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New Issue Online :: Prick of the Spindle

Prick of the Spindle has just launched its third issue, featuring:

Interview with Ann Hood, author of The Knitting Circle
Film Review – The Outsiders of New Orleans: Loujon Press from Wayne Ewing Films
Article – Boston poetry reading, “A Tribute to Melissa Green”
Journal Review – Sein und Werden
Poetry Review – My Body: New and Selected Poems by Joan Larkin

Poetry by Mary Bargteil, Evelyn Lauer, Amber Norwood, and more
Fiction by Mary Bargteil, Jimmy Chen, and Caitlin Horvat

An excerpt from the concise novel, There’s a House in Graham’s Head or A Long Story Short by Graham Trim
And nonfiction by Jason Mott and J.D. Riso

Prick of the Spindle also congratulates their Pushcart Nominees (works available on site archive):
“The Vanity” by Joseph Murphy
“Simple Tips for the Beginning Cook” by Jacqueline May
“Wallace” by Casady Monroe
“Study in Burgundy” by Eric Mohrman
“Some Explanations for Fainting Goats” by Juliet Cook
“Untitled (to jenny)” by Wei Liu

Submission Information: Article writers seeking to publish may send Prick of the Spindle articles on writing-related topics. Publishers or filmmakers interested in submitting work for review may contact the editor. Prick of the Spindle is open to submissions year-round.

In Memoriam :: Sandy Taylor

NewPages was saddened to hear the news that Alexander “Sandy” Taylor of Curbstone Press passed away Thursday evening, December 20, 2007, after suffering a major stroke. Sandy was a dear friend and long-time supporter and advisor to NewPages. We will miss him dearly. Our heartfelt support and strength to his family, friends, and literary colleagues.

The Summer of 2006, Jessica Powers interviewed Sandy for NewPages. Read the interview here.

From Cune Magazine:
Curbstone Press is a place where the writers of many cultures meet, united by a common concern to produce literature that deals with social realities and that promotes a respect for human rights, civil liberties, human dignity, and multicultural understanding. Curbstone seeks out the highest aesthetic expression of the dedication to human rights: poetry, stories, novels, testimonials, photography. Editorial integrity is combined with painstaking craft in the creation of books, books of passion and purpose.

Co-directors Alexander Taylor and Judy Doyle began the press when James Scully returned from Chile with a poetry manuscript. Taylor says, “We were fairly certain that a commercial house would not do the book, both because of its attack on the Pinochet regime and because it was not of standard length. We published it because we felt the poetry was stunning and because we felt it was necessary for the public to know what was really going on in Chile.” Both Alexander and Judy have their roots in the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, and the Solidarity with Central America Movement, and a long interest in publishing. These two drives came together when they formed their publishing company.

Curbstone has become know as a preeminent source of translations of work by Latin American and Central American authors; however, one of their recent releases is a novel by Marnie Mueller about the injustice inflicted on Japanese Americans by their forced relocation during World War II, and it is a perfect example of their mission. Publishers Weekly called it “An engrossing character study.” Alexander Taylor says, “It’s a story where no one person is either right or wrong, and it forces us to examine our own consciences.”

2nd River Creates the Flow

2River has just released the 12.2 (Winter 2008)issue of The 2River View, with new poems by Wendy Taylor Carlisle, Mark Cunningham, Lightsey Darst, DejaEarley, Taylor Graham, Mercedes Lawry, Patrick Leonard, Jo McDougall, BrentPallas, Emily Scudder, and Phibby Venable; and new art by Mitko Zhelezarov.

Available now online and in PDF format is Number 18 in the 2River Chapbook Series. In his collection of prose poems, Attractions, John Allman uses memory and speculation to bring together subjects as diverse as Einstein, Yugoslavia, chickens, drums, evergreens, and Christopher Columbus.

2nd River also hosts Muddy Bank: podcasts and commentaries and a “Favorite Poem Project” site which combine poetry and video: “Many of the videos here originated as assignments by creative writing students at St. Louis community College—Meramec. The Favorite Poem assignment is based on another in which the students compile an anthology of contemporary poetry. In the Favorite Poem Project, students present a poem from their anthology as their favorite poem. Anyone, however, is encouraged to follow the lead of these students and submit videos to the 2River Favorite Poem Project.”

Great stuff for teachers and students as well as us general readers.

Lit Mag Mailbag :: December 18

For information about these and many other quality literary magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Literary Journals. Also visit the NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews for new reviews as well as an archive of past reviews.

Issue 14
Fall 2007

Issue 5
Winter 2008
The Literature of Food

The Antigonish Review
Number 151
Autumn 2007

College Literature
General Issue
Volume 35 Issue 1
Winter 2008

Number 72
Fall 2007

Creative Nonfiction
Essays from patients, their family members, and caregivers
Number 33

Volume 1
Spring/Summer 2007

Volume 18
Fall 2007

Volume 3 Number 1
Fall 2007

The Georgia Review
“Special Feature: Harry Crews Autobiography and Letters”
Volume 61 Number 4
Winter 2007

“The Weeder’s Digest”
Number 72
Winter 2007-08

Issue 97

Issue 5 Number 2
Fall/Winter 2007

The Literary Review
Featuring: PEN Translation Fund Grant Recipients
Volume 51 Number 1
Fall 2007

One Story
“Fire Season” by Amelia Kahaney
Issue Number 98

Open Minds Quarterly
“Your psychosocial literary journal”
Volume 9 Issue 3
Fall 2007

Paterson Literary Review
Issue 36

Volume 191 Number 3
December 2007

Poetry East
Number 60
Fall 2007

Prairie Schooner
Volume 81 Number 4
Winter 2007

Volume 5 Issue 1
Fall 2007

“faith in literature and art”
Issue 6
Winter 2007

Southern Humanities Review
Volume 41 Number 4
Fall 2007

Western Humanities Review
“What is City?”
Volume 61 Number 3
Fall 2007

Volume 23 Number 3
Winter 2007

Interview :: Ana Castillo

Writing in Netantla
LaVon Rice interviews author Ana Castillo

Excerpted from ColorLines
Nov/Dec 2007

“Yet another voice is weighing in on the fate of la frontera these days—but it’s a poet, not a pundit. In her latest novel, The Guardians, the multi-genre writer Ana Castillo takes a look at life on the U.S.-Mexico border with sensitivity and imagination—qualities often sorely lacking in the immigration debate today. Told through the eyes of several characters, The Guardians explores the politics of the border with irony, lyricism and desert-spare clarity… [read the rest here]”

First Print Issue :: Tarpaulin Sky

Founded in 2002 as an online literary journal, Tarpaulin Sky took the form of 12.5 internet issues before its first paper edition in November 2007. Moving into 2008 and beyond, the magazine will continue to publish new work both online and in print, often curated by guest-editors. Tarpaulin Sky focuses on cross-genre / trans-genre / hybrid forms as well as innovative poetry and prose. The journal emphasizes experiments with language and form, but holds no allegiance to any one style or school or network of writers – trying to avoid some of the defects associated with dipping too often into the same literary gene pool, and the diversity of their contributors is evidence of the TS’s eclectic interests.

State of Environment :: Journalists Shaken

Glacial Acceleration: A Sea of Troubles
Why what’s happening in Greenland matters now
By Paul Brown
From E-Magzine
December 14, 2007

“It is hard to shock journalists and at the same time leave them in awe of the power of nature. A group returning from a helicopter trip flying over, then landing on, the Greenland ice cap at the time of maximum ice melt last month were shaken. One shrugged and said, ‘It is too late already.’

“What they were all talking about was the moulins, not one moulin but hundreds, possibly thousands. “Moulin” is a word I had only just become familiar with. It is the name for a giant hole in a glacier through which millions of gallons of melt water cascade through to the rock below. The water has the effect of lubricating the glaciers so they move at three times the rate that they did previously…” [read the rest and see more images here]

State of Environment :: Eco Tipping Points

Eco Tipping Points
How a vicious cycle can become virtuous
by Amanda Suutari and Gerald Marten
From Earth Island Journal
Summer 2007

“The cicadas are in full voice on a sultry morning in May as we make our way along a rickety wooden boardwalk that snakes through a community mangrove forest near Thung Dase village in southern Thailand. The mangroves offer welcome shade near a dock where a small boat is moored. Handmade bamboo traps are set to catch mud crabs when the tides go out. In a flash of orange and turquoise, a kingfisher swoops to a low-hanging branch.

“It’s hard to imagine that three decades ago the area’s lush abundance was collapsing into a wasteland. ‘At one time,’ recalls Nom Ham Yak, chair of the forest’s management committee, ‘our economic base was crabs, fisheries, and rubber. Then areas were leased as concessions to private contractors to clear for charcoal, and the forest became badly degraded.’

“The prospects for the area’s villages were so bleak that a revival would have seemed a fantasy. What brought them back from the brink was an Eco Tipping Point.

Eco Tipping Points offer a new paradigm for restoring our communities, both natural and human. Conventional approaches to ecological problems – from piecemeal micromanagement, to techno-fixes, to top-down regulation – often fail or generate new messes. But Eco Tipping Points show how the same forces that endanger environments and communities can be harnessed to heal them.

“To demonstrate what Eco Tipping Points are and how they work, consider two very different stories from two continents: the mangrove forests of Trang Province and the marshes of Arcata, California…” [read the rest and see more images here]

Oregon State University :: Residency

Oregon State University Andrews Forest Writers’ Residencies

Creative writers whose work in any genre reflects a keen awareness of the natural world and an appreciation for both scientific and literary ways of knowing are invited to apply for one-week residencies at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest.

The mission of the Long-Term Ecological Reflections program is to bring together writers, humanists and scientists to create a living, growing record of how we understand the forest and the relation of people to the forest, as that understanding and that forest both change over time.

Next application deadline: December 31, 2007

n+1 on College :: What You Should Have Known

An excerpt from “All the Broke Young Literary Magazines: Flooded Highways, Disinterest in California, and Other Minor Setbacks on the n+1 West Coast Tour” by Christopher Frizzelle:

“[. . .]What We Should Have Known: Two Discussions, the 126-page pamphlet n+1 just published that’s a conversation among writers about college—specifically, what they were made to read in college that they regret reading, or conversely what books they regret not having read sooner. I read What We Should Have Known in one sitting and loved it. It’s funny. It’s got references you might not know (the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess) but it’s unpretentious. Caleb Crain compares reading Henry James to smoking crack. Mark Greif talks about his sadness for college teachers, because some of their students ‘have much more power in their brains and they have youth on their side, and they pick up teachers and fall in love with them and abandon them, throw them away like bits of trash or crumpled-up paper. But this is what you have to do as a student.'”

For $9, you can have your own copy of this recommended publication. Visit n+1 online order page. NewPages ponied up for a copy – you can, too!

WGBH Say Brother Archives Online

A total of 215 Say Brother episodes from 1968 to 1982 have been organized and preserved by the WGBH Media Archives and Preservation Center through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. One of television’s longest running program series by, for and about the African American community, Say Brother (now known as Basic Black) was born at a milestone moment in America’s history. The people and issues the show turned its lens on through the years tell, in capsule form, the history of both Black America and the city of Boston from the Civil Rights movement through the era of Black Power and the significant increase of numbers in the Black middle class.

Thanks to African American Review for this information.

Lit Mag Mailbag :: December 12

For information about these and many other quality literary magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Literary Journals. Also visit the NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews for new reviews as well as an archive of past reviews.

American Short Fiction
Volume 10 Issue 39
Winter 2007

Beloit Poetry Journal
Volume 58 Number 2
Winter 2007

Issue 80
Winter 2007

Canada’s magazine of Exquisite Writing
Volume 17 Number 2
Winter/Spring 2007-08

Gulf Coast
Volume 20 Number 1
Winter 2007
Spring 2008

Louisville Review
Number 62
Fall 2007

Mississippi Review
New Fiction Issue
Volume 35 Number 3
Fall 2007

New Letters
Volume 74 Number 1

Conversation with Tess Gallagher, Arthur Sze; Tribute to Nurses; Rattle Poetry Prize Winner
Volume 13 Number 2
Winter 2007

A Quarterly Christian Expression
Volume 1 Issue 4
Summer 2007

River Styx

The Sewanee Review
“Ancestral Voices of War”
Volume 115 Number 4
Fall 2007

The Best in Outlaw Literature: “The Best of Campus Writing from Coast to Coast”
Volume 5 Number 47

Jobs :: Various

Franklin & Marshall College English Department invites applications from fiction writers for a possible one-year visiting Assistant Professorship, and also invites applications from creative non-fiction writers for a possible three-year visiting Assistant to begin in the fall of 2008. Judith Mueller, Chair, English Department. January 2, 2008.

Whitman College visiting Assistant Professor, one-year position, beginning August 2008. MFA or Ph.D. with fiction writing emphasis and evidence of publication required. Roberta Davidson, Chair, Department of English. February 22, 2008.

The English Department at Seton Hall University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Creative Writing specializing in fiction to begin September 2008. Ms. Y. Loftin, Human Resources. December 14, 2007.

Youngstown State University Instructor/Assistant Professor – English/Creative Writing & Fiction. Dr. Gary Salvner, Chairperson.

Submissions :: CV2 1.08-6.08

Contemporary Verse 2 is looking for submissions for poetry, critical writing about poetry and reviews of books of poetry for these upcoming issues:

Spring 2008: The Jilted Issue, deadline: January 31, 2008
Summer 2008: Poem as Travelogue, deadline: April 1, 2008
Fall 2008: CV2’s Annual Open Issue, deadline: July 10, 2008

A note on submissions from CV2: “We suggest that writers research literary journals carefully before submitting their work to determine that the journal’s aesthetics match that of their writing.”

Submissions :: Split this Rock 1.30.08

Split This Rock
Call for poetry films and videos

Poems of Provocation & Witness
Poets have long played a central role in movements for social change. Today, at a critical juncture in our country’s history, poetry that gives voice to the voiceless, names the unnamable, and speaks directly from the individual and collective conscience is more important than ever. The festival will explore and celebrate the many ways that poetry can act as an agent for change: reaching across differences, considering personal and social responsibility, asserting the centrality of the right to free speech, bearing witness to the diversity and complexity of human experience through language, imagining a better world.

Film & Video Submissions:
We are looking for artistic, experimental, and challenging film/video interpretations of poetry that explore critical social issues. Selected work will be screened during the Split This Rock Poetry Festival film program.

Deadline: postmarked by January 30th, 2008
Entry fee: $15.00 (non-refundable)
Notification by February 15th, 2008
Festival dates: March 20th-23rd, 2008

Submissions :: STORYGLOSSIA

STORYGLOSSIA is open again for new submissions. The guidelines have changed, so be sure to read them over before submitting. They are currently reading submissions for Issue 27 (March 2008) which is being guest edited by Katrina Denza.

Katrina’s story “Here’s My Hand, Take It” appeared in STORYGLOSSIA Issue 13 and her story “Snake Dreams“was awarded first runner-up in the 2006 STORYGLOSSIA Fiction Prize contest and appeared in Issue 16. Her story “Honeymoon” is upcoming in Issue 25, which is a special flash fiction issue scheduled to publish December 15th.

She is a four-time Pushcart nominee for her short fiction and her stories can be found in recent issues of New Delta Review, The MacGuffin, SmokeLong Quarterly, Cranky, The Jabberwock Review, REAL, Emrys Journal, elimae, The Emerson Review, and are forthcoming from Confrontation and Passages North.

Katrina was previously a member of the SmokeLong Quarterly editorial team, including guest editing their Issue Thirteen, and STORYGLOSSIA is excited to have her editing their Issue 27!

Read the guidelines and send her your best work.

New Lit on the Block :: Newport Review

Newport Review is an independent journal of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and visual art. The magazine was founded by award-winning poet and writer Michele Cooper. Newport Review began publication in Newport, Rhode Island in the 1980s, and published as a print journal through the 1990s, most often annually. Guest editors included Stuart Blazer and Susan Grant. In their web manifestation, they hope to continue publishing innovative, language-rich flash fiction, prose poetry and poetry, as well as longer works: short stories, novel excerpts, one-act plays and creative nonfiction. Without the limitations or expenses of print reproduction, they will also welcome more visual artwork: both black & white and color photography, graphic stories (or “comix,” if you prefer) and original artwork. Check out their premier issue online now: Newport Review, Autumn Harvest 2007.

Lit Mag Mailbag :: December 10

For information about these and many other quality literary magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Literary Journals. Also visit the NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews for new reviews as well as an archive of past reviews.

32 Poems
Volume 5 Number 2
Fall 2007

Number 8

Number 66

Atlanta Review
Volume 13 Number 2
Spring/Summer 2007

Bellingham Review
30th Anniversary Edition
Volume 30 Numbers 1 & 2 Issue 59
Spring/Fall 2007

Chicago Review
Volume 53 Number 2/3
Autumn 2007

Colorado Review
“The Winner of the 2007 Neddligan Prize for Short Fiction”
Volume 34 Number 3
Fall/Winter 2007


Contemporary Verse 2
The Open Issue
Volume 30 Issue 2
Autumn 2007

Crab Creek Review
Volume 21 Number 1
Fall/Winter 2007

A Journal of Poetry: Final Issue
Volume 7

Number 233
Fall 2007

Number 77
Fall 2007

Glimmer Train
Issue 65
Winter 2008

Ibbetson Street Press
Issue 22
November 2007

Volume 1 Issue 1
Spring 2008

The New Centennial Review
Volume 7 Number 2
Fall 2007

(New Ohio Review)
Issue 2
Fall 2007

Poet Lore
Volume 102 Numbers 3/4
Fall/Winter 2007

The Rambler
Volume 4 Number 6
Nov-Dec 2007

Tarpaulin Sky
Issue 13 Print Issue 1
Fall/Winter 2007
Online mag that prints issue

Thereby Hangs a Thread
Issue 2
Summer 2007

Tuesday: An Art Project
Poems Photographs Prints (Postcard Packet)
Volume 1 Number 2
Fall 2007

The New New Yorker Poetry Editor

Muldoon Mulls Over Nature, Candy Bars
By Becky Lang
The Minnesota Daily
November 30, 2007

“Finally there’s a poet to express the less-than-timeless tribulations of the soccer mom. Princeton professor, New Yorker poetry editor and garage-band lyricist Paul Muldoon has learned the subtle art of inflating virtually anything with poetry. ‘The time of day when light fails on the field / and gives back a sky more muddy than mother-of-pearl,’ is just one line from the short ode to the Gatorade-toting masters of the minivan. Apparently, rhyming ‘soccer ball’ with ‘shopping mall’ is for amateurs.

“With more than two dozen poetry compilations, two children’s books, and a few translations on his r

Submissions :: Relief

Relief: A Quarterly Christian Expression is entering its second year of publication. This new literary journal is designed for authors who want to write seriously, but struggle to find an outlet for poetry and prose that have a faithful slant. Their goal is to publish poems, creative nonfiction, and short stories that push the envelope beyond stereotypically “fluffy” Christian writing, encouraging writers to feel free to stand out on the edge.

Relief is currently seeking short fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry for issue 2.2 (Spring 2008). Cash prizes will be awarded to “Editor’s Choice” for each genre. Submissions will only be accepted through our online submission process.

Harvest Tour :: Higher Grounds Coffee

Fair Trade and Indigenous Autonomy in the Mayan Highlands
February 11th – February 18th, 2008

Join Higher Grounds on an adventure through the Mayan Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico visiting two organic and fair trade coffee co-ops working to create community sustainability and various autonomous projects. Trip highlights:

Spend the day at a certified organic, Fair Trade Coffee Cooperative to learn about the positive impacts of Fair Trade

Visit local coffee growing communities to learn about indigenous culture and the use of organic agriculture as a means to self-sufficiency

Learn about the “Other Campaign” – A new political initiative by the EZLN to build a national plan of struggle

Examine the issue of land rights and see first hand the global threats to the Mayan communities very existence

Learn about innovative, sustainable water projects taking place to support communal access to fresh water

Meet with a successful women’s artisan cooperative in the highlands and learn about the production of fair trade artisan goods

Witness first-hand the effects the global economy has on indigenous peoples

If you can’t make the trip, at least consider supporting their work through the purchase of their GREAT coffee. A NewPages staple.

Introducing :: Radical Studies Journal

New from Michigan State University, the Journal for the Study of Radicalism engages in serious, scholarly exploration of the forms, representations, meanings, and historical influences of radical social movements.

The first two volumes focus on radicalism and violence and radicalism and music. The include interviews with Lawrence Robert “Pun” Plamondon and John Sinclair.

Future issues will include themes like the re-conceptualization of “left” and “right,” radical groups typically ignored in academic scholarship, such as deep ecologists, primitivists, and anarchists, the role of science and technology in radical visions, transnational and regional understandings of radicalism, and the relationships of radical movements to land and environment.

New Lit on the Block :: Knockout

Knockout is here, and the first issue features some of the finest writers working today. Half of the proceeds from sales of issue one will go to the Valentino Achak Deng Foundation, an organizaiton established to help those affected by the civil war in Sudan, and a portion of the proceeds from teh sale of future issues will go to other charitable causes.

“The first issue, all poetry, includes work by a number of well-known writers, including Marvin Bell, Thomas Lux, Todd Boss, Aaron Smith, Carl Phillips, Carol Guess, Larissa Szporluk, Laurie Blauner, Lynn Levin, Timothy Liu, Jonathan Williams, Thomas Meyer, Jim Elledge, Christopher Hennessy, Ronald H. Bayes, CAConrad, Gerard Wozek, Jeff Mann, Michael Montlack, Jeffery Beam, Robert Bly, Ger Killeen, Denver Butson, Dan Pinkerton, Charles Jensen, Brent Goodman, Theodore Enslin, Alberto Rios, David Mason, Billy Collins, Mabel Yu, Kim Lambright and Joseph Massey, among others.

Knockout is considering poems for #2 & #3. Translations are welcome, as long as you have permission of the author (as long as they are still kicking), and we’re particularly interested in translations in German, Chinese, the Nordic Languages, and translations from the Middle East.”

Judges Wanted :: storySouth

From Jason Sanford, editor of storySouth: a journal of literature from the New South

“…our annual Million Writers Award is gearing up for its 2008 run. We are now accepting applications for preliminary judges and are looking for people knowledgeable in each of the different literary genres. These judges will help screen the nominations and select the list of notable stories of the year. To apply, e-mail me your writing and/or editing experience and why you think you’d make a good preliminary judge.”

Submissions :: Ignavia Press

Ignavia is an online journal that promotes fiction that is transgressive in content and form with a bias for material that is dark, edgy and queer. Ignavia seeks transgressive fiction (under 4000 words) for their second issue scheduled for early 2008.

On Vacation :: Diner Literary Journal

Diner is going on a hiatus – the “On Vacation” sign is taped to the window. We are feeling the financial burden of printing, mailing and lack of staff. The cost of mailing alone went up over 30% last May. Diner as an independent journal has been a labor of love done by volunteers. The Tips jar doesn’t begin to cover the printer, the postage, the envelopes, and all the other sundry expenses. We have survived for 7 years – 2 issues printing astounding work – by the skin of our teeth. We thank each and every one of you who have submitted your work – and all those who have subscribed at whatever level – you all count. I wish I could hold a party and make my special blackberry pancakes, with a side of home fries, for all of you.

“Nevertheless we are going out with an explosion of outstanding poetry, fiction, essays and art. Of particular notice is award-winning author Adria Bernard ‘s elegy to her teacher and friend Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota who died October 22, 2002, in a plane crash. Also of note are our two Blue Plate Specials: James Dempsey with new translations of Chaucer’s court poetry and Martha Carlson-Bradley, with an excerpt from her latest manuscript The Sea Called Fruitfulness, poems inspired by the two Jesuits who first mapped the moon.

“Our last issue proclaimed, ‘Our intention is not only to preserve the light (of discourse in the midst of increasing darkness) that shines today, but to increase the brightness of that light with every issue.’ It is with great sadness that the lights of Diner are flickering off.

“There is a chance that Diner will open again as an online journal or a print journal if we can find a school or sponsor willing to finance what has turned out to be one the best journals in the country. We are proud of every issue we published and whatever happens, we have no regrets. All the effort has been worth it.”

Eve Rifkah & Michael Milligan

Nelligan Prize for Fiction Winner :: Thomas Grattan

Colorado Review, Volume 34 Number 3, Fall/Winter 2007 is out and features the winner of the 2007 Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction: Thomas Grattan’s story “I Am a Souvenir.” Final Judge Charles Baster said of the work: “This story is both elliptical and straightforward, beautifully detailed and psychologically intricate. The events are crisply narrated, surprising, and slightly shocking, though completely plausible.” Grattan is a graduate of the Brooklyn College M.F.A. program. His work has been chosen as a finalist for the Iowa Review Fiction Award, and he is also the recipient of the Lainoff Prize for fiction.

Deadline for the Fifth Annual Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction is postmark January 15, 2008 – March 15, 2008.

Lit Mag Mailbag :: December 1

For information about these and many other quality literary magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Literary Journals. Also visit the NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews for new reviews as well as an archive of past reviews.

The American Poetry Review
Volume 36 Number 6
Nov/Dec 2007

Antioch Review
“Falkland (Malvinas) Islands: Sounth Atlantic’s Forgotten War”
Volume 65 Number 4
Fall 2007

The Cultures and Letters of the Black Diaspora: 30th Anniversary Issue 3/4
Volume 30 Number 2
Spring 2007

Cimarron Review
Issue 161
Fall 2007

Fifth Wednesday Journal
Issue 1
Fall 2007

Audio CD only
Number 52

The Gettysburg Review
Volume 20 Number 4
Winter 2007

Hollins Critic
William Steinkraus
Volume 44 Number 4
October 2007
Five Times

Hunger Mountain
Issue 11
Fall 2007

The Journal of Ordinary Thought
Lessons Outside: JOT Writers on Formal and Informal Education
Summer 2007

Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet
Number 21
November 2007

The Land-Grant College Review
Issue Number 4

The Missouri Review
Volume 30 Number 3
Fall 2007

NANO Fiction
“A Journal of Short Fiction” from UoHouston Undergrad
Volume 1 Number 2

One Story
“Bar Joke, Arizona” bySam Allingham
Issue 97

Number 5
Winter 2007

Pembroke Magazine
African American Literature (U of N.C.)
Number 39

Volume 191 Number 2
November 2007


CSU, Chico’s Literary Magazine
Volume 30 Number 2
Spring 2007

Alt Mag Mailbag :: December 1

For information about these and many other quality alternative magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Alternative Magazines.

Against the Current
Volume 22 Number 4
November/December 2007

Feminist Studies
Volume 33 Number 3
Summer 2007

Free Inquiry
Volume 28 Number 1
December 2007/January 2008

Funny Times
December 2007

Humor Times
Issue Number 192
December 2007

In These Times
“iPower to the People”
Volume 31 Number 12
December 2007

Labor Notes
Number 345
December 2007

Space and Culture
International Journal of Social Spaces
Volume 10 Number 4
November 2007

Turning the Tide
Journal of Anti-Racist Action, Research & Education
Volume 20 Number 5-6
Oct-Dec 2007

Z Magazine
November 2007

Education :: Gay Lit Class @ WWC

Dear folks–

I want to ask you to let friends know about the Gay & Lesbian Lit class I am teaching at Wilbur Wright College in Chicago. As you know, word of mouth about classes like these tend to fill their seats, so any publicity you can give the class would be really appreciated. You can forward this message to people who would be interested, post it on your MySpace page or blog, etc.

Let me know if there’s anything I can do that will help promote the course.

Dr. Aldo Alvarez
English Department
Wilbur Wright College


Dear Students:

This is just a short note to let you know that we are offering a new literature course for Spring 2008.

Literature 153: Gay & Lesbian Literature offers a survey of novels, plays and graphic novels by gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered authors. This course introduces students to a literature based on LGBT themes, to practical approaches to the determination of literary meaning, and to the concerns of literature in general.

This course will be taught by Dr. Aldo Alvarez, an expert in LGBT literature with a Ph. D. in English from SUNY-Binghamton and an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University of the City of New York. Dr. Alvarez is the author of INTERESTING MONSTERS (Graywolf Press), a collection of short stories, and the founder of *Blithe House Quarterly: queer fiction lives here*, which for ten years was the preeminent literary magazine for LGBT-themed short fiction by emerging and established authors.

Lit 153 is *fully transferable* as a humanities elective to any four year college. As you may know, humanities electives make you a more appealing candidate for a four year school so this is a great opportunity for you to diversify your student course portfolio. This course can also be taken by students currently attending other schools who want to take advantage of the reasonable tuition per credit hour available at Wilbur Wright College. The only prerequisite is eligibility or completion of English 101 or consent from the English Department chairperson.

This is the information you need to register for this course online at https://my.ccc.edu/.

56541 – Lit 153 – Section E – M/W 11 AM – 12:20 PM — A210 — Alvarez

If you require help, you may register in person on campus.

These are seven texts we will be reading in Lit 153: Gay & Lesbian Literature on Spring 2008:

— FUN HOME: a family tragicomic by Alison Bechdel (Graphic Novel) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fun_Home

— A SINGLE MAN by Christopher Isherwood (novel) : http://www.glbtq.com/literature/isherwood_c,3.html

— ORANGES ARE NOT THE ONLY FRUIT by Jeanette Winterson (novel) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oranges_are_not_the_only_fruit

— ANGELS IN AMERICA: A Gay fantasia on National Themes by Tony Kushner (two plays) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angels_in_america

— CHINA MOUNTAIN ZHANG by Maureen McHugh (novel) : http://my.en.com/~mcq/cmz.html

— KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN by Manuel Puig (novel) : http://www.enotes.com/kiss-spider/

— BASTARD OUT OF CAROLINA by Dorothy Allison (novel) : http://www.enotes.com/bastard-out/

Lit 153: Gay and Lesbian Literature course will not be offered again for *another four years*. If this course appeals to you, NOW is the time to register for it.

Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Dr. Aldo Alvarez
English Department
Wilbur Wright College

Jobs :: Various

Ohio Wesleyan University Department of English invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor of English with an August 2008 starting date. Lynette Carpenter, Chair, Department of English.

Loras College, Dubuque, IA. Fiction Writing Specialist FT, tenure-track position in the Division of Language and Literature.

Chester College of New England is searching for a full-time Assistant/Associate Professor in the Department of Writing and Literature with an emphasis in fiction writing, beginning August 2008. Feb. 1, 2008.

Gettysburg College Emerging Writer Lecturer One-year appointment, beginning August 2008. Prof. Fred Leebron,
Department of English. January 26, 2008.

Submissions :: Art and Poetry – Woman Made Gallery, Chicago

Woman Made Gallery supports all women in the arts by providing opportunities, awareness and advocacy. Unlike the mainstream art world, we are building an alternative community where the artistic values and criteria are determined by women, for women. Woman Made Gallery is dedicated to promoting the equal placement of women’s art in the world. Through programming which examines the female experience, the organization educates and serves as a forum for dialogue between artists and the community.

Upcoming Calls for Submissions :

Clay and Fiber
Exhibition Dates: April 4 – May 15, 2008
Entry Deadline: January 23, 2008

Tradition and Transformation: Art by Jewish Women
Exhibition Dates: May 23 – June 19, 2008
Entry Deadline: February 27, 2008

Drawing on Experience
Exhibition Dates: June 27 – July 24, 2008
Entry Deadline: March 19, 2008

Her Mark 2009
WMG invites women artists to submit images of up to three artworks in all media for its annual datebook publication.
WMG invites women to submit poetry for Woman Made Gallery’s annual publication. All styles, themes and media considered.
March 7, 2008 – Final Entry Due Date

Film :: Helvetica Documentary

Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type.

The film was shot in high-definition on location in the United States, England, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France and Belgium. Interviewees in Helvetica include some of the most illustrious and innovative names in the design world, including Erik Spiekermann, Matthew Carter, Massimo Vignelli, Wim Crouwel, Hermann Zapf, Neville Brody, Stefan Sagmeister, Michael Bierut, David Carson, Paula Scher, Jonathan Hoefler, Tobias Frere-Jones, Experimental Jetset, Michael C. Place, Norm, Alfred Hoffmann, Mike Parker, Bruno Steinert, Otmar Hoefer, Leslie Savan, Rick Poynor, Lars M

New Lit on the Block :: Oleander Review

The Oleander Review started in October 2006 as a project of two ambitious undergraduate English students. After speaking with a friend and editor of Michigan State University’s Red Cedar Review, Amanda Nichols decided that the University of Michigan needed such a publication. That is, prior to the founding of the Oleander Review, a student-produced publication of writing and art from both students and established writers did not exist at UM. With the direction of faculty advisor Keith Taylor, Amanda and Sarah Sala met and quickly transformed Amanda’s idea into a reality. Oleander Review publishes fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry and visual art.

Submissions :: Anti-

Anti- a new poetry journal set to launch in early 2008, seeks submissions. Anti- is not aesthetically affiliated with Nicanor Parra’s school of antipoetry, though the editor does share his skepticism about the supposed mystical powers of poetry. Anti- is contrarian, a devil’s advocate that primarily stands against the confinement of poetry in too-small boxes. Anti- wants to provide a single arena for a wide range of styles and ideas, so these different kinds of poets and poems can either fight it out or learn to coexist.”

Essay :: English as a Foreign Language

Broken Language
English and its misusage

Mle Davis
Sanaa, Yemen
November 8, 2007
“One of the perks of teaching abroad is getting to witness those serendipitous moments when another’s attempt at English yields something so ludicrous that it could never have been imagined by a native speaker. We go to work every day and we work very hard to teach people the language, but secretly we love when they fail miserably (just for a moment!) and say something totally ridiculous. Did he just say I am a pen? Did she just say that her family went out to Hwang’s Crap House? That his father wore a suitcase to work yesterday? We collect the stories of our students who, in desperation, write Dear Ruler Friend to get around the ban of copying the original text, Dear Pen Friend. But we excuse them as we giggle-after all, they’re just kids… [read the rest on WorldView Magazine]

Student News :: Schools and Jobs for a Green Planet

The November/December issue of Sierra features “Cool Schools” with online articles:

Go Big Green
A new generation looks beyond the Ivies and party schools to colleges that teach how to change the world. Better yet, some are already changing it.

10 That Get It
From tiny Warren Wilson College (850 students) to the University of California (214,000 and counting), here are Sierra’s Big Ten.

Talk of the Quad
Go ahead — steal these great ideas for your own campus.

Hot Jobs for a Warming Planet
Want to save the earth and make a living too? Here’s what it takes.

Submissions :: Junctures

Now entering its fourth year of publication, Junctures: the Journal for Thematic Dialogue is a multidisciplinary academic journal which provides a forum for discussion on themes of interest to a wide range of disciplines. The guiding principle for Junctures is that interaction between specialists on a common theme provides an enriching intellectual experience. Junctures encourages submissions of papers from any discipline providing an insight on the theme identified for each issue, including experimental, theoretical, artistic and experiential reflection. Full instructions on manuscript preparation are available in our submissions section. Junctures is available online as well as in print. Past themes include: Body, Language, Control, Play, Movement, Space.

R&PA :: Special Issue on Iraq

Michigan State University’s Rhetoric & Public Affairs, Issue 10:2, offers a unique scholarly analysis of the rhetoric that led to U.S. engagement in Iraq and then influenced perceptions as the conflict progressed from occupation to all-out war.

From the Introduction (full-text of which is available online) by Herbert W. Simons:

“It’s no longer terribly controversial that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was a mistake of monumental proportions.(1) Even the war’s continuing defenders acknowledge that it has adversely affected America’s standing in the world and capacity to meet other global threats while also devastating Iraq. Declines in public support for the war leading to Democratic takeovers of both houses of Congress in 2006 evidence the disaster it has been for the Bush administration.(2)

“This special issue takes up the role of rhetoric in the Iraq debacle, beginning with the once ballyhooed crisis rhetoric of the Bush administration in response to the 9/11 attacks.(3) All but one of the essays scrutinize the rhetoric that brought America into war; the lone exception deals with presidential signing statements. The authors’ critical perspectives are reflected in the questions they pose: Why did we Americans enthusiastically support a preemptive invasion of Iraq when the people and governments of most nations did not? What does this support tell us about ourselves as a people? How did the Bush administration make its case? What fig leafs hid its real motives for war as it put forward its since-discredited weapons of mass destruction (WMD) arguments and its spurious hints of linkage between Saddam and Osama bin Laden? How different was the Bush administration’s war hype from that of past administrations? Why did so many leading Democrats go along? Why did the news media, including the opinion columnists and editorialists, lend their support? Should press, politicians, and even the general public have been able to see through the administration’s slipshod case for war? Most intriguing for me: did the initial success of the Bush administration’s hyperbolic crisis rhetoric in response to the 9/11 attacks prefigure its subsequent failures over Iraq? I address this question, among others, in the issue’s context-setting lead essay. This introduction provides a preview of the other essays.”

Read the rest on Rhetoric & Public Affairs.

Cultural Studies Publications

Two publications from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, an interdisciplinary research center and intellectual community at the University of Virginia, committed to understanding contemporary cultural change and its wide-ranging individual and social consequences.

The Hedgehog Review: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture is an interdisciplinary journal of critical reflections on contemporary culture, published three times a year by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture. Each issue addresses a single theme with articles, interviews, book reviews, and a bibliography written by leading scholars from throughout the disciplines.

Launched in 2007, Culture is the Institute’s free biannual magazine that serves as a site for intellectual exchange and dialogue. Authored by the Institute’s staff, fellows, and alumni, as well as guest authors, Culture creates a lively forum for exploring the complex of meanings that informs and shapes our social world.

Jobs :: Various

Assistant Professor, Creative Writing, William Paterson University – Specialization in Creative Writing, especially fiction, creative non-fiction, and multi-genre writing courses. Linda Hamalian, Chairperson,Department of English.

The College of Saint Rose – Albany. The Department of English seeks a qualified candidate for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position, starting in August 2008. Catherine Cavanaugh, English Department Chair. January 3, 2008.

The University of California, Los Angeles. The English Department is searching for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in fiction writing. Professor & Chair Rafael P

New Lit on the Block :: Fifth Wednesday

Fifth Wednesday Journal is a new biannual print literary journal based in Lisle, IL. The first issue features poetry by Kevin Stein, Poet Laureate of Illinois, Kim Addonizio, Cyrus Cassells, and other fine poets, fiction by established writers like Cris Mazza, J.C. Hallman, Said Shirazi, as well as new and emerging writing, like Laura Madeline Wiseman, and J. Albin Larson. Each issue of Fifth Wednesday Journal will be edited by new guest poetry and fiction editors.

Glimmer Train Goes Simultaneous

“Effective immediately” says Editor Susan Burmeister-Brown, “Linda and I have decided to allow simultaneous submissions. We’ve had a policy for 17 years against simultaneous submissions, but now that we’ve tightened up our submission response times, we feel we can manage it better, and it’s been harder and harder to support our position when it is so darned difficult to get one’s work published. We do ask to be emailed immediately should a submitted piece be accepted elsewhere.”