exposed voices of our peers that cared for aesthetics as well as the community behind it.”

Contributors in the first issue include Howie Good, Corinna Ricard-Farzan, Jon Gingerich, Brittany Shutts, Lauren Chimento, William VanDenBerg, Corina Bardoff, Justin Mantell, Joanna C. Valente, Devan Boyle, Ansley Moon, and Taylor Saldarriaga.

With ambitious plans for the future, Schulte and VanHoven are looking to become a fully functioning small press within the next five years, in both digital and print media.

The Golden Triangle is open to all genre forms within poetry, fiction, and non-fiction; work that “blurs genre lines and takes risks,” is welcome, but editors “warn against ‘post-post-post modernism’ type work.” Only previously unpublished works considered; simultaneous submissions are “a-okay,” as long as editors are notified immediately. The next deadline is March 3rd, 2012.

Lois Cranston Prize Winner

The poem of the 2011 Lois Cranston Memorial Prize Winner is featured in the newest issue of CALYX (27.1): “The Apple Orchard” by Bethany Reid. Honorable mentions by Beth Ford, J. Angelique Johnson, and Amy Schutzer (as well as the winning poem) are available on the CALYX website.

New Lit on the Block :: Beecher’s Magazine

Beecher’s Magazine is the graduate student-run literary journal at the University of Kansas (KU) MFA program. The print annual has an editorial board, which for 2011-2012 includes Iris Moulton and Ben Pfeiffer (co-editors); Mark Petterson (fiction); Amy Ash (poetry); and Stefanie Torres (nonfiction).

The impetus for Beecher‘s served to expand the options and offerings in the KU MFA program. Pfeiffer writes, “Our program was geared almost exclusively to teaching, not to publishing or to editing; in order to give the students a chance to try out this vocation, we thought having some kind of graduate student-run literary journal was important. So a bunch of students rolled up their sleeves and set to work. The administration supported us with money, but all the heavy lifting was done by students. Beecher’s One is the result.”

The publication features stories, poems, essays, and interviews. The inaugural issue includes works by Alec Niedenthal, Rebecca Wadlinger, Joshua Cohen, Rhoads Stevens, John Dermot Woods, Phil Estes, Creed J. Shepard, Lincoln Michel, Adam Robinson, Stephen Elliott, Yelena Akhtiorskaya, John Coletti, Colin Winnette, Dana Ward & Stephanie Young, James Yeh, Alexis Orgera, Rozalia Jovanovic, Ricky Garni, and Justin Runge.

Beecher’s Magazine has just selected the winners of their first contest, and editors and staff are preparing for AWP 2012 in Chicago. Issue #1 of Beecher’s Magazine was a limited run and has sold out, but the second issue is underway.

Beecher‘s accepts poetry, fiction, and nonfiction via Submishmash for both print and online (forthcoming) consideration.

New Lit on the Block :: Literary Juice

Executive Editor and Founder Sara R. Rajan and Assistant Editors Dinesh Rajan P and Andrea O’Connor are the force behind Literary Juice, an online bimonthly publication of works in a wide variety of genres, including comedy, romance, and fantasy. A unique feature in Literary Juice is “pulp fiction”: stories written in just 25 words – no more, no less – with one-word titles.

Rajan founded Literary Juice as “a creative outlet for both established and emerging poets and writers, as well as an avenue for readers looking to indulge their imaginations in a world of absolutely remarkable and unforgettable talent.” As such, audiences will read works by “authors who are bold and not afraid to cross into unconventional territory. Literary Juice showcases poetry and works of fiction that are dramatic, playful, and even outright weird!”

Contributors to the first issue include Craig M. Workman, Joel Bonner, Jennifer McIntosh, Amy Agrawal, Storm J. Shaw, Pamela Evitt-Hill, Jessie Duthrie, Angela Huston, Sarah Helen Bates, Amanda Little Rose, W. Walker Wood, E. Drape, Michelle L. Hill, Vita Duva, Matthew L. Wagner, Sydney Rayl, Jerry Judge, Helen Stamas, John Grey, George Freek, Liz Minette, Aur

New Lit on the Block :: Barge Journal

Barge Journal is a biannual print publication with preview content available on the website and e-reader formats forthcoming.

Editors Shawn Maddey, Justin Maddey, Christine McInnes, and Hallie Romba say they started Barge Journal “when we realized that there was a particular aesthetic that we shared and found in many up-and-coming writers, but that seemed relegated to the internet. We really wanted to bring the fervor and style of innovative internet publications to the print world, where a lot of it is highly underrepresented and overwhelmed by more ‘literary’ styles. We also wanted to be able to raise awareness of indie publications to broader audiences of artists and readers.”

What can readers expect to find in Barge Journal? Maddey writes, “We like to say ‘stuff, not things.’ Expect lots of playfulness with language and form, expect risks, expect stuff that you’d be hard-pressed to find in print many other places. Few works we publish are easy reads, and you won’t find any traditionally structured stories or hard genre delineations – instead we strive to publish work that pushes its readers to think, to think differently about literature, and to enjoy the process of doing it. It doesn’t hurt to find comfort in a bit of ugliness, either.”

Contributors to the inaugural issue include Gregg Williard, Yarrow Paisley, M.J. Nicholls, R.L. Swihart, Joshua McKinney, Matthew Dexter, Kristine Ong Muslim, Art Zilleruelo, Colin Winnette, Thomas O’Connell, Nicolas Destino, Paul Kavanaugh, Jonathan Dubow, Margaret Bashaar, Zdravka Evtimova, Andrew Borgstrom, Parker Tettleton, Bob Shar, Travis Blankenship, William Akin, Janann Dawkins, and Neila Mezynski.

As Barge Journal moves forward putting together Issue #2, the editors’ goal is “to always be pushing the boundary a little bit further while having as much fun with it as possible. We would love to be able to include more visually-oriented work and comics/art as well. A lot of our current efforts are focusing on expanding our role as a press, beyond the journal. We will have a series of chapbooks forthcoming (currently by solicitation only, sorry), and are soon going to print with our first full-length book (a comix anthology) as well as a series of literary/arts greeting cards with some great artists and literary works paired up – so, a few great projects to get excited about.”

Barge Journal accepts submissions only online through Submishmash on a rolling basis. Genre identification is open, and the editors state a preference for work that is difficult to classify by genre.

Maddey adds, “We love to interact with our readers, submitters, and contributors, so we invite you to follow us @bargepress on twitter or /bargepress for facebook.”

“Kepler’s 2020” Project

MENLO PARK, CA – The Kepler’s Transition Team, a group of local business and community leaders, have announced the launch of “Kepler’s 2020,” an initiative that will transform Menlo Park’s historic independent bookstore into a next-generation community literary and cultural center. The project aims to create an innovative hybrid business model that includes a for-profit, community-owned-and-operated bookstore, and a nonprofit organization that will feature on-stage author interviews, lectures by leading intellectuals, educational workshops and other literary and cultural events.

New Lit on the Block :: The Baltimore Review

Senior Editors Barbara Westwood Diehl and Kathleen Hellen are directing The Baltimore Review on a new venture with an online quarterly publication and print annual.

The Baltimore Review was founded by Barbara Westwood Diehl in 1996 as a literary journal publishing short stories and poems, with a mission to showcase the best writing from the Baltimore area and beyond. Their mission remains just that. “However,” Diehl writes, “in our new online format, we can now bring that fine writing to the world’s attention, more frequently, and at less cost. We can also explore new ways to bring the world of writers and writing to the reader’s attention. This doesn’t mean that we’ve fallen out of love with the printed book. Work accepted for online publication will also be collected for annual print issues.”

Readers of The Baltimore Review can expect to find fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and poems from established and emerging writers – “work we hope will take readers into unfamiliar worlds or deeper into familiar ones, work that knocks the walls down,” Diehl says.

The first online issue includes: Poems by Edgar Silex, Al Maginnes, Dorianne Laux, W. Todd Kaneko, Paul Hostovsky, Tim Kahl, John Walser, Angela Torres, Ned Balbo, and David Dodd Lee; Fiction by Devin Murphy, Christopher Lowe, Josh Green, Gregory Wolos, Catherine Thomas, Peter Kispert, Nathan Gower, Ryan Millberg, Ajay Vishwanathan, Catherine Parnell, Jen Murvin Edwards, and Emily Roller; Creative Nonfiction by Heather Martin, Stephen J. West, Colin Rafferty, Bram Takefman, Michelle Valois, Lockie Hunter, and Seth Sawyers.

The Baltimore Review hopes to continue forward with quarterly online and annual print issues, always seeking new ways to engage their readers.

Submissions are accepted through Submittable. Details available on BR website.

2011 Jeanne Leiby Chapbook Award Results

The Florida Review has announced the results for the 2011 Jeanne Leiby Chapbook Award. The winner is “Rubia” by Patricia King. She will receive $500, and the story will be published in a letterpress, hand-bound chapbook. Second place goes to “Foreign Service” by Julia Lichtblau, and third place to “The Geometry of Children” by Mary Sheffield. They will receive tuition at writers conferences and their work is under consideration for The Florida Review.

NEH Summer Institute: Contemporary African American Lit

The Africana Research Center at The Pennsylvania State University has announced it will host the 2012 NEH Summer Institute for College Teachers: Contemporary African American Literature, on July 8-28, 2012. During the three-week program, teachers will engage in an intensive program of reading and discussion with leading scholars, reviewing new and recent scholarship and a variety of literary works.

Institute faculty will include Trudier Harris, Maryemma Graham, Dana Williams, Howard Rambsy, Eve Dunbar, L.H. Stallings, Evie Shockley, and Greg Carr. Participation is supported by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Participants receive a stipend to assist in defraying the cost of travel, food, lodging, books and supplies related to the institute. Transportation to off-site program activities related to the institute will be provided as part of the grant.

The deadline for applications is March 1, 2012.

NewPages Book Reviews :: February 2012

Visit NewPages Book Reviews for February to read thoughtful commentary and analysis of the following titles:

Against the Workshop: Provocations, Polemics, Controversies
Nonfiction by Anis Shivani
Texas Review Press, October 2011
Review by Patrick James Dunagan

Half in Shade
Nonfiction by Judith Kitchen
Coffee House Press, April 2012
Review by Ann Beman

St. Agnes, Pink-Slipped
Poetry by Ann Cefola
Kattywompus Press, August 2011
Review by Alyse Bensel

The Tin Ticket: The Heroic Journey of Australia’s Convict Women
Nonfiction by Deborah J. Swiss
Berkley Trade, November 2011
Review by Lydia Pyne

In the Absence of Predators
Fiction by Vinnie Wilhelm
Rescue Press, October 2011
Review by Wendy Breuer

Starring Madame Modjeska: On Tour in Poland and America
Nonfiction by Beth Holmgren
Indiana University Press, November 2011
Review by Patricia Contino

Exhibit of Forking Paths
Poetry by James Grinwis
Coffee House Press, October 2011
Review by Gina Myers

Lucky Bruce: A Literary Memoir
Nonfiction by Bruce Jay Friedman
Biblioasis, October 2011
Review by David Breithaupt

The City, Our City
Poetry by Wayne Miller
Milkweed Editions, September 2011
Review by James Crews

Nonfiction by Dana Teen Lomax
Black Radish Books, December 2011
Review by Aimee Nicole

Drunken Angel
Nonfiction by Alan Kaufman
Viva Editions, November 2011
Review by Audrey Quinn

The Day Before Happiness
Fiction by Erri de Luca
Translated from the Italian by Michael F. Moore
Other Press, November 2011
Review by Olive Mullet

Already It Is Dusk
Poetry by Joe Fletcher
Brooklyn Arts Press, September 2011
Review by H. V. Cramond

Poetry by Leigh Kotsilidis
Coach House Books, October 2011
Review by Alyse Bensel

The Cisco Kid in the Bronx: Episodes in the Life of a Young Man
Fiction by Miguel Antonio Ortiz
Hamilton Stone Editions, January 2012
Review by Paul Pedroza

Lunch Bucket Paradise
Fiction by Fred Setterberg
Heydey Books, November 2011
Review by Audrey Quinn

selected unpublished blog posts of a mexican panda express employee
Poetry by Megan Boyle
Muumuu House, November 2011
Review by Aimee Nicole

New Lit on the Block :: Heavy Feather Review

Heavy Feather Review is a biannual ebook published by editors Nathan Floom and Jason Teal

HFR editors describe the content as “an eclectic mix of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or any hybrid thereof. Every issue of HFR is its own animal. Writers, and those concerns of writers, change with time, and so does HFR.”

Contributors to the inaugural issue include Alex Austin, Nick Barr, Anhvu Buchanan, Seth Berg, J. Bradley, Chloe Caldwell, Karen Craigo, Lori D’Angelo, Rick D’Elia, Larry O. Dean, Elizabeth Ellen, Nicolle Elizabeth, Ricky Garni, Roxane Gay, Amy Glasenapp, Howie Good, David Greenspan, Len Kuntz, Thomas Patrick Levy, D.W. Lichtenberg, Adam Moorad, Meg Pokrass, Molly Prentiss, Andrew Rihn, Paul Arrand Rodgers, Steve Roggenbuck, Matthew Savoca, Bradley Sands, Peter Schwartz, Gregory Sherl, Zulema Renee Summerfield, J.A. Tyler, James Valvis, Robert Vaughan, John Dermot Woods, Jake Wrenn, and Joshua Young.

Future plans for HFR include “print, press, music festival.” As Teal notes, “HFR is actively looking to exist in more real and real forms.”

HFR is taking submissions for both its homepage —thoughtful essays/posts concerning art, life, anything — reviews, interviews — and HFR 1.2, arriving in summer 2012. Deadline for 1.2 is August 15, 2012. Submission accepted via Submittable.

New Lit on the Block :: Northern Wanderer

Northern Wanderer is a new online quarterly edited by Dr. Darren Richard Carlaw and Elena Kharlamova.

The inspiration for Nothern Wanderer, write the editors, was the poem “After Breakfast (With Peter) Costing 5/6d” which appeared in Newcastle upon Tyne poet Barry MacSweeney’s first collection, The Boy from the Green Cabaret Tells of his Mother (1968):

“After Breakfast…” is a pastiche of Frank O’Hara’s “A Step Away from Them,” the walking poem from which Northern Wanderer‘s sister publication, StepAway Magazine, takes its name. Mr. MacSweeney’s after breakfast wander, however, takes place in his hometown of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, beginning outside the Cloth Market Café and ending outside the Green Market

Northern Wanderer is a way of encouraging contemporary northern writers to follow in Barry MacSweeney’s footsteps, to explore and observe the North East of England on foot.

Which is precisely, then, what readers can expect to find in Northern Wanderer: A series of poetic walking narratives which celebrate street life in northern towns and cities.

Contributors to the first issue include Barry MacSweeney, Stevie Ronnie, Ira Lightman, Bob Beagrie, Ian Davidson, Lizzie Whyman, and Keith Parker.

In upcoming issues, editors expect that Northern Wanderer “will grow to become a repository of poetry and prose devoted to walking in the North East of England.”

Writers are encouraged to submit one story or poem at a time via e-mail (no attachments). Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Response time is within 14 days with acceptance/rejection on a rolling basis. For more information, visit Northern Wanderer.

New Lit on the Block :: The Adroit Journal

The Adroit Journal is a triannual downloadable PDF publication edited by Peter LaBerge (Editor-in-Chief), Ameerah Arjanee and Magen Eissenstat (Poetry Genre Editors), Connor Cook and Kratika Mishra (Fiction Genre Editors), Michele Ang (Art/Photography Editor), and additional staff members.

LaBerge tells me, “The Adroit Journal was conceived for mainly two reasons: as a fundraising vehicle for an organization called Free the Children Organization, and as an opportunity for teenagers to come together to produce a collection of quality literature.” A link to Free the Children is provided on The Adroit Journal website, and donors make their contributions directly to the organization.

Readers can expect to find a complete variety of poetry and fiction within the pages of The Adroit Journal. “Often readers and contributors remark that they cannot find a singular type of work that The Adroit Journal considers,” LaBerge notes, “because we consider (and publish) all different kinds.”

Some of the many contributors to date include: Poetry – Carol Guess, Dorianne Laux, Annie Finch, Lee Upton, Matt Mauch, Laura Kasischke, Darlene Pag