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BookCrossing: The Catch and Release of Books

This is a blast. You register your book on the site (for free) and get a printout to post in the book. Then you “release” the book into the human wilds with a note on it that indicates it’s a free book for the finder to read, log onto the web site and write about (track), and re-release it for another reader to find. Finders/Readers can make their own comments on the book – where they found it, what they thought of it, where they’ve left it, etc. It’s a great community recycling project that has to make somebody’s dream come true: “If I ruled the world, books would be free and would just appear on park benches or on subways at random…” Go now, register one of your (many, many – I know you have TOO many) books, and set it free. It’s time. BookCrossing.

Job :: U of Nebraska

University of Nebraska – Omaha. Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Fiction with a secondary area of specialization in Screenwriting, Playwriting or other area wanted. Twelve-hour workload in a nationally rrecognized BFA creative writing program within the College of Communication, Fine Arts, & Media. Teaching duties may include Fundamentals; Studio, basic to advanced levels; Contemporary Writers In Print & In Person; Form & Theory (may be designed to reflect instructor

Eco-Libris: The Guiltless Gift

Have a big reader on your gift list? Tired of buying corporate gift cards? Here’s a twist: help your reader reduce their footprint (or is it spine print) on the planet with Eco-Libris. For every book you read, you can “balance it out” by paying Eco-Libris to plant a tree for you. And it’s cheap: five bucks to balance out five books. A buck a book. There’s a slight break the higher you go, but seriously, this is cheaper than my state tax on a single book, and I have NO idea where that money even goes (although the nightly news does give some indication). The goal of EcoLibris is grand: “We want to balance out half a million books by the end of 2008.” Okay folks, let’s get started!

Job :: U of Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh. Assistant Professor of English wanted for a tenure-track position in Creative Writing: Non-Fiction, beginning Sept. 1, 2008. MFA or PhD required. Expectations include college teaching experience; an active publication agenda; & the ability to teach undergraduate & graduate courses in creative writing as well as general education courses in literature & composition. Opportunity to direct MA theses. Service oon committees & advising of English majors expected. Twenty-four credit teaching load with six credits reassigned to writing for active writers. Competitive salary, strong support for professional activity, & excellent benefits. Send letter of application, c.v., statement of teaching philosophy, three current letters of recommendation, & official graduate transcripts to: Dr. Ron Rindo, Chair, Department of English, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI 54901-8692 . Application deadline: November 12. Employment will require a criminal background check. AA/EOE.

Online Lit Mag :: Fresh Yarn

FRESH YARN is “the first Online Salon for Personal Essays. Part literary publication, part virtual spoken-word, all personal essays. Every four weeks, FRESH YARN presents six new pieces written by a diverse lineup of all-star writers, directors, producers, performers and personalities.”

Online Poetry :: bear parade

With no dates on the site, I can only guess this is a new effort that will be growing: bear parade – “raaaar” – is electronically published collections of poetry and short fiction, free for everyone. Currently on the site, works by Mazie Louise Montgomery, Ellen Kennedy, Tao Lin, Ofelia Hunt, Noah Cicero, Matthew Rohrer, Michael Earl Craig. The site also includes a classics section – “raaaareth” – which thus far only contains Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti, which, if you are not familiar with this work, is well worth the trip to read, or rather, the trip it provides in reading. bear parade – check it out.

Job :: Colorado College

Colorado College – Assistant Professor. The Department of English seeks a fiction writer with a strong record of publication & teaching for a tenure-track position. Terminal degree such as MFA or PhD or equivalent preferred. Send letter of application, c.v., statement of teaching philosophy, & four letters of recommendation by October 29 to: Professor David Mason, Department of English, Colorado College, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903.

Featured Mag :: RootsWorld

RootsWorld: Listening to the Planet is primarily a world and roots music magazine” whose “first mission is to bring our readers good information and knowledgeable opinions about the world of music and culture.”

RootsWorld is a great portal to world music. “World music.” Once when this was my answer to a co-worker asking me what I liked to listen to, he then said, “That’s what people say when they don’t know what they like.” Clearly, his concept of “world music” was overplayed cafe loops of Putomayo CDs. Don’t get me wrong, I have a few of those brightly colored CDs in my collection, but they served their purpose – to get me out looking for the individual musicians. That’s where RootsWorld comes in.

RootsWorld features a dozen musicians and their albums on their homepage with links to more information about each and a sample track. Additionally, the site offers interviews, reviews, and Roots Radio – extended programs of music from several artists. Defnitely the place to visit if you are indeed a true world music fan!

Submissions :: The Progressive

The Progressive, a national magazine that has been a leading voice for peace and social justice since 1909,seeks submissions of previously unpublished poetry for inclusion in its pages. While we are a political magazine, the poems need not be overtly political in subject; politics is enacted at all levels, from the public to the private, and we seek strong work that speaks meaningfully to a wide range of experience. For a better idea of what we publish, we encourage you to read the magazine before submitting. Please send up to five poems and include your name, address, email (if applicable), and phone number on each page. Submissions may be sent by regular mail to: The Progressive, 409 E. Main St., Madison, WI 53703, or emailed to: poetry(at)progressive.org (replace (at) with @).”

Thomas Lynch on Cemetary Scams

The following is an excerpt from one of my all-time favorite writers and funeral directors, Thomas Lynch. True, I know only one funeral director, so making him my all-time favorite may not be saying much, but I do know quite a few writers, if that helps the recommendation. Thomas is no-nonsense in his balancing words with our culture’s treatment of death and dying, and at the same time, his writing is a lot of serious fun. For example, his idea of combining golf courses with cemetaries to make better use of land space and encourage family visitation. This latest contribution offers humor, but delivers and even stronger message on the role of politics and greed in our simple desire to rest in peace.

In Michigan, Not Even the Dead Are Safe
By Op-Ed Contributor Thomas Lynch
Published: April 29, 2007

THE big cemetery with the name like a golf course out on the Interstate across from the mall was seized by a state conservator this winter. Seems someone took the money — $70 million in prepaid trust funds — and ran. It’s one of those theme park enterprises with lawn crypts and cheap statuary and an army of telemarketers calling up locals in the middle of dinner to sell us all our “commemorative estates.”

“You don’t want to be a burden to your children, do you?” So says the “memorial counselor” with the sales pitch and the flip chart and the forms to “sign here” on the bottom line — the bargain-in-the-briefcase peace of mind. Why not? I say, though never out loud. My children have all been burdens to me. Isn’t that what the best of life is — bearing our burdens honorably?

[Read the rest: NY Times Online.]

Job :: SUNY Buffalo

SUNY Buffalo seeks a poet at the senior level who will bring fresh perspectives to the study of poetry & poetics as demonstrated by a record of writing & teaching interests appropriate to undergraduate & PhD mentoring & instruction. Teaching load: 2/2; salary, benefits, & privileges competitive with other Research I-AA universities. Preference given to applications received by October 15. Please submit letter of application, c.v., & a list of recommenders electronically at www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu, posting #0601592

Job :: University of Michigan

The Department of English invites applications for a poet to join the MFA faculty at the level of Assistant Professor, advanced Assistant, or new Associate. Looking for a colleague of distinction, although not necessarily seniority. Candidates should have a strong record of publication (a minimum of one book published or in press, two books preferred) & a history of excellence in teaching. As a member of our department, the candidate will teach graduate & undergraduate poetry workshops & other courses reflecting his/her interests & departmental needs. Members of the MFA Program share administrative duties on a rotational basis, so evidence of administrative talent & experience & willingness to serve will augment an otherwise strong application. Send letter of application, c.v., writing sample (no more than 15 pages; published material only), & evidence of teaching excellence to: Professor Sidonie Smith, Chair, Dept of English Language & Literature, University of Michigan, 3187 Angell Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003, Attention: Recruitment Coordinator. Review of applications will begin September 30 & continue until the position is filled. Women & minorities are encouraged to apply.

Submissions :: Quiet Mountain Essays

Quiet Mountain Essays (QME) is an online journal of original feminist writing, presented in an essays-only format, which publishes five times a year (January, March, June, August, and October). In the pages of QME, a woman writer can openly voice what she thinks without having to be mindful of micro-specialized politics or demographics. Consequently, a QME reader opens each essay not knowing what she or he may find.

Quiet Mountain Essays (QME) publishes in January, March, June, August, and October; accepting submissions all year. Each issue features 1-3 previously unpublished original essays, the number of which is dependent upon the volume of submissions. QME is an online publication only, there is no print companion. Its continued existence depends upon participation from women visiting this site. Male readers and writers should please respect the spirit of this woman-space site, unless responding to the Open Call (April 1- June 15) for the annual August Open Issue.

Resources :: ESL Gold

For teachers and students alike, ESL Gold is packed with free resources (mostly free, with the usual sidebar ads that aren’t too annoying). For students: links to places to study English; conversation partners (requires registration fee – but “Telephone Teachers” are paid); textbook recommendations language skills; learning strategies; quizzes; links; software and CD-ROMs (for purchase from site partners); and language exchange. For teachers: job list; handouts; textbook recommendations; teaching skills; TESOL courses; lesson plans and ideas; tips for teaching; teacher resources; ESL/EFL links; supplementary materials; software and CD-ROMs; games and activities. Much of the content is shared from other teachers, so this seems to be a cooperative resource. Great for new or even established teachers as well as ESL students.

Lit Mag Mailbag :: August 26

Alligator Juniper
Issue 12, 2007

Beloit Poetry Journal
Volume 58 Number 1, Fall 2007

Volume 24 Number 1, Summer 2007

Cavaet Lector
Volume 19 Number 2, Summer 2007

Cave Wall
Number 2, Summer 2007

Cimarron Review
Issue 160, Summer 2007

Issue Number 2, Summer 2007

Number 232, Summer 2007

Glimmer Train
Issue 64, Fall 2007

Issue 10, 2007

New Genre
Issue 5, Spring 2007

New Letters
Volume 73 Number 3, 2007

New York Quarterly
Number 63, 2007

North Dakota Quarterly
Volume 74 Number 1, Winter 2007

Open Minds Quarterly
Volume 9 Number 2, Summer 2007

Volume 190 Number 5, September 2007

A Public Space (APS)
Issue 4, 2007

River Teeth
Volume 8 Number 2, Spring 2007

Numbers 155-156, Summer-Fall 2007

The Sewanee Review
Volume 115 Number 3, Summer 2007

South Loop Review
Volume 9, 2006

Tampa Review
Issue 33/34, 2007

First Fiction :: Kore Press

Kore Press publishes its first fiction, joining the short story chapbook craze with “The Saving Work” by Tiphanie Yanique, hot off the laser printer this week. As with many of KP’s limited edition and handbound books, “The Saving Work” is assembled individually by staff and volunteers; each cover features a unique burn mark, created in-house with a decidedly low-tech candle and flame. “The Saving Work” was chosen by final judge Margot Livesey as the winner of our first Fiction Chapbook competition. The next deadline is October 31, 2007.

BA Seeks MFA or MAw/CW &/or PhD

We have what you’re looking for! Created by popular demand:

NewPages Guide to Graduate Creative Writing Programs

This page is “in progress.” If you know of a graduate school writing program that is not currently listed, please let us know. More information on listed programs will be posted in Sept. 2007. That is, as they say, the plan.

This page will also link to a larger list of creative writing programs, including undergrad programs and a list of annual creative writing conferences, workshops & retreats. Any not listed that you would like to see? Let us know!

O. Henry? Oh my – it’s Shannon Cain!

A short story by Kore Press Executive Director Shannon Cain has been selected for inclusion in the 2008 O. Henry Prize anthology. According to Kore: “These days we often find Shannon at her desk, gazing into space, incredulous and a little bit weepy.” Shannon’s story, “The Necessity of Certain Behaviors,” originally appeared in the New England Review. The O. Henry Prize anthology is due out in May 2008 from Anchor Books. Congrats Shannon – we support you letting this go to your head for as long as you like!

Censorship :: WWJD?

As noted in a previous blog, Jessica Powers, author of the young adult novel The Confessional (Random House, July 2007) had been disinvited to speak at Cathedral High School in El Paso because her book contained “language” and sexual innuendos. The principal of the private, Catholic school spoke with an El Paso reporter for Newspaper Tree saying he felt “compelled to protect our kids [who begin attending at 13 years old] and our school.” Has this guy walked down his own hallways lately? Where does he think Jessica got the realistic teen behavior material for her book? Not only that, but didn’t these people actually READ her book before inviting her to speak?

Even so, it hardly seems the point, since Powers says she wasn’t going to speak about her book, but rather on the issues she writes about in the book: “immigration (illegal and legal); underlying racial tension in a border society like El Paso’s; violence and pacifism; social divisions between different groups of people; and faith or doubts about faith.” But, as Cathedral is a private rather than public school, its decision was regarded differently by Bobby Byrd, co-publisher and vice president of Cinco Puntos Press, who “said the decision for a private school to cancel a book event is a ‘whole different situation’ from public censorship. ‘The parents are essentially hiring the school to make certain decisions,’ he said. ‘If a teacher were teaching that book, then it would be a whole different decision.’ The decision to cancel the discussion may not have been the correct one, though, Byrd suggested. ‘To me it speaks of timidity,’ he added. ‘Literature is literature.'”

It was Jessica’s contention that her visit had been cancelled because of a coinciding visit to take place by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. The cancellation itself was brought on, not by school members, but by Former Chief Justice Barajas – who I also doubt even read the book. Ironically enough, on August 12, Jessica made note in her blog that the superintendent of the schools actually gave her approval of the book: “Because of all the brouhaha, a teacher made sure the superintendent of Catholic schools in El Paso had a copy of the book. She read it and called the principal up and said she didn’t see what all the fuss was about. She said, ‘I don’t want our boys to talk this way…but they do.’ Former Chief Justice Barajas, the one who forced the cancellation of the event, had allegedly said this was an attack on the church and a threat. But a teacher who read it said, ‘Every time the boys get in trouble, they return to what they were taught. They pray, they go to confession….What else can you ask for?'”

Only what’s left to ask: WWJD?

In Memoriam :: Chauncey Bailey

A crusading editor, gunned down for the story
by Tim Jones / Chicago Tribune (MCT)
17 August 2007
OAKLAND, Calif.—Until the sawed-off shotgun was raised and aimed at him, Chauncey Bailey, the tall, swashbuckling media celebrity who always walked and talked with a purpose, didn’t seem to worry that his reporting might put his life in danger.

He was the hard-charging and controversial advocate for the black community in this uncelebrated city by the bay. And that, Bailey’s friends say, led him to assume a cocoon of personal safety, if not immunity from the black-on-black violent crime afflicting Oakland. There had been death threats before, but nothing came of them…[Read the rest on Pop Matters]

Interview :: Abdul Ali with E. Ethelbert Miller

From his first questions, Abdul Ali gets to the heart of the matter in his interview with E. Ethelber Miller: “Can you tell me what a literary activist is, and what kinds of work they take up? When did you become a literary activist, what events revealed this calling?” Miller’s responses define as well as inspire readers to follow his actions to become leaders themselves. Read the interview on Ali’s blog: Poetic Noise 1984.

It’s Not Dead Yet…Parnassus Lives

Parnassus Lives
August 12th, 2007 by Jeremy Axelrod for the Kenyon Review
Parnassus: Poetry in Review will not be closing shop with Volume 30, after all. Until recently, financial woes made that round, impressive number seem like a sensible finale for the journal’s magnificent run. As Meg Galipault noted on KR Blog [Kenyon Review Blog], Willard Spiegelman wrote in the Wall Street Journal about its “commitment to intelligence and beautiful writing” — an achievement that’s sadly not enough to fill the till. But sometimes poetry does make things happen, or at least poetry critics do. A very generous reader of the Wall Street Journal saw Spiegelman’s article and offered to fully fund Parnassus for two more years. In the last few months, many magazines and newspapers have lamented the end of Parnassus and praised its decades of excellence. Nobody spoke too soon. When the donation materialized, it was an utter surprise for everyone. [Read the rest on KR Blog]

Photography :: Larry Schwarm

One of Larry Schwarm’s photographs adorns the cover of the most recent issue of New Letters. At first I thought it was an image from Katrina, but there was something more colorful about it than those now, all too familiar waterlogged and mildewed landscapes. Schwarm’s subject is the Greensburg Tornado that swept through and destroyed his home town on May 4, 2007. Schwarm was out the next day documenting the devastation. It’s odd to say there’s something beautiful about the images he captures, but then, maybe it’s an odd kind of beauty – to be awed by the end result of an F5 tornado, to see an ordered world turned upside down, to be witness to death and chaos that comes to rest under sunny blue skies. Had Schwarm shot this photo essay in black and white, my feelings might be different, more somber perhaps, less mesmerized by the intricacies of these ruins. As it is, it’s like looking at the pages of a children’s seek and find book, trying to pick out and make sense of the pieces and how they should have fit together. And being stunned to see a single green plate, whole and intact at the top of a heap of brick and mortar rubble, or a closet full of clothes and personal items left completely intact while the entire structure around it is obliterated. This issue of New Letters is worth picking up just for Schwarm’s photos alone, though the images are also on his web site. Also on his site, the one black and white photos he shares is 7.5×36.5 inches and is composed of nine negatives. Prints are available for $100 each, with 100% above printing costs donated to the Kiowa County (Greensburg, Kansas) Historical Society. In print or online, well worth the look.

Poem of the Hour :: Donovan Chase

Untitled, for a Good Reason
by Donovan Chase

What follows will make no sense.
I intend for this to happen,
And so it will.
I want my poem to be considered deep, so I’ll have it make no sense.
I’ll use random bits of
pretentious nonsense,
To make a point
That doesn’t exist…

[Read the rest on 24:7 Magazine.]
[Or don’t.]
[But then you’ll miss this part:

I’ll use “vague but disturbing imagery”
Like the idea of someone taking a cat
and putting it in a cheese taco
to make the poem seem to have meaning…]

[And other funny bits.]

Job :: Shippensburg University

Department of English and Shippensburg

Tenure-track assistant professor in Creative Writing (Poetry), full-time appointment beginning August 2008. MFA or PhD required by time of appointment. Candidates must demonstrate a commitment to teaching, service, and professional activity including published poetry (preferably a book). Twelve-hour course load each semester will include creative writing, other courses in the English major, and general education courses, with course reduction available for advising the student literary magazine. Additional teaching expertise in creative nonfiction and/or literary study desirable. The committee will request writing samples from selected candidates and may meet with these candidates at MLA. On-campus interviews will include a demonstration of teaching effectiveness and a brief poetry reading. Review of applications begins November 2, 2007, and will continue until the position is filled. View posting here.

Film Got Lit?

From the June/July/August 2007 issue of Bookforum, and all available online, are three articles of use for those who teach film, for students of film study, and for literature lovers/film afficiandos:

Adapt This: Fiction Into Film
By Phillip Lopate

Reflections (on the topic of fiction into film)
By James Ivory, Elmore Leonard, Tracy Chevalier, Patrick McGrath, Jerry Stahl, Michael Tolkin, Susanna Moore, Time Krabbe, Irvine Welsh, Barry Gifford, Alexander Payne, Myla Goldberg, and Frederic Raphael

Best Adaptations (short lists from each with brief highlight notes)
By Francine Prose, Joy Press, Geoffrey O’Brien, Robert Polito, Luc Sante, Stephanie Zacharek, Steve Erickson, Molly Haskell, Armond White, J. Hoberman, Bilge Ebiri, and Drake Stutesman

Remember Your First Book?

First Book is a nonprofit organization with a single mission: to give children from low-income families the opportunity to read and own their first new books. We provide an ongoing supply of new books to children participating in community-based mentoring, tutoring, and family literacy programs.

Over the summer, First Book asked the question: What book got you hooked? On the site now are the results, including responses from Joyce Carol Oates, Edward Norton, Joan Allen, Rebecca Romijn, John Lithgow, Eric Carle, Judy Woodruff, Marlee Matlin, Rick Reilly, John Krasinski, Lisa Loeb, Joshua Bell, Elizabeth Gilbert and many more.

New Journal :: Projections

Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that explores the ways in which recent advancements in fields such as psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, genetics and evolution help to increase our understanding of film, and how film itself facilitates investigations into the nature and function of the mind. The journal will also incorporate articles on the visual arts and new technologies related to film. The aims of the journal are to explore these subjects, facilitate a dialogue between people in the sciences and the humanities, and bring the study of film to the forefront of contemporary intellectual debate. Published on behalf of The Forum for Movies and the Mind.

Coming in the Summer of 2007
Volume 1, Number 1

Ira Konigsberg, “Film Theory and the New Science”

Gilbert J. Rose, “On Affect, Motion and Nonverbal Art: A Case and a Theory”

Patrick Colm Hogan, “Sensorimotor Projection, Violations of Continuity, and Emotion in the Experience of Film”

Norman Holland, “The Neuroscience of Metafilm”

Torben Grodal, “Film Emotions, Valence, and Evolutionary Adaptations”

Silvia Bell, “Separation and Merger in Lovers of the Arctic Circle”

Reviews by:
Bonnie Kaufman, Jeff Zacks , Carl Plantinga and Cynthia Freeland

Adrienne Harris on Jonathan Caouette’s Tarnation

An interview with Jonathan Caouette

Uri Hasson on what movies tell us about the mind

Submissions :: Indiana Review 5.08

Indiana Review is planning to bring the funk in summer 2008. Issue 30.1 will feature a special “Focus on the Funk” section, with art, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction that has a uniquely funky aesthetic. Funk has the power to move and re-move, and it also has the power to defy definition. So please don’t ask what funk is (although the Godfather of Soul may be helpful). IR is looking for work that makes you want to jump back and kiss yourself. For more information, visit IR website.

Submissions :: Call for Art – MacGuffin

The MacGuffin, established in 1984, is a national literary magazine from Schoolcraft College in Livonia, Michigan. Our journal is a 160 page 6” x 9” perfect bound collection of the best poetry, short fiction, and creative non-fiction that we receive. We also have artwork including black and white photos, prints, and drawings. We publish three issues yearly.

The Book Of Hopes and Dreams

From Dee Rimbauld, Editor: The Book Of Hopes And Dreams is a charity, poetry anthology, published to raise money for the Medical Aid (Afghanistan) appeal of the Glasgow-based charity Spirit Aid, which is an entirely volunteer run organisation, headed by Scottish actor and director, David Hayman. As a volunteer organisation, Spirit Aid are able to ensure that 90% of all the funds they raise go straight to the projects they are involved in (unlike most of the bigger charities whose admin and advertising budgets swallow huge percentages of all donations). The Book Of Hopes And Dreams, which is a celebration of the human spirit (even in times of great adversity) has captured the imagination and hearts of some of the greatest living poets of our times; all of whom have freely contributed work to this anthology. There are contributions from Margaret Atwood, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, John Heath-Stubbs, Carol Ann Duffy, Simon Armitage, Tony Harrison, Alasdair Gray, Edwin Morgan, Penelope Shuttle, Anne Stevenson, Jon Stallworthy, Alan Brownjohn, Ruth Fainlight, David Constantine, Moniza Alvi, Cyril Dabydeen, Elaine Feinstein, Vicki Feaver, Michael Horovitz, Tom Leonard, Robert Mezey, Lawrence Sail, Jay Ramsay, Charles Ades Fishman, Geoffrey Godbert and Ian Duhig, amongst others.

The book costs

Featured Online Magazine :: Words Without Borders

Along with the myriad ancient virtues of storytelling-giving pleasure, passing time, stimulating thought, connecting strangers — literature is a passport to places both real and imagined. In an increasingly interdependent world, rife with ignorance and incomprehension of other cultures, literature in translation has an especially important role.

Few literatures have truly prospered in isolation from the world. English-speaking culture in general and American culture in particular has long benefited from cross-pollination with other worlds and languages. Thus it is an especially dangerous imbalance when, today, 50% of all the books in translation now published worldwide are translated from English, but only 6% are translated into English.

Words Without Borders opens doors to international exchange through translation of the world’s best writing — selected and translated by a distinguished group of writers, translators, and publishing professionals — and publishing and promoting these works (or excerpts) on the web. We also serve as an advocacy organization for literature in translation, producing events that feature the work of foreign writers and connecting these writers to universities and the media.

Our ultimate aim is to introduce exciting international writing to the general public — travelers, teachers, students, publishers, and a new generation of eclectic readers — by presenting international literature not as a static, elite phenomenon, but a portal through which to explore the world. In the richness of cultural information we present, we hope to help foster a “globalization” of cultural engagement and exchange, one that allows many voices in many languages to prosper.

Words Without Borders is a partner of PEN American Center and the Center for Literary Translation at Columbia University, and is hosted by Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York.

Discussion Forums :: Brooklyn Book Talk

Giving the residents of Brooklyn and elsewhere an opportunity to discuss books and literature, facilitated by staff of Brooklyn Public Library. Brooklyn Public Library’s online book discussions encourage people to talk about books over the Internet. The discussion allows for debate and the sharing of ideas related to books. To participate in the discussion, simply click on the “comments” link at the bottom of a post and submit a comment. Currently under discussion: Grief by Andrew Holleran; upcoming for September: Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri See more: Brooklyn Book Talk

Lit Mag Mailbag :: August 7, 2007

Volume 30 Number 3, Spring 2007

Bellingham Review
Volume 30 Numbers 1 & 2, Spring/Fall 2007

The Hudson Review
Volume 60 Number 2, Summer 2007

The Journal of Ordinary Thought
Spring 2007

Number 55, Summer/Fall 2007

The MacGuffin
Volume 23 Number 3, Spring/Summer 2007

The Massachusetts Review
Volume 48 Number 2, Summer 2007

Michigan Quarterly Review
Volume 46 Number 3, Summer 2007

The Midwest Quarterly
Volume 48 Number 4, Summer 2007

The New Centennial Review
Volume 6 Number 2, Winter 2006

One Story
Issue Number 91, 2007

Parthenon West Review
Issue 5, 2007

Rock and Sling
Volume 4 Issue 1, Summer 2007

Skidrow Penthouse
Issue Number 8, 2007

Volume 35 Number 2, Spring 2007

The Drummstick

Got Doc’s CD in the mail and didn’t think much of it until I took a closer look at what exactly this “drummstick” is that he plays. This is some incredible technology! You can check out more at his site: www.drummstick.com and see other YouTube clips of him performing with other musicians.

Online Lit Mag :: Storyglossia 21 is Complete!

If you haven’t been reading along as each story has been released, the full
Issue 21 is now available featuring stories by: Gretchen McCullough, Kay Sexton, JSun Howard, Amelia Gray, Dan Capriotti, Sung J. Woo, Terry White, Paula Bomer, Clifford Garstang, Emily M. Z. Carlyle, Joel Van Noord, Anthony Neil Smith, Laurie Seidler, and Josh Capps. Issue 22 will start in a week or so, with a new story released every 2-3 days.

Sunday Elegy

The Dead Bird Elegy
By Martha Henry
Most of us have our own ways of avoiding the idea of death, if not the actual event itself. But we also have ways of confronting death, usually in a sideways way, like Zombie movies or estate planning. Then there are the traditional Buddhist methods, such as meditating on the uncertainty of the time of death or hanging out with fresh corpses in a charnel ground. Me, I take photographs of dead birds.

Read the rest, or listen to the the MP3 version, on tricycle: the independent voice of Buddhism.

What’s on YOUR iPod?

How about FREE audiobooks? LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Their goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. They are a totally volunteer, open source, free content, public domain project. Download HEAVEN for the literati! LibriVox also welcomes volunteer readers and listeners for editing recorded works and maintains a strong community among its regulars with message boards and podcast updates.

In Memoriam :: Aura Estrada

New Directions mourns the loss of Aura Estrada, essayist and reviewer, wife of Francisco Goldman, and a great friend who helped us publish Roberto Bolano in the United States. One of our finest Spanish language fiction readers and advisors, Estrada died on July 25 in a surfing accident off the coast of Mexico. Her reviews appeared in many publications, including Bookforum and Boston Review, which published her review of two recent New Directions books in its July/August 2007 issue. A brilliant essay by Aura Estrada on Bolano and Borges can be read on the Words Without Borders website.”