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Lit Mag Mailbag :: Oct 27

For information about these and many other quality literary magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Literary Journals. Also visit the NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews for new reviews as well as an archive of past reviews.

The Bitter Oleander
Includes Rob Cook interview and selections
Volume 13 Number 2

Five Points
Volume 11 Number 3

The Georgia Review
Volume 61 Number 3
Fall 2007

The Hudson Review
Volume 60 Number 3
Autumn 2007

Number 22
Fall 2007

New Writing from the Americas
Issue 10, 2007

New Letters
Volume 73 Number 4

Oleander Review
U of Mich – Open submission publication
Issue 1
Fall 2007

One Story
The Strings Attached by James Scott
Issue Number 96

Volume 2
Spring 2007

Santa Monica Review
Volume 19 Number 2
Fall 2007

Southern Review
Volume 43 Number 4
Autumn 2007

Volume 19 Number 3
Autumn 2007

World Literature Today
Volume 81 Number 6
Nov-Dec 2007

A Journal of Speculative Fiction
Issue 14
Winter 2007

Postal Rate Hike from Hell – Last Call

From Jeffrey Lependorf, Executive Director, Council of Literary Magazines and Presses

Dear CLMP Publishers,

We are making a last ditch appeal for horror stories created by the most recent postal rate case. If you would take just a few minutes and outline the problems created by this massive increase, they can be very helpful to our effort. Note that we are looking for stories about how both the PERIODICALS RATE and/or the BULK RATE changes affecting you. There will be parties using your letters representing various aspects of the postal rate hikes, so we want to hear about both.

As I reported previously to you, we are helping the consortium of folks pursuing a Senate Hearing after the Congressional Hearing. The hope is to get the rates revised in a future Rate case.

Please send your letters ASAP to [email protected]. Even a single paragraph letter is helpful. If you have any questions, please contact John Bell ([email protected]), who is coordinating this effort (thanks, John!).

Thanks for your support — it’s not too late for things to change for the better, but we need as much participation as possible for it to happen!


Jeffrey Lependorf, Executive Director
Council of Literary Magazines and Presses / CLMP – 40th Anniversary Year!
Small Press Distribution / SPD
Literary Ventures Fund / LVF
154 Christopher Street
Suite 3C
New York, NY 10014
[email protected]
tel: (212) 741-9110 X14
fax: (212) 741-9112

Art :: The Southern Review

The latest issue of The Southern Review feature the artwork of Makoto Fujimura. The eight paintings come from two of Fujimura’s recent collections: The Splendor of the Medium, which uses carefully ground minerals to spectacular effect, and Water Flames, based on Dante’s Divine Comedy. The images are available on TSR‘s website, though it’s worth getting a hold of this issue of the magazine for the gorgeous full-color reproductions on glossy pages.

Podcasts :: Sierra Club Radio

Sierra Club Radio is a weekly half hour program produced by Sierra Club staff and hosted by Orli Cotel. Each week you’ll hear in-depth interviews with politicians, authors, celebrities, artists, and activists inspired by nature. We also feature lifestyle tips from Sierra magazine’s “Green Life” editor, Jennifer Hattam, and from advice columnist “Mr. Green,” as well as occasional commentary from Club Executive Director Carl Pope. Each program is approximately 30 minutes.

Readers Awards :: New Letters

New Letters wants you to name your favorite stories, your favorite individual poems, and favorite essays you read in New Letters this past year, from volume 73, nos. 4 (current issue), 3, 2 or 1. Complete their online form by November 5, 2007, and they will honor your choices in the next issue of the magazine.

Submissions :: Quiddity

Quiddity Literary Journal, along with its companion public radio program, are pleased to announce a call for submissions for its inaugural print issue. Quiddity is seeking short fiction and poetry from emerging and established writers. International submissions are encouraged. Work accepted for the inaugural issue of Quiddity will be published in the spring 2008 issue of the literary journal, published by Springfield College-Benedictine University. Contributors may be asked to read their work for the companion public radio program on WUIS-WIPA.

In Memoriam :: Laura Ulewicz

Poet Laura Ulewicz
1930 – 2007

An excerpt from Stephen Vincent‘s blog, October 14, 2007:

“In the late fifties through the early seventies, Laura Ulewicz – a Polish-American woman from Detroit – was very present in both North Beach and the Haight-Ashbury. (In the late sixties she owned the I & Thou Coffee Shop on Haight Street, a singular venue for poetry readings during a time in which the interest in poetry had been replaced by the music, drugs, etc.) [. . .] I would say that Laura wrote some very significant poems, indeed quite fierce, probing and smart – drawing from her Polish American roots, her wanderings back and forth across the country, and her encounters in California. Romantic in its sense of quest, but definitely very smart and counter-romantic in terms of its continental yield [read the rest along with SV’s response to one of her poems].”

Cue News

CUE is expanding. In the coming year we’ll be moving away from print and towards an on-line format. Away from publishing prose poetry exclusively and towards a more inclusive format that embraces both prose poetry and lineated work. We’re also starting a chapbook press, CUE Editions, that will publish limited-edition, hand-made chapbooks.” Mark Horosky’s Let It Be Nearby will be the first book in Cue’s new chapbook series.

Podcast :: Interviews from the Edge

Chiamus Press has its very own October surprise: Interviews from the Edge. It’s a new podcast series hosted by CP’s east coast commandant, Shane Hinton, and features conversations with Chiasmus authors and artists. Episode #01 features a reading and conversation with 10: 01 author Lance Olsen. Interviews from the Edge will compliment CP’s existing podcast, and will also be released on a monthly basis. Click and enjoy this inaugural episode and stay tuned for future ones. The next show will likely be released around the first of November.

Lit Mag Mailbag :: Oct 22

For information about these and many other quality literary magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Literary Journals.
Also visit the NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews for new reviews as well as an archive of past reviews.

580 Split
Issue 9

Alaska Quarterly Review
Volume 24 Numbers 3&4
Fall&Winter 2007

Backwards City Review
Volume 3 Number 2
Fall 2007

College Literature
Volume 34 Number 4
Fall 2007

Green Mountains Review
Volume 20 Numbers 1&2
20th Anniversary Double Issue: American Apocalypse

Number 55
Fall 2007

The Literary Review
Volume 50 Number 4
Summer 2007

Main Street Rag
Volume 12 Number 3
Fall 2007

The Malahat Review
Number 160
Fall 2007

The New Centennial Review
Volume 7 Number 1
Spring 2007

One Story
Issue Number 95
Monthly Balloon Night by Tom Barbash

Oxford American
Issue 58
Fall 2007
The Music Issue (with CD)

Slice Magazine
Issue 1
Fall/Winter 2007

Issue 128
Guest Edited by Barbara Hamby and David Kirby

Volume 31 Number 2, Summer 2006
“Classical Music Terms Unravelled (or UnRavel-ed)”
Volume 31 Number 1, Spring 2006
“Qat in Yemen”

White Chimney
Issue 2
Summer 2007
“The Creative Arts Journal” – London, UK

Willow Springs
Issue 60
Fall 2007

The Yale Review
Volume 95 Number 4
October 2007

Creative Nonfiction :: Michale Stusser

Down Dog!
True confessions of that lone guy in your yoga class
by Michael Stusser
From Concsious Choice
October 2007

“I was trying to stay focused — tame my monkey mind and concentrate on the lunge at hand. Really. But the woman in front of me was a dead-ringer for Halle Berry: honey-toned skin, sparkling teeth, hour-glass figure. Drishti! As we set up in Warrior, I noticed a tattoo at the small of her back. Focus! Then came the forward bends.

“Not to sound like a sexist yogic pig, but I’m the only guy in my yoga class, and at times I find it challenging to ignore the fact that I’m surrounded by people of the opposite sex, lunging and thrusting and breathing heavily. The ancient Hindu text Upanishads describes the mind as a chariot being dragged around by a team of wild horses that need to be reigned in hard. I think my horses are those Clydesdales on the Budweiser commercials…” [read the rest]

Jobs :: Various

George Washington University. For appointment beginning in the fall of 2008, seeking a fiction writer to teach two semesters as the Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington. Professor Jeffrey Cohen Chair, Dept. of English. November 15, 2007.

St. Olaf College, Assistant Professor of English: Creative Writing to teach creative writing, primarily poetry, with additional teaching responsibilities in literature & first-year writing. Mary Titus, Chair of the Search Committee, Department of English. November 9, 2007.

Villanova University tenure-track assistant professorship beginning Fall 2008 in creative writing, specializing in fiction; a secondary specialization in creative non-fiction is desirable. Prof. Evan Radcliffe, Chair, English Dept. November 9, 2007.

Florida Southern College, regular full-time position in English, with a concentration in creative writing, beginning August, 2008. Dr. Susan P. Conner, VPAA and Dean.

Sterling College in Craftsbury Common, Vermont, invites applications for a one-semester leave replacement position in writing starting in January 2008. Pavel Cenkl,Dean of Academics. November 16, 2007.

The English Department at Bridgewater State College invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of English, Creative Writing with a specialization in poetry.

Roosevelt University invites applications for a tenure-track position as fiction writer and director of our thriving creative writing program, to begin Fall 2008.

The English Department at Western Carolina University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor (Creative Writing, Fiction) to begin August 2008. Dr. Elizabeth Addison, Department of English. November 15, 2007.

Axton Poetry Fellow and Axton Fiction Fellow (2 positions), University of Louisville, Fall 2008 – writers who have received their terminal degree within the last five years in Creative Writing are invited to apply. Paul Griner, Director of Creative Writing. November 2, 2007,

Rollins College, Department of English, Theodore Bruce and Barbara Lawrence Alfond Chair of Creative Writing. Endowed Chair. The Department of English, Rollins College, invites applications and nominations for a Writer in Residence and Theodore Bruce and Barbara Lawrence Alfond Chair of Creative Writing, beginning August 2008. M.F.A. or Ph.D. preferred. Screening of nominees and applicants will begin October 20, 2007, and continue until the position is filled. Philip F. Deaver, Selection Committee Chair.

Jobs :: Various

The Hendrix College Department of English seeks applications for a two-year teaching residency in poetry or fiction writing, beginning in the fall, 2008. Alice Hines, Search Committee Chair, Department of English. October 26, 2007.

University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh, Assistant Professor of English wanted for a tenure-track position in Creative Writing: Non-Fiction, beginning Sept. 1, 2008. Dr. Ron Rindo, Chair, Department of English. November 12, 2007.

Gilman School, Reginald S. Tickner Writing Fellowship in any genre: fiction, poetry, playwrighting, or creative non-fiction. Dr. Meg Tipper, Director, Writing Center. January 8, 2008.

Cleveland State University, Assistant Professor/Director of Creative Writing Programming, English Department. Dr. Louis Barbato, Chair, Department of English. November 1, 2007.

Franklin & Marshall College English Department invites applications from fiction writers for a possible one-year visiting Assistant Professorship, to begin in the fall of 2008. Judith Mueller, Chair, English Department. December 1, 2007.

Temple University English Department is looking to hire a distinguished fiction writer for one year to teach in our graduate creative writing program. Samuel R. Delany, Director of Graduate Creative Writing Program. December 10, 2007.

Ohio Wesleyan University seeks a specialist in creative non-fiction & expository writing with a compatible literary field. A full-time, tenure-track position, pending approval. Lynette Carpenter, Chair, Department of English. November 9, 2007.

Colgate University Olive B. O’Connor Fellowship in Creative Writing. January 1, 2008

First Book at the 2007 Quill Book Awards

First Book has been selected as a signature charity of the Quills Literacy Foundation. First Book will be featured at the 2007 Quill Book Awards gala ceremony in New York City, hosted by NBC’s Ann Curry and Al Roker, with special guest Stephen Colbert. FB’s long-time supporter, Academy Award-nominated actress Joan Allen, will present on their behalf. Check your local listings to watch the Quill Awards television special on NBC on Saturday, October 27.

The Quills Literacy Foundation, in partnership with NBC Universal Television Stations and Borders, Inc.®, will be auctioning a selection of autographed notable books and 2007 Quill Award winner and nominee titles between October 22 and midnight October 31 to raise funds for First Book.

First Book is a nonprofit organization with a single mission: to give children from low-income families the opportunity to read and own their first new books. They provide an ongoing supply of new books to children participating in community-based programs serving children in need.

Call for Panel Discussion Proposals 12.1.07

Split this Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness, March 20-23, 2008, Washington D.C., invites proposals for panel discussions and workshops on a range of topics at the intersection of poetry and social change. Possibilities are endless: craft, mentoring young poets, working in prisons, connecting with the activist community, sustaining ourselves in dark times, the role of poetry in wartime… Proposals are due by December 1, 2007.

Jobs :: Various

Northern Arizona University, Creative Nonfiction, Assistant Professor, starting August 2008. Duties include graduate and undergraduate teaching in creative nonfiction workshops, directing/reading theses, and advising students. Dr. Jane Armstrong Woodman, Chair of Creative Writing/Assistant Professor Search Committee. November 1, 2007.

Visiting Professor in Residence of Creative Writing, Murray State University. November 30, 2007.

The English Department at Western Kentucky University seeks applicants for a tenure-track position in Creative Writing-Fiction, beginning August 2008. Dr. Tom C. Hunley Chair, Fiction Writer Search Committee, Department of English. November 2, 2007.

Columbus State University Department of English invites MFAs and PhDs to apply for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor rank. Dr. Pat McHenry, Department of English, Columbus State University. December 1, 2007.

English/Creative Writing Instructor, Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, CA. Kathleen Clark, Human Resources Department. January 14, 2008.

University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Department of Literature. Seeking a creative writer at a senior level to teach in a thriving undergraduate program and new MFA program. November 15, 2007.

Art :: Untitled Love Project

The UNTITLED LOVE PROJECT is an emotionally influenced experiment examining the broken heart. Each individual artist will revisit a past relationship through their medium (illustration, painting, photography, etc). This project will be supplemented by a book, which will feature each original artistic expression accompanied with interviews, short stories, or journal entries regarding the story behind the conceptual recollection. Vulnerability is a necessity. For more information on submitting your emotions, purchasing artwork or joining the movement please email: [email protected].

Noir Near You :: Akashic Books

Akashic Books Noir Series
After the stunning success of the summer ’04 award-winning bestseller Brooklyn Noir, Akashic Books launched a groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies. Each book is comprised of all-new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the city of the book. Numerous regional readings are scheduled for new releases, so check your area for events. So far in the series, either done, just released or soon to be (check their website for details):

Havana Noir
Bronx Noir
Baltimore Noir
Brooklyn Noir 2
Brooklyn Noir 3
Chicago Noir
DC Noir
DC Noir 2: The Classics
Dublin Noir
London Noir
Los Angeles Noir
Manhattan Noir
Miami Noir
New Orleans Noir
San Francisco Noir
San Francisco Noir 2: The Classics
Twin Cities Noir
Wall Street Noir
Detroit Noir
Queens Noir
Las Vegas Noir
Toronto Noir
Trinidad Noir
Delhi Noir (India)
Istanbul Noir (Turkey)
Lagos Noir (Nigeria)
Manhattan Noir 2:
Mexico City Noir
Moscow Noir (Russia)
Paris Noir (France)
Rome Noir (Italy)

Breaking Face :: The Facebook Review

Taken from the Facebook profile of The Facebook Review:

Description: This might just be an original idea.

Welcome to the pre-natal version of The Facebook Review, the first and only Literary Review that uses Facebook as its means of publishing, of marketing, and of editing. We are essentially an online magazine with the (titular) difference of location. Our manifesto is humble and somewhat weak-kneed. Apologies. All we want is to publish the best work by Facebook members and to do so free-of-charge, free-of-cost, and completely within the confines of the Facebook network and software environment.

Process: Submissions will be accepted, for now, from the following disciplines: poetry, short fiction (sub 1600 words), prose poetry, drama (again, sub 1600 words) and creative non-fiction. Other genres may be accepted at some point in the future. The first issue will have no set start date, and will go live at some point in the future when enough good material has been submitted and the group has enough “subscribers” (read: members.) That first issue will be edited by our managing editor, Jacob McArthur Mooney. All future editions (which will then occur in monthly installments) will be edited by something called an “editorial train.” What’s an editorial train, you ask? Please read on… [visit The Facebook Review]

Our Own Attitudes and The Fate of Small Literary Journals

Of course, we sometimes pay attention to other blogs that metion NewPages, but there is a great deal more being said here that I wish librarians, English dept. folk who can bend a librarian’s ear and just readers in general would make note of and act on. Schneider, author of the blog Free Range Librarian, tackles reasons librarians cite for not subscribing to lit mags, including cost and “they’re online.” Below are excerpts – got to the site, read it, send it to the people you know who make these decisions – or print it, hand it to them in person, and say, “Let’s talk about this.”

The statue on the green: the fate of small literary journals
October 7, 2007 at 5:28 pm by K.G. Schneider

“Most literary journals run about $20 – $50 a pop per year–enough to give casual readers pause, as Stephen King recently observed, but far less than the titles that librarians are talking about when they say serials are expensive. A fairly comprehensive subscription to the Canon could be had for a couple thou a year, which is chump change against the scale of most academic serial budgets. I haven’t run the numbers, but I’m confident you could go hog wild and subscribe to everything on the newpages.com list of print literary mags and still spend less than you would for one of the top ten high-priced journals at Williams College.”

The Nation Student Contest Winners Announced

The Nation announces that Ryan Thoreson of Fargo, North Dakota has won the second annual Nation Student Writing Contest. Thoreson, a 2007 graduate of Harvard University, wrote “Candidates: Leave US Alone,” which argues that the electorate’s top priority should be the re-establishment of the right to privacy, which has been under siege for decades. Thoreson essay was published in the October 22, 2007 issue of The Nation.

Five finalists were also chosen and their essays are available online:
Jason Kaye, Weston HighSchool, Weston, CT
Ketan Ramakrishnan, MadisonHigh School, Madison,WA
Ned Resnikoff, Middletown High School, Middletown, CT
Daniel Mootz, Carlisle HighSchool, Carlisle, PA
Alyssa Battistoni, Stanford University

**Attention student activists! If you’re involved in organizing an event on your campus or in your community and would like to distribute free copies of The Nation, click here.**

Submissions :: Calling Out the L.A. Experience 4.30.08

From Burnside Review Editor (aka The Vacationing Editor) Sid Miller: “Although we’re normally based in Portland, Oregon, I’ve just moved to L.A. for 6 months or so to assemble our first ever themed issued, ‘The L.A. Issue’. We’re looking for writing (mostly poetry, but also fiction, nonfiction and essay) from L.A.-based writers or work that is either about or centered in L.A. The deadline for submitting is April 30, 2008. Complete details are available on our website. I’ve also created the blog to chronicle the experience.”

RumiNation800 :: Barks and Bly Together

A couple weeks ago, I had the great honor to see and hear both Coleman Barks and Robert Bly read in Ann Arbor. The event was RumiNations800 – a birthday celebration for Mawlānā Jalāl-ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, or as we know him in the western world: Rumi. Both Barks and Bly are known for their work with Rumi’s poetry; Bly also for his work with the poetry of Khwāja Šams ud-Dīn Muhammad Hāfez-e Šīrāzī, or Hafez. Both ancient Persians, Rumi and Hafez reknowned for their roles as mystics and poets. Still don’t know what I’m talking about? Whirling dervishes. That should do it.

The night with Bly and Barks was, by most accounts, an intimate and moving experience. They stood at either side of the stage and read Rumi poems back and forth, accompanied by David Darling on the cello and Marcus Wise on tablas. As the night was one of celebration, both Barks and Bly played to the enjoyment of their reading – Barks with his deep southern hum of a chuckle and boyish smirk before he would read some lines, Bly talking interpretations and side notes along with his lines: “Let me read that again. I’m not sure you got it.” and, “Isn’t that wonderful? Just wonderful.”

It was a delight to see Bly in what must really be his element from early days of reading poetry in coffee shops in clouds of cigarette smoke, listeners jazzing and humming along with his lines and his arm motions – sweeping and jabbing the words through the air. That night in Ann Arbor, he conducted David and Marcus, “More cello,” he would command, followed by a gravely, “Yeah, that’s it.” and then, “Lay me some tabla on this one,” to Marcus. Musicians and poet together took that stage and the audience up into their own whirling mysticism.

It’s not so rare that I hear audience response at poetry readings. That is, hear someone laugh or let out a sigh at the poem’s resolve. But this night, so many having come to hear the words of Rumi in a tongue they could understand, among the crowd I heard gasps and even low moans, at one point a soft, lilting sob that quieted to a hum. Was it Rumi’s poetry? Was it Barks or Bly that had this affect? Perhaps just the culmination of one’s life in that moment, among others, within the celebration, a joining of great poets through millennia, through words and thoughts and souls.

Submissions :: Kaleidoscope 3.08

Kaleidoscope Magazine has a creative focus that examines the experiences of disability through literature and the fine arts. Unique to the field of disability studies, this award-winning publication expresses the experiences of disability from the perspective of individuals, families, healthcare professionals, and society as a whole. The material chosen for Kaleidoscope challenges and overcomes stereotypical, patronizing, and sentimental attitudes about disability. Although content always focuses on a particular aspect of disability, writers with and without disabilities are welcome to submit their work. The criteria for good writing apply: effective technique, thought-provoking subject matter, and in general, a mature grasp of the art of story-telling. Writers should avoid using offending language and always put the person before the disability.

Kaleidoscope is published twice a year, in January with a submission deadline of August 1, and in July with a submission deadline of March 1.

Upcoming Themes
The Effects of War: Body, Mind, and Spirit, Deadline: March 2008
Disability and Childhood, Deadline: August 2008

Art :: Bunnies in NY

I know, I know – it’s a Sony ad by Bravia, with the Rolling Stones – who are just as commercial – but the artistry is amazing. Utilizing 2.5 tons of plasticine (you remember – Play-Doh) this stop-motion animation on the streets of New York City employed 40 animators and took three weeks to complete: “the most ambitious piece of stop-motion animation ever undertaken.” You gotta give props to the artists. Once it gets through the fun trivia intro, click on “Watch Our Play-Doh Ad.” This is out on YouTube, too, but the quality is way better on the commercial site.

New Lit on the Block :: Canteen

Canteen: The literary magazine that comes with instructions.

“Interest in reading literature has been eclipsed by interest in how and why literature is made. At least that’s how we explain why it’s easier to earn money teaching creative writing than practicing it. Add the ascendance of the memoir over the novel, scandal over plot, biography over oeuvre, and you realize something: It’s no longer enough just to experience the arts—we want to be part of their creation.

“Canteen aims to engage readers with both the arts and the creative process. In this inaugural issue, Andrew Sean Greer confesses to his early novels, the first written at age 10; Po Bronson examines a suicide attempt by a reader; Julie Orringer and Ryan Harty make couple’s poetry from a kit; and Dennis Leary pulls off his chef’s jacket to design restaurants of the future.”

Canteen accepts poetry, fiction, nonfiction, essays, commentary, and individual or portfolio artwork.

Alt Mag Mailbag :: October 12

For information about these and many other quality alternative magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Alternative Magazines.

Against the Current
Volume 21 Number 4
September/October 2007

American Book Review
Volume 28 Number 6
September/October 2007

Live in Cooperative Culture
Number 136
Fall 2007

Humor Times
Issue Number 190
October 2007

In These Times
Volume 31 Number 10
October 2007

Labor Notes
Number 343
October 2007

Science & Society
Volume 71 Nubmer 4
October 2007

Shambhala Sun
Volume 16 Number 2
November 2007

Whispering Winds
American Indians: Past & Present
Volume 37 Number 1 Issue 257, 2007

Z Magazine
October 2007

Vote for Poetry :: Prick of the Spindle

Cynthia Reese, Editor-in-Chief of Prick of the Spindle invites readers to vote for their favorite poem. Prick of the Spindle will be selecting five poems from vol.1.2 for the Featured Poets. Cast your vote for your favorite poem by sending an email with the title of your favorite poem from this issue! Email address is available on the website.

New Lit on the Block :: Plankton

From Jeoslyn Roebuck: “Plankton was born out of the Virginia Tech tragedy and seeks to showcase new and emerging artists, poets and writers. Each issue will reflect a different angle of creativity. The first issue is designed more or less as a concept album that crafts of story of its own out of eachi individually accepted submission.” Plankton is published quarterly and is available as a full-color, full-text PDF (takes several minutes to download). Plankton accepts poetry and art submisisons.

Jobs :: Various

Delta College, “one of America’s leading community colleges,” has openings for full-time faculty in the following areas: Business & Information Technology Accounting Instructor (One-year Renewable); Business & Information Technology Computer Science & Information Technology Instrutor (Tenure-track); Business & Information Technology Marketing Instructor (Tenure-track); English Division (Two positions – One Tenure-track, One One-year Renewable). Evaluation of potential candidates will begin in October Fall, 2008; all positions open until filled.

The Department of English at Old Dominion University invites applications for an entry-level, tenure-track appointment in fiction-writing. Dr. David Metzger, Chair, Department of English. November 15, 2007.

Gettysburg College invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the assistant professor level, beginning August 2008, for a poet to teach five courses over two semesters (3/2) in introduction to creative writing and advanced poetry writing. M.A., with a concentration in creative writing, M.F.A., or Ph.D., with creative dissertation, required. Prof. Jack Ryan, Chair, Department of English. November 9, 2007.

Film :: AIFI Film Fest

The 32nd Annual American Indian Film Festival
San Francisco, CA
November 2-10, 2007
The American Indian Film Institute (AIFI) and Title Sponsors, the Rumsey Band of Wintun Indians and the Seminole Tribe of Florida, proudly announce the 32nd annual American Indian Film Festival, premiering over 70 innovative feature films, shorts, documentaries, public service announcements, and music videos from USA American Indian and Canada First Nation communities. The 2007 American Indian Film Festival is a nine-day event with an anticipated attendance of over 6,000. The Film Festival takes place at two theatre venues in San Francisco. The Landmark Embarcadero Center Cinema, One Embarcadero Center, Promenade Level, will hold screenings November 2-7; The Palace of Fine Arts, 3301 Lyon St. @ Bay St., November 8-10. A complete schedule will be available October 8, 2007 on the AIFI website. The American Indian Film Institute (AIFI) is a non-profit media arts center founded in 1979 to foster understanding of the culture, traditions and issues of contemporary Native Americans.

A Literary Journal is Reborn

Quarterly ‘Hopkins Review’ will launch this month

From Greg Rienzi’s contribution to The JHU Gazette:

“Dormant for more than five decades, The Hopkins Review makes a triumphant return to the literary landscape this fall.

“The original Hopkins Review was launched in 1947 by the Writing Seminars, then called the Department of Writing, Speech and Drama. The literary magazine back then was a thin paperback volume that sold for 25 cents a copy. Acclaimed novelist and short-story writer John Barth, a Writing Seminars alumnus and later a JHU faculty member, published his first story in its pages, which also included the works of such celebrated poets as Richard Wilbur and E.E. Cummings.

“The magazine eventually languished due to a lack of funds and a dwindling number of full-time faculty in the department. It folded in 1953.

“The 190-page quarterly literary magazine will publish fiction; poetry; memoirs; essays on literature, drama, film, the visual arts, music and dance; and reviews of books in all these areas, as well as reviews of performances and exhibits.”

Read more about JHR Reborn.

The Deep South Festival of Writers 11.01.07

One of the oldest literary conferences in the country, the Deep South Festival of Writers is an annual event run by the Creative Writing Program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The Festival encourages innovative cultural exchange by providing panel discussions, performances, readings and craft lectures by prominent artists and writers from across the nation. This year’s featured writers include Mary Gaitskill and Rikki Ducornet. Festival dates: November 1st—4th 2007. Location:
UL Lafayette Alumni House

Sunday Beer Talk

Since putting up the “Buy NewPages a Pint” link, we have received a few donations – THANKS! It may seem silly, but it’s fun to find those notices in the mailbox among the daily spam. No amount is too small to make us smile and feel appreciated!

What’s NewPages drinking? Luckily enough, we live within walking (stumbling?) distance of the bar district in our town. Wait, luck? No, actually, we planned it that way when we moved here. “Walking distance to the bars” was on our list of new home requirements. Where we lucked out was finding, also within walking distance, a party store unlike other corner beer shops. The guy who owns this place likes to stock unique beers, wine and liquors, so when we stop in, we’re bound to be walking out with something we’ve never tried before.

Lately, we’ve been hooked on He’brew: The Chosen Beer from Schmaltz Brewing. The Messiah Bold is a nice ale, and the Bittersweet Lenny’s R.I.P.A. is indeed to die for – a rye-based double IPA “brewed with an obscene amount of malt & hops.” Obscene just barely begins to describe how good this beer is, but at five bucks a bottle – even though it’s a big bottle – it’s a bit of a luxury beer.

Another couple we’ve tried recently are from Unibroue, who’s motto is “Drink less. Drink better.” They don’t make a beer under 5.5% alcohol. We’ve tried the La Fin Du Monde, which is a triple-style golden ale, and Maudite, an amber-red ale. Both very good and neither losing taste to the alcohol content, which some high-content beers will do.

Our current twelve-pack beers just to have on hand (it is football season, you know) are Guinness, Bass and Stella (“Stella!”). Stella is new on our list, and we don’t know how we didn’t know about it for so long. What a great beer to have on hand. Or rather, IN hand. And in case you’re thinking we’re some kind of beer snobs around here, well, we are. But hey, I grew up on sneaking sips of my dad’s Falstaff (and trying to solve the rebus puzzles printed on the caps), so I still maintain a taste for flavored water: Stroh’s and Busch Lite are my slummer beers. As much as I hate Miller products, I also have to admit, I really like their Chill beer. It sounds disgusting – a lime and salt flavored beer – but it did hit the spot this summer! To steal another beer’s line: Brilliant!

That said, readers, any recommendations are welcome. We tend to favor IPAs and ESBs, nothing overly sweet. Tell us what you’re drinking out there, especially ye small brews, and we’ll ask our corner shop guy if he can get it for us.


Jobs :: Various

Colgate University Department of English. Tenure-track position in fiction writing, rank of assistant professor, beginning fall 2008. Jane Pinchin, Chair, Department of English. November 15, 2007.

Cleveland State University Assistant Professor/Director of Creative Writing Programming Department: English. Dr. Louis Barbato, Chair, Department of English. November 1, 2007.

The University of Iowa Department of English invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor specializing in literary nonfiction writing. Professor Robin Hemley, Department of English. November 2, 2007.

Festivals :: Various Events – Canada

October 9-14, 2007
Banff-Calgary International Writers Festival is a six-day literary festival that takes place annually in the Calgary, Banff and the Bow Valley region. The Festival attracts more than 12,000 individuals each year and is considered amongst the top three literary Festivals in Canada. WordFest features more than 75 writers from the local, national and international stage and hosts more than 65 events.

The Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival presents 61 events with writers from around the world from October 16-21, 2007 on Granville Island.

The International Festival of Authors
International Readings at Harbourfront
Toronto, Ontario
October 17-27, 2007
IFOA was inaugurated in 1980 with a mandate to bring together the best writers of contemporary world literature and includes readings, interviews, lectures and round table discussions as well as public book signings and a festival bookstore. The IFOA also presents a number of special events including readings by Scotiabank Giller Prize and Governor General’s Literary Awards finalists, as well as and the highly anticipated awarding of the Harbourfront Festival Prize.

Jobs :: Various

The Department of English of the College of Staten Island, a senior college of The City University of New York, seeks candidates for an anticipated tenure track position as Assistant Professor of English in Creative Writing beginning September 2008. Professor Mary Reda, Chair Creative Writing Search Committee. November 15, 2007.

Western Michigan University seeks applications for a tenure-track position in Creative Writing (Fiction) to begin Fall 2008 at the rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor, depending on qualifications, experience, and budgetary approval. Dr. Richard Utz, Chair, Department of English.

The Wellesley College English Department, in connection with the Newhouse Humanities Center, invites applications for the position of Newhouse Professor/Writer-in-Residence, a non-renewable position in creative writing extending from one to three years depending on the interest & availability of the candidate.

Muhlenberg College. MFA in Creative Writing for an appointment beginning January 2008 & renewable through May 2009. Primary interest in either fiction or poetry writing with a secondary interest in nonfiction & literary nonfiction.

The English Department at Columbia College Chicago seeks a nonfiction writer, with a strong secondary interest in poetry, for a tenure-track creative writing faculty position, to begin Fall 2008. David Lazar, Chair, Creative Writing Search Committee Department of English. November 1, 2007.

California State University, Stanislaus. Assistant Professor of English with an emphasis in professional writing or creative writing. Dr. Mark Thompson, Chair, Department of English. November 15, 2007.

University of New Hampshire. The Department of English invites applications for two tenure-track positions in English, in fiction writing, beginning September 2008. Mekeel McBride, Chair of the Search Committee.

New Issue Online :: JMWW

From Editor Jen Michalski: “The Fall 07 issue of JMWW is now floating in space–featuring artists Elizabeth Crisman and Peter Schwartz; Eric D. Goodman’s five favorite Johns; and new expanded fiction, flash, essays, poetry, and book reviews! We are seriously rich with pleasure this issue, so sit back and have a cuppa.”

Find this and many more quality online lit mags on the NewPages Guide to Online Literary Magazines.

Born Again – But Not G-A-Y

Queer Magazine Born Again
Founder of Venus, a publication for black lesbians, repudiates lifestyle
By Joseph Hart
Utne Reader September / October 2007 Issue

“Regular readers of Venus magazine got a shock when they picked up the January issue. Instead of the usual rabble-rousing stories for African American gays and lesbians, they found a cover photograph of editor and publisher Charlene Cothran with the headline: “Redeemed! 10 Ways to Get Out of ‘The Life’ if You Want Out!” Overnight, and without warning, the country’s leading publication for the black queer community had gone straight…” [read the rest on Utne Reader]

Tupelo Press :: Dorset Prize Publication and Fundraiser

Tupelo Press has announced the publication of Dorset Prize winner Davis McCombs’s Dismal Rock. In addition to the paperback publication, signed, numbered, limited hardcover edition of 100 are available for $100. The purchase of the special hardcover edition supports the Tupelo Press National Poetry in the Schools initiative, bringing the literary arts alive to students in elementary schools across the country.

The Banned Books Challenge: Are you reader enough?

From The Inkwell Bookstore Blog, Tuesday, October 2, 2007:

We Sell ‘Banned Books’
(but only after the ban is over)
(and only if it’s politically correct to do so)

“Banned Book Week is the book industry’s annual celebration of their own self-satisfaction and self-importance. Bookstores everywhere (including us) hang signs in their windows and around their stores boasting that THEY. SELL. BANNED. BOOKS. They get a write up in the local paper, place little white cards around their store and (inevitably) blog about it, and for what? To make themselves feel progressive and important. But of all the books that they are so ‘bravely’ selling, how many have been considered ‘dangerous’ in the past ten years? How many have been banned in a marginally enlightened society in the past twenty years? None. Ooh…you sell Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Huck Finn. How cutting edge! That really sticks it to The Man. Are you serious? I bet you Bill O’Reilly wouldn’t even say anything bad about freakin’ Huck Finn. But how many copies of the Anarchist’s Cookbook does your store have on hand? Or Mein Kampf? Or…”[Read the rest.]

New Issue Online :: 2River

New release: The 2River View, 12.1 (Fall 2007) issue with new poems by Ingrid Chung, Michelle Bitting, Michael Flanagan, EllenKombiyil, Robert Nazarene, Amy Pence, Lynne Potts, Terry Savoie, Sarah Sorenson, Anne Whitehouse, and Erica Wright, with art by Robert Biscayart.

With the publication of the Fall 2007 issue of 2RV, 2River is now reading for Winter 2008. Before submitting, please read the guidelines. 2River is also interested in reading chapbooks for possible inclusion in the 2River Chapbook Series. Before submitting, please read several entries to get a sense of the series.

Find this and many more quality online lit mags on the NewPages Guide to Online Literary Magazines.

New Issue Online :: Prick of the Spindle

Prick of the Spindle has just launched its second issue!

Interview with Gail Adams by Ann Claycomb, Prick of the Spindle Fiction

Editorials: Reviews for How We Were Lost and Fairytales for Writers

Poetry by Eric Mohrman, Sarah J. Den Boer, Evan Daily, and more

Fiction by Shannon Joyce Prince, K. Rose Miller, and Jacqueline May

Drama by Michael Wright and Sandra Gail Teichmann

Nonfiction by Derek Holst

Congratulations to Prick of the Spindle’s nominees for the Best of the Web 2007 Anthology:
Maggie Glover for “Free Stitchery on Readily Countable [Love]”
Sandra Maddux-Creech for “Bibliomasochism”
Alice Rhee for “Darkroom”

Congratulations also to Prick of the Spindle‘s 2007 Nominees for the Best of the Net Anthology:
Juliet Cook for “Some Explanations for Fainting Goats”
Maggie Glover for “Free Stitchery on Readily Countable [Love]”
Leigh Holland for “For I Will Consider Becoming a Nun”
Sandra Maddux-Creech for “Bibliomasochism”
Yousi Mazpule for “Becoming Americana with a Stolen Line” and “Myopia”
Joseph Murphy for “The Vanity”
Qiana Towns for “Sestina for Mamas”

Lit Mag Mailbag :: October 2

For information about these and many other quality literary magazines, click the links or visit The NewPages Guide to Literary Journals. Also visit the NewPages Literary Magazine Reviews for new reviews as well as an archive of past reviews.

The American Scholar
“Brooklyn Books of Wonder”
Volume 76 Number 4
Autumn 2007

American Short Fiction
Volume 10 Issue 38
Summer 2007

Bellevue Literary Review
Volume 7 Number 2
Fall 2007

Volume 36 Number 2

Fourth Genre
Volume 9 Number 2
Fall 2007

Harpur Palate
Volume 7 Issue 1
Summer 2006

Light: A Quarterly of Light Verse
Numbers 56-57
Spring-Summer 2007
Featured Poet: Melissa Balmain

Michigan Quarterly Review
Volume 46 Number 4
Fall 2007

Volume 51 Number 1
Fall/Winter 2007
29th Annual Awards Issue

Volume 191 Number 1
October 2007

Volume 10 Number 2

Prairie Schooner
Volume 81 Number
Fall 2007

Santa Monica Review
Volume 19 Number 2
Fall 2007

South Dakota Review
Volume 45 Number 2
Summer 2007

Virginia Quarterly Review
Volume 83 Number 4
Fall 2007
South America in the 21st Century

Yellow Medicine Review
A Journal of Indigenous Literature, Art and Thought
Volume 2

Submissions :: Alternative Medicine Literature

A Call for Poems & Stories on Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)

A retreat for medical residents sponsored by The AtlanticCare Regional Medical Center, Department of Graduate Education to be held in Atlantic City in December, 2007.

We are looking for poems (Up to 30 lines) and short prose pieces (Fiction & Creative Non Fiction up to 500 words) on Complementary & Alternative Medicine* to use as discussion pieces for a medical retreat for residents in internal medicine and psychiatry, as well as nurses, social workers, administrators, physician educators, clergy, ethicists, poets, writers and patients, all with stories and knowledge to share.

This is NOT a request for publication, and there will there no payment of any kind including copies. Your work, should it be accepted, will become part of a small anthology of imaginative texts to be read and discussed during the day for the benefit of the medical residents and other attendees.

*CAM includes but is not limited to:
Chiropractic, Acupuncture, manipulation & massage
Homeopathy, Naturopathy
Aromatherapy, Magnetic Therapy, Pet Therapy
Traditional Chinese & Native American Medicines
Meditation, Yoga, Reiki
and the healing qualities associated with poetry, literature, art, music,
religion & belief systems.

All submissions should be original, unpublished or published (Please include details), in English and original languages with English translation.

Submit your work attached as a word doc to Peter Murphy at litmed(at) murphywriting.com (replace (at) with @) by November 15, 2007. Include your name, address, emaill & phone number on each page.

Submissions :: Paradigm

Paradigm, Issue Five. To be released in January 2008, Rain Farm Press’s quarterly journal is looking for a wide range of poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, plays, and visual art. We’re continuing our mission to find new and innovative writers, poets, and artists in the hope of developing a community of artists whose work we can publish and promote. For more information on submissions, visit Rain Farm Press