Independent Bookstores in Prince Edward Island guide to the best Prince Edward Island indie bookstores
Independent bookstores in Prince Edward Island are sorted by City as you scroll through. If your favorite indie bookstore is missing, please contact us.
If you are the owner of an indie bookstore, you can submit a free enhanced listing for your bookstore in our Guide here.
- The Bookman
- 177 Queen St
- City: Charlottetown
- Phone: (902) 892-8872
- Type: New books, Used books, Rare books
- Specialty: General Interest
- Website
The Bookman, Prince Edward Island’s first used bookstore, features an eclectic mix of quality new, used, and rare books on a variety of subject matter. We are located at 177 Queen St. in Charlottetown, directly across from Shoppers Drugmart.
- Bookmark Books
- 172 Queen St.
- City: Charlottetown
- Phone: (902) 566-4888
- Type: New books
- Specialty: General Interest
- Website
Charlottetown’s independent bookstore since 1972. Come visit us! We’d love to see you!
- Daisy-Mae Bookshop
- 674 Water St
- City: Summerside
- Phone: (902) 786-6287
- Type: Primarily used with some new books
- Specialty: General Interest, BIPOC, Children's, Crime/Mystery, Literary, Regional, Science Fiction/Fantasy
- X (Twitter)
- Website
Daisy-Mae Bookshop is a small bookshop with a big personality located in Summerside. We sell primarily used books with a small selection of new. Find local authors alongside every contemporary and classic genre you can think of sci-fi, fantasy, thrillers, BIPOC, Canadian, general fiction, classic fiction, historical fiction, plus a dedicated children’s section.