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Hamilton Arts & Letters First Chapbook

The online Hamilton Arts & Letters magazine has just started a new chapbook series in which over the next two years they hope to publish one chapbook a year, expanding to more after that. Just released is their first chapbook: Nelson Ball’s A Rattle of Spring Frogs.

Here’s the description from HA&L: “Noted for poems described as ‘compressed meditations,’ Nelson is also admired here as a leader in the small press revolution that took place during the 1960s.” Accompanied with the chapbook is a contextualized essay and a reading. See more and read here.

Black Warrior Review Annual Contest Winners

Congrats to the winners of the Ninth Annual Contest for Black Warrior Review, which are featured in the latest issue:

Mari Christmas: “Baby”

Meredith Clark: “Lyrebird”

Hannah Aizenman: “History, or Umbilicus”

Chad Brandon Anderson
Diana Arterian
Colin Bassett
Kelly Connor
Matthew Fee
Yanara Friedland
Maggie Glover and Isaac Pressnell
Lauren Hilger
Kristen Iskandrian
Sara Jaffe
Dong Li
Jacqueline Lyons
Cate Lycurgus
Emily Moore
Bruno Nelson
Leah Poole Osowski
Anne Ray
Allie Rowbottom
Jayme Russell
Brittney Scott
T.D. Storm
Shawn Wen

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

I picked this cover of Witness not after having looked at it but after having read about it: “One of thousands of copper canisters preserving the cremated remains of patients who died at a state-run psychiatric hospital in Salem, Oregon, between the 1880s and the 1970s and whose ashes remain unclaimed by their families.”


The photograph on the cover of Big Muddy‘s latest issue makes you wonder why this kid has abandoned his (her?) bike, and where exactly is that ladder leading to? Bradley Phillips is the photographer.


It was like love at first site with this cover of The Georgia Review. From the staff of music at the top, to the illustrations, to the text, measurements, and symbols sketched throughout, this design by MF Cardamone (Elvis with Sweetgum, 2010) is capturing. More work from this artist is inside, too.

Naugatuck River Review Contest Issue

Naugatuck River Review‘s Winter 2014 issue features the winners of the 5th Annual Narrative Poetry Contest, judged by Susan Deer Cloud.

First Prize ($1000):
“Woodland Refuge” Margaret Bobalek King

Second Prize ($250):
“Christmas Eve 2011 After Taking Yu Troung to Radiation, Christmas Eve 2012 After Learning He Passed”
Lindsay Wilson

Third Prize ($100):

“Married but Separated: Prayer” Catherine Arra
“Digging Grave” Jerry Brunoe
“Last Chorus” Joanne Clarkson
“What Fernando Saw” Ben Gunsberg
“Fisherman’s Knot” Ross Howerton
“The Journey” Hayley Hughes
“Another Episode in the Annals of Shame” Lynne Knight
“Blue Balls” Raul Palma
“June First Matt Pasca
“Beets” Linda Neal Reising
“Hoarder” Val Dering Rojas
“Heartbroken Gorilla” Scott Ruescher
“Two Approaches to Gardening” David Sloan
“Bones” Dina Stander
“Uncle” Will Stockton
“UC Berkeley, Sproul Plaza, May 1969″ Joanna White
“In the Checkout Line at the Health Food Market” Claire Zoghb

To see a list of semi-finalists, click here.

NewPages Mailing Lists Sale

In case you haven’t heard, NewPages is having a sale on our digital bookstore mailing lists and library mailing lists–save 50%. This is a one-time fee, with up-to-date lists and a delivery guarantee to postal addresses. Learn more and purchase here.

Sylvan Dell Publishing Changes to Arbordale

Educational children’s publisher Sylvan Dell Publishing has officially changed its name to Arbordale Publishing.

Arbordale, based in South Carolina, produces nature, science, geography, and Spanish-language picture books for children. Its titles support the Common Core science and math standards, and factual content is vetted by experts. The company also offers a subscription e-reader application for children to use, and additional educational material is included at the end of each book.

The publisher has 99 books in its catalog.

Kenyon Review New Podcast

The Kenyon Review has just released a new podcast series with new content every couple of weeks. You can listen on the website, download the files, or use the free SoundCloud app (Apple users). “Looking for something to listen to at the gym?” the site reads. “Need a 20-30 minute fix of literature in the car on the way to work? You’ve found the right place!”

2013 Pinch Literary Award Winners

Sponsored by the Hohenberg Foundation, the 2013 Pinch Literary Award Winners are featured in the Spring 2014 issue of The Pinch. Fiction was judged by Roxane Gay, poetry by Mark Jarman, and literary nonfiction by Abigal Thomas.

Winner in Literary Nonfiction
Molly Beer: “The Lifecycle of Butterflies”

Winner in Fiction
John Haggerty: “A Slight Chance of War”

Winner in Poetry
Ann Vermel: “Ripening”

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Cover art for this issue of Salt Hill comes from Martin Klimas: Untitled (Miles Davis, “Pharaoh’s Dance”). What can I say? The bright colors capture my attention.


Alongside the QR code on this cover of North Dakota Quarterly is a quote from Marshall McLuhan: “We shape our tools and aftewards our tools shape us.” This is the cover for the special issue “What is Digital Art?” guest edited by Timothy J. Pasch and Sharon Carson.


There isn’t a single part of this cover of The Stinging Fly that I don’t love. The colors, the shapes, the photograph in the back. It’s designed by Fergal Condon.

Grain Magazine Contest Winners

The new, Winter 2014 issue of Grain Magazine features the winners in the poetry and fiction contests.

judged by Stan Rogal

Dylan Levi King: “The 33 Transformation Bodies of the Bodhisattva Guanyin”

2nd Place Winner
Scott Bartlett: “The Proletarian”

3rd Place Winner
Seyward Goodhand: “We Harboured the Scholar”

judged by M

MA Student Day of Poetry Friday

Aimee Nezhukumatathil and Adam Gottlieb are among the poets featured in the Student Day of Poetry this Friday, March 21, at UMass Boston. The Student Day of Poetry is a day-long “poetry field trip” for teens, featuring creative writing workshops, performances, and a student open mike session.

For more information, including info for teachers and a full line-up of poets and workshop leaders, visit the Student Day of Poetry page. The Student Day of Poetry is a program of the Mass Poetry organization, which also brings elements of the statewide day to individual schools.

American Life in Poetry :: Amy Fleury

American Life in Poetry: Column 468

Here’s another lovely poem to honor the caregivers among us. Amy Fleury lives and teaches in Louisiana.


Because one must be naked to get clean,
my dad shrugs out of his pajama shirt,
steps from his boxers and into the tub
as I brace him, whose long illness
has made him shed modesty too.
Seated on the plastic bench, he holds
the soap like a caught fish in his lap,
waiting for me to test the water’s heat
on my wrist before turning the nozzle
toward his pale skin. He leans over
to be doused, then hands me the soap
so I might scrub his shoulders and neck,
suds sluicing from spine to buttock cleft.
Like a child he wants a washcloth
to cover his eyes while I lather
a palmful of pearlescent shampoo
into his craniotomy-scarred scalp
and then rinse clear whatever soft hair
is left. Our voices echo in the spray
and steam of this room where once,
long ago, he knelt at the tub’s edge
to pour cups of bathwater over my head.
He reminds me to wash behind his ears,
and when he judges himself to be clean,
I turn off the tap. He grips the safety bar,
steadies himself, and stands. Turning to me,
his body is dripping and frail and pink.
And although I am nearly forty,
he has this one last thing to teach me.
I hold open the towel to receive him.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2013 by Amy Fleury from her most recent book of poems, Sympathetic Magic, Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 2013. Poem reprinted by permission of Amy Fleury and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2014 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Book Covers :: Picks of the Week :: March 14, 2014

Book covers are skewed to poetry this time, by sheer chance. Enjoy!

The Dustbowl, poetry by Jim Goar, Shearsman Books

The dustbowl loomed. A book that
could not be opened. The bastard
son remembered a sword. This is my
body. All those angry lambs. Crows
go round and round. Ain’t got no
home. A barn beneath the sand.
Here today. Gone tomorrow….

Dutiful Heart, poetry by Joy Gaines-Friedler, Broadkill River Press

from “Assisted Living/Caring for the Irreducible”:

Sunlight breaks through the heart here.
It can barely raise its head,
its neck weak as an after-harvest stalk.
There are two sides to this life:
The side you nurture, and the side you fail.
The child you inspire, and the one you reduce.
Sacrifice. And the women you turn hard against.

Albedo, poetry by Kathleen Jesme, Ahsahta Press

from “Hard Believing Time”:

Went hungry. For a long day longer than reasons, went out
to the garden and the garden was bare. Even the crows
stayed away. At first, a long sign of summer,
then second late frost dropping the buds to their knees.
I’ve been dropped to mine, too. Used to be
I’d pray when my knees kissed the dirt of my garden. But
now the ground says I’m the scourge of God, so I come
crashing down. When the end comes: even if

it’s true, the end has a way of returning every favor, a way
of washing its hands of you.

Pilgrimage Welcomes New Parternships

In Pilgrimage‘s “Grace” issue, Editor Juan Morales announces two new partnerships the magazine will take on. The first is with CantoMundo, “an organization that cultivates a community of Latina/o poets. Through workshops, symposia, and public readings, CanotMundo provides a space for the creation, documentation, and critical analysis of Latina/o poetry.” The second partnership is with the SoCo Reading Series, “which brings poets and writers to the CSU-Pueblo campus for featured readings and classroom visits.”

Additionally, Pilgrimage is now accepting submissions through Submittable but will still continue to check the mail for any postal submissions.

Sinister Wisdom :: “Living as a Lesbian” by Cheryl Clarke

Sinister Wisdom‘s issue 91 features the work of one author, Cheryl Clarke. In an introduction, Nancy K. Bereanowrites, “It is absolutely clear to me that Cheryl Clarke was then, and remains now, a singular, powerful voice articulating the truths of fierce, independent women of color: lesbians who often live lives made triply invisible by their sexuality, their race, and their working-class realities. And she writes with the kind of precision and attention to linguistic detail that might have impressed those Republican ladies if they had had the emotional and political wherewithal to take on her work.”

Co-published by A Midsummer Night’s Press and Sinister Wisdom, the Sapphic Classics Series publishes reprint editions of iconic works of lesbian poetry. The third Sapphic Classics will be issued in early 2015.

Cream City Review 2014 Contest Winners

Cream City Review‘s Poetry Prize was judged by Rebecca Hazelton and was awarded to Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet, and the Fiction Prize was judged by Tom Williams and awarded to Lenore Myka. You can read them in Issue 37.1.

Hazelton writes, “In Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet’s poems, motherhood is a transformative and even at times frightening event, one that redefines the self and one that threatens to subsume it. Her lines, ranging from long and loping to brief, almost frantic reports, mimetically capture the infatuation and the exhaustion the mother in these poems feels for her child, and most poignantly, the difficulties of remaining a writer in those circumstances.”

Wiliams writes, “[Myka] seemed to never under write or over write or play coy. It maintains a magical combination of plot moves that unsettle and affirm. It answers questions just before the reader is prepared to ask them. And, to me, most importantly, its elements accrete in a way that establish this unassailable reality: the story is presented in the only way it could be told.

The Necessity of Trans* Literature :: Jos Charles

“Fancy men in fancy clothes will tell you writing isn’t safe or to face our ugliness one must risk or any number of fancy things. I don’t know if writing can ever be safe but I do know there is nothing risky in telling the old stories about gender. The old stories I read and read that denied me access and made jokes at my expense. If I was lucky I would see a trans person (almost always a trans woman) be inspirational, Wow so uplifting, they say, but, more often, I saw them dead. Trans* folks’ narrative legacy is almost always, at best, a warning sign.

“Therefore as a writer I’ve come to know that submitting a work means either outing myself and writing the inspirational trans* story or dead trans* story or lying about my gender. Betray what it means to exist or betray myself. THEM, a trans* literary journal I founded and edit, is an attempt to facilitate as safe a space as possible for trans* folks to write what they want, to avoid the pressure of how they ought to display or not display their gender.”

Read the rest by Jos Charles, “Not In A Vacuum: On The Necessity Of Trans* Literature” published on The Quietus.

Raleigh Review Becomes Biannual

In Volume 4 of Raleigh Review, Editor Rob Greene announces the plan to switch the magazine over to a biannual publication cycle. “Our mission is to foster the creation and availability of accessible yet provocative contemporary literature. Raleigh Review speaks best through the works we publish. We believe fine art should challenge as well as entertain.” The next issue this year is scheduled to come out in September.

The current issue, however, features C. Wade Bentley, Elizabeth Breen, John F. Buckley, Jill Coyle, Geri Digiorno, Panagiota Doukas, Jacqueline Doyle, Susan Frith, Karen Harryman, Gregory Josselyn, Alisha Karabinus, and more.

Split this Rock

Poetry‘s March 2014 issue features 16 poets who will be attending and featured at Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness in Washington D.C. In an introduction to the portfolio, Sarah Browning writes, “poetry can remind us of the true stories of our lives, rescuing those stories from the forces bent on shaping us to their purposes: that we become silent, fearful, distracted by mass entertainment and celebrity culture. Split This Rock celebrates and promotes poets doing this important work.”

The poets are Sheila Black, Yusef Komunyakaa, Eduardo C. Corral, Natalie Diaz, Franny Choi, Gayle Danley, Joy Harjo, Maria Melendez Kelson, Dunya Mikhail, Shailja Patel, Danez Smith, Anne Waldman, Wang Ping, Myra Sklarew, Claudia Rankine, and Tim Seibles.

Finding Light in the Dark :: Courtney Sender

“In my first year of graduate school, I humiliated myself. A hip young male professor had us reading Martin McDonagh’s The Pillowman, a play that prominently features jail-cell torture, patricide, and countless other forms of violence. My professor said that this is what good writing does: uncovers the darkness in us all. I raised my hand and told him that I don’t think I have that kind of darkness in me…”

Read the rest by Courtney Sender in her essay “The Ability to Desire a Thousand” available on this month’s Glimmer Train Bulletin.

American Life in Poetry :: Li-Young Lee

American Life in Poetry: Column 466

Li-Young Lee is an important American poet of Chinese parentage who lives in Chicago. Much of his poetry is marked by unabashed tenderness, and this poem is a good example of that.

I Ask My Mother to Sing

She begins, and my grandmother joins her.
Mother and daughter sing like young girls.
If my father were alive, he would play
his accordion and sway like a boat.

I’ve never been in Peking, or the Summer Palace,
nor stood on the great Stone Boat to watch
the rain begin on Kuen Ming Lake, the picnickers
running away in the grass.

But I love to hear it sung;
how the waterlilies fill with rain until
they overturn, spilling water into water,
then rock back, and fill with more.

Both women have begun to cry.
But neither stops her song.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©1986 by Li-Young Lee, whose most recent book of poems is Behind My Eyes, BOA Editions, Ltd., 2009. Poem reprinted by permission of Li-Young Lee and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2014 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Free State Review New Editor

The staff of Free State Review will welcome a new member to their team: Robert Timberg, who will work as an associate editor specializing in nonfiction. Editor-in-Chief H.N. Burdett writes, “There is no one I respect more as a reporter, as an editor, as a patriot, and as a friend, and there is no way I could exaggerate my job in having our editorial staff augmented by his wisdom and judgement.”

Prism Review 2014 Contest Winners

Prism Review has announced the winners for their 2014 Contests in poetry (judged by Nathan Hoks) and fiction (judged by Scott Nadelson):

Poetry Winner
Anna Soteria Morrison: “[Flight Fable]”

Fiction Winner
Rob Schultz: “The Evaluation of Echoes”

“The eroticism of ‘[Flight Fable]’ enacts a series of birds that hunt, feed, dance, and flaunt their necks,” writes Hoks. “Amid all this avian fluttering and flight, the poem dwells in the charged, conflicted space between desire and action. It is a lovely, strange poem by a poet whose imaginative ears and eyes transform language into an ornithological and amorous event.”

Nadelson writes that “’The Evaluation of Echoes’ stands out for the way it captures both a specific cultural moment and a character’s internal landscape, showing us an AM radio man’s world on the cusp of change—collapsing or blooming into something new we don’t yet know. DJ Noland is a fascinating figure, both jaded and full of wonder, and that the unpredicted snowstorm can be at once comic and magical is testament to the writer’s skill. What I admire above all, though, is the dazzling language…”

Both pieces will appear in issue 16, due out in June.

30 Years for Amoskeag

Amoskeag has released their 30th anniversary issue. Editor Michael J. Brien writes that this issue “represents first time authors along with Puschart Prize nominees, presenting works of survival, nostalgia, hope, hurt, grief, and redemption…,” featuring work by Deborah Brown, Donna Pucciani, SNHU’s MFA Award in prose winner James Seals, the SNHU Undergraduate Prose Winner Amy Fontenot, the SNHU Undergrduate poetry winner Natalie Jones, the New Hampshire High School Poetry Winner Kelsey Jarvis, the New Hampshire High School Prose Winner Emily Bascom, and more.

Along with the issue came an announcement that the next issue, Issue 31 to be released in April, will be the last for Editor Brien. “The University has been blessed with the continuing of this national journal for over thirty years,” he says. “Each editor has contributed to Amoskeag‘s growth and expansion. This year we have had two of our authors, Ainey Greaney and John Debon, selected as Notables in The Best American Essays of 2013. It’s stuff like that that makes me as an editor hopeful in each submission that arrives at my desk.” Benjamin Nugent will be taking over with issue 32.

The press release states that “With the change of editor, the magazine will continue to produce noteworthy and thought-provoking poetry, fiction, nonfiction, photography, etc., but will also take new steps towards better serving the future creative writing majors of the SNHU community. The literary magazine greatly focuses on showcasing their work as well as the work of other aspiring and established regional, national and International writers.”

Is David Sedaris Funny in Greek?

In World Literature Today‘s March 2014 issue, Myrsini Gana contributes an excellent article on the idea of translating humor, through her experience with translating David Sedaris’s work. “Humor is a big deal,” she writes. “It’s not a question of knowing the words; there’s a whole world behind it. Every country’s—and in consequence every language’s—take on humor reveals its deeper character, is idiosyncratic, and operates well within a “closed circle.” Seen like this, a whole country can be like a group of friends—they have their own codes, their own jokes—and outsiders are just that: they don’t get it.”

“I could fill pages with examples explaining in detail how every instance calls for a different line of thought and a different solution. I wish I could say that every solution I have chosen is the optimal one, but there is no universal rule to dictate a translator’s decisions. That’s why no two translators will ever come up with the exact same translation.”

Also included in this section is a brief interview with David Sedaris: “It’s one thing to translate a joke, and another to translate timing, which is hwere a lot of my laughs come from. It’s especially difficult when the sentence structure is so very different in German, for instance, when the verb comes at the end of the sentence. In my last collection, one of the laughs was based on the way people in Toronto say “about.” The joke didn’t make sense in German, so the translator focused on another word in the sentence—”kiosk”—and moved my Canadian to French-speaking Quebec. It was a brilliant save, but nothing could salvage the ending of another essay. The laugh is based on the phrases ‘your trash’ and ‘you’re trash,’ and I don’t imagine it will work in anything but English.”

Lush Triumphant Literary Awards 2013

Subterrain’s Volume 7 Issue 66 features the winners of the Lush Triumphant Literary Awards Competition 2013.

Fiction Winner
Janet Trull: “Hot Town”

Poetry Winner
Connor Doyle: “Under City Suite”

Nonfiction Winner
Aaron Chan: “A Case of Jeff”

The rest of the issue includes fiction from Brock Peters, Martin West, Dina Lyuber, Gary Barwin, Sandra Alland, and Jordan Turner; poetry from Amber McMillan, Terry Trowbridge, klipschutz, and Jen Currin; and featured artist Brit Bachmann.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

I’m loving the brilliant colors of Birmingham Poetry Review‘s Spring 2014 cover: The Alchemy of Invention, 2013 by Nicola Mason, mixed-media on canvas.


Simon says press red. Simon says press blue. Simon says admire the cover of The Literary Review. A fitting cover image for the themed issue “Artificial Intelligence.” And in case you’re wondering what the inscription is underneath, it says, “Nothing that matters is new or fake. Nothing can’t be controlled with a joystick. Buttons are original thought. Peripherals are unpredictable. Synapses are mythic, like the words we live by.”


Initial thought as I looked at this, out loud, “Ooo I really love this cover of BPJ.” A minute later upon closer look, “Oh gross, it’s actually kind of creepy, I thought it was just feathers.” Thirty seconds later: “I still really love it.” Beloit Poetry Journal takes an interesting approach for the cover of the Spring issue: a dead bird’s feet among crunchy, dead leaves. The photograph is titled “Raven Elegy” and is actually by Editor Lee Sharkey. Hauntingly beautiful.

Curated Short Stories Recommended by Today’s Hottest Authors

Connu is the newest app to start reading short stories from great new writers. The app publishes these stories recommended by well-known authors including Lydia Davis, David Sedaris, Ron Carlson, and Joyce Carol Oates. It is also available online. All of it is free. Read the week’s selections, listen to their words, select your favorites, or pick something to read based on how much time you have at the moment.

To view the website, click here. Or if you’d like to download the app, click here.

Still Life with Iguana

Iron Horse Literary Review‘s latest review features only one writer: Michael Hemmingson, winner of the 2013 IHLR Single-Author Competition. His novella, Still Life with Iguana, “flies through a journalist’s life and career, uncovering the heart of an appealing protagonist and reuniting him with his one true love,” writes Bill Roorbach. It “is told in fragments and blocks and tesserae, a mosaic beautifully rendered.”

Emerson Society Awards 2014

The Emerson Society announces three awards for projects that foster appreciation for Emerson.

Research Grant
Provides up to $500 to support scholarly work on Emerson. Preference given to junior scholars and graduate students. Submit a confidential letter of recommendation, 1-2-page project proposal, including a description of expenses, by April 1, 2014.

Pedagogy or Community Project Award
Provides up to $500 to support projects designed to bring Emerson to a non-academic audience. Submit a confidential letter of recommendation, 1-2-page project proposal, including a description of expenses, by April 1, 2014.

Subvention Award
Provides up to $500 to support costs attending the publication of a scholarly book or article on Emerson and his circle. Submit a confidential letter of recommendation, 1-2-page proposal, including an abstract of the forthcoming work and a description of publication expenses, by April 1, 2014.

Send Research, Pedagogy/Community, and Subvention proposals to:

Noelle Baker ([email protected]) and Kristin Boudreau ([email protected])

Award recipients must become members of the Society; membership applications are available at http://www.emersonsociety.org

Multimedia Endeavor through Lumina

Lumina Journal has put forth a special multimedia publication titled Lux. When you receive a copy, you’ll need to download the free app (or any other QR code reading app) to your phone or other mobile device. Then, each page of the book features writing with a QR code; scan it to discover videos, recordings, photographs, and interactive material. Artwork can also be scanned.

“We’re especially excited that we’ll be sharing a radio piece by Rick Moody—and giving you its fantastic prose in print, too, and poetry from Bianca Stone and Ken Cormier that live in the realm of YouTube as much as on the realm of the page.” – Carolyn Silveira, Multimedia Editor

Read more about it and watch a video here.

Memoir Says Goodbye

With the publication of issue 14, Memoir has decided to say goodbye to its years of readers and writers. “Despite the fact that Memoir has continued to grow, that we gain more readers each month and attract scintillating submissions from well known writers as well as new and emerging writers, we will be turning out the lights and locking the office door,” writes Editor Claudia Sternbach . “Our primary source of funding has ended. But we are forever indebted to them for their generosity over these past few years. Not only were we able to publish 14 issues of Memoir, but we were able to offer workshops and publication through our (In)Visible Memoir project. And who knows, miracles do happen. Sometime in the future a Phoenix may rise from these ashes.”

From what I can see, issues are not archived online, and you cannot purchase the issues. However, there is an email address for business inquiries on their new site.

The Southeast Review 2013 Contests

The Winter/Spring 2014 issue of The Southeast Review features the winners of the magazine’s 2013 contests:

World’s Best Short-Short Story Contest
judged by Robert Olen Butler

Kat Gonso, “A Pinch of Salt”

Shannon Beamon, “The Skeletons That Make Your Closet”
Kelsie Hahn, “What My Daughter Is Holding”
Alisha Karabinus, “Begin Again With Heat”
Julia LoFaso, “The Envoy”
Heather Michaels, “These External Manners of Lament”
Eliot Wilson, “Costco”, “The Homeowners Association”, “Match.Com: A Lovesong in Two Voices”, and “Uncle Frank Meets Charlton Heston”

SER Poetry Contest
judged by Erin Belieu

Elizabyth Hiscox, “Night Being the Consort of Chaos In Milton”

Honorable Mentions Selected by Erin Belieu:
Colette Gill, “Thoughts in a Russian Museum”
Elizabyth Hiscox, “Or What You Will”

Finalists Selected by the Editors of SER:
Rachel Contreni Flynn, “Gratitudes: Detasseling”
Jonathan Greenhause, “All Is Noise & Music”
Elizabyth Hiscox, “Cellular Physic”
Allan Peterson, “Lasting”
Christine Salvatore, “Betrayal”
Vivian Shipley, “No Gold Lamé for Me”
Kathryn Weld, “Seed Bed”

SER Narrative Nonfiction Contest
judged by Diane Roberts

Pamela Balluck, “Parts of a Chair”

Elizabeth McConaghy, “Little Gods”
Sam Shaber, “I Am 40”

Stan Lee for a New Generation

Stan Lee’s newest creative literary venture has unveiled a line of graphic novels, picture books, digital books and games for kids: Stan Lee’s Kids Universe. His characters include The Fuzz Posse police dogs and Reggie the Veggie Crocodile who becomes an outcast for forsaking his carnivorous family heritage. Yes, for kids, but I’ve got my eye on Monsters vs. Kittens, which explores the similarities and difference between the two. The books are available in hard and soft cover as well as for download on iBook and Kinds. Time to hook a new generation on Stan Lee!

Glimmer Train December Fiction Open Winners :: 2014

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their December Fiction Open competition. This competition is held twice a year. Stories generally range from 2000-6000 words, though up to 20,000 is fine. The next Fiction Open will take place in June. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: Courtney Sender, of Baltimore, MD, wins $2500 for “Even Angels Are Astonished.” Her story will be published in Issue 93 of Glimmer Train Stories. This will be her first major print publication. [Photo credit: Summer Greer.]

Second place: Celeste Ng, of Cambridge, MA, wins $1000 for “Every Little Thing.”

Third place: Andrew Robinson, of Singapore, wins $600 for “Greater Love.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching! Short Story Award for New Writers: February 28. This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation over 5000. No theme restrictions. Most submissions to this category run 1500-5000 words, but can go up to 12,000. First place prize is $1500. Second/third: $500/$300. Click here for complete guidelines.

New England Review Double Issue

Stephen Donadio, editor of New England Review, says in the editor’s note that this special 2014 double issue will be his last as editor. Beginning with the next issue, the editor will be Carolyn Kuebler. Donadio says that some may wonder how his last issue came to be a double issue with a special section titled “The Russian Presence.” The section, “centered on recurring themes and patterns in Russian history and culture, contains an exceptionally wide range of writings, many of which appear here in English for the first time. . . Representing the work of more than twenty different authors, the selections gathered here span nearly two hundred years, from poetry by Alexander Puskin (1799-1837) to an excerpt from a contemporary novel by journalist and fiction writer Oleg Kashin (born in 1980). . .”

Green Mountains Review Contest Winners

The Green Mountains Review Fall/Winter issue is in, featuring the winners from the Brattleboro Literary Festival Flash Fiction Contest and the Neil Shepard Prize.

Neil Shephard Prize Winners 2013
Doug Ramspeck: “Sacred Music”

Erin Somers: “The Melt”

Brattleboro Literary Festival Flash Fiction Contest Winners
Kathryn Nuernberger

2nd Place Winner
Karen Stefano

3rd Place Winner
Dorothy Bendel

Literature in Legos

In celebration of the Lego Movie, Lego has taken to recreating famous scenes from literature in (of course) Legos! They are also having a competition and accepting entries from Lego fans. You can see some of their fan “favorites” so far here. [Pictured: The Red Wedding, from A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire book 3) by George R.R. Martin]

American Life in Poetry :: Jonathan Greene

American Life in Poetry: Column 464

We human beings think we’re pretty special when compared to the “lower” forms of life, but now and then nature puts us in our place. Here’s an untitled short poem by Jonathan Greene, who lives in the outer Bluegrass region of Kentucky.


Honored when
the butterfly lights
on my shoulder.

Next stop:
a rotting log.

American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2001 by Jonathan Greene, whose most recent book of poems is Distillations and Siphonings, Broadstone Books, 2010. Poem reprinted from blink, September-October 2001, vol. 1, no. 2, by permission of Jonathan Greene and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2014 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Look quickly or from far away, and you’ll imagine that this cover of The Southern Review features one of those energy-saving light bulb, but this is what you thought, I encourage you to look closer. The art is done with polyester resin and Philips circular fluorescent tube lighting by Bernardi Roig, titled Pierrot le fou.

Under the Gum Tree‘s current issue cover is by Jane Ryder, “an artist whose chosen medium is paint, and the current inspiration for her gouache paintings can be found in the lakes, rivers, prairies and forests of south central Iowa.”


Willow Springs‘s Spring 2014 issue has beautiful colors. Joan Snyder’s Cherry Fall, 1995 is made with oil, acrylic, herbs, and cloth on linen. 


Creative Nonfiction 50th Issue

Creative Nonfiction has now been publishing “true stories, well told” for twenty years, marking their 50th issue with a very special edition. Here’s the press release:

Twenty years ago, it was a joke, an apparent oxymoron, an idea roasted in Vanity Fair and savaged in Harper’s. It was lambasted by journalists and critics and vehemently rejected by academics. Only outcasts and self-indulgent writers supported it at the outset. Today everybody’s doing it—whether you call it narrative nonfiction, longform, or simply creative nonfiction.

The dramatic, unlikely, surprising—and sometimes amusing—story of the battle that led to the acceptance of the creative nonfiction genre and the establishment of the literary magazine of the same name is told for the first time in the landmark 50th issue of Creative Nonfiction.

In “The Fine Art of Literary Fist-Fighting,” a 12,000-word excerpt of a new memoir-in-progress, founder and editor Lee Gutkind reflects on the unlikely path, starting in the late 1960s, that led him to start Creative Nonfiction, which is published quarterly and has an international circulation of 6,000.

Gutkind recalls his roots in the working-class Greenfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh and the professor at the University of Pittsburgh who, after reading Gutkind’s stories of working at a beer distributor, suggested the unconventional college student might become a writer. Gutkind went on to teach at Pitt; in his memoir, he recalls the battles that took place in the English Department there before the establishment of a Master’s program in creative nonfiction writing.

By the early 1990s, Gutkind had begun to explore the possibility of starting a nonfiction-only literary journal. Denied support by the University of Pittsburgh, he set up shop on his dining room table, where he hand-addressed and stamped copies of the first issue for 176 customers.

BPJ Poet’s Forum :: Michael Bazzett

Every month Beloit Poetry Journal posts a reflection by a poet on a poem of hers or his from the current issue and invites readers into a conversation with other readers and the poet. BPJ hopes the ensuing discussion enriches readers’ appreciation of the poem and of poetry. For the month of February, Michael Bazzett offers commentary on “The Field Beyond the Wall” and “The Differences.” He comments, “I write because of weird symmetries [ . . . ] Odd little moments that flicker like sparrows through the undergrowth.” Check out his poems available online and join in the conversation.

Ruminate’s Website Down

Ruminate‘s website is currently down. Because it will take them a while to rebuild the site, they are directing readers/writers to their Facebook page. Submissions are still open, so see the Facebook page for more details and updates.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

I always seem to love Ecotone‘s covers, but this one blew me away. I can’t stop admiring it. The colors are brilliant, and it’s perfect for the cover of their migration issue: a young woman carries a suitcase, her head in the clouds. The photograph is titled Head in the Clouds by Alicia Savage.

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This cover of Image features James Mellick’s Poseidon’s Phantom: laminated and carved ebonized poplar, bleached ash and maple, copper, 30 x 22 x 12 inches.

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Sugared Water‘s inaugural issue cover may not look all that impressive on the screen, but hold in your hands and you’ll see that it is. Every issue is printed and handbound, the cover hand screened and stenciled on recycled card stock.

The Antigonish Review Contest Winners

The Fall 2013 issue of The Antigonish Review features the winners of the Great Blue Heron Poetry Contest and the Sheldon Currie Fiction Contest Winners:

Great Blue Heron Poetry Contest
First Prize: Patricia Young
Second Prize: B.L. Gentry
Third Prize: Sean Howard

Sheldon Currie Fiction Contest
First Prize: Michelle Berry
Second Prize: Heather Debling
Third Prize: Joan M. Baril

The Migration Issue

The Fall 2013 issue of Ecotone explores the idea of migration with a special themed issue. “No matter the rate of travel, every migration has an end point,” writes Editor Anna Lena Phillips, “whether it’s the boughs of an eastern hemlock or the arms of one’s family.” The issue features Clarisse Hart on diminishing hemlocks, Jan Martijn Burger’s point of origin, Chiori Miya after the tsunami, Andreas Franke’s sinking world, Tim Stallmann’s maps of where people stay, plus new fiction from Elliot Ackerman, Molly Antopol, Juan Martinez, Matthew Schultz, and Andrew Tonkovich and new poetry from Lilah Hegnauer, Hailey Leithauser, Sandra Meek, Dough Rampseck, Martha Silano, Heidi Lynn Staples, Molly Tenenbaum, Lesley Wheelr, and Carolyn Beard Whitlow.

2013 River Styx International Poetry Contest

The 2013 River Styx International Poetry Contest winners, judged by Terrance Hayes, are featured in River Styx‘s latest issue:

First Place
Molly Bashaw: “A Talk With Chagall”

Second Place
Lois Marie Harrod: “Woman Finds Her Face”

Third Place
Robert Campbell: “Arrhythmia’

Honorable Mentions
Jennifer Perrine: “Confidence Game”
Robert Heald: “Twelve Dreams About You”

Hayes wrote that the winning poem “stood out because of its scale and range of tone. It is propelled by wonderful imagination, tone and imagery. Lines like this one stayed with me: ‘You would think someone watched over these scenes with a whip made of wheat.'”