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New Lit on the Block :: Middle Gray Magazine

Middle gray, in visual art, is the color tone halfway between black and white. “In other words, it’s a perfectly neutral gray,” says the managing editor of the new quarterly online magazine titled Middle Gray Magazine. “We thought the concept of ‘neutral gray’ was very appropriate for a place the showcases art, since this color is meant to neither enhance nor diminish the hues of the artwork being displayed. It allows it to show its true colors,” Alvaro Morales says. The magazine is an eclectic mix of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, paintings, illustrations, mixed media, bands, ensembles, composers, drama, screenplays, animation, and so much more. “We consider all types of creative work and encourage artists with non-traditional work to submit,” Morales says. And although the magazine itself only features written and visual work, the accompanying blog publishes interviews, music, and video features.

Working alongside Morales are Catalina Piedrahita (Editor-in-Chief/Visual Arts Editor) and Dariel Suarez (Letters Editor). They started the magazine as a space for emerging artists to display their work. Morales explains, “We intend to build a creative community that encourages artistic connections, collaborations and cross-pollination.” In the future, they would like to organize events in the Boston area where the featured artists can present their work through readings, galleries, performances, and the like.

Their first issue features fiction by Jonathan Escoffery; nonfiction by Sandra Jean-Pierre; poetry by Natasha Hakimi, Joe Lapin, and Fausto Barrionuevo; screenplay by Erick Castrillon; visual arts by Eileen Clynes, Michael Gray, Sophie Bonet, and Laura Knapp; and music by Unlimited Perception and Videri String Quartet.

Middle Gray accepts ongoing submissions without any special themes. Submissions are sent in via email; read more here.

October 2013 Book Reviews Posted

In case you missed them last week, check out our new batch of book reviews for October! Fourteen new titles were covered, spanning poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. Find some great new fall reads, and look for next month’s book reviews on November 1.

Raymond Carver Short Story Winners

There were more than 1,000 entries to Carve Magazine‘s Raymond Carver Short Story Contest. The top five winning pieces are printed in the latest premium edition and online; they will also be sent to three literary agents for review and representation consideration.

First place – $1000
“Tu quoque” by Jake Andrews in Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Second place – $750
“No Translation” by Mona Awad in Manhattan, NYC.

Third place – $500
“Heisenberg” by William Shih in Queens, NYC.

Editor’s Choice (Matthew Limpede) – $250
“The Gymnast” by Jennifer Harvey in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Editor’s Choice (Kristin S. Vannamen) – $250
“Twenty-Nine Ingredients” by Lesley Quinn in Oakland, CA.

Mixed Race in a Box

The Asian American Literary Review‘s latest issue is more than just a magazine, it’s a package, it’s a box, literally. Packaged in a box titled “Mixed Race in a Box” are a deck of cards (the back featuring quoted excerpts and the face side, art), a poster, and three bound books: “Mixed Race is a Black Box,” “Mixed Race is an Inbox,” and “Mixed Race is a Pandora’s Box.” Certainly eye-catching, it’s an important issue.

As part of the Mixed Race Initiative, this special issue on mixed race “is not simply a reexamination of race or a survey of mixed voices, important as both are,” say the editors of AALR. “We envision our role as that of provocateur–inspiring new conversations and cross-pollinations, pushing into new corners. All contributions to the issue are collaborative, ‘mixed’ in nature, bringing together folks across racial and ethnic boundaries, across disciplines, genres, regions, and generations. We solicited work from artists and writers, historians and activists, race scholars and filmmakers, teachers and students, among others. The idea is a network of original projects that not only map out multiracialism past and present but also break new ground”

Learn more about the project on their website.

New Ohio Review Writing Contest Winners

The Fall 2013 issue of New Ohio Review features the winners of their fiction and poetry contests for 2013:

Fiction (selected by Stuart Dybek)
First Prize: Brian Trapp, “The Best Man”
Second Prize: Bradley Bazzle, “Crimes of the Video Age”

Poetry (selected by Barbara Hamby)
First Prize: Michael Derrick Hudson, “Feeling Sorry for Myself While Watching a Really Bad World War II POW Movie on TV”
Second Prize: George Kalogeris, “Ambassador of the Dead”

Michigan Quarterly Review: Translation Issue

The most recent Michigan Quarterly Review is a special translation issue. “We bookend the issue with two stories devoted to translation as an act and translation as a geopolitical reality in a world of many borders as well as languages,” the editors say. “We have gathered translations from a host of figures—scholars, critics, poets, novelists—and have reprinted the originals in the original language, not to prove our scholarly bona-fides, but to emphasize translation in yet another sense, the shuttling between different alphabets—let’s translate that word into less loaded ones, like “written symbol-systems”—which manifest different appearances to the reader. The hope is not that readers will instantly turn to their Tibetan or Persian or Hebrew or Greek dictionary and cry—aha! I prefer this or that word or locution, but rather sense the arbitrariness of the English-sign-and-symbol system that our extraordinarily learned translators are bringing to bear on their efforts.”

The issue features Gendun Chopel (Donald S. Lopez, Jr.), Euripides (Anne Carson), Ghalib (M. Shahid Alam), Odi Gonzales (Lynn Levin), Anna Herman (Adriana X. Jacobs), Omar Khayyam (Juan Cole), Irma Pineda (Wendy Call ), Sohrab Sepehri (Kazim Ali and Mohammad Jafar Mahallati),Charles Baxter, Tom Earles, Patricio Pron (Kathleen Heil), Jorge Semprun (Sara Kippur), and more.

First Jeanne M. Leiby Chapbook Award

The Florida Review, Volume 37 Number 1, announces and publishes the winners of the first Annual Jeanne M. Leiby Chapbook Award. “We began this award in honor and memory of Jeanne M. Leiby, who edited TFR before becoming the first woman editor of The Southern Review,” writes Editor Jocelyn Bartkevicius. “Her tragic death in a car accident left the writing community in Central Florida and across the country deeply saddened. . . . We were honored to have David Huddle, long-time mentor and friend of Jeanne’s, as our judge . . .”

The winning piece “Rubia” by Patricia Grace King does not appear in the journal because it has been published as a chapbook, but it can be purchased through The Florida Review‘s website. The two finalists’ pieces appear in the issue: “Foreign Service” by Julia Lichtblau and “The Geometry of Children” by M. R. Sheffield.

Miniature Moments in My Daily Life

Laurie McCormick’s collection of photography titled “Miniature Moments in My Daily Life” is featured in the Fall 2013 issue of Still Point Arts Quarterly. She creates everyday scenes with miniature people. She writes, “A few years ago, I heard someone say, ‘Photograph what you love and where you are.’ Something clicked, and I found myself creating and photographing scenes using my collection of miniatures. My collection had been stuffed away for years in a closet, and freeing them brought me tremendous joy. The work presented here . . . comes from scenes reflective of my daily routine.

She has another collection titled “Family Secrets” which focuses on some “painful memories” from her childhood. “I find this work with miniatures to be very therapeutic because of my feelings uncovered in creating these scenes,” she writes. “This work has enabled me to put the past behind me and enjoy the creativity of the moment.”

You can view some of her work at the Still Point Arts Quarterly online gallery, and see more inside the recent issue.

Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers

The introduction to the Patricia Good Poetry Prize for Young Writers in the latest issue of The Kenyon Review states that the prize, “now in its tenth year, recognizes an outstanding single poem by a high school sophomore or junior . . . As always, we are grateful to Ms. Grodd for endowing this series, which would not be possible without her generosity. We are also consistently impressed by the initiative and passion of all the young poets who submit their work, and we are thrilled to present the following three commanding and inventive poems to our readers.”

First Prize Winner
Ian Burnette: “Full Blood”

Alicia Lai: “Saung”
Anne Hucks: “Mobile”

In this issue, you can also find new stories by T.C. Boyle, Robert Coover, and Alex Miller; “Captain Robert Bly, Ortega Y Gasset, and the Buddha on the Road” by Mark Gustafson; and more poetry, stories, and essays.

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Take a look at these covers that came in this past week!

What’s not to love about this cover of Lumina? I mean, how often do you see a superhero out grocery shopping, much less dropping his bags on the ground? Titled “Shopping,” this piece is done with oil on canvas by Andreas Englund.

This issue of The Jabberwock Review made the girl in me go, “ooo, pretty!” I couldn’t find the name of the artist who designed or drew this, but it sure is eye-catching!

And as with most covers of Eleven Eleven, I’m not quite sure what to say, not sure if I should be fascinated or grossed-out. The cover art, which wraps to the back of the issue as well, is titled “Dead Sea” by Howie Tsui. 

2013 Ekphrasis Prize

Editors Laverne and Carol Frith announce in the latest issue of Ekphrasis that the winner of the 2013 Ekphrasis Prize is Susanna Rich of Blairstown, NJ for “Shoes Along the Danube Promenade.” Here are the first few stanzas:

Budapest, 2005, sixty years
past Hitler’s blitzkriegs, death camps,
and the Hungarian Arrow Cross Militia

lining up and roping together Jews
to face the red river that received them
as they were shot (the body tipping forward,

the falling away from tight eyes).
Sixty pairs of cast iron shoes are anchored
into the concrete embankment . . .

Editorial Changes at The Antigonish Review

The Summer 2013 issue of The Antigonish Review starts out with a note of thanks. Ellen Rose and Tony Tremblay are retiring as editors of Essays/Articles after thirteen years of work. And after an anecdote of a grad school prank, the new section editor, Tony Fabijančić, writes, “I want to shift the emphasis slightly from the cerebral to the visceral, to the guts of experience, the heat of the sun, dust of the road, without shutting the door on intellectual works, interviews with Canadian literati, and the like. Writers of travel sketches, personal memoirs, other essays which fall under the rubric of creative nonfiction, provided they aren’t boring, don’t descend into sentimentality and are polished gem-hard writing-wise, will always be welcome. Within these general parameters the possibilities are endless…”

The issue features work from  George Elliott Clarke, John Barton, Trevor Sawler, Barry Dempster, and more, plus “Skating on Bubbles, Polar Visions, Accidental Presidents, Houses of Cloud, and more.”

CFP: Undergrad English Conference

The University of St. Francis is now accepting scholarly papers from undergraduate students for their 23rd Annual English Language and Literature Conference Saturday, March 15, 2013 in Joliet, Illinois. This event is open to all undergraduate students. Organizers are calling for any paper related to English language, literature, film, critical theory, or creative writing (one paper per applicant). If your paper is accepted, you will present it to fellow students from all around the country. The deadline is December 15th.

draft Goes Through Drafts, Too

draft, “The Journal of Process,” is now in it’s third issue, and as it is a magazine that publishes drafts of the writing process, it also goes through its own changes:

  • In the first issues, they’ve published poetry and fiction. In this one, they’ve now added nonfiction. “We’re very pleased to have early and final drafts of Joe Wilkins’ essay ‘Growing Up Hard’ which was first published in Orion Magazine and a finalist for a 2010 National Magazine Award in the Essay category.
  • In addition to the interviews that follow, they have added author comments to the drafts. “As you read this issue’s story by Roxane Gay, you’ll find markers in the margin flagging types of edits. These notes will point to where an edit has been made and what kind . . .”
  •  Lisa Ciccarello has been added as the poetry editor. Current editorial board Rachel Yoder and Mark Polanzak say, “we are blown away by the insight she brings with her knowledge and love of poetry.”

150 Post Grimm

September 20 of this year marks 150 years since the death of Jacob Grimm, who died four years after his younger brother Wilhelm. Morgan Mies in his post The Storytellers (The Smart Set, Drexel University), takes a look at our fascination, and sometimes disgust, with these brothers and their story collecting. She makes this comment after acknowledging accusations that Grimm’s were “early forerunners of a German nationalism that eventually turned into Nazisim”:

Whether or not those accusations are justified, the Brothers Grimm saw folktales and legends as absolutely essential material for the formation of any kind of cultural identity, good or bad, fascist or anti-fascist. The Brothers Grimm believed that folktales are fundamental. That’s because folktales and legends express root fears, anxieties, wishes, passions, desires, and regrets. Reading the folktales of a specific people is like reading an individual’s private diary. It is not that the diary is necessarily truer than, say, the person’s public correspondence. But the private diary is certainly more raw and less filtered. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm felt that the German people would wake up to themselves if given the opportunity to read their own collective diary.

2013 Hudson Prize Winner

Each year Black Lawrence Press awards The Hudson Prize for an unpublished collection of poems or short stories. The prize is open to new, emerging, and established writers. The winner of this contest will receive book publication, a $1,000 cash award, and ten copies of the book. Prizes awarded on publication. Black Lawrence Press has announced the winner of the 2013 Hudson Prize: PATIENT. by Bettina Judd [pictured]. In addition, the judges were so impressed with the submissions for this year’s prize that they’ve offered a contract to another finalist, Brandi George.

“How She First Discovered Sex”

In Naugatuck River Review‘s Summer 2013 issue, the editors write, “In this, the 10th issue of Naugatuck River Review, the reader will find the continuation of what is fast becoming a tradition of publishing great modern narrative poetry. Poets in this issue . . . will surprise and inspire all who enter these pages.” They invite the reader in by placing Nancy Chen Long’s poem “How She First Discovered Sex” at the beginning. Here’s a sample:

“Only grown-ups can do it. Kids aren’t allowed to. Even in second grade,
she understood there were things her parents couldn’t tell her until she

was older. But it was Saturday night, and again there were giggles
and rustling noises coming from her parent’s bedroom . . .

. . . Candy wrappers strewn all
about the bed, her mom and dad propped up against pillows, chuckling and

munching, reading the Sunday funny papers . . .

. . . Seeing her at the door, her mom patted the bed. Hop

on up, sweetie. And she did, snuggled in between her parents as they
read the funnies to her, shared Almond Joys, licorice twists, Tootsie Rolls.
So this is sex, she thought, eating candy in bed. One of those fun things

only grown-ups are allowed to do. 

Miscellaneous Literary Sites on NewPages

Our literary magazine guide is one of our most visited and popular pages on our site, but did you know that we also have a Miscellaneous Literary Sites page? It has a lot of neat sites full of literary delight, ones that are like magazines but don’t necessarily fit the same mold. Most of them still look for contributing writers just as magazines do, so check them out writers! And readers, there’s definitely some fun stuff to read here.

For example, we recently added tinywords.com to this list, which originally started in 2000 as a daily haiku delivered by SMS to cell phones, then eventually to an RSS Feed and Twitter account. You can subscribe on their website to receive daily poems in the form of haiku, tanka, quintains, and unclassified “micropoems.” How fun! You can also read a collection of these compiled on their website and in their Twitter feed.

2013 Booth Story Prize

The results are in for the 2013 Booth Story Prize, and Lenore Myka has reason to celebrate. Selected for first prize with “Real Family” by judge Roxane Gay, Myka received publication as well as $1,000. Here’s all about her: “Lenore Myka’s fiction was selected as one of the 100 Distinguished Stories by The Best American Short Stories and won the 2013 Cream City Review fiction contest. Her work has appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, West Branch, Massachusetts Review, H.O.W. Journal, upstreet Magazine, Talking River Review, and the anthology Further Fenway Fiction. She received her MFA from Warren Wilson College.” You can read this winning piece on Booth‘s website.

And here’s the complete list of winners:

1st Prize: ”Real Family” by Lenore Myka
2nd Prize: ”Little Miss Bird-in-Hand” by Annie Bilancini

“Some Helpful Background for the Incoming Tenant” by Jacob Appel
“Their Own Resolution” by David Armstrong (story withdrawn by the author)
“Little Miss Bird-in-Hand” by Annie Bilancini
“Plush” by Jennifer Caloyeras
“Real Family” by Lenore Myka

Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Here’s the magazine covers that popped out at me this week. We’ve got a puppy, an eye-tantalizing, geometric design, and a large green hand with pink fingernails. What more could I ask for?

Cleaver Magazine‘s “Literature & Art Go Back to School” issue. You can read it online for free.

Heavy Feather Review‘s Volume 2 Number 2, with cover images by Sam Chiver. Available in print subscription or as an e-pub.

New Letters‘ cover image is by Peggy Noland. See the full image on the back of the issue as well.

Special Photography Issue

Poetry Northwest‘s Spring/Summer 2013 issue is a special photography issue with photography by Doug Keyes, Nance Van Winckel, and Dianne Kornberg. There is also a special feature on the works of Mary Randlett which includes rare photos from Theodore Roethke’s last days.

“This issue also features the distinctive section, Film Roll: An Expose in 24, curated by contributing editor Andrew Zawacki, examining the intersection of poetry & photography. Included are pieces by C.D. Wright, Sharon Olds, John Yau, Paisley Rekdal, Joshua Edwards, Martha Ronk, Susan Wheeler, as well as many others.”

CFS :: Diversity Art Exhibit

Embracing Our Differences invites art submissions for its 11th annual outdoor art exhibit celebrating diversity. National and international submissions are encouraged. Thirty-nine artists will be selected for the exhibit. The Exhibit will be displayed April and May 2014 at two venues – Island Park along Sarasota, Florida’s beautiful bayfront and Riverwalk in Bradenton, FL. Since 2004, the exhibit has been viewed by more than 1,600,000 visitors.

Final selections will be chosen based on artistic excellence in reflection of the theme “embracing our differences” and made by a three-judge panel of professional artists, curators and art professionals. A total of $3,000 (US) in awards will be presented. There is no submission fee nor limit on the number of entries. Submissions must be postmarked no later than January 6, 2014.

CFP BOSS: Biannual Online-Journal of Springsteen Studies

BOSS: The Biannual Online-Journal of Springsteen Studies is a new open-access academic journal that publishes peer-reviewed essays pertaining to Bruce Springsteen. Springsteen’s immense body of work and remarkable musical career has inspired a recent outpouring of scholarly analysis. BOSS will create a scholarly space for Springsteen Studies in the contemporary academy. The editors seek to publish articles that examine the political, economic, and socio-cultural factors that have influenced Springsteen’s music and shaped its reception. The editors of BOSS welcome broad interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to Springsteen’s songwriting, performance, and fan community, as well as studies that conform to specific disciplinary perspectives.

Please submit articles between 15 and 25 pages that conform to The Chicago Manual of Style to Springsteenstudies at gmail.com by January 1st, 2014. Authors will be notified of acceptance by March and the first issue of BOSS will be published in June, 2014, which marks the thirtieth anniversary of the release of Born in the U.S.A.

Contact: Please address all inquiries to Jonathan D. Cohen (Managing Editor) at Springsteenstudies at gmail.com

Shamelessly Help Sell Books!

Sherman Alexie is encouraging authors to volunteer to help sell books in a movement called Indies First. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, dubbed Small Business Saturday, Alexie wants authors to volunteer at local bookstores to shamelessly self-promote their own books, friends’ books, favorite books – and, ultimately, help out the indie bookseller. Booksellers looking to this new approach to hand-selling can sign up on the American Booksellers Association website and find a volunteer match. Alexie himself spent a day as “bookseller-for-a-day” for a Seattle bookstore re-opening in April. Knowing how well it worked, he wants to encourage more participation, and the ABA is willing to help organize these grassroots efforts.

Versal on Hiatus

Versal, the go-get ’em lit mag from Amsterdam, the Netherlands has announced it will be taking “an intermission.” I’ve been impressed with the Versal staff over the years, their high energy approach to AWP gave me a glimpse into what they must give to the publication on a daily basis. They also recently began developing a more systematic business approach to their work, involving a consultant and sharing during panel presentations their ‘lessons learned’ so that other publications might benefit and learn to thrive rather than just survive. So, it’s with some surprise that this information came across my e-mail, but also with great hope for Versal that this ‘intermission’ will help them do exactly as they note, and allow them to come back as the model powerhouse they had become. My best to the Versal staff!

From the Versal Staff:

Versal released our 11th issue in May to critical acclaim. Our 11th issue means we’ve been on the scene for 11 amazing years, curating the best prose, poetry, and art from practitioners around the world, for an international audience.

With that many years under our belt, we’ve seen and learned a lot. The literary landscape has changed drastically since we published our first issue back in 2002.

We’ve changed as well.

Where we’re going

We’re eager to improve the way we do things–logistically and conceptually. This means retiring old processes and moving over to better ways of running a journal and exploring projects we’ve had on the backburner.

To give ourselves breathing room for these exciting new developments we’ve decided to go on a sabbatical of sorts, pausing the release of the next issue of Versal and therefore its reading period. We’ll make an announcement as soon as we’re ready to begin reading for issue 12.

All of our subscribers will receive an email detailing options regarding their subscriptions.

What to expect this year

Though we’re not producing an issue right now, we are continuing to put on events in Amsterdam and elsewhere. Watch our Twitter and Facebook page for news, including announcements regarding This is Not a Reading Series and our Journal Porn event in Seattle at AWP!

So, keep writing, creating, and keep in touch. We’ll be back with Versal 12 recharged, rebooted, and better than ever.

Picturing the Personal Essay

In Creative Nonfiction‘s latest issue, devoted to survival stories, is Tim Bascom’s “Picturing the Personal Essay: A Visual Guide.” Comparing the writing process and form to diagrams, Bascom explains that “the remarkable thing about personal essays . . . is that they can be so quirky in their ‘shape.’ No diagram matches the exact form that evolves, and that is because the best essayists resist predictable approaches.” However, he says that understanding some basic structures can help create a new form. He then goes on to explain different structures: narrative with a lift, the whorl of reflection, the formal limits of focus, dipping into the well, and braided and layered structures.

Also in this issue are stories of survival about a plane crash, a drug trip, a drowning, a search for a missing woman, and a man on the tracks before an oncoming train.

Split Lip Year Anthology

Online Split Lip Magazine has just put forth their first print collection, with writing from 2012-2013. Featured in the print publication are Jared Yates Sexton, Michael Martone, Danielle E. Curtis, Keith Rebec, Jenny Halper, Meredith Turits, Genevieve Hudson, Sean Lovelace, and more.

Standing for 60 Years

Stand magazine puts forth a special double issue (199/200) to mark their sixtieth year publishing. It was started in 1952 by Jon Silkin after he had received

Epistolary Magazine of Writing and Art

In their second issue, the staff of The Liner says that the magazine has honed on it’s identity: “We’ve always loved correspondences, with a particular interest in those of writers and artists, so with this issue we’re launching our new identity as an epistolary magazine of writing and art. Sometimes sending a piece of mail feels like a great act of faith: so much trust is placed upon the postal service with an item which likely has no duplicate in this world. If it is lost, it is gone for good, and yet somehow it usually reaches its destination, even if it takes a while,” writes Editor Gloria Kim.

This issue features Mustafa Abubaker, Neelanjana Banerjee, Morgan Blair, Matt Craven, Sean Dougherty, Romesh Gunesekera, David Jien, Marian Kilcoyne, Andrew Knauer, Elizabeth O’Brien, Allen Sweat, Marissa Textor, Paul Wackers, and Noah Wilson.

September Broadside

September’s Broadsided Press Collaboration, “Confession Concerning the Ocean” features a poem by Elizabeth Langemak, art by Anya Ermak-Bower, and design by Caleb Brown. This is the first time Broadsided has included a “guest designer” in the mix; previous broadsides had been designed by Broadsided Founder Elizabeth Bradfield.

Edited by Elizabeth Bradfield, Gabrielle Calvocoressi, Sean Hill, Alexandra Teague, and Mark Temelko, Broadsided has been putting literature in the streets since 2005. Each month, a new broadside is posted both on the website and around the nation.

Writing is chosen through submissions sent to Broadsided. Artists allied with Broadsided are emailed the selected writing. They then “dibs” on what resonates for them and respond visually – sometimes more than one artist will respond offering a selection of broadsides.

Broadsided Vectors can download the poem in full color or black and white and poster it around town, campus, wherever! Check into becoming a Broadsided Vector today!

50th Celebration Issue

“Fifty issues, sixteen years: it feels like an achievement for what is generically labelled a ‘little’ magazine,” writes Editor Philip Davis in the 50th issue of The Reader. Inside the issue, the editors give what they deem as the finest writing from their past issues including pieces from Doris Lessing, Simon Barnes, Patrick McGuinness, Raymond Tallis, Carol Rumens, and Howard Jacobson.

There is also a selection of new writing from Blake Morrison ,Connie Bensley, Les Murray, Philip Jupitus, Ian McMillan, Michael Stewart, Sian Davis, and more.

ModPo Free Online Class

The Kelly Writers House is hosting a free, open, non-credit online course (via Coursera) Modern & Contemporary American Poetry taught by Al Filreis, University of Pennsylvania. “ModPo is a fast-paced introduction to modern and contemporary U.S. poetry, from Dickinson and Whitman to the present. Participants (who need no prior experience with poetry) will learn how to read poems that are supposedly ‘difficult.'” It begins on September 7, 2013.

ABZ Goes Biennial

ABZ Poetry Magazine announces in their latest issue (#8) that they will no longer publish annually and instead move to a biennial publication cycle. “Poems for Issue Nine will be read in 2015,” it says.

The current issue, however, features Priscilla Atkins, Jan Ball, John F. Buckley, Rick Campbell, Bruce Cohen, Geraldine Connolly, Mark DeFoe, Richard Hague, Lola Haskins, William Jolliff, Charles Nutter Peck, Rachael Peckham, Kenneth Pobo, Charles Rammelkamp, Daniel Saalfeld, Steve Scafidi, Ciara Shuttleworth, Red Shuttleworth, Richard Spilman, Charles Stacy, Slobodanka Strauss, Stephen Sundin, Melissa Tuckey, Mitchell Untch, and Arne Weingart. Read up; it’ll be two years until you get another.

Photography Competition

Camera Obscura‘s Equinox 2013 issue features the winners of their photography competition. The editors write, “The breadth of skill and artistic diversity made deciding a winner in this competition a unique challenge for all involved.”

Outstanding Professional Photography Award
Nude Meaning by Omer Chatziserif

Editor’s Choice Award for Professional Photography
Untitled (horse) by Saeed Rezvanian (featured on the cover)

Professional Photography Honorable Mention
In Search Of by Christopher Ruane
Auschwitz No 14 by Cole Thompson
The Collective by Micahel Bilotta

Outstanding Amateur Photography Award
Riddles In the Dark by Michael Bilotta

Editor’s Choice Award for Amateur Photography
Tree Reflection by Daniel Butcher

Amateur Photography Honorable Mention
The Line by Goran Jovic
Rain Boy by Goran Jovic

Also in this issue is prose from Sarah Scoles, Jacqueline Kolosov, Ricardo Nuila, Julie Lekstrom Himes, Gail Hosking, Eric Magnuson, Stephanie MacLean, Barrett Bowlin, and Jael Montellano.

Tupelo Press First/Second Book Award Winner

Paisley Rekdal has selected Yes Thorn by Amy McCann [pictured] of Minneapolis, Minnesota as winner of the Tupelo Press 2013 First/Second Book Award, naming Sleep Sculptures by Michael Homolka of New York, New York as runner-up.

Amy McCann’s poetry has recently appeared in the Kenyon Review, Gettysburg Review, and West Branch, among other journals and magazines. She was a 2012-2013 McKnight Artist Fellow in Poetry and 2012 fellowship recipient from the Virginia Center for Creative Arts. She received her M.F.A. in poetry from Eastern Washington University and currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she teaches at the University of Northwestern—Saint Paul.

Finalists (in alphabetical order)

Kate Braverman of Santa Fe, New Mexico for Acts of Autumn
Tina Cane of Rumford, Rhode Island for Archipelago
Noel Crook of Kittrell, North Carolina for Salt White Moon
Brent House of Grove City, Pennsylvania for The Lightered Prophecy
Steve Lautermilch of Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina for Moth on a Window Pane at Dusk
S. D. Lishan of Marion, Ohio for The Archeology of Startled Light
Joy Manesiotis of Redlands, California for Revoke
Chad Parmenter of Lewiston, New York for Vivienne’s Recovery
Jeremy Pataky of Anchorage, Alaska for The Smallest Ice Age
Juliet Patterson of Minneapolis, Minnesota for Threnody
Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer of Saint Louis, Missouri for Clarkston Street Polaroids
Sarah Sousa of Ashfield, Massachusetts for Split the Crow
Sharon Wang of Queens, New York for Republic of Mercy
Susan Settlemyre Williams of Richmond, Virginia for Navigating the Belly of Night

Literal on Gun Control

The summer 2013 issue of Literal features War Photography and “Beware Walmart’s Role in the Gun Control Debate.” The editors note says, “The lack of gun control in the United States affects not only its own citizens, but all of Latin America, particularly Mexico. The unbridled sale of high-caliber weapons and the ease with which they can be acquired has fostered an ambiance of paranoia among those living in the United States and a chronic state of violence in Latin American countries. Through the voices of George Zornick and Pablo Boullosa as well as the art exhibition analyzed by Fernando Castro, this issue of Literal reflects both on how weapons fall into the hands of average citizens and their degree of belligerence.”

Museum of Haiku Literature Award

The Museum of Haiku Literature Award of $100 goes to the best previously unpublished work appearing in the last issue of Frogpond, selected by vote of the HSA Executive Committee. The winner from Issue 36:1 is announced in the latest issue (36:2):

porch swing    my feelings   come and go

by Ce Rosenow from Eugene, Oregon

Active Year for Ibbetson Street

Ibbetson Street is now affiliated with and supported by Endicott College in Beverly, Massachusetts. Among other news is that they have published a Pushcart-Prize-winning poem: Afaa Michael Weaver’s “Blues in Five/Four, The Violence in Chicago” (published in their mag in November 2012). Kim Triedman, one of the managing editors, is stepping down, and Rene Schwiesow is stepping up to replace her. “Rene, an excellent poet herself, is also co-host for the popular South Shore poetry venue, The Art of Words and a reviewer for Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene,” writes Editor Doug Hodder.

Issue 9 of Ibbetson Street features poetry by Cornelius Eady, Jean Valentine, Brendan Galvin, Jason Roberts, and more.

You are Never the Same Reader Twice

In the latest issue of Salamander, Jennifer Barber makes a great point in her editor’s note: “A literary journal, with its many disparate voices and visions, is not something you absorb in one sitting. Maybe you’ll read five or six poems, or two or three short stories, before laying it aside, picking it up again a few days or weeks later. In between, you’ll have changed in barely perceptible ways.  A conversation with a friend; a song you heard on the radio; some moment of insight you’ve stumbled on: each will have an effect. In this sense, you are never the same reader twice.”

In this issue, you’ll find pieces from Stephen Ackerman, Pam Bernard, Andrea Cohen, Rita Gabis, Danielle Legros Georges, George Kalogeris, Ellen Kaufman, Jacquelyn Pope, Anna Ross, Tara Skurtu, and more.

NewPages Weekly Newsletter

Have you heard yet of our new weekly newsletter? In addition to keeping tabs on what we’re up to, you also get calls for submissions and contests sent directly to your email (once a week). There is now no excuse for not submitting due to forgetting to look up places to send work. If you aren’t signed up yet, and you are viewing this post on our blog post, you can sign up via the column to the right. If you are viewing this in a RSS feed, you can sign up here: http://npofficespace.com/newpages-newsletter/

Newsletters get sent out every Monday afternoon, so there is still time to sign up today to get this week’s! You can view last week’s here: http://www.icontact-archive.com/rRNQRindhS4bSK2A6MJQEoLuhyzifA5D?w=4

August Literary Magazine Reviews

This month’s literary magazine reviews discuss stories and poems with magical realism, a friend named Toothbrush, “Sex at Seventy,” tales from serving in Iraq, golden shovel haiku sonnets, a ten-year-old who must guard the school mascot—her mother, redemption, striking visual art, arranged marriages, multiple wives, and even a man who attempts suicide in his wedding tuxedo. I also spy (with my little eye) a magazine featuring undergrad writers, one featuring writers that are 57+ in age, one with new editors, and one that is brand new. Magazines reviewed include:

A Cappella Zoo
Apalachee Review
Burnside Review
Catamaran Literary Reader
Catfish Creek
Cruel Garters
Exit 7
The Iowa Review
Nimrod International Journal
Smartish Pace
Soundings East
The Tusculum Review

Glimmer Train June Fiction Open Winners :: 2013

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their June Fiction Open competition. This competition is held quarterly. Stories generally range from 2000-6000 words, though up to 20,000 is fine. The next Fiction Open will take place in September. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

First place: Philip Tate [pictured], of Cortland, NY, wins $2500 for “Reading Hemingway.” His story will be published in Issue 93 of Glimmer Train Stories.

Second place: Vera Kurian, of Washington, DC, wins $1000 for “The Bleeding Room.” Her story will also be published in an upcoming issue of Glimmer Train Stories. This is her first story accepted for publication.

Third place: Geoff Wyss, of New Orleans, LA, wins $600 for “Misty.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadline soon approaching for the Short Story Award for New Writers: August 31. This competition is held quarterly and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation over 5000. No theme restrictions. Most submissions to this category run 1500-5000 words, but can go up to 12,000. First place prize is $1500. Second/third: $500/$300. Click here for complete guidelines.

Long Poem Prize

The winners of The Malahat Review‘s Long Poem Prize are Claire Caldwell for “Osteogenesis” and Kim Trainor for “Nothing is Lost.” The final judges Elizabeth Bachinsky, Dave Margoshes, and Lorri Neilsen Glenn chose these pieces among 193 entries. Finalists include Michael Prior for “Marie (I-XII),” Genevieve Lehr for “the latter half of the third quarter of the waning moon,” Kim Trainor for “When they come to that country swept with light,” Eric Folsom for “The Senryu of Solomon,” and Chad Campbell for “February Towers.

About Caldwell’s “Osteogenesis,” the judges said, it ” is a different beast altogether. This narrative poem takes place in a university town and weaves together three stories: that of two young lovers; their friend M (a medical student) and her cadaver; and the decomposition of a great blue whale. These stories, as told by a young woman to her lover, unfold like a mystery that we can never quite solve.”

And about Trainor’s “Nothing is Lost,” they said, “explores the aftermath of the Srebrenica genocide in 1995 in which thousands of Bosnian Muslims were massacred. Such profound cultural and personal loss is almost beyond language. Taking as inspiration the International Committee of the Red Cross Book of Belongings, a publication of photographs and personal effects, the poet creates an alphabet of loss, weaving images of a glove, a marble, notebook, buttons – exquisitely particular personal items – with insights into the ways artifacts themselves become saturated with human sentience.”

Click here to read more about the pieces, the judges, and the authors.

MUDLARK eChapbooks and More

MUDLARK: An Electronic Journal of Poetry & Poetics (“Never in and never out of print…”) offers e-chapbooks as its “issues” publication in addition to “posters: the electronic equivalent of print broadsides: and “flash poems are poems that have news in them, poems that feel like current events.” The most current issue of MUDLARK (51) is the poetry chapbook Hone Creek by Rose McLarney.

Grain’s 40th Anniversary

Open to the first page of Grain Magazine‘s latest issue, and you’ll find a note that says, “If you are here for the party, please use the back door.” This issue marks their 40th Anniversary and is subtitled, “Making It.” In the editor’s note, Rilla Friesen writes, “‘Making It’ is, in one sense, about how we make our works what they are. Kyle Beal, our featured artist, writes, ‘I recently overheard a person remark at the novelty and forgotten pleasure of writing with a pencil. A timely real-life event that anecdotally affirms, or at least suggests, the notion that the act of note-leaving has become somewhat anachronistic, or at least quaint. A little like sitting down to make a drawing on a twelve-by-nine sheet of paper.’ Both Lund-Teigen and Beal prompted me to consider how writing is about making something, and we prepare the artefact that you now hold in your hands, the Grain team has made something too. And what we make is worth fighting for–literally and metaphorically.”

The issue features work by Tim Bowling, Lorna Crozier, Dorothy Field, Patrick Lane, Jeannette Lynes, rob mclennan, Jonathan Ball, Adrienne Gruber, David Carpenter, and more.

2011 and 2012 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards

Paterson Literary Review‘s 2013-2014 issue features the winners of the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards for both 2011 and 2012. Here are the top winners for each:

2011 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards
First Prize
Christopher Bursk
Charlotte Muse

Second Prize
Mark Hillringhouse
Sander Zulauf

Third Prize
Antoinette Libro

2012 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards
First Prize
Dante Di Stefano

Second Prize
Donna Spector
Carole Stone

Third Prize
Jim Reese

To see a list of honorable mentions for each (also included in this issue) as well as the 2013 winners, please visit this link.