Independent Bookstores in Saskatchewan guide to the best Saskatchewan indie bookstores
Independent bookstores in Saskatchewan are sorted by City as you scroll through. If your favorite indie bookstore is missing, please contact us.
If you are the owner of an indie bookstore, you can submit a free enhanced listing for your bookstore in our Guide here.
- Aware House Books
- 2734 13 Avenue
- City: Regina
- Phone: (306) 757-2223
- Type: New books
- Specialty: Metaphysical/New Age
- Sidelines: Curiosities, Gifts
- Website
Aware House Books is Regina’s original metaphysical and spiritual shop. We offer a unique and peaceful shopping experience in the heart of Regina’s Cathedral Village with a large selection of books, crystals, spiritual tools, incense, and candles.
- Penny University Bookstore
- 3104 13th Avenue
- City: Regina
- Phone: (639) 571-2186
- Type: New books
- Specialty: General Interest
- Sidelines: Coffee/Tea
- Website
The Penny University Bookstore, located in Regina, is a real bookstore full of new books and coffee that you can sip while you browse. Discover new favorites, meet local authors, learn new things, discuss ideas, or even sit and write your own novel. No batteries required.
- Centennial Books
- 1230 Broad St
- City: Regina
- Phone: (306) 347-8048
- Type: Used books
- Specialty: General Interest
Centennial Books is Regina’s oldest continuously running used bookstore.
- McNally Robinson - Saskatoon
- 100-3130 8th Street East
- City: Saskatoon
- Phone: (306) 955-3599
- Type: New books
- Specialty: General Interest
- Sidelines: Café/Food, Coffee/Tea, Gifts, Greeting Cards/Postcards, Magazines, Toys/Games
- Events: Author Signings, Readings
- TikTok
- Website
Our store on 8th Street is Saskatoon’s largest independent bookshop at 23,000 square feet. Like other McNally Robinson stores, Saskatoon fields a continuing schedule of readings, book launches, and other cultural events. The Prairie Ink restaurant and the mezzanine “for Kids” store are both highly popular.
- Pages of Passion
- 614 Duchess St
- City: Saskatoon
- Type: New books
- Specialty: Romance
- Sidelines: Curiosities, Gifts
- Website
Pages of Passion is Saskatoon’s first Romance-only bookstore. We specialize in all things love, passion, spice, and sex-positivity.
- Turning the Tide Bookstore
- 615 Main St.
- City: Saskatoon
- Phone: (306) 955-3070
- Type: New books
- Specialty: General Interest, Alternative/Political
- Website
We are Saskatoon’s independent, alternative bookstore. We offer books, magazines, video rentals, and other products focused on making the world a better place.