Celebrating a quarter of a century of publishing, Water~Stone Review Executive Editor Meghan Maloney-Vinz writes in the introduction to the 2022 annual issue just how long a time this is for a literary journal, “It is a rarity in a world saturated with places and ways to publish and in a time wrought with budget cuts and conglomerate takeovers. We are grateful for our long ride.”
Helping celebrate this milestone are the many contributors to this issue, which can be read online or in print: Fiction by Shannon Scott, Annie Trinh, Maureen Aitken, Rachel Finn-Lohmann, Nadia Born, A. Muia, J. G. Jesman, Davida Kilgore, Ernestine Saankaláxt Hayes; Poetry by Jennifer Huang, Tara Westmor, Michael Garrigan, Patrick Cabello Hansel, Alice Duggan, Ty Chapman, Đenise Hạnh Huỳnh, Nancy Shih-Knodel, Rosalynde Vas Dias, Sin Yong-Mok, Kathryn Savage, Jeong Ho-Seung, Jose Hernandez Diaz, Beatrice Lazarus, Walker James, Jason Ryou, Kim Haengsook, Hwang Yuwon, Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello, Ha Jaeyoun, Chloë Moore, Eva Song Margolis, David Melville, Robert Hedin; Creative Non-Fiction by Ciara Alfaro, Catharina Coenen, J. Jacqueline Mclean, Gregor Langen, Cole W. Williams, tswb, Suzanne Manizza Roszak, Michael Hahn, Jean Mcdonough, Joseph Holt, Brad Hagen; and an interview with Michael Torres.