Independent Bookstores in Yukon guide to the best Yukon indie bookstores
Independent bookstores in Yukon are sorted by City as you scroll through. If your favorite indie bookstore is missing, please contact us.
If you are the owner of an indie bookstore, you can submit a free enhanced listing for your bookstore in our Guide here.
- Mac's Fireweed Books
- 203 Main St.
- City: Whitehouse
- Phone: (867) 668-2434
- Type: New books
- Specialty: General Interest
- Sidelines: Gifts, Magazines, Newspapers
- Website
Mac’s Fireweed Books is an independently owned bookstore that carries books, magazines, topo maps, puzzles, souvenirs, t-shirts & so much more.
- Well-Read Books
- 4137 4th Ave.
- City: Whitehouse
- Phone: (867) 393-2987
- Type: Used books
- Specialty: General Interest, Children's
- Website
Well-Read Books is a clean, bright, well-organized store with a spacious and comfortable reading lounge. Customers are encouraged to take their time browsing our collection of 10,000+ books in a variety of different genres. Our inviting, well-organized children’s area features child-size seating and hundreds of titles from board books to novels for young adults. Come on in and check it out!